Bipolar disorder: Early signs and treatment features

Bipolar affective disorder is a mental illness in which states of emotional excitability and depression alternate. Abbreviated as BAR.

In the manic stage, a person experiences euphoria, happiness - and under the influence of this state he commits reckless actions. During the depression stage, black melancholy sets in, which gets worse when a person remembers his recklessness in the previous phase.

In this article we will talk about the early signs of bipolar disorder, types and features of treatment for bipolar disorder.

What is bipolar disorder

Bipolar disorder used to have another name: manic-depressive psychosis. A person is torn between two emotional extremes - extreme happiness and equally extreme melancholy. Moreover, these are not ordinary mood swings - the phases of bipolar disorder can last from several hours to several months.

In the manic stage, a person sleeps little, but is cheerful, hyperactive, cheerful, communicates with people, is full of creative ideas, and makes grandiose plans. True, not a single project is completed - because it overestimates its strength. He has verbose and very fast excited speech, as if he can’t keep up with his emotions, a good appetite and increased sexuality.

Euphoria is usually three times shorter than depression, because the body cannot remain on such an energy high for long. The “battery” runs out quickly.

The mood changes for no reason - as if at the snap of a finger: today everything is great, but the next day you are in a bad mood, there is no desire to even move and you often have suicidal thoughts.

Read reviews about treatment for bipolar disorder

“For a long time I did not suspect that I was sick, I believed that life was unbearable due to other, external reasons. One day, quite by accident, I came across an article about bipolar disorder, and I saw the light. It was about me. I felt relieved, since the disease means it can be treated. I went to the doctor. I won’t describe it for a long time, I will say that the treatment helped me in some ways, but life was far from normal. I'm tired. But he decided not to give up and turned to the Renaissance in Israel. It turns out that there is effective therapy - after two weeks I was a different person. A human being, not a psycho.”

Ilya P., Rostov-on-Don, Russia

“The way mental illnesses are treated here and abroad is a huge difference! In Israel, a person with bipolar disorder is not considered to be some kind of abnormal, and you can’t tell that from him. Therefore, when my brother was diagnosed with this, we immediately went to Israel, contacting the Renaissance Center. As far as possible, they helped him, at least at his work they didn’t even realize that he was sick, they thought he was a depressed person, he went to unwind and recovered. He lives as he used to, only takes pills. Thank you for helping!”

Elena Noyt, Kazan, Russia.

Types of Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder Photo: Depositphotos
Bipolar disorder manifests itself in different ways. Symptoms vary in severity, duration, and frequency.

  1. Type 1 disorder is when severe episodes of mania and depression alternate.
  2. In type 2 disorder, the manic phase is smoothed out and difficult to recognize. And depression is deep and long-lasting. Often, instead of bipolar disorder, doctors simply diagnose depression - if they missed a manic episode.
  3. There is also a mixed type of disorder - when signs of mania and depression appear simultaneously. It is more difficult to diagnose because with low mood and suicidal thoughts the person is energetic, as during a manic phase. This type is more difficult to treat with medications. But patients are more at risk of suicide.

Between manic and depressive phases there are intermissions - “light” intervals when a person is in a calm state. They may last for several years or be completely absent. The first type of disorder is more common in men, and the second type is more common in women.

Symptoms and signs of bipolar disorder in adolescents

Anxious or overly emotional behavior is not uncommon for the average teenager, since hormonal surges and changes that occur in the body during puberty can cause a bad mood and well-being in even the healthiest organism. All this makes diagnosing bipolar disorder a very difficult task, which is why, just as in the case of children, the doctor may need more time.

Symptoms of a manic episode in a teenager

Most often they appear like this:

  • he feels very happy, although there are no objective reasons for this;
  • behaves disgustingly;
  • does risky things;
  • abuses psychoactive substances or drugs;
  • thinks about sex - a lot and often, and perhaps not only thinks, but makes desires come true;
  • sleeps poorly or little, and does not feel tired;
  • he is very hot-tempered;
  • easily distracted and has trouble concentrating even on important things.

Sleep disorders lead to depression in adolescents December 30, 2020224 2

Depressive episodes in adolescents

fundamentally not very different from those in adults:

  • bipolar patients sleep and eat too much or, on the contrary, too much;
  • they are sad and react little to anything;
  • withdraw into themselves and stop communicating with friends;
  • thinking about death or suicide.

Why is bipolar disorder dangerous?

Sudden mood swings from euphoria to deep melancholy are exhausting and reduce the quality of life. Relationships with others deteriorate. Ultimately, bipolar disorder can lead to suicide. This is the big picture. But each phase is dangerous in itself.

A manic state provokes delusions of grandeur and reckless actions. Moreover, they are not always harmless. A person is promiscuous, takes out loans at high interest rates, mortgages property, makes unprofitable investments, loses his savings or spends on lavish gifts. In this state, people often put their lives in danger - for example, they drive a car, ignoring traffic rules.

Depression comes with all the characteristic signs - melancholy, hopelessness, emptiness, self-hatred, low self-esteem. The condition is aggravated by the fact that the person remembers his actions during the manic episode, has insane regrets and sinks even deeper into depression.

People with bipolar disorder are often alcoholics, drug addicts, and gambling addicts. They are dependent because they are not ready to experience and remember unpleasant moments.

Doctors classify bipolar disorder as a complex disease. Bipolar disorder affects brain function and simultaneously reduces immunity, provokes heart disease, endocrine system disease, and diabetes.

Causes of bipolar disorder

Scientists have not yet established the exact cause of bipolar disorder. But thanks to numerous studies, a number of patterns have been identified:

  1. Bipolar disorder occurs at any age, but is more common in late adolescence and early adulthood.
  2. BAD can be inherited. If there was this disorder in the family, the descendants are at risk. It is not one specific gene that is responsible for the development of the disease, but a combination of factors.
  3. One of the factors is hormonal imbalance. People with a lack of serotonin are susceptible to bipolar disorder.
  4. Bipolar disorder can be triggered by severe stress or trauma.
  5. The cause of bipolar disorder can be the use of stimulant drugs - amphetamines, methamphetamines, ecstasy, cocaine, crack.

Consider prices for bipolar disorder treatment

When comparing prices for treatment of bipolar disorder in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other cities with those in Israel, one should take into account a number of factors, the main one of which is efficiency. Citizens of Russia in Russian state clinics can receive free or partially free treatment, but the question arises about its effectiveness, about the patient maintaining or restoring his ability to work - can such treatment provide this? Treatment abroad will certainly cost more, but is more likely to help the patient return to normal life.

When considering the possibility of treatment at the Renaissance clinic in Moscow or, for example, drug addiction treatment in Israel, you can calculate its approximate cost in advance. To do this, you need to contact us by filling out the contact form. The consultant will advise you on the next steps - you may need to send your available medical information by email. documents and/or conduct an online consultation with a specialist, during which he will be able to more accurately determine the required amount of therapy. After this, you will receive an estimate, compiled taking into account individual indications and therefore quite accurate (the cost may subsequently change, but only slightly). Consulting services are free.

How to spot signs of bipolar disorder

Bipolar affective disorder Photo: Depositphotos
Bipolar disorder is difficult to diagnose - mood swings usually do not cause anxiety. But it's important to recognize the difference between simple mood swings and extreme mood swings. Here are the symptoms that can be used to recognize mania and depression.

Symptoms of mania

  • A person is in an elevated emotional state for a long time: he experiences happiness, euphoria, self-confidence, and creative enthusiasm.
  • Does not need rest - sleeps 3-4 hours a day, but feels cheerful.
  • He speaks so quickly that he swallows his words and jumps from one thought to another. It is impossible to catch the thread of the story by ear - it is easier to communicate through correspondence.
  • Often a hoarse voice - a person constantly screams, talks loudly, sings, laughs.
  • Actions are impulsive: a person first acts, then thinks.
  • “Jumps” from one task to another, but does not complete anything.
  • Overestimates his abilities and cannot objectively calculate his strength.
  • Unhealthy laughter: it is not clear whether the person is laughing or crying.
  • People with bipolar disorder often behave riskily: they agree to casual sex, make purchases or lavish gifts beyond their means, and get involved in spontaneous races on the road.

Symptoms of depression

  • Long periods of causeless melancholy and feelings of hopelessness.
  • The person withdraws into himself, minimizing contacts with family and friends.
  • There is no interest even in those things that used to inspire and motivate.
  • Control over appetite is lost: a person does not want to eat at all or eats constantly and everything.
  • Sleep is disturbed. This could be insomnia or constant “hibernation”.
  • Memory deteriorates, a person cannot concentrate, and loses the ability to make decisions.
  • Chronic fatigue, lack of energy.
  • Thoughts about suicide - life loses color and meaning.

A person with bipolar disorder alternates between manic and depressive symptoms. The excitation phase may be mild, but depression is always deep and severe.

How to live with bipolar disorder?

Life with bipolar affective disorder is not easy, because its symptoms must be constantly monitored.

What can help avoid the return of symptoms of bipolar disorder:

  • taking the necessary medications in the right dosage and for exactly as long as the doctor deems necessary - self-medication and amateur activities are categorically inappropriate, as they will lead to dire consequences;
  • normal, clear daily routine, sleep and nutrition;
  • it is important to learn to recognize mood swings and their approach - this will allow you to take action in advance and prevent the development of mania and depression;
  • support groups, including on social networks or forums, really help you feel like you’re not a black sheep and understand that life doesn’t end because of a diagnosis of bipolar disorder.

Features of the treatment of bipolar disorder

It is quite difficult to hospitalize a person with a mental illness; his consent is required. With bipolar disorder, this is even more difficult to do: in the manic phase, a person is happy, he feels better than ever. He doesn't consider himself sick.

People usually go to the doctor in a state of severe depression, when the only thing he can do is pick up the phone and call an ambulance.

First of all, the patient’s emotional sphere is leveled with the help of medications - antipsychotics and antidepressants. And then they begin psychotherapy.

The psychologist first finds out what the person wanted to get. After all, its symptom is just a way to take what it cannot in the normal state. The manic phase gives you freedom and the opportunity to release your impulse - to do what you dreamed of. And depression allows you to look deeply into yourself, get to know your feelings, depth, and inner world.

A typical picture of the disorder looks like this: a patient with bipolar disorder suppresses his true “I” for a long time because he is afraid of being rejected, unrecognized, and is afraid of conflicts. At some point, the “lid blows off” and the person goes wild - he allows himself to do what he could not do during the “light” phase.

Psychotherapy is aimed at ensuring that a person learns to identify early signs of a particular phase, recognize and prevent situations that provoke an exacerbation. Then the condition can be corrected with medications and symptoms can be avoided. In addition, the patient is accustomed to a normal sleep, work and rest schedule.

Is it possible to cure bipolar disorder in Israel?

Experienced doctors speak very carefully about a complete cure for bipolar disorder, since due to the characteristics of metabolism (namely, neurotransmitters), the risk of relapse of the disease always remains. However, correctly selected therapy allows one to achieve stable remission, which means for the patient the elimination of painful symptoms and a return to normal life, especially since the intellectual function in this disease does not suffer and the personality is not destroyed.

In Israel, patients with bipolar disorder live a normal life, they are socialized, work and differ from other people only in the need to constantly take medications and periodically visit a doctor. However, many other people have the same need, for example, those suffering from diabetes.

It should be said that Israeli doctors have achieved significant success in the treatment of mental disorders. Here an individual approach to the patient is practiced and the most progressive methods of therapy are adopted. Psychosocial rehabilitation is widely used, the patient’s family is involved in the treatment process, and training is provided to help the patient’s relatives better understand him, and for him to better understand his loved ones. The latest generation of drugs are used and the latest protocols are applied, which ensures fewer side effects and greater efficiency.

Advanced treatment for bipolar disorder in Israel can be obtained by contacting the Renaissance Clinic. In addition to mental illness, she specializes in the treatment of addiction, which is very useful, since patients with bipolar disorder often suffer from it in one form or another.

What to do if you suspect you or your loved ones have bipolar disorder?

If you notice sudden mood swings for no apparent reason, this is a reason to seriously think about it. Ten or more of the symptoms we have listed may indicate the presence of a disorder. Especially if thoughts of suicide appear from time to time.

  1. The first step is to see a therapist. Get tested and undergo the examination that he prescribes. Some hormonal disorders are similar to bipolar disorder - for example, diabetes, hyper- and hypothyroidism. It is important to exclude them or detect them and begin treatment.
  2. The second step is an appointment with a psychotherapist or consultation with a psychologist. Be prepared that the specialist will ask about your lifestyle, bad habits, relationships with people, hereditary diseases, childhood injuries and many other details.

Based on this data, you will be prescribed treatment. This could be depth psychotherapy, medication, or all three.

Do not self-medicate under any circumstances, so as not to aggravate the condition. At the moment of exacerbation, do not be alone - let one of your relatives be with you. Call a licensed psychologist, your primary care physician, call an ambulance, or go to the hospital immediately.

If your loved one is depressed, do not leave him alone. Remove all objects that can cause harm to health - from piercing and cutting objects to tablets. Persuade him to call a doctor.

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