10 Kind Deeds That Saved Lives

If you look at the root of the word “nobility”, you can define its concept. “Blessed” and “clan” - a person who comes from a family that is considered beneficial to society. The term "nobility" dates back to the days of slavery, when there was still a clear and rigid division between rich and poor. To be distinguished from the poor, certain signs of nobility were needed that distinguished the rich from them.

Nobility used to be called the noble origin of a person who went through training and a certain upbringing, had knowledge and possessed skills that were known only to people from high society. Today, the term has been transformed, since absolutely all people, regardless of their financial situation, receive knowledge and education.

Nobility today is considered a set of qualities that take into account the moral, spiritual and moral development of a person. Nobility is the behavior of a person who focuses on honesty, openness, loyalty and devotion. People who do not betray, do not deceive, and act openly are called noble. Moreover, a person who always comes to the aid of someone in need becomes noble.

However, each reader of the online magazine psytheater.com understands what help is in his own way. When a person misunderstands the meaning of a word, he either becomes a hostage or simply begins to manipulate this concept. Since society encourages the presence of nobility in every person, many people outwardly appear noble, although in fact they do not possess this quality. And you can determine how noble a person is by the purpose for which he helps others. There are people who help to improve someone’s life, while other people do it in order to make those around them their debtors, then ask for help themselves or be flattered.

Distinguish between your selfish desires and your real desire to help a person. Many people think that their actions aimed at improving the quality of life of loved ones are good. But if you ask the people themselves who are being helped, what will they answer?

For many, it is a shock to hear from others when they say that “it would be better not to help them.” For you, too, such a revelation comes as a shock when you help another person, and he actually suffers from your actions. What's the matter? The answer is quite simple: you did not ask the person you are helping whether he wants your help and what kind of help he expects from you.

If you help when you have not been asked to do so, you only harm the other person. If you do what you think is necessary without asking the other person whether he expects such help from you, then you are harming him again. It seems to you that the other person needs help. This seems to you like the right way to help. But they forgot to ask the person they decided to help about all this.

How can you understand that you are acting from good intentions and not from your own selfish desires? The other person must have his own motivation that makes him act. That is, not you, but he asks you to help him. Secondly, is the person happy with the results he receives? If yes, then you acted from an impulse to help; if not, then it was your desires, not his. Third, ask the person you are helping what exactly you need to do. You should not think about how to help a person, but he should clearly understand what kind of help he needs. Otherwise, all responsibility for the negative result falls on you. Do you need it? If a person asks for help, then he must understand what exactly he wants to receive.

What is nobility?

At some time, nobility became a religious concept, when a person was endowed with certain characteristics only by becoming a believer. After all, believers are considered a priori to be sacrificing, benefactors, and kind. However, all this is refuted by the behavior of the believers themselves, who do not always bring benefit to others. So, what is nobility?

Nobility should be understood as the quality when a person brings goodness and benefit to others, focusing solely on his own internal motives and motivations. There are people who act well, help and do good deeds only because others told them so. However, a noble person quite often does not listen to the advice of others at all. He focuses exclusively on his own ideas about what good and evil are, while having clear boundaries between these concepts.

A noble person is independent in deciding what to do. At the same time, he is always focused on self-sacrifice. Between the choice to do good for himself or other people, he will choose the option when it will be good for other people. He is ready to sacrifice himself, which can be compared to heroism or a martyrdom.

It is not surprising that nobility is encouraged by society, since everyone is pleased when they are helped for free and without mutual return. Nobility is living for the sake of other people, when everyone is happy, and the noble person himself is already content with little. It is worth saying here that, to some extent, nobility can be called madness, stupidity or the absence of the instinct of self-survival.

If we are honest, do not be hypocritical, do not pretend, do not deceive, then we can see the real situation where nobility is stupidity. How reasonable is it for you to give some of your money to the poor and needy while your own family is poor? How reasonable is the situation when you give yourself to the person who openly tells you that he doesn’t love you? How reasonable is it to sacrifice oneself for the benefit of another person?

People believed so much in the idea that everyone needs to help, sacrifice, and feel sorry that they forgot about the well-being of themselves and their family. Many people are ready to help complete strangers, not paying attention to the fact that they themselves or their families live from hand to mouth, without love and affection. You can see how friendly people are with complete strangers, and when they communicate with family and friends, they allow themselves to insult and disrespect them.

Nobility is stupidity. And it is based on the ideas that one needs to help and sacrifice. Help and sacrifice are destructive if you and your family suffer in the process. Help is useful only when you yourself want to give it, while having a surplus of certain resources. You simply have nowhere to spend your energy, time and money, so you help. But it is completely stupid to help if you give other people resources that you or your loved ones need.

Nobility is needed only by those people who profit from noble people. Are you sacrificing yourself? They give you a certificate and thank you. You can wipe your hands on this letter, but other people received more from you than they gave you in return. Do you think you are being thanked? In fact, they say “thank you” to you only so that next time you will help “those in need” again. And it’s good for those “in need” themselves, because now they can not need anything, but live at your expense.

All helpers and sacrificers are fools. They believed in the idea that it was necessary to tear away from themselves the resources that they themselves needed and give them to complete strangers. This is only useful to those people who profit from it, and harmful to the helpers and donors themselves. Don't be foolish. Nobility is stupidity, a myth and manipulation by those who at least somehow want to earn praise in their address. They will say “thank you” to you, and you, in turn, will deprive yourself of something valuable and important. You are a fool, and strangers turned out to be smart because they were able to take away from you what you yourself need.

Nobility is an exclusively acquired quality. Nobility does not exist in nature. Nobility is not programmed into a person. However, nobility is a socially invented quality that initially distinguished rich people from poor people, and today should motivate every civilized person to sacrifice himself for the good of others.

Nobility is formed in the process of educating a person, when he is told how he should act, what moral values ​​he should conform to, what he should give up (in particular, his selfish desires). Nobility is a quality in which a person does not put himself above others and does not judge others. At the same time, in order to make a decision, a noble person must judge what is good and evil, which people are worthy of receiving his help, and then act. It results in double-entry bookkeeping when a noble person does not consider himself superior to everyone else, but must first evaluate which people are worthy of his help.

Is sacrifice nobility?

Some people confuse the concepts. And if nobility and honor are words consonant with each other in meaning, then sacrifice and nobility are not the same thing. Yes, a person who does gratuitous good deeds spends his free time doing them. But you still need to always use common sense. For example, often single mothers devote all their free time to their children. What seems unusual here? But when the child grows up, the mother will begin to demand attention from him to his own person. An elderly woman will not be able to achieve anything and will blame the child for this. After all, he took up all her free time. Do you find nobility here? He's not here. But there are a lot of such examples that can be given. A person who helped you once, and then will pretend to be a victim for 10 years, has nothing to do with nobility.

Signs of nobility

It is difficult to describe nobility in one word. Perhaps this is a set of qualities that can be determined by the following characteristics:

  1. Following your words and promises. A noble person will never go back on his word, will not change the terms of agreements, will not postpone the fulfillment of his promise until later.
  2. A clear idea of ​​what justice is. They will not give in to emotions when it comes to doing justice. They will not divide people into loved ones and unloved ones if everyone deserves something.
  3. Spiritual strength. Moreover, it is so strong that it cannot be shaken by anything.
  4. Self-sacrifice. A noble person is willing to give his time and money for the benefit of others. The only thing he is afraid of is to act unworthy or cause harm through his actions.
  5. Forgiving others, being strict with yourself. A noble person is very demanding of himself, but is always ready to forgive the mistakes of others.

Nobility, honor, dignity, ethics

These are words that stopped sounding in our speech a long time ago. And the more surprising it is to hear them. These are words by which we stopped living a long time ago. Even words such as conscience and decency disappear from our speech.

What does this mean? A banal and scary thought. It’s not that we don’t do that, we don’t even say or think that way. Therefore, it is all the more surprising to see these words in action of this or that person!

It has become the norm for us that at an enterprise, a project manager, seeing that his employees from the commercial service (any other) are going to fulfill the plan and exceed it, can change his motivation just before the payment of salaries. And this can happen at least 5 times in six months. Employees do not think that the point is not at all in the effectiveness of the manager or his managerial literacy or illiteracy, but in the fact that he is simply unethical, devoid of honor, dignity, nobility. These concepts are unknown to him.

It has become the norm for us to read messages about how this or that politician/official manages the budget in a very specific way during a pandemic... For example, for doctors’ salaries, the purchase of materials, medicines, etc. We are indignant, how could he/they? And they forgot that people without these concepts can do not only this, but much more.

For some people, it becomes the norm to demand a service, deliver a product, and not pay for it.

And also refer to external circumstances that supposedly justify actions devoid of honor and dignity.

This happens not only in religion, politics, business, work. This also happens in ordinary everyday communications. They borrowed money and didn’t pay it back... They asked for help, but they didn’t help in return. To slander a decent person, simply because that’s what you want to do. Etc., etc.

What kind of concepts are these?

Nobility has several meanings. One of them is a good family. But what is a good race? A good race, as a race or one that gives birth to good, that is, the one who gives birth, creates good?

Or is it the high moral qualities of a person? Or maybe all at once?

In any case, thanks to these meanings, we can definitely choose and unite a couple: a person with high moral qualities who creates good (good).

What is honor? Honor, respect, honor? Honesty? Good name? Or is a person pure in soul and thoughts?

Let's think about dignity now? Worthy, worthy... of what? What attitude, what business? And from what point of view? His? Those around you (which ones)? Or is it desirable to have both? A very interesting word... What are we worthy or not worthy of? From our point of view?

Do we deserve a cozy home in which order and comfort? Loving and beloved family members? Loyal and reliable friends? Professional staff? A decent boss? Cities and countries in which you want to live and create? From the quality of roads to decent medicine that can cope with any difficulties, decent officials and politicians? What rights and freedoms and opportunities do we deserve? Or are we not worthy of it?

What do other people deserve? From loved ones to those we have never seen or known?

What actions of our own are we worthy of? What is below our dignity, what is on the level, and what is above? A person's actions show his level of dignity or lack thereof...

And one more thing... what and how are we ready to do in order to truly be worthy of the best? Sit, wait and be patient? Or take active action?

Ethical? In simple terms, this is how we interact, how we behave with each other... How is this determined? Man is a wolf to man? Tambov wolf is your friend? Brother, sister? Friend? Man - with a capital letter... Love for people? A balance of giving and taking? Excess exchange? What else? What is good and what is bad? What is good and what is evil?

How often do you think about this? Did you think at all? How often do you evaluate people in this way and understand the essence of a person?

And the main question is: who are these concepts about? About you, or do they have nothing to do with you?

“Noble blood is an accident of fate; noble deeds characterize great things.”

C. Goldoni.

Nobility and loyalty

Nobility and loyalty are completely different concepts. However, they have several similar positions, which is why we are considering them:

  • Loyalty and nobility are based on a person's faith in something. To be faithful, a person must have a clear position on life, which is also observed in a noble person.
  • With loyalty and nobility, a person acts strictly on his words. If a person promises, he keeps his word. He clearly follows his path.
  • Loyalty and nobility presuppose the performance of exclusively good deeds. With loyalty, a person commits actions towards the one to whom he remains faithful. With nobility, a person simply does good deeds in principle.
  • Firmness in one's decisions can also be seen in both qualities. After all, when a person is faithful, he clearly understands what decisions he should make and why he should follow them. The same goes for nobility.

We can say that loyalty is aimed at something or someone specifically, therefore a person shows all his nobility towards this object. When it comes to nobility, a person, in principle, acts kindly, regardless of how he treats anyone.

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