Adolescence - signs, behavioral characteristics and parenting tips

The transitional age can well be called “difficult”. This is a really difficult period not only for parents, but also for teenagers themselves. It is important at this time to understand the child in order to help overcome the problems that arise during growing up. This is the time when yesterday’s child today tries to imitate the behavior of an adult.

Of course, he doesn't succeed in everything. Because of this, a teenager may develop insecurity and depression. At this moment, it is important to help the growing generation. To do this, you need to understand his condition and behavior.


Starting from the age of 10-11, the child begins the process of transition from childhood to adolescence. This period is called “transitional age”. It usually lasts up to 15-17 years. At this time, the child’s body is rapidly maturing. This applies primarily to appearance. The production of hormones begins and the reproductive system develops. Bones, muscles, skin change.

When children reach adolescence, their relationships with peers and with the opposite sex change. Self-esteem begins to develop. Interest in oneself appears, personality emerges.

At this moment, it is important to give the teenager as many opportunities for self-realization as possible. Otherwise, there is a risk that the teenager will “take the wrong path.”


Parents often think that adolescence should proceed with minimal interference on their part, arguing that otherwise the child will not be able to develop his own point of view on the world around him and prepare for life in it. This statement is extremely dangerous for your children and yourself. If you want them to grow up to be full-fledged individuals, grateful for a good upbringing. Parental intervention in the process of a teenager’s development as a person is necessary, the main thing is not to overstep the boundaries of mutual trust.

Communication with father. During puberty, the father plays a very important role for a boy. It is the dad who has the necessary authority and experience to explain to the boy what is happening to him at this stage and why it is important. Thus, when communicating with his father, the boy will not only feel more confident in the process of all the changes happening to him, but will also adopt the social model of his father, a wise man who can always discuss any problem with his son.

  • Find your child a hobby. This should be done even before puberty, so that at key moments of physical and psychological development the boy always has the opportunity to release excess energy in a favorable direction, and not into crime or addiction to a computer or drugs. A correctly and timely chosen sports section will help your child not only lead a healthier lifestyle, but will also shape his body and spirit in such a way that he will be grateful to you for a long time.
  • Determine the level of freedom for the boy in time. One of the key parameters in becoming a real man is willpower and the ability to make decisions independently. If you timely delimit for yourself those areas of life in which you will not interfere, and provide your child with the opportunity to solve certain problems himself, then you will help him develop the above-mentioned masculine qualities. For example, when giving pocket money to your child, decide whether you will control where he spends it or not. Discuss with your family whether your child can bring guests home and under what conditions, etc. The main thing is not to forget that trust is very easy to destroy, and by promising a child something, you thereby enter into a trust agreement with him, which you undertake to fulfill. By violating it, do not be surprised that the child’s attitude towards you changes for the worse.

Features of this period

The transitional age for girls and boys passes differently. But both sexes exhibit the same signs: hair grows in the groin and under the arms, and active growth begins (up to 10 cm per year). Boys grow testicles, girls grow breasts.

Girls develop physically faster than boys. Their growth stops at 16-18 years. Guys can continue to “stretch out” until they are 22 years old.

But children change not only in appearance. There are changes in character. An obedient, sweet child becomes irritable, rude, and touchy.

Signs of growing up in boys

Parents should pay attention to the main signs of adolescence in their son in order to help him become a man. For a child, this period is difficult and stressful - changes occur in the body in three areas at once: physiology, emotionality, and sexual characteristics. They are interconnected by one important influence - the production of testosterone.

The main signs of boys growing up are:

  • hair on the face, groin, under the arms;
  • voice breaks;
  • shoulders become wider, muscles develop;
  • acne and rashes on the face and back;
  • unpleasant, pungent odor of sweat;
  • mood swings, absent-mindedness, aggression, maximalism;
  • sexual desire due to the development of the genital organs;
  • spontaneous nocturnal ejaculation, which goes away with age.


Around this time, the voice begins to break down and the timbre becomes lower. This period is characterized by the teenager’s active self-determination, the desire to demonstrate and show off his own strength, dexterity, and speed. It is at this stage that a change in moral guidelines and assessment systems begins to actively occur. The foundation of an independent personality is being built, which requires a certain life goal and aspirations. This stage of development is especially difficult from a psychological point of view; the teenager has frequent mood swings, reluctance to learn, and an excessive desire for independent life without outside interference.

Signs of girls growing up

During this young period, princesses increase their production of sex hormones. The female body begins to prepare for reproduction. Against the background of a hormonal surge, an imbalance of three systems occurs: endocrine, nervous, vegetative-vascular.

The first signs of growing up:

  • the pelvic area expands, the hips and buttocks are rounded;
  • nipples swell, protrude and pigmentation occurs;
  • hair appears under the arms and on the pubis;
  • mammary glands develop;
  • beginning of the menstrual cycle. It usually begins between 11 and 14 years of age. By 16, the cycle becomes regular;
  • change in body weight.

Maximum attention should be paid to the last point. If a girl begins to gain weight, she may develop depression. She will limit herself in food.

It is important for parents to understand how to help their child so that this problem in adolescence does not develop into a serious mental illness - anorexia.


During this period, boys’ testicles and penis increase in size, pubic hair begins to appear, the body is still “swinging”, having already started the process of changes, but not yet in full force.

It is at this age that children become more interested in spending time with peers than with their family. You can notice manifestations of the first aggression and childhood cruelty.


At this time, boys' voices begin to break due to the growth of cartilage, enlargement of the vocal cords and muscles in the throat. Active hair growth continues throughout the body, with hair forming above the upper lip. It is during this period that a growth spurt occurs and the shoulders become wider. A rash appears on the skin, this is due to the fact that different hormonal complexes come into force. This is an absolutely normal phenomenon, and it is worth telling your child about it so that it does not frighten or shame him.

Photos of children of adolescence

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