Why does it hurt inside the ear: causes, treatment

What to do if your right eye and right side of your head hurt? In fact, the cause of pain can be not only injury or hangover. A serious illness can also provoke pain, and ignoring the symptoms can lead to serious complications. In addition, no one is immune from this phenomenon, which is why a large number of people have to deal with pain in the right eye.

Pain in right eye and right side of head

What could this mean?

Painful sensations in the area of ​​the right eye can act as a separate disease or be a symptom of some other ailment. The occurrence of pain is indicated by irritation of pain receptors located in different areas of the human body (in the brain, muscle tissue, veins, etc.). After a signal arrives at the receptor, it goes to the nerve cells, reporting the presence of painful sensations.


On a note! Often pain in the eyes and head have some connection with each other. This causes the feeling that when painful sensations appear in the right or left half of the head, the eyes also hurt.

The right side of my head and right eye hurt

Causes of pain

Many people, when headaches appear, immediately try to relieve them with the help of painkillers. In most cases, this helps solve the problem, albeit temporarily. But the pain can also be regular, which indicates the development of a serious pathology. You cannot ignore regular attacks of pain, as this can harm your health. Below are the most common diseases in which this symptom may occur.

Pain can occur for various reasons

Table. Pathologies accompanied by headache on the right.

Name of the diseaseDescription
Oral diseasesMany ophthalmological diseases are accompanied by pain in the right side of the head. Most often, pain occurs due to inflammation of the gums or malocclusion. The symptom is also often noticed in infants during the eruption of baby teeth.
GlaucomaA common ophthalmological disease in which the patient's intraocular pressure increases. In addition to painful sensations, other symptoms often occur (decreased visual acuity, attacks of nausea, redness of the eyes).
HypertensionThe pathology is accompanied by the appearance of a dull pain in the right side of the head. As a rule, the symptoms of hypertension intensify in the morning, which is associated with increased intracranial pressure.
Inflammation of the eyeThere are many pathologies in which the organs of vision become inflamed. These are iridoiditis, iritis, chorioditis and other pathologies accompanied by inflammation of the right orbit. The development of these diseases, in addition to the pain itself, may be indicated by increased lacrimation, photophobia, and decreased visual acuity.
SinusitisThe chronic form of this disease is accompanied by swelling of the tissues in the facial part, which is why the right side of the patient’s head hurts (irritation of the nerve endings provokes pain). There is another pathology with similar symptoms - tonsillitis.
Cervical osteochondrosisA common disease that affects the intervertebral discs in the cervical region. One of the characteristic symptoms of the pathology is pain in the neck and head. As a rule, when you move your eyes, the pain intensifies.
Brain tumorDepending on the location of the tumor, the left or right hemisphere of the brain may hurt. Pain often appears in the morning and can intensify under the influence of various factors. Along with painful sensations, the patient also experiences other symptoms (blurred consciousness, sudden weight loss, dizziness, nausea, etc.). The disease is very dangerous and requires timely treatment.
Cluster painA pronounced pain syndrome, manifested in the form of attacks of pain in the head. Often the pain spreads to the neck, ears or temples. At the same time, the patient’s face turns red, and blood vessels burst in the eyes. The danger of this disease is that even potent drugs will not help to cope with it.
MigraineA neurological disease that is accompanied by frequent attacks of pain on the right or left side of the head. As a rule, such attacks can be repeated 6-8 times a day. Doctors classify migraine as a group of genetic diseases that are diagnosed more often in the fairer sex. In addition to painful sensations, the patient experiences clouding of consciousness, photophobia and nausea.

Headaches on the left or right side of the head can occur in weather-dependent people

On a note! Since there are many factors that can cause pain in the right side of the head, the help of a doctor is required to make an accurate diagnosis. Only a specialist, after conducting a diagnostic examination, will be able to determine the cause of the pain.

Cluster headache

Why does my ear and eye hurt?

Typical symptoms of eye diseases are pain, burning, tears, and blurred vision. Pain in the eye and ear occurs due to infection, neuralgia, and increased pressure. To determine an accurate diagnosis of why the ear hurts and the eye is watery, you need to consult a therapist, neurologist, or ENT doctor.


The organs of the skull are interconnected by a network of blood and lymphatic vessels and cranial nerves. These are the channels through which the infection is transmitted from the ears to the eyes, passes to the throat and back. The symptoms are complex. It is difficult to determine the source of inflammation. But there are several main causes of pain in the ears and eyes.


With inflammation of the trigeminal nerve, pain spreads to the forehead, temple on one side of the face, and ear. The eye muscle on the affected side, the brow ridge, hurts.

The temperature remains normal. The pain comes in attacks, especially severe at night. The site of inflammation is sensitive to touch.

Causes of neuralgia:

  • pathologies of the development of skull bones;
  • compression due to tumor;
  • traumatic brain injury.

The disease is difficult to diagnose. Treatment consists of pain relief. The sensitivity of the trigeminal nerve increases with the changing seasons. Psychosomatic neuralgia manifests itself as an exacerbation of pain during stress.


Inflammation of the middle ear occurs due to the spread of coccus bacteria, which causes a runny nose. Otitis externa and otitis media are distinguished. The auricle becomes covered with boils due to the spread of infection from the ear canal.

A fungal infection also spreads in the middle ear. The fungus appears due to the accumulation of moisture.

The eye is affected by the affected ear. The infection occurs when one bottle of drops is used simultaneously to treat the eyes and ears. The result is lacrimation and redness of the conjunctiva.


The inner ear consists of a plexus of passages and resembles a labyrinth. Labyrinthitis is inflammation in the inner part of the hearing aid.

Causes of the disease:

  • spread of infection from the middle ear;
  • tuberculosis;
  • fungus;
  • mechanical damage.

Symptoms of labyrinthitis appear 2 weeks after recovery from a respiratory infection. The disease causes dizziness and nystagmus - involuntary movement and tremors of the eyeballs.


Hemicrania occurs on one side of the head. Throbbing pain is accompanied by photosensitivity. With migraine with aura, the field of vision is lost. Aching ear pain is accompanied by noise and ringing. In severe conditions, a person experiences auditory hallucinations.


Salt deposits in the intervertebral discs of the cervical spine pinch blood vessels. As a result, brain tissue and cranial organs receive little oxygen. There is sand and a burning sensation in the eyes. There is stuffiness and ringing in the ears.

Intracranial pressure

Increased tone of the vessels of the cranium is a consequence of osteochondrosis. Other causes of pressure:

  • thrombosis;
  • traumatic brain injury;
  • tumor;
  • hypertension;
  • accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid.

A drawing, throbbing pain is concentrated on one side of the head, covering the eye and ear.


An acute respiratory infection affects the mucous membranes of the nose and throat. Abundant mucous masses accumulate in the nasal sinuses. Rhinitis develops into sinusitis, inflammation of the inner, middle ear. Obstruction of the nasal passages deprives the tissues of oxygen.

The eyes feel dry, small capillaries burst due to coughing attacks. This creates a complex of symptoms characteristic of various colds. Only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis.


New growths in the brain create compression on surrounding structures. Pressing pain appears as the tumor grows penetratingly. Compression of blood vessels and nerves causes visual and hearing impairment. Symptoms are characteristic of various diseases, so oncological pathology is difficult to establish.


If pain in the ear and eyes occurs, the following diagnostic procedures are performed:

  • if inflammation of the trigeminal nerve is suspected - electroneuromyography;
  • to confirm otitis - tympanometry, audiometry, MRI;
  • influenza is diagnosed based on the results of a virological examination of a nasal smear;
  • increased cranial pressure is determined by MRI and lumbar puncture results.

The degree of damage to the optic nerve is determined using ophthalmoscopy.


In accordance with the diagnosis, therapy is prescribed:

  • for neuralgia, relieve pain with analgesics, lidocaine-based ointment, and drugs for vasodilation;
  • antibacterial drops and ointments are used to treat otitis externa;
  • drops against inflammation with an analgesic effect - for internal otitis;
  • Ear infections are treated with penicillin and amoxicillin antibiotics - orally, by insertion into the ear through a catheter.

For more serious diagnoses, pain is relieved and the primary cause of symptoms is treated.


How to prevent the occurrence and spread of infection:

  • treat colds promptly;
  • do not overcool your head;
  • Dry your ears thoroughly after bathing;
  • take vitamins to strengthen the immune system;
  • use separate bottles of universal drops for treating eyes and ears;
  • Carefully clean the ears with cosmetic sticks so as not to damage the eardrum.

Compliance with the rules of prevention and immediate treatment prevents complications. Independent choice of drops, antibiotics, irregular use of drugs only until the first improvement introduces the disease into a chronic state.

The consequence will be the transfer of infection to the lining of the brain - meningitis.

Poor vision significantly worsens the quality of life and makes it impossible to see the world as it is.

Not to mention the progression of pathologies and complete blindness.

MNTK "Eye Microsurgery" published an article on non-surgical restoration of vision up to 90%, this became possible thanks to...

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Source: //proglazki.ru/simptomy/pochemu-bolit-uho-i-glaz/

Diagnostic features

If you have a headache that spreads to the area of ​​your right eye, you need to see a doctor for a diagnosis. To do this, an analysis of the patient's medical history is carried out.

At the doctor

The doctor may also prescribe additional procedures:

  • hormone analysis;
  • electrocardiogram;
  • computed tomography of the brain;
  • MRI;
  • general blood analysis.

Magnetic resonance imaging

It is important to carry out diagnosis in a timely manner, since many patients, in order to get rid of painful sensations, take painkillers, the active components of which can hide the symptoms of dangerous pathologies.

How to cope with pain

Before the doctor arrives or if it is not possible to visit the hospital, the pain can be relieved for a while. First of all, for this you need to normalize your sleep and rest. If necessary, take valerian infusion. Avoid drinking strong coffee and other products containing caffeine. Alternatively, you can drink thyme, chamomile or mint tea. Cold has a soothing effect on areas of pain, so applying cold compresses can sometimes help relieve discomfort.

Causes and factors of migraine

You can relieve pain on the right side of the head with the help of therapeutic massage. Using gentle finger movements, massage the sore area for 10 minutes. But it is not always possible to massage. For example, if there is a suspicion of the development of a malignant tumor, then massage is prohibited.

If the pain is prolonged and quite severe, accompanied by cerebral hemorrhage, bouts of vomiting and dizziness, then no traditional methods will help. Even drug treatment in some cases will not be effective, so doctors resort to surgery. To prevent the development of serious complications, you need to seek help as soon as possible.

Treatment with medications

The eye and ear hurt on one side – About the eyes

If the left side of your head hurts, you should correctly determine the causes and symptoms of attacks. They are accompanied by pulsation, burning or pressure. A discomforting sensation of a focal or diffuse nature appears in the area of ​​the crown, temples and eyes. Possible pressure on the ear.

Causes of pain on the left side of the head

Causes of pain are grouped according to International Health Statistics. There are a number of clinical conclusions:

  • Migraine. Increased pain is felt at the level of the left eye, temple, forehead and upper jaw. Half of the patients consult doctors for migraine with aura if the following syndromes are observed: the appearance of black dots or stars, nausea, increased sweating and a state of irritability. The attack lasts for 2-3 hours, causing a feeling of exhaustion.
  • Osteochondrosis. When salts accumulate in the spinal system, putting pressure on the cervical artery and poor circulation, the left side of the head hurts. Insufficient oxygen supply causes discomfort and dizziness. The nature of the pain is aching and pulling. Possible pulsations in the temples.
  • Infectious diseases. The reasons include sore teeth, cold muscles or excessive stress. Without diagnostics, it is difficult to determine why pulling and shooting sensations occur?

Factors influencing the manifestation of the disease

Exacerbations are observed under the influence of main factors:

  • Half of the problems that cause discomfort in the eye area are usually the costs of the profession.
  • Weather and climate changes. The pain is concentrated in the temple and crown, sometimes the ear hurts. The syndrome often occurs before precipitation. Following atmospheric pressure, blood pressure changes. My teeth hurt and my neck hurts. The concentration is not strong, but aching and prolonged.
  • Disorders of the spinal system and head, congenital pathology of the musculoskeletal system.
  • Tension on muscles, tendons and ligaments.
  • A stroke or severe attacks in areas of inflammation lead to disruption of the hearing and visual apparatus, loss of memory and sleep. If the patient had to deal with eye problems, a lack of coordination is inevitable.

Negative effects of food

Products high in monosodium glutamate, which acts as a flavoring additive, cause increased sweating, difficulty breathing, and tension in the jaw area. If discomfort occurs after 15-30 minutes. from the moment of consuming glutamate, possible rapid heartbeat, dull and throbbing pain in the left side of the temple, forehead.

What foods increase the risk of consuming monosodium glutamate?

  • Delights of Chinese cuisine.
  • Canned food and dry soups.
  • Roasted nut kernels.
  • Processed meat products.
  • Turkey in its juice.
  • Gravy and sauces.
  • A row of potato snacks and chips.
  • Spices and seasonings.

Nitrites are found in common foods:

  1. Canned ham.
  2. Corned beef.
  3. Hot dogs.
  4. Salami.
  5. Bacon.
  6. Smoked fish.

Chocolate is a powerful migraine trigger. Many people with a sweet tooth do not have to explain why this delicacy is the main provocateur of hypoglycemia. The reason is not due to the sucrose content, but to the mild hypoglycemic effect of cocoa beans. The presence of caffeine and finylethylamine in the composition causes a narrowing of the vascular system.

How to fight the disease yourself?

Factors and measures to suppress discomfort:

  • Heat. The cause of the disease is the loss of large amounts of water during sweating. Increased temperature conditions along with low air humidity affect the expansion of blood vessels. As a result, patients experience a decrease in cerebral circulation. What to do to prevent discomfort? It is recommended to limit yourself to walking under the scorching sun and increase fluid intake, eliminating the possibility of dehydration. Sugary carbonated drinks will aggravate the lack of water.
  • Migraine. With increased irritability to sounds, smells and lights, the correct solution is complete darkness, warmth and silence. The pain will go away faster if you apply a wet compress.
  • Syndrome in the eye area. If the pulsation radiates to the dark, the condition is accompanied by spasm of the vascular system, fatigue, high brightness of light or pathologies of the organs of vision. Regular symptoms of disorders in the eye area indicate an urgent need to contact highly qualified specialists.

Stress is the main provocateur of all diseases

A frustrating situation entails prolonged pain. A nervous state, clarification of relationships with others and an unpleasant psychological situation provoke tension in the neck muscles.

Pinching of the occipital nerves affects the reduction of blood circulation in the brain. The pain has different strength and character: dull and blurred, girdling and focal. Dizziness and tinnitus may occur.

Doctors recommend relaxing massages to relieve neurosis.

Ear pain

The typical cause occurs when the residual effects of a cold, otitis media, sore throat or sinusitis affect the ear. The gradual growth of the tumor becomes permanent. It is accompanied by shooting and stabbing sensations. A noticeable increase in the syndrome is observed in the supine position.

Painkillers acting on the inflamed ear (external, middle and internal) are ineffective. To eliminate the source of the disease, you should seek the help of a qualified doctor. The selection of drugs and treatment methods is based on a correct examination.

When is hospitalization inevitable?

With infrequent manifestations of syndromes, allowing one to find out the cause of their occurrence, there is no cause for concern. The occurrence of one of the following symptoms requires urgent consultation with a specialist:

  1. Unreasonable periodic pain after 40 years.
  2. Frequent occurrence of unpleasant sensations, accompanied by numbness, dizziness, blurred vision or memory loss.
  3. Hypertension.
  4. The help of specialists may be needed if the headache is severe and other syndromes appear.

There may be several reasons for the formation of serious problems:

  • Consequences of long-standing head trauma, concussion or physical impact on soft tissue.
  • Infectious diseases.
  • Metabolic disease.
  • Low or high intracranial pressure.
  • Spasm or expansion of elements of the vascular system.

Diagnosis and treatment

To choose the optimal course of therapy, a correct diagnosis of the causes is required. To provide a comprehensive approach to severe attacks, analgesic or antispasmodic agents are used. Patients are often prescribed Paracetamol and other medications containing it.

If the cause lies in other pathologies, painkillers are not effective in eradicating them. It is required to take a course of medication, selected individually for each client.

In folk medicine, specially selected ethers and incense, drinks and lotions from medicinal herbs are welcomed. Preparations made from mint, lemon, rosemary, oregano and chamomile have beneficial properties. When self-medicating, you should consult a professional herbalist. It will help you choose the right products and calculate the dosage.

Prevention measures

Prevention of possible ailments includes self-massage in the head area. The process is carried out in a comfortable position, touching the fingertips from the source of inflammation, increasing the range with each circle. To enhance the effect, aromatic oils are used.

Doctors approve of lemon, mint and eucalyptus esters, excluding the use of concentrates in the eye area. They are rubbed heavily into the temples or simply inhaled. It is not advisable to massage if you have a head injury or brain tumor.

It can have a negative impact.

A contrast shower or a warm bath improves overall well-being and blood circulation. Showers are usually taken in the morning and baths in the evening.

A healthy lifestyle is an excellent preventive measure for any disease. If it becomes a habit, the pain will gradually ease.

Basic moments:

  • giving up alcoholic drinks and smoking;
  • physical development activities;
  • healthy food;
  • daily regime;
  • regular walks in the fresh air.

Medicinal effects on the causes of pain in the eyes, temples and back of the head include a course of prevention. To fully create a picture of the course of an attack, all the nuances of pain symptoms are taken into account.


Why the ear and eye hurt: symptoms of the disease

All diseases come from the head... This expression is used both literally and figuratively. Usually, when this does not concern us, we do not pay too much attention to various advice. But when the time comes, they are ready to dig through all the sources in search of that one magic pill. So let's look at some symptoms that indicate a certain disease.

Pain in the eyes or eye is natural. If everything is local, without additional symptoms, then this is a sign of eye disease. But if not only the eye hurts, but also a certain part of the face where it is located, as well as the ear, then this already speaks of something else.

Inflammation of the trigeminal nerve

Our face, like the whole body, has a certain set of muscles and nerve endings. All this can become inflamed at certain moments, frightening and alarming. But by correctly recognizing the causes, it will be easier to cope with the consequences.

With inflammation of the trigeminal nerve, the following symptoms are observed:

  • Pulsating periodic pain in the ear, jaw, cheek, eye in one half of the face. The trigeminal nerve can become inflamed on only one side at once, and this must be remembered.
  • The attacks last for several seconds, after which the pain goes away.
  • The eye itself does not become inflamed, but pain #8212; exclusively in the eye muscle.
  • The body temperature usually does not rise, and the face does not swell.

Treatment methods

Quite often, the main factor that provokes the appearance of painful sensations is an unstable emotional state. In such cases, the patient does not require drug therapy, but psychological therapy. Depending on the results of the diagnosis, the doctor prescribes various medications. Therefore, for a more accurate diagnosis, an examination of the blood vessels of the head, brain and spine is often performed.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs, NSAIDs)

Taking into account the development of the pathology that provoked pain in the head and eye, the patient is prescribed different groups of drugs, for example, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Nimesil, Ibuprofen), painkillers (Analgin, Aspirin, Nurofen, etc.). d.) or corticosteroids. As a complement to drug treatment, physical therapy is performed, which includes a number of procedures.


On a note! Throughout the entire treatment course, as well as after surgery, doctors recommend maintaining a drinking regime. It is necessary to drink enough fluids and get plenty of rest. This will speed up the recovery processes in the body.

Device for physiotherapeutic effects "Darsonval"


Sharp throbbing pain in the head on the left side, nausea and dizziness are clear signs of this particular illness. Unpleasant symptoms intensify with the appearance of external stimuli. For example, a headache attack may be aggravated by bright lights or loud music. Such symptoms can be observed from several hours to 2-3 days.

Most often, representatives of the fair sex suffer from migraines. The pain is localized on the left side and often radiates to the eye and jaw.

Prevention measures

Since all diseases that can cause pain are acquired by humans, their development can be prevented by following the following recommendations:

  • don't overexert yourself . Any overwork, mental or physical, negatively affects human health;

Prevention of headaches

  • spend more time outdoors . Regular walks will strengthen your body;
  • Lead an active lifestyle, especially if you have a sedentary job . Gymnastics, swimming or yoga - all this in combination with aromatherapy and relaxation will have a positive effect on the immune system;
  • get enough time to sleep . An adult should sleep at least 8 hours a day. During this period of time, the body and all its systems are restored;
  • replace traveling in public transport or taxis with walking . This helps relieve attacks of pain and prevent their possible manifestations.

Lead a healthy lifestyle

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, avoiding stress and physical strain will help prevent pain on the right side of the head. If you still have to deal with painful sensations that do not go away even after taking painkillers, then you need to seek help.

Fighting pain

Modern medications will help relieve headaches and eye pain, but you should be careful when choosing tablets, since some of them will not only do no good, but also cause harm.

Modern good medicines undergo numerous tests before going on sale, especially those produced in Europe. Therefore, if a drug is addictive, it will not be sold without a doctor’s prescription. If we talk about addiction, then in this case it can only be caused by the psychological aspects of a person.

As a rule, if a patient complains of a headache that is associated with migraine or fatigue, then experts recommend taking anti-inflammatory drugs; they are the first choice drugs. They are prescribed to all people who seek help for the first time.

The intensity of unilateral headache and eye pain can be reduced with the help of synthetic drugs. But choosing tablets is a careful and analytical process. Many remedies may not only not bring any relief, but, on the contrary, cause more severe symptoms that require more serious treatment.

But, for migraine-type headaches, tension or fatigue, the first-choice medications are usually prescribed with an anti-inflammatory effect.

If these remedies do not help, it is very important to undergo a medical examination, which includes all the methods described above, to identify or determine the causative condition or disease, and to undergo targeted therapy prescribed by a specialist and aimed at eliminating these problems.

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