If a man truly loves, how does he behave: psychology of behavior, main signs

It is sometimes difficult for women to understand what feelings a man has for her. Even if the signs of attention are quite obvious and persistent, they can be both signs of sympathy and excessive gallantry. And after several invitations to dates, girls begin to exaggerate the significance of events. Therefore, in order to correctly assess the situation, it is worth learning to recognize the true signs of a man’s love.

From this article you will learn:

  • What is the difference between love and sympathy?
  • What is the difference between love and infatuation?
  • What are the signs that a man is truly in love?
  • By what non-verbal signs can you tell that a man has fallen in love?

General idea of ​​love

The cultural and historical transformation of the concept of “love” has been observed over many centuries. In primitive society, it characterized the relationship between a man and a woman. Later, a connection with social needs appeared. Ancient culture identified love with morality. Currently, there is no uniform definition of this concept.

The characteristics of the feelings of modern people are based on their own ideas about it. To analyze how men and women love, you need to carefully study the view of this phenomenon of each gender.

Women's opinion

Women are monogamous. Their main purpose is to keep the home and raise children. Therefore, they treat issues of love responsibly, carefully and scrupulously:


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  1. Girls strive to find one partner for the rest of their lives.
  2. The emotionality of ladies “requires” high feelings and their manifestation. Therefore, women expect actions from guys that indicate love.
  3. Girls' idea of ​​care is associated with total control. They want to know everything about the guy: “Where was he?”, “What did he do?”, “Who called?”.
  4. In a strong relationship, a woman “calms down.” She enjoys the usual and smooth course of events.

A man's view of love is different, so couples face a lot of problems in relationships.

What do men think about it?

The attitude of men towards love largely depends on intelligence, character, attitudes and culture. There is a misconception that guys are only interested in sexual connection, but not deep feelings based on mutual affection, tenderness, respect and care.

Love and intimacy are different areas that men prefer not to mix.

That's why guys are polygamous. Most of them do not consider sex on the side to be cheating, because in this connection the main thing is missing - feelings.


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The period of falling in love, according to psychologists, occurs in 3 stages:

  • the first is to win the girl’s attention;
  • the second is to possess a woman;
  • the third is to calm down after a successful “hunt”.

At the last stage, girls have doubts about the sincerity of their chosen one’s feelings. If a man is cold, his love has passed.

How to distinguish deep feelings from superficial relationships

Love has been glorified by poets, shown in cinema, books have been written about it, and artists have depicted it for many centuries. Often this deep feeling is confused with superficial sympathy and love. To find out if your man loves you, you need to study the characteristics of love and temporary infatuation.

The eyes don't lie

Young men prefer not to show their feelings. However, a lot is reflected in his eyes. It is difficult to control nonverbal behavior. Therefore, women need to carefully monitor their body language.

You can characterize a guy's interest by his gaze. There are 3 types. Each one contains a certain subtext:

Name of the lookCharacteristic
IntimateA slow gaze, “gliding” over the face, décolleté, hips and legs. The smooth male gaze lingers on open areas of the body. If a guy looks at a girl like that, then most likely he has a temporary relationship with her, and you shouldn’t count on developing a serious relationship.
FlirtingThe look with a “sparkle” in her eyes catches every girl’s smile. The guy does not visually “examine” the woman’s body, but is content with her face. This look indicates that the man is still choosing a mate. If a girl wants to continue communicating with such a guy, she needs to flirt and smile.
EnamoredIf a guy is in love, his gaze closely examines every feature of his chosen one’s face. Faced with her eye to eye, a man will look for reciprocity in them.
LovingA deep look with a “sparkle” speaks of strong feelings for the girl. A loving man will always try to “catch” his beloved’s gaze in order to give her a piece of his warmth. In addition, dilated pupils when looking at the object of adoration indicate the occurrence of love chemical processes.

If a girl notices that a young man is trying to quietly observe her, it means that sympathy is arising in him. If the guy is interesting, help him take the first step towards happiness.


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Voice and manner of communication

You can find out the truth by his manner of communication and voice. A conversation with the lady of your heart will always be special, unlike communication with other people.

The following signs will help you understand that he is not indifferent:

  1. When talking, he will try to talk to his chosen one in a soft and velvety tone.
  2. When talking, he is sincere.
  3. In a conversation, a loving person watches his speech, so he does not use swear words.
  4. Guys love to talk about themselves and brag about their achievements. But a loving person is interested in his chosen one, so he listens to her carefully.
  5. During a conversation, a man does not pat a girl on the shoulder like a bosom friend.
  6. In the company of mutual friends, a guy will try to take a woman’s hand or hug her. This gesture symbolizes “She is mine.”
  7. A person who has feelings always listens carefully and does not interrupt. The man will remember all the details of the conversation.

A guy's voice and mannerisms are an ideal indicator of feelings. Women, take them into account to identify your attitude towards yourself.


Actions can tell about a boy’s attitude towards a girl. Superficial feelings will not motivate a man to act. The maximum he can do is chat uncontrollably and feed him promises.

Help: If a guy is serious about relationships, then responsibility can be seen in his actions. He likes the role of authority, but he does not lose tenderness towards his dear passion.

10 main signs will help you find out everything about a guy’s feelings:

  • He will come to the rescue both day and night. The well-being of his beloved is important to him, so he is ready to solve his woman’s problems. But if a guy tells a girl that he loves her, but in a difficult situation does not try to help, he does not want to develop the relationship.
  • A man likes to pamper his chosen one with surprises. A person with a superficial attitude will ask to pay 50/50 in a restaurant, will not give flowers and will spare money on a taxi. A loving guy is ready to please his beloved with souvenirs, sweets and a trip to the cinema as soon as possible.


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  • The guy likes to take an active part in the life of his girlfriend. A walk to the store, repairs, planning a vacation - in any area a man demonstrates interest. In a non-serious relationship, a guy will not try to take an honorable place in a woman’s life.
  • If a man is serious, he will not “hide” a woman from relatives and friends. If a guy doesn’t want to advertise the relationship, it means he’s courting someone else.
  • He is always in touch. During the working day, a loving guy will definitely write an SMS message to inquire about the affairs of his beloved. The girl will not hear “The subscriber is temporarily unavailable” on the other end of the phone without good reason.
  • If after intimate intimacy a guy is in no hurry to leave the bed, but prefers to bask in the arms of his beloved, it means that he has deep feelings for her, and not superficial sympathy.
  • The man is faithful to his companion. If a person has deep feelings for a woman, he will not allow himself to go out with another girl.
  • A loving guy will try to avoid conflict situations. If the quarrel could not be eliminated, the desire to make peace as quickly as possible will be stronger than the insults.
  • He will always support his chosen one, even if she is wrong. A man will not make comments to his beloved in the presence of other people. In a dispute, he will accept her position, but in private he will talk about mistakes and misconceptions. In a superficial relationship, the guy will try to step aside when a conflict arises or will begin to argue with his passion in front of everyone.
  • If a young man loves a woman, her person will appear in his plans for the future. If she is absent, then you should not count on developing a relationship with this man.

Don't just believe words. Look at the guy’s actions - they will lift the curtain of secrecy and reveal his true feelings.

Hints of intimacy

Before moving on to sexual relations, it is necessary to find out his attitude towards the young lady. This can be done by observing his behavior during close communication:

  1. A man who loves will not hint at intimacy on the first date. He understands perfectly well that the girl needs time to get to know him better.
  2. If a guy tries with all his might to persuade a girl to have sexual intimacy, most likely he does not take her seriously. Such a connection will be short-lived.
  3. A loving young man will try with all his might to stretch out the romantic period of courtship, because you can enjoy each other for a lifetime. A superficial guy would prefer to skip such a period, since “time is running out and we need to move on.”

If a girl notices that her boyfriend is more interested in sex than her personality, it is better to carefully avoid such unpromising communication.

If the relationship is long distance

Using a computer, girls meet people from other countries. Sometimes passionate virtual romances develop into affection and love.

It can be difficult for women to understand the sincerity of men's intentions. After all, distance deprives a whole range of feelings.

When having a correspondence romance, it is important to make sure that this is a platform for the subsequent development of the relationship.


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By some signs you can figure out a guy’s insincere intentions:

  1. Refuses to show photos. If the interlocutor does not want to exchange photos, coming up with various excuses, you should be wary. Perhaps, instead of a 30-year-old brunette, a mischievous teenager is communicating with a woman.
  2. Doesn't want to date in real life. If a guy does not want to transfer communication from the virtual plane to a regular environment, think about the sincerity of his feelings. Most likely, all his stories about himself are fiction.
  3. He invites you to his city, but refuses to go himself. A man interested in a woman will not be afraid to go the distance for her. If a guy finds constant excuses not to go to the girl himself, it means that his intentions are superficial and frivolous.
  4. Ignores serious conversations. If a young man constantly boils down to talking about sex, dirty jokes, and insulting other people, he is not interested in a girl. A man who is thinking about a serious relationship will not allow himself to behave like this.
  5. It may “disappear” for several days. The main thing for a man is the comfort and tranquility of his woman. If a guy disappears, then appears 2-3 days later without explanation, it means that he does not consider the girl to be someone special.
  6. There is no attempt to develop relationships. If the correspondence lasts several months, and a man does not want to meet face to face, it means that he is not looking for love. For him, correspondence is an outlet that helps him relax after everyday work.

Girls should not waste time communicating on the Internet. If a young man does not dream of seeing each other 2-3 months after meeting, then you can easily “write him off” from your accounts.

Actions of a loving man

You can understand whether a guy really loves a girl or not by how he behaves and what he does for the sake of his chosen one:

  1. Strong feelings are judged if a person tries to fulfill any desire of his beloved, even at the level of guessing thoughts. In this case, he knows all her tastes and preferences and tries to constantly please her with surprises, flowers, gifts, sweets, just to see a smile on his beloved’s face.
  2. You can determine whether a guy loves you by how interested he is in your life and what worries you. Only an absolutely indifferent person does not show interest. The lover is looking for ways to solve the girl’s problems, even the most insignificant ones, because it is very important for him to be needed. If the gentleman does not experience any special feelings, then his habit will be to complain about fate, to expect help from his companion, perhaps even financially.
  3. You can understand that a guy has fallen in love with you or, on the contrary, does not love you at all, by the way he behaves in the presence of the fair sex. All men are males and, when they see a pretty young lady, they unconsciously try to attract attention and preen themselves. For example, they straighten their hair, straighten their shirt collar, raise the timbre of their voice, try to make you laugh, etc. If he has tender feelings for you, then against the backdrop of being relaxed with other ladies, he may behave timidly and shyly with you, blush, and be nervous. Or he simply doesn’t notice other beauties because he can’t take his eyes off of you.
  4. When all a man’s thoughts are occupied by one woman, he will have no desire to dream about other ladies. An indifferent person will not hesitate to even periodically remember his former companions and, perhaps, compare them with his current one, and not always in her favor.
  5. If a person is in love, he will easily sacrifice a party with his best friends in favor of his beloved. Or he will take her with him and at the same time will not feel “under his thumb,” since personal relationships come first for him.
  6. In his insanely busy schedule, a guy in love will always find time to meet his lady love, for a call or a tender SMS. But if you notice that your chosen one rarely calls, the conversations are short and mostly formal, he is unlikely to experience fiery emotions towards you.
  7. When thinking about the question “how do I know if a guy loves me,” take into account the following facts that confirm that he passed the test of the strength of his feelings for you:
  • talks about future children together,
  • made a marriage proposal,
  • he is ready to do anything for you,
  • regularly provides assistance to your parents.

In what cases do men hide their feelings?

Usually ladies are perplexed as to why a guy doesn’t take any action if he likes a girl.

No matter how strange it may sound, many guys simply do not understand how important it is for a girl to feel loved, desired and interesting.

In addition, according to psychoanalysts, male “secrecy” is caused by the following reasons:

  1. Fear of being ridiculed and rejected. Shy guys with such phobias wait for the woman to prove herself. It is important for them that she not only shares sympathy, but that she herself initiates communication.
  2. Stereotypical thinking. A man may hide his feelings due to cultural and social attitudes. In their opinion, a guy should not show emotions towards a girl, since young people are obliged to be restrained, unshakable and cold-blooded.
  3. Fear of losing independence. Adult men may hide their sincere feelings due to vulnerability in front of the woman they love. Any guy strives to maintain authority in society, and if he succumbs to the manipulation of his chosen one, he may be mistaken for a gentle and sentimental person.
  4. Incorrect settings. Often men support the stereotype “the less we love a woman, the more she likes us.” Therefore, they try with all their might to demonstrate their disinterest. But this is a mistake. Unapproachable guys do not attract interest from the opposite sex.
  5. Unpleasant experience. If a young man has recently separated from his chosen one, and the separation was painful for him, it is difficult for him to believe in his strength again. Such men first try to find out everything about their passion from all sides, and only then begin to act.
  6. Other relationships. If a guy is married or in a love affair with another girl, he will carefully hide his sympathies.
  7. Diffidence. Sometimes a young guy can hide his feelings and ignore a girl because of his own complexes. Such a person, as a rule, was alone for a long time. And when he has a chance to change his life for the better, he gets lost and takes a step back.
  8. Big difference in age. Many older men have a certain psychological block that restrains their impulses in love. If the girl is much younger, they prefer to carefully hide their love.

Not all guys are “hunters” who see a woman as “prey.” Women don't need to discount shy boyfriends. A little initiative and they will take action.

Attitude towards the woman you love

You can tell that a guy is in love with a girl by the way he treats her:

  1. The attitude will be read in the young man’s gaze: when his beloved appears, his eyes begin to glow, and his face lights up with a smile. In any company, his gaze will most often belong to her. When a guy jokes, he always sneaks a look at his chosen one, analyzing how she will react.
  2. A loving man always wants to envelop his girlfriend with attention, care, and tenderness. And he tries to be there at the right moment.
  3. It is important for a man to be as close to the girl as possible in order to be able to constantly touch her.
  4. Flaws and shortcomings in the appearance and character of the woman he loves do not cause a negative reaction in his partner, since he loves her for who she is. And he constantly tries to support him in this. Next to him, the girl’s self-esteem is always adequately raised.
  5. A loving man is proud of his choice and, confident in his feelings, does not hesitate to introduce his chosen one to close friends and relatives. Invites you to family dinners and holidays.
  6. In the intimate sphere, the guy makes sure that his partner feels as good and comfortable as possible. He is attentive, does not ignore contraceptive methods, and does not force sexual intercourse if she is unwilling or feels unwell.

If your chosen one does not correspond well to the indicated signs of falling in love, do not rush to get upset and give up on him. Remember that each person is individual and can express sympathy in their own special way. But in any case, a loving man is distinguished by a tender and reverent attitude towards his chosen one and always strives to protect and support her. If he is indifferent to a woman, then he will never do for her what he himself does not want.

How to check a guy's feelings

Checking your feelings will help you find out that your beloved guy loves you and needs you. If he endures and passes the “tests,” then you can rely on him and you should continue your relationship with him. And if the test ends in failure, it is better to part ways.

A guy can be offended by mistrust, regardless of the signs in his behavior that prompted his beloved to take this step. Therefore, prepare for this in advance:

  • come up with a speech to explain your behavior;
  • analyze the reasons why doubts about your lover’s love arose;
  • be prepared to apologize for your suspicions if the audit is “disclosed”.


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When all the “weapons” are ready, you can begin the “operation” that will help clarify his thoughts about the relationship.

Deny sex

How a man really treats me is one of the main topics of women’s meetings with friends. Sex will help you find out a guy's feelings.

Physical intimacy is important for relationships. Guys show their love through touching, kissing, hugging and caressing.

They need intimacy with their lover. Use this need for an experiment: tell your boyfriend that “there will be no sex today.”

Denial of intimacy is not a tragedy. A man who sincerely loves a girl will react to such a statement calmly and with understanding. Of course, he will ask about the reasons for the refusal, but will not create a scandal or be offended. He has the patience to wait for the right moment.

If a guy doesn't love, then he can:

  • to be offended;
  • leave for another girl;
  • start swearing;
  • humiliate.

If he reacts negatively to a refusal, you should doubt his words and reconsider your attitude towards this young man.

Talk about legal relationships

Dating a man is wonderful, but every woman dreams of more - a family.

If a young man is not going to give an engagement ring as a gift, despite a long-term relationship, then you need to talk to him.

12 months is the optimal period to understand whether a person is needed or not.

If a man wants to be with a woman, he will certainly support this conversation and sincerely talk about his position, fears and plans in this regard. If not, at best he will break off the relationship, and at worst he will feed you “breakfast” and put off the conversation.

Ask how he treats children

The easiest way to check is to ask him about his attitude towards children.

It doesn’t matter which kids we’re talking about:

  • about the woman’s children from her first marriage;
  • about future babies;
  • about the neighborhood kids.

A man who is committed to a serious relationship will not speak badly about them. Because the nature of a woman is motherhood. And to offend children means to speak negatively about the purpose of the girl.

If a young lady has children from a previous relationship, then the guy will treat them with respect and tenderness. If they “disturb” him, such a man deserves only refusal.

Rate how caring a man is

Caring is the main manifestation of deep and tender feelings. He always has time for his woman. Here's what indicates this:

  1. He would never let her alone late at night. He will definitely meet her and take her home. Her safety comes first.
  2. He is there in sickness and in health. If a woman gets sick, a loving man will definitely buy her fruit, pills, or simply visit her and support her with his presence. To find out if your boyfriend loves you, tell him that you feel bad and look at his reaction - that will be the answer.
  3. A woman's problems are a man's problems. A young man will not stand aside if a lady needs a strong shoulder and a “steering wheel” to resolve a difficult situation.
  4. A man will not allow you to carry heavy bags from the store. He will always open the door and offer his hand when exiting the vehicle.

A caring young man will always be gentle and affectionate with his beloved, so monitor the presence of this quality at an early stage of the relationship. If a man does not want to care, it means there are no feelings in his heart.


How to understand that a guy likes you by correspondence: features of his behavior

Words of a loving man

When a woman loves, she is ready to shout about it to the whole world. Men differ in this regard:

  1. Not every young person is able to express feelings in words. Such representatives of the stronger sex are ready to prove emotional attachment with serious actions and deeds, but saying three cherished words is almost like death for them.
  2. If a loving person does not have the courage to make a confession, he will definitely put into words the tenderness and warmth that overwhelm his heart. And he will try to avoid swearing and rude words in the presence of his lady.
  3. Emotional eloquence in the love sphere is not always a true manifestation of adoration. The fiery speeches of the chosen one may simply be a sign of passion and desire for intimacy. Or he simply knows how to professionally seduce the beauty he likes, knowing that ears are a woman’s weakness.
  4. You can find out whether a guy loves you or not by the way he behaves in conversation. If a young man is interested in your stories, listens carefully, trying not to miss a single detail, this shows his interest. At the same time, you can notice that the guy talks about his plans, using “we” instead of “I”, talks about dreams, describing a wonderful future with you. This means that he sees you next to you in the future and considers you his soul mate. If a man tells endless stories about himself, his adventures and even love affairs, then in this case, most likely, he sees you as a friend, not a lover.

Should you trust your intuition?

Intuition is a feeling that helps to avoid unpleasant situations or solve serious problems.

Many people ignore its “signs”.

But it signals that something is going wrong. If all the advice to help determine his feelings has been taken into account, but his soul is still restless, then there is some kind of problem in the relationship.

Listen to this feeling. Analyze the reasons for its occurrence. Maybe a man is cheating, but you don’t want to notice?

How to understand that a man has serious intentions?

For most girls, status in a relationship is important. For a loved one, you want to be not just another girlfriend, but a woman with whom he plans to connect the future. After just a few months of a relationship, you can tell by your behavior how seriously your partner takes you.

It’s good if he actively involves the girl in his life:

  1. Introduces them to relatives, invites them to meet friends.
  2. Makes plans for the future in which she is present.
  3. Gives special gifts (those that are usually received from loved ones). If during the candy-bouquet period everything is usually limited to cute gifts like perfume, then at the stage of a serious relationship it can be household items, things related to the girl’s hobby. Such gifts may not be expensive, but they are always personalized.
  4. He is interested in your plans for the future.
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