How to find yourself in life: the best ways to understand a person’s path 1

13 405389 October 19, 2021 at 08:26 Author of the publication: Yana Parshina, sales manager

Do you want to know how to find yourself in life? How to realize yourself? The answer is simple: you need to get to know yourself. You don't know yourself at all!

Ask someone, the first person you meet, to tell him about himself. The most you will hear are facts from the biography.

What can you tell us about yourself? Who are you? How are you different from others? What do you want? What do you know about how to find your place in life?

We don't know anything about ourselves. Nothing! We live our lives “by touch.” Some were lucky to find their way and take exactly their place in human society, working with pleasure, receiving excellent results and recognition from society. And some people continue to search for themselves even at 50 years old. True, the older you are, the sadder and more hopeless your search looks.

Fortunately, scientific progress does not stand still. New discoveries in psychology eliminate the need to search for yourself through scientific research, try yourself in different specialties, changing jobs one after another. After all, you can spend your whole life searching for yourself and your path!

You can find yourself in incredibly short lines by getting to know your real self, realizing what your unconscious is hiding. So, the path to self-realization - where to start?

In this article you will learn:

  • How to believe in yourself and your capabilities.
  • How to find your calling, clearly understand what it means to find yourself, your abilities and talents, the implementation of which will bring real satisfaction.;
  • How to recognize false targets and abandon them.
  • How to determine your place in society.
  • Why exactly are you trying to find your place in life, while others are not? Why can't you live like everyone else and be content with little?

About finding yourself

Every day, children, teenagers and even adults and older people tell themselves and others “I want to find myself in life.” Self-confidence and success are also often not a guarantee that a person will not have problems finding himself. According to psychology, such conditions are typical for people with periodic repetition from the first grades to old age. This is one of those things that should be taught in schools.

From a philosophical point of view, it is understanding oneself and searching for a unique place. Psychologists believe that if such a problem takes a long time, this may indicate depression. Therefore, it is recommended to seek help from a psychologist or psychotherapist or leave everything and just enjoy what you have if the search turns into an obsession and no longer brings pleasure. Sometimes such moods are explained as fatigue and, accordingly, the need for rest. It happens that a person has long found himself, but due to fatigue and stress he doubts it and needs to reboot.

Those who are looking for themselves value not only the result, but also the process itself and the efforts made. There is no magic recipe and, on the one hand, this is good, because this is what makes the search interesting, memorable and fun. On the other hand, universal instructions would make a difficult task easier. Among the main ways to determine your place in life are introspection and analysis, advice from psychologists and exercises, consultations, master classes and trainings, as well as spiritual practices, meditation and motivation. Some people choose to combine several methods, thereby simplifying their lives.

A simple way to FIND YOURSELF AND UNDERSTAND what to do in life


If you have asked yourself a question about how to find yourself, and have not been able to find answers to it for a long time, do not despair. Just come back to yourself more often, try to isolate yourself from the world and hear your true desires and needs. If necessary, use any methods (remember your childhood, analyze your talents and strengths, turn to esotericism). The main thing is don’t stop, take action.

The path to yourself is sometimes not close, but it is the one that helps you fulfill your most cherished dreams and finally become truly happy.

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Analysis of the situation

The first step in order to make a meaningful choice and find yourself is to know yourself. It is difficult to describe and ignore the state when a person does not know who he really is. But no matter how difficult this search may be, it is worth it. Knowing your own essence is an edifying experience that can help you become a self-sufficient person. A few questions to start the process of getting to know yourself:

  • What surrounds a person now?
  • Does he have self-pity and demands for pity from others?
  • Does he have dreams?
  • And are there fears that prevent you from moving forward? We are talking specifically about those fears that a person sincerely wants to get rid of, and not those that provide a comfortable life.
  • Is he an optimist or a pessimist?
  • Personal qualities that contribute to moving forward?
  • Properties that interfere with achieving goals and success?
  • What kind of people are in a person’s close circle and are there those among them who hinder personal growth?
  • Reasons for not realizing your dreams? Were they real?
  • How did a person come to the current state?

It is very important to talk to yourself openly and honestly. It is recommended to write down the answers in a gadget or on a piece of paper.

Recommendations from psychologists and coaches

The best way to understand and find yourself in life is to listen to the advice of psychology experts and personal growth coaches. They offer 15 life hacks that will help you find your “I”:

  1. Be active, do something and remember the words of Einstein: “Life is like riding a bicycle. To maintain balance, you need to keep moving.” You can choose the place where you want to go.
  2. Get enough sleep. It is sleep, and not hard work, that is the basis of health, good mood, beauty, and productivity.
  3. "No". Thanks to Jim Carrey, the movie “Always Say Yes” turned out to be very good, but you shouldn’t take it literally and be afraid to say “no” if something doesn’t suit you. There will always be someone who wants to take advantage of a person’s kindness, even among his friends or relatives. Everyone has the right to refuse.
  4. Positive thinking. Belief in the best and a spirit of achievement.
  5. Destroying stereotypes. Habitual patterns often only hinder development.
  6. The road forward, despite the obstacles. The runway is often black, but if you start, it will definitely get better.
  7. Leave or change. This is about where you don’t like something: an unloved job with imaginary stability or a familiar relationship that has long been deprived of its former satisfaction and joy. To remain in such conditions means to voluntarily subscribe to stress, illness, neuroses and betrayal of your dreams.
  8. Rest.
  9. Study and knowledge. Every day it is important to learn something new: from books, courses, self-study or articles.
  10. Creation. The key to relief from overstrain, as well as the development of thinking, including creative thinking.
  11. Love yourself and make yourself happy. This is not only not prohibited, but also necessary. Without this, it is unlikely that you will be able to meet those who will experience the same feelings and desires for a person.
  12. Sample. No one is immune from mistakes, and there is no need for this, because mistakes are valuable experience and a stage for the next advancement.
  13. Goals and planning. There should be a detailed plan for at least the most important projects and moments.
  14. Constant new acquaintances. Connections will never be superfluous and sociable people move forward.
  15. Close the door to the past and past mistakes.

It is equally important to be open to others. Likewise, psychologists advise getting inspired from all sorts of individual sources.

How to find yourself? 7 questions to help you understand yourself better || Larisa Parfentyeva

Other effective tips

Continuing the list of life hacks for those who are looking for themselves, it is worth paying attention to attitudes and priorities. They need to not only be placed, but also changed if they slow down growth. Other recommendations:

  1. It is best to communicate with smart, positive and successful women and men of different ages. Losers and depressed people pull back. As a rule, people feel great around happy individuals who themselves are positive and positive in others. Accordingly, from conversations with those who always complain, the mood worsens and the energy disappears. But it is important to remember that depression is a serious mental disorder and if someone close to you is really sick, you need to help him and not leave him in trouble. In addition, it is important to radiate optimism yourself so that others are drawn to the person.
  2. Overcoming fears. Successful individuals know that phobias interfere with moving forward, so they fight them by opening their own businesses or preparing presentations.
  3. Organization of the world. Putting things in order opens the way to self-knowledge: cleaning the apartment, resolving a conflict situation with a colleague and completing all important tasks.
  4. Blank sheet. This point is about developing your own system of moral values ​​and observing it. All vices, habits and actions that constantly distract and harm, bind the real “I” must be removed.
  5. Passion. Finding something in life that is worth the effort, tears and sacrifices is perhaps the most significant discovery for a person. If something seems beautiful and inspires faith, you should strive for it, no matter what other people's opinions may be.
  6. Mentor. Of course, the search for oneself must be accompanied by loneliness, because only a person himself can determine his needs. But masters and mentors help you avoid unnecessary obstacles. A person with a developed sense of self-awareness and in whom there is trust is suitable.
  7. You don't need to please everyone. It is known that you cannot please everyone; there will always be someone who will treat you poorly, regardless of the string of merits and similar positive things. It is important to ignore such points of view, even if they belong to dear people. Independence from other people’s opinions is a huge step towards knowing your true self and living a harmonious life.
  8. Privacy. Every day you need to find time to walk and think alone, protecting yourself from noise, endless flow of information, dialogues, pressure and expectations. The best places for such a pastime are public gardens, forests and any places where you can be alone with nature and relax. The main thing is that solitude does not bring discomfort and fear. Anyone who is looking for himself must feel self-sufficient and independent.
  9. Serve others. As Maha said. Serving the community and others is one of the best ways to discover your purpose.
  10. Stepping out of your comfort zone. If you leave your usual environment and observe yourself, you can learn about yourself something that was previously inaccessible.

Psychologists also note that there are no time limits for finding yourself: for some a week is enough, for others the process can take years. Therefore, you should be patient.

We must not forget that the morning is wiser than the evening. There is no need to rush into making decisions, especially if they are global. The main adviser of any seeker should be his inner voice.

How to find yourself and your purpose in life - What prevents you from understanding your true calling and finding talent

What does it mean to find yourself in life?

Understanding and loving your Self is an absolutely individual concept for everyone, and there is no universal idea of ​​what it means to find yourself, since everything depends on age, skills, capabilities, character and... a good example. For some, finding yourself means becoming exemplary parents, for others it means leaving a mark on history, for others it means visiting 100 countries and leaving no empty space in your passport.

And it’s good that each of us has our own head on our shoulders, our own goals and motivations, and how great it is when some examples or thoughts of people help me, my partners, and those who are just reading the material on GQ Monitor for the first time and thinking about starting investments.

Wisdom of successful people

Steve Jobs constantly reminded that he would never find himself, and only because he did not want to do it. Albert Einstein even believed that the search for oneself can be put into a mathematical formula, and the opera diva Montserrat Caballe says that she found herself only thanks to the fact that her neighbors had strong nerves and poor hearing. For some, wisdom lies on the surface, and sometimes you don’t need to look for it in the deep well of philosophy, but just look at your feet.

It’s not enough to find yourself, it’s important to find your Self and preserve it for a long time, and even better, forever. To summarize, I would like to once again draw your attention to the fact that the search for oneself is a process, like a Present Continuous Tense, which shows the process and its duration. And if you want to have a successful example before your eyes - the most popular rich people in the world, whose stories were included in the material on my blog. And traditionally, I wish you not only to find and save, but also to enjoy the fact that you are searching and enjoy every day of your life.

Author Ganesa K.

A professional investor with 5 years of experience working with various financial instruments, runs his own blog and advises investors. Own effective methods and information support for investments.

Interesting and useful exercises

Determining the correctness of your path is sometimes very simple, just pay attention to waking up in the morning. Those whose path is correct get out of bed energetically and with creative ideas. And accordingly, those who hate the alarm clock and get up with difficulty and in a bad mood need changes. There are several exercises that will help you find out what you really need to do:

  1. Exercise 1. Ideal environment. Almost always, the environment that produces winners consists of them. The faith of others in a person greatly simplifies and supports faith in oneself. But many are unlucky; their environment is not conducive to the discovery of genius. The exercise asks you to imagine that upon waking up in the morning, a person discovered that the world had changed in accordance with his needs. Now he is surrounded only by those people whom he wants to see next to him. What will they be like? And what qualities characterize them? What has a person learned about himself and what does he need to reach his full potential?
  2. Exercise 2. Bring back children's interest. There is one thing that separates a genius (which anyone can be) from ordinary people - this is standing up for the right to do what you love. As a rule, this can be traced back to childhood. It is necessary to answer the question of what a person liked to do in his early years, before the imposition of serious and profitable activities by adults.
  3. Exercise 3. Ideal day. All you need is a piece of paper, a pen and imagination. It is recommended to live your ideal day in every detail: the place of action, the people around you, food, clothes, activities. No restrictions. It is important to imagine having absolute freedom, billions of rubles, skills and the powers of your dreams.
  4. Exercise 4. 20 favorite activities. This list may contain banal things like eating delicious food and something more significant and global. After compiling the list, you need to carefully study it. There are probably patterns there and a certain type of activity predominates: sports, helping others, or something related to monotonous work.
  5. Exercise 5. Five lives. That's how many of them there really are, just imagine it. And every life is an opportunity to become what you want. How will these chances be used? The number of lives can be changed to 3 or 7. Then choose the life that you like the most. But this is not necessary; you can also choose from each one what a person loves and needs, and then implement it all in reality.

Having completed the exercises , you need to make three lists and add all your fantasies to them . The first concerns things that are needed like air. The second includes what would be desirable, but not necessary. And the third is about things you can do without.

Human life is experiences, roles, relationships, stories, skills, earnings. Something from this list is imposed, chosen, is a compromise, or even an accident. Others are necessary or expensive. Those who want to find themselves in life, understand what is theirs and where their place is, must focus on themselves, find their favorite things and activities and act, move towards their destiny.

How to “FIND” AND UNDERSTAND yourself? ► 3 steps to creating a better you

Actionable tips to help you find your purpose

If you don't have a natal chart yet, follow the advice of experts to find out

what you are predisposed to.

Remember yourself as a child

What did you like? What did you want to become? What kind of person were you - a lone wolf or the life of the party? And today, what do you have to deal with every day - with society or with papers, programs?

This practice is one of the most effective because it brings us back to our true desires. After all, as children, we immediately strive to get what we want - take the toy we like, ask for candy, go to the toilet. And over time, we learn to endure, to wait, as parents and teachers ask. And then we start families, and our needs fade into the background if they run counter to the needs of the family. So people go to unloved but stable jobs for years, afraid to change anything.

Read our material on how to find out your lucky number.

Expand your comfort zone

To understand how to find your purpose, to find out what you really like, you need to try dozens of different activities. Some will irritate, others will captivate. It’s the latter that you need to focus on and think about how to use them in your life, how to make money from them.

To expand your range of interests, you should regularly be interested in various topics - listen to what your friends are doing, watch webinars on the Internet, do not be afraid to take part in trainings, master classes in related professions, and more. There are many cases in life when people became so passionate about new hobbies that they later monetized them.

Moreover, you can always learn a new promising profession and earn money with it.

3. Take action

Until I saw my natal chart and did not understand how to find my calling, I read a lot on the topic and attended personal growth trainings. At one of them, we were advised to define a goal for ourselves - for example, the desired income or finding a business to our liking and come up with as many ways as possible in which what we wanted could be achieved. Then, over the next month, implement at least a few. I know that practice helped a lot of people back then - people changed jobs, tried themselves in creativity, thereby becoming happier.

Do you want to learn how to build your natal chart to see your hidden potential and purpose, know your weak and strong points and upgrade them to avoid many problems? Watch our free master class, where we will tell you how to create your own individual horoscope and learn how to fulfill your desires using a special technique. Register using the link.

Think about your strengths

Each person has his own strengths, which, if developed, will help him realize himself and bring him happiness. To find them, honestly answer the question of what you are good at, what you are better than others at. If necessary, ask friends or family for advice. Once you have the answers, believe in yourself and try to develop your talents at any cost.

Imagine what you would do if you already had everything

That is, what would you do even for free? Just at the behest of the soul? career on it


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