20 ways to persuade people - the ability to persuade as the basis for success in business life

Use powerful words

Persuasive speech consists of words that evoke a response.
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Just imagine that you need to sell someone car insurance. Of course, you can say that every day there are thousands of accidents or accidents on the roads. But it’s better to construct a phrase differently: “Every day thousands of people die on the roads” or “Every day thousands of accidents end in death.”

Death is a stronger word than chance.

I bet you're a little like me...

The easiest way to get someone to say yes to you at the end of your pitch is to lead them to this idea during the conversation. The magic of “I bet you’re a little like me” is that it does just that.

  • “I bet you, like me, love trying new things.”
  • “I bet you, like me, are short on time and are willing to take the opportunity to try a new process to speed things up.”

These phrases are difficult to say “no” to, and they help to appease the client during a conversation if he begins to lose interest.

Try to look dignified, but not arrogant

A pleasant appearance is attractive, but it can also serve as a bad service. The danger is this: the person who is dressed better than others feels powerful and often begins to behave condescendingly. And this is repulsive.

Remember that the one you are trying to convince is a priori higher than you: he has the right to say “no”. So try to look good without appearing better than others.

How to persuade correctly?

The sequence of actions can be divided into 4 stages:

  1. Gain a person's favor. At a minimum, he should be interested in the dialogue. It will be great if a person starts to trust you.
  2. Identify needs related to your goal. For example, if you are going to persuade a person to buy real estate, then it would be a good idea to find out his wishes on this topic. If you want to persuade your boss to raise your salary, then it will be useful to know what results he is striving for and how you can help with this in order to deservedly receive additional income.
  3. Offer an option that completely suits you and presumably corresponds to the person’s identified wishes.
  4. Competently answer all objections and get what you want.

If you read my past articles, you probably saw similarities with. The “core” of this communication scheme in many cases allows you to correctly and competently convince people to do something.

I will say right away that persuading people over the phone is much more difficult, in contrast to situations where there is eye contact. Emotions, gestures, and facial expressions play a huge role.

Speak the other person's language

A simple truth: people are more willing to trust those who are similar to them, whom they understand. Therefore, your task is to adapt to your interlocutor. Doesn't he use jargon? That means you shouldn't either. Is he kidding? You also need to show a sense of humor.

This rule also applies to nonverbal communication. If a person actively gestures, then you also need to be lively and open. If he chooses closed poses, he should be more restrained.

The method also works with a group of people. You just need to find out what style of communication the audience responds positively to.

Top 9 ways to convince your interlocutor that you are right

There are many methods of convincing yourself that you are right. However, the best methods are those that are selected specifically for a person’s personal qualities. When choosing a method of influence, you need to take into account the weaknesses of the opponent with whom you will communicate.

Confident people are the worst at being persuaded than others. They always know what they want and almost never listen to the opinions of others. Attempts to directly influence these people end in failure. The weakness of such a person is that he does not question his abilities. The interlocutor must do this for him.

For example, if a self-confident person does not want to do some work, he can be offended by phrases like: “This is really too difficult for you,” “I’m sure you can’t handle it,” “You shouldn’t be trusted with such a difficult task.” To enhance the effect, you should prevent the person from performing the action. Self-confident people will do whatever it takes to get a job and do it well.

Communicating with an indecisive person is no less difficult. He is located towards the interlocutor, there is no need to adapt to him. Indecisive people completely agree with their opponent and do not contradict him in anything.

Difficulties begin when an insecure person begins to be persuaded to take action. The interlocutor will provide evidence that he will not cope with the task assigned to him. Indecisiveness can manifest itself while performing actions: at the last moment a person will refuse to perform them. The opponent will not be able to convince him because he has used all his arguments.

Having recognized an indecisive personality in a person, you need to portray indecision yourself. You should avoid being categorical and harsh. People who are unsure of themselves should be asked for advice (“What do you think can be done in this case?”). Transferring the situation to oneself will distract the person from the need to take responsibility for taking actions (“What can be done in my case, what do you think?”). Gradually the conversation needs to be turned to the opponent. As a result of the conversation, he must persuade himself.

The aggressor interlocutor can be identified by clenched fists. The opponent may also scratch or rub their palms. Verbal aggression is not always observed. Such interlocutors are confident in advance that they are being deceived and will “hold the line.” Aggressors are often mistaken for indecisive people. To find out the true character of your interlocutor, you need to touch him. An aggressive opponent will perceive such an action as an attack.

People of this type respect only strong interlocutors. You should not show your weakness in front of them. To achieve your goal, you need to be assertive. The aggressor will yield only to the interlocutor who surpasses him in strength. When communicating with such people, 2 methods of interaction are recommended:

  1. “An impregnable fortress.” This method will help you withstand the onslaught of the aggressor. If he attacks you, you must remain calm and pause the conversation. An aggressive opponent must express his point of view and expend some of his energy. In addition, the interlocutor will have information about the worldview of the aggressor. Having lost control of himself, an aggressive interlocutor may say too much.
  2. "Target". You must look at your opponent without looking away. You need to focus on the bridge of your interlocutor's nose. The aggressor begins to feel discomfort and fear. He can continue to put forward his arguments, but gradually his pressure begins to weaken.

There is also a category of indifferent interlocutors, lazy or naturally unemotional people. It is difficult to piss them off or touch a nerve. Opponents of this type do not enter into an argument, do not refute the arguments of the interlocutor, but also do not agree with him. Often they don't even listen to what they are told. Options for interacting with indifferent people:

  1. Demand more and then settle for less. You can put a more difficult task in front of your interlocutor who is prone to laziness and try to persuade him to complete it. After this, you need to “pity” your opponent and lower the bar. A person will be glad to see lower demands and the opportunity to get rid of an annoying interlocutor. He will do what they want him to do.
  2. Show benefits. This option is suitable for indifferent pragmatists. They respond to a request only when the result of the negotiations concerns them personally.

Direct your emotions

Enthusiasm and excitement should naturally develop as the conversation progresses. By immediately attacking a person, throwing out your emotions on him, you can suppress or push him away.

It is better to start the dialogue on an optimistic but relaxed note, and only then, gradually going into detail, demonstrate more and more excitement and passion for the idea. This way you will look natural and will be able to infect your interlocutor with your experiences.

A lot depends on your mood

A simple example is a wife trying to persuade her husband to help her clean the apartment. If she herself is not eager to clean, then her persuasion will be sluggish, unconvincing and will not produce the desired effect. In such a situation, before asking someone to do something that he does not want to do, try to tune in to the work as much as possible. After this, it will be much easier and simpler to convey to the person your attitude towards work through words and manner of communication.

These persuasion tactics can be learned from military officers who command hundreds of soldiers. You need to get used to the role to really influence a person. If you need to cheer someone up, you need to do it in a good mood. If you need to convince a person of something, first you need to believe what you are telling him.

Is the goal worth the means?

First of all, think about whether you really need to waste time, effort and, possibly, nerves to convince your interlocutor that you are right. The reason may not be that significant. But even if this is a matter of principle, be sure to make allowances for the personality of the person you are talking to. Maybe this is an inveterate stubborn person who, out of spite, will pull the veins out of you and resist to the last. Or is it a smug boss whom you, of course, can convince, but he will then bear a grudge against you.

In difficult cases, it is better not to enter into open confrontation, but to wait it out. The fact that the interlocutor was wrong can be tactfully reminded later, when the subject of the dispute or conversation is no longer important. In such a situation in hindsight, even the biggest arguers will be willing to listen to your point of view.

Tips and secrets that will help you achieve results in persuasion

  1. Don't put pressure on the person to do it immediately. Ask him for a favor a few days later.
  2. You need to be able to win over your interlocutor so that he gains confidence in you. Be friendly, you have a better chance of getting what you want.
  3. Research the person or audience for whom you will be making an argument.
  4. Be open to communication, make it clear what kind of person you are. It is difficult to achieve success without establishing personal contact.
  5. Enter into the person’s position, into his vision of the situation. Share similar cases - this will allow him to open up more.
  6. With your arguments, make the person think: “Yes, this is what I need.” Then the process of persuasion will go easier.
  7. Don't be pushy. You need to be able to draw a line between persistence and importunity.
  8. In the matter of persuasion, you must navigate the topic well enough, know all the positive and negative aspects. This is the only way to convey information to the benefit of everyone.
  9. It is better to eliminate shyness; it will not help you achieve what you want. Hesitation in words where you seem to be looking for encouragement has nothing to do with conviction.
  10. Use body language and facial expressions. Confidence should not only be verbal, but also come from within.
  11. Use visualization and give vivid examples. Beautiful pictures that you can draw in your head can convince much faster than dry facts.
  12. Don't talk too much off topic. Show the ability to listen so that the interlocutor understands that you are acting for the good.
  13. Know how to stop in time when convincing others. All people are different, some are very stubborn and distrustful, and find it difficult to explain anything.
  14. Don't forget about the first impression. It has been proven that the first 7 seconds form our understanding of the interlocutor. Smile, call the person by name - this will set your opponent up for a friendly start.

Persuasion skills can be developed like any other. But the main thing in the conviction to be honest and open is that it always makes you feel good about yourself. And when a person feels that you can be trusted, it is easier to win him over to your side.

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