Flirting messages for a guy. Phrases for flirting with a man

The art of flirting needs to be learned. Not a single representative of the fair sex possesses this skill from birth. Nowadays, when mobile phones are very common, it is with their help that many people meet and begin romantic relationships, therefore, learning how to flirt with a guy by correspondence is simply necessary.

How to flirt with a guy over text - the basics

To begin with, you should remember the two main rules of such communication. Firstly, you should not shorten words. Secondly, you can’t “bombard” the object of your sympathy with constant messages, as this can be branded as an intrusive and not very smart girl.

Before you start flirting over text, find out everything you can about the guy. Study his page on the social network, see what music he prefers and what he is interested in. This knowledge will help start a dialogue.

How to flirt with a guy on the Internet and what to write in the first message?

At the very beginning of the dialogue, you need to interest the guy. You shouldn’t be too original; it’s better to ask a question that lies in his area of ​​interest. For example, if he is taking an English language course, you can ask him for advice on choosing a school or get his opinion on the training program he is taking.

After you started with a guy on VKontakte and sent him the first message, you should wait for a response. Be prepared for the fact that initially you will have to maintain the dialogue to a greater extent on your own. Ask more questions, give a few neutral compliments, and try to show that you have common interests. This is how you can start communication that will lead to a romantic relationship in the future. But don’t rush things, don’t immediately talk about your interest and plans, let friendship arise first.

Flirting is an entire art, which is quite difficult to learn. It’s twice as difficult if it’s necessary to communicate with a guy on the Internet or via SMS. But don’t worry, we have prepared detailed instructions for you on how to properly conduct correspondence. Also, we will not let you write nonsense; you will learn what you absolutely should not do with your virtual interlocutor and what phrases will be relevant. But most importantly, you will learn to flirt like a true woman and be able to win over a man.

When choosing the right words, you need to consider where you communicate - on the Internet or via SMS. In the first case, you can use various pictures, videos, files, and emoticons. In the case of a mobile phone, conveying emotions will be much more difficult.

In the Internet

To flirt you need to follow these tips:

  1. Write correctly - avoid punctuation, grammatical, stylistic errors and typos.
  2. Avoid informal slang (in short, this is the same, etc.).
  3. Use humor carefully, especially black and vulgar humor. A guy may not understand most jokes at all or take them literally.
  4. Don’t act like you’re being interrogated: don’t ask about the guy’s personal life and his income.
  5. Do not advertise yourself, listing your own advantages in every sentence. A girl should become a mystery for a young guy that is interesting to solve.
  6. Use emoticons to express feelings for your interlocutor, but no more than 2-3 per answer.
  7. Give compliments to a young man, because the fair sex loves praise. But even here you should know when to stop.

If you follow these 7 rules, flirting will be easy and effective.

By phone via SMS

The advice here is almost the same as for correspondence on the Internet. Here are just some small additions that will help you learn how to flirt correctly and hook your interlocutor:

  1. Be frank. Don’t think that since the guy doesn’t see you, you can embellish the words, or even lie somewhere. Sooner or later, the young man will find out everything and may not want to continue the relationship.
  2. You should not write words together in order to limit yourself to one SMS or Latin alphabet.
  3. Do not send long SMS, but at the same time the text should be succinct.
  4. Don't forget about compliments. Although the guys claim that they can’t stand all kinds of enthusiastic looks and speeches, they are very happy to read another compliment addressed to them.
  5. Don't send messages in a row. They must also be unique. This way the guy will see that you are thinking about him. Originality is the basis of successful flirting with a young man.

If a guy calls your phone back, you shouldn't answer him right away. Write an SMS and say you are busy. Invite him to chat later.

If a man “took the bait” and entered the game, then you will need. Here it is written what you can ask him and how to do it correctly.

If you don’t know how your interlocutor feels about you, we suggest you figure him out. A few of our tips will help you do this. You will find out how and what he writes, how often, etc.

What is allowed ? Here are the most pressing questions!

What compliments can you write to men?

Guys, like girls, love compliments. Your task is to surprise the guy, and to do this you need to please him with unusual phrases. Here is a list of the most successful ones:

  • “It would never have worked out for me.” You need to show that your boyfriend is the best in the world. He must understand that he has unique skills.
  • "You have a good taste". When the conversation turns to clothing or food preferences, do not forget to ask what clothes he likes to wear and what he likes to eat most. After his answer, tell him that he has good taste.
  • “You will make a great father.” No man can say with confidence that he can easily cope with the role of a father. And this phrase will cheer him up.
  • “How would I live without you?” This compliment will show your lover that he is the meaning of your life. After reading such a phrase in a message, a young man will feel the happiest in this world. As an example, you can suggest the phrase “What would I do without you.”

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Alexey Chernozem “How to build relationships on the Internet and transform them into happy real ones.” You will learn how to create an attractive image on the Internet, where to start dating and how to transfer them from the Internet to the real world.

The book is free. To download, click on this link, leave your e-mail and you will receive an email with a link to the pdf file.

What you absolutely should not do

Certain messages can derail your conversation with your guy. He can easily lose interest in you and get busy with everyday activities. In correspondence you should not do the following:

  • Ask how you are doing
    . This phrase is about nothing. Using it, you will never intrigue a young man.
  • Send long SMS
    . A good message should consist of a maximum of 2-3 sentences.
  • Reproach the guy
    . You should never make complaints about the fact that he didn’t call you yesterday or disappeared somewhere. Such messages will put you in a negative light, and after several attempts to justify yourself, your boyfriend will simply begin to avoid you, and then completely find someone else.
  • Do not show explicit photos
    . So the guy may soon lose all interest in you and think that you are frivolous.

No matter how strong your desire to seduce a man, you should not flirt openly, everything should be natural. Only such a girl can become interesting!

Text messages are a great way to flirt. You can flirt through messages with a new acquaintance, with a guy you've been dating for a while, or even with a regular partner for a little fun. Messages also allow you to stay in touch, find common interests, and communicate with your guy before taking the next step.

Examples of light flirting

Today there are many examples of how a girl can flirt with a guy, and this number is growing every day, as modern society expands the boundaries of acceptable topics and rules of behavior. The main goal of communication in this way is to make it clear to the opposite sex that he is communicating with a girl or woman, using accompanying gestures, facial expressions and other mechanisms.

Light flirting on the part of a woman implies gentleness and ease of behavior in everything. Win-win details of behavior are careless gestures to straighten your hair or your clothes, emphasis on the lips, which can be slightly parted, as if in anticipation of a kiss, as well as a measured gait, which allows the man to become interested and catch up with the girl.

Many women consider it unacceptable to use the image of a fool. However, it is precisely this pattern of behavior, when a girl laughs, widens her eyes in surprise, and acquires playful behavior traits, that in the understanding of most men is a symbol of a relaxed and liberated girl. Accordingly, such behavior is ideal for flirting.

Flirting between a woman and a man is a way to improve relationships with possible developments, to which the girl herself must agree. The period from flirting to the next step can take several days or a year - this is an individual decision. In general terms, coquetry on the part of a girl involves open behavior, an easy and positive attitude, as well as interest in the interlocutor.


How to start a conversation and flirt

  1. Start a conversation.

    If you're trying to flirt with a guy you're not in a relationship with, start a romantic conversation first. This way the guy will understand your intentions, and if he shows reciprocal interest, then continue in the same spirit.

    • For example, the message “I dreamed about you today!” will be a skillful start to flirting. This will show that you had an unusual dream about a guy, and if he keeps up the conversation, then you can move on to more flirtatious remarks.
    • If he ignores the subtext, then you will understand that the guy is not interested in a relationship.

  2. Send a flirty compliment.

    Everyone loves something nice to say about themselves, so giving a compliment is a great way to flirt. When starting flirting in messages, use flirty remarks to keep things moving forward.

    • For example, if you are going on a date with a guy from the basketball team, you can write: “It got hot in the gym today after you arrived!”
    • Be original and specific. It is not necessary to emphasize the appearance, but it can be said more clearly. For example, instead of “You're cute,” write “You have a beautiful smile.”

  3. Send messages at night.

    Naturally, it is better not to text a guy at 2 am if you are not sure that he is awake. Late-night messages are more intimate and encourage flirting.

    • At night it is easier for a person to relax. Wait until it's dark and then send your message.
    • You can write: “I’m already comfortable under the blanket. What are you doing now?".

  4. Be yourself.

    In messages, sometimes you want to seem stupid, offended, open to talking about sex, even if in life you are a different person. You don't need to do this, especially if you don't know each other well, because the guy will get the wrong impression.

    • For example, you don't need to use a million exclamation points to express excitement if you are quite reserved in life.
  5. Show off your fun side.

    You don't have to pretend to be someone you're not, but you can show that you know how to have fun and enjoy life. The messages come down to short, funny replies, so keep him interested in your good mood.

    • For example, tonight you are at home, lying in your pajamas. Instead, tell your guy about how much fun you had the day before: “Yesterday we had a great time hanging out with our friends. It's a pity you weren't around."
  6. Don't be afraid to tease.

    It will help you get closer if the guy has a sense of humor. So, you can tease a guy about a mistake in one of his messages, which was the result of a very funny automatic correction.

    • For example, if a guy sent a message “Your boss is very sexy,” meaning “neck,” then tease him with this. Write: “Ha, I have a sexy boss
      ? I’ll definitely tell her.”
  7. Give him a cute nickname.

    This may seem strange, but it will make it clear to the guy that you like him. Choose a masculine or pretentious and harmless nickname. Either way, use it in messages to hint to your guy about your feelings.

    • For example, a masculine nickname would be “strongman” or “Thor.”
    • You can choose “sweetie” or “baby” as a cute nickname.

  8. Don't let the guy get bored.

    Sending the same message every day around the same time can bore your guy. Don't follow a pattern, send messages at different times or change the text of the message.

    • For example, a friendly “Good morning, sweetie!” is a good way to say hello in the morning, but you don't need to send such a message every day.
    • Make changes to it like “Wake up, sleepyhead!” or “I’d like to see you soon in classes!”

  9. Show your guy that he's on your mind.

    If something reminds you of a guy, then take a photo of this item. Send a photo and indicate that you remembered it when you saw this item. The guy will probably smile.

    • Send pictures that will be interesting to him, and also use your common jokes.
    • Do not send pictures about serious topics (eg, wedding rings, wedding cake).

  10. Keep the conversation going.

    When texting a guy, maintain your part of the conversation. Simple monosyllabic answers will not take you far. Supplement what is written, ask questions or suggest new topics if the old one has exhausted itself.

    • For example, if a guy asks, “Do you like movies?”, don’t just answer, “Yes.” The answer should contain clues for further conversation: “I love, especially films with handsome guys like you! Which session should we go to?”
    • Also ask clarifying questions about the guy: “What is your favorite dish?”

  11. Don't rush into sexual innuendo.

    Sometimes you just want to write something sexy, but it’s better to wait a little. It's best not to write sexual messages before you start a relationship.

    • Simply flirting is enough (for example, noticing that you like his eyes).
    • It is better not to write overly sexual messages that discuss genitals and try to start a conversation on the topic of sex. Of course, it's always up to you, but such messages can take a guy by surprise.

  12. Please do not send photos.

    It's best not to send sexy photos even if you're in a relationship. Once you send a photo like this, you will not be able to undo this action. You can't be sure that the guy won't publish them.

    • Use flirty photos like blowing a kiss, but don't send anything that your grandma wouldn't approve of if she saw it online (as that's a very possible possibility).

What to write before and after dates

  1. Test the waters.

    If you want to ask a guy out on a date, test the waters first. Are you embarrassed to invite directly? Use a workaround. For example, talk about your plans for the weekend and see if he's hooked.

    • Write: “What are your plans for the weekend? I would go to the cinema. And you?".
    • By talking about your plans, you invite him to participate in them.

  2. Invite a guy.

    If you need a more direct route, then simply ask the guy out via message. Write a little lightly to leave an escape route in case he's not in the mood for dating.

    • Write: “It’s been a difficult week. I'd like to have some fun this weekend. Any suggestions?".
    • You can say even more directly: “I would go somewhere. Would you like to go to a cafe this weekend?”

  3. Start preparing early.

    Texting helps build anticipation, so text him the day before or on the day of the date. Just say how excited you are or how much you're looking forward to meeting them.

    • For example, write a simple message: “I can’t wait for tonight!”
    • Add a little flirtatiousness and use a compliment: “I want to see you soon, hopefully in those tight jeans that you usually wear.”

  4. Text after the date.

    If the meeting went great, then say so in a message. Of course, a call will mean even more, but if you can't call the next day, then a text will also cheer up the guy.

    • It’s enough to say: “Yesterday everything went just great!”
    • You can also add a little specificity: “I’m glad we went to this sushi bar. Everything was delicious! I was very happy with you".

The article contains the most relevant frequently asked questions on this topic, and also provides brief answers to them.

Secrets of flirting and seduction with the eyes for men and women

A woman, flirting in order to achieve mystery, looks at a man, but as soon as he looks back, she immediately looks away. If your eyes meet, be sure to smile. A man must show that he is the master of the situation; during eye contact, you should never look away, you need to look, smile, and only after that you can look away at something else, but under no circumstances at another girl.

How to start flirting with a guy on the Internet by correspondence, flirting with a girl on VK, a married man examples

During correspondence, words should not be abbreviated; mistakes should not be made. The man should start the conversation, and you, in turn, will praise him for something. For example, say how pumped he is in the photo. To say what a great guy he was for being able to conquer the peak.

When flirting with a girl, often give compliments regarding her appearance and achievements. Nowadays, many likes are perceived as flirting.

You need to flirt with a married man very carefully. Suffice it to say how good he looks in the last photo.

How to properly flirt with a guy or a girl in correspondence, what questions to ask to get her interested

Flirting with a girl is as easy as shelling pears; in addition to compliments, you can start a conversation with a non-serious question. “Have you ever been to Paris?” Most girls dream of going there; if she hasn’t had time to fly there yet, she’ll tell you how much she wants it.

You can ask the guy what he did last weekend and what his plans are for this weekend. Any question that does not require a clear answer.

Basics of flirting and one-time meetings for women, men

First of all, regardless of gender, a person must be neat. Few people will want to communicate with someone who smells unpleasant and has dirty and torn pants. Of course, the voice should be soft but firm.

Flirting is a special skill that allows you to attract the attention of the opposite sex not only through visual contact, but even during virtual correspondence. You will learn how to flirt with a guy using messages in this article. And whether to follow our advice or not, decide for yourself.

How to flirt correctly: recommendations and examples

Attracting a man's attention is the correct goal of flirting; the cost of a mistake will be high. In addition to natural charm, the magic of female charms has other secrets for seduction. Experience passed down from generation to generation and the instructions of psychologists represent the necessary minimum of what will allow you to try your hand at flirting in practice.

  • Magic 1 – red lipstick. The best excuse during flirting is to attract attention and receive a compliment from a representative of the stronger sex. Experiments conducted by psychologists have proven that, unlike other shades, red lipstick makes the interlocutor's gaze linger on the lips 0.6 seconds longer. When building the right flirting tactics, it is better not to forget about this nuance.
  • Magic 2 - shy look. A woman's priceless secret weapon that can work wonders. The success of proper flirting largely depends on how skillfully a representative of the fair sex masters the ability to “shoot with her eyes.” Look a man closely in the eyes, and then look away in embarrassment or be caught by him when the interlocutor notices that you are looking at him: this technique of “catching the eye” during flirting works flawlessly on a man.
  • Magic 3 – touch. Strong hugs with a man are prohibited, especially at the beginning of communication. Proper flirting involves only light touches on the shoulder or arms. It is acceptable to touch your fingers to your hand when a man you like offers to light a cigarette. Representatives of the stronger sex regard touching as an invitation to sex, therefore, if you want to seriously interest your interlocutor, then at first your behavior should be based on controlling the desire to touch him.
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By SMS correspondence

Flirting via SMS has become a sign of our time. A fun activity that helps maintain a relaxed tone in communication, joke, creates a positive attitude and helps you get to know your partner better. Are there any rules of the game here, how to flirt by correspondence correctly? Do not doubt! It’s easier to learn this with practice, but to send a flirty message and let your interlocutor know that you like him, follow a few simple rules:

  • A relaxed, light tone, a romantic mood, compliments - all this is welcomed by men, but in moderation.
  • Write a message that will make him smile, even if the phrase sounds banal: “How can I live without a heart if you stole it?”, “We fit together like chocolate and peanut butter.”
  • With the right flirting tactics, messages should be short and sweet, this is the option where shorter is better.
  • Illiteracy negates the desire to flirt by correspondence, so don’t forget about spelling.
  • Take a break, don’t bombard your pen pal with ten messages in a row.
  • An empty message helps to check the reaction, as well as to start a nice correspondence, because then it would be appropriate to casually send the phrase: “even my phone misses you...”.

At work

When planning to try flirting techniques at work, it is important not to go too far. A charge of positive emotions is guaranteed, but flirting is a form of entertainment, so it comes in second place after the work process and only helps to defuse the situation. In no case should flirting interfere with your work or the rest of your employees: flirt correctly at work, without going overboard. Let most of the time be devoted to work, but nothing should interfere with its rhythm, especially frank courtship or conversations with intimate overtones.

By phone

Practicing the art of seduction over the phone is no less interesting than visually or by correspondence. The main role in telephone flirting is given to the voice, and it, along with glances and touches, is capable of awakening sincere interest on the part of a man. Prepare topics for conversation in advance, tune in to a friendly wave, moderate your excitement. Your intonation should be calm, no trembling in your voice, and if you can speak quietly or hoarsely, you will make a lasting impression on a man.

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In the Internet

With the development of the Internet and the advent of social networks, virtual flirting has become a special type of art of seduction. The beginning of flirtatious communication is an interesting comment or question; the phrases should not contain a straightforward statement on the topic of sex. You just need to try to continue the conversation in a relaxed manner; jokes or sincere interest are welcome. Limit your use of emoticons and respond to messages immediately, showing that you enjoy communicating. Good phrases for using VKontakte:

  • You have very beautiful eyes, you can’t help but fall in love with them.
  • You restore my faith in miracles.
  • I know who you dream about!
  • I like it when you're around.
  • I believe. I miss. Very very.
  • Every minute without you is an unbearable eternity.

When meeting, using sign language

When talking with a man, body language is no less expressive than words. Nonverbal information helps to attract attention, and when it comes to proper flirting, then veiled subtext is perfect. Representatives of the fair sex successfully use their gaze and body movements, the most common being licking their lips, playing with their curls, or swaying their hips while walking while flirting.

By showing her interlocutor the delicate skin of her wrist or sexually bending her legs, a woman is playing a subtle game, provided that the interlocutor is within reach. A seductive arch of the back, an emphasis on the advantages of the figure, playing with the stem of a glass or rubbing the edge with a finger or even swaying a shoe - this is what acts on men during flirting as a signal of sympathy.

Where does flirting begin?

It's clear that the best way to flirt is with the person you see. In this case, languid glances, voluptuous sighs, gentle touches, a light blush, etc. are used. But how to start a conversation if the interlocutor is simply not visible, for example, when he communicates with you through comments on a social network?

The first step is to get attention. For this purpose, we recommend going to his personal page and studying his range of interests (groups, favorite musical compositions, noted important events, etc.). We'll tell you how to flirt with a guy by correspondence below.

Flirting with your husband is a good idea!

Psychologists assure that partners talk about their feelings only a few times a year: on Valentine’s Day, birthdays and, for example, March 8th. On other days, the spouses remain deprived of attention, although, perhaps, they simply are not told about love.

This needs to be fixed urgently! Not every woman knows how to flirt by correspondence, but in some situations one SMS message can affect a guy’s mood and behavior. In correspondence with a beloved man, there are two ways to express feelings.

Method number 1. Regular SMS, without sexual overtones

Not all men like to flirt on the phone, considering such behavior not entirely decent.

However, when communicating with the woman you love, even average poems sent from her number begin to seem really sweet and spontaneous.

Regular SMS can express simple words, for example, “I love you,” “I’m looking forward to it,” etc. Some girls look for inspiration in classical works or give free rein to their own imagination, which certainly looks more touching.

Method number 2. Sexual SMS

A special category of flirting is messages with sexual overtones. However, psychologists recommend following important rules so as not to turn a slight shade of eroticism into ordinary vulgarity. Here are examples of win-win erotic SMS:

  • while waiting for your loved one from work, send him a message in which you hint that you are waiting for his arrival, since you have come up with several ideas for the upcoming evening;
  • Hint to your husband that you are naked in a jacuzzi with foam, or make a subtle hint that you are not wearing underwear right now.

Some married couples prefer to flirt by correspondence while being nearby at a party or at an evening reception. And they don’t care that those around them look at them with misunderstanding, because very soon they will be able to make their fantasies come true.

How to attract the attention of your interlocutor: options

One option to attract attention is emoticons. And it makes no difference whether you chat or text via SMS on the phone. These funny faces, although in completely different interpretations, are everywhere. For example, it could be a smiling, laughing or blushing face.

The second option is to send an empty message. As a rule, this causes confusion on the part of the interlocutor who receives a strange message. In response you will receive a question about what it was, what was meant. And then there will be an excellent reason to start your future conversation. So if you don't know how to flirt with a guy online, start with a blank message or an emoji option.

Where to start flirting with a guy

The first thing you need to do is make eye contact. A good start to flirting can be a casual conversation that will interest a man. The main thing is to be able to give the conversation the right direction.

What should I say

Once you are nearby, try to prevent your conversation from turning into a boring monologue for the young man. Periodically pass the “ball” into the hands of the interlocutor.

If your partner begins to overstep the bounds of decency, do not overreact under any circumstances. You can stop his statements in a joking manner: “But, But. I ask you not to apply this role to me!”

How not to flirt

  • Inaction and flirting are incompatible concepts. The man is not clairvoyant, so if you do not respond to his sympathy, he may simply give up or find another object of adoration. In the event that you are not on the same page with a suitor who is pursuing you, just hint to him that you have a fiancé.
  • It is not necessary to show all your cards to a man on the first date. He should not know that he can be guaranteed to get you, otherwise you will simply become uninteresting to him. Let your gentleman feel like a hunter who will try to go to great lengths to get you.
  • Stiffness should not exceed reasonable limits. When a young man approaches you, you don’t need to stand with your eyes downcast, turn pale and blush after every word the guy says. But excessive vulgarity is also not appropriate. Otherwise, you will be considered easily accessible, and the game will lose its meaning.

But there is also no need to pretend to be a modest person when you are not one. The falsehood will quickly be revealed, and the relationship will end before it even begins.

  • Provocative clothing and vulgar conversations will lure either fragile youths or young old people into your network. But you can’t catch big fish with cheap tricks. Your weapons: good manners, grooming, subtle play.
  • Lack of interest in the interlocutor’s hobbies, dreams and goals will negatively affect the further course of events. Therefore, listen and listen, ask clarifying questions, but refrain from excessive fanaticism.
  • Do not try on the role of a friend, otherwise you may remain in this status forever. After all, it may happen that the object of your dreams that you like will go on a date with a dummy from the next department. And you will continue to do reports and other work for him. Be feminine in everything: clothes, hairstyle, statements.

Use simple and straightforward phrases

If you don't know how to flirt with a guy, start with a basic greeting. When speaking, use the most common expressions and phrases. In this case, it is advisable not to use abbreviations such as “thank you” (thank you), “nzcht” (you’re welcome), etc. The simpler the phrases, the better. Try to be as natural as possible. And during a conversation, do not use banal answers in the style of “ok”, “yeah”, “uh-huh”.

Don't be shy to show your interest. Otherwise, after banal abbreviated answers, your interlocutor will not want to communicate with you. Therefore, when asking questions, also try to put the sentence in such a way that it prompts your opponent to answer.

Write competently, but not abstrusely

If you don’t even know how to flirt with a guy via SMS, carefully study our article. Here you will find a lot of useful tips. For example, if you decide to please your interlocutor, write him several unambiguous messages. The main condition is to do it correctly.

Correctly composed sentences are a bright trump card in any communication. It is always pleasant and useful to communicate with a competent person. But this does not mean that the SMS text should resemble lines from an encyclopedia. Use simple sentences and simple vocabulary.

Be reasonable in your conversation

Have you decided to learn how to flirt with a guy correctly? Use our tips. Try to be reasonable in your conversation. This means that during your communication you should not use swear words or express yourself negatively towards someone. There is also no point in chatting incessantly and talking only about yourself. On the contrary, it is better to find out more information about the interlocutor.

It’s better not to talk about yourself, except for the case when the opponent himself takes an interest in your affairs and interests. You should not talk too much, as this tires the interlocutor and leads to negative results. Don't be too annoying and intrusive. Learn to listen and hear your interlocutor.

How to start a correspondence

Empty SMS. If a girl doesn't want to seem too intrusive, you can try a proven method of starting a dialogue. Send a new friend an empty SMS. If your phone doesn't support this feature, just write a random text and send it. If in response to such a message you receive a response with a question mark, it means that the subscriber is interested in communication. It is advisable not to answer anything immediately. Wait a little, and then write that the phone itself sent such a message. Accidentally. If the man continues the correspondence, consider that he fell for the trick and did not notice the catch.

Messages with erotic overtones. If intimacy has already happened between you, you can warm up male interest with light erotic conversations throughout the day. Messages should contain only a subtle hint of sex, no vulgarity or specific suggestions. Otherwise, it will not be flirting, but harassment. You can write that you bought new lace lingerie and really want to show it off. Read on for detailed instructions on how to write stimulating SMS to a man.

Don't answer calls. If after you sent a guy an erotic message, he decides to call you back, don’t pick up the phone. Write, for example, that you are at a meeting with your boss, but your thoughts are not at all on work.

Give compliments. Believe me, men love to be complimented. But don’t write them sweet phrases intended for teenagers. SMS flirting with a man should be very delicate. After all, your subscriber does not know what intonation you wanted to use when you wrote the phrase “You are sweet, like a raspberry cake.” After such a compliment he will feel like a little boy. Use praise that emphasizes your partner's masculinity and brutality.

Evening messages. It doesn’t matter whether you were intimate or not, messages written before bed will add a spicy note to your relationship. No need to write about pink bunnies and sweet dreams! Any normal man wants to have sex at night, and not chat on vanilla topics. Write that you are waiting for tomorrow to meet again. Be sure to add your photo to your message. If there was sex between you, then you can attach a photo with erotic overtones. If intimacy has not yet happened, just send a selfie on the bed, without an obvious sexual hint.

Become a generator of new topics and ideas for him

Still haven't decided how to flirt with a guy? Start with a selection of topics to talk about. Agree that banal “hello” and “how are you” can get boring very quickly. Therefore, be original. Try to conduct the conversation in such a way that your interlocutor finds it interesting.

Suppose he is interested in sports and often watches various tournaments and competitions on TV. With such an interlocutor you can safely discuss the next football match, tennis tournament, biathlon, etc. The main thing is to know exactly about his hobbies. You will be especially useful to him in the case when, for a number of reasons, he missed another important game: you will tell him the score and details. And believe me, if there are many such moments, the interlocutor himself will look for a meeting with you in order to get the information he needs.

How to flirt with a guy: examples

To make it easier to start flirting with a member of the opposite sex, you need to consider the simplest examples. So, to start a conversation, you can send the following message to your interlocutor: “You + I = …”. And even with this SMS you can get a little creative.

For example, instead of an ellipsis, you can insert a smiling emoticon, a cup of tea and a piece of cake, hugging cats, etc. In short, such a laconic message will encourage your interlocutor to respond to the part that will be indicated after equal.

If you still haven't figured out how to flirt with a guy, use the most famous expressions from movies. For this purpose, for example, this phrase is suitable: “XOXO You know you love me.” Literally it means: “You know you love me.” However, no matter what your interlocutor’s answer will be, you can always replay its meaning. For example, “I know you like to chat with me.”

As an option to start a conversation, you can send a message at a time when your watches show the same time. For example, “it’s 12:12 now—it’s time to make a wish.”

In other words, when communicating with the opposite sex, show imagination, ingenuity, speak easily and with humor. Now you know how to flirt with a guy.

Phrases for flirting with a man

In order to specifically understand what messages and phrases we are talking about, we will continue the topic of SMS flirting with a man, using specific teasing examples:

  • My body is on fire and definitely wants to dance with you!
  • I look closely into the mirror and really want to find your image in it!
  • Today I saw you through a store window, or was it not you?
  • I need to burn a couple thousand calories. Can you tell me which exercise machine to use?
  • So you’re not around right now, otherwise we would...
  • What movie would you watch with me now?
  • We could have a great weekend together)

Do you think we can be more than just good friends?

I am very concerned about your personal qualities! Tell us more about yourself)

I just came out of the bathroom and it seemed cool in just a light robe...

And you, I noticed, are very cute)

  • I'd love to help you tie your tie!
  • Do you know what I would say when I looked at you in the pool?
  • I would like to see you sleeping.
  • You have such a deep look! What does it mean?
  • Have you ever helped a woman zip up her dress from the back before?
  • What else do you think I know about you, besides your phone number?
  • Do you smile so sweetly at everyone or just me?
  • Can you not sleep for three days?)
  • And your name immediately began to excite my thoughts...
  • What do you think attracts me to you?

Be confident in what you write!

Many other intriguing SMS that encourage a man to respond to you are given at this link.

This article looked at examples of SMS flirting with a man you like, as well as some phrases and messages to start flirting, making advances, or simply having an interesting dialogue.

We wish you all romance, intriguing success and sensual relationships!

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