How to maintain a relationship with a girl at a distance so that your feelings don't cool off

Courtship is an important foundation of any relationship. When we ask the question: “How to woo a girl?”, banal options come to mind: from a bouquet of red roses that costs a fortune and will wither in a couple of days, to promising messages like “I will do anything for you.” We don’t argue: this approach has its place and works for some ladies.

Sometimes, in order to fall in love completely and irrevocably, your chosen one only needs your sincere smile. No one can explain how feelings arise. This is a secret hidden behind seven seals. However, there are some simple tips that will help your relationship move to the next level. We'll tell you how to court a girl to increase the chances of reciprocity.

Stop worrying

Let's reveal a little secret: in order to please a girl, it is not at all necessary to shower her with expensive gifts, make surprises and “go out of your way.” First of all, it attracts magnetism and positive qualities of a person. Think about it: what do you do for ladies you don't like? Nothing: but they are still running after you.

What prevents you from doing the same with the girls you like? There’s no need to “reinvent the wheel” - just don’t bother and be yourself, show your positive qualities, communicate openly. The most important thing is not to let the chosen one understand that she is the main dream. Show interest, but in no case overdo it: and then she will want to be yours.

How to look after a woman beautifully

To win the favor of the girl you are interested in, stick to the classic style of courtship. This will allow you to show yourself as a cultured and educated man.

To learn how to look after someone beautifully, improve your knowledge of etiquette, be culturally educated, and become gallant and courteous. The same applies to the choice of clothing and appearance. Leave jeans and T-shirts for meetings with friends, and come to the girl in discreet but stylish classic suits.

We have already discussed the topic of gifts, let’s touch on it again. The choice of gift depends on the degree of your intimacy, the duration of the relationship, age and hobbies. But there are gifts that a woman will appreciate in any case. These include sweets, souvenirs that remind you of your relationship, and valentines.

Objects that represent your care will not be left without attention. Give her a beautiful umbrella so she doesn't get wet in the rain, a key holder, a business card holder made of genuine leather, a watch and other little things. The girl will enjoy and remember you.

We should also talk about compliments. Words coming from your mouth about how beautiful a girl is will always be appreciated. After all, before every meeting, the girl tries to look her best for you. And if you pay attention to this, you will win her heart forever.

Always remain a man

How to care for a girl and not give in? The answer is simple - in any situation, remain a man who knows his own worth, has his own opinion and can say “no”. If a lady feels that a strong man (read: alpha male) is next to her, she will behave accordingly. Remember: ladies choose those who have character. They are definitely not interested in “rags”. pump up your masculine energy - and then no girl will be able to call you henpecked.

Remember: modesty is clearly not becoming for men. If you want to hug a girl, do it. Flirt and make advances with the lady, pester her. Be bold, but still remain intelligent. Everything must be within the bounds of decency. Show her that you are an alpha and not a schoolboy waiting for your first kiss. Then you won’t have to figure out what to do to win the heart of your chosen one.

How to show you care about a girl

How to strengthen your relationship with the girl you like? The world is tired of the war of the sexes, quarrels and confrontation in relationships. Sometimes it is important to throw away all this husk and show your love and care.

1. How to show your love with words

1.1 Give her compliments. One way to demonstrate your love to another person is to express your feelings through words. Compliments fall under this category, so do not hesitate to once again say something nice to your beloved woman. Think about what quality you like most about her, and then just say it out loud. Or you can give a general compliment by saying, “You're great!”

Tell her how much you adore her. Try to say this every day or even several times a day.

Here are some examples of non-standard compliments: “How lucky I am to have you!”, “No one could make me as happy as you make me!”, “You are so smart.”

Complimenting a woman about her appearance or charm can have an incredible effect! Tell her that you absolutely love her eyes, nose, or in general: “You are so beautiful that I can’t take my eyes off you!”

Do not compare your woman with others (only if you want to set her as an example to someone). For example, while watching a movie together, instead of saying, “Oh, you know, sometimes you look so much like Angelina Jolie,” it will be much more pleasant for her to hear: “You are more beautiful than Angelina Jolie.”

1.2 Support her. If you want to express your feelings in words, you need to not only tell her about your love, but also support her. Show the woman that you not only love, but also appreciate her, that you want to develop with her. All this will express your love and care.

Support and share her hobbies. For example, your beloved woman is very interested in photography, she sent her works to a competition, but was not among the winners. Be sure to show your support. For example, you can say: “Don’t be upset, it didn’t work out this time - it will work out next time!” I believe in you".

There are other ways to express your feelings, such as: “You inspire me” or “I am always in awe of your creativity (ambition/insight/intelligence).”

But don’t overdo it; don’t turn support and motivation into reproaches. Support is the feeling of being involved in something your loved one is passionate about. And reprimand is an urgent demand to do something that is important to you, and not to your partner.

The tone of voice is very important. You need to speak to the woman you love in a kind and affectionate tone, otherwise your words may be understood completely differently.

1.3 Tell your woman you love her. For many people, such words are obvious, but why not tell your loved one how you feel? Many people think that their feelings are already clear. In fact, it is worth talking about this as often as possible. Expressing your love through words is very important because each of us wants to know that we are loved and appreciated. Of course, there are many ways to express your feelings besides saying “I love you.” Get creative!

Say: “I adore you,” “I cherish you,” “I love you incredibly much.” You can come up with something non-standard: “you are my treasure”, “you are my happiness”, “you are forever in my heart”, “you are the whole world to me”.

When you don't see each other for a long time, show her that you miss her. Say, “I miss you” or “I’ve been thinking about you constantly since we separated.”

You can say even the simple phrase “I love you” in different ways (depending on the character and temperament of your girlfriend). For example, you can mention different affectionate words: “sweetheart”, “my darling”, “my beloved”, “my sweetie”. Some women find different phrases in foreign languages ​​cute, such as “mon petit chou” (French for “my little cabbage”), “terron de azucar” (Spanish for “my little piece of sugar”) or “habibi” (Arabic). "My dear").

1.4 Be interested in her opinions and thoughts. Do not hesitate to sometimes ask your beloved woman for advice - this is a demonstration of your trust and respect for her opinion. Even if it’s some little thing, by your action you confirm your words of love. Believe me, she will appreciate it.

Ask her opinion, at the same time making a compliment: “Honey, you are so well versed in shades and combinations, I want to consult with you. Do you think red or blue would look better here?”

Every time she starts a conversation with you, be sure to look her in the eyes to show that you are listening to her carefully. Ask questions. Try to somehow participate in the conversation, rather than just listen to her.

If you don't understand something she says, ask her directly instead of beating around the bush. This way you will show her that you are listening to her carefully and really want to understand what she means.

2. How to show your love through actions

2.1 Help her with household chores. People feel loved when they are supported and helped in their affairs. This could be helping with housework, doing housework, cooking dinner, or just cleaning. If your woman values ​​this kind of attention highly, be sure to help her around the house.

If you share household responsibilities, take on some of her responsibilities from time to time when she's struggling at work or school.

Even if you have a more traditional division of responsibilities (that is, household responsibilities fall on the woman), at least sometimes help her!

2.2 Do something good unexpectedly. Help may not always come in the form of household chores. Another way to show your love is to do something nice for your beloved woman from time to time. For example, you can call her during the working day and say something nice or just leave a flower in her purse.

Perhaps your woman has had a difficult week? Do something nice for her when she gets home, like a relaxing massage. You can even prepare dinner, turn on some soft music and pour a glass of wine. You can give her a bubble bath in advance. It all depends on your imagination.

A woman will appreciate even the smallest help from you. For example, you might buy her favorite lotion at the store because you noticed she was out of lotion.

2.3 Make advances and flirt with her. Even if the courtship period has long passed in your relationship, do not forget about romance. Give her an unexpected surprise or just show her that you care. Such pleasant little things perfectly show your feelings.

Pay attention to detail. For example, pack her lunch. If you notice she keeps a spending diary, add up something for her.

Plan a surprise date. Tell her, “I want to show you how much I appreciate you and everything you do for us, so I decided to plan a surprise.”

Give small gifts

Forget about large gifts, bouquets of 101 roses and expensive smartphones that many girls dream of. If you are rich, you should not demonstrate your financial status on the first dates: you risk entering into a relationship with a lady who will only need money.

A good idea is your favorite sweets, books by your girl’s favorite author, going to the premiere of an anticipated movie, or a delicious cheesecake. It is not necessary to give gifts on an ongoing basis - a couple of gifts a month is enough.

Useful tips

What does it mean to court a girl? Take care of the lady, but in no case - not to the detriment of yourself and your comfort. You are a strong man, not a convenient guy. To please your chosen one:

  • Watch your appearance and figure.
  • Present yourself from the best side, focus on your positive qualities, don’t talk about your shortcomings.
  • Plan your time together wisely. Invite a lady on a date where it will be interesting for both of you.
  • Give the girl comfortable communication. Do not, under any circumstances, touch upon topics that are unpleasant to her; do not try to “pull out with your claws” the information you need.
  • Don't violate her personal space. Each of us wants to be alone and mind our own business.
  • Don't talk badly about your ex-lovers or discuss past relationships.
  • Show initiative, but don’t run ahead of the locomotive. Give the lady a chance to take you for a walk.
  • Show your reliability and masculinity.
  • Be sincere, open and honest.

Don't shame her for mistakes she's made.

Avoid offending and do not humiliate her. We all make mistakes in life; there's no reason to make fun of someone for doing them over and over again. You must be able to forgive and forget, and be able to do it sincerely.

Conversely, when you make mistakes, admit them. Although it is often easier to lie and hide, the truth will come eventually. Honesty will give you the chance to grow, change and improve for the better.

Understand that any ridicule made in public is often ten times worse and ten times more memorable.

Don't give in to your chosen one

We understand that you are in love, so you want to surround the lady with attention and care. The biggest mistake you can make at the beginning of a relationship is to demonstrate your dependence on the girl. You shouldn’t be like schoolchildren, who often become “errand boys” and fulfill all the whims of the chosen one. Don’t “stand on your hind legs” and don’t get manipulated. So you definitely won’t be able to command the respect of the girl you like.

Courting a girl should not turn into worship. Remember: ladies choose polite, moderately caring men, but they are definitely not interested in wimps. By increasing the importance of your chosen one, you immediately place yourself in a position from below.

Of course, you shouldn’t turn a blind eye to all the girl’s needs and problems. An adequate man will take some of the young lady’s questions upon himself, but only if he is in a relationship with her. Otherwise, you risk starting to date an ordinary “consumer”: to earn a date, you will have to deliver groceries and flowers to her home, walk the dog and write a coursework at the university. Why do you need a relationship in which you are perceived not as an individual, but as a convenient person for fulfilling your “wants”? The question is rather rhetorical.

Forget about the phrase “I’m ready to do anything for you”

Many will laugh at the quote from public posts on social networks. In life, everything is different - having fallen in love, most guys simply lose their heads and begin to perform feats (often to their detriment).

Think about it: most likely, you will lose interest in a girl who agrees to an intimate relationship immediately after the first date. It’s the same with ladies: a guy who is ready to do anything for them quickly gets bored. It seems that he is not a bad person, but the “veil of secrecy” has already been opened. Girls are not interested in obedient and flexible men. In this case, you risk going into the friend zone, like dozens of similar fans. Ladies do not start relationships with sweet and kind “boys”. It is important for the fair sex that the man is strong, able to fight back, and not just send cute stickers with cats.

Know how to say “no”

How to care for a woman? One of the most important rules is to be able to say “no”. Don't show that you agree to do anything to make her happy. If you see that your chosen one is behaving inappropriately, throwing tantrums or starting scandals because of your passion for computer games last weekend, defend your position.

Don't apologize or make excuses. Ignore, don’t read messages, give gifts less often and invite them on dates. Over time, the girl will understand that she did not behave entirely correctly and will work through her mistakes. Plus for you - the chosen one realizes that manipulation in a relationship will definitely not work. You are a man who will not follow her lead and say no. The lady will reconsider her behavior, become affectionate, kind and try to earn love. After all, you know your worth.

Let's reveal a little secret: the more a girl invests in a relationship, the more significant it becomes for her. You will be that ideal man whom she will not agree to share with other ladies, and not a “cheap” guy whose love can be earned with one flirtatious glance.

Basic Rules

If a man wants to impress, he must know how to properly and beautifully care for a beautiful girl. To do this, it’s worth learning the basic rules for successfully winning a woman’s heart:

  • Good manners. Any young lady values ​​her independence, but she will be pleased if a man gives his hand when going down the steps, pulls up a chair, or holds the door. If the couple is still in school, then this could be a briefcase or sports uniform. The girl will refuse an offer to help carry heavy packages, but in such a situation the guy must be persistent, because ladies are still fragile creatures.
  • Beautiful compliments. These should not be template phrases. Every woman is unique in her own way. The main thing is that all words sound sincere.
  • Lovely bouquets. Even if a lady insists that she doesn’t like flowers, it’s hard to believe. A beautiful bouquet of roses or wildflowers will bring her joy, especially if it is given for no reason.
  • Small gifts. Don't buy rings or expensive necklaces. A small cute thing is enough to constantly remind its new owner of her vigilant gentleman.
  • Organizing dates. The meeting place needs to be carefully chosen, as are the ideas for the evening. Whether a woman wants to repeat the date depends on whether she enjoys the time spent with the young man, so it’s worth finding out about her preferences and hobbies in advance.
  • Matching image. Women are very attentive. It is unlikely that they will like a man who does not pay enough attention to his appearance or does not have his own opinion. You need to work on yourself.

Boyfriend's responsibilities

Everyone knows that a woman should be beautiful, well-groomed, friendly, etc. But a guy also has responsibilities. There are things that ladies value most:

  1. Constant attention and care.
  2. Politeness, kindness.
  3. Tenderness.
  4. Solid character.
  5. Good sense of humour.
  6. A man should look after a woman, and not vice versa.

A walk to the movies

Even such a trivial activity can be turned into a fairy tale. You need to be creative and set aside 2-3 hours in your busy schedule for preparation. How to surprise a girl with a scenario like this:

  1. Record a special video in which the guy dedicates a poem to her or talks about her virtues.
  2. Agree with the cinema administration to have the video shown immediately before the start of the show.
  3. Everything is simple, but the lady’s delight will know no bounds.

Pleasant morning

Thinking about how to beautifully look after a pretty girl, you should give her an unforgettable morning. You can use this script or come up with your own:

  1. Find out the exact address of the object of sympathy (down to the apartment number).
  2. Buy a marker, self-adhesive stickers of different colors, a balloon.
  3. On each separate piece of paper, write an unusual wish, a compliment, or a couple of rhymed lines.
  4. Early in the morning, come to her entrance and post pieces of paper from her door to the exit to the street.
  5. At the end, hang a balloon with the inscription: “Let’s go on a date” or “I really like you.”

Interesting compliments

You should not use memorized phrases; the best compliment is one that is unique in content. When courting girls, it is worth considering that each of them has its own characteristics and stands out. It is not at all necessary that the compliment relate to appearance. You can praise your friend’s character, evaluate her successes, etc.

We lift the mood beautifully

Girls are very unpredictable people; any little thing can ruin their mood. But it doesn’t take much to lift it up—just a couple of kind words or an unexpected gift. There are several more simple ways to please a young lady:

  1. Beautiful message. Every lady will be pleased to wake up to the sound of an incoming SMS wishing her good morning or a good day. This will cause special emotions if in life the guy has no inclination to show romance.
  2. Little surprise. Girls enjoy small tasty gifts no less than children. A suitable gift would be Kinder Surprise, a small chocolate bar, a tangerine or an apple. Young ladies also love to eat delicious food.
  3. If you listen carefully to your friend’s words, you can find out information about what she would really like. She will definitely not forget the person who made her dream come true.

These tips will also help those guys who don’t know how to properly care for a girl in a relationship.

Let's listen to the negative

Any person under the pressure of circumstances and the environment at some point can break down. Women have a special tendency to worry and be sad, sometimes even for no apparent reason. At such moments, it is very important to be there, provide moral support and simply allow the girl to throw out all the negativity. It also doesn't hurt to consider a few simple tips on how to woo a beautiful girl you like when she's not in the mood:

  1. Let her speak. Holding emotions inside is difficult and unhealthy, so you just have to be patient and wait for her to calm down. After such an outburst, the woman will again become kind and sweet.
  2. Don't pick on words . It makes no sense to remember everything she said at such moments, and then try to figure out the background of these words. Out of anger, a lady can say a lot of hurtful words, and then not even remember what exactly was said.
  3. Don't be offended. In order for her to calm down faster, she needs support, and not an infantile young man who himself needs to be reassured.
  4. A little patience. It is better to start analyzing the situation after some time. The young lady will calm down and be ready for a constructive dialogue without unnecessary emotions.
  5. Warm words work wonders. At such moments, support from a man is especially important for a woman. A few compliments and kind words will let her know that the guy loves her in any condition.

If there is no money

Many guys don’t understand how to properly care for a girl if there is no money.
Some of them prefer gifts made with their own hands, because they are sure that such a gift contains much more attention and care than a purchased trinket. They absolutely love paper hearts or interesting crafts. You can do without gifts altogether, simply offering your friend a romantic walk around the evening city. The main thing is to show your imagination.

Long distance relationship

Sometimes, for various reasons, people have to separate for an indefinite period of time. In such a situation, it is important to be able to maintain the relationships that have begun to develop and not allow them to fade away. To do this, it is important to understand how to care for the woman you love from a distance.

READ Why girls like bad boys: main reasons

Psychologists give advice for young people whose object of affection is far from them:

  1. Avoid quarrels and disputes. All misunderstandings and disagreements that arise are best resolved in a personal meeting.
  2. Avoid jealousy. You need to show more modesty and tell the lady less about meetings with friends.
  3. Provide support. When a woman is away from home, she needs her more than ever.
  4. Little surprises. Even from a distance, you can surprise your friend. To do this, it’s enough to simply write a paper letter of recognition, in which you colorfully describe how the man misses her and wants to be near her as soon as possible.

Don't try to buy a lady

Let's imagine a conditional situation: you really liked a beautiful girl. You think that it will be difficult to win her favor, because she probably has an army of annoying fans. That’s why you don’t find another option and try to impress your chosen one with expensive gifts (even if bought with your last money).

Believe me, although this tactic works, it does not bring the desired result. There are two options here: the girl will understand that you want to buy her, so she will simply stop communicating. The worst prospect is that the lady realizes that you can fulfill any of her wishes, so she willingly agrees to the relationship. Of course, for the sake of money. If you don't want to be used, just don't do it.

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