Professions for introverts, extroverts and ambiverts

Artistic professions


What he works with: stone, wood, plaster, metal Average salary: 30,000 rubles. Required education: creative university. Suitable for: girls, boys after 11th grade.

A sculptor (sculptor) is an artist! He creates sculptures using materials that can be processed in different ways: wood, clay, stone, ice and others. The creation of one work can take either 1 day or several years, it all depends on the volume and artistic intent.

Sculptors must have an impeccable knowledge of art history, be able to draw, and have good imagination. Craftsmen are in high demand on the labor market. They are invited to work by landscape design and funeral services agencies, creative studios, often sculptors give private lessons, and take on private orders.

Interesting to know! Modern craftsmen use a variety of materials to create innovative works. For example, Italian sculptor Dario Tironi uses pieces of children's construction sets and garbage, medicine packaging and other unnecessary things. The result is entire installations that are enthusiastically praised by experts.


What he works with: brushes, canvases, paints. Average salary: from 20,000 rubles. Required education: creative university. Suitable for: anyone who wants and has learned to paint and is not allergic to paint.


Introverts are closed and focused on exploring their own inner world.
American psychologists are confident that there are not so many introverts among us - only 30%. And many people misunderstand the true essence of this psychological type. We suggest that you look into this issue in detail so as not to be victims of prejudice.

So, an introvert is the one who leaves a noisy party early under the pretext of going to the country or being very tired. Many people think that these tricks are complete nonsense. In fact, there is no trick or deception, because an introvert actually prefers relaxing alone to a fun, noisy gathering.

Introversion is an innate quality of the psyche, which is characterized by the personality’s focus on oneself or inward.

If an introvert has to interact with others for a long time, he experiences a lot of stress. But he tolerates short contacts quite well.

The American scientist Eysenck identifies 2 types of introverts:

  • emotionally stable introverts correspond to the phlegmatic type of temperament;
  • emotionally unstable (neurotic) introverts correspond to the melancholic type of temperament.

Unlike extroverts, who draw vitality from communication with others, introverts take energy from their own emotions, experiences, memories.
Their source is their own inner world, which is why they turn to it so often. It’s enough for an introvert to sit at home, in peace and quiet, listen to nostalgic music, remember a trip with friends three years ago - and he’s a cucumber!

Technical professions

Video editor

What it works with: software, video recording. Average salary: 40,000 rubles. Required education: courses. Suitable for: girls and boys after 9th grade.

The work of a video editor is primarily performed on a modern computer equipped with cool software. This specialist cuts the video, removes noise and other extraneous sounds, creating a full-fledged digital product. You can work as a video editor without secondary or higher professional education; training takes 1-1.5 months.

Interesting to know! A video editor is a free bird, he is not tied to his workplace. The profession is suitable for people who want to earn a decent salary and fulfill orders from home.

Photo editor

What it works with: photography, computer, software. Average salary: 50,000 rub. Required education: courses, university, college Suitable for: women, men at any age.

A photo editor, like a proofreader, works with materials for newspapers, books, magazines. And if the proofreader reads the text, then the photo editor interacts with photographs. Using special computer programs, he gives the photo a “marketable appearance” and also solves the following problems:

  • searches for photographs;
  • selects suitable photographs that will complement the content of the article well;
  • takes part in placing images on pages.

The specialist also coordinates hired or in-house photographers, selects shooting locations, and sets the general rhythm of work.

Important! If you want to become a photo editor, then you need to get an education in the cultural and artistic field, photography, and design.

Sound engineer

Subject: sound, music. Instrument : computer and other audio equipment. Average salary: 35,000 rubles. Required education: courses, college. Suitable for: men and women of any age.

Professions for extroverts

Considering all his qualities, it is not at all surprising that he deliberately chooses to work with a large team. It is important for him to find a place where all the steps of the hierarchy will be clearly defined in order to methodically get to the intended goal.

Extroverts like to actively influence the world around them. They like to take action rather than be a bystander. That's why you'll most often find them in the following professions.


Here the extrovert is in his element, because he is constantly accompanied by dozens of curious and adoring eyes, for whom he is a king and a god! It was not for nothing that he chose this profession: extroverts are most similar to children in their openness and curiosity. A primary school teacher, educator or tutor - our hero will never get tired of such professions!

Advertising Manager

It is vital for this specialist to be able to influence people and convince. And here the skills of quickly making acquaintances and easily finding a common language for an extrovert will come in handy. He feels fine in such an active environment. But he will need business acumen.

Secretary, assistant manager

The essence of this profession is to actively help another person, to organize his working, and often personal time. And it is not surprising if, in the course of performing his official duties, he often has to push his own life into the background.

However, what seems like a disadvantage to many is often seen as an advantage for an extrovert, because here he can actively participate in the most interesting processes. And rewards for this help significantly increase his motivation.

Take a look at the famous couple consisting of the introverted misanthrope Sherlock Holmes and the extroverted humanist Doctor Watson.

HR specialist, recruiter, personnel officer

Recruiting personnel, assessing a candidate’s abilities and suitability for a particular position, conducting interviews, selecting a team to most effectively perform a variety of tasks of any complexity... Many may find these responsibilities tedious and extremely boring.

But only an extrovert will be sincerely happy to invest his own energy in communicating with unfamiliar people, being in an eternal search for candidates with the competencies he needs, and in resolving difficult relationships within the team.

Guide-translator accompanying tourist groups

This person will become the main interlocutor and accompanying person outside of your home country. His artistic nature allows him to easily find a common language with several tourists, resolve conflicts that have not yet begun and make him fall in love with other countries.

With an extroverted guide, you will learn the most intimate secrets and the most interesting details about the life of foreigners, hear the best anecdotes and funny situations, entertaining stories related to the sights.

Make no mistake about him: he is well aware of the responsibility entrusted to him and will resolve even the most difficult situation!

Organizer of shows and celebrations, presenter, toastmaster

Well, here, everything is clear. An extrovert is a person whose energy splashes outward. Putting on shows and celebrations for people is in his blood.

Typically, extroverts are the best at improvising, controlling the levers of any invisible processes, and being the center of attention.

Correspondent, journalist

The main feature of journalists and especially correspondents is their sociability and curiosity.

Here, an open person will come in handy, who, even sleepy, will be happy to make contact and win over the first person he meets. It will not be difficult for him to get out of any difficult situation with dignity and quickly process the information received.

An extrovert loves to learn any news and share it with others.


An extrovert is good at organizing and motivating people, which are essential qualities of a good administrator.

It is enough to have a little self-confidence, developed self-discipline, and motivation to solve any issue in the best possible way.

Policeman, officer

Extroverts love structure with a strict hierarchy and a strong leader. This greatly increases the attractiveness of any profession for an extrovert. That's why he will enjoy being a high-ranking police officer or military man.

If the truth is on his side, he will move towards his intended goal by any means necessary. And the accompanying glory of a guardian of order or a defender gives this process a special nobility and additional charm.


Here the extrovert acts as a predator tamer. Just one unusual question, one successful gesture can turn the situation upside down. That's why juries often love him so much.

An extrovert is often confident that he is right, so he will try to do everything to get his ward out of a difficult situation.

Humanitarian professions


Subject: text, word. Average salary: the writer receives fees for finished works, the amount of which depends on the topic, volume, and relevance. Required education: any. Suitable for: any person who wants to write and writes.

The writer creates literary works - detective stories, romance novels, fairy tales, autobiographies, here everything depends on imagination and inspiration. The work is not easy; when concluding a contract with a publishing house, the master of the pen is obliged to deliver the book on time.

Successful prose writers write on average 15-20 pages of text per day. Writers must be diversely developed personalities; when working on a book, they communicate with real people, visit archives, study news reports or the socio-cultural characteristics of a particular people or region.

Do you know? Russian writer Narine Abgaryan began her creative career with a blog. There she also posted excerpts from the book “Manyunya”, asking for the opinions of her readers. More than eight years have passed, during which time Narine has released 5 novels, 3 stories and 2 collections of short stories, earning the sincere love of readers from the CIS countries.

Humanitarian work

Humanists often cannot find a job that they deserve, because the lack of technical knowledge forces many bosses to refuse the applicant. In fact, there are many humanitarian professions for introverted individuals:

  • writer;
  • screenwriter;
  • copywriter;
  • corrector;
  • archivist.

Writers have been working for many years to create literary works of various genres. Their activities depend on inspiration and imagination. To be productive, a writer needs to be alone - this is an ideal profession for introverts. The screenwriter develops texts for films. Their work is also valued in animation, video editing, and theatrical productions.

Copywriting is a suitable profession for introverts. It consists of writing texts for various websites, blogs and online publications. In this area, age, type of past activity and education are not important. But a high level of literacy and perseverance is required . And correcting ready-made texts is the task of proofreaders. Until they edit what they have written, it will not be published. Proofreaders must have education as a philologist, linguist or editor.

Archivists work with documents and databases. They systematize information and issue papers upon official request. At the same time, such specialists have little contact with other people.

Technical Writer

Field: engineering, technical sciences, documentation. Subject: text, numbers, tables. Average salary: 50,000 rub. Required education: higher education. Suitable for: boys and girls who have completed secondary education.

The specialist is engaged in the development of technical documentation that meets established requirements and current regulations. Technical writers are primarily employed in the following fields:

  • software;
  • creation of different types of household appliances;
  • mechanical engineering sector;
  • aerospace industry;
  • research in the field of chemistry, microbiology, etc.

Technical writers are in demand in the labor market; they are experts in the field of linguistics, exact sciences, engineering, and programming. One specialist is able to edit the material, create illustrations, adapting documents to any requirements.

Advantages and disadvantages

Courses for women and men that will allow you to earn more
Any, absolutely any type of temperament has positive and negative aspects, pros and cons. Don’t flatter yourself with the hope that you are the navel of the earth! Now we will find the dark spot of sanguine in you too!

In psychology, a sanguine person is defined as a strong type of temperament, which has the following advantages:

An incorrigible optimist. Have you ever been tempted to prove that these people live with rose-colored glasses? I had such a moment, but then I realized that they just see the world differently. If my first reaction is: “Lelik, everything is lost!”, then a sanguine person’s reaction is: “The Earth is in the porthole” - he will not react to little things and will be distracted by the negative. Confidence. This characteristic is quite controversial, because self-confidence is more cultivated than manifested innately. Therefore, let's just say that sanguine people are mostly confident people. The ability to remain calm. This trait, inherent primarily in men, directly depends on the strength of the nervous system. Such people are sometimes “knee-deep in the sea” even without strong drinks! Sometimes, out of principle, they practically don’t worry about problems! Divergent thinking. This type is characterized by a penchant for creativity. Such workers are valued in any job, as they are able to find several ways out of one difficult situation. Leaders or “nails” of the company. The strength of such a leader is his ability to understand people's experiences and emotions. Although he himself may not feel it at all. An incorrigible optimist. Such people tend to have an optimistic view of problems. They do not take difficulties seriously, often declaring with a smile: “It’s nonsense, everything will get better soon!” Such optimists give hope to the most disillusioned people, those who are hopelessly ill in medicine. It is quite difficult for them to spoil their mood. Often such people have a good memory. Especially responsible and serious sanguine people (serious ones, of course, cannot be found during the day, but there are quite a lot of responsible ones). Due to their excellent mnemonic abilities, such individuals achieve great success in their professional activities. Immediacy

Sanguine people are easy to recognize even among strangers: they behave very spontaneously, appear noisily, attract attention with their obvious thoughtlessness, ease and spontaneity, some even secretly envy their brightness in life. They are not shy to express their feelings, emotions are in full swing.

Among the disadvantages of this type of temperament are:

  • Gullibility. It is difficult for sanguine people to observe intrigues, the interweaving of gossip and conflicts. They are above intrigue. Excessive gullibility leads to disappointment. And if a sanguine person is nevertheless disappointed (which happens extremely rarely), this is dangerous - he may fall into a stupor from betrayal, lose his natural optimism, his eyes will dim, and there will be no emotions left.
  • Problem with friends. It would seem that these are the people who find a common language with everyone, especially women, but they have few real friends. It's all about sincere, devoted people who would understand the depth of these individuals.
  • Absent-mindedness. You can’t say about them: “He’s so absent-minded...”, but it’s really difficult for them to take in everything at the same time when so many events are rushing past.
  • Excessive sociability. Sanguine people have no difficulty communicating with someone on the street, in a bathhouse, in a store, office, school, army, and wherever they appear. Sanguines grow up to be chatterboxes and Casanovas. Because of this, many melancholic or phlegmatic people do not immediately understand them - how can they understand the impulses of an extroverted soul?!
  • Increased interest in the environment. But there are exceptions. Rather, such people show increased interest in their activities. That is why there are many respected professionals among sanguine people, since they plunge headlong into their work. Why is this a minus? No one will appreciate their sacrifice; they often work on sheer enthusiasm.
  • Chaotic. It is difficult for them to “sort out” and organize everything when this process is not driven by interest.

Natural science professions


Subject: forest and its inhabitants. Average salary: 40,000 rubles. Required education: university, college. Suitable for: mostly men.

The forester protects the forest and its inhabitants from illegal logging, poaching, and hooligans who litter and can cause natural fires. There are many foresters working in one forest, each of them is responsible for their assigned area.

The forester protects, monitors the health of plants and trees, removes dangerous dead wood and insects, and eliminates the consequences of natural disasters (flooding, storms, etc.). For this job you need to love nature; the profession is ideal for introverts: foresters live in solitude, fully concentrating on the tasks at hand.



The author of the novel “The Catcher in the Rye,” Jerome Sallinger, lived as a hermit for decades and did not appear in public, which did not prevent him from taking an honorable place in the history of world literature. The writer’s level of social interactions is unprecedentedly low - 32 points out of 100 possible! The advantages of the profession include genre diversity: you can write anything - from film reviews and scripts to novels and romantic sonnets. There is no need even for professional education! But without talent, alas, there is no entry into the profession.

Basic questions about professions for introverts

What are the highest paying jobs for introverts?

The undisputed leaders in terms of salary levels are professions for introverts with a technical focus. Programmers, design and design engineers, truck drivers, special effects and 3D visualization experts apply for a salary of 65,000 rubles. per month.

Important! In the IT segment, Swift programmers are the most highly valued. The fact is that this programming language appeared less than 5 years ago, which explains the high popularity of specialists capable of working with it. In Moscow, they can receive fees exceeding 150,000 rubles.

Among the craft professions, the work of blacksmiths and jewelers is highly paid, receiving about 50,000-70,000 rubles. per month, which depends on labor productivity. The average niche is joiners, carpenters, who receive about 40,000-45,000 thousand rubles for their work. per month. The lowest paid profession is seamstress; the average wage for this profession is 30,000 rubles. But, if a craftswoman works with private customers or in a prestigious studio, then her salary may exceed the salary of carpenters or blacksmiths.

Among the humanitarian professions, the leaders are technical writers, economic analysts and screenwriters (about 60,000 rubles per month). The salary of writers, proofreaders, and copywriters directly depends on their output. The lowest paid work is for librarians and archivists - about 20,000-25,000 thousand rubles. per month.

Natural science professions will bring introverts a small but stable income. Foresters, diagnostic doctors and laboratory diagnostic specialists receive at least 30,000-40,000 thousand rubles per month.

What profession should an introvert choose so as not to go to the office?

If you want to work remotely, then you should pay attention to the following professions:

  • copywriter/rewriter;
  • translator;
  • mobile application tester;
  • targeted advertising specialist setting up marketing campaigns on social networks;
  • artist.

These professions require privacy. Therefore, after completing the most difficult work on your own, an introvert will not feel like a squeezed lemon.

How to avoid becoming an outcast at work as a single person

Fear of people and society - what is this phobia called and what is it

Despite the prevailing stereotypes about the unsociability of introverts, in fact they are quite adequate people who prefer a calm environment and solitude, which they need to restore their energy balance. To avoid being rejected in the workplace, they do the following:

  • They identify their weaknesses and strengths, compare them with the requirements for certain specialties and choose correctly where to go to work as an introvert.
  • They plan their working time, learn to abstract themselves from the surrounding reality.
  • They establish contacts with employees: not with all of them at once, at first with small groups or individually.
  • They leave their comfort zone (for example, they do not refuse periodic public speaking, but carefully prepare for them).
  • They are not shy about talking about themselves and their successes, since self-promotion is important for career growth.
  • If possible, attend various personal growth courses.

Thus, introverts are people who are quite capable of achieving high results in the professional field. There are a large number of professions for melancholic introverts; if you choose the type of work activity responsibly, you can achieve success.

Who am I: an extrovert or an introvert?

There are many different interpretations of extroversion and introversion. An extrovert can be described as a person who directs all his vital energy to the world around him. He cannot live without communication, loves attention to himself, knows how to speak in public and makes acquaintances without problems. Extrovert

is a ball of energy that constantly wastes it. And then it is replenished again through contact with the outside world.


he directs vital energy into the inner world, he is not so sociable, he likes small companies. Such a person does not waste energy, but accumulates it in himself. He feels drained after social events, but then easily regains his strength in solitude.

Do not confuse introversion with social phobia, misanthropy, or anxious personality disorder. Social phobia

- these are strong, unreasonable fear and anxiety that appear when a person needs to make contact with other people.
is dislike for people, opposing oneself to society.
Unsociable and reserved, the misanthrope carefully selects his social circle. Anxious personality disorder
comes from feelings of inadequacy. Such people are characterized by alienation; they avoid social contact because they are afraid of being rejected and ridiculed by society.

A healthy introvert doesn't feel stressed when he needs to talk to someone.

Features of introverts

For introverts, finding a job can be a real challenge. It is difficult for them to establish even superficial contacts. However, individuals with an introverted psychotype are responsible workers who are also capable of building a career.

Such persons are characterized by punctuality and perfectionism. Introverts take their work seriously. They never make rash decisions. They have well-developed analytical skills, memory and thinking. Many of these people work slowly, but the results of their work pleasantly amaze their bosses and customers.

Introverts are not suitable for working in a team. Most of these individuals prefer to work from home.

Craft activities

Introverts love privacy. Alone, they are more comfortable working and creating something new. For such people there is a small list of suitable craft professions:

  • Jeweler. Creates and repairs jewelry. Jewelers work with metals and precious or semi-precious stones. The specifics of labor often depend on the type of products and methods of processing. Jewelers work in workshops where they have to deal with special equipment. This profession is one of the most prestigious for introverts, as it is in significant demand.
  • Blacksmith. In this area, people make fences, gates and various decorative elements for landscaping. Their work involves the use of metal. They usually specialize in forging, casting and stamping. The profession of a blacksmith is always relevant, but there are many requirements for candidates: a person must be strong, physically resilient, and creative. Men often choose this type of work.
  • A carpenter. He works with wood, from which he creates building materials and structures for various purposes. Carpenters are also involved in building houses, fencing, and installing wood windows and flooring.
  • Carpenter. He also works with wood, but creates more complex products. These can be decorative elements with carvings, arches, pieces of furniture. Carpenters are well versed in the types and characteristics of materials. Often, some workers open their own workshops. It should be noted that the work involves wood chips and dangerous tools. Woodworkers should be careful to avoid injury.
  • Seamstress. Sews various outfits and products from fabrics and other materials. This is an ideal job for an introverted woman. Seamstresses can work in factories, fashion houses or ateliers. Some people prefer to sew clothes at home. Some are creative and also engage in embroidery, lace weaving and creating decorative details for different outfits. Professional workers can develop their own product designs. The profession is always relevant, but it is not always possible to find a vacancy with a high salary.

The highest paying professions

The highest paying professions

In addition to prestige, high salaries are of great importance in choosing a specialty. Almost any profession can bring good income if it suits a person’s purpose, love for his work, is highly qualified and has the ability to apply his knowledge. Among the highest paid areas are IT, economics, trade, medicine, law, construction, as well as engineering, technical and creative professions.

Highest paid professions:

  1. IT specialist. Especially Java/Ruby programmer, SAP consultant, Big Data analyst, IOS and Android developers.
  2. Doctor. Surgeon, anesthesiologist, dentist, obstetrician-gynecologist.
  3. Oil and gas industry worker.
  4. Auditor.
  5. Captain of the ship.
  6. Pilot.
  7. Webmaster.
  8. Risk manager.
  9. Senior manager.
  10. Chef.
  11. Marketer.
  12. Drilling engineer is another profession after 11th grade with a good salary.
  13. Market Analyst.
  14. Civil engineer.
  15. Architect.
  16. Collector.
  17. Lawyer.
  18. Bankruptcy Bidding Agent.
  19. Oil and gas industry employee.
  20. Logistician
  21. Press secretary is also a profession with a good salary.
  22. Breeder and genetic engineer.
  23. Blogger.
  24. Sailor.
  25. TV presenter.
  26. Designer.
  27. Accountant.
  28. Sales/Purchasing Manager.
  29. Internet marketing specialist.
  30. Investor Relations Specialist.

Key characteristics of the “internals” and the style of their work

Introverts are now called people who are focused primarily on their inner world (therefore, after the release of Laney’s book “The Invincible Introvert,” the term “inners” is often used in relation to them). By nature, they are reluctant to quickly become close to strangers, strive to penetrate deeper than extroverts into the essence of phenomena, and prefer a narrow but exhaustive analysis to a broad but superficial perception. Such a reaction results in concentration and scrupulousness, which is what “inners” usually demonstrate at their workplace, if they are not distracted and not overwhelmed with tasks.

Multitasking is “contraindicated” for all people, regardless of temperament, but introverts especially suffer from it. Therefore, in their activities they need to plan the sequence of events and their structural and hierarchical distribution.

Another characteristic feature of the “inner” (confirmed by the experiment mentioned above) is its specific reaction to the need to be resourceful in oral dialogue, especially under stressful conditions. In a conversation, introverted men and women pass everything through long-term memory and therefore are slower than extroverts in choosing words and are less able to formulate new (previously unrehearsed) thoughts.

As a result, “insiders” very rarely become effective negotiators in conditions of numerous rapid contacts with a variety of strangers (as required, for example, by working at exhibitions, presentations or in crowded retail outlets). But introverts compensate for this with the ability to conduct written negotiations with greater ease and accuracy, and to more clearly express their thoughts after deliberation.

If an introvert in his profession manages to create conditions that suit his temperament, he can express himself quite effectively in different work formats.

1. Entrepreneurial activity or hired labor?

At first glance, entrepreneurship looks preferable: it seems that on your own initiative you can refuse unpleasant contacts and build a work schedule individually, for yourself. In fact, the constant need to solve many production issues will require perhaps even greater communication skills than when working for hire.

The advantage is that the performance of unpleasant, but necessary functions can be delegated to your employees. At the same time, even in hired employment in companies of different profiles, even at the start of a career, you can find a place where contacts with random people will be kept to a minimum (for example, a window cleaner in a cleaning company, a mail carrier, an IT specialist, a merchandiser, etc.) .

2. Work in a team or independently?

It is difficult for an introvert to concentrate, existing in a “humming hive”, where he is subjected to a massive information attack from all sides and because of this he tends to withdraw into himself for a break. In addition, frequent and direct contact with others can become a problem not only for the introvert himself. Closeness and lack of involvement in the general process is often interpreted by colleagues as an unwillingness to work together with everyone towards the result. Even the concentrated facial expression of “inners” (characteristic of introverts, immersed in their thoughts), is often perceived by others as a manifestation of criticism, irritation, or even malice.

However, this does not mean that teamwork is definitely not suitable. If an introvert joins a team with people he already knows (or, even better, like-minded people), then with a high probability he will be able to adapt to new conditions and find his place away from the hustle and bustle.

3. Remote work or personal presence?

In this opposition, an introvert will almost always choose remote work, since in this option several factors that are significant for him are realized at once. But, despite the fact that the development of Internet employment in the modern world significantly expands the list of professions for introverts, some types of activities do not allow this format. For example, a laboratory assistant, truck driver, forester, courier or archivist cannot perform their functions remotely, although all these professions are suitable for “internal workers” in a number of other parameters.

Despite the common traits of temperament, introverts still differ from each other. Modern psychologists introduce an additional division of introversion into many subtypes (logical-sensory, ethical-intuitive, logical-intuitive, etc.). Therefore, “inners” choose professions for themselves from very diverse spheres of human activity.

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