Eye drops oko plus instructions for use

Vision is one of the most important systems of the body. With its help, a person visually perceives information and sees the world around him. Unfortunately, not everyone can boast of excellent vision.

Eye drops Oko Plus will allow everyone to see fully.

The unique composition of the drug effectively restores visual perception up to 100%.

Drops are produced in the USA. They have anti-infective, anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory, anti-glaucoma effects. The medication dilates the pupil and has a vasoconstrictor effect.

Indications for use

Oko Plus is indicated for any violation of the visual analyzer. It not only gets rid of the cause, but also prevents the development of other pathologies.

Each disease develops differently. If you do not start timely therapy, you can go blind, and there is no cure for the complication.

Oko Plus is indicated for use in the following conditions:

  • glaucoma - increased IOP, redness, impaired innervation of the optic nerve;
  • cataract - clouding of the lens, leading to complete loss of visual perception;
  • dry eye syndrome - manifested by burning, stinging, sandy sensation, redness;
  • hordeolum - a small bump above the upper or lower eyelid with purulent contents, causing itching and swelling;
  • conjunctivitis - characterized by the release of yellow secretion and the formation of crusts after sleep, causes burning, itching and hyperemia, and impairs vision.

The medicine is recommended for use for farsightedness and myopia, astigmatism and other diseases that lead to deterioration of visual perception.

The action of the drug is aimed at improving picture clarity without aids to correct vision. It reduces expression lines that form from squinting your eyes.

The medication can be used for children from an early age. It is prescribed from the age of 3, as it is hypoallergenic. Oko Plus does not cause side effects and has no contraindications.

The medicine is approved for use during pregnancy and lactation. Dermatological and ophthalmological studies have been carried out, which have revealed absolute safety for newborns and pregnant women.


The composition of the drug is natural. It contains no chemical compounds or other harmful substances. Thanks to its natural composition, Oko Plus has such an effect on the health of the optical system.

Substances contained in the drops:

  • Luteolin is a natural flavonoid. This is a powerful antioxidant substance. This component prevents the process of photoaging of the lens at a young age. At the same time, it eliminates inflammatory processes, improves immunity and prevents the formation of cancer cells. Luteolin helps strengthen blood vessels and prevents their fragility.
  • Barley juice. Milk relieves inflammation and destroys pathogens that cause eye diseases.
  • Clover juice. Complements the action of luteolin. It improves the condition of small vessels in the visual organs and restores blood circulation to the orbit.
  • Carnosine. This substance acts as a protector. Carnosine prevents the harmful effects of UV radiation and slows down age-related changes.

Composition and release form

The main components in eye drops are extracts of various medicinal plants, rich in vitamins necessary for the normal functioning of the optic nerve. There are no chemical components in the solution.

Here are the valuable substances contained in one bottle, which many call a vitamin bomb for tired eyes:

Hypromelose P eye drops

  • Barley milky juice - if the visual organs are tired, it relieves burning, irritation, discomfort, restores clarity of vision, fights “dry” eyes, and also helps cope with inflammation, including blepharitis of infectious origin.
  • Clover milky juice - restores blood microcirculation in the organs of vision, improves their nutrition, maintains intraocular pressure and, thus, protects the eyes from fatigue and the development of pathologies.
  • Carnosine is a natural substance that protects the eye from the aggressive effects of ultraviolet radiation and is indispensable for older people.
  • Zeaxanthin - helps not to lose the clarity of the visual image, protecting the retina from negative external factors and damage.
  • Luteolin – preserves visual acuity, helps prevent the development of glaucoma and cataracts or cope with them faster with complex treatment.

The drug is absolutely natural in its composition, so it can be used for self-treatment at home. Therapy with these drops does not require constant monitoring by a medical professional; their use is extremely simple and safe.

Drops are produced in small plastic hermetically sealed bottles with a measuring pipette. One bottle contains 5 ml of clear liquid without a characteristic odor. The bottle is packed in a cardboard box, instructions for use are included. The bottle is already equipped with a dropper dispenser and is intended for individual use to prevent infection of other people.

Advantages over analogues

75% of the population suffers from various visual impairments. Vision decreases due to unfavorable ecology, overexertion near the monitor and TV, and working in a dusty or smoky room. Oko Plus drops help restore. It’s not for nothing that they are considered one of the best.

Advantages of the drug:

  • rapid and effective reduction of intraocular pressure;
  • restoration of vision (numbers and letters do not blur, the picture becomes clear);
  • no laser correction is required for myopia and myopia;
  • prevents glaucoma and lens opacification at an early stage.

The medicine does not cause a burning sensation after use, like most other medicines. After the first course, the result lasts a long time, vision does not deteriorate immediately after stopping therapy.

It is enough to use Oko Plus 1 time to verify the effect and notice a significant improvement in vision.

Description of eye drops Oko-plus

The drug "Oko-plus" is a therapeutic and prophylactic agent that eliminates the causes of a decrease in visual acuity, and not just its symptoms. With continued use, vision becomes sharp and clear, which means you can forget about lenses and glasses.

In addition, Oko-plus is recommended for use by those who do not have significant eye problems, as it helps maintain good vision and relax the eyes during stress and fatigue.

These eye drops contain only natural ingredients, which especially attracts the attention of buyers. The herbal components of the medicine cannot cause harmful effects on the body, and also promote treatment more effectively. Includes:

  • Zeaxalin, which improves visual acuity;
  • Lutein, which helps strengthen the retina and clearer vision;
  • Barley milk, which prevents eye diseases and eliminates various infections;
  • The milky juice of clover normalizes eye pressure and restores damaged capillaries;
  • Carnosine restores cell membranes in case of all kinds of damage and normalizes metabolic processes.

Thus, all components of Oko-plus drops only contribute to improving eye health, which will be noticeable after 1-2 uses. And in just one course, the drug will restore vision in case of farsightedness, astigmatism and myopia, prevent the appearance of glaucoma and cataracts, and also protect against the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays, wind and smoke.

Instructions for use

It is recommended to use drops only after consulting an ophthalmologist. It should be remembered that independent use does not always bring positive results.

Correct use of eye drops:

  1. Wash your hands with soap and dry with a towel.
  2. Open the bottle and take a comfortable position.
  3. Tilt your head back slightly. Pull back the lower eyelid and squeeze out the required number of drops.
  4. Lie down with your eyes closed for up to 15 minutes. Press the inner corner with your finger or a cotton ball to prevent the medicine from getting into the nasolacrimal duct and leaking out.

The dosage of the drug is determined by the doctor. It depends on the severity of the disease. The duration of treatment is 30 days.

Approximate dosage: 3 drops. 3 times a day The number of drops can be increased, but you cannot do this yourself.

Treatment should be continued even after the painful symptoms disappear. One month is 1 course. Therapy, if necessary, is repeated or extended after a certain period.

When using several drugs, maintain a 50-minute interval between instillations.

Buy at a discount on the official website

How to buy Oko-Plus and avoid divorce?

Today you can buy Oko-Plus (aka Oka-Plus) only through the official website of representatives of the manufacturer Vostok LLC (on whose order these drops are produced). The manufacturer Vostok LLC (aka PromoART LLC), thus, creates and distributes a huge number of different drugs, only some of which are produced on the production equipment of Sashera-Med LLC:

The only site through which you can officially buy Oko-Plus today can be found at this link - https://bit.ly/30ySGz2 .

Externally this site looks like this:

Unfortunately, scammers very often use this design to sell their counterfeits. So be sure to only rely on the links provided in this article to avoid getting scammed!

Thus, you can officially buy Oko-Plus in any city in Russia, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan . Unfortunately, Oko-Plus is not yet officially sold in other countries, and only fakes are sold!

Consumer Reviews

Christina: After a preventive examination, they discovered a cataract. The disease had already begun to progress and most medications did not help cope with the problem. I turned to another specialist and prescribed Oko Plus drops. Completed the course of treatment. The cataract had receded, and the first doctor was already talking about surgery.

Antonina: I have never had problems with vision, but they discovered conjunctivitis. The eyes became very dry, the whites turned red, and the symptoms became especially severe after working at the computer for a long time. I started using Oko Plus, my neighbor advised me, but I consulted an ophthalmologist. The symptoms went away and the images became clearer.

What should you do after you have bought Oko-Plus to avoid divorce?

So, you ordered Oko-Plus, but are still not entirely sure that you bought the original? No problem! Now you can avoid divorce!

Pay attention to the external characteristics of the packaging! Remember that this is what the original product looks like:

It is always packaged with just such a bottle and instructions! Sashera-Med LLC must be indicated as a manufacturer on each package by order of Vostok LLC (PromoART LLC) and nothing else!

If only you find the following signs of fakes in the parcel:

Like a black or flat white cap. Or any other manufacturer besides Sashera-Med LLC and Vostok LLC (for example, Elion City LLC, as in our case) - be sure to refuse the order!

Conclusion: you should definitely check the parcel before receiving it . Any payments are made only after receiving the parcel by mail. If you want to save money, be sure to ask to check the package before receiving it.

Here's a simple list of things to check:

  1. The number of packages corresponds to what you ordered (if you ordered 2 packages, there should be 2. If you ordered only 1, but were sent 2, you refuse).
  2. All bottles must be the same and look exactly as shown in the picture with the originals above. It's very easy to remember.
  3. The manufacturer on all packages is indicated as Sashera-Med LLC by order of Vostok LLC.

If so, then congratulations, you have the original Oko-Plus in your hands, the same one that gives fairly high effectiveness in the treatment of various vision and eye diseases.

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