How to make people work: features, recommendations and methods

How to get people to work? This question was born at the moment when the first bosses and subordinates appeared. For slaves and serfs there was only one method - punishment. It depended not so much on the offense of the offender, but on the character (and sometimes mood) of the owner. In a modern society of free people, the question of how to get people to work is still relevant. There are different categories of these very people who need to be forced to work, for example, workers of a large enterprise, department employees, household members, and so on. The approach to everyone should be different, but the essence is the same - motivation. This means that every person must know and understand for what he will spend his strength and energy. Let's consider how to organize motivation in various work teams.

Develop a sense of ownership in employees

Let's mentally go back 100 years. At the beginning of the formation of Soviet power, there was absolutely no question of how to get people to work. Everyone lived with the idea that they were the masters of their country, and, accordingly, of their enterprise. People, without any bonuses or incentives, exceeded the plan, made dozens of rational proposals, and worked without vacations or days off. This approach was later stigmatized and ridiculed, but not by everyone. For example, the wise Japanese benefited from it. No, they did not transfer private enterprises to the ownership of workers, but they introduced into their minds the idea that this was THEIR enterprise, THEIR organization. Now every Japanese is proud of his company and strives to bring it the greatest possible benefit.

It is very useful for our managers to achieve the same attitude towards their concern, enterprise, department among all employees. How to do it? Involve them in managing the production process. That is, each of them will remain an engineer, a turner, a cleaner, and so on, but each will realize that the prosperity of the entire business depends on his work. But a successful company means stability for the employees themselves, their high salaries, all kinds of bonuses and other privileges.

Opportunity to bring tangible benefits to the company

Working in a large company provides stability, good salary and benefits. At the same time, you have to move up the career ladder, go to endless planning meetings and perform highly specialized work duties.

The good thing about a startup is that each team member can multitask and work on different aspects of the business. Many potential employees dream of this kind of responsibility and variety.

When talking with an applicant, be sure to discuss the benefits that he will bring to the company in the future and outline his role in it. It's worth talking about what your team might encounter along the way (in case the candidate might want to do this someday) or discussing other skills the candidate might be useful to the company (for example, they're a marketer with tech support skills or a developer with design savvy).

Create quality circles

This approach was widely introduced into production by the same Japanese. At any enterprise they have groups of people (circles), all of whose members strive to increase the productivity of their department, their company or firm. At the same time, they strive to improve the quality of their products. These quality circles hold meetings once a week at which they discuss ways to improve production performance, help those lagging behind, resolve issues with management about what is preventing them from improving efficiency, that is, they most actively participate in management.

The managers of such enterprises do not think about how to get people to work. The Japanese's slightly modified idea of ​​owners works very effectively. The motivation here is simple - the more successful MY company is, the better my life is. It is no secret that at unprofitable enterprises, workers not only do not see bonuses, they are not even given their full salaries.

User questions: How to make lazy people work

Do you have career situations in which you need professional help? RB experts . ru will answer the most interesting questions from readers! Today Marianna, director of the sales department from Moscow, contacted us. “Of my five subordinates, two work very well, two are average, and one does nothing at all. For some reasons beyond my control, I cannot fire anyone. How can I divide responsibilities equally, and also so that the strong look after the weak and especially the lazy?” Anna Suprun, head of the permanent staff recruitment department at Coleman Services-St. Petersburg, believes that it is most convenient to regulate such things by setting KPIs or plans. “We need to assess what each of the five employees can do, and formulate personal tasks for each in such a way that the performance of each employee’s tasks in total ensures the fulfillment of the department’s tasks. Objectives must be measurable and set for a certain period.

In order for colleagues to be able to additionally keep an eye on a lazy employee, you can try to additionally set KPIs for the group - so that personal success depends on the group success. For example, employees have personal sales plans, while there is a general indicator for lost calls. The number of clients who have not reached the company should not be more than 1% of the total number of incoming calls. Thus, the group’s employees will work towards a common result and are unlikely to allow anyone to shirk,” the expert advises.

Olga Stepanova, head of the industry and construction department at the recruiting agency Penny Lane Personnel, believes that when a person does what he loves or passionately wants to make a career, he usually succeeds.

“As a leader, you should understand the true motivation of your “star” five. To do this, invite the “lagging” members of your team individually for an informal conversation in an informal setting - a coffee point or in a cafe in your business center, for example. Find out what average-performing subordinates and the “laziest” people like and dislike most.

As soon as it becomes clear that colleagues with “average” indicators would prefer, for example, not to look for clients and go to negotiations, but to “observe” contracts and payment deadlines for orders, and the “lazy” one, after a heart-to-heart talk, will completely understand that he will spend his entire life I dreamed of being the owner of a spare parts store and I’m ready to quit my job even tomorrow in order to start a “correct” life, everything will fall into place. Each employee must be in his place and perform his functions perfectly,” Olga Stepanova is sure.

And the director of the Contact Agency, Yulia Zabazarnykh, as one of the options for solving the problem, proposed forming a group of one of the strongest and one of the weakest subordinates, so that they work together with one client or on one project.

“In this way, the strong will teach the weak and perhaps motivate him with his enthusiasm. The practice of mentoring already exists in many large companies, both international and domestic. But to use it, you need to understand which of all your subordinates can act as a mentor. This should be an experienced person who can really help you grow and develop,” the expert adds.

According to Yulia Zabazarnykh, the need to divide responsibilities equally is a controversial issue. It is worth thinking seriously about how necessary this is really.

“The following solution to the problem of employee motivation is possible: take control of those who do nothing and give more independence to more active subordinates. Strict boundaries can always be beneficial, because in this way you can motivate your employee to work more actively or make him think that he is “out of place.” For example, daily plans and progress reports are especially effective. When studying them, it is necessary to analyze all the tasks in detail, because if an employee is not interested in active work, there must be some reason... Perhaps he has problems in his personal life or he simply does not understand the tasks assigned and does not know how to complete them. Perhaps, on the contrary, he is so overloaded that he simply does not have time to do anything, but maybe he is simply not interested in the tasks that you set for him. Then their castling should be discussed.

The main advice is to clearly divide responsibilities (no matter equally or not) and control the process of their implementation not only in fact, but also in the process. The task must be stated clearly, you must make sure that your subordinate understands this task (ask him to repeat the task). After he voices it, discuss the timing of its implementation,” the expert comments.

Encourage financially

Under the same Soviet regime, various bonuses were established at absolutely all enterprises. They were given not only for exceeding the plan, but also for introducing useful proposals, for winning competitions, and so on. There is no need to abandon this principle either. Material incentives are the correct answer to the question of how to make a person work more efficiently. The simplest and most time-tested approach is to set standards. They may relate not only to the number of quality parts produced, but also to the number of sales or increases in certain indicators. It is very important that employees can receive information about the results of their activities and compare them with the performance of the winners. For clarity, it is advisable to display a corner in a visible place where the results of the best employees will be posted.

The art of persuasion. How to convince a person?

04/19/2015 5,979 0 Reading time: 12 min. Rating:


: Konstantin Bely

Today I will continue to consider the art of persuasion and talk about how to convince a person that you are right , how to persuade other people to your point of view. The art of persuasion can be classified as one of the most important skills and abilities necessary to achieve success. This can be useful in any area of ​​human life, but especially in business or work related to sales.

In one of the previous articles, I already discussed general methods of persuading people, but it should be recognized that each person is individual, and the method that helps persuade one person to his point of view will not have any effect or even harm when communicating with another. This is explained by the fact that different people have their own psychological characteristics, depending on their type of character and temperament. Therefore, today we will talk about how to convince a person of your point of view, based on his psychological characteristics.

To do this, first of all, we will need to divide people into different psychological types. Most often, psychologists use a person’s temperament as a criterion for such division, but in this case, this may not be enough, since it is important for us to divide people according to the type of reaction to attempts to convince them. I propose to distinguish 4 types of people according to these criteria:

  • Always confident in his rightness, unbending;
  • Doubting, indecisive;
  • Shows aggression, easily excitable;
  • Indifferent and indifferent.

The main task of the art of persuasion is to correctly determine the type of person who needs to be convinced of your point of view, and then act taking into account his psychological characteristics.

Let's consider how to behave with people of each of these psychological types in order to convince them that you are right.

1. Confident. Convincing a person who is confident that he is right and is not inclined to change his mind is the most difficult thing to do. Such people immediately make it clear what they need, they speak in short and firm phrases, and express their position directly and openly. However, there is a method that will help win over even such people.

Excessive confidence and inflexibility can be a reflection of not only strength, but also, conversely, weakness of character. Especially if it is self-confidence, which is observed very often.

In this case, the best way to persuade a person to your point of view is to take him “weakly”. To do this, it is enough to make it clear that you have doubts that he will be able to do something that you need.

For example, if you want to make a sale to such a person, you can tell him something like: “in general, this will probably be too expensive for you, we can find cheaper options.” Then he will show ostentatious determination, he will answer that he can easily afford to buy the goods at that price and will make a purchase to prove that he is right.

2. Indecisive. It is easiest to convince an indecisive and doubting person that you are right. You can easily gain verbal dominance over him and persuade him to your point of view. But the difficulty here lies in something else: first you need to recognize this type, because if you make a mistake and start acting in this way with a person of a different psychological type, you will fail. Therefore, if you do not know how to convince a person of your point of view, you should immediately try to identify his indecisiveness. How can I do that?

For example, by the verbal expressions he will use. An indecisive and doubtful person will use the same vague and imprecise expressions. For example, when making a purchase, he will ask for “something not very expensive” instead of “cheap”, or “something not very bright” instead of naming a specific color, he will use the words “a little”, “more or less” , “like,” “somehow,” etc., characterizing uncertainty. His gestures and facial expressions will also express doubts and uncertainty, for example, he will mark time, fidget with his clothes, intertwine and fiddle with his fingers, etc.

If you see that this is the kind of person in front of you, you can boldly and openly convince him of what you need: it won’t be difficult. At the same time, it is better to structure the conversation in such a way that he thinks that he himself makes the decisions that you unobtrusively slip to him.

3. Aggressive. Here, too, you need, first of all, to identify that this is an easily excitable and aggressive type of person. If a person openly shows his dissatisfaction, speaks in a raised tone and shows other signs of aggression, everything is clear. It is much more difficult to determine the so-called. “hidden aggressors”, who at first may appear indecisive. However, there are signs that will give them away.

These are, of course, gestures and facial expressions. An aggressive person will have a tense body, hands clenched into a fist, and shoulders raised. Sometimes the hands may be hidden (put behind the back or in pockets). Such a person is always waiting for a trick: he expects an attack from you, and is immediately ready to respond with aggression.

How to convince an aggressive person? Actually, it's not as difficult as it might seem. The main thing is not to be afraid of him and not to let him dominate you. If he speaks to you in a raised tone, do not get excited under any circumstances, answer just as calmly, and remain confident. Show him that you are absolutely invulnerable and you are morally stronger than him. As soon as an aggressive person realizes that he is not able to unbalance you, he will retreat as quickly as he started, and you can easily go on the offensive and persuade him to your point of view.

There is one little trick: to defeat the aggressor faster, arrange a visual duel with him, constantly look into his eyes. Most likely, a person with his aggressive actions will not be able to resist your firm and confident gaze, and will quickly accept his defeat.

4. Indifferent. It is not at all easy to win over a person who is indifferent to what you offer. In terms of complexity, the art of persuasion here can be compared with persuasion of people of the first type. However, trying is not torture; in any case, you will not lose anything: such people will not show strong emotions, which can be used as an advantage during a conversation.

First you need to determine the reason for the indifference. There may be 2 options here. The first is that the person is basically not interested in what you offer. In this case, you need to try to find issues that he cares about and try to make a connection between these issues and what he needs.

A typical example of this method of influence can be seen in the advertising of Forex brokers, which I have been seeing lately (including on my website). It sounds something like this: “Hurry up to buy dollars for 40 rubles/15 hryvnia!” And people who are absolutely indifferent to the services of dealing companies click on these advertisements because they “touch them to the quick.”

The second option is people who are indifferent to life. They are generally indifferent to everything that happens around them. It is especially difficult to persuade such a person to your point of view. Here it is best to act by constructing a logical chain, showing what personal benefits he will receive from accepting your position. Persuasion in this case will take quite a lot of time, but as a result it can be crowned with success.

Now you know how to convince people of different psychological types that you are right and persuade them to your point of view. I hope that this article will help you improve your art of persuasion, which in turn will allow you to achieve success in various areas of life.

Stay tuned to Financial Genius, learn the helpful tips and tricks offered here, and put them into practice. May your financial literacy always be at its best, and may success accompany you in any endeavor!


Increase your salary

The method of rewarding for exceeding standards cannot be used at all enterprises. For example, what standards might there be in a school or hospital? How to force subordinates to work at such enterprises? In practice, assigning categories shows effectiveness. To receive a higher one, an employee must fulfill a number of conditions specified in the “Classification Requirements”. But as a manager, you can set additional criteria that should be communicated to each employee. For example, increasing the salary of all department employees by 20% for the absence of complaints from patients and their relatives. For this indicator to be true, it is necessary to create a special website where people can write anonymously. It will be useful if your employees also take part in the discussion about why they should increase their salaries. Then they will perceive it as an expression of their own will. The criterion given in our example will encourage department employees not only to work well themselves, but also to demand the same from their comrades.

A salary increase should not replace bonuses. They should be left and given to people for some additional indicators.

Give prizes and gifts

Is it possible to force people to work without promising them money for it? Of course you can. The method of presenting gifts to distinguished employees is suitable for any enterprise. You can come up with dozens of options - movie tickets, new electrical equipment (TV, iron), personalized watch, paid table in a restaurant, and so on. In this case, it is not so much the gift that is important as the procedure for presenting it. It should be solemn. The leader is obliged to tell everyone present that anyone can achieve such success. It is also useful to announce that next month, based on the results of work achievements, awards will be given to the best employees.

Previously, people’s enthusiasm was increased not only by gifts, but also by certificates, a challenge pennant, and other paraphernalia, which were also presented very solemnly. But in a capitalist system, such motivation does not always justify itself.


This method of motivation is as old as our world. Punishments were applied under any political system and at all levels of production. Now many employers force people to work this way. Note that the method only works at enterprises that provide employees with conditions that they would hate to lose. If the employee has nothing to hold him back, if there are dozens of similar vacancies in your locality, if the salaries in your company are too low, you will achieve punishment only in staff turnover, and not in increasing labor efficiency.

Of course, there are many offenses for which it is impossible not to punish. For example, theft, deliberate damage to property, sabotage, dissemination of information among employees that disrupts the work rhythm, and others. Errors in completing a task also need to be punished, but first you need to understand the reason for the offense. Perhaps your employee ruined a part due to the fact that he was not provided with a quality tool, and he drew the graph incorrectly because no one explained to him how to do it. Having understood the cause of the error, the manager must decide what the penalty will be. In some cases, it is enough to simply talk calmly with a subordinate so that he himself begins to strive to work better.

There are also situations when collection must be carried out openly, in the presence of other employees.

Help make a career

How to make it work faster and better? Take a closer look at your employees. Among them there will certainly be those who crave self-realization, self-affirmation, and new achievements. Don't keep them in line. Give them the opportunity to prove themselves. Encourage their desire to further study and master related professions. Praise for taking initiative. If such a hard worker sees your interest, wings will “grow” behind his back. He will be “on fire” at work, striving to do everything in the best possible way. You can safely give this person a higher position and entrust him with more responsible tasks. Without a doubt, it will bring tangible benefits to your company. Seeing that career growth is possible in your company, other employees will be motivated to do better.

Relationships in the team

When entering an organization, a new person experiences some fear of the team with which he will have to work. This may also affect its performance. You can convince a person to work if you properly build a business relationship with him.

  1. Praise will be the first motivating factor for such a person. Any employee is always pleased when his efforts are appreciated. If any completed task receives encouraging remarks and high marks, then the person will continue to try to develop. But any encouragement must have limits, that is, it must be commensurate with the task completed.
  2. To make a person “burn” at work, study the employee’s interests. Correctly selected tasks will increase the performance of both the individual and the entire team. This is explained by the fact that more interesting tasks are completed easier and faster. At the beginning of the employment relationship, you can offer the employee several tasks. And he himself will choose the most interesting for himself.
  3. When trying to get a person to work, set specific tasks and goals. If an employee receives clear instructions that specify the deadlines, volumes, and quality of work, he will complete such a task faster.
  4. You can't discount rewards for completing tasks. It can vary for each individual person. A kind word is enough for one, another will be happy with a cash bonus, the third needs to be praised in front of the whole team.
  5. Some employees show their work potential only if they feel important in the team. It is better to come to an agreement with such people. A prerequisite here is recognition of the importance of such an employee by the entire team. For many employees, gratitude for achieving certain results becomes a very strong motivating factor.

Lead by example

Personal example is one of the most effective ways to influence subordinates. It works flawlessly. It is especially effective if you have to force yourself to work on weekends. The right to rest is written into the Constitution. It is sacred and cannot be violated. But in every production there are emergency situations and unforeseen circumstances when you need to deviate from the rules.

If you have a similar situation, you can promise employees double or triple pay for working on a day off, you can give them several days off, or you can simply go to work on that day and (figuratively speaking) stand at the machine. If your team is small, drinking tea together can be the final touch to working on a weekend. It will not only neutralize the dissatisfaction of some employees, but will also serve to unite the team, their understanding that you are all one team of like-minded people.

Step #5: Start working on a hobby

Recently, it is very fashionable to turn hobbies and interests into your work. We are not saying that this is somehow very bad, but, in our opinion, it is good to somehow separate these two areas. Everyone needs slack, a springboard, even when they have set a goal - to defeat laziness. Plus, even if you do something you love for profit, sometimes you'll just have to do something you don't really want to do. Eventually, things may get boring and become popular, but it will still have to be done. Get up and do it if you decide to defeat mother laziness by any means. As an illustration, we will give you an example of one smart grandfather. He had a small farm in the village - a field, chickens, cows and so on. Can you imagine what would happen to all this if he got up one morning and said to himself: “No, today I don’t have much motivation, I’m lazy, I’m not working”? After all, animals need to be given some kind of food, water, and so on. There was no way to send them a text message telling them that we were in a great depression today or that we were going to be lazy. Grandpa just had to push himself, get up and do what he had to do. You don’t have to eat yourself, but the chickens must be well fed. Therefore, if you also have doubts, despondency, grind your teeth and do your part to defeat laziness. Direct all the energy that you usually spend on useless things in the right direction and you will be able to defeat laziness.


This is also news from the past. In the USSR, one of the most common methods of increasing labor efficiency was socialist competition. Can this technique work now? The answer depends on the size of your company. Of course, if the team consists of only a few people, each of whom has different responsibilities, it is ridiculous to organize a competition between them. If your production has at least two workshops or two departments, organizing competitions between them is very important. Determine by yourself or together with representatives of the workshops what criteria to evaluate success. Do not forget that the winner will definitely need to be encouraged in a solemn atmosphere. Competition is also appropriate in one workshop if its employees produce the same product, be it selling a car at a car dealership, sewing slippers or growing cucumbers.

What to do if you are forced to work while on vacation?

An employee who does not want to work while on vacation can be advised to turn off the phone or go somewhere on vacation. The further you are from your production, the more difficult it is to force you to interrupt your vacation.

What should a manager do if a problem arises at production that only an employee who has gone on vacation can deal with?

Of course, you can promise him mountains of gold. If he is tempted, he will rush to work even from Turkey or Egypt.

However, it is much wiser for you not to have irreplaceable specialists at your enterprise. This means that it is necessary to provide training in related specialties, organize advanced training courses and transfer of experience. Then you will not have to force your employees to interrupt their vacation, since each of them will have a replacement.

Should you force your loved ones to work?

Families can work:

  • Both husband and wife.
  • Only husband.
  • Only the wife.
  • Nobody.

In modern Russia, most families consider it normal for both husband and wife to work. This helps them realize themselves, increase their income, and feel needed by society. However, now the percentage of families in which only the husband works is growing, and the wife is given the role of keeper of the hearth. That is, there is a tendency for past traditions to return. You can even hear the opinion that decent people do not force their wives to work. To some extent, this is correct, because a woman, who devotes the lion's share of her time to production, cannot pay due attention to her children and husband. It is much better when she sits at home and keeps this very family hearth. However, not all ladies agree with this; many modern girls and women are eager to work, even without the need for money.

It turns out that it is not always necessary to force people to work.

Reward for work

A person does almost everything in his life for the sake of something. At work, people perform their duties for the sake of salary, in a team for the sake of significance, in the family for the sake of harmony and tranquility. Understand what will motivate a particular person, analyze what he wants to work for, and when he completes the work, give him what he wants. Again, it is worth considering the proportionality of what is accomplished and the reward received, but an additional bonus, incentives in the form of a pleasant bonus can stimulate a person, force him to be more active and productive.

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