Why did the eye become larger than the other? The eyes became different sizes - one smaller than the other. Causes, treatment. How to explain the phenomenon

Infectious diseases

Especially often, this phenomenon occurs due to infectious eye diseases.
They are the cause of swelling of the eyelids and one eye seems noticeably enlarged in size. There is no need to despair; this condition will certainly pass after appropriate therapy. The most common “culprits” of inflammation are conjunctivitis and barley. The mucous membrane, in both cases, is attacked by pathogens of various natures. Treatment of such infections requires the use of local antibacterial agents. However, such drugs, as well as the diagnosis, must be determined by an ophthalmologist. Self-medication very often leads to a worsening of the condition. In this regard, there is no point in “joking” with the swelling of the eye.

It is important to mention that bacterial inflammatory processes, along with some swelling of the eyes, also cause redness, purulent discharge and lacrimation. Therefore, it is quite easy for a qualified doctor to recognize them and prescribe effective treatment.

For no apparent reason

A particularly dangerous situation is when there are no prerequisites for swelling of the eye, but one eye has become smaller than the other. This phenomenon can cause some neurological ailments, as well as more serious diseases. They lie in the internal processes of the body. This condition sometimes returns to normal after some time.


Perhaps they are associated with diseases, and such an increase is just a symptom. To understand, you should indicate the main reasons for this condition:

  • Eye diseases of infectious nature. For example, inflammation of the lacrimal canal and conjunctivitis can lead to deep damage to the internal tissues of this organ. A manifestation of the infection will be swelling of one of the eyes.
  • Facial nerve neuropathy. Such diseases often lead to seizures. Muscle contraction can be so pronounced that the face becomes asymmetrical. For example, the corner of the lip is lowered, the eye is enlarged. An increase or decrease occurs due to spasms of the facial muscles. In this case, neuropathy leads to fixation of their distorted position.
  • Cerebrovascular accidents very rarely cause changes in the apparent size of the eye. They create a strong pressure inside the skull. High intraocular pressure may develop. Combined with blood stagnation, this leads to enlargement of the eye.
  • Injuries to the head or eyes lead to changes in size. Thus, from a strong blow to the occipital region, the eye can move out of its orbit to some distance. He will remain in this position if he does not resort to the help of surgeons.
  • A brain tumor affects intracranial pressure. Facial muscles are damaged. As a result, the eye can become larger or smaller. For example, it may turn out to be half-closed.
  • Inflammation of the trigeminal nerve leads to convulsive muscle contraction. Its inflammation is associated with injuries and severe hypothermia. As a result, the face becomes distorted and asymmetrical. Consequently, the eye may become enlarged due to cramps that tighten the skin.
  • Myasthenia gravis is also a nervous pathology that affects the facial muscles. As the disease progresses, ptosis of the eyelids occurs. One of them can be pulled downwards, which will create a feeling of enlargement of the eye.
  • Ophthalmoplegia consists of complete immobility of muscles. In this case, the eye may be partially closed by the eyelid. This creates a visible sensation of the apple shrinking.
  • Allergic reactions can lead to changes in size. As the reaction to the stimulus develops, the eye may be almost closed by the eyelid due to swelling.

The listed reasons are the main ones. But medicine knows the facts of congenital pathology, when the eyes have different sizes.

The meaning of eye asymmetry in physiognomy and esotericism

A person with an asymmetrical face always arouses interest among others. Such people were credited with supernatural abilities and were considered dangerous. The science of esotericism also has characteristics for these individuals. If an adult has different eyes and an asymmetrical face, it is considered that he is insincere, two-faced, and dishonest. Physiognomy also has a similar description of such a disorder; here attention is also paid to which side differs from the norm. If the left one is an intelligent adult and knows how to think logically, the right one is prone to rash actions, since he is used to relying only on feelings, without taking into account the logic of actions and the possible consequences of the situation.


It is known that even a minor bruise in the eye area often causes swelling, which visually enlarges the eye. It is necessary to treat such injuries depending on the manifestations. However, consultation with a specialist will certainly be required in the event of such an injury. The only thing you are allowed to do on your own is to apply cold to the eye if the impact does not damage the internal structures, but only its outer shell. The cold will help relieve inflammation a little and the size of the tumor will decrease. However, it is necessary to remember that cold (ice) should only be applied by wrapping it in several layers of gauze or fabric, otherwise you can also cause a thermal burn, which definitely will not improve the appearance of the eye.

Other reasons why one eye sees worse than the other

Deterioration of vision in one eye may occur due to:

  1. Conjunctivitis.
    This is one of the most common infections that occurs in both children and adults. The inflammatory process usually affects one eye, but in the absence of hygiene and proper care it can spread to the second. Characteristic signs are swelling, lacrimation, pain in the eye, and blurred vision. During the treatment process, special drops are used, often from the category of antibacterial drugs. Self-medication is prohibited, as it can lead to serious complications.
  2. Herpes infection.
    The lesion is observed on the cornea of ​​the eye. Cases of the disease are more often recorded in the autumn-winter period. The occurrence of the disease is due to decreased immunity and lack of vitamins. Treatment is aimed at suppressing the activity of the virus.
  3. Cataracts.
    The cause of the disease is retinal detachment. The inflammatory process leads to blurred vision and pain. Restoring the impaired function in this case is possible only through a surgical operation, during which the affected lens is replaced with a new one.
  4. Barley.
    Characteristic signs of its formation are compaction and hyperemia. A small abscess begins to form, which bursts after 5-7 days. It is advisable to consult a doctor at the first symptoms, since treatment started at an early stage can stop the development of inflammation.
  5. Glaucoma.
    The development of glaucoma can be indicated by sharp pain in the eye, eye hyperemia, and the appearance of a “veil.” Attacks of nausea and vomiting may occur. The occurrence of such symptoms should be a reason to consult a doctor.

The reason why vision decreases in one eye may lie in cervical osteochondrosis. The pathology leads to compression of the aorta, which runs along the spinal column and provides the optic nerve with complete blood circulation.

To avoid worsening the condition, experts advise adhering to the following recommendations:

  • perform eye exercises;
  • take a contrast shower (wash first with hot, then with cold water);
  • use artificial tears to moisturize the mucous membranes of the eyes;
  • make compresses with parsley juice or black tea;
  • use hypoallergenic and natural cosmetics;
  • perform a light eye massage (patting, stroking to improve blood circulation).


It should be remembered that ptosis of the upper eyelid cannot simply disappear. To cure this disease, surgery will be required.

The earlier treatment was started, the greater the chance of maintaining vision.

If ptosis was caused by a chronic disease, then first you need to eliminate this factor, and only then carry out surgery. The operation is performed by an ophthalmic surgeon under local anesthesia. In case of surgery in children, it is done

general anesthesia. The procedure lasts on average about one and a half hours.

Stages of the operation:

  1. Removal of a strip of skin on the upper eyelid.
  2. Incision of the orbital septum.
  3. Division of the muscular aponeurosis.
  4. Removal of part of a muscle (shortening).
  5. Suturing the muscle to the cartilage of the eyelid.
  6. Cosmetic suture application.

After the operation, a sterile bandage is applied for a couple of hours.

Bruising and swelling disappear within a week after surgery.

It is not possible to cure ptosis at home, the only exception being age-related drooping of the upper eyelid. To do this, you can use various cosmetics that nourish and tighten the skin of the eyelids.

But you should not expect a quick result, especially if the ptosis is severe.

Surgery to correct ptosis. Before and after the procedure


After surgery to eliminate ptosis of the upper eyelid, the following complications can sometimes occur:

  • Conjunctivitis in an adult. But it goes away quickly with proper treatment.
  • Watery eyes, fear of light, visual disturbances, drooping eyelids. These complications are temporary and disappear fairly quickly.
  • After surgery, asymmetry sometimes appears. It disappears over time, but sometimes it can persist forever.
  • It is extremely rare that eyelid ectropion may occur. It requires conservative treatment, sometimes another operation is needed.


As preventive measures to prevent the appearance of ptosis of the upper eyelid, experts call:

  1. Timely diagnosis of this disease, treatment of diseases that provoke ptosis;
  2. Thorough examination and management of pregnancy;
  3. Maintaining a daily routine;
  4. Refusal of alcohol and drugs;
  5. Physical activity;
  6. Proper nutrition (eat foods that are good for your eyesight)

What is destruction of the vitreous body and what modern treatment methods are available.

Treatment of chalazion of the upper eyelid in a child: why it is so important to consult a doctor in a timely manner, read this article.

Selection of vision glasses according to face shape: https://eyesdocs.ru/ochki/podbor/osobennosti-doya-korrekcii-zreniya.html

Bulbar syndrome

This is a serious condition caused by pathological processes in the brain. When the pathology is in the initial stages of development, it can also manifest itself as a change in eye size. At this time, it is very important to immediately seek qualified medical help, because the further development of this condition threatens with tragic consequences, including paralysis, which will not allow the affected eye to function normally. Usually, a change in the size of the eye is accompanied by damage to the eyelids. In the affected eye, their closure is incomplete, and the shape of the eyes changes.

The described symptoms may indicate the occurrence of a brain tumor. After all, the problem with all cancer diseases is their long asymptomatic course. Often such diseases are recognized only at advanced stages. Therefore, if one eye has become smaller than the other, it is better to hurry up and consult a specialist.

Why does facial asymmetry occur?

If one eye has become smaller than the other suddenly and for no apparent reason, you should urgently consult a doctor. This phenomenon may be associated with such serious disorders as:

  • neuropathy of the facial nerve. The pathology is accompanied by strong muscle contractions, which causes facial features to become unsymmetrical and the eyes to appear different;
  • inflammation of the trigeminal nerve. The disease is expressed in convulsive contraction of the facial muscles. Severe cramps lead to tightening of the skin, so the size of the eyes changes;
  • tumor neoplasms of the brain. They affect intracranial pressure and cause damage to the facial muscles. Due to such changes, one eye appears to be half closed;
  • myasthenia gravis. This is a neuralgic disease in which facial muscles are distorted. One of the organs of vision becomes smaller due to convulsive muscle spasms.

Neurological diseases such as epilepsy, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases can also cause changes in eye size. They are accompanied by muscle dysfunction that weakens or becomes paralyzed. The eyelid drops lower or moves to the side.

In children under the age of 3-4 years, there is not very pronounced asymmetry of the eyes. This is a normal phenomenon, since the facial muscles are at the stage of formation. But even in this case, you need to consult an ophthalmologist to distinguish physiological asymmetry from pathological one.

The reasons leading to facial asymmetry can be congenital or acquired.

There are two main reasons for the development of such a visual deviation: congenital or acquired.

These include: • defect in the formation of the temporomandibular joint; • abnormal structure of the skull; • pathology of the formation of the neck muscles (on one side); • general underdevelopment of the lower jaw; • various defects in connective tissue or muscles.

Acquired asymmetry can occur as a result of: • inflammation, injury or pinching of the endings in the facial nerve; • visual defects due to strabismus; • bite pathologies, problems with teeth or jaw; • in the absence of teeth on one half of the jaw; • various facial and jaw injuries, facial bone fractures;

In children, this defect develops with muscular or neurogenic torticollis, congenital shortening on one side of the sternocleidomastoid muscle.

Facial asymmetry also occurs with aging of the entire human body or with age-related diseases.


Most often, it is the right half that is larger and wider, and the left half is tender.

In the presence of natural asymmetry, the difference in size between the right and left sides of the face is not pronounced (about 2-3 mm), only the overall proportionality is slightly disturbed.

Most often, it is the right half that is larger and wider, and the left half is delicate and has a smoother appearance, but these deviations are not pronounced, so there is no reason to worry.

If there is neuropathy of the facial nerve, then the indicated differences in the symmetry of the face are more visible, and their clinical picture is more pronounced: • in the affected half of the face there is weakness in the facial muscles and it becomes like a mask; • nasolabial and frontal folds are less noticeable; • the palpebral fissure increases;

• the corners of the mouth fall down; • the affected part acquires a pained or crying expression; • it is difficult to move the facial muscles, close your eyes, wrinkle your forehead; • speech and articulation are impaired, it is difficult to eat, because it just falls out of your mouth; • painful sensations are noted in the affected nerve.

Facial asymmetry in children occurs due to muscular torticollis or when lying in a crib on one side for a long time. Most often, part of the face is smoothed, the jaw angle is smaller, the head is tilted towards the affected side, and parts of the face (in the area of ​​the cheek and head) are flatter.

What treatment is prescribed?

The diagnosis is based on a complex of laboratory and hardware diagnostics.
Before starting therapy, it is important to find out the reasons why the eye is enlarged and located lower than the other. Therefore, you cannot do without a visit to an ophthalmologist. The doctor will give you a referral for a number of diagnostic procedures and laboratory tests. Only after an accurate diagnosis is made, a treatment regimen is prescribed.

With the progression of infectious-inflammatory pathology, ophthalmic drugs are prescribed in the form of drops, ointments or gels that have an antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. The medicine is used in the morning, afternoon and evening, the course of treatment with antibiotics is at least 5-7 days. For some diseases, drug treatment is ineffective, then the doctor decides to perform surgical intervention. To correct facial asymmetry, it is also recommended to give injections to correct a cosmetic defect. You can highlight your advantages and hide imperfections on your face with the help of decorative cosmetics. There are special types of makeup that visually correct the appearance, making it impossible to notice a flaw.

Different eye sizes in young children

Doctors state that the most harmless condition occurs when there is a difference in the size of the eyes in children from 3 to 5 years old. At this age, the formation of the muscular system occurs and slight asymmetry of the eyes actually occurs. However, even in such a situation, it would not be superfluous to consult an ophthalmologist, and in some cases, a neurologist. If the conclusion of these specialists is positive and the condition itself does not cause any particular concern, all that remains is to wait until the growing body corrects everything on its own, because such a condition does not require treatment.

Main reasons

Bulbar syndrome

This is a dangerous disorder in which, in addition to the fact that one eye becomes larger than the other, other symptoms are also disturbing - impaired speech and swallowing function. In humans, bulbar palsy occurs due to the development of pathologies such as:

  • syringobulbia;
  • stroke;
  • Lyme disease;
  • brain damage;
  • tumors affecting the brain stem.

Trauma is a common cause of facial asymmetry

In cases of injury, it is necessary to conduct an examination for damage to the inside of the eye.
A person's different eye sizes may be a consequence of the influence of a traumatic factor. After an injury, swelling and deformation of the eyelids almost always occur. As a result, the victim notes that the damaged organ has shrunk, as if it were covered, but the condition of the eyeball is not affected. If there is no other damage, this is not a dangerous condition. The injured organ of vision gradually opens, as swelling and hematoma subside after 2-3 days. If the eyeball of the right or left eye is damaged, an unnatural depression forms in the orbit, and the organ loses its elasticity, becoming soft. Such a violation is dangerous and difficult to correct, since there is a high risk of atrophy and complete loss of visual function.

Eye infections

In a child or adult, the eyes become different due to damage to the mucous membrane by an infectious pathogen and the development of inflammation, for example, conjunctivitis, blepharitis, barley. On the eyelids of the larger eye, the patient notices swelling or an abscess, redness, and the organ of vision also hurts a little when pressed. In this case, adequate antibacterial treatment will be required, thanks to which within 4-6 days the right or left organ will become the same as before.

Allergic reaction

Redness and swelling are common reactions to the allergen.
It can appear in a newborn baby, an older child, and also in an adult. The main cause of allergies is the body's intolerance to a foreign protein. The pathology causes edema, which causes the eyelids to swell and it becomes noticeable that one eye has become larger than the other. With age, allergies may disappear; common allergens are animal hair, milk, household chemicals, and plant pollen.

Neurological diseases

Asymmetry of the eyeballs, in which one eye is deeper and the other is more convex, is often a consequence of disorders of a neurological nature - neuritis and neuropathies. Due to disruption of muscle innervation, muscle dysfunction develops; in addition, the patient’s vision deteriorates and other symptoms bother him.

Why does a child's eye become bulging?

If at birth a baby has one eye higher than the other, and the pupil moves faster or slower, this may be a symptom of a congenital pathology or a neurological disorder acquired at the time of birth. In this case, the disease is diagnosed immediately, during the first examination by a pediatrician. Sometimes different eyes in a baby do not indicate any disease and are an individual feature. The doctor will advise monitoring the baby; if no abnormalities are noticed, then the baby is healthy.

Eye asymmetry: why one eye became smaller than the other

Violation of the symmetry of the visual organs is associated with infectious diseases, bulbar syndrome, and injuries.

Bulbar syndrome

Bulbar syndrome is a pathology in which the functions of the cranial nerves, the nuclei of which are located in the medulla oblongata, are disrupted. There is a disorder of the motor innervation of the muscles of the neck and head.

A change in the size of one of the eyes is associated with a violation of the innervation of the periocular muscles. The eyelid of the affected organ of vision stops closing.

Changes in the size of the organs of vision may be associated with infectious diseases. Asymmetry is provoked by inflammatory diseases such as conjunctivitis, barley, and blepharitis.

Another infectious disease that causes asymmetry is severe endophthalmitis, an infection of the internal structures of the organ of vision. If you ignore the symptoms, atrophy of the eyeball will occur, which can lead to severe visual impairment. The change in size is associated with severe swelling of the skin of the eyelid.

What are the symptoms of exophthalmos

The symptoms of exophthalmos are as follows:

  • noticeable protrusion of one or both eyeballs;
  • pulsation in a pathologically located eyeball (not always);
  • inability to close the eyes completely (in advanced or severe forms);
  • dryness, pain, irritation, “sand” in the eyes;
  • double vision;
  • blurred vision.

The following symptoms are associated not so much with bulging eyes themselves, but with its causes:

  • pain when rotating the eyeballs;
  • difficulty controlling the eyeballs;
  • headaches;
  • noise and “whistle” in the ears;
  • dizziness;
  • fatigue and drowsiness.

If an adult or a child has one eye larger than the other, and the difference is significantly noticeable, it is necessary to urgently visit an ophthalmologist and find out the reasons for this disorder. Sometimes the eyes look asymmetrical due to the development of an inflammatory ophthalmological disease, but there are situations when one organ becomes wider than the other due to the progression of a dangerous internal pathology.

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