5 Strangest Cases of Split Personality

What is split personality

This is a mental phenomenon that is expressed in the presence of two or more personalities in the patient, which replace each other with a certain periodicity or exist simultaneously. For patients faced with this problem, doctors diagnose “personality dissociation,” which is as close as possible to split personality. This is a general description of the pathology; there are subtypes of this condition, which are characterized by certain features.

Dissociative disorder - concept and manifestation factors

This is a whole group of psychological disorders that have the characteristic features of impaired psychological functions that are characteristic of humans. Dissociative identity disorder affects memory, awareness of the personality factor, and behavior. All functions affected. As a rule, they are integrated and are part of the psyche, but when dissociated, some streams separate from consciousness, gaining a certain independence. This may manifest itself in the following moments:

  • loss of identity;
  • loss of access to some memories;
  • the emergence of a new “I”.

Features of behavior

A patient with this diagnosis will have an extremely unbalanced character, will often lose touch with reality, and will not always be aware of what is happening around him. A dual personality is characterized by large and short memory lapses. Typical manifestations of pathology include the following symptoms:

  • frequent and severe sweating;
  • insomnia;
  • severe headaches;
  • impaired ability to think logically;
  • inability to recognize one's condition;
  • mobility of mood, a person first enjoys life, laughs, and after a few minutes he will sit in the corner and cry;
  • conflicting feelings towards everything around you and yourself.

Top 10: Movie Characters Who Suffered from Multiple Personality Disorders

A list of ten movie characters who suffered from split personality disorder. 1. Charlie Baileygates/Hank Evans (Me, Myself and Irene). In this film, Charlie Baileygates, wonderfully played by Jim Carrey, has the ability to transform into his alter ego, Hank Evans, as a form of self-defense. This happens in situations where weak-willed Charlie is unable to speak his mind and stand up for himself. 2. Bruce Banner (Hulk). Originally, the Hulk was a comic book character, but over the past decade he has become the hero of two films. In the original version, the Hulk is similar to the story of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, still the same theme of a scientist who, as a result of experiments, turns into a monster. 3. Teddy Daniels (Shutter Island). Martin Scorsese, in his psychological thriller Shutter Island, sends a federal officer to an island that serves as a mental hospital to solve a murder. While conducting his investigation, he had to face a web of lies, a hurricane, and a deadly riot by the residents of the clinic. In addition, the main character begins to understand that in fact he is a patient here. 4. Malcolm Rivers (Identity). The main character is suspected of a number of crimes, but that's the problem. that he does not know which of his many personalities committed the murders. The Hitchcock-style film keeps you in suspense until the very end. Only at the end does it become known who actually carried out the attacks. 5. Mort Rainey (Secret Window). In this film, based on the Stephen King story, Johnny Depp plays a crazed writer who is pursued by a man in a black hat, one John Shooter, who accuses him of plagiarism. In fact, John Shooter is nothing more than a figment of his imagination. 6. Sybil Dorsett (Sybil). The film is based on a book, which, in turn, is based on a true story from the life of a young woman named Sybil. Sybil's childhood passed under the pressure of such sophisticated bullying that her psyche could not stand it and split. In adult Sybil, one after another, depending on the circumstances, consciousnesses of other personalities appear, which her subconscious develops for the easiest solution to the situation. Over time, their number grows and reaches 13.

7. Gollum/Smeagol (The Lord of the Rings). As it turned out during the film, this pitiful creature actually suffers from a split personality. It is so strong that it forces Gollum to constantly quarrel with his alter ego if their ideas about morality differ on any issues. The plot revolves around Gollum’s struggle with himself, a sense of loyalty to his master and the inexorable power of the Ring struggle within him. 8. Unnamed Narrator (Fight Club). The narrator, an employee of a car company, suffers from insomnia and is often unable to distinguish sleep from reality. The doctor advises him to attend a support group for cancer patients. The narrator meets Marla Singer and soap salesman Tyler Durden. Together with Tyler, he organizes an underground "fight club" where men release their repressed aggression in fights without rules. 9. Norman Bates (Psycho). Norman Bates is a psychopath suffering from multiple personality disorder, the protagonist of Alfred Hitchcock's famous thriller Psycho and its sequels. Employee Marion Crane steals a large sum of money. Marion leaves the city, but, tired of the long road, turns off the highway and stops at a small roadside motel owned by Norman Bates. At first, there is an attraction between Norman and Marion, but she soon begins to realize that she has become a pawn in Bates' very terrible game. 10. Dr. Jekyll (Dr. Jekyll and Mister Hyde). A famous scientist, a genius and a wonderful person, Dr. Jekyll is developing in his laboratory a formula for a potion, by drinking which a person can separate himself from his base and sinister inclinations. Freed from the grip of conscience, conventional behavior, morals and values, Dr. Jekyll turns into the cruel, evil and unstable madman Mr. Hyde. Throughout the film he struggles with his worse half.


Mental disorders of this type can manifest themselves in several forms: mild, moderate, complex. Psychologists have developed a special test that helps identify the signs and causes that caused split personality. There are also common factors that provoke the disease:

  • the influence of other family members who have their own dissociative disorders;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • childhood memories of a mentally or sexually abusive relationship;
  • lack of support from loved ones in situations of severe emotional stress.

Symptoms of the disease

Identity disorder in some cases has symptoms similar to other mental illnesses. You can suspect a split personality if there is a whole group of signs, which include the following options:

  • the patient’s imbalance – sudden changes in mood, inadequate reaction to what is happening around him;
  • the appearance of one or several new hypostases within oneself - a person calls himself by different names, behavior is radically different (modest and aggressive personalities), does not remember what he did at the moment of dominance of the second “I”.
  • loss of connection with the environment – ​​inadequate reaction to reality, hallucinations;
  • speech disorder – stuttering, long pauses between words, slurred speech;
  • memory impairment - short-term or extensive lapses;
  • the ability to connect thoughts into a logical chain is lost;
  • inconsistency, lack of coordination of actions;
  • sudden, noticeable mood swings;
  • insomnia;
  • profuse sweating;
  • severe headaches.

Auditory hallucinations

One of the common abnormalities of the disorder, which can be an independent symptom or one of several. Disturbances in the functioning of the human brain create false auditory signals, which the patient perceives as speech that does not have a sound source, sounds inside his head. Often these voices tell you what needs to be done; they can only be drowned out with medications.

Depersonalization and derealization

This deviation is characterized by a constant or periodic feeling of alienation from one’s own body, mental processes, as if the person is an outside observer of everything that is happening. These sensations can be compared with those that many people experience in their sleep, when a distortion of the sensation of temporal and spatial barriers and disproportionality of limbs occurs. Derealization consists of a feeling of unreality of the world around; some patients say that they are a robot; it is often accompanied by depressive and anxious states.

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Trance-like states

This form is characterized by a simultaneous disorder of consciousness and a decrease in the ability to adequately and modernly respond to stimuli from the outside world. The trance state can be observed in mediums who use it for spiritualistic seances and in pilots who perform long flights at high speed and with monotonous movements, monotonous impressions (the sky and clouds).

In children, this condition manifests itself as a result of physical trauma or violence. The peculiarity of this form is possession, which is found in some regions and cultures. For example, amok - among the Malays, this condition is manifested by a sudden attack of rage, followed by amnesia. A man runs and destroys everything that gets in his way, he continues until he injures himself or dies. The Eskimos call the same condition piblokto: the patient tears off his clothes, screams, imitates animal sounds, after which amnesia sets in.

Changing your sense of self

The patient completely or partially experiences alienation from his own body; on the mental side, it can be expressed by a feeling of being observed from the outside. The condition is very similar to derealization, in which mental and time barriers are broken and a person loses the sense of the reality of what is happening around. A person may experience false feelings of hunger, anxiety, or the size of his own body.

In children

Children are also susceptible to personality splitting; it occurs in a somewhat unique way. The child will still respond to the name given by the parents, but at the same time there will be signs of the presence of other “I”s, which partially take over his consciousness. The following manifestations of pathology are typical for children:

  • different manner of speaking;
  • amnesia;
  • food preferences are constantly changing;
  • amnesia;
  • mood lability;
  • self-talk;
  • glassy gaze and aggressiveness;
  • inability to explain one's actions.

How to Recognize Dissociative Identity Disorder

This condition can only be diagnosed by a specialist who evaluates the patient according to certain criteria. The main task is to exclude herpes infection and tumor processes in the brain, epilepsy, schizophrenia, amnesia due to physical or psychological trauma, and mental fatigue. A doctor can recognize mental illness by the following signs:

  • the patient shows signs of two or more personalities that have an individual attitude towards the world as a whole and certain situations;
  • the person is unable to remember important personal information;
  • the disorder does not occur under the influence of drugs, alcohol, or toxic substances.

Criteria for split consciousness

There are a number of common symptoms that indicate the development of this form of pathology. These symptoms include memory lapses, events that cannot be logically explained and indicate the development of another personality, alienation from one’s own body, derealization and depersonalization. All this happens when many personalities coexist in one person. The doctor must take an anamnesis, conduct conversations with the alter ego, and observe the patient’s behavior. The following factors are indicated in the reference book as criteria for determining split consciousness:

  • in a person there are several alter egos that have their own attitude to the outside world, thinking, perception;
  • capture of consciousness by another person, change in behavior;
  • the patient cannot remember important information about himself, which is difficult to explain by simple forgetfulness;
  • All of the above symptoms were not a consequence of drug or alcohol intoxication, exposure to toxic substances, or other diseases (complex seizures of epilepsy).

Differential analysis

This concept means the exclusion of other pathological conditions that can cause symptoms similar to the manifestation of split consciousness. If studies show signs of the following pathologies, then the diagnosis cannot be confirmed:

  • delirium;
  • infectious diseases (herpes);
  • brain tumors that affect the temporal lobe;
  • schizophrenia;
  • amnestic syndrome;
  • disorders due to the use of psychoactive substances;
  • mental fatigue;
  • temporal lobe epilepsy;
  • dementia;
  • bipolar disorder;
  • somatoform disorders;
  • post-traumatic amnesia;
  • simulation of the state under consideration.

How to exclude the diagnosis of “organic brain damage”

This is one of the mandatory stages of differential analysis, because the pathology has many similar symptoms. A person is sent for testing based on the medical history collected by the doctor. The examination is carried out by a neurologist who will give directions for the following tests:

  • computed tomography - helps to obtain information about the functional state of the brain, allows you to detect structural changes;
  • neurosonography - used to identify tumors in the brain, helps to examine the cerebrospinal fluid spaces;
  • rheoencephalogram - examination of cerebral vessels;
  • ultrasound examination of brain cavities;
  • MRI – is carried out to detect structural changes in brain tissue, nerve fibers, blood vessels, the stage of pathology, and the degree of damage.

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Description of the disease by the patients themselves

Patients suffering from multiple personality disorder may describe their condition as follows:

  1. The concept of depersonalization is when the patient says that he is “outside his body.”
  2. Derealization, when the patient describes the world around him as unreal for him, as if he is looking at everything that is happening through a distance or a veil of fog.
  3. Amnesia. The patient makes every effort, but cannot remember important personal information about himself. Often he forgets even those words that were spoken a few minutes ago.
  4. Confusion in awareness of one's own identity. A person suffering from multiple personality syndrome is in a state of complete disorientation. He cannot clearly answer the question of who he considers or imagines himself to be. Often he catches himself thinking that he hates his personality at the moment, when she is engaged in some type of activity (violates traffic rules, drinks alcohol).
  5. There is no clear understanding of where a person is, what time it is now, what situation he is in.

A person with multiple personality disorder has one host personality that can provide basic real information about him. Other dissociative states (other personalities) are not mature, they can only talk about individual episodes and sensations from life, their memories are scarce and one-sided. It so happens that the host personality often does not even suspect the presence of other personalities.

How to treat split personality

The treatment process for patients is usually complex and lengthy. In most cases, observation is required for the rest of the person's life. You can get a positive and desired result from treatment only if you take the medications correctly. Drugs and dosages should be prescribed exclusively by a doctor based on studies and tests. Modern treatment regimens include the following types of drugs:

  • antidepressants;
  • tranquilizers;
  • neuroleptics.

In addition to medications, other methods of therapy are used that are aimed at solving the problems of split consciousness. Not all of them have a quick effect, but are part of a comprehensive treatment:

  • electroconvulsive therapy;
  • psychotherapy, which can only be carried out by doctors who have completed specialized additional practice after graduating from medical school;
  • the use of hypnosis is allowed;
  • Part of the responsibility for treatment falls on the shoulders of others; they should not talk to a person as if they were sick.

Psychotherapeutic treatment

Dissociative disorder requires psychotherapy. It should be carried out by specialists who have experience in this field and have undergone additional training. This direction is used to achieve two main goals:

  • relief of symptoms;
  • the reintegration of all of a person's alter egos into one fully functioning identity.

To achieve these goals, two main methods are used:

  1. Cognitive psychotherapy. The doctor’s work is aimed at correcting stereotypes of thinking, inappropriate thoughts through persuasion, structured training, behavioral training, mental state, and experiment.
  2. Family psychotherapy. Consists of working with the family to optimize their interactions with the individual in order to reduce the dysfunctional impact on all members.

Electroconvulsive therapy

The treatment method was first used in the 30s of the 20th century, when the doctrine of schizophrenia was actively developing. The basis for the use of this treatment technique was the idea that the brain cannot produce localized flashes of electrical potentials, so they need to be created in artificial conditions, which will help achieve remission. The procedure is performed as follows:

  1. 2 electrodes were attached to the patient's head.
  2. A voltage of 70-120 V was supplied through them.
  3. The device released current for a fraction of a second, which was enough to affect the human brain.
  4. The manipulation was carried out 2-3 times a week for 2-3 months.

This method has not taken root as a treatment for schizophrenia, but it can be used in the field of therapy for multiple splits of consciousness. For the body, the degree of risk from the technique is reduced due to constant monitoring by doctors, anesthesia, and muscle relaxation. This helps to avoid all the unpleasant sensations that could arise when creating nerve impulses in the brain.

Application of hypnosis

People experiencing multiple splits of consciousness are not always aware of the presence of other alter egos. Clinical hypnosis helps the patient achieve integration in order to alleviate the manifestations of the disease, which helps to change the patient’s character. This approach is very different from conventional treatments because the hypnotic state itself can trigger the appearance of multiple personalities. The practice is aimed at achieving the following goals:

  • ego strengthening;
  • relief of symptoms;
  • reduction of anxiety;
  • creating rapport (contact with the conductor of hypnosis).

How to live with a person who has duality

Multiple personality syndrome negatively affects not only the patient, but also loved ones. A few recommendations for those who want to establish a relationship with a person who has ADHD:

Down with rose-colored glasses. This is a disease that will take many years to treat. Maybe even in your lifetime you won’t be able to get rid of it completely. Be patient. The patient unknowingly began to suffer from DSD; everything happened due to a coincidence of serious circumstances in life. Get information from professionals. A good psychiatrist will be able to help in resolving the issue, but not friends who read somewhere that everything can be cured by using a magic pill. Don't panic! Keep in mind that when he switches from one personality to another, complex processes occur in the body. This is a real trauma that is difficult to overcome. Try to keep yourself in control and control the situation. Create an environment for him that will not be mentally disturbing

Try to reduce the number of nervous breakdowns. Pay attention to his condition. During this time, replenish your supplies of medications that block further development of the disease. Keep the situation under control

Pay attention to the moment at which it begins to “switch.” It could be a fit of rage. Don't take his words to heart. They just have to understand that at the moment his behavior is uncontrollable. Rest. Caring for someone with a nervous disorder is exhausting, so give yourself time to rest.

A huge number of films have been made about people with DSD, where they show their inner world in detail and demonstrate the disease. In life, everything happens differently. Two personalities are a set of symptoms that absolutely do not guarantee that a person will turn into an uncontrollable maniac. Many patients with dissociative identity disorder are completely harmless to society.

These are people with whom you can find a common language. If you choose the right treatment, the disease will not develop further. If we analyze the information from the site, we can say that such people are safe for society.

Bifurcation is a chronic disease, most often requiring more than five years to heal. Some people are cured, others are not.

Now you know that the body, in fact, can accommodate several personalities at the same time. And the most important rule is that they get along well and live like this for decades. The body can be ruled by one entity or another. The period of “reign” can last from a few minutes to months.

How to treat multiple personality syndrome

The basis of therapy is medications that are aimed at alleviating symptoms and restoring the full functioning of a person as an individual. The course is selected, the dosage is selected only by a doctor, a severe form of bifurcation requires stronger drugs than a mild one. Three groups of medications are used for this:

  • neuroleptics;
  • antidepressants;
  • tranquilizers.


This group of drugs is used for the treatment of schizophrenia, but with the development of split personality they can also be prescribed to eliminate a manic state and delusional disorders. The following options can be assigned:

  1. Haloperedol. This is a pharmaceutical name, so this medicinal substance can be included in various medications. Used to suppress delusional and manic states. Contraindicated in patients with disorders of the central nervous system, angina pectoris, liver dysfunction, kidney dysfunction, epilepsy, active alcoholism.
  2. Azaleptin. It has a powerful effect and belongs to the group of atypical neuroleptics. It is used more to suppress feelings of anxiety, strong arousal, and has a strong hypnotic effect.
  3. Sonapax. It is used for the same purposes as the means described above: suppressing feelings of anxiety, manic state, delusional ideas.


Often, split personality occurs due to a psychogenic reaction to the loss of a loved one; in a child this often occurs against the background of lack of parental attention and in early childhood this does not manifest itself, but in adulthood it leads to psychiatry. Dissociative experience manifests itself as a consequence of a prolonged depressed state and severe stress. To treat such causes, the doctor prescribes a course of antidepressants to eliminate all symptoms of depression and apathy towards planning one’s future. The following drugs are prescribed:

  • Prozac;
  • Porgal;
  • Fluoxetine.


These drugs are strictly prohibited from being used independently without a doctor's prescription. These potent drugs can cause significant harm to health and worsen the patient’s situation. After a general examination, your doctor may prescribe these medications to achieve an anxiolytic effect. You should not take tranquilizers if you are suicidal or have prolonged depression. In medical practice, multiple personality disorder is usually treated with Clonazepam.

Billy Milligan's Multiple Personalities

The reason Billy Milligan developed multiple personality disorder was the violence and humiliation he experienced as a child. Psychiatrists counted as many as 24 personalities in him. Each of them had its own name and received a detailed description.

After being declared insane by the court, Milligan is sent for treatment to the Athens State Hospital psychiatric clinic. Thanks to highly qualified personnel, as a result of the work done, Billy Milligan was discovered to have 10 personalities, and after a while - 14 more.

The personalities of this person were of different ages, genders, nationalities, different in character, inclinations, habits, and behavior. Some of them spoke with an accent. So who got along with a person who was diagnosed with multiple personality disorder? Kevin, a 20-year-old guy who takes turns with Phil - both hooligans capable of crimes - takes turns leading Milligan; 14-year-old boy Denny, who was terrified of men; David, 8, who was responsible for storing pain; Adalana is a 19-year-old lesbian who is accused of committing one of the serious crimes; boy Sean - a deaf disabled person with disabilities and many others.

After 10 years of intensive treatment, Billy Milligan was released from a psychiatric clinic. The result of the treatment was the doctors’ conclusion, which stated that the patient fully identifies himself, which means that he got rid of all subpersonalities. After leaving the clinic, Milligan disappeared to communicate with the press and society; it is not known for certain whether the treatment had a real result, whether he got rid of all 24 personalities and whether they returned to him over time.

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