Headache in the forehead and eyes: what could be the causes?

Causes of pain

The head in the forehead area can hurt without damage to the internal organs. The cause may be mental fatigue. For knowledge workers, tension accumulates in the center of the forehead. At the end of the working day, a pressing feeling arises. A light massage of a point in the center of the forehead, and then upward, to the sides, will help to remove it.

Head pain in the forehead area may occur due to poisoning by toxic fumes. Such sensations often haunt employees of household chemicals and building materials stores. Low-quality products have a strong odor and emit fumes that cause pain, dizziness, and nausea. People who are sensitive to this should change their job or profession, and wear a respirator before leaving.

Severe headaches are sometimes caused by cerebral vasospasm. This condition manifests itself against the background of smoking, alcohol abuse, and sometimes due to changes in climate zones. Pain can also be triggered by physical or emotional stress.

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How dangerous is inflammation of the structures in the forehead area?

Doctors take inflammatory processes in this area very seriously. Inflammation of the following structures can lead to:

  • frontal sinuses - to the accumulation of purulent fluid, blocking the passage of the frontonasal canal;
  • brain - to edema, cell death, damage to the nervous system;
  • blood vessels - to the appearance of blood clots, the risk of stroke;
  • meninges - to increased pressure inside the skull, excessive production of cerebrospinal fluid. Associated symptoms are dizziness, muscle cramps, short-term fainting.

MRI of the head and brain helps to identify all these dangerous conditions in a timely manner. Looking at the pictures taken by the “smart device”, the doctor gets a holistic picture of pathologies, down to small and pinpoint ones.

Possible diseases

In some cases, the head hurts in the forehead and there is pressure due to pathologies of the internal organs. Associated diseases:

  • infections: acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections (cause a rise in temperature and intoxication, which is why the head hurts and puts pressure on the forehead);
  • ENT diseases: sinusitis, ethmoiditis, frontal sinusitis (a characteristic symptom is severe nasal congestion);
  • inflammation of the membranes of the brain: encephalitis, meningitis (accompanied by fever);
  • pathologies of the nervous system: migraine (pain intensifies due to sounds, bright light, and recedes in silence and darkness), neuralgia (sharp, severe pain);
  • injuries: concussions, skull fractures, bruises of the soft tissues of the head;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system: changes in intracranial pressure, hypertension, atherosclerosis, neurocirculatory dystonia;
  • endocrine disorders: pathologies of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands;
  • ophthalmological diseases: changes in intraocular pressure, uveitis, inflammation of the optic nerve, myopia;
  • oncological pathologies: brain tumor, neoplasms in the sinuses or pituitary gland.

Headaches in the forehead area can occur against the background of a large number of diseases. A comprehensive examination of the body will allow you to identify and eliminate the provoking factor.


Brain cancer is a very terrible pathology. In the initial stages, pronounced manifestations may be absent. Any neoplasms developing in the cranium increase intracranial pressure and ultimately a headache begins, vomiting appears at the peak of the headache, which does not bring relief, mainly in the early morning hours, paresis and paralysis are often observed , but it all depends on the stage and location.

If the tumor is located in the frontal lobe of the brain, patients may not feel its presence for a very long time. Sometimes the first sign is not pain, but decreased vision. In other areas, tumors can cause various neurological disorders - seizures, paralysis, speech disorders. Patients often complain of nausea and sleep disturbances. An oncologist diagnoses the disease.

Malignant tumors grow very quickly, so if you often have headaches for an unknown reason, it is better not to delay contacting an oncologist. An MRI will quickly help make the correct diagnosis or, conversely, rule out the worst option.


People come to a therapist and neurologist with headaches. Additionally, patients are asked to undergo an examination by an ophthalmologist to assess the condition of the fundus. Further testing to determine the cause of headaches includes:

  • complete blood count to rule out infections;
  • EEG - determines the electrical activity of the brain, detects epileptic activity, migraine;
  • ECG - checking the state of the cardiovascular system;
  • analysis of thyroid hormone levels;
  • Ultrasound of the vessels of the neck and head;
  • Ultrasound of the thyroid gland;
  • X-ray of the cranial sinuses - to determine ENT diseases.

Even a complete examination does not guarantee that the cause of the pain will be discovered. But it allows you to exclude serious diseases or identify them and select therapy.

Read also: Headaches in the temple area

Diseases of the ENT organs

Pain syndrome may appear due to inflammation of the frontal sinuses.

Sinusitis is characterized not only by a severe runny nose with purulent discharge, but also by very sharp pain along with a feeling of pressure on the eyeballs. Since the inflammatory process occurs near the brain, this disease is quite dangerous.

With frontal sinusitis, when there is inflammation of the mucous membrane of the frontal sinuses, pain occurs in the morning. To exclude this pathology, you need to consult with an ENT doctor.


Headaches cannot be tolerated, so during attacks you should take analgesics. These can be drugs based on paracetamol, ibuprofen, ketorol and others that help a particular patient.

The main treatment for headaches is always aimed at their cause. If there are serious pathologies of internal organs, hormone or chemotherapy, drugs for migraines or epilepsy, and drugs for heart disease are prescribed. Treatment is selected individually, taking into account the results of the examination and the general condition of the patient.

Dear patients!
Remember that only a qualified doctor can make an accurate diagnosis, determine the causes and nature of the disease, and prescribe effective treatment. You can make an appointment with our specialists or call a doctor at home by calling 8-(4822)-33-00-33 Be healthy and happy!

Pathologies of the nervous system


This is a common disease that most often affects women. A distinctive feature of migraine is its localization and pulsating nature.

Migraine usually begins with pain in the temple, which is one-sided, and the headache is often localized in the occipital region. In most cases, pain is aggravated by sounds of any volume, bright light, or vibrations.

Sometimes attacks are triggered by certain foods rich in serotonin, such as red wine, cheese, fish and chocolate.

Additional manifestations

An accompanying symptom may be tinnitus. If your forehead hurts due to a runny nose or other diseases, then the clinical picture may be supplemented by other symptoms. Unpleasant sensations on the right side may be accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • impaired visual function;
  • increased body temperature;
  • the appearance of tinnitus;
  • problems with pupil movement;
  • hemorrhages in the retina of the eye;
  • spread of headaches to the occipital and fork;
  • swelling and redness of the right eye;
  • burning and itching sensation in the eyeball.

Presses on the eyes and forehead from the inside

A common complaint from patients is the feeling of pressure on the eyes and forehead from the inside. The most common cause of this condition is migraine. Distention of the eyeballs indicates an increase in intraocular pressure. It is accompanied by pain in the following diseases:

  1. Vegetative-vascular dystonia. The pain syndrome in this pathology is preceded by a feeling of pressure.
  2. Hypertensive crisis. The pain syndrome is bursting in nature and appears early in the morning or at night.
  3. Eye diseases. These include iridocyclitis, optic neuritis, keratitis, conjunctivitis.
  4. Inflammatory diseases - influenza, ARVI. Pain and a feeling of fullness indicate intoxication of the body.

What to do and how to cope with pain?

When the patient is worried about severe pain on the right side of the forehead, then one should not tolerate such manifestations. After a comprehensive examination, the patient will be prescribed treatment for the underlying disease, which became the source of pain. When the pain is not associated with a deviation, but is caused by stress, overwork, the following manipulations help reduce pain:

  • use of a contrast shower;
  • using a cold compress on the forehead;
  • changing body position, which helps when pain occurs due to congestion in the vessels of the neck;
  • long rest.

Muscle spasms can be eliminated and pain can be reduced with the help of medications. Before using them, medical consultation is required to avoid dangerous complications. The table shows commonly used medications for pain above the right eye:

Drug groupName
Preparations containing drotaverine"No-shpa"
Analgesic substances"Nimesulide"
Medicines including acetylsalicylic acid"Aspirin"
"Upsarin Upsa"

People with nearsightedness may be prescribed glasses. Massage procedures help to cope well with pain that occurs above the eye. If necessary, the patient is prescribed corrective lenses or glasses if the pain is associated with a pathology such as myopia. Physiotherapeutic manipulations prescribed by a doctor can also be used. The sooner treatment for pathology is started, the less likely it is to develop complications.

Medical and folk remedies “from the head”

Depending on the identified cause of pain, the patient is prescribed an analgesic, an antispasmodic, a remedy to relieve inflammation or lower blood pressure. Remember: “prescribing” medicine to yourself without a medical examination is unacceptable, because the cause of the pain syndrome is unknown. And since different cases require opposite actions, you risk harming yourself. Among the folk recipes are drinking a decoction of mint, oregano and chamomile, a water-vinegar compress on the forehead and back of the head, and a warm shower to dilate blood vessels. An effective remedy is a massage of the head and collar area (neck, shoulders). Gentle pressure and stroking relieves tension, and the headache gradually recedes. The effect of the massage will be enhanced by calm music and the smell of lavender.

What to do if your forehead hurts

If pain persists for a long time and appears regularly, then this is a reason to consult a doctor. The same applies to cases when the condition only worsens, dangerous symptoms appear, such as confusion, heart failure, and fever. To eliminate discomfort, you can take painkillers, for example, Ibuprofen, Analgin or Ketanov. Next, you should use the following simple tips:

  • for cervical osteochondrosis - ensure rest, massage the neck, apply dry heat to it;
  • for sinusitis and sinusitis - rinse your nose more often to remove pus;
  • for viral diseases - take antiviral drugs to eliminate the infection;
  • for mental pain - take a contrast shower, do a head massage, drink tonic tea, apply a cold compress to the forehead.

Causes of headaches in the forehead area

This unpleasant symptom varies not only by location. Pain often occurs under certain circumstances, such as bending over, coughing, or pressing on the frontal lobe. The main reasons for this condition are:

  • bad habits;
  • diseases of the respiratory system;
  • inflammatory infections of the structures of the skull - sinuses, ears, eyes.

When coughing

In this case, the patient notes pain in the frontal lobe after a coughing attack. The condition can last from a minute to half an hour. The reasons for it are:

  • smoking;
  • chronic sinusitis, bronchial asthma, diabetes mellitus;
  • weather dependence;
  • cold;
  • Arnold-Chiari syndrome;
  • cerebral stroke;
  • changes in the normal functioning of the vessels supplying blood to the brain.

When tilted

The main reason why the forehead hurts when bending over is frontal sinusitis. A viscous secretion – pus – accumulates in the sinuses. Leaning forward, a person causes pressure of this substance on the front wall of the frontal sinuses, where there are many pain receptors. This causes feelings of heaviness and pain. Other causes of pain when bending over include:

  • sphenoiditis - inflammation of the sinuses of the sphenoid bone;
  • ethmoiditis - inflammation of the anterior or posterior cells of the ethmoid bone;
  • sinusitis, if the patient has a runny nose at this moment.

When pressed

If pain manifests itself when pressing on the frontal part, then the cause is various diseases of the eyes or nose. When there is no runny nose, it is necessary to exclude glaucoma. If this symptom is observed, then the cause of pain in the forehead is:

  • frontal sinusitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • sinusitis.
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Diagnostic procedures

When there is pain above the eye on the right side, you should consult a therapist who will help determine the source of the disorder and select the optimal therapeutic measures. To make an accurate diagnosis and find out the cause of pain, diagnosis by specialized specialists may be required. Often the patient is given a referral to a cardiologist, neurologist, ophthalmologist, otolaryngologist, or dermatologist. When there is pressure closer to the eyeball, the following diagnostic procedures are required:

Identifying the cause of this manifestation may require an encephalogram.

  • laboratory testing of urine and blood;
  • tomographic examination of the brain;
  • heart cardiogram;
  • encephalogram;
  • examination of the choroid plexuses in the cervical spine.

Preventive recommendations

To prevent pain, you need to watch less TV and be at the computer. Giving up bad habits and performing light exercises helps reduce the likelihood of unpleasant sensations. The daily diet should be balanced and contain enough vitamins and microelements. It is worth monitoring the immune system, preventing viral diseases. Regular scheduled examinations by an ophthalmologist are recommended, with the help of which it is possible to identify eye diseases in the early stages.

The disease has not been identified. Why does my head hurt?

What to do if neither examinations nor tests reveal any pathologies, but your head continues to hurt? Below we provide a list of factors that cause migraines. If this is your case, try to exclude them.

  • staying at the computer for a long time;
  • continuous TV watching;
  • rare walks in the fresh air;
  • working in hazardous industries, inhaling fumes of acetone, gasoline, lead dust;
  • accumulation in the body of monosodium glutamate, a substance added to sausages, bouillon cubes, chips and other “fast foods”;
  • alcohol and nicotine intoxication;
  • overheating in the sun;
  • conveyor monotonous work without breaks;
  • disrupted daily routine - a person gets up late and goes to bed late;
  • incorrect selection of pillows for a night's rest;
  • severe stress, moral trauma;
  • in women - taking hormonal medications;
  • frequent flights from one time zone to another, sudden climate change, climbing mountains or descending underground.
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