Taurine eye drops: instructions for use

Indications for use

There is a lot of debate about the benefits of Taurine for the eyes. Some consider the drug to be an ordinary placebo, others attribute magical properties to it. Despite the difference in opinions, doctors actively prescribe the medicinal solution for all ophthalmological diseases as a vitamin and metabolic agent.

Indications for the use of Taurine eye drops:

  • injuries, damage to soft structures;
  • cataract;
  • angiopathy;
  • retinal destruction;
  • glaucoma;
  • hereditary corneal dystrophy;
  • postoperative conditions;
  • keratitis;
  • internal hemorrhages, tumors;
  • ophthalmoherpes.

The solution is used for dryness and irritation of the mucous membranes of the eyes, quickly eliminates discomfort, relieves redness, itching, and relieves fatigue. It is also recommended for use when working at a computer for long periods of time, reading small text or other eye strain.

Attention! When using drops, you should remember that they are intended only for subconjunctival (under the mucous membrane of the eye) administration.

Do not drip the solution into your nose or ears. Such use will not cause any particular harm, but it will not bring any benefit either. There is no need to be afraid of the natural penetration of the drug into the nasal cavity through the lacrimal glands. All ophthalmic medications are developed in such a way that they do not irritate the nasal mucosa.

More information about the drug can be found in the video:

Contraindications and precautions

Taurine has very few contraindications. It can be used by almost everyone, except:

  • people with hypersensitivity to the components of the solution;
  • children under 18 years of age;
  • pregnant and nursing mothers.

Despite age restrictions, drops are often prescribed for the treatment of children. Pediatricians consider the drug safe, since it is included in many formulas for artificial feeding. In addition, the medicine is used topically, which significantly reduces the risk of overdose and adverse reactions.

Attention! It is not allowed to drop Taurine into the eyes during pregnancy. Its effect on the fetus has not been sufficiently studied.

But if you cannot do without drops, only a doctor should prescribe them. He also sets the daily dose and frequency of use, which will not harm either the mother or the child.

Benefits for the body

Taurine should be taken by those who want to live longer. This substance has an antioxidant effect, inhibits the effects of free radicals, and prevents their negative effects on the body.

Note! The amino acid is produced by the human body in small quantities. Therefore, it is advisable to additionally obtain this nutrient externally from food or nutritional supplements.

With a lack of taurine, problems with the liver, heart, vision arise, and the functioning of the brain deteriorates. If the amino acid is normal, then it produces the following effect:

  • improves brain function, tissue metabolism, digestion;
  • normalizes the metabolism of fats, calcium and potassium, energy balance;
  • relieves seizures, making taurine effective for epilepsy;
  • stimulates the production of gamma-aminobutyric acid;
  • regulates the release of prolactin and adrenaline;
  • increases blood flow;
  • removes bad cholesterol and excess water from the body;
  • reduces appetite;
  • increases endurance during physical activity;
  • prevents retinal diseases and visual impairment, improves microcirculation in the conjunctiva.

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Taurine is useful for diabetes, as it increases tissue sensitivity to insulin and reduces the risk of vascular complications. This substance also lowers blood pressure and produces a vasodilating effect.

Interesting! In diabetes, taurine does not affect blood sugar levels. However, it reduces insulin resistance.

In case of liver diseases, taurine increases blood flow, normalizes metabolism, and launches recovery processes. It has a nutrient and hepatoprotective effect, helps with alcohol intoxication.

The video describes this nutrient in more detail:

Release forms and composition

For medical use, Taurine eye drops are available in the form of a 4% solution. The drug is a clear, colorless and odorless liquid. It is bottled in plastic bottles with a dispenser with a volume of 1.5 to 10 ml. The container along with instructions for use is placed in a cardboard box.

The main active ingredient is the amino acid Taurine (40 mg per 1 ml of liquid). The additional components used are water, sodium hydroxide and the preservative methylparaben. It has a disinfecting effect and stops the proliferation of bacteria and fungi.

Taurine dosage for children

Taurine eye drops and tablets based on the amino acid of the same name replenish the deficiency of the element and enhance blood flow. You can use funds to improve brain function and support the cardiovascular system. The drugs are produced by Russian and foreign companies. The instructions for use contain important information.

Composition and release form

Taurine is available in the form of eye drops and tablets. Their composition:

DescriptionTransparent colorless liquidWhite round tablets
Taurine concentration, mg40 per 1 ml250 or 500 per 1 piece.
Auxiliary componentsWater, methyl parahydroxybenzoate, glucoseColloidal silicon dioxide, povidone, calcium stearate, microcrystalline cellulose, croscarmellose sodium
PackageDropper bottle 5 ml60 tablets in a pack with instructions for use

Properties of the drug components

The amino acid that is part of the drug creates conjugates in the liver with bile acids, which take part in the emulsification of fats.

Inside the brain, taurine is a neurotransmitter component that prevents the transmission of impulses between synapses, has a cardiotropic effect, and exhibits anticonvulsant activity.

The drug also normalizes energy processes and activates tissue regeneration in case of metabolic disorders (metabolism).

With a lack of essential amino acids, cardiomyopathy and retinal degeneration develop.

When administered subconjunctivally, taurine acts as a retinoprotective, anti-cataract, and metabolic agent, and when administered systemically, it exhibits hypotensive, cardiotonic, and hepatoprotective activity.

In chronic heart failure, the drug reduces the severity of congestion, increases myocardial contractility, and normalizes intracardiac diastolic pressure.

While working at the dacha, sawdust got into my eye, it became painful, my eyelids were swollen, and it was impossible to look. The doctor I contacted removed the foreign body from the cornea and prescribed Taurine drops for its healing. I used them several times every day. This helped to quickly heal the affected tissues and restore clear vision.

Maria, 52 years old

I have diabetes without insulin dependence, I am treated with special tablets. To prevent the disease from causing complications on the functioning of the heart and brain, the doctor prescribed Taurine capsules for me. I take them every day, stop after three months, and then repeat the treatment. Over the five years that I have been taking the pills, I have noticed an improvement in my health, plus my vision has become clearer.

Source: https://phoenix-pharma.su/taurin-dozirovka-detjam/

Dosage and application regimen

The instructions indicate that the regimen for using Taurine depends on the disease. If necessary, the norms recommended in the annotation can be changed by the doctor.

Table 1 - Rules for the use of Taurine drops

CauseTreatment regimen and dosage
GlaucomaApply 1-2 drops 4 times a day. The duration of therapy is determined by the doctor, but the maximum course is at least 3 months
Lesions of the retina and cornea of ​​the eyeUse 2-3 drops three times a day. Treatment period is 30 days. After a week's break, therapy can be repeated until symptoms disappear completely.
CataractUse 2-3 drops twice a day for 2.5-3 months
Eye dystrophy or injuryThe daily dose is 6 drops, divided into three applications. Duration of treatment – ​​10 days

Before administration, the medicine must be warmed to body temperature. To do this, the bottle is dipped in warm water or rolled in the palms of your hands. The solution cannot be dripped directly onto the cornea - the liquid is carefully injected into the conjunctival sac (the cavity between the eyelid and the eyeball), then massaged into the skin.

Attention! People who use contact lenses should remove them before administering the drug. They can be inserted again only 15 minutes after the procedure.

Eye drops Taurine in the treatment of cataracts - review

Taurine eye drops are prescribed for cataracts of any etiology (age-related, traumatic, radiation, diabetic), mechanical and dystrophic lesions of the cornea.

The drug stimulates tissue regeneration, nourishes and protects the mucous membrane of the eye from the harmful effects of environmental factors. The review provides information on the composition, pharmacological action, indications and contraindications for use, manufacturer, release forms and cost of Taurine.

Attached are similar instructions for use, a list of analogues, as well as reviews from doctors and patients.

Composition and mechanism of action

The main active ingredient of the drops is taurine, or ethanesulfonic acid. This substance is found in free form in the liver, muscle tissue, and in bile it is part of chemical compounds. A small amount of this acid is synthesized in the human body, but a damaged cornea needs additional volumes.

The mechanism of action of the drug is based on the therapeutic effects of taurine:

  • The metabolic effect is to normalize metabolic processes, due to which the mucous membrane of the eye receives all the necessary nutrients for its restoration.
  • Acid has a regenerative effect. In childhood, taurine is normally used by the body to build the retina. For adults and children, acid is necessary for the restoration of damaged eye structures.
  • The active substance of the drops is involved in energy metabolism processes. With regular use of the product, the correct distribution of energy obtained from nutrients occurs. Part of it is sent to the cornea and stimulates the formation of new cells.
  • The drug supports the transmission of nerve impulses due to the accumulation of calcium and potassium ions in the eye tissues, thereby maintaining visual acuity.
  • The antioxidant effect is to protect cellular structures from free radicals. These chemicals destroy plasma membranes, cause premature aging and kill cells.

The drops also contain additional components: sterile water and nipagin (methyl parahydroxybenzoate).

Indications for use

Taurine is not used as monotherapy, but it is included in the treatment of many eye diseases. Pathologies for which drops are prescribed:

  • cataracts of various origins (senile, traumatic, metabolic, toxic, radiation);
  • dystrophic changes in the cornea;
  • retinal dystrophy;
  • glaucoma (as a stage of complex therapy);
  • mechanical damage to the mucous membrane due to foreign bodies, burns, insect bites.

The product is also used to eliminate eye fatigue. This syndrome can develop with prolonged work at the monitor, increased dustiness of the air, or irritation of the cornea with chemical vapors.

The active ingredient of the drug relieves inflammation and swelling.

Pharmacies offer eye drops from different manufacturers. Their composition and solution concentration are the same, but the price may differ. The most famous companies that produce Taurine:

  • The pharmaceutical company Solopharm (Russia) specializes in the production of liquid medicines. The average cost of a package of 10 bottles of 1 ml is 55 rubles.
  • The company ZAO Lekko (Russia, Vladimir region) offers 5 ml of solution at a price of 20 rubles.
  • Diapharm Corporation is located in Russia, but has regional offices in the CIS countries. The cost of 5 ml of the drug is 30 rubles.

The drops are a colorless liquid with a concentration of active substance of 4%. There are three main types of drug packaging:

  • Polymer dropper tubes of small volume (0.4, 1.2 or 5 ml). A cardboard box (usually divided by partitions) can contain a different number of tubes, the total volume of the solution is up to 10 ml.
  • Polymer dropper bottles of 5 or 10 ml. They can most often be found in pharmacies.
  • Glass bottles of 5 or 10 ml.

The shelf life of a glass bottle is 4 years, polymer bottles and tubes - 2 years.

After opening the package, the solution is usable for a month.

Store the medicine at a temperature not exceeding 15°C, out of the reach of children.

Dosage and administration

Some recommendations regarding the use of the drug:

  1. Read the instructions (you can download the instructions here), they are included in each package of the drug.
  2. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap to prevent eye infections.
  3. Before using the product, warm the closed bottle in your palm.
  4. Pull back the lower eyelid and place a few drops into the conjunctival sac.
  5. Do not touch the tip of the pipette to your hands or cornea to ensure the solution remains sterile.

If the solution is in a glass bottle without a special dropper, purchase it separately. Do not use the same pipette several times; it is better to buy disposable accessories.

Treatment with Taurine for cataracts lasts no more than 3 months.

Instill 1-2 drops 2-4 per day, the exact dosage is prescribed after the examination. If necessary, the doctor decides to repeat the course, but not earlier than in a month.

The drug is used for the prevention and treatment of cataracts.

Before using drops, consult an ophthalmologist, as they have a number of contraindications:

  • children's age (up to 18 years);
  • period of pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • individual sensitivity to the components of the drug (allergic reactions).

In some cases, the doctor may prescribe the drug not only to adults, but also to patients under 18 years of age, as well as pregnant women.

This decision is made if the risk of complications of the disease (for example, the threat of loss of vision) exceeds the risks of developing undesirable consequences from using the drug.

No side effects were noted during studies and observations. Taurine in the drops has a local therapeutic effect and does not enter the systemic bloodstream.

Reviews about the drug

Reviews from practicing doctors and patients will allow readers to obtain more complete information about the medication.

Marina Igorevna, an ophthalmologist with 12 years of experience, recommends:

“In 90% of cases, cataracts are a problem for older people. Over time, changes in the biochemical composition of the lens occur, but they can be prevented in time.

Men and women over 45-50 years of age are at risk; at this age it is necessary to undergo periodic examinations and monitor visual acuity. I prescribe Taurine to my patients for both treatment and prevention of cataracts, and I see positive changes.

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to cure this disease with medication alone; in advanced cases, surgical intervention is indicated.”

Anna Mikhailovna from Belgorod, 35 years old, tells her story:

“My diagnosis is recurrent corneal erosion. Each time the illness was accompanied by pain, lacrimation, and it was impossible to look at the light. The doctor prescribed Taurine drops for me, I used them for a month, and all the unpleasant symptoms disappeared after a week. Six months passed, the disease no longer made itself felt.”

Igor from Ulyanovsk left a review after a course of the drug:

“I work as a welder and my eyes get tired during the working day. This year I decided to visit the doctor. He talked about all the consequences that can occur if the mucous membrane is damaged, and advised to instill Taurine as a preventive measure.

These drops provide nutrition to the cornea and prevent the development of cataracts. He added that maintaining vision will be much more difficult with age. I put it in my eyes for a month, and I feel that after work my eyes practically do not get tired.

If necessary, I will take another course.”

Analogues of the drug

On the pharmaceutical market you can find drops that are analogues of Taurine in composition. The main active ingredient in them is taurine acid.

Drug, manufacturersPeculiaritiesPrice
  • Farmak, Ukraine
  • Moscow Endocrine Plant, Russia
The composition, concentration of the solution, indications, contraindications and method of application are identical to Taurine.10 ml - 125 rubles
CatalinSenju Pharmaceutical, JapanIngredients: pyrenoxine, taurine, boric acid. The package contains a tablet and a solvent; the drops are prepared independently. 15 ml - 460 rubles

You can also choose a drug that will differ in composition, but have an effect similar to Taurine.

Drug, manufacturerPeculiaritiesPrice
QuinaxAlcon - Couvreur, BelgiumThe main component is sodium azapentacene polysulfonate. It is prescribed for the same pathologies as Taurine. 15 ml - 370 rubles
Oftan KatahromSanten JSC, FinlandThe composition includes cytochrome C, adenosine, nicotinamide. Drops are used to nourish the structures of the eye with cataracts, as well as for its prevention. 10 ml - 300 rubles

An analogue of Taurine is Taufon.

Let's sum it up

Taurine eye drops are a drug for the treatment and prevention of cataracts of various origins, as well as ulcerative and degenerative pathologies of eye structures.

The doctor prescribes the drug after determining the extent of the damage, and he also sets the required dosage and duration of the course.

One of the main advantages of the drops is their availability: the cost of Taurine is lower than the price of its analogues in composition and action.

Elizaveta Kobeleva

Source: https://ophtalmolog.ru/lekarstva/ot-katarakty/taurine.html

Use of Taurine for prevention

Eye drops with amino acids can be used not only for treatment, but also for the prevention of diseases such as cataracts, glaucoma, and dry keratitis. The vitamin improves tissue nutrition, increases the flow of oxygen, stimulates metabolic processes, and slows down the denaturation (destruction) of the protein included in the lens.

Attention! Taurine's ability to lower intraocular pressure is used to prevent glaucoma. The drug increases visual acuity, helps relieve tension, and improves the outflow of intraocular fluid.

Often, an ophthalmic solution is used to prevent dryness and eye fatigue when sitting for many hours at a computer monitor, working with small parts, reading, or driving a car. These factors cause tension and decreased visual acuity.

Taurine should be administered for prevention once a day, 1-2 drops in each eye for a month. It is recommended to carry out the procedures three times a year. It should be remembered that a one-time administration of the solution will not bring any benefit. The medication is able to accumulate in the body, and only after completing the entire course does it produce an effect.

Benefits and harms of Taurine eye drops

Taurine eye drops are an effective medicine that restores the retina during age-related or degenerative changes.

It is recommended for the prevention and treatment of cataracts, elimination of ophthalmic pathologies, saturates tissues with useful substances, relieving stress.

The drug has a number of restrictions on use, so you must carefully study the instructions and manufacturer's dosage recommendations.


Taurine is an eye drop based on the amino acid of the same name. The active substance is dissolved in distilled water, giving a therapeutic concentration of 4%. The chemical component is synthesized from bovine bile and has regenerating and anti-inflammatory properties. The composition contains methylparaben nipagin as a preservative.

The drug is a transparent solution, odorless and tasteless, without sediment or impurities. It is offered to patients in small dropper bottles of 1, 10 and 15 ml. The dispenser helps to apply eye drops correctly at home. The cardboard packaging protects the product from sunlight and contains detailed instructions for use.

Instructions for use

Depending on the diagnosis and stage of the disease, the ophthalmologist prescribes Taurine drops 4% in different courses. Before the procedure, you must wash your hands with soap or treat them with an antiseptic to prevent the entry of bacteria. The drug is carefully injected into the conjunctival sac and onto the desired area of ​​the eye, gently pushing back the lower eyelid with a finger. The drop is distributed over the sclera in a few seconds.

Instructions for use contain the following recommendations:

  • In case of corneal injury or erosion on the inside of the eyelid, 1-2 drops should be applied 3-4 times a day. Taking Taurine lasts from 3 weeks to a month.
  • For corneal dystrophy, the duration of therapy is 3–4 weeks, after which the dosage is adjusted by the doctor based on the examination results.
  • After surgery on the lens, drops are used as intraocular injections of 0.3–0.5 ml of solution once a day. The duration of treatment is from 7 to 10 days.

For children

When discussing with your doctor whether children can use the drug, you should remember its pharmacological properties. It is recommended for changes in the structure of the cornea and lens and affects intraocular pressure.

The solution rejuvenates tissues and blood vessels due to the influx of nutrients.

Therefore, eye drops are not recommended for patients under 18 years of age and are not used in the treatment of childhood diseases: they can harm the developing organ and negatively affect the child’s visual acuity.

Pregnancy and lactation

Eye drops with Taurine are instilled into the eyes, but part of the active substance is absorbed into the blood and can penetrate into the bloodstream of the placenta. Pregnancy and lactation are not direct contraindications to treatment. But the manufacturer did not conduct clinical trials to prove the complete safety of the drug for embryo development.

Read more Instructions for using Opti-Free drops

We should not forget that the main component used in the medicine affects the tone of the capillaries and has a tonic effect. Therefore, taking an ophthalmic drug during pregnancy should be agreed with the attending physician, and if possible, choose a safer and more proven drug.

Interaction with other drugs

Ophthalmologists categorically do not recommend using two different medications at the same time with the addition of the taurine-based amino acid. This can provoke a critical drop in intraocular pressure and dysfunction of the optic nerve. An increase in the hormone timolol affects visual acuity and worsens the patient’s well-being.

Eye drops with taurine should not be taken simultaneously with diuretics: increased sensitivity to Furosemide and sulfonylureas is observed.

Caution must be exercised when used with cardiac medications to correct blood pressure.

Side effects

In some patients, taurine eye drops may cause individual reactions. They appear after instillation as follows:

  • itching and burning;
  • increased lacrimation;
  • hyperemia of the mucous membrane.

With increased sensitivity, the patient's eyelids swell and blurred vision occurs. If the condition does not go away within 15–30 minutes after the procedure, it is necessary to cancel the instillation and consult a doctor for advice.

Shelf life and storage

When hermetically sealed, Taurine drops retain their healing properties for 2 years after the date of production. Once opened, they must be used within 4 weeks.


When selecting a drug, many patients are interested in how Taurine differs from Taufon. The only difference is the cost of the drugs. The first drug is produced by several manufacturers, so it is more commercially available. The composition is almost identical, and the treatment shows the same results.

How much Taurine costs depends only on the volume of the drug package. The price for a 5 ml bottle of eye drops starts from 69 rubles. More economical packaging of 10 ml with a dispenser - from 119 rubles.

Complete analogues of the ophthalmic drug Taurine - Taufon drops, Systane Ultra.

They have a similar principle of action and are used to treat cataracts and visual impairment associated with working at a monitor.

Read more Instructions for using Dorzolamide eye drops

Substitutes for Taurine drops, which are used for individual intolerance to the drug:

  • Oftan Katahrom;
  • Dibikor;
  • Balarpan-N;
  • Adgelon;
  • Faurin.

The products may differ in price, composition, and medical indications. What is best for the patient should be decided by the ophthalmologist after a vision assessment, tests and medical history.

Reviews from doctors

In most cases, doctors' reviews of Taurine are positive. Ophthalmologists note the following advantages:

  • natural base of the drug;
  • minimal number of contraindications;
  • affordable price for a long course of treatment.

Taurine is a beneficial amino acid that increases energy metabolism in eye tissue. Therefore, a specialist prescribes the solution as a means of prevention for people over 55 years of age and office workers.

Consumer Reviews

I had to use Taurine drops on the recommendation of an ophthalmologist: constant work at the monitor provoked serious vision problems. Sunlight caused a burning sensation, my eyes were constantly dry and painful. I used the medicine for a month, 2 times a day, but noticed relief within a week. Now I use it twice a year as vitamins, so as not to encounter problems again. The doctor recommended Taurine drops to my mother for the complex treatment of cataracts. Her vision was rapidly deteriorating, but she wanted to avoid eye surgery. The first course was injections of the drug, after which we use it constantly for 4-5 weeks with a short break. The disease is not progressing; at the next computer diagnostic, the ophthalmologist noted an improvement. Mom's only complaint is tingling after instillation, but it goes away quickly.

Source: https://infofarma.ru/kapli/taurin

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Taurine eye drops

Average rating: Number of reviews: 0

Taurine eye drops have good reviews. Doctors talk about the safety and reliability of the drug; patients note that the medication moisturizes and soothes the conjunctiva of the eye. Many people use the vitamin for prevention in between wearing lenses.

People who use the solution to treat cataracts note improved vision, the disappearance of redness, and a feeling of sand in the eyes. The drug also has a good effect in case of injuries - after 3-5 days relief occurs, pain, lacrimation, and photophobia disappear, tissue regeneration accelerates.

But the solution also has disadvantages:

  • not everyone benefits from the remedy;
  • In some patients, Taurine caused allergies, pain and pain in the eyes.

Drug interactions

The drug should be used with caution in patients using cardiac glycosides, thiazide diuretics, Furosemide, sulfonylurea derivatives.

Attention! Although the vitamin does not penetrate the systemic bloodstream, with prolonged use it can react with these drugs and harm the patient’s health.

In the case of co-prescription with other ophthalmic drugs, a 15-minute interval should be maintained between uses of the drugs. When used simultaneously with Thymol, the amino acid enhances its effect on intraocular pressure.

Price and where to buy

Eye drops with taurine are sold in all pharmacies and online stores. They are inexpensive. The exact price depends on the volume, manufacturer, and markups of the pharmacy chain.

Table 2 - Cost of the drug in Moscow pharmacies

PharmacyPrice of the drug, rub.
Doctor Stoletov15-70
White medicines7-53

The average price of drops with amino acid in pharmacies is 30-36 rubles.

Which is better: Taurine or Taufon

Taurine and Taufon are absolute analogues. They have similar mechanisms of influence, compositions, indications and restrictions on use. The main property of these drugs is to help in the treatment of glaucoma or cataracts, relieve eye fatigue, and improve tissue trophism.

The difference between the products is only in price and manufacturer. Taurine is produced by many domestic pharmacological companies, but Taufon is produced only by the Moscow endocrine plant of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise. The first one is cheaper than the second one.

Price 10 ml of Taufon 4% – 170 rubles.

Taurine drops - analogues

If for some reason you cannot use the medicine, you need to find a worthy replacement. You need to choose an alternative treatment with a specialist so that the medication is as suitable as possible. The drug Taurine analogs have the following:

  • Wet chest of drawers;
  • Artelak;
  • Ophthalgel;
  • Vidisik;
  • Artificial tears;
  • Jetrea;
  • Quinax;
  • Lipoflavone;
  • Okoferon;
  • Optive;
  • Oftan;
  • Taufon;
  • Ophtolic;
  • Retinalamin;
  • Uzala;
  • Thiotriazaline;
  • Dibikor;
  • Igrel.
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