Definition of will. Volitional process

Lecture 6 - Volitional mental processes


Process, Mental, Action, Man, Volitional, Personality, Assessment, Struggle Lecture

Course "Psychology and Pedagogy"

Topic 6. Volitional mental processes.

  1. Volitional mental processes and their functions.
  2. Volitional personality traits.

Will is a mental process of a person’s conscious regulation of his behavior (activities and interactions), associated with overcoming internal and external obstacles.

Activating and inhibitory functions.

Action system parts:

  • Approximate
  • Executive
  • Control

The indicative system of activity is a system of an individual’s ideas about a goal, the procedure for achieving it and the means necessary for this.

Volitional effort is a specific process of mobilization of the psyche (physical, intellectual and moral forces of a person).

Simple volitional action

  • motive combined with purpose
  • actions
  • result evaluation

For example, they gave way to a car.

Complex volitional action

  • defining a goal and striving to achieve it
  • struggle of motives and choice
  • choosing a way and means to achieve a goal
  • implementation and adjustment of the decision made
  • assessing results and correlating them with achieving the set goal

Goal – represents the desired result of an action.

The struggle of motives is the process of determining the most significant stimulus for volitional action, is aimed at increasing motivation, serves as an indicator for a person to establish connections, analyze, select desires determined by certain motives, and, ultimately, formulate the goal of activity.

Choosing a method and means to achieve a goal is a process of searching and analyzing the possibilities of achieving a goal using various available methods and means, as well as selecting alternatives according to given criteria.

Implementation of the decision made is associated with the mobilization of the human psyche and requires significant effort to overcome external and internal obstacles that arise in the process of achieving the goal.

2 pages, 631 words

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Adjustment of activities is carried out on the basis of an analysis of intermediate results and changes in the external and internal environment.

Evaluation of the results of actions occurs on the basis of the degree of satisfaction of the corresponding need, compliance with the motives of the activity and always has an emotionally charged component. The result obtained is assessed as successful if it corresponds to the original one in terms of motivation (motive)

Volitional mental processes are closely related to the mental states of the individual (stable or unstable) and the mental properties of the individual.

Volitional personality traits:

Primary volitional personality traits (basic)

  • strength of will
  • perseverance
  • excerpt
  • energy
  • and etc.

Secondary volitional personality traits (developable)

  • determination
  • courage
  • self-control
  • self confidence

Tertiary volitional personality traits (moral)

  • responsibility
  • discipline
  • integrity
  • obligation
  • efficiency
  • initiative
  • organization
  • diligence

Personal freedom is freedom of will.

Man is not free from social conditions. But he is free to take his position in relation to them, since these conditions do not completely condition him. It depends on him - within the limits of his limitations - whether he will surrender, whether he will yield to the conditions (V. Frankl).

In this regard, freedom is when a person himself must decide whether to choose good or give in to evil (F.M. Dostoevsky).

However, freedom is only one side of a holistic phenomenon, the positive aspect of which is being responsible. Personal freedom can turn into simple arbitrariness if it is not experienced from the point of view of responsibility (V. Frankl).

A person is doomed to freedom and, at the same time, cannot escape responsibility. Another thing is that for many people, peace of mind turns out to be more valuable than a free choice between good and evil, and therefore they readily “attribute” their sins to “objective conditions” - the imperfection of society, bad teachers, the dysfunctional family in which they grew up, etc. .

Glossary of terms:

Will is a mental process of a person’s conscious regulation of his behavior (activities and interactions), associated with overcoming internal and external obstacles.

The indicative system of activity is a system of an individual’s ideas about a goal, the procedure for achieving it and the means necessary for this.

Volitional effort is a specific process of mobilization of the psyche (physical, intellectual and moral forces of a person).

Ontogenesis (Greek: οντογένεση: ον - being and γένεση - origin, birth) is the individual development of an organism from fertilization (sexual reproduction) or from the moment of separation from the mother (asexual reproduction) until death.

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Psychic phenomenon

Experts in the field of philosophy and psychology, trying to determine what human will is, proposed calling it a unique phenomenon of a person regulating his own activities. In many respects, it is precisely due to this aspect that a vector orientation of consciousness and its states towards an indefinite goal is possible. Will allows you to concentrate your efforts in order to achieve what you want. A characteristic feature of will is the impossibility of reducing a phenomenon to a specific objective aspect. It cannot be called pure extra-practical consciousness. Will represents the connection between an action, an object, an object, an impulse, a need.

The study of the will and human activity allows us to say with confidence that this mental function presupposes objectification by the subject and legitimation of desire, its selection into a goal. To some extent, will is the result of reflective reasoning about a person’s needs, and at the same time it is a predictive analysis of what may result from an action.

Will is a combination of desire and a sense of obligation, combined with the concentration of efforts that must be made to implement what is formulated. Will at the same time is the ability of a person to realize the dominant goal, distinguish it from all others and abandon alternatives that impede the achievement of the goal. The core of the act of will is awareness of the value of the goal and the significance of its implementation for the person. Psychologists point out that will is always associated with a person’s ability to assess the correspondence between the formulated goal and the internal scale of values.

What you need to know about will

Lack of will is the highest barrier that prevents a person from changing. The problem is that it needs to be used on a daily basis, not every now and then to create a good habit or break a bad one. All our serious goals and plans collapse precisely because of our inability to control our will.

The concept of delayed gratification is closely related to will. In simple terms, it is the ability to focus on a long-term goal so as not to notice instant gratification that can interfere with plans. A week of intense training at the gym won't matter if we have a wild weekend of eating nothing but pizza and drinking.

Will is a limited resource. If we try to change, for example, stop acting impulsively, then by the evening we may experience depression and frustration. This threatens to return to an old habit. However, two points should be taken into account. First: the will can be trained - and thus we will be able to exercise it much longer during the day. Second: willpower can be wasted if you do not do what you need.

Since will is a limited resource, you need to plan your day in such a way as not to waste it. For example, avoiding places that may trigger a bad habit.

A high level of willpower almost always means high self-esteem (after all, we have something to be proud of), the ability to resist temptations in the form of alcohol, cigarettes and overeating, and improved mental and physical health.

Depleted willpower makes a person impulsive. This means that if you feel that your will is at zero, you need to do everything possible to remove temptations out of sight.

If you are convinced of the exceptional importance of developing the will, let's see exactly how this can be done. Remember that you have a long journey ahead, perhaps life-long.


Develop moral qualities

Researcher Kurt Gray, a doctorate in psychology at Harvard, explains this effect as a self-fulfilling prophecy: “People around them consider highly moral people to be more strong-willed and disciplined, able to endure discomfort without losing their heads.”

The researcher is confident that Gandhi or Mother Teresa were most likely not born strong-willed people, but became such by trying to help others. He introduces the concept of “moral transformation” because he suggests that moral actions can transform people from being lazy and procrastinating to strong-willed.


Don't waste your will

If you try really hard, you can completely exhaust your will by noon, which will have a catastrophic effect on the rest of the day and those important decisions that you will never be able to make.

For example, you set a goal to change your character, as Franklin did: allocate one or two weeks to one quality. It's a long marathon, so there's a lot to plan for.

Make not very important decisions in advance, which usually “suck” your energy. Create a menu for the coming months and stick to it. Buy the same shirts, trousers and shoes so as not to waste mental resources constantly thinking about what to wear and wear. Here and now you need to make only those decisions that concern your character. Take care of the rest in advance.

The same tips apply to other areas of life: losing weight, getting rid of bad habits, achieving the Advanced level in learning English and much more. Make all the non-important decisions in advance and focus only on the most important ones. Don't waste your will.


Have a self-reflection session

For this you will need a diary. Write down all the actions that you perform unconsciously (they have become habitual), but which you want to get rid of. For example:

  • While working, I am constantly distracted by news sites.
  • While reading, I like to be distracted by my phone.
  • During a conversation, I focus on what I want to say, and not on the words of the interlocutor.

If you make a list of at least ten points, this can already be called a good self-reflection session. Now choose your two most destructive habits.

Write down what sequential actions these unwanted habits consist of. Actions should also be understood as thoughts and emotions associated with them. For example, if you tend not to listen when you're talking to someone, notice what thoughts or beliefs pop into your head. Probably, they are the ones that prevent you from concentrating on productive dialogue. Examine the nature of these thoughts.

Think about how you can stop this behavior. Remember that you can be conscious in every action you take. It's about habit, the main thing is to recognize the sequence of steps.

Over the next month, take full control of these two habits.


Stop for three seconds

Our life is a kilometer-long chain of habits. Some of them help, others hinder.

Throughout the day, stop in the middle of any activity (unless you're driving, of course) and think about what stage of which habit you are currently in. If we are talking about consuming bad food, then even pleasant thoughts about Coca-Cola are already part of the habit. Think for three seconds: what will this thought lead to? Of course, to the hype: “without cola I will be an unhappy person, but with cola I will be the happiest person on the planet.” Then go and buy it. Remember further: after you drank this soda, how do you feel? And in half an hour? It can be revealed that in fact you were deceiving yourself, becoming a victim of advertising and habit.

Try to be aware of yourself for three seconds as often as possible throughout the day. Using this method, you can get rid of the irresistible desire to criticize, get angry and be offended. Once “three seconds” becomes a habit, you will no longer exhaust your willpower with this exercise (it will begin to be performed automatically) and you will be able to change, motivate yourself to work, or stop unwanted actions much faster and more effectively.

We wish you good luck!

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We also recommend reading:

  • Storytelling
  • Strategy for overcoming bad habits
  • What is the implementation of intentions
  • 21 magical days: how easy it is to develop a habit in three weeks
  • Formation of useful habits
  • Overcoming Negative Behavior
  • How to review your progress over the past six months
  • All about habits +Marathon!
  • Volitional personality traits
  • Spheres of personality
  • Mental processes: types and brief description

Key words:1Psychoregulation, 4Psychoregulation

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