Way to success. What is real success?

Ways to achieve success.

You can win your success through different actions, and which ones specifically are determined by the content that you put into this concept. If success is only - how can you make more money?

There are difficulties in this option, but the goal is the same, and going towards it is correspondingly easier. Is it possible in this case to feel like a happy person when achieving a goal? The question is open and everyone decides for themselves.

Wealth is a thing without which you can live happily, but prosperity is a thing necessary for happiness . N. Chernyshevsky.

There is success, but no happiness!

Understanding success as physical and spiritual health, internal and external harmony, you need to be ready to set and achieve many goals. At the same time, do not lose your health and good sleep, do not lose friends, save your family, engage in self-development, and of course enjoy your business and benefit people.

Psychology of successful people

Here are some mottos of successful people:

  1. “Positive thinking is the key to success.” They think positively about themselves and the world, driving away sad thoughts and self-doubt. Such people understand that they have everything, to find what they want, they just need to know themselves better and not miss the opportunities that life gives.
  2. “Consider the opinions of only professionals in their field, successful people.” They do not take other people's opinions to heart. If a person himself has not achieved anything in life and takes pleasure in criticizing others, is it really worth listening to his advice? Of course not! Achievement-oriented people are inspired by examples of successful and self-confident people; their behavior and tactics in difficult situations are an example of how to achieve their goals. Their advice really helps as they know what they are talking about.
  3. "The Power of Inspiring Example." Communicate with strong-willed people who are constantly developing and inspire you with their ideas, actions, and projects. This way you will be in good shape and strive for self-development.
  4. “Everything impossible is possible.” Having heard your idea, your loved ones and friends may not take it seriously and assure you that it is impossible to do. Many famous people have encountered skepticism when they talk about wanting to become a great designer, create their own computer program, travel around the world or fly into space. Remember, what is impossible for one person is quite possible for another. Everyone evaluates the level of their capabilities.
  5. “Be aware of your actions, don’t waste time.” From time to time, ask yourself questions: who am I, what am I doing now, what am I doing, is there a need for change? The answers to these simple questions will help you get out of the state of inaction and constant procrastination, and will contribute to self-development and moving forward.
  6. “Failures are an experience, not a reason to quit the race.” Perceive difficulties and failures as a precious experience that expands the palette of options for achieving what you want, activates your thinking and imagination to search for alternative roads to your goal.
  7. “Say stop to fears.” Fear blocks the development and realization of the potential inherent in us, narrows the picture of the world and vision of the situation. Try to overcome your fears, gradually moving towards them. This will strengthen your character, give you confidence and strength to act.
  8. "Finding your path and modeling reality ." No one knows better than you how to achieve what you want, and which path in life is yours. Listen to yourself and make decisions.
  9. "Act now!" Each of us tends to doubt and worry when we need to make an important decision. We go over possible courses of action and their consequences again and again, trying to choose the best way. However, we cannot predict the future. Listen to yourself and act as your intuition tells you. Action is the best way to get rid of doubts, fears and postponing life goals for later.

Life is not a holiday

Real life is not a continuous holiday, but finding an opportunity to be happy and do everything for the peace of mind of your loved ones, even when a bad streak comes, not to fall into depression and find a way out of a difficult situation, this is necessary on the path to success.

Life regularly makes its tough adjustments. Even having received a good education, you cannot protect yourself from the “storms of the crisis.”

If 10 years ago such specialties as law, marketing, economics, finance, as well as architecture, design, and public relations were in demand, now in these areas there is high competition in the labor market and serious difficulties in finding a new job.

In such cases, positive thinking skills will certainly come in handy.

Rules for success

Every day take at least one “step” towards your success, don’t be lazy, there is no “tomorrow”. Remember laziness makes you a “vegetable”, destroying your essence. Work on yourself, on your personal growth (as if it were the last day of your life), work is your assistant on the path to success. Do what brings you joy; if there is joy, inspiration, a feeling of happiness, then the path has been chosen correctly.

Be patient and diligent, even if you don’t see any prospects for successfully realizing your dream, but work to your liking, know that this work will lead you to success. Think about your actions, analyze them, take your time, and then any difficult situation will appear in a different light (the obstacle will turn out to be a rung on the ladder leading to success).

Don’t look for easy ways and don’t believe those who promise quick results in the shortest possible time. Patience and perseverance are your allies, trust them. Remember the saying: “patience and work will grind everything down.”

Create a plan of action and action plan for each next step towards your goal. You are the master of your destiny, use the set of qualities that you already have - this is the experience of your incarnations (reincarnations). Use every opportunity that can bring you closer to your goal. Plan your life and your finances in particular (financial planning).

Be prepared for obstacles and when faced with them, do not lose heart and do not give up, take breaks, take breaks, but do not give up. There is a saying: “The temptation to give up occurs shortly before victory.”

Know that success is guaranteed to those who face any adversity with a smile. Be positive, believe in your success. Your faith is your fulcrum. “Give me a fulcrum and I will turn the Earth upside down” - Archimedes.

Take responsibility for your life. Don’t whine or complain, finally decide who you are - a spectator or a player, a victim or a hunter. Philosophy is good, but only in harmonious balance with action.

Forgive your offenders (after all, only a Soul who sincerely loves you could agree to play the role of your enemy, so that you go through the path of reincarnation purification as soon as possible). Do not pollute your inner world with negativity - “Peace and harmony around you, peace and harmony” - this is important.

Do not sacrifice morality, love and health for the sake of earthly goods. Know that material things will never bring true happiness.

Remember that you may always fall short. Life is not eternal and there is no point in being offended, especially at people close to you. Don’t forget - being on the run for material values, you may not be able to make it to those who are truly dear to you.

Always be yourself. You don't need masks. Don’t waste your time on someone you don’t want to be - “whoever you mess with, you’ll gain from that” and that’s true. Be careful and remind yourself of nobility - this is the good of your Family, and good is the currency and success that will never depreciate.

The path to success in 2021 is completely different than it was twenty years ago.

20-30 years ago they said that after reaching the age of 35, starting a business was not promising. In the age of computer technology, access to information at any time, an effective business can be organized even after 50 and 60 years.

Of course, at this age, there is no point in competing with representatives of generation Z, but this is not required.

Society still knows little about the generation of centennials and linksters, but is trying to understand their characteristics and values.

Each age has advantages that will help make a business successful. And the use of modern Internet technologies will help bring it to the top positions. To achieve your goals, you need to analyze the situation and make changes in your life.

Everything is there, but there is no happiness!

You may need to reframe your attitude towards events, your perception of unforeseen difficult situations.

But this is all real and achievable! Using the life example of Alla Verber and other people who “made” themselves from scratch, it can be argued that if you have a vision of the process, and everything connected with it completely coincides with your life concept, then there are no barriers to achieving your goal.

How to achieve your goal? If you have a dream or idea.

If you have been thinking about a life dream for a long time, for example, starting your own business, and talk a lot about it, then listen to the words of Walt Disney, who uttered a simple motivating phrase:

“The best way to start is to stop talking and get down to business.”

Visualization of the goal (idea).

To start realizing your dream, you need to clearly imagine the end goal. Using visualization, turn your dream into an idea, and it into a goal. The technique of visualization helps transform and realize dreams into reality. It is important to set a goal that will not be very simple; it is important that you understand what costs and difficulties you need to bear and overcome to achieve it. But at the same time, it must be realistic in achievement, and not divorced from life.

Make the goal (idea) a priority

We make the goal a priority and draw up a realistic strategic plan for achieving it. This plan is general and includes only the most important “costs and difficulties” that will need to be borne.

Intermediate goals and objectives

We divide the strategic plan into intermediate goals and stages. We determine what tasks need to be solved to achieve each “small” goal. There should be a lot more specificity here for real-world conditions. At this stage, it is finally necessary to understand how realistic your goal is. Refuse if the goal cannot be realized. Get down to the ground. Otherwise, it will drain a lot of strength and energy from you.

Implementation process control

Once you have a specific action plan and you have begun to implement it, you need to implement control over the timing of achievements for each task. You have a structured plan and it makes the job easier. Analyze successes and failures, draw conclusions and make adjustments. And move further towards the goal.

Share your goal and plan.

Share your plan with your family and friends. Discuss the actions, it is quite possible that you will receive good support, and not only in words. The more specific the plan, the higher the chances of getting more support!

If you already have a real business idea that needs to be implemented, then achieving the goal is possible, to a large extent, with the help of Internet marketing technologies.

How are money blocks blocked?

Poverty often originates in the head, and only then can one discover the absence of banknotes in the wallet.

The truth of a given statement can be discovered at any point in time. We invite you to answer these questions:

  • You have a hard time parting with things that have already served their purpose (you have to brew one tea bag several times, bags of garbage only accumulate, clothes are all altered, and disposable tableware is used repeatedly, like bags).
  • Do you have to look forward to your salary every time, considering that most of it is spent immediately after receiving it?
  • Do you have any part-time jobs or passive sources of income?
  • Don't know how to save money?
  • Are you in arrears on your loan obligations?
  • Most of the money that comes into your hands is instantly spent, like the more modest one?
  • Do you feel irritation towards rich people with all your heart, do you think that they achieved success through dishonest means?
  • Do you feel uncomfortable in establishments where luxury reigns?
  • Do you believe that you can become rich only by engaging in criminal activities, by deception?
  • Don’t you even think about investing money in your appearance and self-development?
  • Do you spend time aimlessly at work, do you think that it drags on painfully long, without any benefit?

If most of the questions were answered in the affirmative, you will have to admit that consciousness (see How the subconscious mind works) does not work in favor of enrichment.

Your energy is wasted, and your mood leaves much to be desired due to hatred towards the people around you.

What do people want?

The Journal of Personality and Social Psychology published the results of a study from the University of Wyoming (USA). Research director and author Benjamin Wilkowski, Laboratory of Emotion and Cognition.

A series of seven studies were conducted, including surveys of hundreds of people about their commitment to achieving life goals. The researchers came up with four basic concepts that characterize the main human goals: fame, inclusion, avoiding negativity and following traditions.

The researchers gave the new classification of goals the acronym PINT: prominence, inclusiveness, negativity prevention, tradition.

Fame - covers goals ranging from power and making money to excellence and fame. Most strongly, this concept reflects the desire for social status - an attempt to earn the admiration and respect of others.

Inclusiveness is advocating for an open-minded attitude toward all people and opinions.

Avoidance of negativity is the desire to prevent any negative consequences of one’s actions - conflicts, disagreements, social isolation.

Following traditions involves maintaining the original institutions of one's culture, including religion, family, nation and other group values.

But over the course of life, the original goals significantly change their meaning. And as a person grows up, most of the goals of the first half of life lose meaning, but more significant tasks appear. How many stages of life are there and what important aspects are present in each stage? Read the next section.

How to avoid bad decisions?

We are all different, but each of us, in a global sense, faces the same challenges: to find ourselves, to understand the limits of our capabilities, to achieve great goals. Blogger Mark Manson* suggests looking at life as a series of four stages. Each of them opens up new possibilities, but also requires new thinking from us.

Know yourself. To feel the fullness of life, to tell yourself one day that you did not live it in vain, you need to go through four stages of formation. Get to know yourself, your desires, accumulate experience and knowledge, and pass them on to others. Not everyone succeeds. But if you find yourself among those who have successfully completed all these steps, you can consider yourself a happy person.

What are these stages?


We are born helpless. We cannot walk, talk, feed ourselves, take care of ourselves. At this stage we have an advantage: we learn faster than ever. We are programmed to learn new things, observe and imitate others.

We first learn to walk and talk, then we develop social skills by observing and copying the behavior of our peers. Finally, we learn to adapt to society by following rules and regulations and trying to choose a lifestyle that is considered acceptable to our circle.

The meaning of the First Stage is to learn to function in society. Parents, educators and other adults help us achieve this by instilling the ability to think and make decisions.

But some adults never learned this on their own. Therefore, they punish us for wanting to express our opinions and do not believe in us. If there are such people around, we do not develop. We get stuck in Stage One, imitating those around us, trying to please everyone so we don't get judged.

In a good situation, the First Stage lasts until late adolescence and ends upon entry into adulthood - around 20-somethings. There are those who wake up one day at the age of 45 with the realization that they have never lived for themselves.

Going through Stage One means learning the standards and expectations of others, but being able to act contrary to them when we feel it is necessary.


At this stage we learn to understand what makes us different from others. The second stage requires making your own decisions, testing yourself, understanding yourself and what makes us unique. This stage contains a lot of mistakes and experiments. We try to live in a new place, spend time with new people, test our body and its sensations.

During my Second Stage, I went on a trip and visited 50 countries. My brother got involved in politics. Each of us goes through this stage in our own way.

The second stage continues until we begin to encounter our own limitations. Yes, there are limitations - no matter what Deepak Chopra and other psychological “gurus” tell you. But actually discovering your own limitations is a great thing.

No matter how hard you try, things will still turn out bad. And you need to know what it is. For example, I am not genetically inclined to become a great athlete. I spent a lot of effort and nerves to understand this. But as soon as the realization came to me, I calmed down. This door is closed, so is it worth breaking through?

Some activities just aren't right for us. There are others that we like, but then we lose interest in them. For example, living like a tumbleweed. Change sexual partners (and do it often), hang out at a bar every Friday, and much more.

Not all our dreams can come true, so we must carefully choose what is worth truly investing in and trust ourselves

Limits are important because they lead us to understand that our time is not endless and we must spend it on something important. Just because you are capable of something doesn't mean you should do it. Just because you like certain people doesn't mean you should be with them. Just because you see a lot of opportunities doesn't mean you should take them all.

Some promising actors work as waiters at 38 and wait two years to be invited to audition. There are startuppers who, in 15 years, have not been able to create anything worthwhile and live with their parents. Some people can't get into long-term relationships because they feel like they'll meet someone better tomorrow.

At some point we have to admit: life is short, not all our dreams can come true, so we must carefully choose what is worth truly investing in and trust our choice.

People stuck in Stage Two spend most of their time convincing themselves otherwise. “My possibilities are endless. I can overcome anything. My life is one of continuous growth and development.” But it is obvious to everyone that they are simply marking time. These are eternal teenagers, always looking for themselves, but not finding anything.


So, you have found your boundaries and “stop zones” (for example, athletics or culinary arts) and realized that some activities are no longer satisfying (partying until the morning, hitchhiking, video games). You are left with what is really important and works well. Now it's time to take your place in the world.

The third stage is the time of consolidation and saying goodbye to everything that is not worth your effort: friends who distract and pull you back, hobbies that take up time, old dreams that will no longer come true. At least in the near future and in the way we expect.

Now what? You invest in what you can achieve the greatest results in, in the relationships that you truly care about, in the one main mission in your life - defeating the energy crisis, becoming a great game designer, or raising two tomboys.

Those who become fixated on Stage Three usually find it difficult to give up their constant desire for more.

The third stage is the time to maximize your potential. This is what you will be loved, respected and remembered for. What will you leave behind? Whether it's scientific research, a new technological product, or a loving family, going through Stage Three means leaving behind a world a little different than it was before you arrived.

It ends when a combination of two things occurs. Firstly, you feel that you have done enough and you are unlikely to be able to surpass your achievements. And secondly, you got old, tired and began to notice that what you wanted most was to sit on the terrace, sipping martinis and doing crossword puzzles.

Those who become fixated on Stage Three usually cannot give up the constant desire for more. This leads to the fact that even in their 70s or 80s they will not be able to enjoy peace, remaining agitated and dissatisfied.

The path to success: 7 main steps

Although the concept of success is individual for everyone, there are several universal factors that have already helped millions of people achieve success. The most convenient instructions are step-by-step, so we’ll break them down into 7 main steps:

Set goals

It is difficult to move towards the main goal in life if you do not decide where it is. A successful person always has clearly defined goals - for today, for a week, for a month, for the coming years and for life. Only by clearly articulating the conditions necessary to achieve the goal can you develop a plan that will allow you to achieve success in life.

Think not about problems, but about ways to solve them

Successful people do not tend to be discouraged; they consider failures as valuable experience. Every person faces problems and the difference is only in perception. People who are aware of responsibility for their own lives do not dwell on failures , but look for ways to quickly eliminate the consequences. Learn to act rationally in any situation - this will allow you not to waste time on unnecessary worries.

Do what you love

People who make money doing what they love are considered to be the happiest. What stops you from doing the same? Make a list of activities that bring you pleasure and think about how you can benefit from them. You may find an unexpected source of income. Drawing and creating animation, creating a website, recording videos with recipes for your favorite dishes - all this can bring money and pleasure at the same time.

Learn Positive Thinking

Negative emotions are the most dangerous thief of energy and time. This is why so much attention is paid to techniques that allow you to switch to positive thinking. Try keeping a “success journal” and writing down a few positive events each day. This powerful technique quickly corrects “negatives” by reminding them that many things happen in life, and good things happen every day. There is a detailed article on how to properly keep such a diary.

Live for today

Do you dream of opening a business, doing charity work, creating a cool Internet service, or writing a bestseller? It may take several years to realize such a dream, so many people plan to “start on Monday.” People delay because they are waiting for the right moment. Nothing prevents them from devoting at least a few hours a week . But weeks, months and years pass, and they do nothing. Just remember that the best time is now.

Don't dwell on failures

Unpleasant events happen to every person. But one perceives them as a reminder that the world is not ideal, and you need to be strong. Another decides that the world is unfair to him personally, and falls into depression. It is impossible to build a life in such a way that failures do not happen at all, but everyone can manage their own perception. Take such situations as useful experiences that make you stronger and wiser.

Improve yourself

To succeed in life, you need to constantly improve. Dreaming about well-being without making volitional efforts to improve yourself is tantamount to dreaming about losing weight without changing your lifestyle. All successful people work on themselves : they engage in self-education, sports, and look for ways to effectively manage their time. They do not engage in useless activities like computer games or carefree communication on social networks. Time is the most precious resource in life, and it is unacceptable to waste it on things that have no real value.


People find themselves at this stage after spending about half a century on what was most meaningful and important. They worked well. They have earned everything they have. Perhaps they created a family, a charitable foundation, or made a revolution in their field. Now they have reached an age when strength and circumstances no longer allow them to climb higher.

The purpose of life in the Fourth Stage is not so much to strive for new things, but to ensure the preservation of achievements and the transfer of knowledge. This could be family support, advice to young colleagues or children. Transferring projects and responsibilities to students or trusted individuals. This may mean increased political and social activity - if you have influence that you can use for the good of society.

The fourth stage is important from a psychological point of view because it makes the ever-increasing awareness of one's own mortality more tolerable. It is important for everyone to feel that their life means something. The meaning of life, which we are constantly searching for, is our only psychological defense against the incomprehensibility of life and the inevitability of our own death. To lose this meaning or miss it while there was an opportunity means to look oblivion in the face and allow it to consume us.

Summary of the four stages of life

Each stage of life has its own characteristics. We can't always control what happens, but we can live consciously. Consciousness and understanding of your position on the path of life is a good vaccination against bad decisions and inaction.

In Stage One , we are completely dependent on the actions and approval of others. People are unpredictable and unreliable, so the most important thing is to understand as early as possible what words are worth, what our strengths are. We can teach this to our children too.

At the Second Stage, we learn to rely on ourselves, but are still dependent on external encouragement - we need rewards, money, victories, conquests. This is something we can control, but in the long run, fame and success are also unpredictable.

In Stage Three , we learn to rely on proven relationships and paths that proved reliable and promising in Stage Two.

And finally, Stage Four requires that we be able to strengthen the position and maintain what we have gained.

At each subsequent stage, happiness becomes more subject to us (if we did everything right), based more on our internal values ​​and principles and less on external factors. Once you've identified what stage you're in, you'll know where to focus, where to invest resources, and where to take your steps. My scheme is not universal, but it works for me. Whether it works for you is up to you to decide.

*Mark Manson is a blogger and entrepreneur known for his provocative posts about career, success and the meaning of life.

Scars are symbols of your strength

Your scars are a reason to be proud! You shouldn’t be ashamed of them, because they remind you of what you experienced. A scar is a tattoo of triumph that life itself has awarded you.

If you have scars, it means that you:

  • successfully coped with pain and conquered it;
  • learned an important lesson from this situation;
  • gained independence from circumstances;
  • stopped feeling afraid;
  • became a stronger person.

Suffering makes us stronger. Every influential and successful person has his own scars, which he does not hide, but boldly shows to everyone around him. The scar is a reminder that the world was catching you, but never managed to catch you! Don't hide your scars and wear them with pride!

What prevents you from getting things done and achieving your goals?

With complex and long-term goals, one desire, even a very big one, is not enough to achieve a result. In this case, to make your dream come true it will be necessary to show strong-willed qualities. Focus on priority and important tasks, and direct all your will and resources to solve them.

Quite often in the modern world, where there are many temptations and information flows, a person is prevented from achieving success by such a thing as procrastination. In this article you can find a description of this problem: How to get rid of procrastination? Illness, laziness or protection?

Don't complain and don't worry

Do you want to achieve results and become a successful person? Then stop complaining now! The people who complain the most will never succeed.

It is better to try to succeed and fail temporarily than to try to become a successful person by doing nothing and constantly complaining. As long as you act, nothing is lost yet, because you are in the game. But if you do nothing but whine and complain that everything is bad, you can chalk up a major defeat.

Do you want to achieve results and make your dream come true? Take action! Try, try, look for alternatives!

And don't worry! Have you seen the movie "Bridge of Spies"? During a serious trial, lawyer James Donovan (played by Tom Hanks) asks his client, suspected espionage artist Rudolf Abel: “Why aren’t you worried, because they want to send you to the electric chair?” To which Mark Pylance’s character calmly replies: “Will this help?” Worry only kills your desire to act and slows you down. Do everything you can, but don't forget that not everything depends on you.

Go boldly towards your goal, remain calm and hope for the best. If fate has sent you some kind of test, you just need to go through it and learn some important lesson. Don’t complain about your problems, but be glad that you have enough strength and wisdom to solve them with dignity and emerge victorious from this battle. And without the challenges of fate, life would be completely uninteresting and boring!

On the path to success in life.

On the portal, the main emphasis is on health promotion, personal development, business psychology and myths of the psychology of success. And also what role Internet marketing can play in the formation, development of your business and promotion of business ideas. In addition, you can check out:

  • with interesting news and knowledge;
  • facts and theories;
  • aphorisms, quotes, songs and films about success, luck and luck;
  • symbols of good luck and luck;
  • simple and at the same time healthy recipes;
  • as well as with the author’s smart fitness method for weight correction and muscle gain at home without strict diets, weight lifting and injuries.

Don’t forget about a healthy lifestyle, self-improvement and self-development.

I wish you health and success in finding your path!

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