Reasons why blurred vision

In the modern world, there are various diseases of the organs of vision, which are sometimes very difficult to combat. A disruption of the normal structure of the vitreous body of the eye, in which it loses its transparency, is called destruction of the fibers of the reticular structure of this part of the visual organ. This condition is characterized by such manifestations as blurred vision, dots and spots flickering in front of the eye.

At first, these manifestations may not even affect the quality of life. However, without proper treatment, destruction can only intensify. This will lead to serious visual impairment. Often such processes occur against the background of age-related changes, as well as under the influence of a number of negative factors. To identify the exact causes of destruction, it is worth undergoing a comprehensive examination.

How is cloudiness of the eye body treated? Destruction can be reduced using folk remedies. This therapy is considered safer than traditional medicine. Folk remedies help restore vitreous tissue and normalize blood circulation in the eyeball. Using these procedures helps slow down the process of vision deterioration. In this review, we will look at the main treatment methods and their effectiveness.

Description of the problem

What can be said about the vitreous humor of the eye? This is one of the most important parts of the human visual system. Passing through it, light rays are fixed on the lens. 99% of the vitreous body consists of liquid. The rest is organic structural elements. The vitreous body in a healthy person should be completely transparent. Rays of light must pass through it unhindered. However, age-related changes and exposure to negative environmental factors can lead to loss of vitreous clarity. As a result, opaque elements appear, which are visually perceived as clouding in the eyes, flies or threads.

Development of the disease

Typically, destruction of the vitreous body of the eye occurs from its central region. At the initial stage of the disease, a cavity is formed, which is filled with opaque fibers of organic origin. The structure of the vitreous body itself changes. As a result, conglomerates of tissue particles appear, which causes clouding of the eye lens. Developing destruction can provoke retinal detachment and wrinkling of the vitreous body. This in turn will cause significant visual impairment, in some cases the person will lose it completely.


Why does blurred vision occur? The reasons for such destructive changes may be as follows:

  • chronic eye diseases;
  • involution;
  • farsightedness;
  • myopia;
  • dystrophic processes;
  • glaucoma and increased intraocular pressure;
  • osteochondrosis of the cervical vertebrae;
  • helminthic infestation;
  • head injuries;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • psycho-emotional disorders;
  • lack of nutrients and vitamins in the diet.

It is worth noting that two large groups of vitreous destruction can be distinguished:

  1. Damage due to trauma.
  2. Insufficient nutrition of the eye tissues, leading to structural disorders of the body.

As a rule, changes of this kind occur in people over 40 years of age. Also, the risk of such disorders is much higher among citizens suffering from farsightedness, myopia and other vision pathologies. First of all, this is due to the fact that these diseases lead to disturbances in the blood supply to the eye tissues. This can significantly accelerate the development of destructive changes.

Causes of periodic blurred vision

There are several reasons why a person may sometimes see small cloudy areas in their field of vision. The main ones are:

  1. general increase in pressure in the body;
  2. lack of glucose in the blood;
  3. dry eye syndrome;
  4. excessive tension of the visual apparatus.

General increase in pressure

Haze or dark circles in a person may appear when there is a surge in pressure. This can happen when there is a sudden change in body position, for example:

  • rapid ascent;
  • staying in poses with a bowed head for a long time;
  • movements that are accompanied by jerky turns and tilts of the head.

This is quite common in people who are healthy.

In order to check why the eyes become cloudy and whether the reason for this is really a change in the level of pressure, it is necessary to measure it. To do this you need to use a tonometer.

If a person has increased indicators, then he does not need to worry about the health of his vision. In order for the picture to stop blurring, a couple of minutes of rest is enough for him to normalize his blood pressure. The appearance of such visual abnormalities is explained by a sharp rise in pressure throughout the body, which leads to an increase in intraocular pressure. It is precisely because of the increase in pressure inside the eyes that clouding occurs.

However, if you have high (or low) blood pressure and, most importantly, it does not change for a long time, then you need to see a doctor. After all, this indicates general problems associated with the cardiovascular system, for example, diseases such as:

  • hypertension;
  • hypotension;
  • anemia;
  • vasospasm of the retinal surface of the eye;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia (VSD).

When treating these diseases, dark spots disappear without contacting an ophthalmologist.

Lack of glucose in the blood

Glucose is a simple carbohydrate that the human body needs for energy. With its deficiency, the body weakens, its condition worsens and this leads to an imbalance in the performance of all systems. This also applies to the organs of the visual apparatus.

As a result of severe weakening, due to lack of glucose, the eyes become cloudy, and there is no sharpness in visual review. To replenish energy reserves and eliminate cloudiness, it is enough to eat some sweet product. This will accelerate and improve the performance of the functions of all organs, including the visual apparatus.

Blurred vision due to a lack of glucose most often occurs in people who actively engage in physical activity, run long distances and are exposed to sunlight for a long time.

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Dry eye syndrome

Another reason why a person periodically sees everything cloudy is “dry eye” syndrome. It occurs when the cornea dries out and its endothelium becomes fogged. This phenomenon is not constant and can only occur under certain conditions.

In order for a person’s vision to become clear and distinct again, moisturizing drops and gels are used.

Excessive tension of the visual organs

In the case when a person’s vision is sometimes cloudy, sometimes not, this may indicate general fatigue of the organs of the visual apparatus. This type of fatigue occurs when you use your eyes excessively without taking a proper break when:

  • working behind a monitor screen;
  • working with optical instruments (magnifying glasses, microscopes);
  • spending a long time watching TV, mobile phone;
  • intense exposure to the sun's rays on the organs of vision.

All of the above reasons can be easily eliminated without contacting an ophthalmologist, since they are more indicative of general health problems that a person has and require contact with specialists in the relevant field of medicine: a therapist, a cardiologist, etc.

Destructive processes

In medicine they are divided into several types.


  1. Filamentous destruction: a person in this condition may experience blurred vision and dizziness. It seems as if threads are stretched in front of the eye. Destruction of this type usually develops as a result of age-related changes in people suffering from myopia. During a detailed examination, a doctor can detect fibers of organic matter between the cornea and retina. The vitreous body takes on a more liquid consistency.
  2. Granular destruction: at this stage, vision becomes blurred and its sharpness decreases. It’s as if drops of water are constantly visible in front of my eyes. As a rule, this disease develops as a result of a prolonged infectious process, as well as due to systemic disturbances in the functioning of the body. Destructive processes in the vitreous body can cause the formation of small conglomerates of organic matter.
  3. Crystal destruction: extremely rare. It occurs due to the high content of substances such as cholesterol, amino acids, and so on in the vitreous body.


The entry of microbes into the eye or their activation leads to the development of keratitis.
An inflammatory gray-yellow infiltrate with blurred edges is formed. Later it transforms into a corneal ulcer, which quickly increases in size and deepens. The pathological process can spread to other parts of the eye. Then scarring of the ulcer occurs with the formation of leukoma (cataract), which threatens blindness.

Features of the clinic:

  • one-way process;
  • history of chronic eye diseases (conjunctivitis, dacryocystitis, dry eye syndrome);
  • acute onset (after microtrauma, within 12 hours there may be a clear clinical picture of inflammation).

Depending on the pathogen, ulcerative keratitis has some differences.

Thus, with pneumococcal, staphylococcal or streptococcal etiology, a creeping ulcer of the cornea of ​​the human eye is formed. The bottom and one of the edges of the ulcer are loosened and soaked in pus. The ulcer “crawls” along the cornea, increasing in size and deepening, until the membranes of the eye are completely destroyed. Fungal keratitis can cause the same consequences.

With diplococcal etiology, the process is more local and superficial and produces fewer complications.


Are eye pain, blurred vision and visual disturbances always signs of destruction? After all, similar signs also appear with atherosclerosis of blood vessels, various ailments of the nervous system, disorders of the blood supply to the brain, and so on. To correctly determine the cause of unpleasant symptoms and prescribe adequate treatment, the doctor must conduct an accurate differential diagnosis.

The following symptoms are most characteristic of this disease:

  • flashes and lightning before the eyes;
  • threads, spots, “black flies”;
  • blurred vision, especially when looking at bright lights or white objects.

It is worth noting that different degrees of destruction are characterized by different symptoms. If its signs are expressed quite clearly, then this may indicate a serious pathology. If left untreated, this condition can lead to irreversible changes in the structure of the lens and even blindness.

Features of the symptom

Amblyopia is a pathology that manifests itself in various types and forms, depending on the reason that provoked its development. If there is a sudden loss of vision in the right or left eye, the problem may be hidden in a spasm of accommodation. Often, problems can arise from spasms of the vascular system of the brain and the blood supply centers that control normal vision.

One eye sees worse in the dark

A condition in which the patient has impaired twilight vision in the right or left eye is called hemeralopia. Experts say that night blindness is not an independent disease. Mostly it indicates ophthalmological pathology, fatigue and lack of vitamins. The main causes of impaired visibility at dusk and at night are heredity, vitamin A imbalance, fatigue and eye diseases.

The eye sees blurry

In situations where a person begins to notice that one eye sees poorly and blurred, it is imperative to seek advice from a specialist. In such a situation, mandatory diagnosis is required, since such a pathological condition may indicate:

  • uveitis;
  • cataracts;
  • glaucoma;
  • retinal vascular spasms;
  • vitreous opacification.

Such diseases can cause a gradual deterioration in visibility, and therefore require mandatory treatment.

The eye has become difficult to see into the distance

Some patients complain of a condition in which their distance vision in one eye is impaired. Mostly in such a situation, a pathology such as lazy eye syndrome is diagnosed. A special feature of the phenomenon is the fact that the brain’s ability to perceive information coming from the diseased organ is impaired. In such an eye, impaired functionality is caused by some ophthalmological pathology.

Eye pain and poor vision

Various injuries can cause vision problems or a situation where a person cannot see objects. If there is damage, hemorrhage, or foreign objects enter the mucous membrane, you must visit a specialist as soon as possible.

Most often, eye injuries are accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • pain syndrome;
  • tissue swelling;
  • attacks of nausea and vomiting;
  • sudden loss of vision in the affected eye.

If the eye is severely injured by a sharp object, the situation is extremely dangerous. If the deep layers of the eyeball are damaged, both decreased vision and complete loss of vision are possible. If wood or metal shavings penetrate the eye, you should try to remove it, then rinse the organ and consult a doctor. A foreign body that is not removed in time can provoke an inflammatory process.

Decreased vision in the morning

In some patients, unilateral decreased vision is observed only in the morning. This pathological condition can be provoked by thrombosis of the central vein layers of the retina, which causes decreased vision. In patients, the process of gradual thickening of the blood begins in the vessels leading to one of the organs of vision.

The cause of unilateral decreased vision in the morning can be infectious diseases, severe consequences after influenza and sepsis. In some cases, the cause of visibility problems may be dystrophy in elderly patients.

After vision correction, one eye sees worse

Some patients experience unilateral vision loss after laser correction. The resulting pathology often causes concern, but doctors consider it quite normal. This pathological condition is considered as a consequence of small edema formed after surgery. It is possible to alleviate the patient’s condition and speed up their progress with the help of such medications as Diclof, Indocollir or Balarpan.

Risk of surgery

How to overcome clouding of the lens of the eye? Treatment usually involves surgery. This method is becoming increasingly popular every year. However, everything is not so simple here. The operation can lead to much more serious complications. In addition, in most cases, vision begins to decline again after such manipulation. But the main disadvantage of this method is that lenses and glasses do not work on the operated eyes. As a result, the patient begins to have vision problems, and he cannot do anything about it.

Preventive recommendations

To prevent a person from having cloudy eyes, it is recommended to protect the organs of vision from mechanical damage that can damage the mucous membrane. The risk of developing a deviation is reduced by using suitable correction products, and it is important to carefully monitor hygiene rules. When working at a computer or with small parts, it is recommended to take a break and do light exercises, preventing visual fatigue. As soon as a person notices that their eyes have become cloudy, they should immediately contact an ophthalmologist for help without self-medicating.


Sometimes destruction causes such visual impairments that do not allow a person to live a normal life. However, the disease may not cause discomfort in the initial stages. But, if treatment is not started in a timely manner, the destruction will rapidly progress and ultimately cause irreversible changes in the structure of the vitreous body. Cloudiness of the vitreous humor of the eye is only the first sign.

Possible serious consequences of this condition include the following:

  • visual acuity disappears and complete blindness ultimately occurs;
  • the retina detaches;
  • wrinkling of the vitreous body.

How is the treatment carried out?

If the darkening of proteins is associated with overwork, stress and other physiological factors, then normally, after stabilization of the condition, the problem goes away on its own. When the eye becomes cloudy due to overwork, it is recommended to take a break from work and perform special gymnastics. If this measure does not help and the person continues to see dimly, then a long rest is required.

When there is a gray tint to the image due to pathology, it is worthwhile to be examined by an ophthalmologist, after which the necessary treatment will be prescribed. If the color of the eye has not yet begun to change and the disease is at the initial stage of development, then you can use medications. The following eye drops often help the patient:

In the first stages of the disease, the doctor may prescribe treatment with Vidisic gel.

  • "Vizin";
  • "Vidisik";
  • "Vial";
  • "Visoptic";
  • "Ophtal";
  • "Nafcon".

If the eye does not cloud too much, then physiotherapeutic procedures can be used together with medications. Their type and duration of treatment course is prescribed exclusively by the doctor.

When is surgery required?

If cloudy eyes are associated with a pathology that causes the patient to see poorly, then surgical intervention is required. Surgery is necessary if there are no positive results from conservative therapy. The operation is indicated in the following cases:

If a patient is diagnosed with glaucoma, then surgical intervention is necessary.

  • the appearance of a gray pupil and changes in the color of other eye structures;
  • advanced myopia or farsightedness;
  • cataract;
  • glaucoma;
  • active decrease in visual acuity.

During manipulation, the surgeon excises the damaged lens, installing an artificial implant in its place, thanks to which it is possible to achieve the necessary refractive power. The operation is not dangerous, and the patient does not feel pain or discomfort. Surgical intervention is performed using innovative technologies that minimize the risk of unpleasant consequences. After surgery, the patient may be discharged on the same day or the next. During the rehabilitation period, it is necessary to limit the time spent at the computer and in front of the TV. The patient is prescribed various medications that speed up the recovery process and prevent complications.


What is she like? Before treating cloudy eyes, it is necessary to understand diagnostic methods.

These include:

  • examination by an ophthalmologist;
  • ultrasound examination of the eyeball;
  • tomographic observation;
  • examination of living eye tissue under a microscope.

These diagnostic methods make it possible to determine the degree of development of destruction, as well as to identify concomitant pathologies. Sometimes, in order to accurately determine the cause of changes, it is also necessary to assess the patient’s general health.

Diagnostic methods

If a person has cloudy whites of the eyes, then you should not delay visiting an ophthalmologist. Such a condition sometimes signals the development of a serious illness, which is important to eliminate in the early stages of development. When a patient’s eyes become cloudy, it is important for the specialist to find out whether the symptom is temporary and under what conditions other possible manifestations of the abnormality appear. It is possible to determine the reason why a person’s eyes darken and become cloudy through the following diagnostic procedures:

The doctor may prescribe biomicroscopy to determine the diagnosis.

  • biomicroscopy, which determines visual fields and visual acuity;
  • tonometry, which involves measuring intraocular pressure;
  • ophthalmoscopic examination;
  • densitometry;
  • fluorescein angiography;
  • diagnostics of visual organs using ultrasonic waves.


What therapy is usually prescribed for the diagnosis of vitreous opacification? Treatment in case of age-related destruction is not provided. Unfortunately, the aging process of the body is irreversible. Modern medicine can only help the patient maintain vision at the existing level. If the disease appeared due to a violation of the blood supply and was detected at an early stage, then with properly selected therapy there is a high probability of restoring the structure of the vitreous body.

Factors such as the patient’s lifestyle and nutrition are of great importance in the treatment of destructive changes. In some cases, the patient’s condition can be improved by simply changing their lifestyle. You need to eat the right foods. Food should be rich in nutrients, vitamins and minerals. The patient should eat as many fresh vegetables and fruits as possible. An active lifestyle and special exercises also improve eye condition. Such gymnastics allows you to train the muscles of the visual organs and improve their blood supply.

Why are my eyes cloudy?

Eyes are an indicator of human health.

Detection of clouding is a serious reason to visit an ophthalmologist.

Cloudy spots may indicate old age. In this case, the lens becomes cloudy and the spot acquires a bluish tint. This condition may also indicate a pathological process in the organs of vision.

Cloudy whites of the eyes

Cloudy vision is manifested by pallor of the connective membrane, hyperemia or clouding of the protein. A person’s gaze loses its shine, a foreign body is felt, as if sand had been poured into it.

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The change in shade is associated with a change in the chemical composition of the blood; this occurs with prolonged stay indoors or with general fatigue. The contour between the cornea and the white is erased.

Cloudiness is localized in any part of the visual analyzer. It can be found in the central and peripheral field of vision. It may affect only part of the eye, sometimes the spots are located chaotically.

This condition is accompanied by the following clinical picture:

  • headache;
  • eye pain;
  • nausea;
  • cobwebs before the eyes;
  • flashes.

Red and cloudy eyes are the cause of many pathological conditions. Simultaneously with these signs, others appear, indicating a specific disease. This may be a deterioration in visual perception, disruption of a certain part of vision, burning, itching and other symptoms.

Sometimes cloudy whites of the eyes go away after rest. In other cases, double vision, fatigue, and severe lacrimation appear.

Causes of cloudiness

There are many reasons that can cause cloudy eyes. Often this condition occurs against the background of long-term chronic infectious lesions, chemical or mechanical injuries.

A common cause of the condition is overwork and chronic fatigue. They are characterized by a foreign body sensation, lacrimation, and redness.

Dry eye syndrome may cause blurred vision. The symptoms are similar to those of overwork, but there is no lacrimation.

Cloudy whites of the eyes cause acidosis. It develops in diabetes mellitus, thyrotoxicosis, and kidney diseases.

Causes of cloudy eyes in a child

In newborns, the whites of the eyes are not white, but cloudy. This is considered normal; later they acquire a natural shade.

If the visual organs are completely cloudy at the birth of a child, this is also normal. After 3-7 days they will turn white, the color of the iris will also change.

Cloudiness is possible with conjunctivitis, measles, injury, herpes virus.


Surgical intervention is prescribed for common ophthalmological problems. If the visual organ is cloudy, surgery is performed on the lens. Lens removal is more common for cataracts, myopia and hypermetropia.

It is removed and an implant with powerful refractive power is installed in its place. The procedure is safe, but has some complications.

The operation to install an implant requires postoperative rehabilitation. It lasts about 2–3 weeks. During this period, you should limit physical activity, rest more, and do not overload them with reading or watching TV.

Vision is restored immediately, and if necessary, glasses for vision correction are selected. Glasses can be worn 5 days after surgery.

Special drops are prescribed to speed up healing and prevent infection.

Microsurgical operation (phacoemulsification) involves fragmentation of the lens substance with ultrasound. Then it is extracted using irrigation-aspiration method. You should prepare properly for the operation. Its advantage is reduced rehabilitation time.


The risk of developing a defect can be reduced if you carefully monitor the hygiene of the eye area. To avoid cloudy eyes, it is necessary to use suitable correction products when working with a computer or small parts.

Ophthalmological problems can be prevented by preventing visual fatigue by contacting an ophthalmological center in a timely manner.

Poor vision significantly worsens the quality of life and makes it impossible to see the world as it is.

Not to mention the progression of pathologies and complete blindness.

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Use of alternative medicine

Cloudiness of the lens of the eye can also be treated using folk remedies. They help improve blood supply to the eyeball. Such treatment of destructive processes reduces the symptoms of pathology. In addition, the advantages of folk remedies are that they do not cause side effects.

Here are just some recipes:

  1. Honey drops: to prepare this product, you need to dilute the sweetness with boiled water in a ratio of 1:2. Drops are used twice a day - morning and evening. This product helps saturate the vitreous tissue with nutrients and beneficial microelements.
  2. Aloe is very beneficial for eye tissue. This plant prevents infections. To prepare the medicine, you need to take the lower leaves of a three-year-old aloe, make a paste out of them, squeeze out the juice and mix with honey in equal proportions. The resulting mixture is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:2 and used as eye drops.
  3. Geranium: This plant also makes an excellent eye remedy. The leaves need to be crushed, the juice squeezed out of the resulting pulp, diluted with boiled water in a ratio of 1:2 and dripped into the eyes.
  4. Chickweed: Compresses with this plant are extremely effective for treating eye diseases. To prepare them, you need to take two pieces of cotton fabric and roll them into envelopes. Chopped grass is placed in them. The compresses are immersed in boiling water for a couple of minutes, and then taken out, cooled and placed on the eyes. You need to keep the compress for 15 minutes. The procedure should be carried out in the morning and evening every day.
  5. Cloves: one teaspoon of seasoning must be steamed with a quarter glass of boiled water. Add a quarter teaspoon of aloe juice and honey to the resulting infusion. These drops should be placed in the eyes twice a day.

Massage and exercise

How to treat cloudy eyes? A special massage helps to effectively eliminate this symptom. Use your fingertips several times a day to make light circular movements in the eye area. It can also be helpful to apply gentle pressure with your fingers to your eyeballs for a few seconds.

Many doctors advise using therapeutic exercises. You can start with just a few cycles of exercises.

Here are just a few of them:

  1. Blink actively without stopping for several minutes. This will help restore blood flow to the tissues of the eye.
  2. Focus your gaze on objects at different distances. It is most convenient to do this exercise near a window.
  3. Close your eyes tightly for a few seconds, and then open your eyes sharply. The exercise is performed from 10 to 30 times.
  4. Eye movements. During this exercise, you need to draw various figures - eights, circles, rectangles, and so on. It is aimed at developing various eye muscles.
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