Instructions for use of the drug Anandin to strengthen the immunity of dogs

Indications for use

Drops that have anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effects at the same time.
“Anandin” for cats and dogs is a dual-action drug. Therefore, it is equally effective both for viral inflammation of the eyes and nose, and in cases where they are provoked by bacteria. The medicine is recommended for use in the following diseases:

  1. Acute conjunctivitis.
  2. Chronic conjunctivitis.
  3. Inflammation of the sinuses.
  4. Rhinitis of various origins.
  5. Complications after a viral illness.
  6. Weakening of the immune system.
  7. Bacterial and viral infections.
  8. To stimulate regeneration processes after injury and/or illness.
  9. Orthodecosis (mite infestation) of the ears.
  10. Otitis.

Description of the drug

Anandin is a highly effective specific antiparasitic veterinary drug of a new generation that has a complex effect. It is a synthetic low molecular weight cytokine inducer. Available in the form of a sterile transparent injection 10% solution of light green color with a specific odor.

In traditional veterinary medicine, it is used for the prevention and treatment of severe acute and chronic bacterial and viral infections in dogs and cats, diseases of various origins, etiologies (dermatotropic, neurotropic, pantropic diseases).

Drops "Anandin"

Anandin exhibits high biological effectiveness against most species and classes of DNA and RNA viruses and bacteria. The main active ingredient is glucaminopropylcarbacridone (anandine). 1 ml contains 100 mg of anandin. Excipients: distilled water, methylene blue.

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The veterinary drug should be stored in dark, dry places at temperatures from 0 to 24 degrees Celsius. Shelf life from the date of release is two years.

Anandin is a unique broad-spectrum agent that has an antiviral and restorative effect. The drug is used to treat pathologies of bacterial origin, in acute or chronic form. It helps to avoid the development of complications after illnesses and completely eliminates the inflammatory process.

Anandin is widely used to treat wounds and burns, restore the skin and fur of cats. When used in complex treatment, the drug neutralizes the effects of other components and reduces the production of toxins. This action helps reduce the impact on the pet’s nervous system and avoid stress while taking a large number of medications.


Drops for eyes and nose “Anandin” are a transparent liquid of green color (yellow for ear drops), which includes:

  • glucoaminopropylacridone is the main active ingredient;
  • specially purified and prepared water;
  • glycerol;
  • permethrin (in ear drops);
  • gramicidin C (in ear drops);
  • isopropanol (in ear drops);
  • castor oil (in ear drops and ointment);
  • Vaseline (in ointment);
  • potassium salicylate (in ointment).

Release form

“Anandin” is available in the form:

  1. Drops for eyes and nose. 5 ml glass bottle, in a cardboard box with instructions and a special dropper cap.
  2. Ear drops or “Anandin-plus”. 5 ml glass bottle, in a cardboard box with instructions and a special dropper cap.
  3. Ampoules for injections. Glass ampoules of 1, 2, 5 ml, in a cardboard box with instructions, 3 pcs.
  4. Vials for injections. Sterilized glass bottles with a volume of 5, 10, 100 ml.
  5. Ointment. 10 ml plastic bottles, in a cardboard box with instructions.


“Anandin” is stored in a place protected from children, animals and exposure to the sun at a temperature not exceeding 25 degrees Celsius. The medicine must be tightly closed. Authorized for use for 2 years from the date of release for drops and ampoules and 1.5 years for ointment.

Contraindications and side effects

The medicine does not have an irritating or negative effect on the body of a sick animal. It is not recommended to use Anandin if there is a possibility of developing an allergic reaction to individual components of the product. Ear drops are not used in cases of eardrum injury.

The medicine is well tolerated by animals during long-term treatment. However, exceeding the dosage may cause side effects. In this case, the pet may experience the following symptoms:

  • dry mucous surfaces;
  • skin itching;
  • anxiety;
  • deterioration of skin and coat condition;
  • difficulty urinating.

Mode of application

The method of administration and dosage is determined by the veterinarian, depending on the severity of the disease and its location.

Drops for eyes and nose

The standard duration of therapy is a week. For eye diseases, the drug is prescribed to be used morning and evening, 2-4 drops. For rhinitis - up to four times a day.

Ear drops

For orthodecosis and otitis, therapy is carried out for 7 days, if necessary, the course is repeated every other week. Drops should be used morning and evening. In this case, it is advisable to lightly massage the ear for better delivery and distribution of the medicine.


Injections are given intramuscularly for three days. To do this, take 20 mg of “Anandin” per 1 kg of pet’s weight.


The course of treatment lasts from 5 to 7 days. To do this, apply the ointment around the damaged area several times a day.

Anandin for cats

This informational article discusses a drug that veterinarians often deal with in their practice and which cannot be used without their advice, because in this case the animal may suffer more than from existing health problems.

Is Anandin an antibiotic for cats or not and its analogues

Eye drops are not an antibiotic. Its analogues: - Stillavit, eye solution; — Betoptik; — Polinadim; — Okupres-E, eye drops.

Anandin for cats side effects and effects, can be used for prevention, indications for use, overdose, composition

If you follow the instructions and precautions, the drug Anandin has no side effects or effects. For prophylactic purposes, Anandin is used at a dose of 10 ml per kg of live weight and administered intramuscularly.

The drug helps to cope with the following ailments: - carnivore plague; - with viral hepatitis; — with polyencephalitis; - for fungal diseases.

It also promotes: - restoration of the body after complex viral diseases; - restoration of damaged tissues; - formation of immune cells in the body.

There is currently no data on overdose with this drug. The main component of the drug: glucaminopropylcarbacridone. Excipients: glycerol and distilled water.

Anandin for cats: instructions for use, drops in the nose, eyes and ears, dosage

For conjunctivitis, it is recommended to instill 2-3 drops behind the lower eyelid of the animal, twice a day; for the treatment of rhinitis - 2-4 drops into the nasal passage, two to three times a day. The therapeutic course is continued until the condition completely improves, however, no more than 14 days.

Anandin for cats injections and ampoules, injection solution how to make, composition and description of the drug, cost and where it is sold

For intramuscular injections, the dosage is calculated individually: 15-20 mg of the active substance (or 0.15-0.2 ml of the drug) per kilogram of animal weight. Injections are carried out once a day for three days; in severe cases, the course is extended to 5-6 days.

"Anandin" is sold in veterinary pharmacies for 156 rubles.

Veterinary pharmacies "Vetlek", Russia. Working hours: from 9.00 to 20.00 seven days a week. Email; Website:

1. Vetlek veterinary pharmacy on Otkrytoe Shosse (next to the Rokossovskogo Boulevard metro station) Address: 107370, Moscow, Otkrytoe Shosse, building 5, building 6. Tel.; tel.

2. Vetlek veterinary pharmacy on Krasnoselskaya (next to the Krasnoselskaya metro station and not far from the Baumanskaya metro station) Address: 105066, Moscow, st. Nizhnyaya Krasnoselskaya, 28. Tel.; tel.

The drug itself is injectable 10%, transparent, green solution, 1 ml contains 100 mg of glucoaminopropylacridone. It is used intramuscularly, once a day for 5 days at a dose of 2 ml of a 10% solution (200 mg of the drug).

Anandin for cats against ticks, runny nose, conjunctivitis, how it works, reviews from veterinarians

Different forms of the drug help fight ear mites, runny nose and conjunctivitis. Veterinarians recommend combining this drug with other analogues, but only if directed by the attending physician. All of the above diseases can be treated at home with the help of the drug "Anandin".

Can Anandin be used for cats during pregnancy, panleukopenia, sneezing?

The drug "Anandin" and its active ingredients are so harmless that they can be used during pregnancy, panleukopenia and sneezing.

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Analogues of the drug

This remedy has no analogues, but it can be replaced with drugs similar in action, the main of which are:

  1. Ribotan. Contains low molecular weight polypeptides. It influences the activity of the immune system, accelerating recovery from a number of infectious and inflammatory diseases. The drug is used subcutaneously and intramuscularly. Cost – 850 rub. The disadvantage of the medicine is the lack of other forms of release.
  2. Gamavit. Contains emulsified placenta. The advantage of this medicine is its positive effect on the immune system and metabolic processes. The price of the drug starts from 300 rubles. The downside is that treatment can be expensive.
  3. Forvet. Contains the substance Panavir, which has an antiviral effect, activating the body's defenses. The disadvantage of the drug is the possible occurrence of allergies, and the advantage is its effectiveness against various viral and bacterial infections. Cost – from 350 rubles.

It is prohibited to replace one medicine with another without consulting a doctor.

Advantages and contraindications

The main advantage of the drug is its low price and availability.

The advantages of the drug include:

  • high tolerance by animals;
  • no side effects;
  • non-toxic;
  • compatibility with other drugs;
  • ease of use;
  • can be used for kittens, pregnant and lactating cats;
  • low price;
  • availability.

The drug has virtually no contraindications . The only problem may be individual intolerance to anandin or glycerol, which is rare. If an allergic reaction is detected, antihistamines may be prescribed. There are no complete analogues on sale.

Anandin Plus drops should not be used if the eardrum is damaged. It is necessary to avoid getting the drug on the cat's fur and mucous membranes.

Anandin Antibiotic In Ampoules Consequences

Pack of 3 ampoules of 200 mg. The price is for 1 ampoule.

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Properties and effectiveness . The active principle of the drug "ANANDIN" refers to new organic compounds that have no analogues in world pharmacology. "ANANDIN" has an exceptionally wide spectrum of biological action. "ANANDIN" is highly active against almost all classes of both DNA and RNA genomic viruses (for example, canine distemper, parvovirus gastroenteritis, viral hepatitis, encephalomyelitis, polyencephalitis, rhinotracheitis and many others), as well as staphylococcal infections and a number of fungal infections . "ANANDIN" is recommended primarily as a specific antiviral drug for the treatment of severe viral infections of various localizations (dermatropic, neurotropic, pneumotropic and pantropic diseases), as well as infections associated with immunodeficiency states and, as a consequence, the appearance of competing pathologies of a different nature.

Purpose . The drug "ANANDIN" is used in veterinary medicine for acute and chronic viral and bacterial infections, inflammatory diseases, to accelerate regenerative processes, and in cases of impaired immune defense of the body. Treatment and prevention of all forms of canine distemper, parvovirus gastroenteritis, hepatitis, and other viral diseases. Treatment of complications in animals that have suffered severe viral diseases. It is also effective in treating diseases caused by bacterial flora, primarily by increasing the body's immune defense.

Dosage and method of application . "ANANDIN" is administered to animals intramuscularly:

  • For therapeutic purposes, in doses: 10-20 mg/kg of animal body weight, once a day. The course of treatment is 3 days in a row. In case of delayed treatment, the period can be extended to 4-6 days.
  • Prophylactically, in doses: 5-10 mg/kg body weight, once.

Side effects and contraindications . “ANANDIN” is absolutely non-toxic (LD 50 = 4100 mg/kg im), does not cause allergic reactions or other side effects. There are no contraindications to the use of the drug. Treatment with ANANDINE is not an obstacle to the use of antibiotics, sulfonamides, hormones, or serum.

Storage conditions and shelf life . "ANANDIN" is stored in conditions that exclude light, at room temperature in the package. List B. Guaranteed shelf life under the specified storage conditions is 2 years from the date of manufacture.

Purpose . The drug "ANANDIN" is used in veterinary medicine for acute and chronic viral and bacterial infections, inflammatory diseases, to accelerate regenerative processes, and in cases of impaired immune defense of the body. Treatment and prevention of all forms of canine distemper, parvovirus gastroenteritis, hepatitis, and other viral diseases. Treatment of complications in animals that have suffered severe viral diseases. It is also effective in treating diseases caused by bacterial flora, primarily by increasing the body's immune defense.

Release form and action

Anandin helps cure dogs, cats, parrots and other pets from even the most severe viral diseases - hepatitis, plague, parvovirus, coronavirus. The medicine can also be used for preventive purposes to strengthen the body's protective functions.

Indications for use:

  • genomic viral infections;
  • mycoses;
  • cold;
  • staphylococcal infections;
  • inflammatory processes of the ears, eyes, nose with the release of pus;
  • dermatological pathologies.

The main active ingredient in the drug is glucaminopropylcarbacridone, which accelerates the synthesis of its own interferon in the animal’s body. The sooner you start treatment with an antiviral drug, the greater the chance of avoiding serious consequences.

Anandin is produced in different forms, which allows you to choose an effective remedy for the treatment of various diseases.


As additional ingredients, the product contains castor oil, distilled water, petroleum jelly and potassium. The ointment is a product of paste-like consistency, yellow in color, with a slight characteristic odor. It goes on sale in small plastic packages of 10 ml.

The product is intended to quickly eliminate various types of rashes, purulent wounds, eczema - such symptoms often appear with fungal infections, plague, after bites by insects and parasites. Anandin Plus ointment effectively destroys pathogens of the inflammatory process, accelerates the healing process, protects against the negative effects of external factors, many veterinarians recommend its use for burns and dermatitis.


Anandin drops are produced for intranasal administration for the treatment of ear and eye diseases.

Types of drug:

  1. Nasal and eye drops - 2% solution in a bottle with a 5 ml dispenser, used for the treatment and prevention of colds, the product helps well with acute and chronic conjunctivitis, with rhinitis and inflammatory processes in the sinuses.
  2. Ear drops - in addition to the main ingredient, the medicine contains gramicidin C, the substance is a broad-spectrum antibiotic that destroys staphylococci, streptococci, and gram-positive pathogenic microorganisms. The drug is prescribed for otodectosis and various types of otitis. The product is produced in plastic bottles of 5, 10 ml.

All products from the Anandin line belong to toxicity class IV - they are practically harmless for dogs of any breed and age.


The medicine is quickly absorbed into the blood, so it is prescribed for severe, advanced forms of viral or bacterial pathologies, and is used as an emergency aid - the maximum concentration of the active substance in the body after injection is observed within an hour after the injection.

Indications for use:

  • viral forms of hepatitis;
  • coronavirus and parvovirus infections;
  • plague, encephalitis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • toxoplasmosis;
  • infection with staphylococci;
  • parainfluenza, enteritis of infectious origin.

In addition to the main substance, the composition contains water for injection and methylthionium chloride. The drug is packaged in glass ampoules of 2 ml or transparent bottles of 5, 10 ml.

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