How to make a girl fall in love with you again - effective methods and recommendations

First step

Before you begin active actions and an attack on the personal life of your ex-lover, decide on your own emotions. Maybe you are haunted by a feeling of revenge? Do you just want to make her fall in love with you in order to leave her and watch her suffer? Or maybe you just don't have enough physical intimacy with her? If you are sure that this is true love, feel free to rush into battle! The main thing to know is that you need composure and slowness. Haste in such a matter is strictly prohibited.

What kind of guy attracts girls?

To answer the question of how to make your ex-girlfriend fall in love with you again, we suggest talking about what kind of guys attract the fair sex. The main qualities that a young man should have are independence, inner strength and masculinity.

Next to such a person, the girl understands that she will be protected from all life’s adversities. You should also know that a girl sees in a man not only support, support and a provider. She often perceives him as the carrier of the best genes for her own child. If you don't fit this description, it's likely that the girl simply won't want to be around you, even if you start using all the methods listed below. What to do in this case? Change yourself: start taking responsibility, improve.

How to make a girl fall in love with you via correspondence?

Now is the time of information technology, emails and Internet communication, so neglecting this skill is unacceptable. The person you like will not always be nearby, and you will have to win his attention solely by the ability to write correctly, communicating your feelings.

  • You will have to write a lot, often, and most importantly - competently. No girl will want to waste time on an uneducated young man, unless she is exactly the same as this young man.
  • Your letters should be interesting and filled with important information; you should not talk about your everyday life, there is enough everyday life for everyone.
  • It is necessary to dilute communication with humor, but not stupid and flat, but good and witty. The situation itself will tell you how to make a cool joke.
  • All women love to talk about themselves and their experiences. Be attentive to her problems and stories. To the best of your ability, help her with practical advice and try, if not solve, then at least mitigate the difficulties.
  • Each letter is unique. If some of them were left unattended, there is no point in repeating and telling the same thing several times. In the worst case, she will start to ignore you and decide that you simply have nothing to say to her.
  • In messages, it is very easy to lie and present yourself to someone you are not. Be yourself, open and interesting, adding something special to the conversation from time to time.

Quite wise and well-founded tips on proper correspondence with girls, I recommend watching:

There is a chance!

When your relationship was just beginning to develop, the girl saw in you traits that corresponded to her ideal, a person whose genes and character traits suited her. However, relationships are dynamic, they change, as do the lovers themselves. In the process of development, the girl could overtake you, you either simply did not keep up with her, or you decided that comfort and convenience were more important than acquiring new skills and abilities. The result is a lack of feelings on her part. What and how to do correctly to make a girl fall in love with you again in such a situation? First of all, stop being offended by her. Only you are to blame, because you decided that you could leave everything as it is. Is it possible to regain a girl's interest? Psychologists answer: nothing is impossible. One has only to determine the specific reasons that led to the loss of feelings. It is also important to get rid of those behavioral traits that pushed your soulmate away from you.

Develop new feelings in her for you

It's about giving her new sensations in the relationship.

She will begin to feel more respect, attraction and love for you.

We suggest you read: How to win a Leo man

Don't try to win her back and make her love you by offering the same sensations as before.

This does not work.

Also, don't try to make her fall in love with you again by sucking up or desperately clinging to her in hopes that she'll give you another chance.

This doesn't work either.

What you really need to do is give her a new experience of strong respect and attraction for you.

Only through this will she be able to fall in love with you again.

How to make her fall in love again?

The most common phrase after which a girl leaves is what psychologists call “the feelings are gone.” In this case, all attempts to rectify the situation will run into one specific argument - there is no love. You shouldn’t count on changes while the girl repeats this phrase like a mantra. It will not wedge at one point and will not be pulled in the opposite direction. What to do in such a situation? Fall in love with her again.

Psychologists have been studying the feeling of love for a very long time, but so far no research has been conducted that can answer the question with one hundred percent accuracy - why love arises and for what reason it passes. In general, love appears as a result of two reasons: novelty and instinctive craving for the sake of healthy offspring. The fact is that man is a rather curious creature; he is always attracted and drawn to himself like a magnet by everything unknown. Every new object he encounters on his way seems truly unique to him. And if the second reason “shoots”, the deep structures of the brain decide that this partner is genetically suitable for you, feelings appear. Both of these resources, psychologists say, are given just like that, and sometimes even against human will; sometimes the feeling of falling in love is extremely difficult to control. Only later, when people begin to rationally assess the current situation, they provide some romantic grounds for their feelings. When the question arises of how to make your ex-girlfriend fall in love with you, these two powerful resources stop working. The fact is that the novelty effect has already worn off, because the girl knows you inside and out. Of course, the instinctive part remains, but over time it also fades away.

In general, in long-term relationships, the fading of love occurs if lovers systematically violate the following rules:

  • meeting expectations;
  • balance of significance;
  • satisfaction of needs;
  • maintaining interest.

What to do in such a situation? How to make your ex-girlfriend fall in love with you? There are ways, we’ll talk about them right now!

How to make your ex-girlfriend fall in love with you?

The girl you broke up with in the past requires a different, more unconventional approach. If something broke your relationship before, something went wrong in it, then you need to make sure that in the future, this will not happen again. You or she are to blame for the fact that feelings faded away, actions only insulted, and plans went against each other.

Initially, when you were together, she saw in you an ideal, a strong and worthwhile man whom she loved. People tend to change, and maybe it's not even your fault that you broke up. In any case, it is simply stupid to be offended by the decision made.

During your relationship, she may have tolerated qualities in you that were unpleasant and irritated her. She tolerated the shortcomings, since your advantages exceeded them, but one fine day, she might simply get tired of enduring. Disappointment or someone else, more promising, could put an end to your love.

The problem could be not only in you, but if you are wondering how to return your beloved, then you will have to start with yourself. Analyze your attitude, manners and behavior, in fact, everything that was the first, and could become later, the last straw that overflowed the cup of patience, which is never limitless.

Don't get depressed and tell everyone about the cruelty of love. Yes, love is a complex thing, but everything that comes easy will never be fully appreciated.

Under no circumstances, do not fall at her feet, do not ask her to return or forgive, this will only completely burn all bridges. Remain courageous in any life situation.

Now is the time to start changing for the better, to show what you are capable of. Do not play to the public, but rather focus on your development. So that anyone else in your place would seem only a copy. If possible, express your feelings in a light form. Give her a sign that you are still ready to take her back, that you can start over. Just don’t do it from a position of favor, but on the contrary, give her the honor of realizing the mistake.

Bringing back the feeling of novelty

It may seem that this step is one of the simplest. However, psychologists note: this is just in words; implementing this method in practice is quite problematic. After all, you need to not only promise to change, but actually do it. Changes are needed both external and internal. For the first impression, you will need to change your own style, but this will not hold the girl’s attention for long. If the young man remains the same as he was before, if he also communicates and acts, the relationship will not work out.

How to make your ex-girlfriend fall in love with you again? Bring new things into your life! Do something you haven’t done before, but not through force, don’t break yourself. This is the only way you can become interesting, by the way, not only to your ex-partner, but also to other young ladies. How to understand that the goal has been achieved? Your loved ones and friends will no longer recognize you, and your lifestyle will be significantly different from your sofa existence.


Psychologists assure that you shouldn’t let the process of returning your loved one take its course, but you also don’t need to think about Operation Return 24 hours a day. Because of this, you can lose your job, fail a session, or worsen your health. Be sure to follow all the instructions given to you, prepare for seminars and sessions, start going to the gym, and do household chores. This way you can take your mind off stupid things and stop calling her every five minutes and begging her to come back.

Active lifestyle

The process should not be left to chance. But there is also no need to think about the operation “return x” from morning to night. This way you can lose your job, fail a session, and ruin your health. Carry out all your assignments responsibly, do household chores, go to the gym, etc. In this way, you will be able to distract yourself from unnecessary stupid thoughts that every now and then push you to take a rash step (for example, immediately call her and beg her to come back).

Closer and further

How to make a girl fall in love with you and make her think about you? Psychologists recommend using a technique called “closer-further”. First you should pay attention to her, then disappear. The fact is that people are designed in such a way that if there is a possibility of losing something to which they have become accustomed, they begin to appreciate it. The result will be that the girl herself will initiate communication.

Of course, many young people can use such a method as an emotional outburst. We recommend that you abandon it, because the effect will last a short time, and besides, it may not always be positive. The likelihood of adaptation and addiction is also high. After a few surprises, the girl will simply get used to them, and one day she simply won’t react at all. But what works simply flawlessly is common interests, the more of them, the more reasons for communication there are, and the more often the girl will think about you. The main thing is that you are interested in what she likes, sincerely, and not through force.

Self confidence

Stop suffering and tormenting, don’t even think about showing your ex-lover your depressive state and decadent moods. A pitiful appearance has never contributed to the restoration of relationships with a loved one. Psychologists say: no girl wants to be with a guy who is offended by the whole world, constantly whines and has neglected himself. That is why we recommend pulling yourself together, putting yourself in order, and showing others your self-confidence. This way, your ex will definitely get the information that you are not only alive and well, but also full of strength for new discoveries and achievements. And what can hurt more than the realization that your ex is no worse off without you than with you?

Calling out jealousy

How to make your ex-girlfriend fall in love with you, rekindle her interest and passion? Make her feel jealous! Ask your good friend, colleague or classmate to just walk with you where your ex-girlfriend might appear, sit in the coffee shop that she visits with her friends. It will be simply ideal if your new companion has long legs, expressive facial features and gorgeous hair. Awakened jealousy will make your girlfriend think about missed happiness.

Total ignore

After your ex meets you in the company of a breathtaking beauty, gets over it and stops breaking down, she will try to contact you. At this time, you must begin an operation codenamed "Ignore". Cut off all ties with the girl, let her think that everything is fine with you, you have found your happiness. Such a step can make a young lady who previously had serious feelings for you nervous. Jealousy will bring with it a sense of ownership and renewed sympathy. Of course, you shouldn’t ignore her for too long, because it’s quite possible that she’ll find herself a new guy out of revenge. One week of ignoring is enough. How to communicate with her after this? Let's tell you right now!

Complete ignoring

After your ex-girlfriend sees you in the company of another beauty, stops tearing her hair out and having fun with her guinea pig at home, she will try to call or write to you. Hmmm... And you, in turn, will cut off all ties with her and begin the “ignore” campaign. Let him think that everything is stellar with you and that you have found your new happiness. This step will make the young lady who once loved you quite nervous. Only recently extinguished jealousy will return again, dragging behind it a sense of ownership and renewed sympathy.

Of course, this cannot continue for long. And what the hell, he’ll take it and find himself a new lover out of revenge for you, such a cable. One week of light frost will be enough for feelings to begin to warm up.

Nice memories

When asked how to make a girl fall in love with you again, psychologists recommend being as gentle and friendly with her as possible. However, they note, nice communication about nothing is, of course, good, but sooner or later it stops helping. Try to casually remember your first date, an exciting trip, joint activities that brought you pleasure and joy. It's hard to imagine a better way to renew a relationship than pleasant shared memories. Your ex-girlfriend must understand: you not only had many bad moments, but also many positive and pleasant ones.

How to make a girl fall in love with you on the first date?

To immediately fall in love with yourself at the first meeting is extremely difficult and only a few succeed. You either need to be very talented at seduction, or stumble upon someone who was just made for you. In general, it’s worth knowing that if a girl agrees to meet you, it means she already likes you and is giving you a chance. Your task is to show yourself in the best light and justify, or even better, exceed her expectations about you.

During this period of time, you will have to show all your talents and best qualities, abilities and characteristics. All the theory passed will be tested in practice, and in case of an error there may not be a second chance.

You need to be not just yourself, joke funny, and speak with fascination, something more is required. Don’t doubt your abilities, in the worst case, you will still look decent in her eyes. Imagine that you have already won her favor, and this date will not spoil anything. Quietly rejoice at the imaginary victory, such delight will calm you down and prevent you from getting nervous.

Just as always, you can’t pretend to be better than you are, but you shouldn’t relax too early either. A girl should feel your confidence and calmness, and not see your fear of failure. She likes you, which means half the job is done! All that remains is to convince her of this, adhering to simple advice and not forgetting about personal initiative. A non-standard approach is the best approach!

Awareness of mistakes

If you are thinking about how to make a girl fall in love with you again, try to correct yourself. She left you, which means she had serious reasons for it. Don’t let the situation repeat itself: work on your mistakes, try to make a list of what annoyed your beloved, and don’t step on the same rake again. When she first meets you, a girl should understand that you are not who you were before, you are ready to do a lot for her, even change.

Speaking about how to make a girl fall in love with you again, psychologists note: all the above tips are good and quite effective. True, you need to remember one simple truth: you will never force a person to love you against his will. If there is meaning in this relationship, they will certainly return, but if there is no meaning, there is no need to waste your nerves and energy. It is quite possible that fate has already prepared a new meeting for you!

Make your ex love you again

Perhaps you were never able to get over your ex, or you suddenly began to have strong feelings for her again. In this case, of course, you can make an attempt to return your ex-lover. It is also worth noting that you have some advantages - you have already managed to study this mademoiselle, and you can roughly guess what is capable of impressing her, and what kind of guys she likes. Where to begin?

Self confidence

Don't think that you can get your ex back by playing on her feelings of pity. Of course, a miracle may happen, and for a while she will actually return to you, but it is unlikely that anything good will come of this method. Remember that the chosen one should not feel a feeling of pity for you, but, at a minimum, a feeling of respect. To do this, you should demonstrate self-confidence, not push for pity, not complain, “don’t “cry” and so on. Moreover, confidence should not be out of nowhere - it is advisable that you demonstrate at least some small achievements that you have achieved since the time of your separation. If there have been any positive changes in your life since then, then, of course, this will attract your chosen one, even if she does not immediately show it.

Error correction

If your significant other left you for some specific reason, or during the period of your romance she did not like something about you, then now you should show that she should not be afraid of these unpleasant moments. Perhaps at the time of separation you personally did not see this as a problem, but if now you want to get the girl back, then let her know that you “realized your mistakes” and took certain steps towards correcting them.

Establishing friendly contact

Don’t try to act rudely - try to at least normalize friendly communication. Communicate with your beloved periodically, provide her with support at the right moments. However, keep in mind that if you are very active in this direction, you risk moving into the friend zone. Therefore, it is important to still maintain a neutral-friendly relationship, but not to be constantly present in the girl’s life in this status - periodically disappear, deny her some little things, indicating a good reason. Show her that you treat her well, but in your current status you are not ready to do anything in the world for her.


Of course, we are talking only about pleasant memories - most likely, during the period of your relationship there were moments when the two of you were happy together. It could be about a first date, a joint vacation in an interesting place, an acquaintance, and the like. If you are sure that during the period of your romance there were situations that really impressed your beloved in the best way, then briefly remember this, choosing the right moment.

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