Internet addiction in children and adolescents: how to recognize the problem and help your child

Every year the problem of Internet addiction in children becomes more and more urgent. This disorder negatively affects the teenager's sense of reality. If you detect this disorder in time, you can get rid of it and avoid many unpleasant consequences.

In the article we will look at what is important to know about Internet addiction among children and adolescents, how the concept appeared, symptoms of manifestation, how Internet addiction develops, possible problems.

Stages of development of teenage Internet addiction

Teenagers' addiction to the Internet has several root causes and is expressed in various forms.
Let's look at them in more detail. Based on the amount of time a teenager spends at the computer, there are three stages of development of Internet addiction:

  • The first stage is characterized by a person exploring the possibilities of the Internet and adapting them to their interests and needs. Thus, the teenager makes up for the lack of any information or attention using the Internet.
  • at the second stage, the time spent in front of a computer screen is steadily increasing, the areas of Internet use are also expanding: games, thematic content, searching for acquaintances and new friends on the Internet - all this becomes one of the only sources of information and communication for a teenager. He completely rejects the real world and real communication in favor of the Internet and virtual reality.
  • the third stage of addiction is visible to the naked eye not only to the immediate environment, but also to strangers - the teenager spends all his time online, and any attempts to limit the time spent on the Internet result in an aggressive reaction. This stage is the chronic stage of addiction.

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Source: Unsplash (@uusaez)

Game creators are masters at getting into people's heads and souls. The Universes they invented gradually attract children and create the feeling that they have everything they need there. Reality cannot boast of this. But there are a few tips that will help you transfer the operating principle of computer games to offline life.

Gradually increasing load

You need to start easy and gradually increase the difficulty. There is no need to immediately limit the time you spend online for a day. Start with at least 10-15 minutes a day. Encourage your child to comply with the conditions. The prize doesn't have to be anything expensive. You can make a table listing all family members and their achievements. So, the teenager will understand that:

  • firstly, he is not the only one who must follow the rules;
  • secondly, this approach will add a competitive element.

Causes of Internet addiction in teenagers

Note 1

The causes of Internet addiction in adolescents are most often psychological in nature and depend on the psychological characteristics and inclinations of the teenager’s personality.

Some people easily become dependent on various Internet games; for others, the anonymity of online communication is important; in any case, these reasons are formed at high speed and depend on age-related changes and the characteristics of the process of mental formation.

Another reason for the formation of such dependence is the pedagogical neglect of children and the lack of proper control on the part of parents. A permissive or, on the contrary, too authoritarian style of education, the inability of parents to apply psychological and pedagogical knowledge in the process of education, lack of individual attention and approach.

Stages of formation

There are several important factors that influence the development of the personal pathology in question. Depending on the amount of time a person spends watching a monitor, there are three main stages in the formation of the disease. At the initial stage of development of an addiction, a person explores the possibility of using virtual space for personal purposes. Lack of attention from others, the routine of life and other personal reasons force teenagers to spend more and more time on the Internet. After the possibilities of the virtual space have been analyzed, a person begins to devote all his personal time to the computer.

When studying the question of what Internet addiction is, the types of which have a number of specific differences, you should pay attention to the fact that for uncommunicative people, the Internet is the only tool for building communication connections. In some cases, a teenager can become so deeply immersed in the virtual world that he or she can no longer distinguish the difference between the Internet and reality.

Most parents notice the addiction of their children only by the time the addiction is completely formed. At this stage of development, children spend the whole day on the Internet, becoming more rude and aggressive. This stage is of paramount importance, since at this phase of development, the disease can become chronic. Taking a break from the virtual world can be accompanied by irritation. In this state, a person shows no interest in real life. Despite the fact that long-term abstinence from computer use can help reduce cravings for the Internet, the person remains disconnected from reality. This leads to isolation, a desire to be alone and the development of depression.

Today, there are four forms of manifestation of Internet addiction:

  1. Web surfing is an aimless journey through the Internet.
  2. Gaming form – excessive passion for online games.
  3. Communication on social networks - searching for new friends and acquaintances.
  4. Cybersex addiction is a constant search for pornographic content.

It should be noted that prolonged stay in such a state leads to disruption of intellectual and mental development.

Currently, Internet addiction is not included in the list of mental illnesses and disorders

Main signs of Internet addiction in teenagers

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Internet addiction is expressed in the manifestation of the following symptoms:

  • the teenager experiences a feeling of euphoria while on the Internet; in the absence of the opportunity to access the Internet, there is complete apathy towards the world around him;
  • the teenager practically stops going out into society;
  • the teenager stops all communication with friends and acquaintances in real life;
  • all conversations boil down to discussing Internet technologies, websites and computer topics;
  • there is a violation of the daily routine, sleep and rest, food intake, and hygiene procedures;
  • there is a persistent tendency towards a decrease in physical activity;
  • Difficulties arise with learning due to poor progress and inattention, a complete lack of interest in the learning process.

When trying to point out to a teenager the changes taking place in his life, his dependence on the Internet, there is a process of complete denial and aggression towards the speaker.

Conclusions and recommendations

Spending long periods of time at the computer or on the phone disrupts the process of falling asleep and worsens the quality of sleep. Insomnia or nightmares often occur. Constantly surfing the World Wide Web leads to a loss of control over real time, so the addict skips meals and stops taking care of personal hygiene.

Timely identification of the symptoms of Internet addiction allows you to successfully cope with the disease yourself. To do this, it is enough to find a hobby in real life, use a computer and phone only when absolutely necessary, delete accounts on social networks, play sports, and maintain communication with family or friends in real life.

Consequences of the development of Internet addiction in adolescents

Dependence on Internet computer technologies does not arise out of nowhere and not every person is susceptible to it. There are certain factors that provoke its onset:

  • family problems and tense psychological climate in the family;
  • difficulties in building communication with peers;
  • lack of attention and care from parents.

By going into virtual reality, a teenager seeks to escape from the problems of real life and find himself in the Internet space.

The consequences of Internet addiction are quite severe and require long-term and systematic psychological work with a teenager. They are expressed in the following psychological manifestations:

  • complete abandonment of an active lifestyle and live communication with other people;
  • loss of interest in life events around;
  • decreased appetite and sleep disturbance;
  • the occurrence of emotional instability;
  • alternation of emotional ups and downs;
  • aggression during forced shutdown of the computer and the Internet.

Prevention of Internet addiction

Everyone knows that it is easier to prevent a problem than to correct the consequences later. There are a number of specific rules and actions that can protect a teenager from Internet addiction.

  1. It is necessary to devote as much time as possible to communication between the child and parents.
  2. Parents should know and, most importantly, support their child’s hobbies and interests.
  3. If a child is not able to independently decide how to spend his free time, parents can help him choose activities to his liking.
  4. Parents should show their child by example how interesting and multifaceted the world around them is.
  5. Instill in your child the rules and norms of a healthy lifestyle and be an example for the teenager yourself.

The Internet has firmly entered human life and it is very difficult to completely limit its use, but it is possible to systematize it and reduce time on the Internet. In order to reduce the craving for computer technology and the Internet, you can use the following methods:

  • engage in various physical exercises;
  • arrange days of rest from the Internet and computer - “offline” weekends;
  • travel more often and meet new people, this helps fill yourself with new emotions and impressions, feel a taste for life;
  • pay more attention to studies and self-education. Help your child choose the books that interest him most, organize evenings of reading together and share your impressions of what you read.

In the modern world, the Internet is one of the main sources of information. The most important thing is to use this information for its intended purpose and not become a hostage to virtual reality, losing interest in real life.

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Source: Unsplash (@porkbellysteve)

A child develops only what he saw in the real world:

— When he begins to crawl and explore the world, neural connections develop that are responsible for understanding space, time and logic. — When he picks up different objects, touches, smells or tastes them, the perception and processing of information develops. The more such experience there is, the easier and faster the child will master reading in the future and will not experience difficulties when planning. — When adults tell something to a child, talk to him one-on-one, listen to music with him and discuss the cartoons he watched, and don’t just leave him alone with them, this has a good effect on memory, problem-solving skills, and hearing development and reading, as well as thought processes.

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