How to make your husband fall in love with you again - advice from a psychologist: why feelings cool down, how to return passion

How to make your husband fall in love with you again - advice from a psychologist

Every second couple is faced with the phenomenon of cooling of feelings. This period is characterized by increased irritability, fatigue from each other, and the need for privacy.

Routine affects relationships, and gradually passion and old feelings leave even the strongest couple.

Women are more sensitive in terms of the emotional and spiritual sphere, which is why they are often the ones who sound the alarm as soon as they feel signs of cooling.

What attracts men to women?

A woman can and should make her husband fall in love with her again. The advice of a psychologist will help with this.

Why do feelings cool down?

It is possible to preserve warm family feelings, but this requires work and the desire of both partners. It is sometimes very difficult to compare these conditions, and a woman often has to bear this burden on herself. Solitary efforts can often lead to the feeling that everything is going wrong.

Watch the video. Where have the feelings gone? What kills love in a relationship?

The following factors can be the causes of a family crisis:

  • A woman herself provokes a situation when she stops taking care of herself. Sometimes it seems that for many girls the maximum program in life is to get married. After that, robes, slippers and an eternally tired, dissatisfied appearance begin. It's no wonder that husbands begin to grow cold towards their wives,
  • Wanting to get married as soon as possible, many young people do not imagine the intricacies of family life. It is a rare woman who does not want to get married due to moral unpreparedness, following social dogmas. An unkempt apartment, wrinkled linen, and the lack of a proper dinner are unlikely to make a man want to go home. Most likely, he will prefer to stay late at work,
  • Problems in the intimate sphere can create additional discomfort. At the same time, intimacy is an area in which not every man will dare to talk heart to heart. Most likely, he will look for variety on the side, but without the desire to leave his family, but simply for the sake of curiosity. To prevent this from happening, a woman sometimes needs to show initiative and diversity herself, so that marital duty does not become commonplace,
  • The birth of a child, sad as it may be, can also provoke a crack in a relationship. Particularly in intimate terms. After another sleepless night, few people have the strength to spend the night with their spouse. A woman is often too busy with her baby, and there may simply not be enough time for her husband,
  • Sometimes the cause of family conflicts can be an unfavorable work environment. Failures, emergency situations or financial difficulties can seriously undermine the psyche. So you just have to be patient. By the way, the impact of career on family is more common among men, since they perceive financial instability more acutely.

80% of success is competent behavioral tactics

If in a particular case there are several reasons, then after analysis it is necessary to identify the main one, and against its background, solve the rest. Some people grab onto all the nuances and solve all the problems, but such an irrational approach will take even more energy and will lead to a breakup rather than a resurrection of feelings. Rationality in family life and problems must take place.

Basic Rules

We must remember that the goal of making your husband fall in love with you again is real and necessary. Another question is whether the girl is ready to change radically in order to achieve family harmony.

For such purposes, psychologists have compiled a number of recommendations that will help save any relationship, and it does not matter whether they are official or not.


Each couple has its own history of dating and relationships, important events, dates, places.

By remembering such details, feelings can be revived, reliving the moments. It’s just important to talk unobtrusively with your husband about memories. You can ask him to meet in a meaningful place or play a memorial song.

Men are not soulless either, and memories will help push them to new sensations.

Joint holiday

The more time a couple spends together, the stronger their bond with each other. At the same time, it is not necessary to go to expensive resorts. Going to a picnic or to the cinema will also add variety.

While walking, a couple should not be distracted by others. You need to pay attention to yourself and your relationships.

Men often stare at other women, which takes their wives by surprise. But they do this not out of malice, but out of banal curiosity.

In such cases, some wives choose an aggressive model of behavior, spoiling a good evening with their manners. However, aggression and cries of infidelity in this case are not the answer.

It is important to keep track of what kind of women a man is eyeing. For those who wear mostly skirts, add them to your wardrobe. For brunettes - think about changing your image.

It is important to choose a tactic of passive resistance; aggression will only aggravate the situation.

Personal care

Taking proper care of your appearance will help reawaken a man's interest.

When a lady neglects herself, a man may even be ashamed to appear with her in public.

Because of this, many wives begin to sit at home and cry about their fate. Instead of changing your image, go in for sports and take care of yourself.


Sincere communication will also help in strengthening the connection and renewing feelings between spouses.

Not all couples manage to find common topics of conversation. They can be diversified by acquiring a joint hobby. You can start small: watch a movie together and try to discuss it.

A wife should not “nag” her husband, but become his comrade and friend whom he can rely on.

Some psychologists advise listening to a man’s interests and adapting to them. But the pride of some people does not allow them to change their interests to suit men’s interests.

It is important to understand that men are not soulless creatures; initiative will be noticed in any case. If a girl is sincerely interested in his pastime, then the man will have a reciprocal interest. Sometimes initiative must come before pride.

Taking initiative

The man does not always have to be the initiator in a relationship.

When no action is visible from the wife, the husband may subconsciously begin to feel unnecessary, changing his attitude towards her in a negative direction.

Women should be creative, sometimes seduce their husbands, and demonstrate interest. This way he will feel needed, and there will be no reason for negative changes.

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Change of scenery

Traveling together or going on a boat will help you get rid of your boring routine.

You shouldn’t immediately go to great lengths and change your place of residence. But you still need to diversify your location.

You can also start a small cosmetic renovation in the apartment.

Fighting routine

Challenging routine is essential to stabilizing family relationships.

You need to understand that your husband needs to be constantly surprised.

Groundhog Day sometimes makes things easier when a person knows exactly what he will do in an hour or two. But sometimes, instead of a standard dinner, you can order food delivery, save time and watch a movie.

You can also update your loungewear style by getting rid of shapeless robes.

What not to do

Don't give yourself any slack emotionally.

8 out of 10 family scandals are the wives’ fault

Ladies are often unrestrained, so when a man comes home, he is already a priori set up for conflict. Ignoring or making a joke about a conflict situation will smooth out the rough edges.

You should not give your husband a reason to have affairs on the side. Of course, both are to blame for cheating. But if a woman does not push herself, then the man will not have the desire to go to the left. This is worth remembering before starting another scandal or missing out on an opportunity to change your life.

Under no circumstances should you blackmail your husband with food or intimate relationships. It is important to understand that for them these two factors are the basis of family comfort. Intimacy should be varied and unobtrusive, and the food should be delicious.

You shouldn’t try to remind a man about his shortcomings. Most likely, he always had them, he just had no reason to focus on them before. This significantly damages self-esteem and can further damage relationships.

Instead of reproaches, sometimes it is better to remain silent. Often, after conflicts on this basis, husbands even more often begin to show shortcomings, as if expressing protest to their wife’s behavior. Calmness and care are the best way to rid your husband of smoking or addiction to computer games in the evenings.

How to make a man fall in love with you - 10 ways that work flawlessly.

A man, like a child, should not be reproached for the habits that a woman allows herself. To be discouraged from the company of friends, although she spends time with her friends, to be deprived of a meal on the sofa, when she herself eats near the TV. This behavior will cause even more resentment.

On the contrary, you need to show attention and bring dinner to your husband in front of the TV or computer. Yes, it is harmful, but such a gesture will show him that feelings are at the same level.

How to love your husband again like before if there are no feelings anymore

Remember your favorite love films that you enjoyed watching in childhood and youth. Yes, the screen characters had to go through difficulties, quarrels and breakups, but in the end they were reunited, love triumphed, everything ended with a wedding, kisses, a limousine, and at the end there was a curtain and credits. We, as in the scripts of these films, did not think to look anywhere far. Our goal was to find the love of our life, get married, have a child.

Few of us imagined the difficulties we would face in our future family life. It seems that before our eyes we had parental experience with quarrels, scandals, disagreements, but we thought that everything would be different for us. And they weren’t ready, but it was necessary that marriage is already work on oneself, and work must be done as a team with your husband. And the marriage will not be sustained by love alone in the first years.

But first, you still need to determine whether there really is a cooling of feelings in your marriage.

Why do feelings fade away? How to rekindle faded feelings? Let's look at the reasons why love dies, and whether everything is really hopeless.

How to get your husband's love back

After the candy-bouquet period, family life no longer seems such a fairy tale as most girls imagine it to be.

Psychologists believe that both partners are to blame for the cooling of feelings during family life.

But there are recommendations that will help return a man’s love to a woman; you just need to take the initiative.

After divorce

Divorce is a delicate and always unpleasant matter. Most girls experience this event more acutely than men.

However, after a period of emotional instability, common sense comes. It is he who tells the woman that her husband can be returned. First, it is important to accept and understand the reason for the current situation, and then take steps.

There are a number of practical recommendations:

  • The first, and not the easiest, step will be to restore communication. Most couples do not break up on a positive note, and such a step can be difficult for both. But if a woman shows cunning and ingenuity, then her plans will be crowned with success. For example, you can give your husband a forgotten item and use this as a reason to continue communication. Female hidden manipulations, if used correctly, will also not be superfluous,
  • If communication started over the phone, you should not run headlong towards the goal; haste can ruin previously made efforts. To achieve what you want, it is important to wait for the right moment and see the presence of a response impulse from a man,
  • Next, you can offer to meet. Just don’t insist on a romantic evening right away. First, try meeting on neutral territory. A woman should be well-groomed and rested, this look will again awaken a man’s interest,
  • It is important to try to get a man’s attention by any adequate means. Heartfelt conversations and interest in his life. Advice or simply the ability to listen will be an excellent reason to renew old feelings.

At all stages, it is important to observe the man’s behavior. Excessive pressure will only push him away and make the situation worse. You need to act taking into account his reaction. Sometimes you have to take a step back, but the results are worth it.

If a woman feels his desire for a truce, but he does not speak about it openly, do not fall into despair. You can use feminine cunning and hint at a romantic evening.

If a couple decides to get back together after working hard to repair their relationship, it is important not to make the same mistakes. We need to discuss all the intricacies of living together, and not live in uncertainty.

A woman needs to remember that a man will begin to change when he sees her changes. Therefore, the lady must often be the first to take the initiative. Changing your style of clothing and behavior is already a big job, and a man will appreciate the work.

Watch the video. How to make your husband fall in love with you again?

After betrayal

Cheating is not the most pleasant event in the life of a married couple. Usually it occurs when the situation has reached its peak, its limit.

Then the woman needs to choose a slightly different model of behavior:

  • Show wisdom. If cheating happened for the first time, you need to realize it and get it out of your head. The mistake of many ladies is constant memories of an unpleasant moment. Such thoughts will not lead to rapprochement,
  • Emotional instability in such a situation is understandable. But there’s no point in making a scandal out of nowhere; it’s better to just remain silent, even if it’s through force. Soon it will be much easier to react this way,
  • You need to become a wife, a lover, and a friend for your husband. It's not as difficult as it seems at first glance. It is enough to show a little feminine ingenuity and not throw tantrums over trifles. A man should feel variety and peace, and not a constant tense atmosphere. Then he simply won’t have a reason to go left.

You need to improve yourself, and not look at your mistress.

Of course, you can notice the details, but by asking stupid questions and aggravating the situation, you definitely cannot increase stability.

How to bring back passion

It happens that a man directly says that he is tired of family life. In this case, it is important to try to have a constructive dialogue and not act on emotions. You need to analyze the words spoken by your husband and treat criticism as calmly and soberly as possible.

First of all, you need to work on the mistakes that stress your husband. And then you can make a personal, feminine plan to return feelings. For example, start giving him small but pleasant surprises.

You can try the tactic of warming up a man’s interest with messages of intimate and personal content. It is only important to be sure that he does not have important negotiations or meetings at the moment. Flirting will inevitably take your husband's thoughts back to the time when the relationship was just beginning.

You need to arrange a family romantic dinner after receiving a response impulse. It is important to remove any interference, even children and animals. The first ones can be given to grandparents for a couple of days, they will only be happy. It is important to spend time together, to retire, to renew your feelings and interest in each other.

Some advise starting to restore relationships from the intimate side of life. It is because of the dullness and routine in this area that men most often lose interest in their chosen one. The more variety, the more interest on the part of men.

There is no need to be overly intrusive. Men don't like that.

If he has refused your plans, it is important to accept this as calmly as possible. And when the emotions subside, calmly inquire about the reason for the refusal. Often it follows due to circumstances that have nothing to do with the woman, then the plans can be implemented at another, more convenient time.


On women's themed sites you can find some practical advice on solving this problem.

How to make a guy fall in love with you - 10 ways that work flawlessly.

By the way, it is included in the TOP of those discussed:

  • The transformation of a woman sometimes plays a decisive role, giving the necessary impetus for change. You need to take care of yourself and periodically change your image so as not to bore yourself or your husband,
  • The secret is in diversity. A woman should be able to transform into different women. For them it is not so difficult, it is even interesting. Experience for a woman and variety for a man will strengthen family relationships,
  • Sometimes the cause of problems lies on the surface. A woman’s constant employment and her eternally dissatisfied attitude rarely serve as a pleasant addition to family life. Therefore, it is sometimes worth returning to the image that your husband liked several years ago.


Sometimes conspiracies really help improve relationships between spouses. But they will only work if you believe in them.

The most popular option is the following: “As people look in the mirror, so would my husband (name) look at me! Just as soap is quickly washed off, so would my husband (name) quickly fall in love with me. As light as the shirt on the body is, so would my husband (name) be light.”

The plot will only work if a waxing moon is visible in the sky. The words are pronounced over the spouse’s shirt, having first lightly scorched the collar; only he should burn.

After the ritual, it is important to hide the item away from prying eyes. There is no need to tell your spouse about the ritual.

It is advisable to use your spouse’s old item for the ritual. The fact is that old things contain more human energy. The more it is, the more effective the ritual will be. This is why old shirts are the best solution.

Watch the video. How to always remain interesting to your husband?

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