The left eye is smaller than the right one. One eye has become smaller than the other: reasons why this could be. For no apparent reason

Infectious diseases

Especially often, this phenomenon occurs due to infectious eye diseases. They are the cause of swelling of the eyelids and one eye seems noticeably enlarged in size. There is no need to despair; this condition will certainly pass after appropriate therapy.

The most common “culprits” of inflammation are conjunctivitis and barley. The mucous membrane, in both cases, is attacked by pathogens of various natures. Treatment of such infections requires the use of local antibacterial agents. However, such drugs, as well as the diagnosis, must be determined by an ophthalmologist. Self-medication very often leads to a worsening of the condition. In this regard, there is no point in “joking” with the swelling of the eye.

It is important to mention that bacterial inflammatory processes, along with some swelling of the eyes, also cause redness, purulent discharge and lacrimation. Therefore, it is quite easy for a qualified doctor to recognize them and prescribe effective treatment.

What illnesses and diseases of the body can reduce the eyes

There are many diseases that also cause the eye to appear to shrink in size. Here's what can make your eyes appear small in both women and men:

  • due to nerve atrophy. This is a violation of the patency of nerve fibers with deterioration of vision, disturbances in color perception (in some cases, vision may completely disappear);
  • due to blepharitis. In this case, the inflammatory process leads to swelling of the eyelids, there is constant tearing, a feeling of itching in the eyes, irritation due to bright light;

  • due to cryptophthalmos. The eyelids grow together; in severe cases, the palpebral fissure disappears completely;
  • due to swelling of the eyelids. Fluid accumulated under the skin of the eyelids leads to their swelling, and if you touch the eyelid, the patient experiences pain;
  • due to blepharospasm. These are uncontrollable spasms of the eyelids, as if the patient is squinting all the time;
  • because of barley. As a result of infection, the mucous membrane of the eye becomes inflamed, the eyelid swells, and increased tear production is observed.


It is known that even a minor bruise in the eye area often causes swelling, which visually enlarges the eye. It is necessary to treat such injuries depending on the manifestations. However, consultation with a specialist will certainly be required in the event of such an injury. The only thing you are allowed to do on your own is to apply cold to the eye if the impact does not damage the internal structures, but only its outer shell. The cold will help relieve inflammation a little and the size of the tumor will decrease. However, it is necessary to remember that cold (ice) should only be applied by wrapping it in several layers of gauze or fabric, otherwise you can also cause a thermal burn, which definitely will not improve the appearance of the eye.

Why does an adult have one eye larger than the other?

Pathologies that can lead to enlargement or reduction of one of the eyes


Infectious disease: conjunctivitis, stye

The mucous membrane of the eye and the hair (eyelash) bulb can be attacked by bacteria. When the immune system is weakened, the body is not able to respond adequately, so inflammation occurs, which can be either external, clearly visible, or internal

Determining the infectious nature of the disease is quite simple: the eyes fester, lacrimation appears, the eyelids turn red.

Facial neuritis

A dangerous and difficult to treat disease, the causes of which are very commonplace: hypothermia, decay of the tooth root. The pathology is characterized by asymmetry not only of the eyes, but also of the entire face: the eyelids are wide open, the eye on the affected side cannot be closed, and the corner of the mouth droops. The face becomes distorted, the mouth “moves” to the healthy side.

Impaired cerebral circulation

Vascular disorders are the main factor in the occurrence of bulbar syndrome. Other causes: atherosclerosis, inflammation, brain tumor

The disease is manifested by a change in the shape of the eye, incomplete closure of the eyelids, and impaired swallowing function


Any traumatic impact can cause enlargement or reduction of the eye due to swelling, hematoma

. The eye can be injured as a result of a bruise, intense rubbing, or a branch. Unsuccessful piercing or violation of the rules for using contact lenses can also serve as traumatic factors.

Foreign body in the eye

A speck, eyelash or small grain of sand, once on the mucous membrane of the eye, irritates it and can lead to inflammation. The eyelids swell, making the eyes appear larger



One of the most common reasons why eyelid swelling may occur is redness of the whites. One eye visually looks smaller than the other

. An allergic reaction most often occurs to animal fur and plant pollen.

Internal diseases

Diseases of the kidneys, stomach, nervous system and other organs can affect the size of the eyes: swelling, dark circles, bags under the eyes

create the effect of enlarging or reducing the eyes. It is worth paying special attention if, without obvious external reasons, one eye of an adult suddenly becomes smaller or larger: this may be evidence of a cardiovascular disease or cancer.

Bulbar syndrome

This is a serious condition caused by pathological processes in the brain. When the pathology is in the initial stages of development, it can also manifest itself as a change in eye size. At this time, it is very important to immediately seek qualified medical help, because the further development of this condition threatens with tragic consequences, including paralysis, which will not allow the affected eye to function normally. Usually, a change in the size of the eye is accompanied by damage to the eyelids. In the affected eye, their closure is incomplete, and the shape of the eyes changes.

The described symptoms may indicate the occurrence of a brain tumor. After all, the problem with all cancer diseases is their long asymptomatic course. Often such diseases are recognized only at advanced stages. Therefore, if one eye has become smaller than the other, it is better to hurry up and consult a specialist.

Possible reasons

A visual decrease or increase in the size of the eyeball is associated with internal processes occurring in the body. In most cases, in patients with this symptom, asymmetry is present from birth and is an anatomical feature. But if the size of the eye has recently changed, the sign may indicate the development of atrophy, retinal detachment or an inflammatory disease. Also, such a lesion often occurs after injury.

Neurological diseases

Asymmetry of the eyeballs, when one is set quite deeply and the other is more convex, often manifests itself as a symptom of a neurological disease and can be caused by dysfunction of the innervation of the periorbital muscles. A similar complication occurs against the background of neuritis and neuropathy of the facial nerve. In this case, the patient may experience not only pronounced asymmetry, but also blurred vision and other ophthalmological disorders.


Injuries can also cause changes in the size of the eyeballs. As medical practice shows, post-traumatic deformation of the eyelids is the most common cause of such disorders. In the absence of timely treatment, eye injuries often cause the development of dangerous complications, including blindness. The risk of developing this undesirable consequence is especially high with a penetrating wound. Lesions of this type often lead to a decrease in the eyeball, further retraction into the orbit and changes in the structure of the soft tissues. That is why, if you are injured, you must immediately see a doctor. It is especially important to visit a doctor if, due to injury, the integrity of the outer shell is damaged and the internal structures are damaged.

Infectious diseases

Inflammatory diseases, such as stye, endophthalmitis and blepharitis, are always accompanied by severe swelling in the periorbital area.

This symptom may make it feel like one eye is larger than the other. It can be eliminated only with the help of a well-chosen treatment regimen (most often, patients are prescribed antibacterial therapy and anti-inflammatory drugs). Lack of treatment for infectious diseases can cause complications that can only be eliminated through surgery.

Bulbar syndrome

Bulbar syndrome is a type of paralysis that causes damage to the brain. The disease may be accompanied not only by changes in the eyeballs, but also by speech and swallowing dysfunction. Changes in eye size are usually observed at the initial stage, which is why at the first questionable symptoms it is important to immediately contact the clinic. With bulbar syndrome, eye asymmetry is often accompanied by dysfunction of the eyelid in the affected area (it simply stops closing). The presence of these signs indicates the formation of a tumor in the brain and a tumor process.

Asymmetry of the eyes of newborns

The first few days after birth, the baby's eyes seem slightly swollen, and the symptom may appear unevenly. This feature is completely natural and is associated with underdevelopment of the facial muscles. If there are no abnormalities, after a few weeks everything returns to normal. If asymmetry does not go away for more than a year, it may be a sign of a congenital pathology and requires an immediate visit to the doctor. If one of the baby’s parents has such a deviation, this indicates a genetic defect that will remain for life. It can only be eliminated through surgery.

Different eye sizes in young children

Doctors state that the most harmless condition occurs when there is a difference in the size of the eyes in children from 3 to 5 years old. At this age, the formation of the muscular system occurs and slight asymmetry of the eyes actually occurs. However, even in such a situation, it would not be superfluous to consult an ophthalmologist, and in some cases, a neurologist. If the conclusion of these specialists is positive and the condition itself does not cause any particular concern, all that remains is to wait until the growing body corrects everything on its own, because such a condition does not require treatment.

Correction using decorative cosmetics

You can also hide eye asymmetry with skillfully executed makeup. By correctly drawing the arrows and giving the eyebrows the desired shape, you can visually align the size and shape of the eye slits. For example, you can disguise a drooping eyelid by generously applying mascara and drawing your eyebrows high.

A slight, unnoticeable difference in eye size is a physiological and completely natural phenomenon. However, pronounced, sharply emerging asymmetry should cause alarm. This symptom often indicates serious ophthalmological and neurological diseases. In young children, it may be a consequence of birth trauma or a congenital malformation.


Often the visual reduction of the eye is caused by an infectious disease. During the acute course of the disease, asymmetry appears as a result of swelling of the eyelid. A similar phenomenon can cause conjunctivitis or stye.

In these diseases, bacteria cause an inflammatory process in the mucous membrane, which subsequently causes one eye to become smaller. This condition goes away immediately after the person fully recovers.

Treatment of infectious diseases must be carried out under the supervision of an appropriate specialist. It is the ophthalmologist who must prescribe an antibiotic that will help cope with the bacteria. Therefore, even if you have a slight swelling in the eyelid area, you should not leave the rehabilitation period to chance and self-medicate, as jokes with your health can end badly and lead to serious consequences.

Quite often, without proper treatment, such infections are accompanied not only by swelling, but also by tearing, redness and purulent discharge. Thus, by consulting a doctor on time, you can avoid the acute course of an infectious disease.

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