What is psychological dependence: the mechanism of formation and methods of getting rid of it

All people have addictions. For example, we are all dependent on modern mobile phones. Only for some it is an addiction to social networks and leisure time, but for others the phone is an organizer that is always at hand. We are all somehow dependent on public opinion or some services. Some people cannot live without reading, and others cannot live without drugs. Some people are dependent on tenderness and warmth, while others cannot live without scandals and aggression. Everyone has addictions, but their nature is different, and accordingly, the consequences are different.

The essence of psychological dependence

“Basically, a person shows freedom only in the choice of dependence,” Hermann Hesse.

Speaking about dependencies, I would highlight:

  • positive (constructive),
  • negative (destructive).

And I consider the term “habit” to be the closest concept. I think this comparison makes it easier to understand the essence of addiction as a socio-psychological phenomenon.

In essence, addiction is a habit based on a skill. These are the needs to repeat a habitual action. The dependence mechanism itself is neutral in nature. It becomes positive or negative when a person gives direction to his addiction.

  • For example, we are used to taking care of ourselves: washing our hair, brushing our teeth, taking care of our clothes. And, agree, does appearance affect your state of mind? We are dependent on ourselves and circumstances. But some addictions, for example, the need for reading or playing sports, allow us to grow, while others, for example, the need to use psychoactive substances, drag us down to the social bottom.
  • It is necessary to distinguish between dependencies and addictions. Addictive behavior is a variant of destructive dependent behavior, the purpose of which is to escape reality (physical or mental “improvement”, workaholism, loneliness or excessive sociality, the world of fantasy). This is a psychological dependence on surfactants or actions that cause damage to the body.
  • Addictive behavior is a broader term that implies a psychological and physical component, which is both positive and negative. This article deals with the psychological element of addiction, but not necessarily in a negative way. However, if you want to get rid of something, then it is probably about addictions, so more attention will be paid to this.
  • Accordingly, it is possible to both eradicate negative dependencies and form useful ones. For example, addiction to physical activity or learning a foreign language. A good option is to replace destructive dependencies with constructive ones.

Mental dependence

Mental dependence is a condition involving an uncontrollable emotional need for constant and systematic use of narcotic substances for pleasure or to avoid uncomfortable sensations.

Signs of mental dependence

Mental dependence is usually characterized by the presence of signs characteristic of drug addiction:

  • feeling of emotional discomfort in the absence of a narcotic substance;
  • spontaneous change of mood : animation at the mention of a drug (cases from one’s own drug experience) or depression at the thought of a circumstance that excludes the possibility of use;
  • the process of anesthesia does not cause criticism;
  • thoughts related to drug addiction always take on a positive connotation;
  • development of a stable idea of ​​a narcotic substance as one that is the only one capable of overcoming any discomfort, and use is seen as the highest degree of pleasure in life;
  • drug use is perceived as the only joy in life;
  • a feeling of a state of normal well-being , quenching a state of anxiety, increasing vitality is possible only in a state of drug intoxication;
  • the state of chronic intoxication becomes the new norm in life.

The debut of the formation of mental dependence

The onset of the formation of mental dependence is of an obsessive nature, caused by the desire to resist obsessive desires to use, however, despite these attempts, the process constantly and gradually acquires a compulsive nature. In this sense, there are certain contradictions regarding the use of the term “obsession,” since drug addicts perceive a pathological passion for narcotic substances as one that does not contradict their personality and fits organically into their worldview. Therefore, the use of this term in relation to mental dependence does not fully reflect the nature of this pathology, but gives an idea of ​​the beginning of the formation of dependence as an internal personal conflict of motives and a feeling of unfulfillment, due to dissatisfaction of one’s desires.


Signs of psychological dependence

“Nobody wants to admit that we are addicted to music, like a drug. It doesn't happen that way. Nobody gets hooked on music, TV or radio. We just need more: more channels, wider screen, louder sound. We can’t live without music and TV, but no, no one is hooked on them,” Chuck Palahniuk.

Signs of psychological dependence include various types of discomfort from an unsatisfied need to repeatedly act or use the subject of addiction. It could be:

  • depression;
  • apathy;
  • yearning;
  • anxiety;
  • irritation;
  • anger;
  • anxiety;
  • concern;
  • sleep disorders;
  • “out of place”;
  • feeling of emptiness;
  • fatigue;
  • lethargy;
  • aggression;
  • fear;
  • guilt;
  • denial of dependence;
  • emotional swings and more.

Portrait of a dependent personality

The main feature of a dependent personality is infantilism. In particular, this manifests itself:

  • inability to take responsibility for one's life;
  • conviction that the world is problematic and that in order to eliminate personality problems the world (environment) must change;
  • egocentrism (conviction of one’s uniqueness, “navel of the earth” syndrome);
  • the predominance of children's emotions and feelings over adults (for example, resentment over determination);
  • instability of self-esteem and its inadequacy (from self-destruction to exaltation);
  • impulsive and reckless behavior, life, desires and emotions;
  • the inability to plan life, the desire to get everything at once (just like that), inadequate desires;
  • children's values ​​and bodily needs (spiritual needs are not developed);
  • inability to distinguish between the ideal and the real, a childish sense of justice;
  • undeveloped abstract logical thinking (inability to distance oneself from emotions and adequately assess the problem);
  • deceitfulness with oneself and others.

Any addiction is our “want”. Who lives by “I want” alone? That's right, child. A person who is not ready for adult life becomes dependent.

Mechanism of addiction formation

Psychological dependence precedes physical dependence. The formation of addiction is based on the mechanism of incentive and reinforcement. After a person performs any action, the happiness hormone dopamine is produced in the brain.

Dopamine is released into the reward zone. This is the pleasure center of the brain. Thus, a neural connection is formed, which can be characterized as “action - dopamine production - pleasure - memory of pleasure - the need for repeated action.”

What happens to the psyche at the moment of addiction formation:

  • The need to perform a repeated action overshadows other needs, the object of dependence becomes the main life value.
  • The person recognizes his own helplessness. He calls it “I can’t resist,” but in reality it’s “I don’t want to deprive myself of such a familiar and simple way of getting pleasure” (characteristic exclusively of psychological addiction).
  • A person finds a bunch of reasons and excuses for who or what made him repeat the action.

Stereotyped behavior is formed, the goal of which is to obtain an object of pleasure, in fact, pleasure itself. In situations of stress, external support (similarly dependent people), life failures, memories of past experiences, stereotypical behavior takes root even more.

Tolerance to the substance used or the action performed gradually increases. Later, physical dependence develops. This stage is characterized by other signs and treatment can only be clinical.

What is the syndrome of physical dependence on drugs?

If a person uses drugs for a long time, he soon begins to experience physical dependence syndrome. This syndrome includes three accompanying components:

  • Compulsive disorder;
  • Abstinence syndrome;
  • An irresistible desire to reach the maximum stage of euphoria.

But doctors today have studied physical addiction much better than mental addiction. Consequently, the chances of overcoming drug addiction are much greater. The syndrome in question (physical dependence syndrome) can be characterized in the following way. A person constantly strives to use narcotic drugs, without which it would seem that the body is unable to function normally.

Many people have a question: what happens if you suddenly stop using drugs? The answer is quite simple, basically two final results await a person:

  • The first, favorable outcome implies the complete restoration of all disrupted processes in the body after severe drug addiction;
  • The second, more terrible outcome most often ends in death, since the body cannot withstand the prolonged absence of the narcotic drug.

When a person takes new doses of a drug day after day, over time the substance enters the natural metabolic process. It turns out that the narcotic drug takes over the execution of certain important processes in the human body that previously relied on another endogenous substance. As a result, it turns out that the production of this substance in the body stops altogether.

When increasing doses of a drug are systematically introduced into the body, they are broken down at the enzymatic level. In this case, with a lack of seemingly familiar substances, drugs, the drug addict begins the process of withdrawal. During this process, the person's body requires a new dose of the drug in order to continue to function normally.

Typically, withdrawal is accompanied by unpleasant sensations, including muscle pain, increased dizziness, severe disruptions in the functioning of the body and sudden mood swings. But as soon as a person takes the drug, the condition immediately improves dramatically. Moreover, in addition to the cessation of all the above syndromes, the attraction to work, the desire to act and communicate with people increases.

Stages of development of psychological dependence

Psychological dependence goes through 4 stages in its development.

Zero stage

There is no need for the subject of addiction, but sometimes a person can do it “for” (for example, participate in a scandal, smoke).

First stage

A person sometimes resorts to addiction to solve problems, the feeling of pleasure (security, comfort) becomes more pronounced, and the negative consequences are less noticeable.

Second stage

The human psyche rearranges its work, and without a stimulus an individual cannot solve a specific problem. The positive effect of addiction is becoming less and less noticeable, and negative consequences are coming to the fore.

Third stage

The point of no return, ending in death (if we are talking about chemical dependencies). Man no longer exists as an individual. He is a hostage to the object (thing, habit, person) of addiction.

The second stage is the desire to change mood.

Having become familiar with the effects of alcohol, noting its positive impact on the emotional state, a person moves on to a socially acceptable way of drinking it, does it in suitable places, at the right time, and is able to control the amount of alcohol consumed. People who do not have a genetic predisposition to addiction remain at this stage.

The transition to the next stage begins with the fact that a person predisposed to the formation of addiction begins to pay more and more attention to the use. Realizing that drinking every day is not socially acceptable, he begins to get creative in finding new reasons to drink. In an attempt to control his desire, he tries to put himself within certain limits (drinking only on weekends, after work, only with friends, etc.). In this case, there is a need to increase the dose to achieve the same emotional effect as before. Not getting the desired effect, it begins to go beyond these limits, and the reasons for use become more and more.

Methods to combat addiction

At the heart of every psychological addiction is some kind of need, a lack of something. Often addiction is a perverted form of satisfying an actual need, for example:

  • scandals are an alternative to sex;
  • food is a substitute for love;
  • alcohol is an escape from reality (non-acceptance of oneself, melancholy from loneliness, hated work and much more).

Addictions such as smoking, overeating and alcoholism are often based on pros. One way or another, every addiction comes down to a person receiving happiness.

Thus, the goal of getting rid of addiction is to find another area that brings joy, fill the void or get rid of boredom, and solve internal problems. The main difference between addiction and habit is that the roots of the first lie, as a rule, very deep and are more difficult to pull out.

Is self-hypnosis effective?

It has been scientifically proven that in modern conditions, suggestion and self-hypnosis are not an effective means of treating psychological addiction. The percentage of people who remain in remission after this method does not exceed 5%.


Psychotherapy is the main method of treating psychological addictions. It is important to understand that you should not expect quick results. Addictions form over the years, becoming part of a person. It will not be easy to eradicate this part and reconstruct the personality. Working with addiction involves several directions (stages).

  • Personality restructuring (worldview, values, beliefs, interests, self-acceptance and sense of self).
  • Restructuring the system of interaction with the outside world.
  • The formation of a person as an active and full-fledged member of society.

Working on yourself as a way to get rid of addiction

A person with negative psychological dependence is characterized by some personal characteristics:

  • intellectual and spiritual emptiness (lack of a formed system of interests and needs);
  • unformed system of values ​​and moral beliefs;
  • irresponsibility;
  • instability;
  • prevalence of groupthink (sense of herd);
  • an inferiority complex, expressed in exaggerated pride and self-confidence.

A person looks like this even before addiction appears; it is due to these qualities that a person is susceptible to addiction. That is, immature individuals are prone to negative addictions. It is necessary to identify (preferably with the help of a psychologist) your vulnerabilities and work to strengthen them.

Work plan for getting rid of addiction

“Guilt has proven to be the most effective means of creating and strengthening addiction,” Erich Fromm.

I recommend seeking help from a psychologist or psychotherapist, since it is almost impossible to get rid of addiction on your own. If you cannot visit a specialist, then find support, a person you can completely trust. But it shouldn't support your dependencies. You need to work according to the following plan:

  1. Creating motivation for real life without addictions, recognizing the problem. You need to sincerely want to get rid of addiction. To do this, it is important to see the meaning of life, build goals, see prospects, feel your own potential, and realize what addiction deprives you of.
  2. Quitting addiction. Exclusion of the link of use from life.
  3. Determining a situation in which cravings intensify or consumption of an addictive substance is inevitable. For example, the company of specific people or failure at work, stress, fear, boredom. Depending on the cause, there are several options for solving the problem - avoidance, control over the situation and oneself, replacement or filling (idleness).
  4. Determination of the included mechanisms of psychological defense of addiction. Coping with them. That is, the seizure of control from addiction. For example, self-justification is one of the variants of defense dependence (she defends herself).
  5. Determination of individual crisis situations and boundaries of safe life.
  6. Work with individual personal characteristics that led to addiction and contributed to its development. There can be a lot of options: self-doubt, selfishness, fear, low self-esteem, anxiety, feelings of loneliness, jealousy, irritability, insolvency.
  7. Working through childhood traumas and psychological problems, internal conflicts.

Work to change thinking and life must be comprehensive. This will take several months or years (depending on the state of the individual and the difference between physical age and psychological age). A person who has recovered from addiction can be considered someone who:

  • has the skills to identify warning signs of a breakdown;
  • understands the mechanisms of development and defense of one’s addiction;
  • knows how to resist these mechanisms, has developed self-control and planning skills;
  • is aware of his negative and positive resources and knows how to use them;
  • able to take responsibility for his own life;
  • opposite to the portrait of a dependent person.

Any addiction is an individual’s attempts to regain himself, to protect his Self. Often, addiction is based on intrapersonal conflict, misunderstanding and non-acceptance by the individual of himself. It is possible that we are not even talking about current actual needs, but about deprivation in childhood (an unsatisfied need for care, maternal love). But what’s interesting is that in families with overprotection, addictions are no less common.

It is important to learn to feel safe, and therefore learn to create comfortable conditions without artificial stimuli (destructive addictions). That is, solve your problems and satisfy your needs in a socially approved and personally beneficial way.

Mental dependence in alcoholism: treatment methods

Therapeutic measures, the action of which is aimed at ridding a person of alcohol addiction, imply not only the use of medications, with the help of which the craving for alcohol is stopped. The most important importance in modern narcology is given to consultations with psychotherapists, as an important point in complex therapy used for people who are addicted to alcohol and are unable to get rid of this pathological attraction on their own.

Basic methods of psychotherapy

In parallel with chemical medications, a patient with alcoholism is provided with psychological assistance, including the following innovative psychotherapeutic technique, consisting of the following areas:

  • Cognitive-behavioural.
  • Hypnosuggestive.
  • Rational.
  • Family.
  • Self-hypnosis.
  • Activating.
  • Autogenous.
  • Creative self-expression.

However, the highest effect from their use, that is, when a person remains sober for a long period, is achieved after their gradual implementation in accordance with a specially developed rehabilitation program. According to this technique, a thorough correction of mental disorders in an alcohol addict is carried out.

Features of cognitive behavioral treatment

The key point of this therapeutic intervention is an individual approach to the patient, in which the factors and mechanisms that provoke the development of addiction are thoroughly revealed to him, and then psychological assistance is provided in overcoming emotional and behavioral difficulties. At the same time, the most important point at this stage is the development of special skills and the development of a sense of understanding of one’s own responsibility for one’s actions, which increases the chances of recovery.

Key Points of the Rational Method

The main focus of rational therapy is to make the alcoholic fully aware of the danger that comes from alcoholic beverages, while emphasizing the likelihood of failure of the reproductive ability or the occurrence of pathological abnormalities in the offspring. The emphasis is on the fact that alcohol dependence can affect the future generation in the form of mental and physical abnormalities, up to the formation of dementia.

Rational therapy also helps the patient learn to resist all the temptations that former drinking buddies carry, thereby hastening the moment of his recovery.

Methods of family psychotherapy

The action of this method helps to restore normal family relationships and identify the causes that provoke intra-family conflict. Attention is also paid to the adaptation of the patient’s relatives and friends in relation to his return to normal life. A motivation is developed that pushes a person to an irresistible desire to recover from drunkenness, with further provision of support and assistance during his return to a healthy society.

Features of hypnosuggestive therapy

It involves the use of suggestion and hypnosis, which are quite effective in a hospital setting. For a patient located within the walls of a clinic, where there are no drinking buddies and other temptations pushing him to take another dose of alcohol, it is much easier to make an appointment to prohibit the consumption of alcoholic beverages. Next, the immunity to the alcoholic odor and aversion to the alcohol-containing liquids themselves are recorded. At the last stage of this method, the belief about possible serious consequences in case of non-compliance with this prohibition is fixed in the patient’s mind.

Self-hypnosis and autogenic training

Self-hypnosis and autogenic training sessions contribute to a radical change in past stereotypical thinking in a patient with alcoholism, helping him to rise to a higher level of the ladder of human communication in society. They develop the ability to resist various functional deviations, and also increase the ability to independently eliminate emerging emotional excitability.

Features of the method of activating psychotherapy

The main direction of this therapy is to develop in the patient the need for active action, the desire to gain new positive skills and experience, as well as the ability to build a healthy attitude.

Therapy through creative expression

The action of this method involves instilling in the patient about his usefulness as an individual, developing an understanding of the meaning of his life and the importance of his own work. Helps to reveal his creative potential, understanding of beauty, beauty and value of his own life.

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