How to choose a profession - problems, factors, motives and tests influencing the choice of profession

How to choose the right profession. Photo:

Nikolay Dunets

Member of the Union of Journalists of Russia. Winner of the Golden Pen competition

How to choose a profession you like today and in the next decade? What tests will help schoolchildren, teenagers and those who decide to change careers in adulthood decide on a profession?

  • Factors influencing the choice of profession
  • How to choose a profession for a guy
  • How to choose a profession for a girl
  • Pros and cons of changing professions in adulthood
  • What profession to choose in the future
  • Is it possible to choose a profession for life?
  • Tests for choosing a profession
  • Quotes about choosing a profession
      Funny quotes about choosing a profession
  • Every person at some point must make a choice about his future path. It's about how to choose a profession. It often happens that a young man, after graduating from school, makes the mistake of choosing a field of activity that does not satisfy him either financially or morally. It’s good if such a wrong choice can be corrected without much difficulty. However, this possibility does not always exist.

    The problem of choosing a profession

    The basis for identifying interests in certain activities is usually revealed during the school years. This manifests itself in abilities for some subjects. Communication with peers, teachers, and parents also plays a role. This means that during school years you can roughly determine the areas of activity in which you will need to make your final choice. How to decide on a career choice for a teenager?

    For example, good abilities in mathematics in grades 9-11 presuppose the choice of a profession related to the financial and economic sphere, and with fundamental research, and with working as an engineer. If a young person has good abilities and a passion for music, he can not only go on stage in the future, but also prove himself in the music business or in teaching.

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    The choice of profession for schoolchildren sometimes involves continuing the family craft. It is also possible for a young man to continue the work of his parents. For example, if the mother or father of a high school student is a teacher, then he, already having an idea of ​​such work, can enter a pedagogical university. Usually in such cases, continuing the work of the parents, a person achieves good results.

    Distance learning

    There is currently a distance learning option. But most often young people prefer full-time education. However, it sometimes involves large financial costs.

    How to decide on a profession? There are specialties that can only be obtained by moving to another city to study. In such cases, the whole family usually cannot make the move. Only young people go to study.

    Mistakes in choosing a profession

    It happens that a young specialist who has received a diploma is not satisfied with his work. He only now realizes that the choice was wrong. In this case, we are talking about the need to obtain additional education. This is where distance learning plays a big role.

    Teenagers' choice of profession

    Many factors influence an adolescent's career choice, including life context, personal ability, teacher, and educational achievement. Addressing this important developmental challenge is critical in the lives of adolescents.

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    has been found to play an important role in how youth learn about careers and influence the choice process . Strategies that target parents and communities to increase their involvement in youth career choices can support good decision making.

    An important turning point in life is the career choice they make in high school . Often viewed by family and community as simply the beginning of job readiness, this decision plays an important role in setting youth on a path that opens as well as closes opportunities.

    Interdependence of family, school and community culture

    Young people, through interaction with family, school, and community contexts, explore and explore careers that ultimately lead to defining their path. The interdependence of family, school and community culture plays a decisive role in shaping the professional choice of young people.

    Adolescents are influenced by very different social and economic contextual factors in their pursuit of different career paths during the transition from school to work.

    The job choices young people make are embedded in their perceptions of the “ideal job” and their career decision-making maturity. Vocational choice is not simply a process of comparison; rather, it is a choice made in the context of many influencing factors. The perception of the “ideal job” acts as a filter for job appropriateness and influences the selection process.

    Initial career decision making is a cultural developmental goal that adolescents are expected to achieve by the end of their school year. In the secondary schools surveyed, the range of career preferences varied. Young people with wealthy parents, as a rule, make decisions about their future career quickly. For children of low-income parents, lack of career decision-making is normal.

    Young people recognize that there are obstacles to their future career choices and are looking for ways to overcome these obstacles . The majority of young people state that the main obstacle is the lack of financial resources for education. Youth wishing to work after graduation identified lack of employment opportunities as their second barrier to achieving employment goals.

    The vast majority of rural youth plan to leave the countryside to look for work. Some young people wanted to stay if they could find work in the area.

    The career choices that adolescents make are decisions that influence not only their development but also their existing context.

    Developing programs and strategies that help both parents and youth explore a wide range of occupations can open doors to new and non-traditional career options. Providing teens with learning opportunities that challenge them to think about the situations they face in different types of employment can give them a better understanding of career options.

    Community-based learning that engages teens while solving real-life problems in the workplace connects them directly to the reality of different jobs. Involving parents and communities in actively supporting career exploration and choice provides a context that helps adolescents successfully transition into adult roles in the workplace.

    Factors influencing the choice of profession

    What factors influence the choice of profession? When choosing a future profession, you should take into account its degree of demand. In the labor market, you need to know which specialists are needed and which ones will be needed in the near future. Education plays a significant role here. First of all, the highest. Secondary specialized education also provides a good start to the path or its continuation, but real confidence now can only be given by higher education. Sometimes – two higher ones.

    This is confirmed by the following facts. The annual income of a specialist with a higher education is almost one and a half times higher. After working for ten years, he receives an income 76% higher than a person with a secondary specialized education.

    However, such results are not typical for every profession. Thus, according to the Ministry of Labor, every year every second university graduate who was unable to find a job in his specialty has a legal or economic education. For this reason, budget places in these specialties are being reduced. But this does not mean that the need for lawyers and economists in the country is sharply decreasing.

    Sometimes it is quite difficult for an enterprise to find a good lawyer or economist not only for positions called top ones, but also for ordinary ones. The fact is that quite a lot of graduates receive diplomas in the above-mentioned specialties, but they have no real desire to work in their chosen specialties. However, in such cases there is no need to talk about good professional knowledge.

    In the 1990s, due to active computerization in Russia, many sought to obtain an education related to finance and anything closely related to computers. But owning a computer is not uncommon these days. Financial schemes are known and well understood. That is, there is no particular need for such specialists. The main thing was the human factor. The company's management takes into account the moral and spiritual values ​​of the person applying for a certain position. It turns out that the success of a company depends to a large extent on the moral and spiritual values ​​of its employees.

    Interesting fact! There is even a game called LOST ARK where you need to choose a profession. Every player should think about what profession to choose in Lost Arc at some stage.

    The decisive role is played by such sciences as sociology, history, political science, history, and psychology. Today's developing information industrial society needs humanists, supported by modern technologies.

    What factors influence the choice of profession?

    Psychological and motivational factors that can influence the choice of specialty are standard for everyone, but manifest themselves to varying degrees. Among them:

    • interest in some area;
    • inclination towards a specific specialty;
    • level of aspirations;
    • knowledge about the specialty;
    • the opinion of peers, parents, teachers;
    • having an exact goal.

    What factors influence the choice of profession?

    All this is important when choosing a future profession. But you need to consider whether you have an inclination for some kind of work, because just an interest in a specialty will not make a person a virtuoso. A person who loves music but has no hearing will not become a musician. One who rarely hits the beat will not be a great dancer. When choosing, you need to remember that you definitely can’t do without innate talent, and listen to yourself.

    Success is the basis of any activity. It is the key to career advancement and good mood. Only a person who has both talent and interest in a particular specialty can become a truly successful professional.

    When thinking about what is a factor in choosing a profession, do not forget about the level of aspirations. Ask yourself a question: what do I want to achieve in life, and will this be enough for me to be happy? An unassuming person will be glad to receive the specialty of a mechanic in the housing office, and a person with increased life requirements will achieve greater success. This does not mean that work is divided into good and bad. It just means that people have different levels of aspiration, and there is nothing wrong with loving your profession, no matter where you work.

    What factors influence the choice of profession?

    External circumstances also influence the choice of specialty. What are the external factors that influence the choice of profession? Opinion of teachers, parents or peers.

    Teachers give students a lot of useful and necessary knowledge. Therefore, schoolchildren usually take their opinion into account when choosing a profession.

    Parents are the closest and most influential people. They a priori wish the best for the child, but often this best among relatives is limited by inheritance. For example, if everyone in the family were doctors, the heir is obliged to continue the dynasty. Parents often do not care at all whether the child has talent or at least the desire to continue traditions.

    Peer opinion is a real labyrinth of doubts. Many teenagers, due to their age, consider professions to be fashionable and unfashionable. The opinion of classmates often becomes the decisive factor when choosing a future specialty, although in adult life they know less than their parents or teachers, so the chances of luck and error are approximately equal.

    What factors influence the choice of profession?

    Another factor that determines a profession is a professional plan. Throughout life, everyone wants to be someone, builds a chain of their existence in their thoughts. Making a personal plan in advance will provide a solid basis for making a decision. Pay close attention to this.

    How to choose a profession for a guy

    Already in the 10th grade, young boys think about their future profession, which will allow them to receive maximum income. At the same time, almost no one agrees to be in a managerial position if the salary is lower than that of an ordinary engineer.

    Currently, heads of regions, housing and communal enterprises, and various officials have good incomes. Those who work as oil workers, bankers, and agency heads have high salaries. The list is quite extensive. But we must take into account that not many people can achieve high positions, so it is advisable to consider as many options as possible.

    Due to a number of reasons, currently in Russia the main role is played not by production, but by purchasing and sales. That is, the manager in the supply department has a higher income than the one who ensures production. This means that Purchasing and Marketing Manager is a higher paid position. In addition, such work allows you to gain experience in commerce, which allows you to open your own business in the future, becoming a successful businessman.

    An information technology specialist also has good career growth. Nowadays, an office is unthinkable without computers and phones. For this reason, a specialist in Internet technologies, computers, and telecommunications is in demand in the country and can count on a high salary. The greatest demand is for 1C programmers in the areas of creating and maintaining websites, software, and modern technologies for transmitting and receiving information. That is why a good programmer often dictates conditions to the employer - for what remuneration he agrees to work in his company.

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    You can have a good income without a higher education. An example is a truck driver. Highly paid jobs also include those associated with rotational work methods in the North. Of course, this is associated with certain difficulties, but in such cases the income is several times higher than that of an engineer with a higher education and working at some large enterprise in a regional city or in the capital.

    In recent years, one of the highest paid jobs has been as a chef working in luxury restaurants. To get this kind of employment opportunity, you need to be educated at a food college or take a good cooking class. Then you just need to show your good side in cooking.

    Good professions also include those associated with service in the police, FSB, riot police, the Ministry of Emergency Situations and a number of others, which are considered purely male.

    Among the in-demand and highly paid professions now is the specialty of an auto mechanic. The number of cars in the country is increasing, and at the same time, car services are expanding. Therefore, a good auto mechanic can easily find a well-paid job.

    According to experts who study the labor market, in the near future the wages of workers will be significantly higher than those received by managers in offices. The fact is that the number of young people with higher education is increasing, while those with blue-collar jobs are decreasing. Currently, enterprise managers are willing to pay highly qualified workers wages that are double or triple what engineers receive. The day is not far when a mechanic, CNC machine operator, turner-milling operator and others will be among the most in demand and highly paid.

    Medical workers are also among the most in demand. First of all, we are talking about doctors. True, it is still quite difficult for a graduate of a medical university to find a well-paid job, but this is a temporary phenomenon.

    Choice of profession

    Professions make certain demands on the individual: in some places you need developed physical data, and in others you need intelligence and ingenuity. Sometimes it is not a person who chooses a profession, but it chooses him. How to choose a profession? First of all, it is worth knowing that there is a type of profession that is based on the subject of work (people, equipment, documents) and a class of profession that describes the complexity and level of qualifications, the nature of the work (executive or creative). You need to decide on both the class and the type.

    The typology of professions uses the classification of Russian psychologist Evgeniy Aleksandrovich Klimov. He identified 5 types of professions:

    1. "Man - Man." All social professions related to training and education, medicine, legal assistance, social services, correction and rehabilitation. For this type of profession, high human qualities are important, for example, love for people, the ability to empathize, the ability to positively influence and win over people, listen and understand, communicate, etc.
    2. "Man – Technology". Professions of this type involve the creation and maintenance of technical equipment (welder, driver, designer). A person is required to have developed visual and figurative thinking, intelligence, dexterity, and activity.
    3. "Man - Sign System". Professions related to numbers and figures, sounds, signs, texts: economist, radio operator, draftsman. A person is required to have a high level of long-term and sustained concentration and the ability to handle numbers.
    4. “Man is an Artistic Image.” These are creative professions that involve the creation and production of works of art: journalist, designer, actor. High aesthetic sensitivity, developed perception and taste, and imagination are required.
    5. "Man is nature." Professions that involve interaction with living and inanimate nature, caring for animals and plants (veterinarian, geologist, arborist). A person is required to be observant, tolerant of unpleasant environmental conditions, high adaptability, stress resistance, good adaptability and speed of response to changes.

    By nature of work:

    1. Creative professions require making non-standard decisions and having creative thinking. Often associated with the need to obtain higher education, for example, the profession of a teacher, doctor, economist, architect.
    2. Performing professions require working according to a given algorithm, strict adherence to rules and instructions, norms and requirements. More often, higher education is not required: salespeople, operators, nurses.

    Thus, each type of profession is divided into two classes. For example, in the “Man – Man” type there are both non-creative professions (masseur) and creative ones (educator).

    In addition to class and type, professions are further differentiated by means of labor and conditions.

    By means of labor: professions of manual labor, machine-manual labor, the use of automated and automatic systems, functional means (psychological means).

    According to working conditions:

    • in microclimate conditions close to domestic, indoor ones;
    • in open space under any weather conditions;
    • unusual and extreme conditions (underwater, underground, high or low temperatures);
    • conditions of increased moral responsibility for the life and health of children and adults, materially valuable things.

    For vocational guidance, the psychological map of professions presented below is used.

    Psychological map of professions

    It allows you to quickly determine what type and class the profession belongs to and what requirements it places on candidates. You can work in reverse order: knowing a person’s abilities, suggest a profession from the map, identify more suitable and related professions.

    The profession map is more suitable for initial career guidance and choosing a direction of study. If we are talking about people who have a specialty, but have lost their jobs, then the recommendations are different. The goal of the work in this case is to choose a new job, taking into account education and experience, or a profession with similar qualifications, which can be acquired as part of additional educational courses. The recommendations are set out in the document of the same name - “Recommendations for selecting suitable work for workers, specialists and technical performers.”

    Professional diagnostics

    For the purpose of professional guidance and self-determination, I recommend going through the following methods:

    1. Cook-Medley scale “Diagnostics of hostility.” Aggressiveness and aggressiveness are natural companions of human life, but not all professions allow their manifestations. The questionnaire allows you to identify not only the level of aggressiveness itself, but also determine the type of preferred behavior: physical aggression, indirect, irritation, negativism, resentment, suspicion, guilt, verbal aggression. You need to answer from 1 (never) to 6 (usually) to 27 statements. Then the points are calculated and the results are divided into scales: cynicism, aggressiveness, hostility. Possible results for each scale include: high score, medium with a tendency to high, medium with a tendency to low, low score.
    2. Methodology of V. V. Sinyavsky and V. A. Fedoroshin “Communicative and organizational tendencies.” You cannot do without these skills in the “Human-Human” professions. During the diagnosis you need to answer “yes” or “no” to 40 questions. The results are calculated and interpreted separately for communication skills and separately for organizational skills. Possible results: low, below average, average, high, very high.
    3. E. Shane’s method “Diagnostics of value orientations in a career.” Career orientations, or career anchors (interests, values, attitudes, motives), are stable and not always realized by the individual himself, but they definitely determine the success of the activity. The methodology diagnoses the following values: professional competence, autonomy, management, stability, challenge, service, entrepreneurship, integration of lifestyles. You need to answer from 1 (not at all important) to 10 (extremely important) how important the first 21 statements are for the subject, then answer (from 1 to 10) how much he agrees with another 20 statements. The results are calculated on scales, and the leading value is determined. If there is none (all less than 5 points), then this means that career does not occupy a central place in the individual’s life.
    4. Methodology of E. A. Klimov “Differential diagnostic questionnaire” (career guidance and determination of general social and labor orientation). The questionnaire determines a person’s inclinations and interests, the appropriate type of profession (the basis is the psychological map of E. A. Klimov). The respondent is asked to choose one of the alternatives in 20 cases: the activity that he would prefer to do. The results are calculated according to the Klimov classification. Possible options: interest in the profession is not expressed, interest is moderately expressed, interest is clearly expressed.


    A psychogram is a psychological portrait of a profession that determines the group of abilities and qualities required of an individual. Each profession requires a certain set of mental new formations (attention, will, thinking, perception, imagination, perception, etc.), expressed quantitatively and qualitatively. At the same time, the psychogram determines the features of the relationship and interaction of qualities necessary to perform professional duties.

    A psychogram reflects all the features of a profession and allows a person to understand what demands the profession makes on the psyche and personality. Not only the internal components of labor are described, but also the external ones. A psychogram is compiled by specially trained people (psychologists-professional consultants). The content of the psychogram reflects:

    • General information about the profession and specialty: name, demand, job options, available vocational training options.
    • Contents and working conditions: work process and results, tools, mechanization and automation, necessary knowledge, skills and abilities.
    • A person in the process of working: the difficulties of the profession and its attractive sides, responsibility, the share of creativity, medical contraindications, psychophysiological qualities, positive and negative consequences.
    • Socio-economic features: wage system, social security, growth prospects, cultural and living conditions.

    How to choose a profession for a girl

    Deciding on your future darling is just as difficult for a girl as it is for a guy. Sometimes what seemed interesting after graduation may turn out to be undesirable after graduation. When choosing a profession, it is advisable to focus on your own skills and abilities. It is advisable to pay attention to the relevance of the field of activity.

    Medical services will always be among the most in demand. Although science does not stand still, drugs that can fight various viruses appear regularly, people continue to get sick. This means that the profession of a doctor or nurse will remain in demand.

    How to choose the right profession for a girl? It is necessary to take into account that the creative sphere always remains in demand. The cosmetic services sector also falls into this category. Manicurists and pedicurists, makeup artists, hairdressers, and stylists usually do not have any difficulties finding employment. The same applies to web designers, system administrators, programmers and others. Educators, teachers, social educators, and psychologists are also in demand. This list is far from complete.

    The most popular professions include nurse, narrow and broad doctor, cosmetologist, and massage therapist. True, it is not easy to become a doctor. This will require 6 years of studying at a university, and then another 2 years of internship. It’s easier to become a cosmetologist or massage therapist.

    What profession should a girl choose after 11th grade if she has no desire to get a higher education? You can become a manicure and pedicure specialist, a makeup artist, a stylist, an eyebrow artist, a tattoo artist, if you have the ability, etc. To do this, it is enough to complete some courses, and not sit at a university desk for 6 years. However, we must remember that people are not particularly willing to approach newcomers. It may take quite a long time before a specialist has his own clients.

    The profession of a programmer is more attractive. This specialty can be obtained at a university. However, learning a programming language is also not easy. Not everyone becomes so in demand that when applying for a job they have the opportunity to put forward their own conditions to the employer.

    How to get a job you like

    At this stage, you already know what you like to do, what you are good at and what professions are in demand on the market. Now you need to bring all the information together and start searching. Where to look for opportunities to start your career:

    1. Training programs. After passing them, they often help with finding a job. But it’s better to talk to previous course graduates to make sure that help with finding a job is not just another marketing gimmick of the company, but a real bonus.
    2. Internship programs. These are often launched by corporations, international enterprises, and large companies. And not only for students.
    3. Job search sites.
    4. Telegram channels, Facebook groups with vacancies. It is better to look for thematic ones, where they publish proposals in 1-2 areas of activity.
    5. LinkedIn. To do this, you should subscribe to the accounts of HR managers of the companies where you would like to work.
    6. Through friends. It is not necessary that they negotiate your employment. It is enough if they simply talk about vacancies in their companies.
    7. Employment centers at the university (suitable for graduate students).
    8. Job fairs.
    9. Pages of entrepreneurs on social networks.

    So, how to choose a profession?

    Finding your dream job on your own is possible! But you need to be ready to work on yourself. After all, you don’t know yet what you are interested in doing and what you don’t like. What motivates, what type of activity is suitable, what skills are well developed and which are not so well developed. So you can look for yourself for a very long time and not find it! So be sure to follow the recommendations above and you will succeed!

    Pros and cons of changing professions in adulthood

    How to change profession after 30 or 40 years? It happens that a person has to change his profession in adulthood. It must be taken into account that this event is complex. Moreover, a person in such a situation will always experience stress. Often at the age of 30–32 years a person realizes that he made a mistake in choosing a profession. This may simply be due to low income. If conversations with management about raising salaries do not help, the only solution is to change your field of activity.

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    However, at this age it is much easier to change profession than at 40 years old. If you analyze managers’ requests for specialists, it may seem that no one needs people over 40. In fact, this is not so.

    Of course, a young specialist is always recognized as a person full of energy, health, and devoid of many problems. However, there are always problems for young women and men. This includes lack of experience and family matters. For example, young women sometimes have small children who get sick, which is why such workers are often on sick leave. Because of this, their husbands, concerned about the additional workload, can no longer work with the same maximum efficiency as in normal times.

    If a woman is over 40 years old, her children have already grown up and there are no problems with them. In this case, the main thing is to simply find the right job. If an employer has a choice, he will always prefer an experienced specialist who has no family problems to a newcomer.

    It is recognized that it is more difficult for men over 40 to find work. However, in the case when a person has practical skills and universal qualities, everything is solved much easier.

    Factors for choosing a profession

    Choosing a career is one of the most important decisions a person makes in his life. Researchers have found that many factors influencing career choice quickly become apparent through honest self-reflection. True answers to the questions: what career are you suited for, where do you want to live, how much will you get paid for your work and how do you want to work can be the key to choosing a good career.

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    When choosing a career, you need to take into account the rapid changes in the labor market and the low demand for graduates. Young people are concerned not only about the domestic labor market, but also about the foreign labor market, where many young people are striving. Economic and social conditions also provide a choice of criteria and must meet the requirements of the labor market and the expectations of the needs of young people. The most common criteria are:

    • work stability,
    • salary,
    • company reputation,
    • prospects for promotion.

    Location of work

    Geography can influence career decisions in several ways. You may choose a job that requires you to live in a certain region, or you may find that job opportunities are more plentiful in a certain part of the country. You may also have a personal preference for where you want to live, whether it's a busy city, the countryside or a sunny region.

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    Role of parents

    Parents often influence the career paths their children pursue. A parent can encourage a child to pursue a profession that is similar to his or her own or that demonstrates high returns . Children are often attracted to a particular line of work because of the parents' professional history, which likely provided immediate prospects in that type of work.

    Parents' influence on children's career choices is often decisive. The most commonly used family arguments are:

    • safety and future of the profession in the labor market,
    • expected material benefits,
    • preservation of traditions (continuity).

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    Marriage and children

    If you're married, your significant other may influence the choices you make regarding your career. When couples make decisions as a unit, there must be some tricks and compromises. For example, if your spouse is offered an exceptional opportunity to work abroad, you may decide together that the best option is to pursue professional opportunities in the new location.

    Many people change their career prospects when they have children. You need to decide whether you want a less stressful or hectic career so you can spend more time with your children. On the other hand, we need to look for ways to increase profits to ensure their well-being and future education.

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    Potential income

    The income potential of your chosen profession is one of the main factors influencing your career path. Personal financial needs can also influence career choices.

    Industry and economic changes

    Changes in the industry or economy can influence career choices. If you find that the profession is inundated with new college graduates, the potential may diminish and you may decide to take a different path. Likewise, new developments in your field can open the door to expanded professional opportunities. Even a changing global economy can affect the choices you make in your career.

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    The number of people who have difficulty entering the labor market and sustaining their careers is growing around the world. Unemployment resulting from excess labor supply is a macroeconomic imbalance with the worst consequences for both individuals and the entire economy. Labor mobility through regional migration plays an important role in labor redistribution. Labor migration is one of the ways a person adapts to economic changes.

    What profession to choose in the future

    There are professions today that did not exist just a few decades ago. This will happen in the future too. As specialists, leading scientists, analysts and technologists are sure, those related to virtual reality and space may be among the most popular professions as early as 2025.

    According to forecasts, already in 2021 the market for VR devices will be valued at $40 billion. By 2026, tens of millions of people will be in virtual reality for work and education.

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    According to experts, the use of robots will become widespread in the next decade. They will become both personal assistants and support services. According to forecasts, almost 56 thousand new jobs related to robotics could appear in the UK alone.

    In the next decade, as experts predict, changes will occur in biological sciences, medicine, and data analysis. Work on finding methods for treating depression, autism, schizophrenia, and Alzheimer's disease using virtual technologies has been going on for a long time. The first positive results have already been received. So the day is not far when human knowledge in this area will be in demand only as an application to robotics.

    According to analysts, from 2025 people will begin to regularly travel into space. This will lead to the emergence of a new specialty - a space guide. There will be specialists who will create space tours.

    According to forecasts, by 2025 the number of people on earth will reach nine billion. There will be a problem with resources. There may not be enough of them. For this reason, environmental remediation engineers will emerge. They will also restore previously extinct species of plants and animals.

    It is important to know: What professions will be in demand in 10 years.

    It is expected that solar and wind energy will develop rapidly in the middle of the next decade. In this case, the main task will be to provide power to power plants in cloudy weather, as well as the development of a new generation of batteries capable of storing more energy, which should serve as a motivation for choosing a profession for work in the near future.

    How to choose a profession: typical options

    Since childhood, several typical scenarios for choosing a profession have been imposed on us:

    To understand what you like best, talk to representatives of different professions.

    Career Guidance Tests

    You probably went through these in high school. But tests for children are not suitable for adults, since they are based only on preferences, a very rough understanding of the characteristics of professions and personal qualities. And tests for adults, in addition, take into account the professional experience already gained.

    What tests do we recommend?

    Career guidance test "Career" from Happy Monday. It consists of 300+ questions, determines your strengths and weaknesses, personal qualities, and allows you to evaluate various intellectual components. Afterwards you will receive a list of 12 professions that are most suitable for you and recommendations for improving your weaknesses. In addition to the test, there is an hour-long consultation with a career specialist who will explain the results and answer any questions you may have.

    John Holland test. The test is based on 6 personality types: realistic, intellectual, social, conventional, enterprising and artistic. As a result, you will not receive a list of professions, but areas of activity recommended for your personality type.

    Test according to the method of Evgeniy Klimov. The author of the test identifies 5 types of professions: man-nature, man-technology, man-person, man-sign system, man-artistic image. As a result, you will know which of these types suits you best. However, the test is simple (only 30 questions), so don’t expect any serious insights.

    Reading books about careers and self-discovery

    Of course, there are hundreds of such books, and you simply won’t have time to read them all. Therefore, here are a few that we recommend you study:

    • Barbara Sher "Your dream job. How to make money doing what you love";
    • Barbara Sher "I refuse to choose! How to use your interests, passions and hobbies to create the life and career of your dreams";
    • El Luna “Between I need and I want. Find your path and follow it";
    • Elena Rezanova “Never. How to get out of a dead end and find yourself";
    • Tamara Sukhenko “How to choose the profession of the future”;
    • Larisa Parfentyeva “100 ways to change your life.”

    Without a relationship at 40: 10 professions that increase the risk of loneliness

    Completion of various training programs

    The best way to find out if you like something is to try it out. It is not necessary to immediately go for expensive and lengthy training. There are many free options.

    Here's where to look for them:

    • Google Digital Workshop
      . Here you can improve both hard skills and soft skills. For example, simultaneously learn the principles of time management and business promotion on social networks.
    • Coursera
      . Thousands of courses from the world's leading universities that will allow you to study areas of interest from different angles - from management to the basics of programming. The training materials themselves are mostly free, but if you want to receive certificates of completion, you will have to pay.
    • My own business
      . For those who want to study management and business administration.
    • Creative Flow
      . For those who plan to work in the design field and want to learn how to use Photoshop.
    • Cambridge in Colour.
      Here they help you master the skills needed by photographers.
    • Learn to code HTML & CSS
      . For those who want to understand programming and learn HTML and CSS.
    • The Code Player
      . A resource based on teaching HTML5, CSS3, Javascript and other programming languages ​​through video instructions.

    The best way to understand whether you like a profession is to try it in practice, even for free.

    Is it possible to choose a profession for life?

    Parents and children dream that the choice of profession will be final upon entering university, followed by training and career growth. This is possible when a teenager feels his calling. After all, there are many professions where it is vocation, and not monetary reward or prestige, that is the key to career success (for example, doctor, veterinarian, teacher, geologist, researcher, rescue worker, lawyer).

    Vocation as an inner fire will allow you to constantly improve your skills, work not “from bell to bell,” find original solutions, make discoveries, develop an entire industry no matter what!

    Reason 3. They do not know their abilities and characteristics

    Bright talents are easy to spot. But few can boast of impressive poetry, drawings, success in sports or programming. And an A in school subjects is not a measure of ability. And then, if the child is significantly different from the parents, they are not able to adequately evaluate him.

    The difficulty also lies in the fact that natural inclinations may turn out to be unmanifested only because they were not given room for development.

    If there was no paint in the house, you may never know that there is an artist in your child.

    It is a special pleasure to discover different abilities and characteristics. They don't need to be evaluated, they need to be rejoiced. Otherwise, we create fears and self-doubt in children.

    Often, during consultations with a specialist, parents and children are surprised to notice how differently they react to the world, perceive information, and make decisions. And if earlier this was a stress factor, now it becomes a reason for mutual knowledge.

    By recognizing any abilities and differences in our child, we give him the blessing to use them and develop them.

    Tests for choosing a profession

    How to help your child decide on a profession? Career guidance tests help in choosing a future profession. For example, the following types of tests are known:

    • Socionics tests;
    • Holland Questionnaire;
    • Klimov's technique;
    • Matrix for choosing a profession (G. Rezapkina’s method);
    • “I want - I can - I need” formula for choosing a profession (Model of professional choice by E.A. Klimov). See explanations for the formula “I want - I can - I must”.

    I want - I can - I need - Formula for choosing a profession.
    Rice. 1: I want - I can - I need - Explanations for the formula for choosing a profession. Rice. 2: To choose a profession you like, you can take tests both after 9th and 11th grade on the following sites:

    • Foxford - Career Guidance Test: "Foxford" (free)
    • Adukar - Online career guidance test: “Adukar” (free)
    • - Career Guidance Test: (free)
    • Testometrika - Career aptitude test: Testometrika (free)
    • ProfGuide - Career Guidance Test: "ProfGuide" (free)
    • Apply online - Klimov test for career guidance: “Apply online” (free)
    • (paid test, 550 rubles)

    An example of interpretation of the results of a career guidance test for choosing a profession on

    An example of interpretation of the test results “Which profession to choose” on

    Nuances of choosing a profession




    Category - Profession and education

    Photo Yandex pictures
    Nuances of choosing a profession

    Choosing a profession is an important and lengthy process consisting of a chain of successive steps.

    Factors for choosing a profession

    When looking closely at a certain activity, a person analyzes the opinions of his friends, as well as his own capabilities.

    There are eight main factors in choosing a profession:

    1. Interests

    A person must choose a profession that is interesting to him and in which he can realize himself and his strengths.

    So, for a leader, work related to the organization of other people (manager, sports coach, teacher) is suitable.

    1. Availability of abilities

    A person who wants to play the piano but has no ear for music cannot become a great pianist.

    2. Personal preferences

    The choice of profession is largely influenced by various external factors (place of residence, relationships with people).

    It is better to choose a profession that you like and that you like it.

    And then, later, you will definitely not be disappointed in your choice.

    3. Opinion of close relatives

    As a rule, mom and dad who work as doctors want their child to become a doctor.

    However, this factor cannot be considered as a single and isolated factor.

    4. Opinion of acquaintances and friends

    Choosing a profession is a personal matter for each person, so you should not thoughtlessly succumb to the persuasion of others to take a closer look at a specific type of activity.

    5. Own professional plan

    A person must have a clear idea of ​​what he wants to achieve in the future.

    In particular, it is necessary to find answers to the following questions: how to obtain the necessary results, how the intended goals will be achieved, how to overcome the difficulties that have arisen.

    6. Knowledge about the profession

    Choosing a profession should not be spontaneous.

    It is necessary to familiarize yourself with all the pros and cons of a particular type of activity.

    It is best to study special descriptions—professiograms.

    Such information helps to get acquainted with the profession, as well as assess the personal qualities necessary to master it.

    7. Society's needs

    This factor is the most fickle of all the above.

    It is advisable to periodically receive information about the demand for a certain profession in the labor market, so that after receiving an education you are not left with nothing.

    Stages of choosing a profession

    Choosing a profession involves setting a goal, as well as planning all stages and timing of its implementation.

    There is nothing wrong with asking other people for help on the way to your goal.

    Awareness of this fact makes a person closer to the desired result.

    A personal professional plan is planning of goals and stages of achieving them.

    A personal professional plan consists of three elements: “I want”, “I can” and “I must”.

    “I want” is a person’s interests and inclinations, as well as his career and professional preferences.

    That is, “I want” includes not only a certain type of activity, but also a person’s expectations from future work.

    Before choosing a profession, you need to understand your range of interests.

    As a rule, they are formed in childhood.

    Interest in a particular area must be supported by corresponding inclinations.

    You can recognize them through self-analysis, as well as by passing special psychological tests.

    “I can” is a person’s ability to perform a particular profession. A person who wants to be realized in life must understand what he does best.

    Psychology distinguishes two types of abilities: general and special.

    General abilities allow a person to make a career in any professional field.

    These include: speech and mental abilities.

    A person who succeeds in specific fields of activity has special abilities.

    Having the ability to perform a specific activity is one of the components of professional suitability.

    The second element of professional suitability is the personal qualities of a person’s character, as well as the level of development of his cognitive processes.

    So, a girl who wants to become a salesperson must have communication skills and emotional stability.

    The third element of professional suitability is the absence of health contraindications for a certain type of activity.

    “Must” is the demand for a profession in the labor market.

    Since in modern life labor power is only a commodity, you need to be able to sell your labor.

    Therefore, it is advisable from time to time to study the situation on the labor market in terms of the importance of a particular profession.

    Employers have the following requirements for young specialists:


    It is advisable to have a specialized higher education in the specialty.

    It is necessary to constantly improve your professional level and improve your qualifications.

    2. Having work experience.

    You need to be prepared for the fact that a decent job is unlikely to be found immediately after graduation.

    Every person who wants to build a career should strive to gain the necessary work experience as quickly as possible.

    3. Professionalism

    Employers prefer to see next to them an intelligent and active specialist who is interested in the results of his work.

    Some employers provide young professionals with the opportunity to combine work and study (thanks to flexible work schedules).

    This allows everyone to gain work experience before graduation.

    However, the paradox is that there are employers who want to find a young employee with extensive work experience.

    All this negatively affects the labor market and often leads to unemployment.

    Self-analysis of the prerequisites for work contributes to the correct choice of profession and the successful implementation of one’s abilities.

    Quotes about choosing a profession

    The motives and rules for choosing a teaching profession can be traced in the thoughts of great people.

    • “How good it is when a person has the opportunity to choose a profession not out of necessity, but in accordance with his spiritual inclinations.” Apsheroni A.
    • “As far as the future is concerned, I repeat one thing: whatever you undertake, the main thing is to be dedicated to your work to the end. It is not necessary to achieve some kind of stellar success, but it is necessary to be honest with yourself in your chosen profession.” Robert DeNiro.
    • “A profession should initially be an act of love. And not a marriage of convenience.” Murakami H.
    • “Two things are very difficult to avoid: stupidity - if you isolate yourself in your specialty, and unfoundedness - if you leave it.” Johann Goethe.
    • “A calling is a current, which benefits from being obstructed at its source in order to see whether it is a river or just a trickle.” Decourcel A.

    Interesting fact! Numerology offers a choice of profession based on date of birth! Only for this you need to find a real specialist, not a scammer. Just for fun, you can take such tests online if they are free. After all, there are no guarantees of their accuracy, so it’s not worth paying in vain.

    Funny quotes about choosing a profession

    • “An honest bartender: one who earns a little less than the owner of the establishment.” Orben R.
    • “An engineer is a person who can explain how a device works, but cannot explain why it doesn’t work.” Margaret Thatcher, British politician.
    • “People of the same profession rarely get together even for fun, but their meetings end in a conspiracy against society or a plan to increase prices.” Adam Smith.
    • “The most common profession in Russia is Difficulty Tester.” Yankovsky S.
    • “To each his own. Saint Francis of Assisi said: “Every saint can perform a miracle, but not everyone can run a hotel decently.” Mark Twain.
    • “The waiter makes up the wrong bill from the correct numbers; in this he differs from the statistician, who does the opposite.” Elgozy J.
    • “If every child’s cherished dream comes true, our world will be filled with firefighters and police officers.” Vodicka G.

    II. Rules for choosing a profession

    An incorrect understanding of the nature of activity leads to a choice that does not correspond to a person’s inclinations and typological characteristics.

    Four mistakes in choosing a profession

    1. 1. Romantic or intelligent profession.
      For example: film director, actor, geologist.
    2. 2. Fashionable profession.
      For example: manager, lawyer.
    3. 3. A profession that promises big money.
      For example: realtor, sailor, work on the stock exchange.
    4. 4. Profession by inheritance or “labor dynasties”.
      To date, there is no scientific evidence that professional orientation is transmitted by genes.

    Following the rules for choosing a profession will allow you to make this choice more conscious and reasoned.

    Rules for choosing a profession

    1. 1. Identify
      what professions are needed today in order to properly plan what will happen in 2-3 years.
    2. 2. Find out
      which institutions provide training in these specialties.
    3. 3. Find
      an opportunity to practically try your hand at this environment, discuss your choice with loved ones.
    4. 4. Assess
      the real possibility of employment.
    5. 5. Do not succumb
      to the indirect or direct influence of friends.

    When choosing a profession, you need to consider several rules

    1. Determine professional inclinations and preferences.
    2. Identify personality traits. Every profession has requirements for personal qualities, for example, a driver must be attentive, a doctor must be responsible, a salesperson must be sociable.
    3. Determine priority life values. Some prefer the opportunity for self-realization in a profession, while for others the level of income is more important.
    4. Choose a profession depending on your health status.
    5. Take into account the demand for a particular profession in the labor market.
    6. It is useful to try yourself in a profession before making a final choice, to master the chosen type of activity in practice.

    Choosing a profession is a responsible step for everyone. In order to enjoy the activities you perform in the future, you need to approach this issue quite seriously and consciously.

    To determine professional preferences and personal qualities, there are many psychological questionnaires. If a person does not reveal any professional interests, perhaps he is experiencing a negative emotional state, therefore he is not motivated to get a profession, his energy is aimed at resolving personal problems. Such a person needs psychological help.

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