How to behave with your husband so that he respects his wife


Many people have this question: “How to behave with your husband?” may cause confusion. It's still so simple!

However, this “simply” of yours makes your relationship far from the most flawless. Or I'm wrong?

...Surely your husband no longer carries you in his arms.

...He doesn’t give gifts just like that, for you, from the heart. And he gives only because it is necessary. For some holiday.

...I’m generally silent about flowers.

...Says few kind words.

…Spends a lot of time watching TV, computer or with friends.

...Or maybe he started staying at work longer than usual?

...Most likely, he himself stopped striving for perfection and stopped developing.

...And in general, he doesn’t talk to you much and is silent about his problems.

...He doesn't listen to you.

…Doesn’t surprise, doesn’t seduce, doesn’t appreciate you the way you want!

...Sex with my husband is not so passionate and animalistic.

...Or maybe he doesn’t want you much at all?

Surely you are familiar with this! I receive a lot of letters like this with similar complaints about husbands. Yes, what letters? I already see everything myself, fortunately, there are a lot of examples of this.

So here it is. If you behave in a standard way, the same way almost all married girls behave, then, accordingly, you get exactly the same problems.

Yes! People are different, but they all behave the same. Everyone has identical problems, and they need to be solved somehow.

And guess what?

The man is responsible for the spoils. He must provide and protect you. He must be strong, powerful, aggressive, cunning, smart and a good provider. Otherwise, this is not a man, but God knows what!

And you must be responsible for the relationship. If you don’t do this, if you want to throw this burden onto a man’s shoulders, then the man will begin to resist one way or another. A man cannot participate in building relationships. This is as unnatural as working for a woman in a hard job.

Therefore, it is you who must steer this process.

If you still think that a man should be involved in relationships, then marry a fagot or a very feminine man. Then you will build relationships together. Only, it’s unlikely that you will love such a weakling.

Now let's look at the reasons for a man's behavior in marriage.

At first everything is great, he tries, surprises, says big words, takes care of himself, develops, stands behind you like a mountain, spends a lot of time with you, communicates, carries you in his arms... And then there is a decline.

Decline comes when he sees that the goal has been achieved. You are already his territory. He won you.

Since a man is essentially a hunter, he has the instinct of a warrior for territory; he simply needs to start conquering something else. At least something. Very necessary!

It is very good if he switches to gaining social status, begins to conquer business, builds a career, and breaks European records in sports. Or simply actively working on himself.

But more often it happens that a man switches to easier prey. These are other women. Fortunately, there are plenty of these territories around, and they just beckon - conquer me! And satisfying the hunter's instinct lasts for a long time. You can “conquer and conquer.” This is getting interesting.

And its own territory begins to be overgrown with grass. He no longer carries you in his arms. Doesn't give YOU gifts... And so on. He's just not interested!

As a result, we get this picture. Or he gives up caring for you and switches to self-development. Or other women.

I would also like to add that this is almost inevitable. It is inevitable that after conquering you, almost 100%, he will switch to other wars. It's just that a real man needs to fight to feel like a real man .

Of course, you can do something very stupid and start rebelling against this. And in the end, you will get that his territory will begin to really strain you, and it will be easier to start staying at work longer than usual or spending time with someone else. Well, or, if you rush to the edge, you will start to drink alcohol and degenerate in front of the TV.

But you’re not like that, are you? You want a successful relationship, right?

Then don't do what the majority does.

I will tell you how to behave with your husband and build a happy relationship far and long. I will make you very ideal for my man. )))


You must understand that you will have to get involved in a fight. But this is the struggle that all women whose relationships have faded dream about. And you will receive pleasant emotions constantly!

So. You are his territory. And he must fight for her! I want to emphasize - he must fight FOR YOU!

When a man fails to win a girl quickly, he gets involved in a fight. Tries different methods, tricks and tricks. Trying. He gets angry, comes up with something, is happy when he wins, gets upset when he loses. This game must not end!

The struggle can continue forever, and then give a chance, then take it away.

The trick is that by fighting with his territory, a man becomes attached to it. She becomes his goal, his meaning of life.

Let's look at specific actions. How should you proceed? How to behave with your husband?

You must be unavailable often.

He shouldn't tell himself - that's it! She's mine now! He should always have the feeling that you are far from him, that you are slightly cold with your husband.

For example, when you are sitting with your husband in an embrace and watching a movie, then get up and sit separately from him. Say it's more convenient for you. If he comes up to you, then ask him not to interfere with watching the movie. The film is more important than him at this point!

Make it so that he wakes up and you are not there. You sleep in another room. If he asks why you went to another room, then say that you just wanted to.

Rarely pick up the phone when he or you are at work. You're busy, period.

Why should you fulfill your marital duty? The best thing you can do is turn him on, excite him, and don't let him. Let him come up with a reason himself.

I want to say that you need to do this periodically so that he has doubts about your feelings for him.

Do you want a worthy man? Then remember this phrase, I am grateful to you, thank you.

And try to do this with every man you interact with, even for every little thing, even for what they already do for you. They already give you flowers, another flower - thank you for it. The door was opened for you. The man even just tried to help, but you refused his help, thank him for trying to help. Thank you for your intention to help you. Someone solved a problem for you, gave you a gift, did something, thank you for every little thing. Someone just smiled at you, wished you a good day, gave you a compliment - thank you

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It is important. Many girls don’t know how to do this, they neglect it

They think what difference does it make, it’s not that important, it’s a trifle. It is very important.

He should always doubt your feelings.

Therefore, stop talking about them. Don't tell him you love him, don't tell him you want him.

If he offended you, then squeeze out a smile. He shouldn't know that he can play on your feelings. He will somehow provoke you into emotions, you need not to react to it. Let feelings boil in your soul - don’t show them!

Then he will make an effort and begin to try to unbalance you. Give more expensive gifts, perform stronger actions.

After sex with your husband, don’t say that you had a good time. Make it smarter. Praise. Say - TODAY you are great, and hide in the bathroom. Next time don't say anything. If he asks if you had a good time, then say it was better last time.

Things that await newlyweds immediately after the wedding

The volleys of festive fireworks died down, the first wedding night is over. The couple in love has reached a new serious stage in their relationship, which brings with it not only pleasure for each other, but also some troubles:

Changing the bride's surname is an important event in the life of a young family. A man is proud that he gave his last name to the woman he loves, so giving it up and leaving her maiden name is a wrong choice.

As a last resort, leave both last names with a hyphen;

Changing the surname entails replacing all the documents of the young wife: passport, driver’s license, insurance card. In this regard, honeymoon plans may be disrupted. It is better to change your passport after your honeymoon.

Making a joint decision about a wedding gift. One of the spouses should not make a decision, now you are a family and you have everything in common.

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  • Drawing up a marriage contract, there is nothing shameful in this, this is the right modern decision, which provides a guarantee for each of the spouses in the future.
  • As the newlyweds get used to living together, they get to know each other better and get to know the negative sides of their other half.

The first year after marriage is critical in the life of every family; it is the most difficult because a person who previously lived on his own now needs to take into account the opinion of his other half, make plans for the future, show respect and tolerance for the habits and views of his spouse.

You must provoke him to emotions.

An emotionless life is boring. If we compare the emotional coefficient and the intellectual one, then the first is ten times stronger than the second. This means that a person is guided in life mainly by emotions.

If there is not enough emotion in family life, then the man will begin to look for it somewhere else. Can you guess where?

I want to focus on anger. A whole article could be written about this, but I will still write briefly about it in this article so that it is much more significant.

I want to show you a very subtle point. When a man gets angry, he is filled with power that women don’t know what to do with. And the man splashes it onto a foreign object. Breaks something or punches a wall.

You need to make sure that his anger grows into passion. Into animal and passionate sex!

As soon as you feel that your husband is beginning to grow cold towards you, or he is already acting quite coldly, then arouse anger in him and direct this energy into a sexual direction.

This can be done in different ways. You can get angry yourself and provoke a quarrel. You can simply provoke anger. In principle, it is not difficult to cause anger, but it is much more difficult to manage it.

As soon as you see that your husband is “seething” and is ready to throw out his energy, immediately provoke him to have sex. He will start up on his own and have a blast. You can provoke him with the words “Come on, fuck me harder”, “Is this all you can do?”, “Fuck me like a whore”, etc.

This will blow your mind both of you! And he will become addicted to you like a drug, because you give him emotions!

How to behave with your husband: advice from good wives

Many women are mistaken in the fact that a stamp in a passport will always keep a man near them, no matter what they do. Maybe once upon a time this was some kind of saving straw, but, as they say, it was a long time ago and not true!

If you rely only on the marriage certificate and do nothing yourself, your love will not last long. Here are some tips for women on how to deal with their husbands

that can help them in family life.

  1. Talk about what you like out loud. Forget about the tradition of many women: “I was offended by something unknown.” After all, for men, sometimes it’s really not clear what exactly he did wrong. And your offended silence will not move the solution to the problem, no matter how “loudly” you remain silent. It should be taken into account that most men do not understand obvious hints at all, and it’s not for them to unravel the secret of your offense.
  2. According to statistics, many men value in marriage the fact that when they come home they are waited for. Indifference is the worst, remember this. If you have time to please your man with something tasty after work and keep him in pleasant company, do it. You are not alone in the family, there are at least two of you.
  3. If you want to make a decision, consult your husband. We are talking about those issues that concern your family, in which two people should take part. Moreover, the man before you generally made all decisions on his own, and by consulting with him, you will let him know that his opinion is very important to you. Make sure the decision is mutual.
  4. Treat easier. Firstly, nerve cells are restored with great difficulty, and even then in rare cases. And secondly, the garbage will not be thrown out on its own faster if you are angry. It’s not always that a husband doesn’t do something simply because he doesn’t want to. First, ask if everything is okay with him, and then draw conclusions. He himself knows about his responsibilities, give him a chance to fulfill them.

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Who said that there is no place for romance in life together?

  1. Remember that a man needs more time to do something than you do. You want to carry out a major renovation in the bathroom, but your husband is doing everything very slowly. Don't insist. Remember, they “swing” longer.
  2. Don't get involved in what the man has already started doing. He doesn't need your advice until he asks for it himself. And if he doesn’t ask, you can do it yourself later.
  3. During a quarrel, do not insult the man. This of course applies to him too. You will make peace anyway, but “you can’t erase the words from a song,” everything you said will be remembered for a long time, and, in the end, will lead to bad consequences.
  4. Mistrust has destroyed many families for no apparent reason. But you don’t trust not because he gives a reason. In most cases, a woman is not confident in herself. So maybe it’s worth raising your self-esteem? Correct what you don’t like about yourself, and you will begin to trust your husband more and understand how to behave with your husband.
  5. Improve yourself. You’ve been wanting to read a book for a long time - read it, sign up for yoga - go to the lotus position, learn to dance the rumba - then dance for your husband. Be varied and interesting.
  6. There is such a thing as “personal space”. So, not only your husband should have it, but you too. Don’t drag him along with you everywhere, go for walks with your friends more often, do something in which your husband will not take part. Give him freedom too. Fishing with friends will not lead to anything bad, but then you will have something to share with each other.
  7. There must be a mystery in a woman. Remember this. You should not give away all your secrets and desires in the first days of marriage. You are going to live with this person for a long time, what will you talk about later?

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Cooking together brings people together. Set aside a day, such as Sunday, when you will cook together, such as breakfast

And remember, men need women. Frederic Beigbeder, in his popular book “Love Lives for Three Years,” said: “A man without a woman runs wild: a few days of solitude - and he stops shaving, washing, and purrs like an animal. It took man several million years to reach civilization, but you can return to the Neanderthal state in six days.” So don’t forget the main thing - to love a man!

Give your husband sincere love, care and affection - and he will answer you in kind

Be hard to get sometimes.

Often wives can walk around the house naked, change clothes in front of their husbands and calmly allow themselves to be touched.

This immediately indicates that the territory is under control. You need to be hard to get. Ideally, he shouldn’t see you naked outside of bed at all.

If he gets into your panties, then remove your hand and be embarrassed.

If he starts kissing your neck, push him away slightly and change the subject.

He shouldn't touch you wherever he wants and whenever he wants. Imagine that you don’t know each other well, and behave with your husband as if you were a stranger. This state will be transmitted to him, and it will start to turn him on. He will get involved in the fight. He's in the game!

Nothing to talk about

Family life after marriage does not please those people who do not have hobbies and spend all their free time alone with each other. Such gatherings become incredibly boring over time. People realize that they have nothing to talk about. Don't be afraid to spend more time outside the home and take a break from your significant other. Go to a meeting with your friends in the bathhouse and spend time discussing other people's problems. When you return home, you will have new topics to discuss with your loved one. You should also find a hobby that is exclusively yours. By devoting time to your favorite activity, you will not think about non-existent problems and stress yourself out. Find a common favorite activity with your husband. Work brings people together. For example, you can write a novel together, make something, or engage in teaching. Then you will at your leisure discuss not only everyday issues, but also issues related to common hobbies. Such discussions will diversify your conversations and help you find more common ground with the person.

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