Your color preferences from a psychological point of view


The ability of one color or another to influence people was known back in ancient times. It is noteworthy that the color green had similar meanings in different cultures. This is explained by the fact that most people associate it with nature, its awakening, the first spring shoots.

Among the ancient Egyptians, green colors symbolized the god Oris, the patron saint of growth, growth, and the kingdom of the dead. Thus, the Egyptians associated this color with both life and death.

The ancient Romans also revered it as a symbol of fertility, growth, and nature. They considered green to be the color of the goddess of love.

In the Middle Ages, Christians associated green shades with nature, youth and spring, but at the same time they meant deceit and temptation. This is why medieval Christians had a negative attitude towards people with green eyes.

Green consists of two primary colors - yellow and blue. Therefore, its meaning depends on which shades predominate - the warm shades of the sun or the cold colors of the sky

Turquoise color and feminine character. What girls love turquoise?

This color is quite complex and contradictory. It is delicate and light, but combines different shades of blue and green, being both warm and cold. Although this color is not bright and not intrusive , many people subconsciously avoid turquoise items in their wardrobe or interior.

Women who love turquoise-colored things are very secretive, arrogant and proud . They have a very complex, florid character ; it can be difficult to get along with them and find common ground. These natures have a very rich imagination , they can never exactly decide on their requirements and desires, and often seem disorganized, eccentric and wayward to the people around them.

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The ancient symbolism of flowers largely coincides with their modern interpretation. So, green colors symbolize:

development growth calm carefree youth happiness wealth hope balance wisdom

They also symbolize gardening, farming and harvest.

In modern interpretations, the color green has predominantly positive meanings. However, many years ago in some cultures it symbolized evil spirits - evil spirits, sorcerers, demons.

Negative effects of color

Each person experiences different emotions when contemplating a color. Some shades can irritate a person, while others can improve the mood. People who feel negative emotions when they see the color green have the following character traits:

increased anxiety inability to overcome difficulties the desire to stand out from others isolation

Such people prefer to lead a quiet, calm lifestyle. They do not like noisy companies and prefer to celebrate holidays with their family.

What character do women like the color blue?

This is the color of water, sky, air, ice. It encourages reflection, peace, tranquility, and harmony . It is a symbol of stability and accomplishment, rest after victories and reign . Psychologists call blue the color of fidelity, devotion, depth of feelings .

Women who choose blue in things for themselves and the things around them do not like fuss and disorder . They prefer traditions and organization . These are soft and very kind natures who are able to empathize and are prone to philosophizing and idealizing other people. Such a woman will become equally good and successful in her career and in the labyrinths of family life. She is a caring mother and a skilled housewife who will guard the bastion of her family. This woman is a little melancholic . She has extensive knowledge in many areas of life, she knows how and loves to try her hand at almost all matters that fascinate her.

Shades of green

There are many shades of green, each of which has its own separate meaning. For example, people who love its dark shades value stability most of all in life. And those who appreciate pale tones have a calm disposition. Light green is used in color therapy to improve vision.

Turquoise (blue-green) is a cool shade, symbolizing freshness, coolness, and purity. Individuals who love turquoise tones have a timid character. Dark turquoise - not recommended for people with nervous exhaustion. Associated with cruelty and a tendency to isolate. People who are drawn to this shade are overly demanding of themselves, have a principled character and almost always achieve their goals. Brown-green - consists of four shades: yellow, black, green and red. Individuals who prefer khaki color attach great importance to pleasure, love relaxation and entertainment. Yellow-green - people who like this shade have many friends, strive to make as many acquaintances as possible, and love novelty.

Shades of life. What does your favorite color say?

Why are people drawn to certain colors? What color clothes are best to wear to business negotiations? What can you say about a person who loves green? We are looking for answers to these questions together with clinical psychologist Elena Khamaganova.

Color influence

Previously, color was considered something magical and had ritual functions. In fact, science has long proven that color is only a subjective sensation that a person receives when light rays enter his eye. It objectively depends on the characteristics of refraction, reflection and absorption of light waves and, in general, on the perception of the eye. A stream of light with the same spectral composition will cause different sensations in different people due to the fact that these characteristics differ among them. Therefore, the color will be different for everyone, the psychologist notes at the beginning of the conversation.

People's perception of color is largely shaped by their interactions with the environment. A bright day is a time of active activity. The following colors correspond to this: white, yellow, green, etc. A dark night is a time of rest, but at the same time a possible threat of attack by some enemy, therefore, first of all, the palette will include black and blue. At the border of day and night there is twilight, that is, gray, unclear tones.

Also, the reaction to color may vary depending on the culture. In different cultures, the same color can symbolize different concepts. For example, yellow in Germany is a symbol of jealousy, in France it means contradiction, weakness, betrayal, and in Africa yellow is intended for high-ranking people, as it resembles gold and is associated with success and money.

- In addition, we all become part of not only a certain national, ethnic and religious culture, but also part of a universal human culture. Long before the invention of writing, at the dawn of mankind, we roamed the African savannah and were surrounded by a colorful world. That's why, when we go out into nature, we experience positive feelings when we see lush green vegetation and a piercing blue sky.

People themselves also contributed to the perception of color. In 1856, English chemist William Perkins invented the world's first aniline mauve dye. And the German chemist Adolf von Bayer created a whole range of colors, thereby marking the beginning of the era of creating artificial colors invented by man.

The choice of color is often influenced by fashion. By tradition, every year the Panton Color Institute announces the main colors. And many people are looking forward to finding out what color will become fashionable in the new season. Fashion is not just about clothes. For example, men are happy to buy cars in fashionable colors. In 2021, two colors are considered fashionable: delicate gray and bright yellow.

Applying a palette

According to the expert, evidence of the amazing power of color can be seen everywhere. Starting with nature, which intelligently uses color to continue life on Earth. If you remember what colors butterflies, trees, chameleons, flowers, birds, etc. come in, you can understand that everything is subject to natural logic.

— And if you remember what colors the goods on the shelves come in? Believe me, there is logic there too, but it is aimed at different goals than nature. Color sends signals, simple and complex, and we involuntarily react internally to them. Color can be attractive and repulsive, soothing and exciting, seductive or exciting. Moreover, color has a strong influence on the decision-making process, notes Alena Khamaganova.

Typically, people are drawn to certain colors and shades because such a palette gives a person a feeling of security and confidence. If the person in front of you is dressed in your preferred colors, he will inspire more confidence in you. But there are other situations. Sometimes people feel most comfortable with people who are dressed differently than them, but who meet their expectations. For example, when going to business negotiations, it is better to dress strictly and conservatively. Then you will appear to your interlocutor as a serious and trustworthy person.

Color temperature also has a psychological effect on a person. Thus, warm white color creates a calm and at the same time languid environment. A cooler, more neutral white color emphasizes an active mood and is more acceptable for point-of-sale use.

Renowned color experts Mimi Cooper and Arlene Matthews identify three types of people based on their color profile: “color leader,” “color shy,” and “color neutral.”

- So, to convince a person that you are like-minded, choose colors from the same color palette as them. To show yourself as a creative, dynamic and modern person, choose a color that is a “color leader”. And to demonstrate your reliability, positivity and inspire confidence, choose colors that are “color neutral.”

In addition, as a person becomes an adult and gains more life experience, color preferences may change. Color is the bright side of childhood. Children love color, react to it, play and get carried away by it. But with age, color preferences change. Until the age of ten, many children say their favorite colors are red, pink and yellow. But after ten years they prefer blue. This is due to the process of growing up and the ability to experience different shades of mood.

A few words about color therapy

Color therapy involves treating a person with the help of certain colors to bring his body into harmony. It is used in diagnosing a person’s condition. The Max Luscher color test is widely used in psychology. After many experiments, he chose the shades of colors that most strongly influence the human psyche and physiology. Then, using special colored cards, he diagnosed the person’s current condition. After which it was possible to carry out correction using color therapy. For example, a person is asked to draw, create different art objects of a certain color.

— Today there are different opinions about the effectiveness of color therapy. But in any case, all psychologists take into account the peculiarities of the influence of color on the psyche. I can say this for sure.

The meaning of colors in psychology


Black is the darkest color. This is the absolute limit where life ends. Therefore he expresses the idea of ​​"nothing". Also the color black means refusal. The one who chooses it rebels against his fate. Black color emphasizes power and strength. It is elegant and speaks of refined taste.


White color is usually associated with purity, purity, newness, virginity, peace, innocence, as well as high quality. If you want to emphasize simplicity, purity and strength, use white.


Of all the colors in the spectrum, red causes the most powerful physiological reaction - increased heart rate. It characterizes willpower and a feeling of satisfaction with the desire to achieve a goal, which also helps maintain performance. The color red is the desire to gain influence, to gain success and to greedily desire what the intensity and fullness of life can provide. If you want to attract attention and show your power, use it.


The color blue represents attachment to everything around you: unity, close connection. The person is in peace and full of trusting affection. It will help you relax and calm down. You will feel safe with him. Very suitable in a situation where you need to demonstrate your loyalty and inspire trust.


Yellow corresponds to unhindered expansion, release. Psychologically, liberation means liberation from something heavy, something oppressive or paralyzing. This color also indicates a desire for liberation and hope for happiness or the expectation of it. If you need to captivate, excite, amuse or surprise your interlocutor, use yellow.


Orange color is a warm color. It, like red, causes an increase in heart rate. Orange color is chosen by joyful, cheerful people. It is used to attract attention, create a creative and non-standard atmosphere.


Green characterizes the flexibility of volitional manifestations in difficult operating conditions, which ensures the maintenance of performance. A person who prefers this color wants to increase his self-confidence and inspire sympathy among others. This color, like tension, accumulates excitement and as a result creates a feeling of proud superiority, power, strength and the feeling of being in control or, at least, leading. Dark green color helps you relax. It gives the impression of strength and reliability. It is perfect for outdoor recreation.


Brown color indicates an increased need for relaxation, which is created by comfort and sensual peace. Brown color is preferred when it corresponds to problem-free, conflict-free comfort. He talks about naturalness and earthiness. This shade also emphasizes strength better than black or red.


Gray is not considered a color, light or dark. He is absolutely not annoying and has no mental tendencies. Gray color is neutral both inside and outside - it is neither tense nor relaxed. Anyone who prefers gray wants to protect himself from all influences so as not to get excited. Gray color is also chosen in case of severe fatigue, as an expression of protection. This shade speaks of conservatism, efficiency and intelligence.


Pink color is preferred by romantic and sensual people. It is perceived as gentle, soft, charming and feminine. Also, the color pink can indicate a person’s feeling of fragility. The shade will help you create a warm, intimate environment.


Anyone who prefers purple would like a magical relationship. He wants to be bewitched and wants to have witchcraft power and impressive charm himself. The color creates an atmosphere of grandeur, luxury and big money. This shade will highlight your uniqueness.

Marina Ermil attended an “appointment” with a psychologist

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Use in clothing

The predominance of one color in clothing tells a lot about a person. It is believed that in this way he shows his mood to the outside world. If, when purchasing any item of clothing, a person unconsciously chooses green shades, it means that he has a light, pleasant character, and is always ready to cooperate and communicate.

Delicate and rich green tones, especially if combined with orange or yellow, indicate cheerfulness and activity. In turn, wearing clothes of such colors helps to increase the vitality and energy of its owner. Therefore, if you feel a lack of energy, a loss of strength, then to activate your internal potential you can combine green, orange and yellow things. Dark green shades in clothes indicate that their owner is a detached, withdrawn person who prefers to live in solitude and solitude. Things in dark green tones have a calming effect, so you can wear them when you are in a nervous state.

Red color and girl's character. Who loves red?

This color speaks for itself. It is the color of victory , triumph , vitality, activity and optimism . This color will be happy to share energy, stimulate action, and ignite. But with its excess, red can suppress weak people, irritate them, and disturb them .

Psychologists say that the classic red color is more of a “masculine” color, speaking of strength, power, and energy. Women who prefer red in their clothes or interiors have some qualities of the “stronger” sex - masculinity, hot temper, a great will to win, optimism and courage. These women are very difficult to win; they will be the first in everything they undertake. Women who like the color red are very fond of communication, they make a lot of acquaintances. They are proud and willful, but they are altruistic and will always selflessly help their neighbor if necessary.

Interior use

Green colors in the interior help create a relaxing atmosphere, which is why it is often used when decorating meditation rooms and bedrooms. However, in the latter case, the predominance of green colors can lead to problems with waking up in the morning.

From the point of view of Feng Shui, green colors in the interior symbolize financial wealth, abundance, hope, and personal development. They give additional energy and inner balance. Green color is able to dispel negative energy, so it is often used in hospitals and public institutions.

Decorating an office or children's room in green colors will help increase concentration and improve a child's learning ability.

Use in advertising

Each color is capable of shaping a person’s emotions, and this feature is actively used in the advertising industry. For example, red attracts attention and encourages purchase. Orange promotes a surge of vitality and an increase in optimistic tone, so experts recommend using it in advertising of medicines.

Yellow tones promote communication skills, which allows them to be used in advertising of travel services and PR agencies. Blue details help to quickly attract the buyer's attention and, unlike red, this color never causes negative emotions.

As for the green color scheme in advertising, it has a healing, relaxing effect. Advertising in green colors will be effective and appropriate for medicines, veterinary hospitals, dental clinics, health centers and water treatment systems.

Combination with other colors

The color scheme of the interior, clothing and surrounding objects affects the human subconscious, increasing or decreasing performance, calming or, on the contrary, causing aggression.

A combination of several colors can also have an impact on the emotional and mental state.

gray and green - emphasize independence, encourage you to defend your own superiority yellow and green - indicate ambition, demand for recognition orange and green - indicate impulsiveness red and green - control initiative, determination purple and green - a symbol of irresponsible coquetry (a person seeks favor, and when does not feel bound by obligations) black and green - indicate a sanctimonious sense of self-righteousness brown and green - dissatisfaction with the current state of affairs, desire to improve the situation

* * *

Almost all shades of green have an extremely positive effect on a person. And only in rare cases can this color cause harm.

Correct use of this color in advertising, interior design and clothing will help achieve harmony in all areas of life, improve your financial situation, and improve relationships with friends and family.

The meaning of yellow in psychology

This color symbolizes optimism, intelligence, sociability, ease and friendliness. For example, everyone’s favorite emoticons are almost always yellow. Interestingly, in the multi-colored sets of emoticons that are popular today, the yellow ones are those that are associated with positive emotions.

The color yellow energizes optimism, and many people feel this way. In particular, it is very loved by pregnant women who involuntarily worry and look for sources of confidence and optimism. People who are planning significant changes in their lives in the near future, such as moving or getting married, are also drawn to him. Despite their determination and confidence in the result, they cannot suppress their excitement, and the yellow color helps them with this.

Red and orange colors have a similar effect on the psyche, but yellow has a much gentler effect. It sets a positive tone, helps to collect thoughts, increases energy and self-confidence, but does not push a person to impulsive actions.

Researchers studying the meaning of the color yellow and its influence on the psyche have found that it also has a significant effect on physical well-being. In particular, this is manifested in such aspects as:

  • improved vision and ability to quickly focus;
  • normalization of blood pressure;
  • increased muscle tone, general improvement in well-being;
  • easier breathing, improved ventilation;
  • improvement of the nervous system.

It has been noticed that yellow color relieves fatigue. In particular, it may help people with chronic fatigue syndrome become more energetic. It can also significantly improve well-being and mood during the autumn blues and during the period of pre-spring vitamin deficiency. People with chronic illnesses will also benefit from surrounding themselves with yellow-colored things and placing light bulbs with a “warm” glow in their home.

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