Do they give disability for blindness in one eye?

Criteria for approval of a disability group

The need to provide a disability group is determined by the degree of vision loss.
And since a decrease in the quality of visual function in this disease occurs quite rarely, they mainly focus on the width of the field of view. Starting from a narrowing to 40 degrees or less, the patient is assigned the third disability group, and with a further reduction the second and first will be considered. The severity of the patient’s condition, which is also taken into account when making the decision of the MSEC (medical and social expert commission), is also influenced by some other factors:

  • Age is an important aggravating aspect in the course of the disease. Pensioners are certainly at increased risk, but sometimes glaucoma also develops in children.
  • Pathological damage to two eyes, absence of one eye, relapse after surgery.
  • The presence of concomitant diseases that aggravate the course of glaucoma.
  • Vascular diseases, cataracts, diabetes.

To assess the condition of a person who has applied for a disability group, a large number of different studies are carried out to determine the severity of the disease.

List of preferential medications for 2020

In 2020, the government of the country approved a new list of necessary and vital medications. Compared to the previous year, it increased by 42 positions. Now the total number of preferential drugs is 646 items. It is important that the production of 6 drugs from the approved list is located in Russia.

From January 1, 2020, new Rules for organizing the provision of medicines to persons with rare diseases will be in effect, the list of which for budgetary drug provision has been expanded by Federal Law-299 of August 3, 2020. It includes the following diseases:

Glaucoma and visual impairment

Glaucoma is an eye disease that, according to experts, especially often leads to disability. Disability for glaucoma is usually assigned in the case of a developed disease, in its later stages.

At the same time, the determination of the disability group takes into account certain criteria:

  1. For persons with the initial stage of the disease, disability, as a rule, cannot be assigned when the visual acuity of the healthy eye is maintained at 0.03 of its norm, and in case of bilateral glaucoma - at 0.5.
  2. Assignment of disability for glaucoma is possible when a significant deepening of the optic nerve head and a significant narrowing of the visual fields are determined.
  3. If a citizen’s visual acuity in the better-seeing eye, taking into account correction, decreases to 0.09-0.04, disability group III is assigned.
  4. The assignment of disability group II occurs with partial atrophy of the optic nerve, which leads to a narrowing of visual fields to 15. Visual acuity in the better seeing eye, in this case, is no more than 0.04-0.08, which entails significant limitations in working capacity, leading to a serious deterioration in quality of life.
  5. In the case when an advanced glaucoma process is diagnosed, as a result of which the citizen’s vision has decreased to zero, disability group I is assigned.

Glaucoma is a rapidly progressing disease, therefore disability groups II and III are assigned for a period of one year. The first disability group is assigned for a period of two years. After the expiration of the specified period, the citizen needs a new examination. The disability group usually changes due to deterioration in visual acuity, narrowing of visual fields, degeneration of the optic nerve, as well as when the glaucomatous process spreads to the healthy eye.

Work restrictions

Assigning a disability group due to glaucoma implies the implementation of certain recommendations that relate to the citizen’s work activity. Thus, disabled people with this disease cannot perform work related to exposure to ultrasound, vibration and toxic substances. Professions are contraindicated when work is performed in a polluted atmosphere or involves sudden changes in temperature. Excessive physical exertion, prolonged stay in a position with the head down, and work on night shifts are excluded. Work that requires a state of constant emotional or physical stress is not recommended. In addition, persons with glaucoma should not engage in work at heights or drive public transport.

Our doctors who will preserve your vision with glaucoma:

What increases the risk of disability?

The risk of disability due to glaucoma increases significantly in the case of the negative influence of certain factors. Such factors can be considered:

  • Old age (over 60 years old). Lack of specific therapy, leading to an advanced form of the disease.
  • Transition of the glaucomatous process to the paired healthy eye.
  • Relapses of the disease after antiglaucomatous operations.
  • The presence of concomitant diseases of the organ of vision or systemic diseases, including diabetes mellitus, as well as pathologies of the heart and blood vessels.

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The right to receive disability in case of blindness in 1 eye

If a person has a defect in which vision is impaired in only one eye, this condition belongs to group 3 only if the functionality of the second eye decreases. If his condition is slightly changed or completely preserved, the award of any group is not possible.

To be granted disability, a person must have certain accompanying conditions:

  • inability to work;
  • lack of ability to self-service;
  • the need for additional treatment and rehabilitation methods;
  • the need to receive social protection in the form of certain benefits and cash benefits.

To consider disability, the following table of visual acuity in glasses for eyes with preserved functionality is taken into account:

  • 0-0.04 – give the first group;
  • 0.05-0.1 – give the second group;
  • 0.2-0.3 – give the third group;
  • 0.4 – awarding of any group is impossible.

If a person lacks the functionality of one eye, but the other sees well, all of the above additional factors must be present to obtain the group. Otherwise, the patient is not entitled to a disability group. He will not be able to receive benefits, since he is able to perform various jobs.

If the patient has no vision in one eye, the medical commission will not grant disability, but will limit permission to perform a certain type of activity; it is prohibited:

  • drive a motor vehicle;
  • work in an enterprise that requires increased concentration;
  • work activities associated with the use of various chemicals and toxic substances;
  • work at height, due to changes in pressure, the patient’s condition may worsen.

There is a possibility of receiving group 3 disability in the absence of one eye if a person has lost his main profession:

  • pilot;
  • professional driver (in this case, confirmation of the driver’s commission on the person’s suitability to drive a vehicle is required);
  • air traffic controller;
  • military;
  • police officer.

This type of disability is not given for life. It is awarded to a person only for the period of professional rehabilitation. Most often they give only 1 year for this. At this time, the patient must undergo retraining and find a different profession. Then he is deprived of his group and additional benefits.

If a person had a profession that required mental activity and could be performed with a visual impairment, receiving temporary and permanent disability is impossible.

Necessary examinations

As mentioned above, the establishment of a disability group is carried out by MSEC, which includes several specialists who have sufficient qualifications for this procedure. To apply for disability, in addition to ophthalmological diagnostics, you must undergo a standard minimum of examinations: blood and urine tests, fluorography and an electrocardiogram (ECG).

To adequately assess the degree of loss of visual function and establish the appropriate disability group, the commission will require a complete list of eye examinations. For glaucoma, the following procedures are performed. Tonometry - determination of intraocular pressure using a Maklakov contact tonometer according to the Goldman method or using pneumotonometry.

Corneal thickness measurement – ​​used to correct intraocular pressure test results. With a wider cornea, the true pressure is lower than that determined by tonometry, and vice versa.

Biomicroscopy is an examination of the ocular media in a dark room using a slit lamp. The procedure allows you to diagnose changes in the lens, iris, cornea and vitreous body.

Gonioscopy is an examination of the anterior ocular chamber, accompanied by measurement of the width of the angle, detection of fusions - newly formed vessels and synechiae. Ophthalmoscopy is a visual examination of the fundus of the eye, providing an opportunity to assess the condition of the optic nerve.

Heidelberg retinotomography is a procedure that allows you to obtain a graphic image of the retina. Optical coherence tomography – diagnostics of the condition of the optic nerve, cornea and retina. As a result, it is possible to predict the further development of the disease.

If, in addition to glaucoma, the patient has other diagnoses, then they are also included in the referral to MSEC by the relevant specialists. When applying to the commission, you must have copies of the results of all tests completed.

In the referral, the doctor must describe in detail the course of the pathology and indicate all therapeutic measures taken. In some situations, MSEC may decide that disability is not indicated because all possible treatment options have not yet been exhausted.

Disability for glaucoma: is it given in Russia and how can you get it?

Good afternoon, dear readers! We continue to talk about the insidious eye disease - glaucoma. Because of it, a person can quickly lose vision. In this case, he is unable to work and has the right to disability.

Today in the article we will look at whether glaucoma gives you disability and what degree you can count on.

Factors that increase the risk of getting

The presence and severity of disability is determined depending on vision loss.

Since a decrease in acuity in glaucoma rarely occurs, they focus mainly on the width of the visual fields .

Starting from a narrowing of 40 degrees or less, the third degree of disability will be assigned. With further narrowing of the visual field, the severity of the disability increases. It is also influenced by other factors:

  • age has an aggravating effect on the course of glaucoma. Pensioners, of course, are at increased risk, but children do have glaucoma;
  • missing one eye;
  • glaucoma damage to both eyes;
  • the presence of concomitant diseases that aggravate the course of glaucoma: diabetes, vascular diseases, cataracts;
  • relapse after surgery.

Instrumental examinations

The establishment of the group is assigned to a special body - the medical and social expert commission (MSEC). These are several doctors of different specialties who have qualifications sufficient to approve disability for various diseases.

REFERENCE : In addition to ophthalmological examinations for disability, you should undergo a standard minimum of tests: blood and urine, fluorography, electrocardiography.

In order to correctly assess the degree of loss of function and approve the MSEC disability group, you will need a list of eye examinations. They are included in the referral to MSEC. For glaucoma, this is the following list of diagnostic methods:

  • Tonometry - measurement of intraocular pressure using a Maklakov contact tonometer, according to Goldman, or pneumotonometry.
  • Study of corneal thickness - to correct intraocular pressure. With a thicker cornea, the true pressure is lower than what tonometry shows and vice versa.
  • Biomicroscopy is an examination of the eye media using a slit lamp in a dark room. Detects changes in the lens, vitreous body, iris, and cornea.
  • Gonioscopy is an examination of the anterior chamber of the eye, measuring the width of the angle, identifying fusions - synechiae and newly formed vessels.
  • Ophthalmoscopy – examination of the fundus of the eye. Determines the condition of the optic nerve.
  • Heidelberg retinotomography – obtaining images of the retina.
  • Optical coherence tomography – evaluates the condition of the retina, optic nerve and cornea. Helps predict the progression of glaucoma.

All these examinations are prescribed and carried out by an ophthalmologist. If there are other diagnoses besides glaucoma, then all of them are recorded by the relevant medical specialists and referred to MSEC.

When contacting MSEC, you should have copies of all studies performed; it is very important not to forget some of the documents ! There is a long queue at the commission and each person is assigned a specific day of application, which cannot be missed.

IMPORTANT! In the referral, your attending physician describes in detail the course of glaucoma and all treatment measures taken. MSEC may decide that not all treatment options have been exhausted and therefore disability is not indicated.

Disability groups for glaucoma

Currently, Russian legislation approves three categories of disability. They differ in the severity of the patient’s loss of basic functions, including the ability to self-care, learn, work, move, and so on.

Glaucoma is an ophthalmological pathology characterized by increased intraocular pressure, which gradually leads to a narrowing of the visual fields, deterioration of visual acuity, and death of the optic nerve. If we talk about whether eye glaucoma causes disability, then it is worth understanding that this disease is a common reason for receiving a disability group due to the fact that it complicates the process of self-care and narrows the range of areas of activity in which a sick person can work.

Is glaucoma a disability?

Glaucoma is an ophthalmological pathology characterized by increased intraocular pressure, which gradually leads to a narrowing of the visual fields, deterioration of visual acuity, and death of the optic nerve.

If we talk about whether eye glaucoma causes disability, then it is worth understanding that this disease is a common reason for receiving a disability group due to the fact that it complicates the process of self-care and narrows the range of areas of activity in which a sick person can work.

What kind of glaucoma can cause disability?

Hello, dear friends! As you know, people who have suffered psychological or physical trauma in the past receive disability.

Among ophthalmological diseases, the first place in terms of disability of the population is occupied by glaucoma - a pathology of the organs of vision, in which there is an increase in the level of intraocular pressure.

This, in turn, affects a decrease in vision acuity, or even complete loss of vision.

The disease affects the patient’s ability to work, complicates all areas of activity, as well as the process of self-care. A person with partial or complete loss of vision, that is, with disabilities, has the right to claim disability for glaucoma. This issue has a lot of nuances and aspects that are dealt with by clinical and social ophthalmology.

Let me first talk about what disability groups exist, how to identify them, what factors are predisposing to obtaining this status, as well as how to live with glaucoma or defeat it once and for all.

Disability groups for glaucoma: characteristics and reasons for assignment

How often does this happen when, with “tolerable” symptoms of a disease, a person does not want to see a doctor or puts off going to the clinic until the last minute.

As a result, the disease continues to progress with age, becoming a serious problem that can destroy the patient's life.

This is one of the reasons for the large number of patients with ophthalmological diseases, the most insidious of which is glaucoma.

This disease may not manifest itself for a long time, developing and gradually worsening the patient’s visual vision. Without timely treatment, there is a high risk of complete loss of eye functionality. A full examination in the clinic, a number of necessary tests and checks will help determine the extent of the disease and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Disability specifically for glaucoma is divided into three groups, each of which can be assigned only according to clearly established rules:

  • the first category - a person cannot take care of himself, as he loses orientation in space, the ability to move independently, learn or normal communicate. This disability group is given to patients who have retained no more than 10% of vision with one or two visual organs of the full picture that healthy eyes can see;
  • second, a person is able to communicate with other people and take care of himself in almost everything. Movement is possible only with special orientation devices or other people. The ability to work is lost. This group is issued if it is possible to cover only 20% of the field from the whole picture;
  • third - assigned to patients in case of narrowing to less than 40% of the field of vision with two eyes, or under the same conditions with one organ of vision if the second is absent. Patients normally navigate in space and communicate with other people. They move on their own or with the help of a cane.

Important! Disability in three groups is assigned for glaucoma and cataracts, while the features and rules for distributing patients into categories are similar.

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Factors that accelerate disability due to illness

The disability group in Russia and Ukraine is determined relative to the width of the field of vision. So, starting from 40% of the volume of the whole picture and below, a category will be set - from 3 to the heaviest 1 group. Their choice is influenced by factors such as:

  • age - most often, the third group is assigned to pensioners and children;
  • the presence of only one visual organ;
  • concomitant internal or ophthalmological diseases that negatively affect the development of glaucoma;
  • relapses after surgery;
  • pathology in two eyes at once or with glaucoma and cataracts at the same time.

All this can speed up the process of obtaining a disabled group, but also entails a number of prohibitions for patients.

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Restrictions for the visually impaired

Disability not only means receiving social benefits, it is confirmation that the patient’s health has deteriorated and he needs to change his living conditions. For example, a person with glaucoma who has the third group can carry out work activities that are not related to:

  • with ultrasonic vibrations, vibration;
  • toxic substances, high-altitude work;
  • public transport management;
  • sudden temperature changes;
  • exposure to low temperatures;
  • physical activity;
  • tilting your head down.

Stages of glaucoma
As the disease progresses, the patient may lose most of the visual function, so you should not delay treatment, but try to preserve this one of the most important functions of the human body in any way. Modern medicine has many opportunities to stop glaucoma or minimize its manifestations, especially if the patient seeks help in the initial stages of development.


Preferential drug provision

For a patient undergoing inpatient treatment, the prescription of free medicines and medical products is NOT ALLOWED, with the exception of treatment in day hospitals at an outpatient clinic.

  • Constitution of the Russian Federation
  • Federal Law of July 17, 1999 No. 178-FZ “On State Social Assistance”
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 890 of July 30, 1994 “On state support for the development of the medical industry and improving the provision of medicines and medical products to the population and healthcare institutions”
  • Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation No. 110 dated February 12, 2007. “On the procedure for prescribing and prescribing medicines, medical products and specialized medical nutrition products”
  • Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated December 20, 2012 N 1175n, Moscow “On approval of the procedure for prescribing and prescribing medications, as well as forms of prescription forms for medications, the procedure for processing these forms, their recording and storage”
  • Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated September 18, 2006 No. 665 “On approval of the List of medicines dispensed according to doctor’s prescriptions when providing additional free medical care to certain categories of citizens entitled to receive social assistance”
  • Order of the Moscow Region Government dated 02/04/2013 No. 106 “On approval of the List of medicines and medical products necessary to provide for certain categories of citizens, for outpatient treatment according to doctor’s prescriptions free of charge and with a 50% discount”

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When and who assigns disability

When diagnosed with glaucoma, disability is often given. But which group will be assigned depends on the degree of development of the disease and how early it was detected and treated. In most cases, the group is given for glaucoma that has reached a serious stage, when a person can no longer perform some work, the disease leads to disability.

Disability is assigned by the Medical and Social Commission (MSEC) . It includes doctors of various specialties who have sufficient qualifications to determine the disability group.

To establish a group, MSEC doctors need the results of the following tests of the patient, which confirm the diagnosis:

  • determination of visual acuity;
  • measurement of intraocular pressure;
  • eye examination with a slit lamp;
  • fundus assessment to assess the condition of the optic nerve;
  • measuring corneal thickness;
  • assessment of the condition of the retina using Heidelberg retinotomography and optical coherence tomography, which, in addition to the retina, helps to identify the condition of the cornea and optic nerve.

Free medications for glaucoma

All drops for high eye pressure are divided into two large groups. The first includes drugs that inhibit the synthesis of aqueous humor (beta-blockers and carbonic anhydrase inhibitors), the second includes drugs that accelerate its outflow (prostaglandins, sympatho- and cholinomimetics).

There are also many glaucoma treatments available in the market. containing several active components at once. They have a pronounced hypotensive effect, due to which they can quickly and effectively lower IOP. Such medications are prescribed when ordinary drops no longer have the desired effect.

Disability groups for glaucoma

A patient (pensioner, working person, child) diagnosed with glaucoma can receive one of 3 disability groups.


Assigned if the narrowing of the visual fields is less than 40 degrees, visual acuity is 10-40% in the healthier eye. If one eye is affected, vision may be reduced to 5°, and the other eye may see 2% or be completely blind.


Narrowing of the visual fields up to 20 degrees with pathology of the optic nerve. On the part of the healthy eye, it remained within 4-10%.


The narrowing of the visual fields reaches 5°, visual acuity is 0. In the eye with the best indicators, visual acuity does not exceed 4%.

When establishing disability, concomitant chronic diseases of internal organs and ophthalmological pathologies, and the presence of only one organ of vision are taken into account. All these factors complicate the diagnosis and accelerate the process of obtaining disability.


All groups are given temporarily (3 and 2 for a year, 1 for two years). After the appointed period, pensioners and young people with glaucoma again need to undergo re-examination.

The group can be changed after re-examination if the patient’s condition has worsened, the visual field has narrowed, its acuity has decreased, the pathological process has affected the second eye, or the optic nerve has atrophied.

Disability can also be assigned indefinitely. This happens in the following cases:

  • the patient is blind in both eyes and treatment is unsuccessful;
  • one eye does not see, and the second has lost vision up to 3%, taking into account the correction;
  • in both eyes there was a narrowing of the visual fields to 10°.

Glaucoma 3rd degree disability

Glaucoma is an ophthalmological pathology characterized by increased intraocular pressure, which gradually leads to a narrowing of the visual fields, deterioration of visual acuity, and death of the optic nerve.

If we talk about whether eye glaucoma causes disability, then it is worth understanding that this disease is a common reason for receiving a disability group due to the fact that it complicates the process of self-care and narrows the range of areas of activity in which a sick person can work.

When and who assigns disability

When diagnosed with glaucoma, disability is often given. But which group will be assigned depends on the degree of development of the disease and how early it was detected and treated. In most cases, the group is given for glaucoma that has reached a serious stage, when a person can no longer perform some work, the disease leads to disability.

Disability is assigned by the Medical and Social Commission (MSEC) . It includes doctors of various specialties who have sufficient qualifications to determine the disability group.

To establish a group, MSEC doctors need the results of the following tests of the patient, which confirm the diagnosis:

  • determination of visual acuity;
  • measurement of intraocular pressure;
  • eye examination with a slit lamp;
  • fundus assessment to assess the condition of the optic nerve;
  • measuring corneal thickness;
  • assessment of the condition of the retina using Heidelberg retinotomography and optical coherence tomography, which, in addition to the retina, helps to identify the condition of the cornea and optic nerve.

You must take with you to the commission all the results of these examinations, as well as standard tests (blood, urine, fluorography). For the commission, a specific day is set for each person. If the doctors at the commission determine that not all treatment methods have been exhausted, they may not grant disability.

MSEC addresses several issues:

  1. Identifies the causes and extent of visual impairment.
  2. Determines work restrictions in accordance with the diagnosis.
  3. Sets rehabilitation deadlines.

A person has the right to disability if functional disorders of the visual organs are persistent and he needs long-term rehabilitation (more than six months), has partially or completely lost the ability to independently navigate in space, self-care, and cannot fully work.


Assigned if the narrowing of the visual fields is less than 40 degrees, visual acuity is 10-40% in the healthier eye. If one eye is affected, vision may be reduced to 5°, and the other eye may see 2% or be completely blind.


Narrowing of the visual fields up to 20 degrees with pathology of the optic nerve. On the part of the healthy eye, it remained within 4-10%.


The narrowing of the visual fields reaches 5°, visual acuity is 0. In the eye with the best indicators, visual acuity does not exceed 4%.

When establishing disability, concomitant chronic diseases of internal organs and ophthalmological pathologies, and the presence of only one organ of vision are taken into account. All these factors complicate the diagnosis and accelerate the process of obtaining disability.


All groups are given temporarily (3 and 2 for a year, 1 for two years). After the appointed period, pensioners and young people with glaucoma again need to undergo re-examination.

The group can be changed after re-examination if the patient’s condition has worsened, the visual field has narrowed, its acuity has decreased, the pathological process has affected the second eye, or the optic nerve has atrophied.

Disability can also be assigned indefinitely. This happens in the following cases:

  • the patient is blind in both eyes and treatment is unsuccessful;
  • one eye does not see, and the second has lost vision up to 3%, taking into account the correction;
  • in both eyes there was a narrowing of the visual fields to 10°.

Restrictions for the visually impaired

If glaucoma is detected, especially if a disability has been assigned, doctors recommend observing certain restrictions in everyday life and when choosing a profession.

He is prohibited from working in areas where the following negative factors are present:

  • contaminated water;
  • chemical substances;
  • heat;
  • high humidity;
  • vibration;
  • ultrasound.

Sick people should avoid working with physical exertion, at high altitudes, on night shifts, and with their heads constantly down (bending over). They are prohibited from being employed as vehicle drivers.

Disability and glaucoma of the eye - which group is given?

Glaucoma is the leading cause of blindness in patients, that is, their disability. This usually occurs in the later stages of the disease.

When choosing a disability group, the medical commission takes into account several factors:

  • If the affected eye sees at least 0.03 (with a unilateral process) or 0.5 (with a bilateral process), then the disability group is often not assigned.
  • With a pronounced deepening of the optic nerve head and narrowing of the visual field, a disability is assigned. The third group corresponds to visual acuity of 0.09-0.04, taking into account correction (the better seeing eye).
  • The second disability group corresponds to atrophy of the optic nerve fibers, narrowing of the visual fields (up to 20%). On the better-seeing eye, corrected vision is 0.04-0.08. There are also restrictions in work activity and a significant decrease in the quality of life.
  • The first disability group is assigned to patients who have developed complete blindness due to glaucoma.

Since glaucoma progresses, disability groups 2 and 3 are assigned for one year. The first disability group can be assigned immediately for two years. After this period, the patient undergoes a re-examination. Most often, a change in group occurs as a result of further narrowing of the visual field, decreased visual acuity, degeneration of optic nerve fibers, or bilateral eye damage.

Restrictions for the visually impaired

If glaucoma is detected, especially if a disability has been assigned, doctors recommend observing certain restrictions in everyday life and when choosing a profession.

He is prohibited from working in areas where the following negative factors are present:

  • contaminated water;
  • chemical substances;
  • heat;
  • high humidity;
  • vibration;
  • ultrasound.

Sick people should avoid working with physical exertion, at high altitudes, on night shifts, and with their heads constantly down (bending over). They are prohibited from being employed as vehicle drivers.

Author of the article: Bakhareva Elena Sergeevna, specialist for the website Share your experience and opinion in the comments.

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The study of the problem of social adaptation and preservation of working capacity of people with low vision, completely lost vision and people with disabilities due to diseases of these organs is dealt with by a separate direction in ophthalmology - clinical and social ophthalmology. It is specialists in this field who conduct medical and social examinations; their competence includes the assignment of disability due to pathology of the visual organs.

At the moment, disabled people include those people who have persistent disorders of the functions of organs and systems that occurred as a result of diseases, injuries, defects and led to limitation of life activity. Disabled people who are unable to care for themselves, who are forced to seek someone’s help for movement, orientation in space, communication, as well as those who cannot engage in labor activity, are disabled. Before reaching adulthood, an individual with disabilities is classified as a disabled child; after this age, he is defined as a disabled person.

During a medical and social examination, a large number of important issues for the person applying are resolved. In particular, the types and terms of rehabilitation are determined, the true cause of pathology in the organs of vision is clarified, and the degree of limitation of life activity is determined. During the examination, the condition of the visual organs, the degree of decrease in visual acuity are checked, and the issue of types of restrictions on work activity is decided. Based on the results of the commission, a verdict is made on the degree of disability, the reasons for its occurrence, the timing and limitation of working capacity, as well as what benefits a disabled person can claim. In addition, a rehabilitation program is being developed on a recommendatory basis.


If a patient with glaucoma has a disability, he must follow some recommendations regarding work activity. It is necessary to avoid vibration, ultrasound, and toxic substances. Patients should also avoid sudden changes in temperature, work in a polluted atmosphere, on night shifts, under constant stress or with their head down. Excessive physical activity should be avoided. People with glaucoma are not allowed to drive public transport or work at heights.

What grounds allow a person to be assigned one or another degree of disability?

A person is recognized as disabled if he has more than two characteristics:

  1. A persistent disorder in the functioning of organs and systems that occurs as a result of diseases, injuries, congenital or acquired defects.
  2. Complete or partial limitation in self-care, orientation, movement, training and inability to carry out work activities in full.
  3. The need for rehabilitation measures.

The first disability group is assigned for several years, and the second and third - only for a year. In the future, it is necessary to undergo re-examination and confirm the group. There are a number of diseases and conditions in which disability is given for an indefinite period.

Disability due to eye disease

Decreased vision and other types of visual impairments fall into the category of basic body functions. Therefore, persons who have complete or partial loss of vision in one or both eyes may qualify for the disability group.

Currently, there is a tendency not to provide disability for loss of vision in one eye. As long as the healthy eye fully copes with the load placed on it and has normal visual acuity, disability is not assigned. It is believed that a person is able to work, and therefore he has no restrictions on his ability to work. But if there is serious damage to one of the eyes and decreased vision in the second eye, the issue of disability will most likely be resolved positively.

If the difference between the eye that sees better and the eye that sees less is 0.3 or less, a disability is assigned unambiguously.

The third group implies visual acuity of a healthy eye from 0.1 to 0.3. The second group is assigned when the visual acuity of the healthier eye is from 0.1 to 0.05, while the first group of eyes sees only 0.04, down to 0.

Visual acuity is always determined with correction!

It is worth saying that the degree of impairment of the visual analyzer is verified according to the international classifier ICD 10 revision. It fully provides definitions by which the size of the impaired function is determined - visual acuity, visual fields, main indicators of electrophysiological measurements, performance of the sensory apparatus. These indicators can be comprehensively assessed to determine the degree of restriction of the organ’s work. There are three degrees of restriction in total.

General criteria for assigning disability

The criteria for assigning a person a disability are as follows:

  • serious disruptions in the functioning of organs and systems;
  • need for rehabilitation measures;
  • a person’s inability (total or partial) to take care of himself, navigate in space, move freely and work.

If the visual impairment is persistent or significant, this may be an indication for consideration of the issue of disability. This situation is resolved by the treating ophthalmologist. In order to receive disability, you need to go through a long journey. It begins with a thorough examination of the patient to assess visual function. If any violations are identified, the possibility of its correction is assessed.

If significant deviations in the condition of the organ of vision are detected, an examination is carried out taking into account existing chronic diseases. Documents prepared by an ophthalmologist, supplemented by the results of the study, are submitted to the medical commission for consideration. She decides whether or not to assign a disability to the patient. The committee then considers which group should be appointed.

Whether disability is given for this type of pathology depends on the severity of the negative process. Not all patients are entitled to this social status. According to modern standards, it is not customary to give disability for glaucoma in one eye if the other retains 100% vision or is in the range from 0.03 to 1 with the possibility of its correction. The medical commission also denies disability to patients with a bilateral pathological process while maintaining vision with the more seeing eye in the range from 0.5 to 1 with the possibility of its correction.

Medical and social examination

This is a special commission (MSEC) for assigning disability groups, which has a chairman and members: medical experts of various profiles.

The MSEC structure is stepwise:

  1. Federal Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise (ITU);
  2. Main bureaus of medical and social examination created in each subject of the federation.
  3. A territorial body that is a branch of the main bureau.
  4. Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise.

To undergo an examination, the patient must contact the ITU office at his place of residence. If there is a need for special examinations, the patient may be referred to the federal or main office.

List of free medicines for beneficiaries in 2020

But according to the law, they cannot refuse citizens access to pharmacies if they have a prescription and all the necessary documents. If a hospital or pharmacy refuses to dispense medications without money, you should contact the head doctor or administrator of the institution. If the conflict cannot be resolved peacefully, a statement stating that the person was not given medication is filled out, and the chief physician is required to sign it. This paper will be needed for the prosecutor's office.

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Information about free medications must be provided by the attending physician. If he does not do this on his own, then he certainly does not have the right to withhold data when asked. On the other hand, it’s easy to find the list on the Internet, on specialized sites. There is still a way out to contact the insurance organization that issued the policy to the patient.

Disability due to glaucoma

Glaucoma is an eye disease that ranks among the leading causes of disability. Disability due to glaucoma can occur due to injuries and injuries to the eyes, chemical burns, due to pathology of the iris, lens, cornea, inflammatory and dystrophic processes, endocrine, neurological disorders, concomitant eye diseases, as well as congenital abnormalities of the sensory apparatus.

Regarding glaucoma, recommendations have been developed that relate to the patient’s work activity. In particular, various harmful factors must be excluded in the work process - vibration, ultrasonic waves, air dust levels above acceptable standards, toxic substances that negatively affect nervous tissue and blood vessels. It is prohibited to allow persons with glaucoma to perform labor-intensive work with significant physical exertion, heavy lifting, night work, or work with a forced posture with their head down. Professions that cause neuro-emotional overload, as well as work with sudden changes in temperature, are not recommended.

If the field of vision is reduced, persons with this pathology are prohibited from working as public transport drivers or from working at heights.

In addition, there are restrictions in sports activities - any contact sports, sports exercises with lifting heavy weights, as well as training associated with strong tension in the visual analyzer and prolonged tilting of the head are prohibited.

Determination of the degree of disability in glaucoma

In case of glaucoma, the degree of disability is determined according to the following criteria (according to ICD H40−42):

  1. the degree is characterized by glaucoma of the initial stage, with the healthier eye seeing by 0.03−1.0, with bilateral glaucoma - 0.5−1.0 with correction by the better seeing eye. At this level there are no restrictions on life activity, there are only restrictions according to the medical advisory commission.
  2. the degree of disability is assigned when there is a significant deepening of the optic nerve head, narrowing of the visual field from 15 to 45° on the side of the nose, and on other sides by 20°. The decrease in visual acuity is 0.09−0.04 in the better-seeing eye with correction. If glaucoma is unilateral, then the decrease in visual acuity can be 0−0.02 or a concentric narrowing of the visual fields up to 5°. With this degree, the 1st degree of restrictions on orientation, ability to learn and work is assigned, and the 3rd disability group is also assigned.
  3. degree - narrowing of the visual field to 20°, atrophy of the optic nerve or marginal depression of the optic disc. Vision from the better seeing eye is from 0.04 to 0.08. Central or paracentral scotomas may be present. In this case, the degree of disability and life activity limitation is of the second degree and disability group 2 is assigned.
  4. the degree of visual impairment is almost complete blindness, in which there is a decrease in vision down to 0. In both eyes, visual acuity is not higher than 0.03, concentric narrowing of the visual fields to 5-10°. In this case, there is no discussion about the work process, life activity is limited to the maximum, a person can perform only minor self-care actions. 1st disability group is assigned.

Eye drops for glaucoma

These drugs constrict the pupil, and for this reason the iris is pulled away from the iridocorneal angle. As a result, free flow of fluid to the ocular drainage system is ensured and intraocular pressure is reduced.

The drugs have side effects. After instillation of drops with pilocarpine for 6 hours, miosis (constriction of the pupil) is observed, which is associated with a narrowing of the field of vision and a decrease in the clarity of the outlines of objects due to a spasm of accommodation. With prolonged use of the drug, dermatitis and allergic conjunctivitis may occur. In addition, in the case of the use of drugs containing pilocarpine by young people with glaucoma and concomitant myopia, there is a risk of peripheral retinal tears.

Reasons for assigning a group of permanent disability

Disability is acceptable if vision in the affected eye is less than 0.03 of normal values, and in case of bilateral damage - 0.5.

Another cause of disability is severe deepening of the nerve disc and narrowing of the fields. In this case, visual functions drop to 0.09-0.04 - these are criteria of group 3.

Complete atrophy of the nerve and narrowing of vision to 1/5 suggest group 2. For such a patient, a number of specialties become inaccessible, and problems arise in everyday life.

How to live with glaucoma

To prevent further deterioration of vision, the patient should know what not to do with glaucoma. First of all, you should forget about bad habits, change your lifestyle with glaucoma, your approach to nutrition, and even if work is required.

  1. Do not drink large amounts of liquid at one time. Optimally - no more than a glass of tea, juices, compotes, and first courses up to one and a half liters at a time.
  2. In your diet, you should exclude salty, smoked and fried foods, which can provoke thirst and increase fluid consumption. At this age, it is recommended to eat meat no more than 3-4 times a week, but it is advisable to increase the amount of vitamins and minerals at the expense of vegetables and fruits. Food should be enriched with dietary fiber to prevent constipation - additional effort during bowel movements can cause an increase in intraocular pressure.
  3. Smoking is strictly prohibited; nicotine has an extremely negative effect on the optic nerve and leads to a sharp deterioration in the condition of the visual analyzer.
  4. When doing garden work, it is prohibited to keep your head down; watering plants should only be done with a hose; lifting a weight of more than 5-6 kilograms is also prohibited. On bright and sunny days, you should use safety or medical glasses with green lenses. But glasses with tinted lenses are prohibited.
  5. Housework that is accessible by age is permitted, but there remains a restriction on staying with your head down for a long time.
  6. Watching TV shows should take place in a well-lit room.
  7. During sleep and rest, it is necessary to raise the head end with the help of pillows. It is not recommended to cover windows with thick curtains, which prevent the penetration of natural light.
  8. When consulting or adjusting treatment for concomitant diseases, the doctor should be warned about the presence of glaucoma. This is due to the fact that for this disease it is strictly forbidden to use drugs that contain atropine.
  9. Visits to the ophthalmologist should be made quarterly. In addition, a patient with glaucoma must independently monitor blood pressure and take blood tests at the clinic to monitor the prothrombin index and blood lipid levels.

Regional benefits for medicines in 2020

  • patients with cerebral palsy,
  • retired military officers, officers,
  • conscripts,
  • winners of military awards,
  • patients with dystrophy,
  • citizens diagnosed with oncology, blood diseases,
  • those suffering from leprosy,
  • schizophrenics,
  • asthmatics,
  • those suffering from tuberculosis, rheumatism,
  • diabetics,
  • HIV-infected,
  • have had a heart attack (within 6 months), transplantation, heart valve replacement.
  • All subsidized medications are provided only with a properly executed prescription. Moreover, the procedure for issuing it at the regional level is usually much simpler and faster than at the federal level. A subsidized prescription is issued for a special purpose. form. It is not considered valid without the signature of the attending doctor and the seal of the clinic.
  • In addition to the prescription, you need to collect a package of documentation to confirm your eligibility.
  • The preference is assigned in the form of a cash subsidy, the amount of which is determined at the national level.
  • You can receive money either from the Pension Fund upon presentation of your passport, or directly to a bank card.
  • Preferential medications are usually dispensed only in certain pharmacies, the names and addresses of which will be provided along with the names of the medications in each specific region.
  • All receipts should be kept if the region provides partial compensation for purchased medications once a year.
  • Financially well-off areas can, at their own expense, expand the number of drug recipients and include additional drugs in the standard package.

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Work restrictions for people with third group disability

For people suffering from mild glaucoma (in which disability has not yet been received or group 3 has already been given), work should not be related to:

  • vibration;
  • ultraviolet radiation;
  • height;
  • neurotoxic poisons;
  • substances affecting blood vessels;
  • night shifts;
  • power loads;
  • sudden changes in temperature;
  • the need to lower your head for long periods of time.
  • high humidity and contaminated water;
  • driving vehicles.

Strength sports, contact martial arts, and weightlifting are prohibited.

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