A girl doesn’t want a relationship: how to win her favor


It is important to understand the reasons for your beloved’s behavior. They can be understandable and harmless, or selfish and mercantile. The man’s next action plan depends on the reason for his reluctance to reciprocate the guy’s feelings.

It's getting too expensive

If you are ready to wait and seek an answer from your beloved, endure her whims, hysterics and uncertainty. In such a situation, girls deliberately pretend to be hard to touch, although they expect decisive actions, declarations of love, gifts and other signs of attention from the admirer.

To understand whether a woman is interested in you or whether she is trying to sell herself, act like this:

  1. Invite her on a date and ask a direct question: “Are you planning a relationship with me or are you just leading me by the nose?” Pay attention to the speed of response and behavior of your loved one. If she hesitates, blushes, or is silent, there is hope for a relationship. If you laughed in your face, changed the subject and did not take the conversation seriously, look for another object for love, this girl is not considering you for a couple.
  2. Make her jealous. A woman will only be jealous of a guy she likes. Signs of rivalry can be different: hysterics, tears, withdrawal, refusal to communicate, silence in correspondence, and vice versa, the girl’s activation in attracting your attention.

Fallback option

You can understand that you are being kept as a backup option for communication and help in difficult situations by the following signs:

  • The girl becomes more active in communication: she calls more often, writes, when her next relationship ends, she is bored.
  • She ignores messages, takes a long time to respond if she’s busy, and has fun.
  • Keeps the guy at a distance, does not allow him to hug or kiss.
  • The girl often asks for help: to bring, escort, help in solving problems.

You can’t do this with guys, but this is female psychology: girls want to know that she has a reliable back and can rely on it in difficult moments of life. If being a backup option is unacceptable and waiting for a capricious girl to consider you for a serious relationship, abruptly interrupt her requests, move away and end the relationship forever. This step will make her reconsider her behavior, and maybe give her the idea of ​​creating a couple with you.

Other reasons

Among the serious reasons for the reluctance to build a long-term relationship and give a guy a clear answer to declarations of love, there are several more options:

  1. The girl just loves attention. This is how mercantile and narcissistic, but selfish people behave. They don’t care how the fan feels, they only care about themselves and their interests. Trying to interest, surprise, and conquer such a girl is useless. She uses gentlemen to gain attention and increase self-esteem.
  2. He is looking for another person, and keeps you in reserve. The guy can be a friend or a little cute to the girl. You can get out of the friend zone, but is it worth imposing yourself if the girl doesn’t want a relationship? It might be better to remain good friends for life rather than be disappointed in each other after a few months.
  3. The girl has secrets that she does not want to reveal. Young people can hide marriage, family difficulties, a child from an ex, illness, the past. It’s worth waiting a little, achieving true friendship between you, perhaps then she will be able to open up to you completely and tell you about her secrets.

To arouse your loved one’s interest, change your hairstyle, wardrobe, and lifestyle. You will become a new person for her.

The girl doesn’t want a relationship - what to do?

First of all, a young man should sort out his feelings, understand whether this is really the woman with whom he would like a serious relationship. Many male representatives, not knowing the girl closely, idealize her, not paying attention to her shortcomings.

Before setting a goal to achieve favor, it is worth observing it:

  • life principles;
  • behavior;
  • ways of communication;
  • manifestations of character and temperament.

After all, with close contact, people need patience to put up with aspects of family life that they are not happy with in their partner.

If there is an understanding that this is the kind of woman he would like to see next to him, a man can make an attempt to attract her attention to himself as a future lover.

What to do if a girl doesn’t want a relationship:

  1. Reciprocate according to her request. If she considers a young man her friend or acquaintance, do not show that he is now counting on more. Communicate with her on this level, without hints of a serious relationship.
  2. Do not push with your overflowing feelings, be more restrained. Numerous compliments and a constant desire to please often repel a woman.
  3. Become close in spirit. If there really are common interests, a man is able to understand her feelings, emotions, and sincerely support her in a difficult moment.
  4. Establish physical contact – minor touches bring people closer together.
  5. Engage in self-development and improvement - it’s interesting to communicate with such people and learn something new from them.
  6. Do not limit your freedom. Clear boundaries and being faced with a choice or a fact do not allow the development of harmonious relationships.

Many guys are interested in the question - if a girl doesn’t want a relationship, is it worth imposing herself? If she has made up her mind and directly refused, or does not accept him as a lover for a long time, there is no point in putting pressure on her. Even if the reason is not clear, the fact remains a fact that cannot be corrected. You should pay attention to yourself, reassess your values, and aim yourself at improvement and self-realization.

What to do

Here are some effective methods to correct the situation:

  1. Serious conversation. We definitely need to talk. Do not hint, but ask direct questions, demand a clear answer. Tell him that you can’t be played with, you’re tired of the uncertainty. If a girl needs a break to think about the future, her behavior, analysis of feelings and desires, do not be afraid to give her a couple of days for this.
  2. Move away from each other. Stop running after her, trying to achieve a reciprocal feeling. The guy's distance and his coldness will help the girl understand how dear the guy is to her. If she doesn’t want to stop communicating, she will take the initiative herself. All you have to do is demand a specific answer to the proposal to meet.
  3. Take care of yourself, develop physically and spiritually. Promising young men attract girls more than tired losers.
  4. Connect tactile sensations. If a girl is not excited by romantic dates in a friendly format, use hugs, light touches on the palms, waist, and knees.

What not to do:

  • Intrude and beg to start dating as a couple. Be strong and courageous, it is better to break up with the beauty who did not see your soul mate, and quickly find another.
  • Continue to seek love if the girl honestly admitted that she is playing with your feelings.
  • Swear, insult the girl, make cruel jokes about her on social networks and troll after refusal.

Doesn't want to, but doesn't let go

Among the motives for this behavior, the following possible options can be identified:

  • You are a great friend. Friendship between a guy and a girl is possible if one of them loves the other, psychologists say. By the way, in such a situation, it is easiest for guys to break out of the list of friends and achieve love. The fan knows everything about the friend, understands her perfectly, they spend a lot of time together.
  • She likes you, but she thinks that you are not yet ripe for a serious relationship. The girl waits for the guy to start behaving like a real man, tells him the right decisions, and raises a husband for herself in the future.
  • There is sympathy, but it is not love. The girl is waiting for feelings to flare up. He is afraid to let the guy go, because it will be much more difficult to return the admirer. She prefers to be friends, communicate a lot, tries to fall in love with him. This scenario is possible in relationships with older women or experienced, calculating girls.

You can achieve reciprocity and set up a girl for a relationship like this:

  1. Reveal your feelings to your beloved. You will have to have a serious conversation about the fact that friendly flirting does not suit you, you want more. But be prepared to receive a specific answer: yes or no. If a girl refuses to get closer, it is better to break up or come to terms with the situation of a friend for a long time.
  2. Show your strength, masculinity and maturity. Do serious things, keep promises, treat love and relationships like adults, stop flirting with other girls.
  3. Accustom the girl to you gradually. Make it so that she can’t live without you: introduce her to friends, parents, be always there. Hint to others that there is love between you, advertise your feelings.
  4. Alternate between lulls in communication and frequent meetings and correspondence. The girl should feel sadness, longing without the guy’s attention, miss her. Loneliness helps you understand yourself and your desires.

After breaking up with an ex

Almost every girl doesn't want a relationship immediately after a breakup. Delicate people need time to heal their emotional wounds. Some people need a few days to start looking for their soulmate again, while others need several months to recuperate. Fear of new relationships can easily be explained by the following:

  • The girl was betrayed by her boyfriend and she doesn’t want the situation to repeat itself.
  • A young, inexperienced beauty made a big mistake in choosing a partner and now doesn’t trust men.
  • The abandoned and offended girl still loves her ex and hopes for his return.

If several days have passed since the breakup, it is stupid to demand reciprocal feelings, a desire to go on a date with a new fan. She needs a break, a break from emotional upheavals. Don't be too active, just be there and surround the unfortunate girl with attention:

  1. Ask more often how she’s doing, her mood, and get ready to hear long answers about sleepless nights, about how her ex is a scumbag. For an intimate conversation, you can use a phone call, correspondence on social networks, or a date.
  2. Give the girl nice gifts, make surprises. Attention should not be intrusive.
  3. Every day, try to cheer her up: tell jokes, joke, invite her for evening walks with the dog, or on a shopping trip.
  4. Show your stability, perseverance, ability to wait.
  5. Protect her about her ex, and never try to reconcile them.
  6. Distract from sad thoughts by talking about studies, hobbies, and planning trips.
  7. When the girl cools down and calms down, tell her that you want to win her heart and help her stop loving her ex.

When a girl says she doesn't want a relationship, don't take her words seriously. Try to understand the reason for a woman’s behavior, make a plan to win her heart and everything will work out.


It is impossible to say which reason is most often used to refuse a meeting, since each specific case is very individual.

BUSINESS: A girl may refuse to go out with you on a date for the simplest reason: she is busy with more important things. You shouldn’t think that by refusing you a date, the girl is making excuses and doesn’t want to be friends with you, no, you can’t think like that, because every person has situations when he’s really busy and can’t find free time for a walk. We recommend that you read

DESIRE: Perhaps the girl is not ready to go on a date with you because she does not want to go anywhere. There are days when you want to sit at home, so that no one touches or disturbs you, as they say, to feel like a potato in a dark, far corner where there is no one. Maybe it's the moment you ask a girl out for a walk that she's in that potato mood.

SYMPATHY: And of course, there is another option why a girl refuses to date, and it is that the girl has no sympathy or attraction for you, that is, a walk with you will not bring her any joy. Actually, this is the worst option when a girl refuses to go out with you.

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