Sparkles in the eyes - causes and treatment


Possible reasons for the appearance of sparkling dots before the eyes include the following ophthalmological pathologies:

  • destruction of the vitreous body is the most common cause of flickering before the eyes; spots and dots can be of different sizes and colors;
  • posterior vitreous detachment, which is more common in older people;
  • spasm of the blood vessels of the eye is a common complaint of people suffering from hypertension and diabetes mellitus;
  • retinal rupture - accompanied by sparks before the eyes, the appearance of a veil and a decrease in visual acuity, which can develop into a detachment;
  • retinal detachment - bright sparks alternate with red and dark dots, the intensity of symptoms gradually increases;
  • injuries to the organ of vision and head - sparks can appear, for example, with a strong blow to the head, especially the back of the head;
  • pressure on the eyes, strong rubbing - when the mechanical factor is eliminated, the dots disappear;
  • intracranial tumors.

Among other pathologies that can lead to the sensation of dots and “floaters” appearing before the eyes, there are:

  • arterial hypertension;
  • internal bleeding;
  • various injuries;
  • severe intoxication;
  • mental illness;
  • neurological disorders;
  • infectious diseases.

Only a comprehensive examination will reveal the true cause.


When a person complains that he sees lightning before his eyes, one cannot limit oneself to just questioning the complaints. It is necessary to carry out a number of diagnostic procedures:

  • Ophthalmoscopy using a slit lamp. During the examination, the doctor will assess the condition of the fundus, retina, blood vessels, and optic nerve head.
  • Visometry - assessment of visual acuity using Sivtsev-Golovin tables with letters of different sizes.
  • Perimetry – assessment of the boundaries of visual fields using a device called Förster perimeter.
  • Measuring IOP (intraocular pressure). There is a classic method according to Maklakov with the installation of special weights on the cornea, pneumotonometry, and electronography.
  • Ultrasound examination of the visual organ.
  • Angiography of retinal vessels. Allows you to assess the condition of blood vessels and determine the level of blood circulation in them.
  • CT scan. Used to obtain layer-by-layer images of the eye orbit.
  • Optical coherence tomography is a non-contact research method. Similar to an ultrasound. Only instead of acoustic waves, infrared rays are used.

Flashes of light in the eyes with timely and competent treatment, as a rule, disappear without a trace. But sometimes the situation can lead to complete or partial loss of vision.

Additionally, watch a video with an ophthalmologist about the causes of outbreaks:


You can get rid of a painful symptom only after identifying its cause and undergoing treatment prescribed by a doctor. Each pathology requires a special therapeutic regimen, so self-medication is unacceptable here.

Also, you should not attribute such phenomena as flashing dots and “spots” before your eyes to banal fatigue and overwork. Rest may have a positive effect for a while, but it will only delay the patient from finding out the true cause and receiving the correct treatment. For example, incipient retinal detachment can lead to very serious consequences and therefore requires prompt initiation of therapy.

Symptom Definition

Flashes in the eyes appear as a result of pathological changes occurring in the vitreous body of the visual organs. The glow may also be associated with damage to the retinal tissue. Many patients report that the outbreaks occur as suddenly and with similar force as when hitting their head. Often, light and color music before the eyes is accompanied by loss of visual acuity and migraines.

The official medical name for flashes before the eyes is phosphenes. Most ophthalmologist patients complain about this symptom. Do not delay diagnosis if you are periodically bothered by floaters and flashes, as they indicate problems with the retina.

This unpleasant and uncomfortable condition is associated primarily with pathological changes that occur in the vitreous body of the organs of vision. Very often, such a glow that occurs is associated with damage to the retinal tissue. How can you identify the symptoms of such a phenomenon? Many people compare this phenomenon to a flash from a strong blow to the head, when a person falls or hits something hard.

This is how “floaters” appear before the eyes

Why do outbreaks appear, where to look for the roots of this phenomenon, what is the mechanism of origin? Symptoms indicate serious disturbances in the visual system. This is nothing more than the independent reproduction of nerve impulses by the retina. When they enter the brain, they instantly project distortion in the form of a visual image, circles, blurry luminous shapes.

In other words, the mechanism of occurrence can be expressed as follows: irritation of mechanical or electrical origin occurs in one of the areas of the visual analyzer. If you press your fingers against your closed eyes, or more precisely, the corners of your eyes, you can observe something similar. Flashes that occur in the eyes are called phosphenes.

You will find out why pupils are different sizes in the article.

Sparks before the eyes, a not entirely clear explanation that ophthalmologists hear during an appointment. Do the patients themselves know what effect they are talking about and does each of us have the same idea about this phenomenon? Unfortunately, no, but in general the doctor will understand what you mean.

The thing is that the visual nature of what is seen depends on what sparks appeared in the eyes and under what conditions the person saw them. This problem can be encountered in the following variations:

  • with your eyes closed, luminous spots of different colors appear on a black background,
  • in bright light, small white dots appear in the picture that the patient sees,
  • if you look at a white background, light yellow and orange circles pop up.


It is impossible to give any precise recommendations on the topic of preventing the appearance of sparks and other elements before the eyes until the cause is established. If this phenomenon is caused by eye pathology, you must first eliminate the underlying disease and undergo full treatment, and then take measures to prevent the further development of the pathological process. Such events include:

  • promptly consult a doctor if any alarming symptoms appear;
  • compliance with all specialist recommendations, including wearing glasses if required;
  • eye hygiene;
  • fortified food;
  • performing gymnastics for the eyes;
  • rational work and rest regime;
  • providing relief for the eyes every hour and a half when working at the computer;
  • avoiding head and eye injuries.

General recommendations for the prevention of diseases of various organs and systems include:

  • compliance with healthy lifestyle standards;
  • complete, proper nutrition;
  • regular physical activity;
  • sufficient exposure to fresh air;
  • body weight control;
  • proper sleep and rest;
  • daily exposure to fresh air.


If sparks in the eyes rarely appear, the pathology may be caused by long hours of work at the computer, stressful conditions, or nervous strain. Photopsia also occur against the background of severe intoxication of the body, after trauma to the skull, damage to the occipital part of the head containing the visual centers.

The anomaly can be caused by wearing glasses with damaged lenses, drinking alcohol, drugs, or actively smoking. Sometimes the pathological phenomenon worries pregnant women and menopausal patients.

The appearance of luminous “spots” is caused by pressing on the eyeballs, long-term fixation of the gaze on the sun or other bright sources of light. In such cases, the anomaly goes away on its own within a few minutes.

Useful video

In the presented video you can find more information on the topic of eye diseases and the causes of various visual effects.

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Possible diseases

Some pathologies can occur with the appearance of photopsia. The list of such diseases includes:

  1. Myopia.
  2. Detachment, ruptures of the retina.
  3. Destruction of the vitreous body.
  4. Hypertension.
  5. Vegetative-vascular dystonia.
  6. Oncological processes in the brain, organs of vision.
  7. Diabetes.
  8. Hypotension.

Sparks and flashes in the eyes can appear against the background of an infectious lesion of the body. The symptom occurs in persons with impaired metabolism and vascular spasms.

Causes of sparks in the eyes

Let's look at the main diseases that cause flashes before the eyes:

  1. Detachment of the vitreous humor - that is, the central part of the eye that is attached to the retina. It can occur with age or as a result of injury, as a result the retina begins to stretch, and flashes occur (especially often when moving). In this case, the condition of the organs of vision must be monitored so that over time microdamage does not turn into retinal detachment and blindness.
  2. Rupture and detachment of the retina – pathology develops as a result of increased physical activity and severe stress. Curtains, flashes, loss of vision are a reason to immediately seek emergency medical help.
  3. Migraines - during severe attacks, dots, lines, and zigzags may appear before the eyes. Only one eye or both are affected; most often, outbreaks are localized in peripheral zones. If the symptoms are characteristic of a migraine, but the head does not hurt, we can talk about an ocular migraine. In this case, you need to contact a neurologist for help.
  4. Vascular pathologies - hypertension, diabetes mellitus, etc. Outbreaks occur as a result of short spasms and due to impaired blood flow in the structural formations of the retinal tissue. Patients with vascular pathologies say that attacks worsen in the dark and when the eyes are closed.
  5. Tumors in the back of the brain, inside the skull - in this case, the light show is regular, of different shades and shapes.
  6. Inflammatory processes in the retina, choroid, chorioditis, retinitis - in addition to outbreaks, a sharp decrease and blurred vision will be disturbing.

So, let's find out what are the main reasons for the occurrence of bright flashes before the eyes.

Vitreous body

The first reason for this symptom is the detachment of the vitreous body. This term refers to a gel-like substance that fills the center of the eyeball; it is attached directly to the retina itself.

Note that this cause of outbreaks is more common in the elderly, since it is with age that this part of the eye begins to shrink, leading to detachment. Flashes of bright or white light in this case will occur, as a rule, when you turn your head and move it sharply.

What macular degeneration of the retina looks like can be found in this material.

With migraine, white flashes usually occur in the dark, as well as when the eyes are closed, less often when they are open. The reason in this case is not a pathology of the visual organs, but is of a neurological nature. As a rule, migraine outbreaks have atypical symptoms: they appear as zigzags, dots and lines of a brilliant white shade, reminiscent of clear photographs.

Such manifestations are usually followed by another attack of headache. If the migraine is ocular, then the headache in this case will be localized precisely in the eye area.


When the retina is detached, bright flashes are also likely to appear before the eyes. Very often this phenomenon is preceded by severe stressful situations and significant physical activity. Before flashes begin to appear in this case, there is first a deterioration in vision, a feeling of darkness, a veil before the eyes. Here, urgent professional help is needed, as there is a high probability of losing vision.

What retinal dystrophy looks like and how it is treated can be found here.


People with vascular diseases, as well as patients with a history of diabetes mellitus and hypertension, often complain of the appearance of characteristic white flashes before the eyes. As a rule, flashes appear in this case in the dark and with eyes closed. This symptom means spasm of blood vessels located in the eyes. If the eyes themselves become cloudy, urgent surgical intervention is necessary, since the likelihood of vision loss is serious.


Sometimes brain tumors can cause this symptom. In this case, flashes can be of any size, type and shape.


If the process of inflammation occurs in the organs of vision, their vessels and tissues, the appearance of flashes before the eyes is a very likely symptom. In addition, in this case, it is also likely that there will be a feeling of fog, a veil, as well as a drop in the level of vision.

Consequences of injuries

When a person receives an injury to the nose, head, forehead, or eye area, the appearance of bright flashes before the eyes is a common symptom. This symptom is most often accompanied by dizziness and severe headache. The flashes are felt especially brightly when you move your head or turn. If the injury was not too severe, such flashes go away on their own, however, in more serious cases they can lead to retinal detachment.

In addition to the reasons listed, bright flashes can appear before the eyes of patients with cataracts, patients with cerebellar pathologies, and corneal edema. This symptom is more common in people over 40 years of age, and often outbreaks in this case are associated with the natural aging of the body, so they cannot be completely removed.

It is also worth learning about complex myopic astigmatism.

If outbreaks occur rarely, the following factors may be the cause:

  • intense eye rubbing;
  • fatigue;
  • sudden turn of the head;
  • when observing bright lights, lightning, fireworks, etc.
  • if there are cracks in the lenses of your glasses.

Note that rare outbreaks are not a special cause for concern: most likely, they are caused by one of the five reasons listed above. In addition, sometimes people can observe rare light effects before their eyes as a result of an overdose of medications, too much alcohol, drug abuse, or smoking.

You may also find it helpful to learn more about how to treat dry eye syndrome.

Some people complain about unusual types of light manifestations, which manifest themselves as very bright and sharply flashing lightning. Doctors call lightning that appears before the eyes the term “phosphenes”: let’s find out what reasons can cause a symptom of this nature. You may also find it helpful to learn more about what eye drops are available for tired eyes.

If you sharply, unexpectedly and quite strongly press on one of the corners of the eye - external or internal, it is likely that similar lightning will appear before the eyes.

Sometimes the reasons for the appearance of bright phosphenes before the eyes are such dangerous pathologies as:

  • tumors of the visual organs;
  • choroiditis;
  • retinal detachment;
  • problems with the optic nerve;
  • disruption of the circulatory process of the organs of vision;
  • ocular migraine. In this case, after the manifestation of lightning and flashes, a person experiences an attack of severe headache.

In addition to the reasons listed, the appearance of lightning before the eyes can also be observed in cases of retinal rupture, swelling of this area; vitreous detachment, etc.

What causes blood vessels to burst in the eyes, and how you can cope with this problem, you can find out at the link.

Flashes before the eyes can be a fairly harmless symptom associated with normal eye strain. However, the cause of flashing eyes may be an indicator of a serious problem that requires immediate treatment. Let us list the main causes of flashes in the eyes.

1. Posterior vitreous detachment. The vitreous is a gel-like substance that fills the center of the eye and is attached to the retina. With age, the vitreous shrinks and peels away from its place. The vitreous pulls on the retina and causes flashes of light in the eyes. Similar symptoms appear when the eye moves.

Posterior vitreous detachment video

2.Retinal detachment and retinal tears. Flashes of light in front of the eyes can be a sign of the onset of retinal detachment. It is especially worth paying attention if these symptoms appear after intense physical activity or severe stress. Flashes of light may be accompanied by the appearance of a curtain in front of the eye and a sharp decrease in vision. Retinal detachment is a medical emergency.

3. Migraine. Visual symptoms may appear before headache attacks. Flashes of light, which may appear as bright white zigzag lines, sparkles or geometric patterns, often accompany a migraine. Flashes usually appear in the peripheral visual fields and may appear in one or both eyes.

4. Vascular diseases (hypertension, diabetes mellitus, etc.) Sometimes with chronic vascular diseases, people complain of the periodic appearance of flashes before their eyes in the dark or with their eyes closed. This is due to short-term spasms and poor circulation in the retinal tissue itself.

5. Intracranial tumors of the occipital lobe of the brain. Flashes of light for this reason come in different colors and shapes. They are permanent.

6. Inflammatory diseases of the retina and choroid (retinitis, choroiditis). They are always accompanied by additional symptoms of inflammation: decreased vision and blurred eyes.

7.An eye injury or a blow to the head may cause flashes of light to appear in front of the eyes. An overdose of certain medications can also cause a person to see flashes of light.

The aging process of the body often provokes a partial breakdown of the molecules of the vitreous body of the eye. The disintegrated particles remain on the surface of the eyeball and are perceived by humans as sparks or white flies.

There are several main reasons for the appearance of sparks in the eyes:

  • Acute internal bleeding;
  • Severe poisoning. Toxic substances penetrate the nervous system and disrupt the functioning of the eyeball;
  • Traumatic brain injury, concussion;
  • Hypertensive crisis;
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • Infectious diseases;
  • Metabolic disorders;
  • Injuries to the eyeball.

Treatment of sparks

In order to correctly and accurately diagnose the cause that led to the appearance of bright flashes and sparks before the eyes when blinking, the following modern research methods are used.

  • Tonometry, which measures the level of intraocular pressure.
  • Examination of the fundus using a special fundus lens or ophthalmoscope.
  • Visual field analysis or perimetry.
  • Examination of the blood vessels of the eye.
  • Ultrasound of the organs of vision.
  • Analysis of visual acuity.

With the help of all these studies, the doctor can make a completely reliable and accurate verdict regarding the cause of the flashes before the eyes. To accurately diagnose the cause that caused the appearance of this symptom, sometimes one visit to an ophthalmologist is not enough: consultations with a neurologist, endocrinologist, and sometimes a surgeon are also necessary.


Therapeutic procedures for this symptom are carried out in strict accordance with the diagnosis. If the cause of the problem is inflammatory in nature, appropriate antibiotics and corticosteroid drugs are usually prescribed.

If the cause is retinal detachment, surgery is indicated, but if the symptom is caused by tumors, it is necessary to undergo a course of oncological treatment.

Note that most diseases that cause such light effects can be treated quite successfully with the modern development of medicine and pharmaceuticals.

But what inflammation of the lacrimal sac looks like and how such a problem is treated can be found in the article.

In most cases, the visual symptom “flash of light in the eyes” occurs once and does not recur. With posterior vitreous detachment, patients may experience periodic flashes in the eyes, but these do not require special treatment. In other cases, in order to eliminate the problem of flashes of light in the eyes, it is necessary to find out the cause of its occurrence. For example, with retinitis and choroiditis, after treatment, flashes in the eyes completely disappear.

Sometimes, to identify the causes and treat flashes in the eyes, a comprehensive examination is necessary not only by an ophthalmologist, but also by a neurologist, therapist and endocrinologist.

Treatment of flashes before the eyes should be carried out taking into account the results of a comprehensive examination, the diagnosis, and the severity of the symptoms. Perhaps, in addition to consulting an ophthalmologist, you will need the expert assessment of other specialists - for example, neurologists and cardiologists deal with vasospasms and osteochondrosis in the cervical spine, although these pathologies give symptoms similar to retinal detachment. Perhaps the ophthalmologist will refer you to an endocrinologist or therapist.

Since the specifics of therapy in each case are determined separately, it is not possible to talk about a specific method of treating photospasms. For example, retinal detachment is treated surgically (vitrectomy with cavity packing) or using laser coagulation techniques. In case of inflammatory reactions, local corticosteroids and antibiotics are prescribed. When tumor formations are detected, an oncologist is involved, who prescribes specialized therapy.

Sparks in the eyes themselves are not a disease, but they can be a signal of a malfunction in the functioning of internal organs. Therefore, when flashes and white spots appear before the eyes, treatment measures will be aimed at eliminating not the symptom, but the root cause.

The attending physician is usually an ophthalmologist, but the intervention of other specialists may be required - a neurologist, cardiologist, homeopath.

Regardless of the situation, the regular appearance of sparks in the eyes requires contacting a specialized clinic. Only with a comprehensive study is it possible to identify the cause of certain symptoms and exclude the possibility of serious vision problems.

It should be remembered that serious eye diseases often develop asymptomatically. That is why you should not lose vigilance in this matter; additional examination can identify the problem.

The visual symptom of “sparks from the eyes” disappears as soon as the cause of the underlying disease is eliminated. It is very important to understand that if sparks in your eyes appear as a result of heavy physical activity or severe stress, you must have your vision checked by an ophthalmologist to rule out the development of retinal detachment.

There is an expression “sparks fell from.” Few people think that these are more than just words.

Some people actually see dots in front of their eyes that look like spots, flies or sparkles. And these are not hallucinations or deception. These are false light sensations that are called “” in medicine. When external or internal factors influence neuroreceptors in the structures of the eyes and parts of the visual system, an effect occurs that is characterized as such: sparks in the eyes.

Patients who complain of sparks in the eyes are referred for the following tests:

  • Ultrasound of the eyeball;
  • General ophthalmological examination;
  • Determining the level of pressure inside the eye;
  • Study of fundus structures;
  • Fluorescein angiography.

Before prescribing treatment for sparkles in the eyes, the cause of this symptom should be established. To do this, you need to consult a doctor if sparks in your eyes appear for the first time or cause some discomfort.

More often, this symptom is not dangerous and does not require the intervention of a specialist, but this can only be known as a result of a comprehensive diagnosis. If this process is physiological, there is nothing to worry about, however, if a pathological component appears, as well as with the progression of these sparks, you should seek medical help. Timely treatment will prevent further destruction of the vitreous, and in some cases, reduce pathological changes.

Sometimes the process is already so advanced that the only method remains to perform laser splitting of the foci of destruction, which is called vitreolysis. It may also be necessary to remove the vitreous substance surgically. The resulting voids are replaced with artificial polymer or gas.

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