Top 10 principles of flirting: all about how to flirt with a girl correctly

The girl should know from the very beginning, What do you like. Otherwise there will be no flirting. That is, initially there must be attraction to a girl. If it is not there, then flirting is out of the question.

What it is

Flirting means showing your intentions . Flirting is a game between you when you like each other. This is flirting and coquetry, this is the exchange of pleasant vibrations among people of the opposite sex, a manifestation of sympathy.

You can flirt both verbally, with the help of words, and without words. There are no boundaries!

There is light flirting - this is a more superficial manifestation of sympathy for each other, usually in words or with a glance, without long touches. This could be a short chance meeting or a short conversation.

For example, a fleeting and passionate glance at each other by an unfamiliar guy and a girl can already be considered light flirting. Or if one of them winks or smiles flirtatiously at the other .

Voice what you like about her

Let her know why you are with her now. Tell me why she attracts you and turns you on. Showing your intentions and sympathy is the basis of flirting.

If a girl is somehow capricious or testing you, you kind of remind both yourself and her why you are together .

An example of my acquaintance

  1. Consider my example of flirting with a girl . I meet a nice person, I really like her. I suggest she drink tea together sometime. I feel that there is still no trust on her part.
  2. The girl does not yet fully believe in my intentions and refuses. She's testing me, why should she come with me and leave me a number. I read this from our communication, I see skepticism. I remind both her and myself what this is all for.
  3. I tell the girl something like the phrase: “ You're cute, I like that about you. I would be glad to see you again . "

She needs to see that you show sincerity and real sympathy for her . It is to see and feel, and not just hear in words.

Then she will open up to you and the course of the acquaintance will change.

Voice it and don’t be shy to say what attracts you to her. It could be her hairstyle, her nose, her femininity, her birthmark, her cuteness, whatever.

If you're in a situation with a girl where she's being rude, testing you, or talking about boring things, remind yourself why you like the girl: she's sweet, harmless, innocent. Voice these things.

Answer these questions for yourself and tell her about it out loud.:

  1. What does she do that makes you glow inside?
  2. What is it about her that makes your eyes sparkle?

What is flirting?

Flirting is a set of verbal (speech) and non-verbal (gestures, facial expressions) actions to express sympathy for a person. Flirting can serve as the beginning of a serious relationship, or it can remain an innocent love game to attract attention.

Flirting is wonderful because it does not oblige you to anything, but it improves your mood and self-confidence.

Doctors say that only happy people are inclined to flirt. They like to flirt, relax, and be in languid anticipation...

Look - why is it so important?

I'm very open with girls. I look boldly and playfully into the eyes. I project my intentions towards her through my gaze.

Everything becomes clear through a glance . You let this wave of passion be in your eyes. Keep it in your sight.

You give her your love. You get imbued with what she does and how she does it . You understand everything by looking at each other.

What you need to be able to see in her eyes

Know how to see in a girl's eyes:

  1. Free spirit and sense of adventure.
  2. Learn to see yourself in her ! See the adventurous characteristics of your personality in her eyes!

Let go of the result . Otherwise, you will ruin the whole process of pleasure and pleasure from flirting with your eyes.

A girl can literally tell everything by her eyes . Your eyes can tell whether you are relaxed, centered, confident or tense. Or he feels comfortable, in the moment and free.

Video “What a good look should be”

The most neutral look is the look with which you are not trying to please. Natural non-reactive natural flowing look.

Watch this video and see why a look is much more important than words, and why it is so important.

Ten cool secrets: how to communicate with a girl correctly and how to understand that she likes you!

How to behave and what to do on a first date with a girl, where to go - useful tips for guys.

We tell you how to hug a girl correctly and all the subtleties of hugs here.

Basic mistakes

Mistakes made during flirting become good lessons in the future. Often young people who want to learn how to flirt correctly are very impatient, which is why they do something stupid and irrevocably ruin their reputation in the eyes of a girl.

Among the main errors are the following:

  1. Playing as a wealthy and successful businessman. This model of behavior leads to several scenarios: a woman is seduced by wealth or leaves, believing that they are simply trying to buy her.
  2. Alcohol abuse. A little wine before a meeting to give you the courage you need is not a bad thing. But the situation takes a completely different turn when the guy drinks one glass after another, without controlling the amount of alcohol.
  3. Arrogance. When a man publicly displays his own successes or the achievements of his family and friends, this definitely begins to alarm the lady.
  4. Excessive vulgarity. The dream of any girl is to become the only one for her partner. A young man's description of his sexual adventures evokes nothing but disgust.
  5. Excessive number of jokes. In an effort to create a positive atmosphere, a guy may start bombarding a lady with jokes, which leads to them sounding out of place. Young ladies love men with a sense of humor, but if the interlocutor cannot speak seriously, then they begin to take him for an ordinary jester.
  6. Mysterious image. Often young people try to create an aura of mystery around themselves in order to attract the attention of a girl. But all attempts may fail. At best it looks funny, at worst it leads to irritation on the part of the interlocutor. This tactic is more suitable for a woman. Men should use it extremely carefully.
  7. Overly positive image. For some reason, some guys think that they can only interest the lady they like if they show all their best qualities. This is, of course, good, but excessive ideality often causes associations with tediousness, so everything should be in moderation.
  8. Intrusive behavior. Do not confuse persistence and excessive intrusiveness. If the first commands respect from the ladies, then the second is extremely annoying. The fact is that not all guys are able to correctly use persistence in communicating with a young lady, so she runs away.
  9. Bad timing. The girl may be busy, rushing to work or other matters. This behavior does not produce any results.
  10. Inability to pick up signals. Some men are so carried away by the process that they do not notice how girls are already flirting with them in return.

To learn how to flirt effectively, a man must avoid using formulaic language and learn to tailor his approach to each woman. He should be guided by his own intuition, intelligence and advice from psychologists.

How to stand or sit: the correct position

Communicating sideways is an awkward position.

If she is standing sideways , not fully turned towards you, standing half-turned, then:

  • Turn her towards you . So that you look directly at each other. Eye contact is very important.
  • Or stand in front of her yourself, right in front of her face.

Turn around, look at me. Don’t sit half-turned ” – say this phrase to flirt with a girl in a more comfortable position.

Purpose of correspondence

Before you start correspondence, think about what your goal is.

  • If you want to give the impression of a woman who needs to be chased, then do not give a man many compliments. You need to structure the conversation in such a way that the man understands that he has a chance to talk with a unique and unusual woman. Men will definitely win such a lady.
  • If you want to play and joke, then you can throw out frank flirty phrases that will awaken a storm of emotions in a man. Just be careful! A man may think that you are serious when you say this. In this case, there may be trouble.
  • If you are looking for a serious relationship, then just be yourself. Men love sincere women.

Smell her neck - excitement and sensuality will increase

To sniff your neck correctly, read the following 5 points:

  1. Don't go in for a kiss right away . Gently lean her against the wall. Don't lean on her with all your weight like a faucet. You don't even have to touch it.
  2. Just tell her the phrase : “I want to feel your aroma, how you smell!”
  3. All you start doing now is inhaling her scent, carefully sniffing her neck . If her hair is in the way, move it away. Do this for ten minutes.
  4. You will change the side of your neck, at this time there should be eye contact. Look at the lips, build up sexual tension and move to the other side of the neck.
  5. Don't puff into a girl's neck - it won't excite her . Your breath is soft and fresh.

As the distance between you decreases, sensuality increases.

Flirt on the Internet

If you like an online interlocutor, you can flirt with him.

Start the conversation in an engaging way.

There is no need to use the disrespectful “hey”, “hello, baby”. Would you answer this yourself? Get him interested from the first line. For example: “You are so beautiful, I would like to take a photo together,” “Probably they often call you to the registry office?” or “I don’t usually meet men this way...”

Are you kidding?

Playfulness, mischief and a sense of humor are important components of online flirting. You can mention a stupid song if you want. Or remember random facts from life. Some people may not like this style, but so much the better - you will know whether the person is yours or not.

Be yourself

There is no need to try to seem good or correct. Write the way you speak. Use words that are familiar to you. Sincerity is more important than ridiculous fakery. For example, if you don't use sarcasm in your life, it's unlikely to be appropriate in correspondence.

Finish the conversation yourself

At the peak. There is no need to say goodbye when there is nothing left to talk about... After this, you won’t really want to write. In the midst of a conversation, you can say: “I have to go, see you tomorrow!” Leave the intrigue.

Chat cheek to cheek

The closer you are to a girl, the more she feels you and your condition. The closer you are, the stronger your presence is for her.

Communicate at a minimum distance from her face . To literally feel her breath. Communicate so that your cheek touches her cheek.

If during communication a girl comes close to your head, speaks in your ear, lightly touches your cheek, then do the same! Keep this closeness between you !

Kiss on the cheek. Smell her neck. Whisper words in your ear . These are very subtle and pleasant secrets of flirting.

Why is the art of flirting important?

Flirting is not only physiology, it is a way to show interest, even if we are not talking about sexual intimacy. Here we are not talking about what is “right” or “wrong”.

The main lesson is that interest must come from within you. A man always feels how a woman treats him. Appreciate his eloquence, intelligence, appearance and abilities. Let your man feel significant in your eyes! It is women’s flirting, the ability to be flexible and sexy that is so attractive...

Every woman must master the art of coquetry. Agree, it’s much more pleasant if you know how to seduce any man?

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