Factors influencing the child's development process

  • Development from A to Z

When a mother sees her baby for the first time, she forgets about all the difficulties that have haunted her for the last 9 months, about the inhuman pain that she had to endure in the delivery room and about the experiences that tormented her all the time while she was carrying this miracle in her tummy. And every mother at this moment has thousands of thoughts running through her head: how many months will this baby be at when she will smile at me, what word will she say first, what will she do to make us happy and what will make us sad, who will my child be, and so on. But few parents think about what kind of personality their baby will grow up to be, what the basic conditions for the development of the child’s personality are, whether responsiveness and understanding or laziness and bitterness will form in his mind.

How a child will grow up depends in most cases on the parents and the environment, because the factors in the development of a child’s personality are so different that many do not even suspect it.

Factors influencing personality development from birth

From the moment of birth, the baby, although poorly, still sees the world around him, even if not at full volume, but hears what is happening around him. Therefore, everything in your baby’s environment should contribute to the development of his motor skills, attention, thinking, memory, and, of course, personality development.

  • Family influence

First of all, we want to note the important role of the family in the development of the child’s personality, since this is the “foundation” that determines the reliability of the built “house”. The kid sees relationships in his family and unwittingly repeats them in everyday life. So, in a positive family, where dad always helps mom, where there are no scandals and screams, a sympathetic and kind person will grow up. Well, dysfunctional families, as a rule, produce frightened children who are accustomed to lying and dodging just to survive in this world.

Depending on the type of relationships in the family, it is possible to predict the development of a child’s personality. Of course, it is not worth asserting this or that fact, because much depends on the innate temperament and aspirations of the child. But we can say that in a family where a dictatorship reigns, the child will grow up withdrawn with severely low self-esteem. Parents who have ignored their child since childhood (the ideology of complete non-interference) grow up to be an early adult child who is used to achieving everything on his own. The conditions for the development of the child’s personality in this case are such that he does not know parental affection and love, so he is unlikely to be able to become kind and sympathetic. Overprotection also does not lead to anything good - in this way, parents will only spoil their children, turning them into capricious little “unwanted” children, who are extremely difficult to cope with.

But there is still one type of intra-family relationships that will help to raise the right personality in a child, kind, sympathetic, understanding, sincere and hardworking - these relationships are called “cooperation”. High moral values, provision of moral assistance, democracy - these are ideal factors for the development of a full-fledged personality.

  • Social influence

The influence of society on the development of a child’s personality begins from the moment he first saw this world. From childhood we hear that you can’t do this, that it’s ugly to speak like that, and so on - this is what society is all about, the taming of sincerity. A child who has not yet fully realized how to behave in society is the most honest and sincere person. But without society, we would all live in chaos, because it teaches us discipline, morality, and norms.

A child under 2 years of age is influenced exclusively by microfactors of society, that is, family and immediate environment. At preschool age, the child becomes more closely acquainted with society, with the established rules and norms in kindergarten. And this is the first step towards how comfortable the child will feel among other people. The older a child gets, the more he must comply with the rules that society has established. The circle of people around him expands; during school years, parents share their authority with teachers; in adolescence, parents are not an authority at all - the main thing is friends. But time will put everything in its place, and adult children will begin to understand their parents. The main thing is that the individual does not get lost in society, so that the child does not feel like a worthless grain of sand in a huge crowd.

  • Influence of the surrounding world

The first place after the maternity hospital where parents bring their baby is his cozy children's room. You may ask, can the interior of a nursery influence the development of a child’s personality? Of course, it can, because a child first of all studies the world around him with his eyes, and his mood and development in general depend on what colors and lines surround him. The baby should have a cozy nook, and even if you don’t have the opportunity to give him a separate room, you need to divide the bedroom into a parent’s area and a baby’s area (this can be done using an ordinary screen or a plasterboard structure). If your baby is lucky and has a separate room, take care of his safety: do not buy furniture with sharp corners, glass surfaces, etc. Well, when the room has been decided, it’s time to think about its color scheme. For very small children, calm, pastel colors are desirable; for older children, you can come up with a calm room with bright accents.

Every mother begins to sing lullabies to her baby even at the moment when he is in her tummy. And we all know very well that even in the womb, children hear us, and in the last months of pregnancy they even respond to their own voices with light movements of their arms and legs. The influence of music on the development of a child’s personality may vary depending on the quality of the melodies and songs themselves. Thus, the most favorable and pacifying can be called classical and instrumental music, musical fairy tales, and specially invented melodies for children. Properly selected music can calm the baby and develop his musical taste. Well, as they get older, children need to be introduced to instruments and vocals so that they develop their vocal cords, expand their horizons, skills and social circle. What children should not play is heavy music, rock, trance and other musical styles that are not at all suitable for a small, fragile psyche.

Like melodies, you need to be especially careful when choosing interesting stories for your baby, because the influence of fairy tales on the development of a child’s personality plays no less a role than music. Fairy tales go with us through life, teach us and instruct us, and they manage to remain for the rest of our lives not in our memory, but directly in our subconscious. Surely you tell your baby the same fairy tales every evening, and the baby remembers them, and when he grows up, he will recite them by heart without hesitation. The child still believes in miracles, he mistakes the heroes of fairy tales for real characters, associating himself with them. If the main character of a fairy tale is positive, then the child will imitate him only because he occupies a central position in the story. Well, if an evil hero dominates a fairy tale, then the child will involuntarily want to be like that. Therefore, choose fairy tales for your children with special care so that they want to imitate the right heroes. And there are not only folk tales, which we all know by heart, but also original ones. There are not only magical fairy tales, but also educational and psychocorrectional ones - their importance cannot be overestimated, because in fairy tales everything is told in simple words that anyone can understand, but their meaning can be deeper than in many books on psychology.

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The influence of parents on the formation of children

As parents, we often think that because we love our children, spend time with them, communicate with them, and discipline them correctly, we are ensuring their optimal development. It's right. However, the more fundamental basis for shaping a child's personal development is laid not only by our parenting methods, but also by who we are as individuals. Our personal qualities, our own behavior and attitude are the main factors influencing the formation of a child’s sense of self, his perception of himself, whether we know about it or not.

Children, like a sponge, daily absorb obvious and subtle manifestations of their parents, their relationships, manners and worldview, which significantly shape their children's personality. We, parents, have a set of our own personal qualities that we either inherited from our parents or acquired in interaction with people significant to us, the world and as a result of unique life experiences. Even the most well-intentioned parent unknowingly influences their child in both positive and negative ways. This is a universal and inevitable condition.

It is useful for parents to be aware of how they shape their child's personality and to try, whenever possible, to prevent the replication of unwanted behavioral habits that they consider unworthy of their own children. This article examines some guiding principles and assistance in the formation of a child’s personality from the point of view of psychology and eidetic images (i.e., in the imagination of images of objects that are not currently acting on the visual analyzers, reproduced in all details).

Ideally, a mother is a source of life experience for a small child. If she provides warmth and is sensitive to the baby's needs, he will develop with a strong sense of integrity. If the child's mother is suppressive, cold, depressed, angry or hostile, the child's development will be impaired.

Fathers are meant to encourage the young child to actively interact and establish relationships with the world outside the mother's embrace. The father tells the child about the world, he takes him to different places, engages in various joint activities and shows the child ways to interact with the world around him. If a child’s father is a confident person who loves and is able to talk captivatingly about the world outside the mother’s safety zone, this world is perceived by the child as a welcoming and interesting place with which he can safely interact. However, if the father himself has difficulty interacting with the world around him, then the child may adopt a similar way of thinking and lack the tools for his own successful interactions.

Even the most loving parents can pass on unwanted symptoms of negative views to their children without knowing it. Here are some common examples:

  • Excessive importunity of parents can lead to the opposite result - the child will be secretive and not too generous. When children grow up in an atmosphere of excessive intrusiveness and intrusive parents, secretive behavior often becomes a habit. This may have consequences for the child in the future when they want to form deep friendships or romantic relationships and find themselves unable to share their deep feelings.
  • If parents overly criticize a child in an attempt to teach him to do things right, this can cause the child to become passive and indecisive, fearing that his decisions may be criticized and judged.
  • Children raised in a home where parents love them but constantly fight with each other may become insecure because their sense of inner integrity and security will be compromised.
  • Anxious parents can raise anxious children, as children are unable to relax due to their parents' nervous energy.
  • Parents who are overprotective of their children may contribute to their child's symptoms of depression because they force them to inhibit their natural need for exploration and freedom.

Therefore, during the child’s relationship with his parents, obvious or hidden symptoms of the parents’ personal problems may be revealed, and life in an atmosphere of unresolved emotional problems of the parents affects the consciousness of the child as he grows up.

We often unconsciously imitate our parents in their approaches to parenting. You've probably heard these words more than once: “I'm amazed that I act the same way my mother did when I was a child. Before I even know it, the same words my mother told me are coming out of my mouth to my daughter.”

Vivid examples of such parental behavior can be observed in some families during meals. Some parents themselves, as children, often heard the following words addressed to them at dinner: “For God’s sake, Ivan, when will you learn to use a fork?” or “Stop spreading food all over your plate and just eat!” They still remember how painful such criticism was for them. Deep down, these children swore an oath that they would never talk to their children like that. And what? 20–30 years pass, and as parents they themselves teach their children in the same irritated tone: “Mikhail, for God’s sake, how many times have I taught you to use a fork and knife correctly?” and “When will you finally learn to say please and thank you to your mom when she hands you bread?”

Just as we unconsciously imitate our parents, our children will imitate us or react to our behavior in different situations. Experts in the field of eidetic psychology have found that there are six main variations in the influence that a parent’s personality has on the formation of a child’s personality. With each of them, the child loses part of his true individuality, as he imitates or reacts to his parents.

1. Imitation

Children imitate their parents. They unconsciously internalize the attitudes and emotions of their parents. If a daughter sees her mother looking in the mirror and asks, “Do I look fat?”, she will begin to imitate her mother's self-critical behavior. She will also look in the mirror and look for her flaws. Luckily, daughters also imitate their mother's self-confidence. Angry father's child imitates angry behavior and lashes out at children on the playground. On the other hand, a child who sees a father who is kind and helps other people will himself develop a similar attitude towards other people.

2. Identification

Identification is more fundamental than imitation. This is not just a repetition of the parents' behavior. This is the sharing of their views, attitudes and feelings - the child feels identical with his parents in some respect. For example, a father who is very conservative, dresses in a traditional style, is proud of people in uniform, considers loyalty to the Motherland above all else, has a daughter who completely shares his worldview and marries a man similar to her father. It is the daughter who deeply identifies with her father's beliefs and way of life and perhaps loses a (true) sense of self that is actually different from her father's. Identification involves identifying one’s own worldview and behavior with the worldview and behavior of parents.

3. Reaction

The reaction is behavior that is exactly the opposite of the behavior of the parents. The reaction is most often observed in adolescents, although it can occur throughout life. For example, a parent may be a very religious person, and his child may be a rebel who considers himself an atheist and refuses to go to church. Or the parent may be very neat, and the child, in contrast, becomes very messy in life and work. A parent may pedantically adhere to the use of only natural products and take multivitamins, to which their child reacts by eating unhealthy foods and not paying attention to their own health. In an attempt to find himself, a child tries so hard to be different from his parents that he loses sight of who he truly is, his unique characteristics and life values.

4. Loss

When a young child is denied basic biological needs and experiences deprivations such as lack of close bonding with his mother, lack of paternal nurturing, neglect, parental discipline strategies that are too harsh or too gentle, or a variety of other deprivations, that child will suffer from feelings of inner emptiness. This is fertile ground for the development of eating disorders (anorexia, bulimia), drug addiction, sexual compulsions or emotional outbursts through which the child seeks to receive love and support. We have all suffered various losses in life; however, the most powerful of them leave a void or “hole” in a person’s psyche that is difficult to fill.

5. Projection

Projection occurs when one’s own subjective thoughts are attributed to other people (as well as one’s feelings, emotions, intentions, and experiences are transferred to others). That is, a person mistakenly views everything that happens within himself as coming from outside. If a father says that one of his two daughters is beautiful and the other is smart, then the “smart” girl may think that she is ugly, although this may be far from the truth. Conversely, a beautiful daughter may feel stupid. A father who is not involved in the daily life of his children because he has to work two jobs to support his family due to economic necessity (and of course, out of love for his family) may have a child who imagines that the father doesn't like him because he's never home. He will grow up feeling unloved even though he is not. Children make false assumptions about themselves and inaccurate interpretations of their lives in response to parental remarks or behavior, even though the remark may have been inadvertent. This trend is inevitable and can only be detected through open communication.

6. Attachment

Attachment is a dependent behavior that is biologically necessary for a baby or young child. However, if parents cannot let go of their maturing child and give him autonomy, they interfere with his independence. The child becomes insecure and does not trust his inner resources to cope with life like an adult. An example of such a situation: the mother of a university student tells her every day how to dress and what to do throughout the day. Maternal interference and dependence on the mother make her daughter distrust her own opinions and feelings. However, reliable parents know when to give their child independence and when to pull the reins, and help their child develop a sense of independence.

To understand the impact you have on your child, it is first important to understand how you feel about yourself, the burden of self-criticism you carry, and the positive feelings about yourself that flow from you to your child in your daily interactions with him.

Related links:

  • How to become better parents for your child
  • How to become a respected and effective parent
  • Effective parenting strategies
  • How to become a more positive parent
  • More articles on child psychology
  • More articles on parenting

Factors influencing personality development from 2 years of age

  • The influence of creativity

A child cannot sculpt, embroider, or play roles before a certain age, but he can draw, or rather “smear,” after his first birthday. But this cannot be called drawing, although the child is already learning tactile perception and begins to distinguish primary colors. Even when a baby succeeds in scribbling, this is not what is important at all - the most important thing is that he has learned to hold and manipulate a thin object in his hands. The more a child draws, the more perseverance, concentration, and attentiveness he has. As the child grows, so does the professionalism of his drawings, and if his zeal is further developed, he will show excellent artistic abilities. The influence of fine art on the development of a child’s personality is determined, first of all, by the aesthetic side of life, because little artists already know what chiaroscuro is, optical laws, what colors go together and what colors are undesirable to combine, and many other useful things that the rest of their peers even know about don't suspect. A child who has a zeal for drawing will certainly grow up to be an artistic personality, with his own unique taste, with a certain vision of this world, with special attention to detail and with an unrivaled sense of fashion and design.

But besides drawing, there are many other types of creativity that captivate a child and develop him. Many parents wonder what the influence of a child’s creativity is on the development of his personality? Firstly, in order to do something with your own hands, perseverance is required, and this is a very positive quality for a growing personality. Secondly, everything that is made with one’s own hands can be given to friends and family, and this teaches the child goodwill and the desire to do something for the benefit of others. Well, thirdly, the more creative directions a child explores, the more developed he will feel, the larger his circle of friends and acquaintances, and the more pride you, dear parents, will have in the fact that your baby can do so many things.

For example, modeling from plasticine, salt dough or plastic will help a child develop visual-figurative thinking, teach him to observe, compare and analyze, and beadwork ideally develops fine motor skills and aesthetic taste. This type of creativity, such as theater, requires special attention, because it combines everything - acting, oratory, songs, dancing, and the ability to present oneself to the public. This is an ideal place for those who are too uptight and afraid of society. Here, reserved individuals are liberated, restless people find a release of their emotions, while they all learn correct diction, voice and sentences. Well, playing a skit with your friends is simply happiness not only for children, but also for many adults.

  • The influence of games and pets

Perhaps you already had a pet before the baby was born, or maybe you decided to get one after the child was 2 years old, but in any case, the positive effect of pets on a child’s development has been proven by scientists. Pets are living creatures just like you and me, and the child sees in their “face” a friend, ally, and interlocutor. Children like to touch the soft fur of cats and hamsters, run around the entire apartment or in the park with a dog, and look at the fish slowly swimming in the aquarium. Whatever pet you decide to get, know that your child will find a common language with any animal. But each animal has a different impact on the development of a child’s personality. The most ideal option would be cats - these are the creatures that will teach a child love, affection, friendship, you won’t get bored with them, they develop the baby comprehensively. Dogs will teach children true friendship and active recreation. Small fluffy rodents, as well as feathered pets, are good in most cases for contemplation and affection, but you won’t be able to play with them or cuddle them enough. However, a child will be happy with any animal, because he will have a friend who will always be there, with whom he can be sad and play, and just be close.

You can come up with some kind of game with any animal, and this is the next step in the development of a child’s thinking. If he knows how to come up with new games and involves all his friends in them, then we see in him a creative nature with hints of leadership qualities. The role of play in the development of a child’s personality is such that it is through it that one can observe the child’s psychological state, his zeal, capabilities and desires. More varied play activities are provided to the child in kindergarten, where teachers try to come up with educational games for children, where they need to not only follow the rules, but also think. For example, didactic games teach children basic concepts about color, texture, size, and children become more focused and attentive while playing. All children love outdoor games, and this is a great help for maintaining their physical fitness and active movement. In addition, it is in such games that you can immediately see who is the leader among the children and who is the follower. Such a personality quality as leadership must be developed in a child - then he will be a successful person. But even if your baby is still a follower, everything can still be corrected with the right instructions, encouragement and praise. In role-playing games, you can also immediately notice personal qualities, be it goodwill or anger, generosity or greed, etc., but in childhood all this is a projection of family relationships onto the child’s psyche. So think about it, dear parents, whether your baby is doing everything correctly, and how you could lead him to such playful behavior.

Factors influencing the development of a preschooler's personality

Preschoolers absorb more information than ever before in later life, which is why you need to not miss these first seven years of a child’s life. Parents necessarily influence the development of a preschooler’s personality, not only when they pay attention to him, praise or scold him, but also at any second when the child observes their behavior. The development of the personality of preschool children depends on the parents - whether a given child in kindergarten will be perceived as a friendly and calm kid, or as a bully, or maybe as a frightened “animal”.

In preschool age, a child goes through three phases of personality development: adaptation, individualization and integration, and the child’s behavior depends on how successfully each phase flows into the other. But in most cases, crises cannot be avoided - they happen when the child goes to kindergarten, when he meets new people, when he needs to obey the teacher. However, parents are simply obliged to help their child cope with everything: in the adaptation phase, talk about the norms of behavior in society, in the individualization phase, help the child reveal himself to others, show how he can stand out among them. If parents do not take part in the development of the personality of preschool children, then the children themselves, through trial and error, find for themselves the only possible (in their opinion), but not always the right path.

  • The influence of labor

Our little ones love to repeat everything after us so much that you can’t help but be touched when your son takes a broom or your daughter asks for a cloth to wipe off the dust. The main thing is not to discourage this desire to help in early childhood, otherwise in your youth you yourself will suffer greatly from the fact that the child seems to be old enough, but does not want to help. The role of work in the development of a child’s personality lies in the fact that from the age when a child can do small household chores, he learns cleanliness, responsibility, respect for the work of others, and he has a desire to help his neighbor. The main thing for parents is not to make mistakes, and then your baby will always help you, and not for money or gifts (as is the case in many families now), but simply because he respects you.

Factors influencing the development of the personality of a primary school student

We survived the crisis of 3 years, which means that we will also survive the crisis of 7 years, because both of them are caused by the two most important events in a child’s life - going to kindergarten and first grade. Now, in addition to the family, the development of the personality of a younger preschooler is influenced by teachers, peers, and subjective factors (increased activity, imitation, emotionality). The child receives new motivations - to earn the best grade, to read the fastest, to receive praise from the teacher, and this makes him be more purposeful and responsible. But at the same time, it is important not to overlook that in the pursuit of a goal the child does not become a sycophant and sneak, because these are not the best personal qualities. In addition, it is at this age that a child develops an objective self-esteem, which is influenced by his academic performance and the attitude of parents, teachers, and classmates towards him.

Everything that is around a child influences the formation of his personality. It is simply impossible to surround a child with positive factors, but you simply must try to become his support in life, faithful advisers and loving parents, because then your child will grow up to be a positive, self-sufficient person.

The concept and types of factors influencing personality development

Definition 1
Factor – the cause, the driving force of a process or phenomenon.

Factors influencing the development of a person’s personality are usually divided into:

  1. Biological - heredity
  2. Social – environment and upbringing
  3. Internal – a person’s personal activity, which is generated by interests, contradictions and other motives aimed at self-education and activity in society.
  4. External - these include the social and natural environment, that is, understood as education in a broad sense.

Thus, personality development is influenced by a combination of various factors, each of which is individual in its content.

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