How to properly hint to a guy that I like him in order to achieve more

Should girls hint about their attraction?

You need to decide for yourself whether to show interest or wait for decisive action on his part. There are enough reasons to choose the first option:

  1. The guy is timid.
  2. Afraid of making a negative impression by confessing.
  3. Fear of revealing your soul to strangers.
  4. Doubts the sincerity of feelings.

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In modern society, they are calm about the fact that a woman takes initiative. It is important to correctly understand your own feelings, because such recognition imposes certain obligations in the form of the development of further relationships.

And also take a closer look at the object of sympathy - is the guy ready to communicate. Perhaps he already has a partner or had a difficult breakup with his previous passion.

A few important rules when communicating with men

Guys are very interesting and unique representatives of humanity. To ensure that communication with them is enjoyable and can lead to more, it is important to follow the following rules:

  1. No friendship. If a girl has plans for a young man, then she cannot take the position of a friend. Every effort should be made to avoid talking about other young ladies and not to help in matters of the heart.
  2. Touches. During a conversation, it would be a good idea to lightly touch it. And also repeat this when saying goodbye. Such actions will hint to him that the guy is of particular interest.
  3. It’s easy and unobtrusive to move closer. The best option is during a conversation. This way the young man will understand that the girl is really listening and is interested.
  4. Games with curls. Wrap the ends of your hair around your finger or push it behind your ear. It is considered an elegant gesture to pull your hair back. This movement looks attractive with long hair.

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How to behave correctly

You can also let someone know about your sympathy through behavior. This will not require any effort on the part of the girl.

You just need to follow these recommendations:

  1. Cheerful and cheerful attitude. A sincere smile and good-natured banter will not allow him to pass by.
  2. Make every effort to share his interests and hobbies. If the guy plays the guitar, ask him to teach him a few lessons. Or invite you to go on rides. A young man should feel a like-minded person in a girl.
  3. Openness and sociability. While talking about yourself, in between be interested in his personality. This will let you know that the girl wants to get to know him better.
  4. Sincere laughter. Young people love it when people laugh at their jokes. The main thing is not to do it through force: unnaturalness is obvious.
  5. Taboo topic. Under no circumstances should you mention previous relationships or ex-boyfriends. And even more so, speak negatively about them.

What to do

A girl should find out how a guy treats her. Ask a question directly, but it is highly unlikely that an honest answer will follow. Or ask a close friend to chat with his friends. If the feedback is positive, then proceed to action. A few modest hints will let him know about the presence of a young lady who sympathizes with him. It would be a good idea to get to know his family and try to form a good opinion of yourself. If a young man listens to the opinions of his family, he will definitely show interest.

What to talk about

Be able to support any topic during communication and be active in the conversation. The only exception is topics in which the girl understands nothing. In this case, attempts to reason will look pathetic.

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The ability to flirt is also not the least important. After all, everyone understands perfectly well that a young lady will not flirt with a guy for whom she does not feel a certain sympathy. Flirting manifests itself not only in laughter and jokes, but also through non-verbal signs of attention - smiling, playing with hair, open posture. The main thing is not to imitate someone and behave naturally.

Cases when hints are inappropriate

In some cases, hints about liking a guy will be inappropriate. If he has a relationship with another girl, everything is going well for them, then he should refuse confessions. He will find himself in an awkward position and will not reciprocate, and if he does, the young lady will become a homewrecker, which will not have the best effect on her reputation.

Another reason why you should avoid hints about liking a man is his indifference and disinterest. This is understood by his behavior: he is irritated, aggressive, looks the other way, stops conversations, avoids meetings. Perhaps the girl he is in love with is not his type, he does not want a relationship, or he likes another woman.


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Step-by-step instruction

It is the prerogative of women to hint at the emergence of warm feelings and the possibility of developing further relationships. Then the man must act.

To guide him, it is important to adhere to the following rules:

  1. Find out as much as possible about him. Interests, hobbies, work or study, family - all this knowledge will be useful in the future. It would be a good idea to try to impress his friends and family.
  2. Try to get into the field of view as often as possible. You need to seek his company persistently, but carefully. So that it doesn't feel like constant persecution.
  3. Well-groomed appearance. Young people love everything beautiful. If a girl wants to interest the object of her affection, then she should look so that no one can pass by.
  4. A sincere smile. A guy will be pleased to see a smile on the face of a beautiful lady. After all, only the person who attracts and interests her can call her. This is one of the ways to show affection non-verbally.
  5. Find out how and where the guy prefers to spend his free time. And sometimes visit these places too.

Showing interest in his hobby

Common interests bring people together. By asking a guy about his hobbies, you can rise quite high in his eyes. This topic will allow you to start and maintain a conversation. Against this background, plan a joint weekend. For example, if a guy prefers an active lifestyle and is interested in skiing or hiking, suggest going to the lake together. Or ask him to teach a girl to ski. It all depends on the preferences of the individual.

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Holding your gaze

Eyes are the mirror of the soul, and women's eyes are a mystery shrouded in darkness. Strong eye contact and a long gaze will make a young man think. And the combination with a sincere smile will leave him no doubt about the girl’s interest. If at the same time the young man did not look away, but stood steadfastly until she turned away first, then this means that the guy reciprocates.

Actively participate in dialogue

Conversation is a way to get to know each other better. You need to not just listen, but also add your comments on the topic and tell stories. But it is important not to try to pretend to be an all-knowing person. It looks pretty funny when a girl starts talking about the internal combustion engine. Unless, of course, she is an experienced driver and has not dreamed of a car since she was 13 years old.

Learn about each other's hobbies

Showing sincere interest in the hobbies of the object of sympathy will allow you to get to know him as a person and learn something new. But don’t forget to tell us about yourself. It will be even better if by chance it turns out that young people are interested in the same thing. The main thing is that if the girl’s interest is fictitious, then you will need to find out more about the guy’s preference. So as not to end up in a stupid position.

Tell jokes

A good sense of humor is the lifeboat of a budding relationship. With its help, you can attract a man’s attention and, if necessary, smooth out possible awkward moments. Using the right words, tell him about your feelings in a humorous manner.

Be cheerful

A lively, unfeigned smile combined with sociability, openness and cheerfulness will attract the attention of any guy. After all, it is much more pleasant to communicate with a person who always and under any circumstances radiates positivity. Than with someone who is constantly doing poorly. Of course, you shouldn’t pretend to be a clown in the circus arena, but you shouldn’t delve into your problems, much less tell others about them.

Create a comfort zone

For a young man to pay attention to a girl, first of all, he must be comfortable in her company. No stories about failed relationships or questions about his former flame. These topics are completely prohibited. And you shouldn’t hang yourself on his neck, in the literal and figurative sense of the word. If the lady is attractive to him, the guy himself will show interest in her.

How to make it clear via VKontakte correspondence

Communication on social networks gives a wide variety of options on how to hint to a guy that a girl likes him. Not only VKontakte is suitable, but also Odnoklassniki, Facebook and other options. Of course, you shouldn’t start right away with love confessions. Guys most often not only do not respond to such letters, but may even begin to ignore the person who wrote it. There is no need to put pressure on his psyche.

It's worth starting small:

  1. Put it under his photo, video or post on the wall in VK.
  2. Comment on a few photographs.
  3. Periodically send him interesting pictures and videos online.
  4. Send cards for a variety of holidays.
  5. Invite him to communities that may interest him.

During correspondence, be active, but not intrusive. When communicating on VKontakte and other social networks, it is important to follow the rules of etiquette and adhere to simple rules in personal correspondence:

  1. Don't write poems half a page long. And try to use fewer abbreviations and emoticons.
  2. Check what you have written. Spelling errors and meaningless text will definitely not arouse his interest.
  3. If a guy takes too long to respond, flood him with messages like “Hey, where are you?” or “Why don’t you answer” is not the best way out.
  4. Positive attitude. During the beginning of a relationship, it is important to show the young man that with him the girl forgets about all the bad things.

Hint options

There are many ways to show a guy you like him.

Psychologists identify the main signs of caring for a lover:

  • nonverbal gestures;
  • sight;
  • touching;
  • correspondence on social networks.

Brave girls will say directly about their sympathy; they will not subtly lead the young man to this idea. He will be glad to hear recognition if he has mutual feelings. But if the guy refuses, you can turn everything into a joke or accept his refusal with dignity.

Look and gestures

When a girl shows sympathy with gestures, she continually leans closer to her chosen one and turns to face him. The lady casually touches the guy. Here you should observe moderation, do not hang on your neck, and avoid touching intimate places. Stroking the shoulders and massaging them is also an overt cheeky hint. It is allowed to touch his hands or take him by the arm, hug him lightly, kiss him on the cheek, shake a hair or speck from his jacket, touch his palm or elbow during a conversation.

The look of a girl in love will be clear to a guy if she looks at him, then lowers her eyes and slowly turns them back to him. Such embarrassed actions indicate sympathy and feelings for the chosen one.

With the help of mutual friends

In the company of mutual acquaintances, friends may make fun of the couple. They will directly talk about the girl’s sympathy for the guy and laugh at her. All this is not done out of malice and helps the shy young lady tell the boy about her feelings. He will guess that she has sympathy for him, if her friends have not joked about her in this way before.

Ambiguous gifts for the holidays

He will be surprised when he receives a gift with a hint from a girl. It could be a photo of him with a caption saying he has a great figure. You can say that he dresses stylishly, he has good taste, such a guy needs a corresponding girl.

A song with a hint of feelings for a man is suitable for a gift; a lady can show her love for him through it. You can attach a moderately intimate photograph to the composition, which will not leave him indifferent. It's a good idea to write a poem especially for him and send a box of chocolates along with a card with it written on it.


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Women's tricks

Some girls are particularly cunning. If they cannot tell the guy about their feelings themselves, they will ask a friend to help. Her mission will be to tell the boy that her friend likes him. This method is more suitable for girls who are 12 years old.

They set it up as if the friend accidentally let the boy know that she liked him. It is important to observe his reaction here. It will depend on his feelings. If he feels reciprocity, his face will break into a smile, he will answer that he likes her too. If the guy is confused, blushes, and begins to look for excuses, it means that he does not feel reciprocity. In this case, you can turn everything into a joke.

Original options

Creative individuals do not like platitudes. They go to great lengths and come up with original ways to express sympathy. The following non-standard hints are known:

  • performance of the song;
  • preparing food;
  • message on live radio broadcast;
  • quest;
  • a voice message.

In a karaoke bar, a girl can sing a song in which tender words will tell about her feelings. Not everyone can sing, and many are shy. You can change the song to a recitation of a love poem by a classic or your own composition.

A surprise in the form of a treat prepared with your own hands will work effectively. Everyone has long known what the way to the heart of male representatives is through. They love to eat delicious food. What to cook depends on the girl’s imagination. This could be a cake with a confession inscription or cutlets in the shape of hearts.

The next method also requires courage and self-confidence. You need to call a live radio broadcast. You just need to tell the guy to turn on the radio. The young lady will say hello to him and casually say a few words about her sympathy for him.

The quest is a non-standard way of confessing your sympathy. A 13-year-old girl can easily organize this form to hint to a boy that she likes him. Modern phones have many interesting features, one of which is voice message recording. For a shy girl, this option is most suitable. She can erase and write down new messages until she finds the right words that she wanted to say to the young man.


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How to hint about your crush to a guy from school

School crush is remembered for a lifetime. A boy with whom we sat at the same desk at the age of 13, or a graduate with blue eyes. Although at school everything is somewhat simpler than in adult life. You can do one of the following:

  • Tell him about how the girl spent her summer or help him with a math test.
  • During recess, you shouldn’t run away with your friends to another floor. It's better to stay with the boy and chat.
  • Accidentally touch a boy with a briefcase or hair.

The main thing is not to tell your classmates about your crush. Few people can hide such a secret.

Statuses hinting to a guy that I like him

Communication on social networks and using mobile applications has recently become increasingly important. If you haven’t met the young man you like yet, then you can do it yourself by offering him friendship.

If he accepts your proposal, then you will have a better chance of hinting about your feelings. The most eloquent way is the correct status on a social network, which is impossible not to notice. Change it as the relationship develops, using the examples we have provided.

  • Love is when you compliment a guy on his shirt and he starts wearing it every day.
  • For some reason I start listening to all the music he listens to, and then I start liking this music too.
  • If you're lucky, you might meet a person who will divide your life into two parts - “before” and “after”.
  • Never leave someone who loves you for someone you just like. Perhaps one day the one you like will leave you for the one he loves.

  • It's a pity that most guys don't pursue those they like, but prefer those who definitely agree.
  • How much does a person need to be happy? It turns out there are a lot. One more person.
  • All my friends are divided into two parts: those who like me, and those who could not consider me.
  • How many of you listened to the same song all night just because he liked it so much?
  • What is happiness? Happiness is him.
  • Each Shrek will be able to find his own Fiona, who will be somehow purple that he is so green.
  • Wish your ex-boyfriend some luck, because he has definitely lost his happiness.
  • Love begins with deceiving oneself and ends with deceiving another.
  • I still don’t know what’s happening to me. The heart falls like a stone into the pool again. What an evil thing this is - virtual love.
  • My love for you is always online!
  • To love means to see a miracle that others will never see!
  • The beat of my heart with him alone online.
  • Where do virtual feelings come from? It's so easy to dive into them, but so difficult to wake up.
  • Love online is not real, if you love online it’s too banal.
  • Virtual sympathy! What an interesting start! But love comes and it becomes little.
  • My statuses reflect my mood. If my mood changes, my status will change.
  • I don't believe in virtual love at all. This is self-hypnosis and self-deception. To fall in love, you need to know this person, see him often, talk to him and feel him.
  • A cup of warm tea and the Internet. I look at your photos and see that you are online. My heart started beating fast. I guess I fell in love...
  • Not a single emoticon can express everything that I feel for you.
  • For the word “love,” Yandex returns more than five million photos, and my heart rhythmically beats the sounds of just your name.
  • Love online is a funny phrase. She is funny for those who never loved! Those who did not feel ecstasy when your loved one entered your chat.
  • Dating on a social network is the first step to the emergence of love.
  • I promise, I will always be there, and you just say that you really need it!
  • Love runs away only from those who strongly pursue it, and those who quickly run away throw themselves on his neck!

  • There is no need to seek a compromise between the arguments of the mind and the feelings of the heart - it is useless!
  • You need to love not the one with whom you long to meet, but only the one with whom you avoid parting.
  • Saying the phrase “I love you” takes only a few seconds, but showing it takes a lifetime.
  • Separation in love is what the wind is to a flame. It doesn’t extinguish love that is too strong, but it inflates the love that is too strong.
  • For the world you are just “someone”, but for me the world is just you.
  • —Why do you dream about a guy you like—? Or maybe this is love?

Have you already realized that happiness is only in your hands? Our simple recommendations will help you not only win the sympathy and love of the guy you like, but will also tell you how to get your ex back without making much effort. Share in the comments your experience of relationships with guys, in what ways did you seek their attention?

If a guy doesn't take hints

Most men do not take subtle hints and need to talk about everything directly. If the object of sympathy is one of them, then it’s time to use fantasy and feminine cunning. For example, ask friends, tell the young man that there is a girl who likes him. And if the couple doesn’t succeed, then all the words can be attributed to a friend’s bad joke. The last option is especially relevant for those who like a boy at school. Many people like to make stupid, inappropriate comments on this topic.

If the young man shows reciprocal sympathy, but is embarrassed to approach, then you should take the initiative yourself. Talk about your feelings and that the girl wants more. This way things will go faster. But at the same time, such a strategy often kills any romance.

Here it’s up to the young lady to decide whether it’s worth it or whether it’s better to be patient.

What will help you get a guy's attention?

Trying to attract the attention of the guy they like, girls come up with many ways to achieve this goal. They are ready to follow their lover, wear short skirts, get eyelashes and hair extensions, insert silicone into their breasts, and change their lifestyle. But this will no longer surprise men. There are other worthy ways to attract a guy’s attention: interest in his hobbies, sincerity, optimism, taking his side.

Genuine interest in his hobby

A guy will appreciate it if a girl supports his interest in hockey, football or tennis. If she doesn't understand anything about it, you need to study the topic. To do this, you need to listen to sports news, leaf through thematic magazines, watch programs. A guy will be pleasantly surprised when he hears his girlfriend’s opinion about an athlete or a past match. You can agree to meet together on the tennis court and play, or ask the young man to give her a master class.

If a guy loves fishing, a girl will love it too. You can go with him to a river, lake or pond and learn how to fish. Men appreciate it when women share their passion, because they will have something to talk about.

Sincerity and cheerfulness of the interlocutor

Any person loves to communicate with someone with whom it is easy and pleasant to do so. With a rude, gloomy and sad interlocutor, the desire to talk and be around disappears. Guys especially appreciate it when a girl knows how to listen, understand and support, so she should be positive, sincere and cheerful. Then the man will want to spend more time with her and meet more often.


A guy will immediately pay attention to a lady in a skirt or dress, and not in trousers. He will look at a girl in a tight blouse, and not in a loose sweater. But do not confuse vulgarity with femininity. The guy likes to look at the blonde in a translucent shirt with brightly painted lips and high heels. But, most likely, you won’t want to build a serious relationship with her.

Makeup should be discreet, because guys love naturalness. You need to watch your posture and gait. A man will pay attention to a lady with well-groomed hair, clean nails, glowing eyes, and healthy facial skin. You should feel confident about this.


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Self confidence

Confident girls are more likely to attract the attention of men. Even if you fail, you shouldn’t give up, get upset and doubt your success. There are other guys, perhaps even more worthy. As a rule, the likelihood that a man will pay attention becomes higher if a girl loves herself and appreciates her virtues. When a guy sees that a self-sufficient girl is next to him, he will begin to reach out to her.

Always be on his side

When a man feels the support of his woman, he is ready to move mountains and achieve success. His self-esteem increases and he can easily find a way to solve the problem. A girl should believe in a man, his success, admire him and his achievements. Then he will want to set new goals and achieve more. One woman will provide support with encouraging words, another will leave the man alone with his thoughts, the third will listen to him and share his experiences.

Active participation in dialogue

It is necessary to maintain a conversation with a guy. You need to be able to talk on any topic. Even if you don’t understand something, you can find a way to talk, for example, be sincerely interested in the unknown, ask to talk about it, ask leading questions. There is no need to be afraid of seeming like a layman in something, because a man also does not know about everything in the world. He knows about fishing, but you know about writers of the Silver Age.

The most common mistakes

The main thing is not to fall into hysterics if suddenly the young man’s reaction does not coincide with expectations.
There's nothing special about it. And there are also several common mistakes that you should try to avoid:

  1. Excitement. A slight stutter and shaking hands are unlikely to add to your attractiveness. Therefore, it is advisable not to worry or try not to show it.
  2. Smoothness of movement. Do not swing your arms around. A girl should be graceful in everything.
  3. Parasitic words and obscene language. A guy should listen to his interlocutor, and not make futile attempts to understand what she is saying.
  4. No embarrassment. If the young lady nevertheless decided to tell about her secret love, then shyness has no place here. Otherwise, the guy may have doubts about the sincerity of the confession.
  5. Negative reaction. If a young man, after all the attempts to attract his attention, has not invited the girl to a movie or a restaurant, you should not take your anger out on him. Unfriending him on social networks or pointedly not paying attention to him when meeting him is already unnecessary.
  6. Play to the crowd. In everything you need to know the line, and in showing sympathy the same.
  7. Third wheel. When a girl told all her friends about her feelings for a young man, but behaves rather coldly towards him, it looks strange. Such an attitude will not make him want to move on.

Hints during correspondence on VK and other social networks

The Internet will come to the aid of shy girls. They will write about their sympathy in a message. The disadvantage of this method of hinting is that there is no eye contact. Having chosen this method, you need to be aware of where to start the correspondence, what to write about, and what will scare your lover.

Where to start a virtual dialogue

In order to hint to a man that you really like him, you need to think through the dialogue in advance. You can start it by asking about your plans for the weekend or evening. The answer should be detailed. If the young man answers in monosyllables, then you need to ask him several leading questions.

During the correspondence, the conversation will come up about hobbies, perhaps they will coincide. Then it is advisable to spend the weekend together, taking up a common hobby. If he has a free evening, he should suggest going to the cinema or park together. It usually happens like this: a friend and her boyfriend go to the theater, but you have no one to go with. Then you invite him to join you. If communication goes smoothly, it is worth hinting about sympathy.

What to write about

Girls are wondering how to attract attention through correspondence on VKontakte or another social network. Light coquetry is allowed to impress a young man. This is done through compliments. Yes, guys love them too. The compliment should be light; the young man will not take eloquent expressions and metaphors seriously. You can praise his biceps, beautiful smile and other external advantages.

If a guy posted photos from a trip, you should ask him how it went, what interesting places he visited. It’s a good idea to talk about his dog, cat, how he takes care of them, whether they are friendly. Topics such as books, sports, films, music, cars are also suitable for discussion.

What can scare a guy away?

Guys do not tolerate intrusive, hysterical young ladies. You should not overwhelm your chosen one with messages asking why he does not respond. You should wait for him to answer. If after a few days the silence continues, you can try writing a greeting again. But if after that there is silence in response, then it is better to abandon the idea of ​​​​corresponding with this person.

If the correspondence is a success, you don’t need to immediately write him a love message and reveal all your feelings towards him. The guy, having received such a letter, will withdraw, become silent, and begin to avoid meetings. It’s better to like his photo, post, send a postcard with congratulations, share music.


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A guy may be intimidated by a girl’s page on a social network, so you need to make sure that there are no repulsive photos or posts on it. It is advisable to give it a beautiful look and upload positive pictures to it. You shouldn’t put pictures with other guys on public display, otherwise your potential lover will decide that the young lady is busy.

Guys don't like it when girls are in a bad mood. It is important for them to see smiles on their faces, sparkling eyes, and a positive attitude. An unkempt appearance, dirty hair and unkempt nails also repel men, so a woman needs to work on her appearance.

Women's tricks

Languid glances, furtive touches, an inadvertently dropped handkerchief - these are all little things, but they will undoubtedly help hint about your feelings to the guy, and which will allow him to understand his reciprocal feelings. And if the situation repeats itself with enviable regularity, the young man will understand that the girl is hinting at something to him. You can attract a friend who accidentally lets slip about the young lady’s warm feelings. It will be clear from the young man’s reaction whether these words pleased him or left him indifferent.

Before you try to win the heart of a young man and look for ways to hint to a handsome man that you like him, you should get to know him better. In the future, this will help the girl gain his attention.

How to behave to show sympathy for him

Often girls thinking about how to tell a guy that I like him gives rise to many others. You can start with behavior that would hint to the young man about feelings on the part of the fair sex.

What do we have to do:

  • praise the young man;
  • surround with attention;
  • establish visual and possibly tactile contact;
  • take the first step by inviting the young man somewhere.

Try flirting with a man. When talking, lean closer, look into the eyes of the interlocutor and involuntarily touch his arm or shoulder. This will help make the conversation more sensual and pleasantly exciting.

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