10 most effective ways to manage emotions

Managing your emotional state is the basis for managing your life. The article outlines simple techniques that are guaranteed to increase your ability to create the desired state in yourself. “If you are able to drive yourself to depression, then you are able to generate quite strong emotions and thoughts within yourself, but you are doing it in the wrong direction.” Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev

“If you can’t manage your condition, then you can’t manage your life.” Eckhart Tolle

Managing your emotional state (your own) is the key to self-control and to quality management of everything that is in your power.

Despite the high importance of this topic, most people do not know how to manage their condition. This is not taught in regular schools. This knowledge is not for everyone. Because management has always been and will be the prerogative of the elite, and the “rabble” must be the object of management. Unfortunately, this is how modern society works.

Why is managing emotions so important?

Let's say some negative event happened to you. Your wife/husband has upset you, or some unpleasant news has arrived. And you are depressed. This is fine? It’s unlikely that anyone will argue with this...

What do most people do in this case?

Some in this case become offended and maintain a lowered tone for several days. Or maybe even months... There are cases that last a lifetime, thereby dooming yourself to an unhappy existence and poisoning the lives of those around you.

Others try to distract themselves, let things take their course, and wait for the condition to return to normal on its own.

Some people use alcohol “for treatment,” not knowing that alcohol is a depressant. Several hours of fun are followed by three days of low emotional state.

What does all this mean? This means that a person is in a state of low emotional tone for a long time. In this state, all the decisions he makes will be weak. A person is not able to see strong solutions to any of his problems from a state of depression, apathy, grief, resentment, jealousy, envy or hangover. Many people ruin their lives by making hasty decisions that they later regret for years. Also, in a frustrated state, the number of errors in driving vehicles and machinery increases. And this is already fraught with health consequences.

Obviously, the most effective way out in this situation is to quickly get your condition back on track. Move from a state of depression, grief, hopelessness to a state of joy and enthusiasm.

And the best way to do this is without chemicals. Because chemistry blocks conscious control of conditions.

For most people this is impossible, something out of science fiction. Indeed, according to statistics, more than 50% of the world's population regularly experiences a state of depression. This means that people would like to, but they don’t know how, they don’t know, they don’t believe that managing their own condition is possible.

The meaning of a person's emotional state

Certain responses can serve as an incentive for people to take action. Your emotional state affects relationships with others, so for successful socialization you need to be able to subtly sense the mood of your interlocutor.

Communication with a psychologist

Strong manifestations of feelings inspire creative people to create their masterpieces. A person becomes more receptive to the world around him. Therefore, it is impossible to completely suppress feelings and not express your thoughts.

Controlling emotions is not only the key to successful communication. A person learns to monitor his facial expressions, gestures, behavior, begins to better understand the inner world of others and create a favorable environment. Self-correction teaches you to concentrate on solving important problems and pleasant emotions. Managing your thoughts, experiences and other manifestations of feelings is one of the sections of mental hygiene.

How to manage your emotions?

I described earlier how to get out of depression in two of my articles - this one and this one. In them I described how one can raise the emotional tone to the state of “conservatism”. This is when everything is not bad, but you are too lazy to change anything. And although this is far from the highest state available to a person, it allows one to fully work and perform other social roles.

How to access higher emotional states at any time?

The most effective states (of those that have been more or less studied), in which insights, discoveries occur, and happiness is felt, are states of joy and enthusiasm.

These are the states in which success is created.

But jump to them from a state of apathy, fear, anger, etc. - does not seem possible. Personally, I couldn't do it. Only a sequential transition is possible, from one state to another, as if along a ladder.

Technique – emotional gymnastics

This technique came to me in the form of an insight when one day I came out of the bathhouse, steamed and undressed, into the cold spring rain, and stood there, feeling the cold drops on my body. Rain is a miracle that Heaven gave us...

There is something about meditation in this technique. Its advantage is that it can be combined with your life. This technique is a way to live.

Consists of the following. Follow the steps:

1. Track your current state

You live your own life, and from time to time you monitor your emotional state. Let's say your value is quite high and stable. In this case, there is nothing to train: there is no subject of training. To learn how to raise your condition, you must first lower it.

Waiting for the occasion when someone or something throws you off balance. If you live among people, if you are careful, you may find that these incidents happen several times a day. This is if you live among people

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