Why the eyeball hurts: causes and treatment


In addition to the pain in the eye sockets, accompanying symptoms appear. They depend on the pathological process and the nature of the disease. Diagnosis is difficult. Most ophthalmic diseases have symptoms such as pain and redness. Associated symptoms:

  • swelling;
  • nervousness;
  • decreased visual acuity;
  • redness;
  • sensation of a foreign object in the eyes;
  • increased and uncontrolled lacrimation;
  • itching;
  • burning.

The pain has a different character. Despite this, such symptoms should not be ignored. At the first manifestations, you should consult an ophthalmologist. Especially if the pain does not go away within two days and is persistent. In most cases, such symptoms indicate the presence of serious illnesses.

Diagnostic and treatment methods

To relieve eye pain, it is necessary to formulate a comprehensive treatment. It should be based on drugs that will get rid of the cause of the pathology and painful symptoms.

Drops to relieve pain and fatigue

When choosing drops, you should pay attention to those drugs that, in addition to relieving pain and having a vasoconstrictor effect, can also stop inflammation.

If, in addition to pain, you notice the development of a purulent process, then treatment must be supplemented with antibacterial drugs.

To eliminate fatigue and pain, you can use the following drops:

  1. Systane. With the help of this drug, restoration processes are launched in the tissues of the visual organ.
  2. Visine. Constricts blood vessels and relieves redness very quickly.
  3. Likontin. Its action is aimed at restoring the proper functioning of the glands that produce tear fluid.

Drops to relieve pain and redness

Eyeball hurts when pressed

If the eye hurts when pressed, this may be a sign of increased intraocular pressure, the presence of neoplasms, the development of glaucoma, or post-traumatic syndrome. Often this pain is characteristic of tired eyes. If it hurts to press and it radiates inwards, then this happens when sand or other small particles get into the eye. Such signs occur when blood vessels are damaged. Main reasons:

  • Excessive strain on the eyes. This leads to fatigue and stress. Such symptoms are often encountered by people who constantly work on computers. This leads to the development of dry eye syndrome. It is accompanied by discomfort and pain. To eliminate this syndrome, you need to use moisturizing drops and give your eyes a chance to rest.
  • Chronic glaucoma. The disease is accompanied by the fact that the damaged eye hurts inside, especially when blinking or pressing. In poor lighting, a person suffers from decreased visual acuity.
  • Presence of tumors. With the development of neoplasms, one of the signs is this type of pain.

Symptoms may be in one eye or both. Glaucoma usually affects one eye. Diagnosis will require a thorough examination.

Why does my head hurt and put pressure on my eyes?

  1. Intoxication, brain damage and infectious eye pathologies.
  2. Sinusitis and frontal sinusitis (sinus diseases).
  3. Increased intraocular pressure.
  4. Eye injuries.

Often this combination of symptoms and signs can be observed in diseases affecting the ocular appendages, in particular with dacryocystitis, leading to inflammation of the lacrimal glands, and mebeitis.

Doctors give an impressive list of reasons. In most cases, timely initiation of treatment allows you to quickly and completely get rid of the unpleasant syndrome.

The main thing is not to delay going to the doctor, not to try to solve the problem with the help of painkillers and not to get carried away with traditional medicine without the permission of a specialist.


Often, a mild headache pressing on the eyes turns out to be the cause of eye fatigue due to prolonged eye strain or working at the computer. It doesn't bother you so much as it distracts you from your usual activities.

In this case, blurred vision and decreased visual acuity are observed, pain is localized in the temples and back of the head. Red eyes appear dry or, on the contrary, become very watery. If you ignore the condition, it will be accompanied by general weakness, weakness, dizziness and nausea.


Do you experience pain in your eyes when you try to look up or to the side? This is a clear signal that the eye muscle is not normal. Modern man cannot imagine his life without electronic gadgets - computers, tablets, mobile phones.

All these devices increase the load on the visual organs several times, which negatively affects their functioning and can lead to the development of myopia. If you spent the whole day looking at the monitor, then in the evening it will hurt you to look up.

However, high loads on the organs of vision are not the only reason for such discomfort.

Doctors identify several reasons why the eye hurts when turning the eye, namely:

  • Colds (ARVI, sinusitis, flu);
  • Migraine (pain radiates to the head and temples);
  • Inflammation and swelling of the soft tissues around the eyes;
  • Pathology of the oculomotor nerve;
  • Myositis or blepharitis;
  • Glaucoma.

You need to immediately make an appointment with an ophthalmologist if, in addition to pain in your eyes when turning them, you feel pain, react negatively to bright light, or feel that your visual acuity has decreased.

The eyeball hurts and radiates to the head

When there is pain inside the eyes and radiates to the head, a person is in a painful state. To reduce such symptoms, you have to look for a comfortable position. In addition, dizziness, nausea, and loss of coordination may occur. Such symptoms may indicate hypertension, migraine, or increased intraocular pressure.

With hypertension, additional black spots may appear before the eyes.

Glaucoma is accompanied by discomfort when moving. It is difficult for the patient to focus vision on a specific object. These symptoms may be accompanied by nausea. The occurrence of intracranial pressure causes pain in the forehead and eyes. The patient often suffers from insomnia.

The presence of migraine is accompanied by sensitivity to light. A person reacts painfully to loud sounds and music. Increased irritability and nervousness.

Often such symptoms occur due to disorders of the vascular system. The pain syndrome may intensify with a sudden movement of the head. Among serious diseases, ischemic stroke should be highlighted. Its occurrence is accompanied by severe pain and blurred vision.

Common causes of eye pain

It is not uncommon for many people to experience pain when moving their eyeballs. The appearance of these pain sensations causes anxiety, which often may not be unfounded.

Most often, pain can be caused by the following.


This is a fairly common cause of pain. Indeed, in our modern life, people spend a very large part of their time on a computer, tablet and other gadgets. Pain occurs as a result of constant overstrain of the eye muscles.

Incorrectly fitted contact lenses or glasses

Additionally, a headache may occur. It is very simple to check: the pain disappears when you remove your glasses or lenses.

High blood pressure

With high blood pressure, a person additionally experiences:

  • headache;
  • sometimes nausea and vomiting occurs.

Important! Pain is felt inside the eye when moving.

The eyeball is sore and red

The eyes are a unique organ in the human body. Because of their sensitivity, they are equipped with protection – for centuries. But it is not always possible to protect the mucous membrane from small particles. If pain is felt inside, then you need to examine the eye and check for the presence of foreign substances in it. The ingress of sand and debris is accompanied by severe pain and redness. Uncontrollable tearing also occurs. This is a natural protective function that helps small particles come out of the eyes on their own.

Vascular diseases are also accompanied by such symptoms. Capillaries in the sclera often burst, causing redness. This may be affected by exposure to strong winds and cold. When local blood flow is disrupted, the following symptoms occur. Excessive strain on the eyes may cause dryness.

When the eye muscles suffer from overstrain, this causes pain. Long-term reading, working at the computer, and prolonged watching of TV negatively affect the condition of the visual organs, especially in low light conditions. This leads to spasm. If you do not begin to eliminate such symptoms in time, deformation of the eyeball may occur. The pain syndrome may intensify when blinking.

Allergic conjunctivitis can also cause red and painful eyes. In addition, severe itching and uncontrollable lacrimation occur. Inflammation of the conjunctiva may occur. Diagnosis will require an examination by an ophthalmologist and an allergist. Antihistamines and antiallergic drops for topical use will help eliminate such symptoms.


The visual organ system has natural protection from bacterial and mechanical damage, but its structures can still be affected by viral, fungal pathogens, microbes, and other organisms.

Do not forget about harmful professional factors such as stress, lack of sleep, constant presence at the computer, which have a negative impact on the condition of the analyzer and can cause various problems, including pain when moving the eyeball.

The main causes of pain when turning the eyeballs and blinking:

  1. Local and systemic pathologies that cause vasoconstriction and disrupt cerebral blood supply. These are ischemia and various vascular pathologies. If there is not enough blood flowing into the apple of the eye, pain will appear - only on one side or in both organs at once;
  2. Problems with the health of the nasal sinuses, infections - in some diseases, infections enter the eyes from nearby organs and systems;
  3. Foreign bodies - accidentally, as a result of injuries, harmful conditions of professional activity;
  4. Fatigue – of the eye or the whole body. Very often, severe pain when moving the eyeball occurs in people who spend a lot of time in front of a computer monitor or experience increased visual stress in low light;
  5. Dry mucous membranes are a common side effect of computer work and constant contact with aggressive environments (for example, dusty air, chemical fumes). The problem can be partially solved by the constant use of moisturizing drops.

Pain in both eyes may indicate fatigue; in one eye it is often a symptom of visual pathology.

The foreign body must be removed; the problem is that it is not always possible to do this right away. If you get it or suspect it, contact your doctor, and he will tell you what to do. If there is strong pressure in the eyes, the blood vessels narrow and may burst, which is fraught with various unpleasant consequences.

It is advisable to undergo a bacterial culture - the analysis shows the presence of infections, and based on its results, the doctor will be able to prescribe adequate treatment. There is no need to think about where the infection could come from - there are many options (for example, ARVI or chronic sinusitis), it is important to take measures in a timely and correct manner.

Overexertion, fatigue

The eyes often hurt due to severe overstrain. If the corresponding sensations appear suddenly and do not go away for a long time, you need to rest. The corresponding symptom may occur after prolonged concentration on a specific subject or simply constantly sitting at the computer. The person himself does not get tired, but the eyes, the muscles that hold them, are in constant tension.

Stress and lack of sleep also cause visual fatigue and the development of chronic fatigue syndrome (systemic exhaustion). Therefore, do exercises regularly or at least just get distracted for a while - blink often, look into the distance, in different directions. The fact is that the muscular structures of the orbit, which are attached to the sclera and regulate the movements of the eyeball, ensure the normal focusing process. While we perceive information from the outside, they become overexerted and tired. If tension indicators do not change for a long time (for example, when reading small text), the muscles become tired, and the acuity of visual function decreases.

Incorrectly prescribed contact lenses and glasses cause similar results. The organs of vision are constantly overstrained, pain occurs when moving the eyeballs, and migraines occur. At the same time, a person begins to see normally when he takes off his glasses or contacts, but his head hurts for quite a long time.

Be sure to consult a doctor if pain occurs, especially if fatigue and other provoking factors have been eliminated, but discomfort remains. The doctor must accurately determine the cause of the problem, make a diagnosis, and begin treatment.

Inflammatory processes

Pain in the eyes when looking to the sides, up, or down often appears against the background of inflammatory diseases. Sometimes symptoms appear immediately, sometimes it takes a long time. The examination is mandatory, since there are very dangerous visual pathologies, the lack of treatment of which can lead to blindness. Provoking agents – fungi, viruses, microbes. Inflammation may develop against the background of eye injury.


Main diseases:

  • Conjunctivitis - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye, can have different forms, each of which is characterized by a specific clinical picture;
  • Keratitis - inflammatory processes in the cornea;
  • Iritis - pathological changes in the iris;
  • Iridocyclitis is an inflammatory disease of the iris, ciliary gel-like body;
  • Scleritis - affects the sclera (white of the eye);
  • Horsoiditis - vascular pathological changes;
  • Endophthalmitis - purulent processes in the internal parts of the organ;
  • Panophthalmitis is an acute inflammatory reaction in all parts of the structure.

Keratitis develops independently or with conjunctivitis; it is characterized by impaired transparency of the cornea, the appearance of nodular formations, and spasticity of the eyelids.

Conjunctivitis progresses quickly, pain appears almost immediately, it is especially severe when turning the eyes, purulent discharge is not typical for all forms. Attacks can be provoked by weakness, overheating or hypothermia, and microtrauma of the conjunctival membrane. The main danger is the transition of the pathology to a chronic form. With timely and adequate treatment, the prognosis is favorable.

With iritis, the eyes hurt if you rotate them or apply pressure. At first these are the only symptoms, then the shade of the iris changes, the pupil becomes small, and the reaction to light slows down. Against the background of iritis, iridocyclitis can develop - paired pathologies are more common. The acute course of iridocyclitis takes about one and a half months, then the pathology becomes chronic, and normal visual acuity decreases.

When inflammation of endophthalmos occurs, the vitreous body suffers, the pain intensifies with rotation of the eyeball and movements in different directions. Over time, swelling appears, visual acuity decreases, and an abscess develops inside the vitreous gel. The pathology is very dangerous. Scleritis is characterized by pain, redness, and most often only one eye is affected.

With chorsoiditis, movements of the eyeballs are not painful, but with panophthalmitis, the discomfort is severe. Differential diagnosis is carried out by a doctor. With neuritis, inflammation affects not only the organ of vision itself, but also the nerve structures. The consequences are pain in the orbit, aggravated by pressure, movement of the organ, and a sharp deterioration in visual acuity. If the optic nerves are affected, there will be disturbances in color perception.

Rarely, scotomas also occur - separate fields in which the clarity and brightness of images is impaired. Inflammation is characterized by swelling, which additionally compresses the nerve and provokes pain. The sooner treatment is started, the better - first the process is reversible, subsequently serious impairment of visual function is inevitable.

The causes of inflammation in the nerve of the eye are diabetes, neuritis, sinusitis, autoimmune pathologies, sclerosis, methyl poisoning. In this case, you need to be examined by an ophthalmologist and a neurologist. Therapy is prescribed taking into account the root cause that caused the neuritis. Prognosis depends on the severity of the disease, the time of initiation of therapy - both complete cure and partial blindness are possible.


As a result of increased intracranial pressure, severe pain may develop when moving the eyes and blinking. Pressure indicates the nature of the influence of liquor fluids on the walls of the cerebral ventricles and the spinal canal. It is difficult to measure blood pressure, but sudden changes in blood pressure pose a serious threat to health.

The main symptom of cerebral hypertension is constant migraines. Eye symptoms, manifested as pain, redness, and pain, develop in ¾ of patients. The lesion, unlike lesions in inflammatory pathologies, is always bilateral, bruises appear under the eyes. Other symptoms are double vision, narrowing of visual fields, sweating, nausea, chills, which suddenly begins and goes away.

Sound the alarm if these symptoms bother you constantly and especially in the morning. Possible fatigue, apathy, and depression.

Liquors trigger infectious brain lesions, toxicosis, pressure limits due to arterial hypertension, thyroid pathologies, hematomas as a result of skull damage, congenital anatomical anomalies, cysts, and the use of certain medications.

Sometimes the pressure inside the skull equalizes on its own, but medical help will not be superfluous if your head and eyes hurt constantly, you definitely won’t be able to do without it. In some cases, increased eye pressure along with pain occurs against the background of glaucoma.

Inflammatory changes in the sinuses of the skull

Inflammatory processes in the cranial sinuses have a common name - sinusitis. It is possible to develop frontal sinusitis, sinusitis, and, less commonly, labyrinthitis - all these pathologies are causes of eye pain when moving.

The affected side of the eye may swell, and the lesion is most often unilateral. If you bend forward low, the symptoms intensify. Headaches are possible, which are especially acute in the temples, eye sockets, and frontal arches.

Sometimes eye pain due to sinusitis is so severe that the patient first turns to an ophthalmologist rather than an ENT specialist. With sinusitis, additional symptoms may develop, which will allow them to be distinguished from local pathologies of the organs of the visual system - this is purulent discharge from wear, increased body temperature, and nasal congestion. The sinuses can become inflamed due to a previous sore throat or flu. To get rid of pain when moving the eyeballs, you need to eliminate the cause of its occurrence.

Other problems

Pain in the eyes is rare, but also occurs due to an allergic reaction. Allergens enter the body and mucous membranes from the air, cosmetics, and medications. Associated symptoms are runny nose, lacrimation, redness of the mucous membranes, irritation of the nasopharynx. The main thing is to eliminate the irritant (allergen).

Pain may occur due to narrowing of the vascular lumens, which are responsible for the blood supply to organs. Any strong impact of a mechanical irritant or injury triggers the process of thrombus formation, one of the only symptoms of which may be pain during pressure.

Since a person receives more than 80% of information about the world around him through the organs of vision, it is necessary to monitor its condition very carefully. If you experience even the slightest discomfort, contact a specialist - it’s better to be on the safe side than to start the progression of a serious pathology.


Timely diagnosis is very important. A qualified specialist will be able to determine the cause of such symptoms and prescribe the necessary treatment. Therefore, if symptoms develop, you should seek help from a specialist. It is worth considering that pain may indicate a serious illness.

At the appointment, the doctor performs a visual examination. You should also study the patient's medical history and listen to his complaints. If necessary, the doctor uses special equipment for in-depth diagnostics. It consists of the following examinations:

  • ophthalmoscopy;
  • determination of visual fields;
  • Ultrasound;
  • MRI and CT of the brain;
  • biomicroscopy.

After the examination results, the doctor can make a diagnosis and prescribe drug therapy. Self-medication is strictly not recommended. This can lead to the development of severe complications. Examination by other specialized specialists may be necessary.

What is an eyeball?

The human eye is a paired sensory organ, similar to an irregularly shaped ball, located in the orbit. Has the ability to perceive light radiation. Thanks to him, people have visual function. In the modern world, a lot of stress is placed on the eyes.

The main components of the eyeball:

  1. sclera is an opaque connective tissue consisting of elastic thin fibers and collagen intercellular formations; makes up most of the outer shell of the eye;
  2. cornea - the transparent part of the outer shell that allows light to enter; allows you to perceive the image without distortion, making it clearer;
  3. choroid of the eye;
  4. iris - determines the color of a person’s eyes, controls changes in pupil diameter;
  5. ciliary (ciliary) body - located in the space between the iris and the choroid, regulates the thickness of the lens, maintains intraocular pressure;
  6. retina - the inner thinnest layer of the eye, responsible for converting the light signal and transmitting formed nerve impulses to the brain center;
  7. lacrimal gland and lacrimal sac;
  8. several smaller glands and nerves that regulate eye movements and transmit images.

The orbit also has a protective system, which includes: conjunctiva, eyelids, muscles.


Pain syndrome is not a disease. This is a sign of certain pathological processes. If symptoms occur after prolonged exercise, then walking in the fresh air and getting enough sleep will be enough. If the pain occurs for unknown reasons, then a doctor will help determine them.

Ophthalmological diseases require the use of moisturizing, antibacterial, antiviral drugs. For severe bacterial infections, the doctor prescribes antibiotics and vitamin complexes. Glaucoma will require constant monitoring of intraocular pressure.

Any form of conjunctivitis requires treatment with solutions based on chloramphenicol and sodium sulfacyl. Treatment must be comprehensive. The doctor prescribes a treatment regimen individually for each patient. When using medications, the patient may experience burning, redness, and itching of the mucous membrane. Sometimes it may seem that the eye is aching from pain. In this case, you must inform your doctor. You may need to change medications.

Homeopathic treatment

For eye diseases, homeopathic remedies are effectively used.

BelladonnaWith acute and throbbing severe pain, becoming sharper from light and sound. Inflammation, lacrimation, ulcers, pain in the eyes, throbbing in the head, migraine.
BryoniaWhen pain is accompanied by a feeling of pressure, it intensifies when trying to move the eyes to the sides.
GelsemiumWith a dull pain in the back of the head, radiating through the head into the eye, a feeling of squeezing, like a hoop, around the head.
IrisSevere pain with pulsation in the supraorbital region on one side of the head, accompanied by blurred vision.
Aconitum (Aconitum)Mechanical injury to the eye, cold inflammation. Sharp, tearing pain in the eyes with photophobia and lacrimation. High blood pressure.
Apis (Apis)Boring sharp pain in the eyeballs, redness.
Arnica (Arnica)Conjunctivitis due to trauma.
ConiumPainful sensations in the eyes as a reaction to light.
Ferrum phosphoricumInflammation, redness, “sand” in the eyes that occurs with flu and colds.
Potassium iodatum (Kalium iodatum)Decreased vision, pain in the eyes and head with glaucoma.


The main rule of prevention is timely diagnosis of diseases and drug therapy. It is worth noting that every person should be examined by an ophthalmologist once a year. If the cause of the pain is hidden in the development of other diseases, then an examination by specialized specialists will be required.

The development of dry eye syndrome occurs as a result of excessive stress and fatigue. Dryness provokes pain, burning, and itching. To prevent and eliminate such symptoms, you need to give your eyes a rest. Adequate and healthy sleep is important.

When working at a computer for a long time, you need to take breaks to rest. It is useful to do eye exercises at this time. To prevent dryness, you should use moisturizing drops. Instillations are done with strict adherence to hygiene rules. It is important not to touch the tip of the bottle to the mucous membrane. This may lead to infection. It is not recommended to take ophthalmic medications on your own. Before use, you should consult a specialist.

Features of eye pain

In the human visual system, the main component is the eyeball. This is a small spherical body with a diameter of 25 mm, which is located in the orbit. It sees due to light rays penetrating through it and hitting the inner wall - the retina. The cornea, vitreous body, and fluid located in the anterior chamber of the eye are responsible for light transmission . The main visual element itself has three membranes - the choroid, the sclera and the retina itself.

Structure of the eye

If a feeling of pain appears in the eye or in both at once, this means that something is not working correctly within this complex system, or some external factors, or internal ones, have a negative effect on the eye, causing discomfort and pain. Pain receptors quickly perform their functions - they warn the brain in time that the eyes are in serious danger and it’s time to somehow react to it.

Pain in the eye area can be of different types. They can be chronic or acute, caused by external or internal factors; the eyes can hurt both from the inside and the outside. Sometimes the pain syndrome is observed only when the eyeball moves, and when the eyes are at rest, the person does not feel discomfort.

Pain in the eyes

Cause of pain in the eyeball: glaucoma

Glaucoma develops when there is a strong increase in intraocular pressure. Simultaneously with acute pain in the eyes themselves, visual acuity decreases, fog appears before the eyes, and a headache is observed, since eye pressure in this disease increases significantly. In more severe cases, a person develops nausea, vomiting and severe weakness.

An examination of the eye reveals dilation of the pupil, lack of reaction to light, and decreased sensitivity of the cornea. When pressing on the eye socket, painful sensations occur. The sensitivity of the eyes itself is reduced or completely lost. Advanced cases of glaucoma can lead to significant deterioration of vision or complete loss of vision.

Vascular diseases, dry eyes, incorrectly selected glasses, injuries

Diseases of the vessels responsible for the “nutrition” of the organ of vision. In this case, the patient will feel pain, which develops due to insufficient blood supply to the eye. Pathology can only be detected through a thorough examination of the vessels using ultrasound scanning. It is important to know that the treatment will be monitored not only by an ophthalmologist, but also by a cardiologist.

A condition called dry eye syndrome. Those who, due to professional or other activities, are forced to look at the monitor screen for a long time are often susceptible to trouble. Fluorescent lamps in the office and constantly running air conditioners also contribute to the occurrence of the disease. Fortunately, the syndrome is successfully treated by specialists using special drops. All that is required of the patient is to consult a doctor in time.

Incorrectly chosen glasses can cause eye pain. This is explained by the fact that when using too magnifying or, conversely, reducing glasses, vision is overstrained and distorted, thereby causing pain. Dealing with the problem is simple - you need to choose the right glasses.

Prolonged wearing or incorrect use of contact lenses causes overstrain and eye pain, especially if a person sleeps without removing the lenses. You should also know that lenses that are too old can cause discomfort, so they need to be replaced in a timely manner.

Injuries. The consequences of traumatic injuries to the orbits are very serious and can lead to loss of vision. Cuts, injections, and other injuries cause blood to accumulate under the mucous membrane. If a foreign body enters the eyes, it causes scratches and wounds on the surface of the shell.

Eye damage from metal shavings is especially dangerous. Untimely removal of foreign objects can provoke retinal detachment and serious inflammation. Intraocular hemorrhage, due to a blow to the eye shell, can also cause irreversible consequences for vision.

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