Matrix Visum eye drops

Vizox: drops for vision – negative reviews from doctors and buyers, scam, price of Vizox

Maxivisor capsules really earned my trust. Real reviews from those who used them to regain their vision only confirmed the effectiveness of such a drug. It passed all the necessary tests and was awarded a certificate of international quality.

MaxiVisor has also been tested by ordinary people with various vision problems. Such clinical trials took place at the research center. All participants in the experiment took this medicine for a month, without using any other medicinal drops or means.

And when the results began to be summed up, and the vision of all the subjects was tested, the results obtained pleasantly surprised even the doctors.

Therefore, when wondering whether MaxiVisor is a scam or true, you can simply read the reviews of those who have already tested these amazing capsules and I am proof of this! But I, like many, was skeptical about new drugs that promise quick and positive results. But now I have changed my mind.

Having already started using Maxi Visor capsules, I once saw a drug identical to this product in a pharmacy. Well, exactly one to one. At first I didn’t understand what was going on, because I knew that this medicine was not sold in pharmacies and could only be bought through the manufacturer’s website.

It is not surprising that some people then leave negative reviews about Maxivisor and think that it is a scam. They simply buy the medicine from the pharmacy chain, and the original is definitely not sold there. As a result, a person uses a fake, does not receive any therapeutic effect, and then writes that it is a lie.


Having already become closely acquainted with Maxivisor capsules and having experienced their amazing properties myself, I can highlight their incredible advantages in comparison with existing analogues.

Vizox drop tests

According to statistics, 99% of medications are useless in solving ophthalmic diseases. But Vizox drops are not one of them.

This is an effective drug that can restore vision and joy of life without harm to health. The action and safety have been confirmed by clinical studies and trials involving 13,200 people.

The audit was carried out by the International Association of Ophthalmologists over a period of nine months.

Results (percentage of participants):

  • 99% - vision completely restored;
  • 98% - inflammation and fatigue went away;
  • 96% - the lens has cleared;
  • 0% - side effects.

The results of the study confirm the effectiveness of the drug and the absence of negative effects on the body.

Among all medications, Vizox drops are considered the most effective.

MaxiVisor (Maxi Visor) - a scam for the visually impaired

MaxiVisor (Maxi Visor) is a new miracle remedy for treating the eyes for all ailments. This is exactly how the miracle pill named in the title is positioned. It doesn’t just cure: it restores vision, relieves intraocular pressure, eliminates the risk of unknown other diseases, and even gets rid of wrinkles around the eyes.

And the fact that it took eight years to develop this “miracle” speaks volumes! Whatever you say, MaxiVisor turns out to be a panacea. If, of course, you are gullible... But we are not like that! Based on numerous letters from users, we will conduct another investigation and find out “where the wind blows.”


Let's start, perhaps, with the fact that there is probably no worse test for a person than loss of vision! We perceive almost 80% of information through our eyes and loss of vision is a disaster! Needless to say, you should treat your eyes with the utmost care and thoughtlessly taking strange drugs like MaxiVisor can end in disaster!

Clicking on the advertisement takes us to a regular one-page website. This (for those who don’t know) is a type of “business” that consists of selling pacifiers at huge prices through psychological treatment and bright pictures.

In layman's terms - "zombification and steaming." That is, at best, you will get useless MaxiVisor drops , which, like clean water (costing, as you understand, zero rubles) will not cause you harm.

At worst, you will lose your sight.

A standard set of scammers awaits us on the site:

— price 990 rubles.

- constantly pop-up windows stating that a certain Vasya or a certain Klava from Mukhosransk ordered twenty packs each.

- a mention of the fact that there is very little of this magical potion left in the “warehouse” (have time, they say!).

The traditional absence of any documents does not surprise us at all. Don’t let it surprise you - the scammers don’t have them and never did.

Accordingly, you will never know about the composition, content, contraindications, etc.

Are you going to pour an unknown canoe from an unknown manufacturer into your eyes? After all, the reviews on the website about MaxiVisor (Maxi Visor) are positive ?! We believe not. But let's not rush.

The “diagnosis” had a lot of fun for us. Especially the last pearl (quote): “28% of people see this picture clearly. If you don't see this picture clearly, urgently.

start treatment! Let’s ignore the traditional problems with the Russian language among scammers (see for yourself: either they added an extra period in a hurry, or they forgot the capital letter. A mystery.) and let’s focus on the essence. Everyone can clearly see the picture itself.

But the IMAGE in the picture cannot be seen “clearly”. Even the falcon with its phenomenal vision! You cannot see “clearly” a picture that is artificially blurred!


Drops Visor for eyes

The ophthalmic drug in the form of drops “Visor” will help solve many eye problems. It is applied topically and helps to narrow the vascular walls of the visual organ.

The effect of Visor comes quickly and lasts a long time, so positive results from treatment with it will not take long to arrive.

You can find out the correct use of eye drops from a specialized ophthalmologist, as well as by reading the instructions.

What does it consist of and what effect does it have?

Visor eye drops contain the active component - oxymetazoline hydrochloride and such excipients as:

  • injection water;
  • monobasic Lewis acid;
  • sodium salt of boric acid.

After using the ophthalmic solution, its effect appears after 15 minutes and lasts for 6-8 hours. "Visor" is intended exclusively for local use in ophthalmology.

It has a pronounced vasoconstrictor and anti-edematous effect. The medication in question is also capable of causing the death of pathogenic microorganisms, suppressing reproduction and destroying fungal cells.

Indications and contraindications

The drug is recommended for use to relieve inflammatory processes.

According to the instructions, Visor eye drops should be used by patients who have the following pathologies:

  • inflammatory damage to the conjunctiva caused by allergens;
  • inflammation of the membrane covering the white part of the eye, provoked by dust, wind, smoke, bright artificial lighting;
  • redness and fatigue of the eyes;
  • swelling of the conjunctiva;
  • congestion in the connective membrane of the visual organ or around it.

With the help of "Visor" you can relatively quickly solve the problem of dry eyes, improve the condition of the visual organ in people who work a lot at the computer or near the air conditioner. In addition, it is recommended to instill eyes with oxymetazoline-based ophthalmic drops for people who wear contact lenses.

Despite the high effectiveness of Visor drops, not everyone is allowed to use them. It is not advisable to instill an ophthalmic solution in patients who are faced with such pathological conditions as:

  • angle-closure glaucoma;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the medication;
  • heart rhythm disturbance;
  • high blood pressure;
  • chronic heart failure;
  • diabetes;
  • impaired renal function;
  • hyperfunction of the thyroid gland.

Visor is contraindicated for children under 6 years of age, pregnant women and nursing mothers.

Instructions for use

Before starting to take the drug, you must visit a doctor.

Before using eye drops, you should consult with an ophthalmologist so that he can individually design a dosage regimen and limit the duration of the therapeutic course.

The annotation describes general recommendations and according to it, Visor should be used up to 3-4 times a day, placing 1-2 drops in the inner corner of the eye.

Typically, the duration of treatment is 5-7 days, but if necessary and only with the permission of the ophthalmologist, you can instill eye drops with Visor for longer than a week.

Negative phenomena

The pharmaceutical drug in question is well tolerated, but if used and dosed incorrectly, undesirable symptoms may develop, including:

  • itching, burning pain in the eyes;
  • swelling of the skin of the eyelids;
  • allergic reactions;
  • redness around the eyes;
  • dizziness, weakness.

Signs of overdose

Unpleasant sensations in the eyes and pressure surges indicate an overdose.

Exceeding the doses of Visor drops recommended by the doctor or the annotation entails the development of overdose symptoms.

It manifests itself in the form of irritation, drying of the eye mucosa, increased intraocular pressure and dilation of the pupil.

If you observe these negative phenomena, you must immediately stop treatment, rinse your eyes under warm running water and take symptomatic measures.

Similar means

If for some reason it is not possible to use Visor eye drops, the doctor will prescribe the patient another drug, but one that has a similar effect on the visual organ.

Thus, the eye moisturizer “Defislez”, made on the basis of hydroxypropyl methylcellulose and which is an absolute analogue of human tears, can replace the ophthalmic solution, in which the active component is oxymetazoline. Often, Hypromellose, Korneregel or Balarpan are chosen to replace Visor.

It is worth considering that each of them has its own instructions for use, contraindications and other features that you should familiarize yourself with before you start injecting it into your eyes.

special instructions

Before instilling Visor eye drops, you must wash your hands thoroughly with soap. When carrying out the procedure, you need to ensure that the tip of the bottle does not touch any surfaces or scratch the mucous membrane of the eye.

After each manipulation, it is important to screw the bottle cap tightly. The ophthalmic solution should be stored in a place protected from light at a room temperature not exceeding 25 degrees Celsius. Shelf life: 3 years.

An opened bottle should be used within 4 weeks.


How to use?

The PowerMatrix company produces the product in bottles with a liquid volume of 15 ml. Unopened drops can be stored for 3 years.

Dosages vary depending on the purpose of using the drops. In case of an inflammatory process affecting the eyelids, 1-2 drops should be applied to the skin. 3 times a day. If the eyeball has received physical injury, including due to chemicals or exposure to elevated temperatures, treatment is indicated for 1-2 weeks. The solution is instilled into the conjunctival sac located under the lower eyelid, 4-5 times a day, 2 drops.

In case of inflammatory processes, pathological eye diseases, as well as subconjunctival hemorrhages, the duration of treatment is increased to 1 month. In this case, the product must be instilled up to 5 times a day, maintaining the standard dosage. If a negative symptom associated with the organ of vision is a consequence of another disease, then Matrix Visum should be used daily for 2-4 months, instilled into the organs of vision every 6 hours.

Vismed eye drops

Improper functioning of the lacrimal glands leads to dryness and damage to the mucous membranes of the eyes.

Vizmed eye drops are used in ophthalmology to prevent such problems.

The product is a solution of sodium hyaluronate, which was obtained using the bacterial fermentation method.

The use of drops helps restore normal hydration of the cornea and the protective film.

The main advantage of the product is hyaluronic acid in the composition and the absence of preservatives. Vizmed has a viscoelastic structure that covers the mucous membrane of the eye, creating a protective layer that prevents dryness and redness.

Due to its adhesive property, hyaluronate retains moisture, which resembles the natural tear film of the eyes. This viscous structure of the drug allows you to fill existing cracks and micro scratches on the mucous membranes of the cornea.

Indications for use

Ophthalmologists recommend using Vismed drops to combat the following problems:

  • Schänger syndrome;
  • dry eye syndrome;
  • complex treatment of increased tearing, itching and severe eye fatigue;
  • severe congestion of the eye vessels with blood;
  • discomfort of the presence of foreign bodies caused by past illnesses;
  • discomfort from wearing optical lenses;
  • the effect of dry air, smoke and dust on the eyeballs;
  • burns and eye injuries.


A package of the drug can be purchased at a cost of 450 to 700 rubles. The selling price may vary depending on the pharmacy, region and volume of the solution bottle.


Regardless of the form of release, eye drops are a clear, colorless liquid. The main active ingredient is sodium hyaluronate 1.8 mg.

Additionally, the composition also includes:

  • disodium hydrogen phosphate;
  • potassium chloride;
  • calcium chloride;
  • sodium chloride;
  • sodium citrate;
  • magnesium chloride;
  • sterile water.

For children

There are no data on the use of ophthalmic solution for treatment in children.

Interaction with other drugs

To prevent a decrease in the effectiveness of hyaluronic acid, drops should not be used simultaneously with other agents for the treatment of ophthalmic diseases.

You should adhere to the general rules - use different drops with an interval of 20-25 minutes.

Pregnancy and lactation

The use of hyaluronic acid during pregnancy is safe for the mother and fetus. The substance has no toxic effect on the body and is not capable of harming health. However, there are no data on studies of eye drops during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

In this regard, the ophthalmic drug should be used only as prescribed by a specialist.

Side effects

Toxic studies have shown that the drug is not capable of causing negative effects on the body if all specialist recommendations are followed. Rarely, during the use of drops, a slight burning sensation may occur in the eye area, which quickly passes.

In some rare cases, if the recommended dosage is significantly exceeded, the drug may cause the following symptoms:

  • redness of the mucous membranes;
  • irritation of the membranes;
  • the appearance of a slight fog in the eyes.


The main and only prohibition on the use of Vizmed ophthalmic solution is the patient’s allergy to the components. In such cases, the ophthalmologist prescribes a product that has a similar effect, but a different composition.


There are no statistical data on cases of overdose with an ophthalmic agent.


Vizmed eye drops, like other medications, can be replaced with other medications after consultation with an ophthalmologist. As a rule, substitute drugs have similar composition or properties.

Analogs of Vizmed drops include:

Reviews from doctors

Alexander, ophthalmologist: Most of my patients respond positively to Vizmed drops after personal use.

In my practice I have used other drugs in this series, which also show high effectiveness when used correctly.

Among the positive properties, it should be noted: quick relief of redness of the membranes, elimination of an unpleasant burning sensation, hypoallergenic composition, quick relief of symptoms of dry eye syndrome.

Natalya, ophthalmologist: One of my favorite products is Vizmed eye drops, which have an adequate cost, which is justified by the effectiveness.

I most often recommend them to patients who wear contact lenses, as they come with complaints of severe eye dryness and pain syndrome. Initially, I recommend taking 2 drops twice a day and continuing therapy until the eyes are completely restored.

Then just use one drop before putting on your lenses in the morning. If necessary, the drug can be used twice a day with a minimum dosage.

Consumer Reviews

Veronica: At the end of the year, my daughter was intensively preparing to take exams and began to feel discomfort in the eye area. Tearfulness, pain and even pain in the eyes increased.

We consulted a doctor, who determined that there was overstrain not directly related to visual problems. We were prescribed these drops. We started dripping Vizmed and took additional vitamins for the eyes.

Within a week, the severity of the symptoms decreased, tearing, pain and dryness in the eyes disappeared.

Anton: I work at the computer and often in the evening I see red eyes and discharge from each vessel. While communicating with colleagues and friends, I regularly tried different drops that gave a short-term effect.

One day, a doctor I knew recommended Vizmed drops, which became a lifesaver for me. They are completely safe and cannot cause an allergic reaction. Now I always carry them with me and drop them when there is a slight feeling of dry eyes, without starting this process.

At first I dropped it three times a day, one drop in each eye.

Shelf life and storage

For long-term storage of Vizmed drops, it is necessary to maintain a temperature of no more than 25 degrees Celsius.

The storage location should be dark, away from sunlight and inaccessible to children. Do not keep drops at low temperatures or freeze them.

The maximum shelf life is 3 years from the date of issue. After opening the bottle, the drops should be used within three months.

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Matrix Visum eye drops

MatrixVisum is a drug that combines modern discoveries in biophysics and the results of twenty-five years of work by Russian scientists.
This is a unique product of the latest generation, obtained by energy-information processing of clean, specially prepared water.

Innovative equipment and techniques used to create MatrixVisum allow us to talk about a fundamentally new approach to the treatment and prevention of various eye pathologies.

Thanks to the influence of information fields, water molecules carry a special “health matrix”. Penetrating into the body, MatrixVisum identifies damaged cells and starts recovery processes, intensively accelerates and improves cellular metabolism.

MatrixVisum will restore full vision! Eye pathologies, injuries and inflammations, viral and allergic diseases - a unique innovative remedy will help with diseases of any origin.

This is not a medicine in the usual sense, since the action of the drops is based on a fundamentally different mechanism. This is a completely unique development that combines achievements in the field of science and technology, the use of exclusive equipment and revolutionary discoveries in biology and physics.

A preventive, rehabilitative and auxiliary drug has fundamental differences from traditional medicines.

MatrixVisum does not contain impurities and chemical elements, only pharmaceutical pure water prepared in a special way

Unlike many medications, side effects (including allergic reactions, addiction, etc.) from the use of MatrixVisum are completely excluded

Consistently helps with eye pathologies of any nature, supports eye health, acting as a preventive drug

Compared to traditional drugs, these drops heal at a deep, cellular level, normalizing the body's natural processes and activating hidden reserves

You will be able to feel the positive dynamics already 2 weeks after you start taking it, and the recovery processes will start after the first use

MatrixVisum goes well with any therapeutic procedures and medications

  • Myopia (nearsightedness)
  • Hypermetropia (farsightedness)
  • Presbyopia (age-related farsightedness)
  • Anisometropia, accommodation spasm
  • Astigmatism
  • Strabismus
  • Glaucoma, uveitis
  • Retinal dystrophies
  • Diabetic retinopathy
  • Diabetic neuropathy
  • Primary cataract
  • Allergic inflammatory processes of the conjunctiva of the eyes
  • Vitreous hemorrhage
  • Tearing
  • Viral and bacterial conjunctivitis, herpetic keratoconjunctivitis
  • Dry eye syndrome
  • Keratoconjunctivitis and keratitis
  • Chemical and thermal burns of the cornea, conjunctiva and sclera
  • Non-penetrating wounds of the sclera and cornea after surgical treatment
  • Damage to tissue of the cornea and sclera as a result of surgical interventions
  • Dystrophic changes in the cornea
  • Mechanical eye injuries
  • Eye fatigue from exposure to computers and smartphones, professional eye fatigue of vehicle drivers
  • Stye, cholazion, blepharitis
  • As a prophylactic agent for contact vision correction
  • Reduced eye sensitivity to external factors

The action of the drug is based on energy-informational matrices of water molecules. This is a fundamentally new approach to vision restoration. The unique product has been produced since 1993, during which time it has been tried by thousands of people of different ages and with different problems. The results exceed the wildest expectations; the effect of the solution was appreciated by both experts and patients.

In cases of using the drug as a prophylactic agent, it is noted that the general symptoms of eye fatigue disappear without a trace in 9 out of 10 people. In addition, statistics indicate an increase in general immunity, an improvement not only in vision, but in general well-being.

The use of MatrixVisum for various eye injuries (bruises, insect bites, burns), as well as during the postoperative rehabilitation period, shows that out of 100 people, 99 return to normal much faster and easier. In this case, of course, an important fact is the absence of any side effects: irritation, allergies, dizziness, and the like.

Such a serious eye disease as cataract requires long-term treatment and often surgical intervention. However, with MatrixVisum you can avoid such drastic measures and achieve significant improvements - this has been proven in practice. 70% of the total number of patients with a similar diagnosis and taking drops according to the instructions were able to achieve significant positive changes. Vision improves, natural processes of cellular metabolism and immunity are restored.

What is a visor? Visor: what is it, what is it made of, what is it for, how to use a visor

The ophthalmic drug in the form of drops “Visor” will help solve many eye problems.
It is applied topically and helps to narrow the vascular walls of the visual organ. The effect of Visor comes quickly and lasts a long time, so positive results from treatment with it will not take long to arrive.

You can find out the correct use of eye drops from a specialized ophthalmologist, as well as by reading the instructions.

Scam or truth?

Numerous positive reviews about Vizox drops were sent as a result of clinical trials of the drug, which lasted 9 months. 13,000 people took part in the studies, in 99% of them vision returned to normal, in 93% the condition of the lens returned to normal, in 98% inflammation and chronic eye fatigue disappeared. Participants did not experience a single side effect.

Many people are very distrustful of innovative solutions. This is why some consumers believe that MaxiVisor is a scam, what do experts say about this?

Computers and gadgets have become a part of the life of modern people. This in turn caused an increase in eye diseases. In recent years, vision loss among the population has increased almost 20 times.

The pharmacological industry offers drugs designed to stop the decline in visual acuity. How to figure out which of them deserve attention and which are simply placebo?

People do not always prefer to solve the problem with medication. Sometimes patients see surgery as the right solution. The use of MaxiVisor, thanks to correctly selected components, normalizes the functioning of the eye muscles, improves the condition of the lens and eliminates the need for surgery.

MaxiVisor, whose reviews indicate its effectiveness, has a natural composition. Its safety has been confirmed during clinical testing, it is suitable for patients of any age and has no contraindications.

Indications for use are deterioration of visual acuity, the presence of eye pathologies, redness, burning and dryness of the eyeball. This product is also recommended for those who wear glasses and contact lenses.

1. You have trouble recognizing people's faces on the street.

2. You squint hard to see the price tags of goods in stores, or the number of public transport;

3. You have to constantly wear glasses, but you don’t want to do it at all;

4. You see poorly in the dark after undergoing surgery;

5. Your eyes get very tired, even after a short period of reading or working at the computer;

6. You often suffer from a feeling of “sand”, tearing, redness of the whites;



Transparent colorless or yellowish liquid.

Pharmacotherapeutic group

Sympathomimetics used as decongestants.

PBX code S01GA04

Pharmacological properties


The effect appears 15 minutes after application and lasts 6-8 hours.


The drug "Visor®" is an adrenomimetic agent for topical use in ophthalmology. Has a vasoconstrictor effect, reduces swelling of the conjunctiva. The boric acid contained in the drug has a weak bactericidal and fungicidal effect.

Indications for use

– allergic conjunctivitis

– conjunctivitis of non-infectious etiology (smoke, dust, exposure to wind and sun, chlorinated water, artificial lighting)

– fatigue and redness of the eyes (for example, when working on a computer)

– congestion and swelling of the conjunctiva

Directions for use and doses

For adults and children over 6 years of age, 1-2 drops are instilled into the lower conjunctival sac or into the corner of the eye adjacent to the nose, up to 3-4 times a day.

The drug should be used for 5-7 days. If it is necessary to continue treatment for more than 7 days, consultation with your doctor is necessary.

Drug interactions

The drug slows down the absorption of local anesthetic drugs and prolongs their effect. Other vasoconstrictor drugs may cause side effects.

With the simultaneous administration of monoamine oxidase inhibitors (including a period of 14 days after their discontinuation) and tricyclic antidepressants, it causes an increase in blood pressure.

Release form and packaging

15 ml in polyethylene dropper bottles, hermetically sealed with screw caps with first opening control.

1 bottle, along with instructions for medical use in the state and Russian languages, is placed in a cardboard pack.

Storage conditions

Store at a temperature of 15 °C to 25 °C, protected from light.

Use opened packaging for no more than 4 weeks.

Keep out of the reach of children!

Shelf life

3 years

Do not use after the expiration date stated on the package.

Conditions for dispensing from a pharmacy

Over the counter

, The Republic of Kazakhstan

050000, Almaty, st. Kabanbay batyr, 114-13, tel.: 223-13-62.

Registration Certificate Holder

LeKos LLP, Republic of Kazakhstan

050000, Almaty, st. Kabanbai batyr, 114-13.

Address of the organization that accepts claims from consumers regarding product quality on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan

050000, Almaty, st. Kabanbay batyr, 114-13, tel./fax: 223-13-62.


Source: 82%D1%80%D1%83%D0%BA%D1%86%D0%B8%D1%8F/51564071477650974?instruction_lang=RU

MatrixVisum - eye health

MatrixVisum - eye health

MatrixVisum is a development of Russian scientists that incorporates the latest discoveries in quantum physics and biology.

MatrixVisum has a biophysically active effect, although visum is not a medicine in the generally accepted sense of the word.

Medical practice has shown that the effect of MatrixVisum on eyes that have one or another pathology of a chronic or acute nature is to restore cell metabolism (metabolic processes) and rapid activation of the body's defenses, restoration of cellular immunity and self-regulation mechanisms of energy-informational processes.

MatrixVisum - eye health

Water is a unique and universal carrier of various information matrices! The information matrix of diseased cells is deformed in relation to the matrices of healthy cells.

MatrixVisum, at the energy-informational level, through the field structure of the human body, itself finds weakened and diseased cells, restoring their energy-informational “health matrix”. Restores tissues, organs and the body as a whole. The entropy of water decreases, but its chemical composition, acidity level, basic physicochemical and organoleptic properties remain unchanged.

Medical practice has shown that the effect of MatrixVisum on eyes that have one or another chronic or acute pathology is the rapid activation of the body’s defenses and self-regulation mechanisms of energy-informational processes. MatrixVisum works not with chemistry, but with information. It launches energy-informational processes of self-healing, and this affects both a specific disease and all eye diseases in general.

During the initial period of using MatrixVisum, mild painful sensations in the eyes (burning) may appear, which disappear within 0.5–2 minutes, gradually these manifestations disappear. If temporary exacerbations occur as a result of using MatrixVisum, it is recommended to take a break for 3-5 days, and apply once a day for the next 3 days.

Indications for use:

  • Glaucoma
  • Retinal diseases
  • Diabetic retinopathy
  • Diabetic neuropathy
  • Primary cataract
  • Tearing
  • Viral and bacterial conjunctivitis
  • Dry eye syndrome
  • Keratoconjunctivitis and keratitis
  • Chemical and thermal burns of the cornea, conjunctiva and sclera
  • Non-penetrating wounds and erosions
  • Penetrating wounds of the sclera and cornea after surgical treatment
  • Damage to the cornea and sclera as a result of surgical interventions (keratoplasty, cataract extraction, keratotomy, keratomileusis)
  • Epithelial endothelial dystrophy of the cornea
  • Mechanical eye injuries
  • Decreased visual acuity
  • Eye fatigue from the harmful effects of computers and TV
  • Occupational eye fatigue of vehicle drivers
  • Strabismus
  • Barley
  • As a preventive and curative agent for contact vision correction
  • As a prophylactic for involutional changes in the cornea

Mode of application:

1-2 drops in the eyelid area 2-3 times a day.

For any damage to the cornea, including surgical injuries - 2 drops 4-5 times a day for 10-14 days.

For keratitis, keraconjunctivitis, epithelial-endothelial dystrophy of the cornea, hemorrhage into the vitreous body - 1-2 drops 3-5 times a day for 20-30 days.

For diabetic retinopathy, diabetic neuropathy, early cataracts, retinal diseases - 1-2 drops 4-5 times a day for 60-120 days, with a break of one day every 6 days.

Vizox eye drops: buy in a pharmacy, reviews, original, instructions

Important: the price of the product depends on the exchange rate and your country. To find out the cost in your currency, click on the button below or contact an online consultant. Delivery is carried out to almost all countries and cities with payment upon receipt. And almost always free. Also read below for a detailed review of this product.

Make a purchase or consult

According to statistics, every second person has vision problems. That is why the modern market is constantly replenished with drugs for the treatment of various ophthalmological diseases.

For your attention, a review of one of the most effective Vizox products - drops for improving vision, which in a short time not only restore clarity of vision, but also eliminate many other ophthalmological pathologies.

This drug is created on the basis of extracts from medicinal plants, which have a positive effect on the functioning of the visual organs and do not have a negative effect on the body.


1. You have trouble recognizing people's faces on the street.

2. You squint hard to see the price tags of goods in stores, or the number of public transport;

3. You have to constantly wear glasses, but you don’t want to do it at all;

4. You see poorly in the dark after undergoing surgery;

5. Your eyes get very tired, even after a short period of reading or working at the computer;

6. You often suffer from a feeling of “sand”, tearing, redness of the whites;

7. In strong sunlight, pain appears;

8. You suffer from frequent throbbing headaches.

Visox benefits and effects:

The active substances of the drug eliminate the feeling of dryness and, as a result, burning. Then Vizox seems to cleanse the lens and retina, and also normalize the blood supply. Already in the first days of use, patients notice a positive effect. But, for full treatment, drops should be taken throughout the prescribed course.

Main functions:

1. Normalization of vision.

2. Getting rid of fatigue and inflammation.

3. Improvement of fundus indicators.

4. Normalization of intraocular pressure.

5. Getting rid of vascular pathologies.

6. Strengthening the retina, preventing its detachment.

Composition of drops:

Various pathologies of the visual organs often develop due to circulatory disorders, lack of vitamins and minerals, as well as excessive load on the visual analyzers. Various disorders of the visual apparatus are effectively eliminated by an innovative product consisting of useful components of plant origin, extracts of such medicinal plants:

1. Chokeberry. Includes fifteen organic compounds that improve vision.

2. Ginseng. Contains more than 25 vitamins that protect the lens from the development of cataracts.

3. Arnica. Consists of unique tannins that eliminate fatigue and have an anti-inflammatory effect.

4. Irga. It is characterized by a high content of rutin, which normalizes intraocular pressure.

Instructions for use:

Vizox drops must be taken according to the instructions printed on each package of the drug:

  • Ten drops of Vizox, dissolve in 50 ml of water and drink.
  • Take the drug three times a day, 30-40 minutes before meals.
  • The drug must be taken continuously throughout the course, which lasts 4 weeks.

How to quickly distinguish an original from a fake:

In order not to purchase a counterfeit medicine, it is important to know that original Vizox drops are sold only on our official website of the manufacturer. Thanks to this approach to product sales, the manufacturer controls the quality and cost of its product, as well as reviews from specialists and customers.

Vizox reviews from doctors:

For those who think that Vizox drops are a hoax, what experts say.

– Senchenko N.Ya., expert of MAO:

“As you know, almost all ophthalmological problems are caused by obstruction of the blood vessels in the eyes. The innovative drug Vizox was developed by Japanese scientists in closed laboratories.

By strengthening the walls of blood vessels and cleansing the lens of the eye, Vizox completely restores vision after the first course of treatment. Since this drug consists of natural components, it is completely harmless to the human body.

Its effectiveness and absolute safety have been proven by numerous clinical trials. As an expert, I declare that today there are very few effective drugs on the pharmaceutical market. Mostly advertised and, as a result, expensive medications are presented.

The price of these drops is affordable, and their effect is very high. As a doctor, I can recommend Vizox to anyone who has been diagnosed with ophthalmological pathologies.”

Customer reviews:

– Oleg, 38 years old:

“I work at the computer all the time, because of this my vision began to rapidly deteriorate. Neither special vitamin complexes nor modern medicines could stop the process. I discovered Vizox drops, which restored clarity of vision.”

– Tina, 48 years old:

“In my family, cataracts are inherited by all women after 40. In order not to miss its appearance, my ophthalmologist recommended Vizox drops, which restore the membrane of the eye. I am satisfied with the result of using this product!”

– Nikolay, 29 years old:

“Recently I noticed that my vision had deteriorated, and after consulting with a good ophthalmologist, I ordered Vizox drops. During the first course, the drop in visual acuity stopped, the eyes stopped getting tired, and the headaches from high eye pressure went away.”

– Lyudmila, 61 years old:

“I was already planning an operation to replace the lens, then I found out about Vizox drops, the reviews about which intrigued me. After the first course of treatment, it became much easier to focus on objects, and after the second, I began to see in the dark.”

What is the price and where to buy the original:

In a regular pharmacy, it is not yet possible to buy the drug Vizox, the price of which compares favorably. This drug is sold only on our official website of the manufacturer, and mainly at a promotional price.

Make a purchase or consult

Please note: when placing an order in our pharmacy, you will receive a certified drug in the original packaging - upon request, we will attach a quality certificate to the order, and you do not risk anything - payment can be made upon receipt of the goods by mail or by courier after a thorough inspection. Please check with your consultant for delivery times and costs, after leaving him your contact information.


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