Hyperthymic personality type. Brief dossier

Not all people have a stable psyche. An individual who has an unstable mental state is called hyperthymic or hyperthymic personality. Its weakness is the high risk of psychopathy under the influence of stress or psychological trauma. However, this type also has many good qualities that are important for successful communication with others and interaction with the world.

Such people are very interesting

Character traits of such people

Personality orientation - what is it in psychology, its types

The hyperthymic type of character accentuation has its own strengths and weaknesses, pros and cons. Hyperthymic character traits are, first of all, a love of freedom, independence, and activity in all its manifestations. They are described in all books on psychology. Among the negative features associated with this definition are:

  • Non-obligatory and unpunctuality;
  • Hyperthyms often change decisions, and this is not justified;
  • They are quick-tempered and often get angry over trifles;
  • They easily succumb to the influence of others and often take the life position of a person “going with the flow.”

The last feature deserves special attention. Due to the malleability of their character, teenagers with this mental characteristic often end up in organized criminal groups. There are cases when a child from a well-to-do family, who has everything he needs, decides to steal food from a supermarket “just for company.” The desire to do everything together with someone is a characteristic feature of such a person.

Hyperthyms are responsive and friendly, but unpunctual

Attention! Such individuals are more susceptible to depression than other personality types. However, you should not be afraid of this - this condition usually goes away on its own, without requiring treatment, and does not last long. Hypertim is not one of those who likes to worry or be sad for a long time.


Hysteroids love attention so much that they are ready to get it at any cost. Even if this means stepping over yourself, committing illegal acts, or destroying relationships with loved ones.

Therefore, the main feature is egocentrism, that is, the inability to accept someone else’s point of view, caring only about one’s own interests and feelings.

They behave defiantly, wanting to become an object of universal recognition and respect. Sometimes even criticism is perceived as a balm for the soul. But at the same time, they are quite touchy if someone dares to offend them, to devalue the opportunities and talents that they literally stick out for everyone to see.

Their acting abilities are top notch, they are ready to take on the role in almost any condition. Even for one viewer.

They usually do not feel sympathy for the people around them, but they can portray it very beautifully and reliably.

Self-esteem is excessively inflated, which, in principle, is a sign that in fact such a person experiences toxic shame for himself, considering him almost insignificant.

But living it is so difficult that you deceive yourself, believing in your exclusivity. In this way, the psyche protects itself from strong experiences and psychological trauma, creating an illusory idea of ​​one’s own person.

He loves fashionable, unusual things that naturally attract attention and make him stand out from the crowd.

He reads a lot, visits exhibitions, the theater, giving the impression of an educated, cultural and intellectually developed person. Which, in principle, is what it actually is.

After all, he communicates mainly with those from whom he can really gain interesting knowledge, gain experience that he can later brag about in public.

He has a well-developed sense of humor, which is not surprising, because the ability to make people laugh helps to become a popular, famous and desirable interlocutor.

You can really listen to the hysteroid; his speech is perfectly delivered. He simply masterfully controls his intonation, avoiding the use of filler words and awkward pauses.

Varieties of hyperthymic psychotype

Personality qualities - what is it in psychology, characteristics

Hyperthymia in psychology is a general concept that characterizes the instability of the psyche and its susceptibility to constant changes. There are many descriptions of a hyperthymic character, all of them are similar in one thing: such a person is distinguished by an increased level of physical and intellectual activity. Hyperthymas are divided into several types; below is a brief description of them:

  • Hysteroids (inappropriately react to stress);
  • With an unstable psyche (they love pleasure, are prone to alcoholism and drug addiction, often cannot quit smoking);
  • Cyclical (mood and attitude towards the world around you constantly change);
  • Affective (hot-tempered, overly emotionally reactive to any stimulus).

Working with each specific psychotype requires an individual approach.


There are several types of hyperthymic temperament depending on the dominant character traits, including sthenic-hyperthymic, hysteroid-hyperthymic, affective-hyperthymic. The sthenic-hyperthymic type is characterized by the following characteristics: speed of response to changes in external conditions, high ability to work, and resistance to stress.

Hysterical-hyperthymic temperament is manifested by unpredictability, increased irritability, emotional lability, and susceptibility to stress. The affective-hyperthymic psychotype is characterized by the following traits: short temper, outbursts of anger and rage. Typically, manifestations of aggression are fleeting, quickly replaced by a peaceful, benevolent disposition of spirit.

Age characteristics

Personal self-esteem - what is it in psychology

The main characteristics of a hyperthymic temperament largely depend on how old a person is. In psychology, hyperthymia can clearly manifest itself at different ages. The hyperthymic personality type is not only a diagnosis, it is also a way of life. Typically, such people love to travel and have a penchant for adventurism. A hyperthymic personality in adulthood is characterized by an increased desire to communicate with young people.

Children who show a tendency towards this type of temperament from birth are characterized by:

  • The desire to become an informal leader;
  • Frequent change of hobbies and interests;
  • Frequent changes of friends and girlfriends, a large number of friends;
  • Good study at school without the appearance of obvious interest in any particular field of knowledge (they know everything about everything, but a little of everything).

With age, these features only intensify.

In adolescence, there is a high probability of falling into “bad company”

Interesting. People of this type from early childhood love to speak in front of spectators and are not afraid of the public, so they often make outstanding representatives of public professions. An example is the famous American artist Jim Carrey, a true hyperteam by nature.


The hyperthymic type, among other character accentuations, was first described by the German psychiatrist Karl Leonhard. Hyperthymic people stand out noticeably in the crowd - they are full of enthusiasm, active, active and ready to immediately take on a new business. They love long conversations, easily establish communication connections, are distinguished by sociability and the ability to quickly win over their interlocutor.

The Soviet psychiatrist Gannushkin called the hyperthymic type of accentuation “constitutionally excited”, then his colleague Kerbikov defined this psychotype in the category of “excitable”. From childhood, hyperthyms stand out noticeably from their peers. They are distinguished by character traits:

  1. Mobility, restlessness.
  2. Restlessness, restlessness.
  3. Sociability, talkativeness.
  4. Tendency to mischief, mischief.
  5. Excessive independence, independence.

Hyperthymic children more often communicate with adults on equal terms; they have a poorly developed sense of distance. They are noisy, always find active entertainment for the whole group of peers, and try to lead and command other children from an early age. Kindergarten teachers and primary school teachers often complain about the disobedience and pranks of their students with a hyperthymic type of character.

Hyperthymic temperament is manifested by inexhaustible optimism and the desire to develop. Hyperthymic children have a lively, flexible mind. They grasp on the fly and easily absorb new information if it sparks interest. At school they often get high scores in their favorite subjects. At the same time, a lack of perseverance and attention affects performance in tedious subjects that cause boredom.

On the report card, excellent marks alternate with unsatisfactory ones. Another significant problem during school years is lack of discipline. During adolescence, excessive physical activity may decrease. Character traits appear clearly and vividly. The main sign of a hyperthymic teenager is always high spirits.

Outbursts of aggression and irritation are rare. The reason for anger is often the attempts of adults to regulate the behavior of a teenager, to interfere with his desires and intentions. Obvious indignation on the part of a hyperthymic teenager appears as a consequence of the desires of the people around him to subjugate him to their will. Short-term dissatisfaction arises as a reaction to one’s own mistakes, mistakes, and failures.

Hyperthymic traits are manifested by extreme dissatisfaction, rage, annoyance, and nervousness if the teenager is in a strictly regulated, disciplinary regime that requires strict adherence to the rules. The state of forced isolation is also extremely painful. Hyperthyms experience severe discomfort if they are left alone and do not have the opportunity to realize their energy and intellectual potential.

They maintain physical and mental activity for a long time in conditions of physical overload and lack of sleep. They demonstrate endurance and efficiency when performing complex tasks, when it is necessary to use resourcefulness, quickly respond to changing situations, and coordinate actions taking into account the influence of external factors.

The constant desire for an active lifestyle does not fit well with forced idleness. Hyperthyms do not tolerate inactivity combined with emotional distress, which negatively affects their mood and relationships with others. Acceleration (accelerated development) in physical and sexual terms is usually noted. Teenagers 15-16 years old often have a mature adult figure.

Conflict situations with parents and teachers more often arise against the background of increased control on their part, a desire to patronize, teach, and constantly give advice. Excessive psychological pressure leads to even greater disobedience and struggle for one’s rights. Trying to avoid excessive guardianship, hyperthymas gladly go on tourist trips with classmates and children's holiday camps.

However, more often they are quickly disappointed, finding themselves driven into the framework of new requirements and rules. Actions contrary to generally accepted norms of behavior are based not on the desire to break the law, but on frivolity. Teenagers do not think about the consequences of antisocial behavior. They rarely cross the line between what is prohibited and what is permitted in the broad sense of this concept - they usually do not commit serious offenses, limiting themselves to minor offenses.

Hyperthymic teenagers often become leaders in a company, which is associated with a willingness to act as a frontman, take responsibility, get into fights, and energetically resist attacks from group members and strangers. A love of risky undertakings and a lack of fear of danger increase authority among peers. They perfectly organize entertainment for the whole company.

Raising a hyperthymic child

The hyperthymic personality type manifests itself from childhood. Hyperthymic sthenic temperament implies a pronounced desire for leadership, so such a child will always be the center of attention. In order to properly raise a son or daughter with such a temperament, it is necessary:

  • Teach your child to strictly adhere to the daily routine by developing a brief reminder of the routine;
  • Gently, unobtrusively teach commitment and punctuality, and prevent lateness to school;
  • Choose the “right” friends with good characteristics for the child, who will teach only good things, because hyperthym quickly follows someone else’s example;
  • Monitor who the teenager communicates with in order to prevent crime and the development of alcoholism and drug addiction.

If behavior correction is necessary, you should contact a child psychologist; he will help parents find a common language with the child and better understand his characteristics.

A hyperthymic child demands attention and intends to achieve it by any means.

Hyperthymic adults

The hyperthymic psychotype is a holiday person or a hurricane person who is able to come up with an entertaining scenario for the current evening in a matter of minutes and then turn the plans into reality. You won't be bored with him, because wasting time is not for him. He is too active to sit back and miss opportunities for new achievements. If you need advice, contact Hyperteam, because he always has several options for winning strategies. External signs:

  1. Intense gestures.
  2. Expressive facial expressions.
  3. Fast, competent speech.
  4. Commitment to fashion trends in clothing, hairstyle, image.
  5. Blooming, healthy appearance.

They make decisions quickly. They don’t need time to “wind up” before doing a difficult task. They immediately go on the attack, using diverse methods and means to achieve the goal. Some frivolity helps you not get hung up on problems, which contributes to success in most cases.

Having climbed to the very top of the career ladder, they usually do not linger in the corridors of power. They are hampered by a too superficial attitude towards life, neglect of generally accepted principles and standards. They lack seriousness. In fact, until old age, they remain children who are not afraid of failures, recklessly rush to the embrasures and immediately forget why they started the offensive, switching to a new task.

Methods of self-control, communication with hyperthymia

The hyperthymic psychotype is quite difficult to communicate with . To communicate constructively with such a person, you must:

  • Be calm about his optionality and not take his promises seriously (most likely, hyperteam will not fulfill them);
  • React calmly to sudden outbursts of anger; they quickly pass and the person calms down again;
  • Do not be jealous of your many friends and girlfriends;
  • Find him something interesting to do (people with this type of mentality cannot stand monotonous, monotonous routine work).

If you follow these simple recommendations, establishing contact will not be difficult at all. It will also be useful to find out as much as possible about what exactly hypertim is currently interested in. With hyperthymia, people usually happily talk about their hobbies and expect support from others in these endeavors. Even if the activity of a hyperthymic person seems strange and absurd, under no circumstances should this opinion be voiced, otherwise the interlocutor’s reaction may be inadequate. When starting a partnership with such a person, you should keep in mind that he is rarely a monogamist and is prone to cheating (both men and women).

It is not easy to communicate with such a person. However, if you want to establish contact with hyperthym, this is quite possible. The main thing is to positively perceive his increased activity and fussiness. Having met an understanding person, a hyperthymic person will happily begin constructive communication. Then it will be possible to profitably use the best sides of his character.

How to communicate

The key to successful interaction with hyperthym is ensuring its employment, directing increased activity in a useful, constructive direction. To establish positive, fruitful communication with a hyperthymic personality, you need to adhere to the basic rules:

  1. Don't criticize.
  2. Avoid rigid boundaries and give freedom in decision-making.
  3. Do not impose activities that are unpleasant to him.

When talking, more often transfer the initiative to the hypertimus, do not linger on one question, do not exaggerate one topic for a long time. A hyperteam employee should be entrusted with organizing events and managing projects that require resourcefulness, a non-standard approach, flexibility and speed in decision-making.

Hyperthymia is a character trait that makes an individual active, purposeful, energetic, which often has a positive effect on career advancement, contributes to the implementation of one’s plans and success in life.

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