What is the difference between pride and pride. How is pride different from arrogance?


There was an illustrative incident in the life of one of the famous commanders.
His army advanced through the desert for a long time, unable to replenish water supplies. The liquid was running low, some began to become delirious and show signs of panic. Finally we managed to find a large lake full of clean and clear water. Almost all the warriors rushed to greedily drink water, filling their stomachs, washing and splashing. After their thirst was quenched, the warriors lay down near the shore. Some even lost consciousness from excess fluid. Only the commander and some of his comrades waited until everyone had drunk, then slowly approached the lake, also slowly taking the required number of sips.

The fact is that he was a proud man. The commander showed not only patience, but also respect for himself as an individual. If he were arrogant, he would have ordered everyone to stop and tasted the water first. He did the exact opposite, like a real aristocrat.

After the soldiers saw the behavior of their leader, they felt ashamed of themselves. It is quite possible that for some of them this day became a turning point in their lives.

Admit your mistakes

It can be difficult, but if you want to overcome your pride and arrogance, you need to deal with it. By simply admitting your mistakes, you reduce your pride and take responsibility for your failure. Remember that you can learn from your mistakes as long as you don't deny it.

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Arrogance is often shown by a person who considers himself better than others. This is often associated with a high position in society, or the presence of wealth, which is received by inheritance or by chance.

As practice shows, a person who has a stable psyche, who has independently earned recognition in society or has amassed capital, will not show arrogance. He understands perfectly well that at any moment you can lose everything, and all the values ​​of the world are, by and large, conventional.

There is a legend about one of the best students of Buddha Sarah, who was the favorite of the local ruler. The ruler, seeing Saraha’s high level of education and spirituality, decided to make him his son-in-law and offer to rule the country after himself. Saraha only laughed at this, saying that he was not so sick as to be arrogant towards people and become a ruler when there were so many wonderful opportunities to realize his essence.

For these words, the ruler was greatly offended and ordered Saraha to leave, to which he noted that such behavior of a noble person was an act of arrogance. After all, they managed to refuse him by expressing their opinion. If a ruler had a higher level of awareness, he would not have paid attention to Saraha’s remark.

The majority of representatives of the bureaucracy, the parliamentary corps, show business and the film industry suffer from arrogance. Even athletes began to proudly ignore questions from journalists and show disrespect for spectators and fans.

Seek feedback

Get feedback from people you trust to make sure you're doing right by other people. Accept criticism and learn from it. Doing everything on your own is a common mistake, you also need to seek feedback and use it to improve yourself. Ask them how you feel about them, how they feel about you, or what they don't like about you. This way, at this point, you will know how to work with your negative sides.

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Pride for a woman

Preservation of chastity has traditionally been considered a woman's pride. And we are talking not so much about virginity as about spiritual purity and prudence. Pride protects a woman from dubious connections and relationships. A proud woman does not tolerate disrespect, rudeness and rudeness, both towards herself and others.

Some people understand female pride as inaccessibility: “a woman should not be the first to meet someone,” “a man should woo a woman, win her heart.” However, inaccessibility and coldness are more characteristic of pride. Only an arrogant person can please her vanity with the advances of a man. A proud woman is simple and straightforward.

Author's opinion. Pride is the desire to rise above others. This desire is especially strong among people who consider themselves defective in some way and depend on the opinions of others. Pride comes from self-dislike and rejection.

“The boys at school used to tease me about being fat.” I dreamed of becoming petite and slim like the other girls in class, and I hated myself. When I grew up, I finally managed to lose weight. But this was no longer enough. I wanted to prove to everyone how wrong they were, that I was better than others. I won several beauty contests and, completely unnoticed, I began to be arrogant towards my plump competitors. I was incredibly proud of myself. This is probably why friendships with girls did not go well. Only a few years later I realized my mistake, fell in love with myself and began to relate to everything more simply. Now my soul is light and pleasant"

Pride and arrogance are very similar, but, nevertheless, different qualities. To distinguish one from the other, it is enough to look a person in the eyes. For a proud person they will be cold, full of contempt and arrogance. The eyes of a proud man glow with joy, he is calm and not at all rude.

Snezhana, Taganrog

I have always believed that it is necessary to separate these two concepts - pride and arrogance. Pride is supposedly such a noble feeling, and pride is when you are proud of yourself, how beautiful, smart and cool you are.

Those. in pride

there is a feeling of superiority, arrogance, exalting oneself over others.
I don’t know about other religions, but in Christianity (Orthodoxy, Catholicism) this is one of the seven deadly sins. While pride
in one’s country, in belonging to a religion, and sometimes in one’s loved ones or one’s own achievements, is strongly encouraged.

Analyzing the sad situation now happening in the world and in Ukraine in particular, I realized that pride is the same pride, and there is actually no difference.

Pride and arrogance - what's the difference?

Proud of belonging to any group of people (for example, “I am Ukrainian,” or “I am Russian,” “I am a Christian”), you are still proud of YOURSELF, you still feel superior to those who are outside your social groups, i.e. subconsciously you still consider yourself better than others. It’s just that this essentially sinful emotion is veiled, hidden under the guise of belonging to a certain society - you are not alone better than others, but you are better TOGETHER


It’s as if you are speaking not on your own behalf, but on behalf of the team. But in fact, YOU are still proud. Which means it’s YOUR pride, YOUR ego, YOUR sense of self-importance.

And this “noble” feeling can lead to hatred, aggression and the desire to kill. This is what often happens at football matches because of pride in one's team. Because when this feeling is also collective, expect trouble. Because then the responsibility is also collective, your personal guilt seems to be dissolved in the general one, and now you no longer feel any inhibitions and can openly do something that you would never dare to do alone.

Would one of my acquaintances, a Kiev yogi, have gone voluntarily to war, to shoot at DPR members, if he had not been proud of his belonging to the people of Ukraine, if the whole country had not considered it right and noble? A man who does not eat meat has gone to kill people... strange things are happening in your land, Lord!

There is also a theme that, they say, pride is a sense of self-worth, and pride is a sense of self-importance

. Complete bullshit. Self-esteem and self-importance are absolutely the same thing.

Here's an example. A professor with three higher education degrees found himself unemployed, and the employment center offered him the profession of a janitor. He refused indignantly - unworthy work! And I will say, this is a sense of self-importance. In essence, he humiliates the people who actually clean the streets. Someone has to do it! And perhaps the janitor put his heart and soul into cleaning the street and making people feel good - why is his profession worse than that of a professor?

On minibuses I often meet very decent people who try to sit in the last seats so that they don’t have to hand over money for a ticket. And if the last seats are taken and they have to sit in front, they are diagnosed with chronic deafness. How much dignity! It’s not clear what they’re doing in the minibus – the Rolls-Royce must have broken down. Of course, for an outside observer, their heart rate is off the charts, but they think it’s their self-esteem! So there is no need to justify pride with dignity.

In general, as soon as the comparison “who is higher, who is lower, who is more worthy, who is more important” is included, then pride immediately rushes. You need to have a cool mind - and then neither pride nor arrogance will disfigure you.

Bottom line. Pride and arrogance - no difference.

A person is an emotional person with established life rules. He has a large reserve of energy, with the help of feelings he expresses his attitude to the world around him, but what potential a person’s thoughts are charged with and what emotions he emits in the process of communicating with people depends on himself. Let’s try to formulate what pride is and why it is named for a person.

Be optimistic

Your negative thoughts will lead you to negative behavior. But if you turn all these negative thoughts into positive ones, it will eventually lead you to a positive approach and it will also help you overcome your arrogance and excessive pride. Optimistic people tend to anticipate the best possible outcome in all situations.

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What is Pride?

To begin with, let's give some revealing definitions. Why several? Because pride is a very complex and multifaceted flaw and a very dangerous sin.

Pride is inflated self-esteem when a person considers himself better than he really is, and also better than all other people. The problem is that this is an inadequate assessment of oneself, which leads to making fatal life mistakes.

Pride is disrespect for other people, which manifests itself as arrogance, boasting, ingratitude, inattention to others, etc.

I also liked the Christian definition from Wikipedia; I would call this definition spiritually literate:

Pride differs from simple pride in that a person blinded by pride boasts of his qualities before God, forgetting that he received them from Him. This is a person’s arrogance, the belief that he can do everything on his own and achieves everything on his own, and not with the help and will of God. In pride, a person does not thank God for everything that he has (for example, hearing, sight, life) and receives (for example, food, shelter, children).

Here is another definition that I consider adequate and reflects the essence of pride:

Pride (lat. superbia) or Arrogance is the desire to consider yourself independent and the only reason for all the good that is in you and around you.

Hypertrophied and expanded Pride turns into delusions of grandeur.

The main programs (attitudes) of pride, which need to be said goodbye (replaced with adequate beliefs). What a person stricken with pride usually thinks and says:

“I am the best, the most beautiful, the smartest, the most worthy, the most”

“I am better than others, smarter, stronger, cooler, etc.”, “And this means that I should have more than others, I have the right to this, I am better...”, “And that means others and the whole world for me owe much more than I owe to them and this world”, “And if I’m so cool and everyone owes me, then it’s not necessary to thank them, they owe me... it’s not necessary to appreciate them, they should appreciate me, I’m on much better than all of them…”, etc.

Sound familiar? I think it's familiar. If you are honest enough with yourself, you will remember examples in your life when you thought this way and how it ultimately ended. Think about examples of other people who behaved in a similar way, and what your reaction was to their attitude and behavior.

How is pride usually formed or where does it come from?

1. Incorrect upbringing. For example, when parents inspire their child from childhood - “you are the best”, “the smartest”, “the best”, “you are better than others”. It’s especially bad when it’s completely untrue and not supported by life. That is, the child has not done anything good, but he is praised and praised. When rewards are undeserved.

2. When a person is not trained to work with his Self-Esteem, is not trained to work with his shortcomings, treat them correctly and eliminate them. Then, with the first success, he begins to think that it is he who is so great, and not God, the Universe and Fate who favor him. That is, when a person takes credit for all the merits and successes, that all this is only thanks to him alone, his uniqueness and genius.

There are other causes of Pride, but we will look at the fight against them in more detail in the article - “How to get rid of Pride.”

Let's turn to the interpretation of words

Without knowing the lexical meaning of the words pride and pride, a person can give them a completely different, incorrect meaning. But it's never too late to clarify the situation. Let's turn to 3 well-known explanatory dictionaries - S.I. Ozhegova, D.N. Ushakov and V.I. Dalia.

What is pride, Ozhegov’s definition:

Definition of pride from Ushakov’s dictionary:

  1. “Abstract noun. to proud (pride of gait, character).
  2. The character or behavior of a proud person (his pride did not allow him to forgive meanness).
  3. What (the one who) is proud of (warships are the pride of Soviet shipbuilding)"

Now let's move on to the question of what pride is. The definition of this word is the same in all dictionaries, and is interpreted as “exorbitant pride, arrogance” by V.I. Dal did not see any difference between pride and arrogance, and defined both words as follows: “Pride, arrogance, arrogance is the quality, the property of the proud. To be proud, to be considered stupid. Proud – arrogant, arrogant, arrogant; inflated; who puts himself above others"

Indeed, the line between pride and pride is very thin. Pride often develops into arrogance. What’s remarkable is that this happens unnoticed. A proud person does not notice his guilt or sin. It really seems to him that he is better than others, more worthy, higher.

Pride and arrogance

Pride must be distinguished from pride. Wikipedia defines pride as a positively colored emotion that reflects positive self-esteem - the presence of self-respect, self-esteem, and self-worth. Russian writers (Tolstoy, for example) did not make a difference between pride and arrogance. Both of these qualities were clearly negative. And yet I think that pride is not as bad as arrogance. Pride is excessive pride, arrogance, extreme selfishness. From the point of view of faith, pride is when a person elevates himself above God and believes that he can do everything himself, without his help. The word pride does not include such a concept.

Signs of pride

(according to V. Sinelnikov)

  1. Pride is manifested by a sense of one’s own rightness and infallibility and the wrongness of others.
    Proud people feel that they are always right. And if they are wrong, then someone else is even worse. And since he is worse, that means I am better. From this position it is very convenient to criticize and blame others, which proud people do with great pleasure. These people do not see any shortcomings in themselves and refuse to change under any pretext.
  2. Another manifestation of pride is self-pity, self-flagellation.
    A proud man, not knowing his place in this world, is forced to create his own world and defend it with all his might. This takes a lot of energy, and such a person still does not feel balance or happiness. Therefore, he feels sorry for himself, castigates him.
  3. Condescension.
    A proud person creates hierarchical ladders and places people on them according to certain criteria.
    Most, of course, stand below him. From this sign follows the sign of “ humiliation of oneself and others
  4. Selective patronizing attitude
    . A proud person can choose one person, help him and say to everyone: “I help people. They should be grateful to me." This kind of help is insincere. She is driven by pride.
  5. “The world won’t exist without me,” taking oneself very seriously, focusing on what others think and say about one, bragging are all signs of pride.
    A person thinks only about himself and his importance. He talks a lot about his problems and does not listen to others. He does everything to attract attention to himself: expensive things, extreme gloss or, conversely, sloppiness.
  6. Refusal to help.
    A proud person does not allow others to help him. He wants to reap all the laurels himself. He thinks that if they helped him, then they will demand help from him in return and therefore he does everything himself.
  7. Valery Sinelnikov identifies a dozen more signs of pride. I would like to highlight one of them - the desire to argue and prove that you are right.
    A proud person does not want to accept another point of view. With a wheeze in his throat, he proves that he is right; he raises his voice in anger and irritation. A proud person always wants to leave the last word for himself, although each of us understands that truth is not born in a dispute. The truth exists, there is no need to argue about it, it can only be known. In a dispute, people only try to prove that they are right, and not to get to the truth.

Pride in the modern world

Let's look at what a person's pride can lead to. If you do not realize in time the harmfulness of pride, it can even lead to crime. We saw this in the example of the development of fascism in Europe, when the German nation began to consider itself better and more important than other nations. How much grief and tears fascism brought to everyone, including the German people.

Pride leads to national chauvinism, when one people considers itself to have the right to oppress other peoples. People are filled with national swagger, confusing chauvinism with national patriotism. In its extreme manifestation, this leads to physical violence against representatives of other peoples or nations, intolerance towards other people's traditions and beliefs.

To recognize the spiritual disease of pride, you need to know its main signs and manifestations:

  • arrogance;
  • swagger;
  • arrogance;
  • arrogance;
  • hatred;
  • prejudice;
  • vanity;
  • desire to humiliate others;
  • irritability and intolerance;
  • unwillingness to forgive and admit your mistakes.

I have listed the sources of food for pride. We have seen from historical examples how far a person can go in demonstrating his pride. But you may not agree with the listed examples of manifestations of the properties of pride, because many people do not know how to forgive and behave arrogantly. This is true. However, pride begins when a person ceases to control his feelings and allows them to completely master him. In this case, we are no longer talking about a simple sin, but about a manifestation of pride.

Arrogance Test

There are 12 signs of arrogance that may indicate that you may have arrogance:

  1. Reluctance to ask questions
    . An arrogant person believes that he knows everything he needs, and he is a priori smarter than others.
  2. Also a sign of arrogance is the reluctance to ask questions about the Path that a person is following
    . An arrogant person believes that he already knows how he will be better.
  3. Non-acceptance of criticism
    . An arrogant person considers himself perfect and perceives any criticism as unfounded.
  4. In a conversation, an arrogant person always speaks and listens only to himself
    . He is not interested in the point of view of his interlocutor, because the interlocutor is already, by default, mistaken.
  5. Constantly trying to lecture someone
    is also a sign of arrogance. A person believes that only he is right, and everyone around him is mistaken and it is urgent to “set them on the right path.”
  6. Love of praise
    . An arrogant person loves to be praised. After all, it is always deserved.
  7. Failure to perceive inconvenient truths
    . If an arrogant person is told a truth that harms his interests, he will reject any arguments.
  8. An arrogant person thinks he is smarter than others
    . He thinks that everyone around him makes mistakes. Everyone except himself.
  9. Thirst for power and getting pleasure from control
    , and more often - from humiliation and domination over others.
  10. Oddly enough, sycophancy
    is one of the signs of arrogance. A person, wanting to create comfortable conditions for himself, strives to please his superiors in order to gain even more power and influence.
  11. Constantly talking about the shortcomings of others
    . And constant humiliation and insults of other people on this basis.
  12. Not admitting your own mistakes
    . Inability to apologize and repent.
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