What men like in women: how to start and maintain relationships

Women take care of their appearance, dress beautifully, maintain their figure in order to attract the attention of the opposite sex. However, what men like is not always what ladies like. Sometimes a man's point of view does not coincide with a woman's opinion, because of this there are incidents. The girl tries to attract her partner, but with her appearance and behavior, on the contrary, she repels him. Psychologists advise studying the psychology of the stronger half of humanity so as not to make common mistakes.

What men don't like about women

Now, briefly about how you should not behave, what you should not do in order to win the heart of your chosen one. Taboos in relationships:

  • frivolity, superficial attitude to serious problems;
  • the desire to blindly follow social patterns;
  • natural stupidity;
  • obsessive behavior;
  • questions about children: how many he wants, whom;
  • capriciousness - the girl behaves as if she were a princess, demands excessive attention;
  • imposing your own worldview, your own rules;
  • criticism and teaching;
  • talking about health problems;
  • statements about former partners;
  • bright makeup;
  • provocative outfit;
  • skirt below the knees (looks unsexy);
  • unkempt hair and skin.

The list goes on, but these are the main points that irritate and repel men.

Respect for personal space

It is especially important for guys that they have a certain amount of freedom and respect for personal space in relationships. That's why they like girls who don't strive to be together 24/7. They like girls who make them miss themselves, who understand the beauty of the languid anticipation of a new meeting.

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What provokes betrayal

There are actually not many reasons for infidelity. But in order to avoid unpleasant moments, you need to understand what the chosen one wants. If a person gets what he needs, he will never look around and will not go to cheat. Of course, there are exceptions to the rules when a partner is psychologically ill and cannot experience satisfaction with one constant companion. The most common reasons for cheating:

  1. Untidy appearance. The woman has become overly “domesticated”, wears the same clothes or chooses outfits that can hardly be called attractive.
  2. Everyday problems. From time to time you need to take a break from problems and responsibilities, arrange fasting days, and pay attention to each other. If this is not the case, quarrels arise, the situation worsens, and the man wants to get away from all this.
  3. Sexual dissatisfaction. A person feels happy when he receives complete satisfaction during intimacy. If the chosen one cannot give what a man wants, he will go looking for a suitable woman on the side. To find out the secret desires of your loved one, you can come up with a game, ask him to write frank dreams on a piece of paper or in a message, or send a picture of the poses that you like.
  4. Small children. Everyone eagerly awaits the birth of a child. But the first year of life with a baby becomes a real test for spouses. Mothers get tired, pay attention to the child, forgetting about their loved one. At the same time, the man feels superfluous, deprived, offended, and sexually unsatisfied. Psychologists advise involving the father in the process of caring for the baby and periodically dedicating time for sexual games.
  5. Resentment. If a woman constantly humiliates her partner or has seriously offended him once or touched his manhood, he will begin to rebel. Perhaps he won’t have an affair on the side, but he will definitely cheat on you a couple of times in revenge.
  6. Long life together. When spouses get used to each other, they live like brother and sister. On the one hand, this is good, since certain habits and trust arise, but on the other hand, it is bad, since there is no sharpness of sensations. You need to do everything to keep your sex life varied. Sometimes you can make your chosen one jealous to renew feelings. Sometimes you need to be away for a while. Business trips are a good thing.

If a man is adequate, voluntarily enters into marriage, respects family values ​​and loves his wife, he will not cheat without good reason.

Features of male psychology

Every person has their own personal set of likes and dislikes. But when it comes to what average men like in women, psychologists identify patterns.

From childhood, boys are socialized into gender norms that include emotional control, winning, and avoiding displays of vulnerability. It happens that some guys are subject to social stigmatization (most often due to the authoritative influence of older relatives) and cultivate “feminine” character traits in themselves. As a rule, these include agreeableness, excessive tenderness, etc.

If we talk about a young man who has “correctly” gone through the stage of socialization, by the time he begins independent life he has a clear understanding that he must conform to the norms of society. He believes that he needs to keep his emotions to himself, be confident, resilient and closed off from the aggression of the outside world, and not show weakness towards others. However, all this is necessary for a harmonious relationship and emotional intimacy with a romantic partner.

Women are not always able to easily understand what a guy likes, since the habit of keeping everything to himself (instilled by the norms of society) deprives him of the opportunity to clearly express emotions. Therefore, it’s worth figuring out what attracts guys, as well as what kind of female ideal they picture in their imagination.

Do they like to kiss?

American psychologist Susan Hughes claims that women use kissing to establish an emotional connection, and men use kissing to increase sexual arousal.

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In 2009, it was experimentally confirmed that when a young man kisses, he transfers testosterone to his partner through saliva, which increases her sexual arousal. However, a survey found that most guys would prefer to refuse a kiss before or after sex, since for them it is less important than the sexual act itself. Another interesting survey among guys showed that in everyday life they prefer casual and quick kisses.

Which woman will he never let go?

Many scientists and psychologists regularly conduct surveys among guys to find out what kind of ideal companion she is. Not all opinions are alike, but there are patterns.

So, for any guy it is important that his companion:

  1. She had a good sense of humor. Guys love girls who can laugh at themselves, at others and just have fun.
  2. She had a beautiful smile. According to statistics, smiling women are considered more attractive. They attract the attention of others, endear them, and communicate with them more pleasantly.
  3. She was intellectually savvy. Guys love and respect smart girls who can carry on a conversation.
  4. Expressed sensuality. If a young man chooses a companion for a fruitful relationship, it is important for him that she supports him, comforts him and understands him.
  5. It had an internal core. Sometimes it is difficult for girls to combine femininity and strength, but these are the kind of ladies that attract men.
  6. She was purposeful. When a girl knows what she wants and knows how to achieve it, this evokes admiration and respect from a man.
  7. She took care of herself and had natural beauty. In recent years, a large number of ladies have resorted to hair extensions, eyelashes, nails, and sometimes agree to plastic surgery to improve their body. Perhaps, according to glossy magazines, all these methods bring them closer to the ideal, but average men turn out to be opponents of artificial beauty. Naturalness and well-groomedness, in their opinion, are enough.

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Why do men like to look at women's buttocks?

The view, popularized in Desmond Morris's book The Naked Ape, is that men find women's buttocks attractive not simply because fashion dictates so, but because of the "voice of their ancestors." In times past, before face-to-face sex became the standard, a man would take a woman from behind, in what is now called "doggy style."

In fact, young people find a certain appeal in it. And this is due to the fact that this is exactly what the ancestors saw at the moment of intimacy. Thus, the belief that the buttocks are one of the sexiest parts of the female body underscores the theory of human gene memory.

Do they like being jealous?

To some extent, all people enjoy being jealous. Such behavior may flatter a young man, but if a girl goes too far, controls and causes scandals, he will quickly get tired of it.

After a certain point it becomes really annoying and off-putting. Especially when jealousy on the part of a partner arises out of nowhere or because of her wild imagination.

Who are chosen as wives?

In this case, the saying is true: “They date some girls, they marry others!” Sometimes relationships that have lasted for years collapse in an instant, and a former lover leads down the aisle a girl whom he met a month ago. Psychologists tried to figure out what the reason was.


How to become truly attractive to the men around you

Of course, everyone chooses a woman who matches his inner values ​​and views, that is, in family life she can give him what he dreams of. However, there are common stereotypes. Qualities that a future wife should have:

  • affectionate, kind, caring;
  • knows how to listen and remain silent when necessary;
  • modest, wise, purposeful;
  • feminine;
  • economic;
  • responsible;
  • understanding;
  • sincere, faithful;
  • should not impose itself, try to change the chosen one;
  • smart;
  • with common interests, views on life;
  • must be understood at a glance and at first glance.

Of course, men add: sexy, beautiful, well-groomed, healthy. But this largely depends on the husband, on how much he allows his wife to take care of herself.

Sense of humor

There are not so many witty girls, which is confirmed by the ratio of comedians on the planet. This quality manifests itself in different ways in people, so it is important that a woman understands a man’s jokes. Young people notice such girls, as well as those who can make him laugh. Any falsehood in this case is also unacceptable; feigned laughter can cause disappointment and rejection.

What guys value in a relationship

We can talk on this topic endlessly, but the guys always highlight several main points:

  • loyalty;
  • faith in him;
  • confidence;
  • personal space;
  • acceptance for who he is;
  • understanding;
  • support;
  • surprises, spontaneity;
  • ability to carry on a conversation;
  • Love.

A man will never leave a woman if she has at least half of the listed qualities.

Preferences based on zodiac sign

Each zodiac sign is suitable for a certain partner. There is a whole system for determining compatibility. Men do not always listen to horoscopes when choosing a spouse, guided by their own feelings and beliefs. Since all zodiac signs have similar traits, when choosing a spouse, you need to consider the following:

  1. Aries. Living with such a wife is like sitting on a volcano. She instantly sweeps away those who are disobedient in her path and builds her own rules of behavior. Temperamental, with a light sense of humor, cheerful, sociable.
  2. Calf. Representatives of this sign are calm, reliable, patient, but for the time being. If you anger Taurus, it will be impossible to stop the storm. A woman is terrible in anger - this is exactly the case. But she knows how to turn an average man into a successful businessman.
  3. Twins. You need to get used to the fact that your wife will always be smarter and more cunning. This lady does not tolerate constancy, loves to learn everything new, and demands excessive attention. You also need to be prepared for the fact that the house will be open to friends, acquaintances and colleagues.
  4. Cancer. It is considered the most ideal option for family life. Doesn't like to make trouble, smart, patient, reasonable, gentle, attractive, economical. Family values ​​are above all for her, and children are even more important. Cunning, insightful, vengeful. She doesn’t need to be told what or how to do. You will have to prepare for the fact that you will need to become an ideal spouse and father.
  5. A lion. She is called the showcase woman. She won't bother with cleaning if a manicured nail breaks during the process. She will not sit at home while her husband is at work. The lioness lives by her own rules and adjusts her partner to them. If you are not happy with something, you can only hint, but not directly express dissatisfaction.
  6. Virgo. I am convinced that husband and wife are a single whole, so they should look in the same direction, but only in the one that she chooses. It’s interesting that a man always feels like the head of the family, although in fact he is not.
  7. Scales. Soft, gentle, beautiful, sexy young lady. Many people dream about her. But it doesn’t always happen like this. Most of the time the girl whines, throws hysterics, cries, suffers, and “blews her brains out.”
  8. Scorpion. Attractive, sexy and femme fatale. Loyal, but only to herself. An excellent hostess if that's what she wants. Caring wife and mother.
  9. Sagittarius. The representative of this sign loves luxury, so she is looking for a wealthy husband. If her husband suits her, she will become his faithful wife and best friend. This is a hospitable hostess who knows how to make the family nest cozy. But if she gets involved in an adventure, then she will commit many rash actions.
  10. Capricorn. Practical, prudent, mercantile. She calmly leads the family and her husband (if not directly, then indirectly).
  11. Aquarius. The girl strives to become the head of the family. He supports his spouse in every possible way, even if he knows that the business is a failure. Aquarians live in their own world, creating a certain reality. If there is a place for the husband in it, then everything will be fine in the family.
  12. Fish. On the one hand they are submissive, on the other they are capricious. These ladies go with the flow and don’t try to change anything. They are satisfied that their husband decides everything, and they can only reap the benefits.

Experts recommend that girls not be a hypocrite and not play other people’s roles in order to impress their partner. Sooner or later you will get tired of it, your own “I” will appear. You always need to take care of yourself, maintain a normal figure, and remain attractive at any age. Well-mannered, modest and intelligent girls never go out of style.

Every man has his own standard of beauty, the ideal of a wife. But everyone wants to see a pleasant, well-groomed, sexy and understanding woman next to them.

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