Eye drops Blink Intensive

Eye drops Blink Intensive

It is no secret that modern working conditions require a person to exert maximum visual effort.

The instructions for blink intensive eye drops make it clear that this drug can greatly alleviate the condition of our eyes in the following conditions:

  • the aging process, when the volume of tears produced naturally decreases;
  • hormonal changes during pregnancy and menopause;
  • taking certain hormone replacement therapy medications, antihistamines, and birth control pills;
  • Constant wearing of contact lenses, including the use of both daily disposable and long-term use lenses;
  • long periods of concentration on a computer screen, phone, reading;
  • being in a room with dry air or in the wind.

Why do blink eye drops help?

It's simple. Drops compensate for the lack of tear fluid, maintaining a protective tear film on the surface of the cornea. Normally, its components are: lipid (fat), water and mucin (glycoprodeid) layers.

Thanks to this structure, the film provides a sufficient amount of moisture and its uniform distribution over the cornea, and most importantly, prevents evaporation, which can contribute to drying of the eye.

Most often, tears contain insufficient amounts of lipids. This leads to evaporation and causes dry eyes.

Blink eye drops can keep the cornea hydrated, flush out dust and debris, and assist in the mechanical removal of bacteria that could cause infection. In addition, thanks to the drops, microscopic irregularities on the cornea are smoothed out, its smoothness and specularity are maintained, which has a positive effect on the refractive properties and quality of vision.

Thus, blink eye drops help to cope with the main symptoms of a lack of tear film (dry eyes):

  • redness;
  • irritation;
  • pain or burning;
  • a feeling of dustiness in the eyes.

What makes blink eye drops so effective?

Blink intensive tears is a drug based on polysaccharides. In addition to sodium hyaluronate, it contains distilled water; NaCl; KCl; CaCl2 (dihydrated); MgCl2; sodium boric acid, polyethylene glycol 400 (PEG 400) and a special, light-degradable preservative OcuPure.

Ayton eye drops

These drops are medium-viscosity preparations. They can be instilled into the eye up to 6 times depending on need. The secret of the action of sodium hyaluronate is its interaction with the remnants of its own tear fluid and restoration of the stability of the tear film.

It stimulates the migration of epithelial cells, which promotes regeneration and healing of the cornea and conjunctiva.

Blink eye drops are especially good for those who constantly depend on contact lenses. The drops provide a long-term effect that makes the use of soft lenses more comfortable, and contact with the cornea provides additional protective “lubrication.”

The drug is available in bottles or in special plastic mini-containers

The drug is available in bottles or in special plastic mini-containers that contain a dose for one use - 2-3 drops in each eye. Small bottles can be carried with you everywhere and used if you feel increasing discomfort. In addition to moisturizing the cornea, you can even wash dirty lenses with Blink drops.

Not all analogues of these eye drops can boast of a similar solution. However, eye drops based on natural polysaccharides remain one of the most numerous and popular groups. These drugs are Hilo-Komod, Hilozar-Komod, Hilabak, Oksial, Vismed-gel, Vizin pure tear.


Elena: Previously, I couldn’t understand why my eyes were fine at home, but when I came to work they just popped out of their sockets and started to bake. I was guilty of allergies, but everything turned out to be much simpler.

The office is air conditioned and my eyes were constantly feeling dry. I started using Blink Intensive drops. They just suited me perfectly.

The eyes do not dry out, the drops themselves are softly and easily distributed over the cornea, a feeling of comfort for the whole working day.

Katerina: I have been using lenses for a long time. Usually everything is fine, but it happens that you have to leave them on for too long, and then you feel discomfort from wearing them. The eye seems to tighten, it becomes redder and burns.

Then my salvation is Drops Blink Intensive or another modification of Blink Contact. I am very pleased because relief comes immediately, the drops relieve irritation, and vision becomes clearer.

I recommend it to anyone who needs emergency hydration when wearing lenses.

Oleg: I use Blink intensive drops because I work a lot on the computer. At the same time, the eyes get tired and dry. The drops help me regain a feeling of comfort and get rid of the “sand” in my eyes.

They are absolutely neutral - no smell, no irritation when instilled. I really like the slightly viscous consistency, which distributes the product well over the eye and does not flow out of it immediately after application.

I like to put them in at night, then in the morning my eyes are absolutely clear and rested.

Source: https://gsproekt.ru/lechenie/kapli-glaz-blink-intensiv

How to use Blink Intensive drops for eye treatment

One of the obligatory attributes of the life of a modern person is the use of all kinds of gadgets. Computers, laptops, tablets, mobile phones have become a part of our lives. Today it is not just a means of communication.

With the help of electronic gadgets, many carry out their professional activities and earn money. But long-term work at the monitor, sooner or later, leads to unpleasant sensations in the eyes.

If you experience increased eye fatigue, dryness and redness, it is recommended to use special ophthalmic medications. Thus, Blink Intensive helps protect the eye system from harmful environmental influences.

For what diagnoses should it not be used?

In 97% of cases of use, Blink Intensive drops are well tolerated by patients. The product does not cause serious side effects, so it can be safely used by a large number of people. However, there are diagnoses and situations in which the use of eye drops is impossible. Restrictions on use are imposed if:

  • The patient was diagnosed with closed form of glaucoma.
  • There is a dystrophic lesion of the cornea.
  • The patient's body does not tolerate any component included in the drops.
  • Age from 0 to 3 years.

The instructions for Blink eye drops state that in rare cases, patients may experience a feeling of stickiness and the presence of a foreign object in the eyes after using the product. If these symptoms are accompanied by redness of the ocular surface, it is better to avoid using drops.

Special Recommendations

Instructions for the drops Blink advises adhering to the following rules for using the drug:

  • Do not use drops if the protective cap is damaged.
  • It is not prohibited to instill Blink Intensive while wearing lenses.
  • In order not to accidentally infect the bottle with the medicine, during instillation you should avoid touching the surface of the mucous membrane with the cap.
  • To avoid infection, the bottle cap should not touch any surfaces.
  • After the first opening, the drops are good for 45 days. After the expiration date, do not use the product.
  • Can be used by pregnant women in the absence of obvious contraindications.

Similar drugs

The manufacturers of Blink Intensive, in addition to this eye moisturizer, recommend using Blink Contact. In fact, the two drugs are analogues and can replace each other.

In addition to these products, to moisturize the eyes and get rid of unpleasant sensations, you can purchase analogues of Blink drops, which have a similar composition and pharmacological effect.

Such drugs include:

  • Oftalik.
  • Visine.
  • Natural tear.
  • Hilo chest of drawers.
  • Systeine-ultra.
  • Khilozar-chest of drawers.

Which drug is best to choose should be decided with an ophthalmologist. If you are wondering whether pregnant women can use moisturizing drops, you should study the instructions. Not all drops are harmless. Some include components that are undesirable for the body of the expectant mother.

It should be noted that patient reviews of Blink Contact and Blink Intensive drops claim that these products are among the most affordable and most effective from a therapeutic point of view.

As users note, these eye drops perfectly moisturize the ocular surface, relieve fatigue and burning, and are suitable for frequent use.

The product is not addictive and therefore can be used for quite a long period.

Drops such as Blink Intensive and Contact are excellent at relieving discomfort. Before starting use, it is recommended to consult a doctor who will prescribe the most suitable moisturizing drops.

Despite the good tolerance of the drug in 97% of cases, there are some restrictions on the use of the drug.

Source: https://ya-viju.ru/kapli-blink-intensiv

Cost and similar medications

How much do Blink Intensive drops cost? According to patients, this drug is quite expensive. The price of one bottle of medicine is about 480-560 rubles.

If particularly necessary, the medication in question can be replaced with drops such as Floxal, Tobradex, Stillavit, Dinaf, Vitasik and others.

Eye drops Blink Intensive and Contact: instructions – About diseases

Blink contact is a sterile solution of eye drops, each milliliter contains:

  • sodium hyaluronate, OcuPure proprietary preservative (sodium chlorite), calcium chloride, sodium chloride, magnesium chloride, potassium chloride, borate buffer, water.

Package. Polyethylene bottles of 10 ml in a cardboard pack with instructions inside.

Pharmacological properties

Blink Contact is an innovative, highly effective solution of eye drops that can provide an immediate moisturizing, soothing effect. The use of Blink Contact guarantees a long-lasting feeling of comfort for people using contact lenses.

Its unique composition eliminates eye dryness and irritation caused by dust and intense light. The drug can be used for allergic reactions to pollen of certain plants, discomfort caused by polluted air or fatigue. Drops are suitable for use with any type of lenses.

Therefore, there is no need to remove them before using the drug.


The drug is instilled into each eye, 2 drops as needed, as this is a symptomatic remedy. Immediately after instillation, you need to blink several times to evenly distribute Blink Intensive.

Blink Contact eye drops are indicated for discomfort and dryness when wearing any type of contact lenses.

Blink Contact drops are instilled into each conjunctival sac, 1-2 drops. To distribute the drug evenly after instillation, you should blink. Can be used as many times as necessary. There is no need to remove contact lenses before instillation. In addition, for additional comfort, before putting on lenses, you can add 1-2 drops of Blink Contact to each lens.

  • Dry eye syndrome.
  • Increased fatigue.
  • Redness of the eyes.
  • Feeling of discomfort.

Blink Intensive is applied as needed to each eye, 2 drops. After instillation, you need to blink intensively for a short time, which will help the drug spread better over the surface. Before using it, contact lenses do not need to be removed.

  • Dry eye syndrome.
  • Redness of the eyes.
  • Feeling of discomfort, irritation.

Blink contact solution is introduced into the lower conjunctival cavity of each eye. Dosage: 2 drops, frequency of instillation is not limited. For better distribution of the drug over the surface, it is necessary to blink intensively immediately after instillation.

To ensure special comfort, contact lens users should place 1 - 2 drops of the drug into each lens before putting them on. The solution is suitable for use with all types of lenses.

Blink Intensive eye drops are used for red eyes and discomfort. These drops can be used when wearing contact lenses.

If necessary, 1-2 drops are instilled into each conjunctival sac. After instillation, you should blink several times to ensure that the drug is evenly distributed. Can be used as many times a day as necessary. If you wear contact lenses, it is not necessary to remove them before instillation.

• If necessary, place up to 2 drops of the product into the affected eye.

• Blink several times to distribute the drops evenly across the eye.

• Use the product as many times as necessary.

• If you wear contact lenses, you do not need to remove them before instillation.

Directions for use and doses

Blink contact solution is introduced into the lower conjunctival cavity of each eye. Dosage – 2 drops, frequency of instillation is not limited. For better distribution of the drug over the surface, it is necessary to blink intensively immediately after instillation.

To ensure special comfort, contact lens users should place 1-2 drops of the drug into each lens before putting them on. The solution is suitable for use with all types of lenses.

Please note that the use of eye drops for dry eyes is a symptomatic treatment and does not cure the disease. Only a complete diagnosis and identification of the cause will help solve the problem once and for all.


Analogs and price

Analogues of the drug Blink Contact are any drugs from the group of artificial tears, namely:

  • Hilo chest of drawers;
  • Hilo-kea;
  • Systeine ​​ultra;
  • Natural tear;
  • Vial;
  • Blink intensive;
  • Visine;
  • Oftalik and others.

The price of this drug is relatively low. It ranges from 250 to 350 rubles, depending on the pharmacy chain. The price of the drug Blink Intensive ranges from 350 to 450 rubles.

When are they appointed?

Blink intensive eye drops are prescribed in the following situations:

  1. If there is redness of the eyes that does not go away for several days.
  2. When discomfort occurs.

They can also be used if you have computer vision syndrome. In this case, they will quickly relieve tension and give clarity of vision.

Price of the drug Blink intensive

The cost of the drug “Blink Intensive” in Moscow pharmacies starts from 400 rubles.

Blink Contacts, moisturizing eye drops, 10 ml* is used for diseases:

  • Computer vision syndrome
  • Dry eye syndrome
  • https://mgkl.ru/patient/aptechka/blink-kontakt
  • https://.ru/article/238563/preparat-blink-intensiv-glaznyie-kapli-instruktsiya-otzyivyi
  • https://glazdoktor.ru/glaznye-kapli-blink/
  • https://yaviju.com/lechenie/glaznye-kapli/blink-kontakt.html
  • https://glaziki.com/lechenie/kapli-glaz-blink-intensiv
  • https://uglaznogo.ru/glaznyie-kapli-blink-intensiv.html
  • https://mgkl.ru/patient/aptechka/blink-intensiv
  • https://proglaza.ru/drugs/kapli/blink-kontakt-e.html

Source: https://probolesni.ru/kapli-dlja-glaz-blink-intensiv-i-kontakt-instrukcija.html

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