Is it necessary to use taurine and emoxypine eye drops for cataracts?

Criteria for choosing eye drops

The causes of eye disease depend on many factors.
It can be:

  • increased strain on the eyes;
  • allergy;
  • non-compliance with the daily routine;
  • changes in weather conditions;
  • mechanical or chemical damage.

Medicines for the treatment of eyes differ in their principle of action.

For irritation use:

  • moisturizing;
  • vasoconstrictors;
  • calming.

For inflammation use:

  • drops against inflammation;
  • antiviral;
  • antibacterial;
  • antihistamines.

The former help with reduced moisture on the surface of the eye and loss of elasticity of the blood capillaries in the protective layers of the eyeball. And the latter help get rid of allergies and inflammation of the eyes when damaged by viruses or pathogenic bacteria.

The choice of eye drops depends on the cause of redness and irritation of the eye.

Drugs for the treatment of eye diseases are divided into the following groups:

  • Anti-inflammatory.
  • Antiviral.
  • Antibacterial.
  • Vasoconstrictors.
  • Moisturizing.

  • Vitamin complexes.

These drops are prescribed to relieve acute inflammation or in cases of advanced eye disease.

The following remedies occupy a leading place in the fight against inflammation of the organs of vision:

  • Dexamethasone;
  • Diclofenac;
  • Tobradex.

Medicines can cause allergies, so they must be used with caution.

Medicines to combat the virus have three directions:

  • encouraging the body's defense system to attack pathogenic microbes;
  • preventing the virus from entering the cell;
  • blocking the exit from it.

Such drops for damage to the organs of vision are:

  • Oftalmoferon.
  • Aktipol.
  • Oftan I'm coming.
  • Poludan.

Ophthalmologists, in most cases of requests for bacterial eye damage, recommend the following drops:

  • Tobrex.
  • Sofradex.
  • Sulfacyl sodium.
  • Levomycetin.
  • Tsipromed.

It is undesirable to use these medications in case of impaired renal or liver function. They are also contraindicated for children.

The cause of eye disease can be not only the influence of pathogenic microbes or some changes in the tissues of the eye.

This is often caused by:

  • non-compliance with sleep patterns;
  • long work on a PC;
  • unlimited TV viewing.

Common medications to relieve fatigue:

  • Visine.
  • Visoptician.
  • Montevisin.
  • Visomitin.

The eye drops for redness and irritation listed in this section are soothing, vasoconstrictive.

They remove swelling and hemorrhages well. The drugs are prohibited for use in the treatment of children.

Moisturizing drops are used when the cornea is dry or damaged to prevent infection of the wounds. The agents are injected into the eyes as needed. Their use is not recommended for treating children.

The following products moisturize the surface of the eye:

  • Opt.
  • Hilo - Dresser.
  • Ophtolic.

Vitamin complexes for the organs of vision are used for preventive purposes to slow down the aging of the protective layers of the eye. The treatment process is long. No side effects were recorded.

The use of drugs is determined by the indications for use and are selected from this range:

  • Emoxipin.
  • Taufon.
  • Makulin.
  • Visomitin.

It is not advisable to prescribe the drugs to children.

In the post-traumatic period, it is necessary to protect the eyes from infection and relieve pain.

For this purpose, the following solutions are used:

  • Albucid.
  • Sulfacyl sodium.
  • Furacilin.
  • Diclofenac solution.
  • Indoclear.
  • Tobrex.
  • Okomistin.
  • Levomycetin.
  • Contrikal.
  • Inocaine.
  • Korneregel.

The drugs cannot be used if the patient has diseases of the liver, kidneys, or hematopoietic system. They are also contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women.

These drugs tightly envelop the eyeball and relieve pain. The drops are almost not absorbed into the blood and keep the fibrous tissue protected for 4-8 hours.

Eye drops for redness and irritation, permitted during pregnancy, are considered relatively harmless. Therefore, you cannot use them yourself.

Dexamethasone eye drops for redness and irritation can be taken even by pregnant women.

List of approved eye drops for pregnant women:

  • Levomycetin.
  • Tobrex.
  • Albucid.
  • Oftalmoferon.
  • Sulfacyl sodium.
  • Dexamethasone.

When pregnant and breastfeeding, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

  • Treatment should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor.
  • In the first trimester of pregnancy, do not use medications containing blockers and carbonic anhydrases. These components of the drug have a bad effect on the development of the fetus.
  • In the last trimester, it is better to completely abandon eye medications to avoid depression of the fetal nervous system.

When wearing contact lenses, precautions must be taken. If used incorrectly, they can cause a lot of troubles such as irritation, redness and dryness.

These rules are simple:

  • adhere to the terms of wearing;
  • remove at night;
  • carry out procedures for use with clean hands;
  • Store lenses in a special container and fill them with a special liquid.

Medicines create a stable protective film on the surface of the eyes when instilled and have no restrictions on their use. Problems with improper function of the visual organs are not typical for a healthy body. They are rather a signal for help.

A proper lifestyle, good nutrition, and hygiene are quite capable of maintaining eye health. But if it was not possible to maintain their natural health, you can choose eye drops for irritation and redness.

Article design: Oleg Lozinsky

Mechanism of action of Taurine

With age, the eyes become more sensitive to external factors (sunlight, dust, gas pollution, frost, hot temperatures), this is explained by the development of degenerative processes at the level of tissue structures.

The reason for such changes is Taurine deficiency.

While his eyes are sufficiently protected from harmful influences, a small amount of this amino acid in the body contributes to the appearance of dystrophic and atrophic diseases of the visual organs.

What reasons can cause Taurine deficiency?

  1. Impaired synthesis or absorption of taurine in the body.
  2. Taking foods, drinks or medications that reduce the amount of amino acid.
  3. Natural aging, hormonal imbalances, severe stress, high stress on the body.
  4. Frequent infections and progressive chronic diseases.
  5. Vitamin deficiencies, especially B vitamins.
  6. Vegetarianism, strict diets, fasting.

How does Taurine deficiency manifest in the body?

  1. Significant deterioration in visual acuity.
  2. Development of degenerative diseases.
  3. Declining vitality.
  4. Changes in blood composition.

Description of the drugs Vizin, Montevizin, Visoptic, Visomitin

Visine. The solution replenishes the lack of your own tear fluid, removes redness and puffiness. Visine is addictive when used for a long time, so you should not use it for more than 4 days.

Drops are instilled throughout the day until a positive result is obtained. Children under 2 years of age are prohibited from using the product.

Visoptic is an alpha adrenergic agonist. The drug strengthens and restores the elasticity of blood vessels, has contraindications, such as children under 3 years of age. You need to bury it three times a day.

Montevisin is a vasoconstrictor medicine. Inject the solution into each eye three times a day. The product is not used to treat children.

Visomitin is a keratoprotector. The medicine is well suited for treating older patients. It is not recommended for use by children under 18 years of age. Drops are administered three times during the day.

Drug nameVisineVisopticMontevisinVisomitin
Price, rub.)145216160500

Description of the drugs Taufon, Vitafacol, Strix, Emoxipin

Taufon. This medicine is used to restore lens tissue after injury, for glaucoma, cataracts, and conjunctivitis. Taufon also eliminates redness and inflammation of the cornea well. Taufon is used for 1 to 3 months several times a day.

Only a doctor can prescribe the exact dosage and frequency of instillation, depending on the disease. It is not advisable to use the medicine for the treatment of children under 18 years of age.

Emoxipin. The product resolves hemorrhage on the surface of the eye well and neutralizes light loads. Helps combat eye fatigue and dry eye surface. The medicine is used in the morning, afternoon and evening. The product can be used for up to 30 days without harm to health.

Vitafacol. This medicine is used to prevent/treat cataracts by stimulating metabolic processes in the protective layers of the eyeball. The medicine is instilled 2 drops three times a day, for a month. A slight burning sensation may be felt immediately after administration of the medicine.

Strix. Vitamin remedy. The main component of the tablets is blueberries. The product is used as a general tonic for the organs of vision. The course of taking Strix is ​​1 month, 2 tablets per day. Children under 7 years of age are not allowed to take these vitamins.

Medicines in this group stimulate metabolic processes in the protective layers of the eyeball and promote the resorption of hemorrhage.

Drug nameTaufonEmoxipinVitafacolStrix
Price, rub.)92-120156-187250-300545-784

Description of the drugs Tobrex, Sofradex Tobrex.

Tobrex. The main component of the drops is the antibiotic Tobramycin. The effectiveness of the drug is high. Restrictions on use are minimal. The medicine is suitable for all ages. Depending on age, the drug is prescribed a few drops up to 5 times a day. The duration of treatment is no more than one week.

Sofradex. The structure of the drug includes two antibiotics and a glucocorticosteroid. Therefore, it provides a fairly wide range of medical care.

But still Sofradex should not be used:

  • In case of individual intolerance.
  • For lung diseases, if there is a fungal infection in the eye area.
  • With suppuration of the protective layer of the eyeball.
  • For glaucoma.
  • Women pregnant and during breastfeeding.
  • For children's age.

Sulfacyl sodium. The drug is effective in the treatment of almost all bacteriological eye lesions. This group of antibiotics is prescribed for eye damage caused by pathogenic bacteria. Medicines are relatively inexpensive.

Drug nameTobrexSofradexSulfacyl sodium
Price, rub.)20017050-75

Indications for use

  1. Dystrophic lesions of eye structures (retina, cornea, conjunctiva).
  2. Cataract of any etiology (age-related, radiation, traumatic, diabetic).
  3. Post-operative and post-traumatic changes in the organs of vision.
  4. High blood pressure with glaucoma.

In addition to prescriptions for eye pathologies, Taurine is prescribed and taken orally.

Diabetes mellitus, cardiomyopathies, convulsions, diseases of the musculoskeletal system - this is what this drug is prescribed for.

The technology for obtaining Taurine is quite simple, and therefore the cost of the drug is low.

This product is produced by various companies, both here and abroad.

The composition of drops from different pharmacological companies is absolutely the same; only the outer packaging and dosing method may differ (built-in dropper or separate pipette).

Currently, the cost of Taurine is 15-50 rubles .

Pricing policy mainly depends on pharmacy chains. Dispensing the medication over-the-counter.

Description of the drugs Natural Tear, Optiv, Oftolik, Hilo-Komod

"Natural tear." This drug is a complete synthetic analogue of human tears. It is used to additionally moisturize the corneal epithelium. Repeat the use of drops until a positive effect is achieved. Duration of use is not limited. There are no contraindications or side effects recorded.

Opt. Is a moisturizer. Drops are used to replenish moisture deficiency on the surface of the eye. The medicine is instilled as the cornea dries. The duration of their use is prescribed by the doctor. The use of the product is contraindicated in the treatment of minor children, pregnant and lactating women.

During treatment, sometimes the following occurs:

  • visual impairment;
  • soreness;
  • swelling;
  • fear of light.

Ophtolic. The constituent components of the drug envelop the surface of the eye and are integrated at the cellular level into the structure of the protective fibrous tissue.

The solution is administered drops in 3-4 doses throughout the day. The medicine is approved without restrictions on age and existing diseases, except for individual intolerance.

Hilo Chest of Drawers. Used to moisturize the cornea of ​​the eyeball. It contains hyaluronic acid. The product relieves eye strain well when wearing lenses. Drops are used several times a day (as needed). No contraindications or side effects have been found.

Drug nameNatural tearOptivOphtolicHilo - Chest of drawers
Price, rub.)337411332-411450


Taurine ophthalmic solution is the amino acid Taurine . The drops have a 4% concentration and contain nipagin as a preservative.

The drug is produced in plastic bottles with a dropper tip. The volume of the medicine is 5-10 ml.

Store the drops in a dark and cool place (at temperatures below 15 degrees Celsius). The shelf life of the medicine is 3 years, and opened packaging can be used for one month.

Externally, pure Taurine is a white crystalline powder that does not dissolve in alcoholic liquids, but is perfectly soluble in water.

The difference between taurine and other amino acids is the presence of a sulfa group in the chemical formula.

Science has established that there is quite a lot of this substance in the human body, so taurine is considered a conditionally essential acid, i.e. it is synthesized independently, but in small quantities. Cysteine ​​and methionine participate in the production of this amino acid, and vitamin B6 acts as a catalyst for the process.

Taurine deficiency is replenished from the outside; products of animal origin (poultry, fish, beef) are rich in it; plants do not have this amino acid.

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