Poverty line, thinking of a poor person: standard of living, habits and characteristic behavior of poor people.

Many people find themselves in a situation where, despite having a stable job and a desire to earn money, they can barely make ends meet. It seems that this is a vicious circle, from which it is simply impossible to get out. In fact, the source of all problems is in a person’s head, and to get rid of it, you need to seriously work on yourself. The article talks about what the psychology of poverty is, gives habits that condemn you to poverty, and also gives advice on how to get away from the thinking of a poor person and become a successful and rich person.

What is the psychology of poverty

The psychology of poverty is a way of thinking of a person in which he subconsciously dooms himself to poverty, creates obstacles for self-development and is deprived of the opportunity to earn more than a certain amount for a specific period. With this type of thinking, people either lose money, spending it for nothing, or cannot cross a certain threshold and increase their income.

The psychology of poverty in most cases has its roots in early childhood. A child, observing his parents and their financial behavior, absorbs such a model, considering it the only correct one. In adulthood, a person unconsciously continues to adhere to this strategy.

Influences the formation of the psychology of poverty and society. In our country, since ancient times, people have been instilled with the idea that wealth is bad, that it gives rise to evil and other vices. As a result, the psychology of poverty has become almost part of the mentality of modern society. It is not surprising that few succeed in breaking out of this vicious circle.

How to get rid of the psychology of poverty

  • Set yourself a goal and take action;
  • Don't be afraid to make mistakes;
  • Get into the habit of counting money spent;
  • Have an emergency reserve - a financial cushion, which can be purchased by saving 10% of the income received;
  • Invest money in your development (education, skills);
  • Don't envy or complain;
  • Value your time;
  • Do what you like, money should become a by-product of work, and not an end in itself;
  • Do not program yourself for poverty by using the words “I can’t afford it”, “it’s too expensive” (better - “I’ll buy it later”);
  • Replace a dozen cheap, almost disposable items with a couple of high-quality ones;
  • Take responsibility for your life.


Signs of the psychology of poverty

To understand whether a person really has the psychology of poverty, it is important to know its main signs. They may be present simultaneously or appear selectively. The main features of the psychology of poverty are as follows:

  • Envy and hatred of more successful people. It can be present not only in relation to acquaintances, but also to complete strangers. A person envies show business stars, politicians, and those simply passing by in an expensive car. The rich are accused that they got their money dishonestly, or that someone helped them, or that they were simply incredibly lucky in life. At the same time, other people's failures bring joy to such people and allow them to feel more successful;
  • The desire to create the illusion of imaginary wealth. Such people try to live beyond their means. They use their last money to buy expensive things in order to look successful in the eyes of friends and acquaintances. This is exactly where the situation with “iPhone on credit” can be attributed. Loans become an integral attribute of such people. After all, you want to buy everything at once, and it doesn’t matter at all how and what to live on later;
  • The habit of discussing your problems and complaining about life. Usually a person with the psychology of poverty chooses a similar environment for himself. The entire dialogue in a friendly company comes down to discussing problems and expressing dissatisfaction with this life. Often such people like to discuss their mutual more successful acquaintances in a negative way;
  • Laziness and unwillingness to leave your comfort zone. People with a mentality of poverty do not want to go to a higher-paying job, since they will have to work harder there. There is no question of owning your own business, because your own business requires dedication 24/7. They hide behind imaginary stability, fear of losing what they have, or find other excuses and justifications for themselves and others.

Signs of the psychology of poverty are much easier to see in other people. However, it can be very difficult to discern and admit their presence in oneself.

Signs of poverty that are not immediately apparent. But if you take a closer look...

Signs of poverty that are not immediately apparent. But if you take a closer look...

Sign of poverty number 1.

A man earns extra money as a private driver in an expensive car.

Lately, more and more often Yandex. Taxis arrive in business class cars.

This beauty came to me to take me home for 100 rubles. Photo by the author.

This is completely beyond my understanding. For 100 rubles, take me with bags from the market to an almost new Audi, with leather interior and other stuffing. I can imagine how much it costs to change the oil in such a car, how much gasoline it “eats” and how expensive it is to replace even a small part. What poverty line must a person fall below in order to receive a hundred rubles from me in this way?

Sign of poverty No. 2.

A man lives in an apartment next to a city highway.

The new road will be opened soon. Poor people whose houses are located next to this highway. Photo by the author.

Even if it is a “super-duper” elite house, the residents in it are poor people. They cannot afford fresh air in the apartment - next to the road, even on a high floor, they have to close the windows and use the air conditioner. Otherwise, exhaust fumes and round-the-clock noise will make living unbearable.

Sign of poverty No. 3.

An obese person is a poor person.

They usually recover from poor nutrition and lack of exercise (unless this is due to congenital problems). And this is a sign of poverty.

Sign of poverty No. 4.

If a person cannot afford to quit his job right now, it is due to poverty.

At first glance, a rich man. Photo by the author.

A person works in an office where he has a seemingly good salary, but a lot of loans, and the fear of not getting a job tomorrow (because, to be honest, you don’t know how to do anything). He forces himself to go to a job that is disgusting, to endure his boss - a tyrant, to humiliate himself in front of everyone who has anything to do with his career.

This is poverty, on the verge of poverty.

Have you seen a good plumber who is afraid to pay back the same day from a job where he was wronged? Me not. On the same day he will be in another place with better conditions (I mean a GOOD worker, does not drink, punctual, smart, knowledgeable, responsible). That's where the wealth is.

Sign of poverty No. 5

The man has no children.

This is an indicator of poverty. There was no woman who would trust him, who saw in him not a “rogue”, but a promising father of her child.

By the way, I am also a poor person - I have one of the listed symptoms.

And also about poverty.

A few years ago, I followed a young blogger on social networks. He traveled by bicycle and hitchhiking. Lived for six months in America. I remembered what conclusions he made while living in New York. He worked delivering food. And he reasoned that in a remote village in the Chinese outback he saw people who ate basically one bowl of rice a day (with vegetables and spices). And they looked happier, more successful and healthier than New Yorkers in concrete boxes, pale from lack of sunlight and eating plastic food.

He could not live in a stone metropolis.

Now he lives in the Krasnodar region, organizes tourist routes. A very rich man.

Take care of yourself!

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Psychology of poverty: habits of poor people

The psychology of poverty takes many years to develop in a person. Therefore, it is logical that over time the so-called habits of poor people are acquired. These include:

  • Fear of change. People are afraid to change something in their lives. It is more familiar and comfortable for them to receive their small salary at a job they don’t like than to try something new and look for themselves;
  • The habit of saving. Many people believe that in order to live better, they need to spend less. This is a completely erroneous opinion, which is characteristic of the psychology of poverty. To live better, you need to earn more and strive for it with all your might. This does not mean that you have to spend money left and right. However, it is important to remember that saving will not improve well-being and will not make anyone richer;
  • Negative thinking and the habit of complaining about life. A person sets negative attitudes for himself, often using phrases such as: “I don’t have money,” “I can’t afford it,” “I’ll never buy it for myself,” “I don’t earn that much.” A friendly conversation constantly turns into a discussion of problems that a person talks about in all colors. Some people do not talk about their problems, but regularly scroll through them in their thoughts along with phrases that set negative attitudes;

  • “Plyushkin syndrome.” People with a poverty mentality find it difficult to get rid of old unnecessary things. They keep all kinds of rubbish with the thought “What if it will come in handy someday”;
  • Communication with the poor and pessimists. Everyone knows the proverb “The rich are no friend to the poor.” Indeed, wealthy people try to choose a similar social circle for themselves. People with a poverty mentality, on the contrary, make friends with pessimists and losers. Against their background, one’s own problems seem less critical, and self-esteem rises at least a little. However, it is precisely from such people that negative energy emanates, which “pulls down”;
  • Fear of big money. Many people are afraid even in their dreams to imagine themselves as a rich person. At the same time, they believe that big money can only be obtained dishonestly. And naturally, they don’t want problems with the law;
  • Denial of responsibility. People with a poverty mentality are not used to making serious decisions on their own. They are afraid of responsibility and avoid it in every possible way. They also blame anyone for their failures, but not themselves.

The habits of poor people become so ingrained in life that they are completely unnoticed. This pattern of behavior seems completely normal, and people do not realize that their way of thinking creates difficulties on the path to wealth.

Signs of human poverty. List

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Often we live completely in the world of our illusions. It seems to us that our material condition is normal. But in fact, we have already crossed the poverty line. In this situation, it is necessary to understand the essence of the problem as quickly as possible. Signs of a person’s poverty in psychological and material terms will help you do this. And if you have such signs, then you definitely need to increase your income level. Otherwise, poverty cannot be avoided.

Psychological signs of human poverty

Some of the first signs of financial poverty include:

  • Self-pity. It seems to you that you deserve more, that you have achieved little. You envy everyone and feel sorry for yourself;
  • Stinginess. You are afraid to spend an extra penny on unnecessary things. You think this is common sense, but it is a sign of poverty;
  • Dislike for work. Every day you hate work. She doesn't suit you. You just miss the money you earn there;
  • The belief that everything around is measured by money. Those who are doing well don't think so. They just have money and that's all.

In addition, a sign of poverty is that a person constantly justifies himself. He says he could get more, he just doesn’t want to. He can convince everyone that he simply doesn’t need any more and has enough for everything. But this is just an attempt to deceive yourself.

Financial signs of poverty

If it is difficult to understand something from the psychological side, then the financial signs of problems with money are the most obvious. These include:

  1. Saving on products. You automatically look to see where there are promotions and discounts;
  2. A real belief that saving on electricity and water will help you become richer;
  3. Lack of rest, entertainment and everything that is not rational needs;
  4. Living on borrowed time. You pay off one debt and then immediately take on the next one;
  5. Lack of any financial reserves.

It is important to remember that many people ignore all of these signs. They find excuses for them. But it's not right. After all, problems need to be recognized, not hidden. It will be better for everyone.

A few more factors

It is worth noting that many poor people are prone to loneliness or even social anxiety. This is how a person creates his own habitat for himself. And in this environment he is doing relatively well.

Also poor people like to compare themselves with others. They try to find those who have the same income and look at them all the time. This helps you not feel different in a negative way.

Among other things, unfulfilled financial desires are also a sign of problems. If you constantly want something, but can never afford any of what you want, then you are definitely a poor person.

Poverty and statistics

If all the signs point to you, do not be upset. According to Rosstat, 20 million residents of the country have an income below the subsistence level. Officially they are considered poor.

But in fact, poverty is a person’s ability to satisfy only primary needs with his earnings, without having funds for rest, development, savings, etc.

In this terminology, there are 70 million poor people in our country. This means that approximately 4 out of 10 people are definitely poor. Therefore, you should not think that this problem only affects you.

Just work on yourself and don't aggravate your condition with your actions. Then you will get a chance to get out of the financial hole.

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How to escape the poor man's mindset

The psychology of poverty is formed over the years and firmly settles in the human mind. To get rid of it, it will take a lot of effort and serious work on yourself, because getting away from the poor man’s mindset is not at all easy. However, nothing is impossible and with due persistence and diligence it will definitely work out.

Typically, psychologists recommend the following ways to get rid of the psychology of poverty:

  • Throw out all the trash from the house. This point is the easiest to complete. You need to carefully go through all your things and get rid of what you don’t use. And no “What if it comes in handy.” To bring something new into life, in this case money, you need to make room by abandoning the old;
  • Find something you like and develop in it. You will never be able to earn a lot of money in a job you don’t like, which you do through force. In order to get rid of the psychology of poverty, it is important to choose an area that you really like and begin to develop in it. You can get a second education, take courses or study on your own
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