What causes vision impairment in children and adolescents?

A child’s vision is falling – reasons

There are three main factors that cause eye problems in children:

  • Genetic predisposition. If close relatives suffered from abnormalities in the functioning of the visual apparatus, there is a high risk that the pathology will be passed on to the children;
  • Impact of negative external factors. Reading books while lying down or in a moving vehicle, spending a long time at the computer, increased eye strain;
  • Psychology. If a child has suffered severe emotional shock, he may begin to lose his sight. Most often this applies to children who are still mentally unstable and are easily exposed to external influences. If a baby witnesses a cruel scene, it will be etched in his memory for a long time. In the future, he subconsciously tries to protect himself and not see such things. As a result, eye sharpness decreases.

When to expect deterioration in a child's vision

Although a child’s visual system is formed between one and 10 years, and failure can occur at any stage, ophthalmologists have long noticed one sad pattern. The largest number of complaints about deterioration of children's vision occurs at the age of 7-10 years. Why? Alas, the problem is in education, more precisely in school, and even more precisely in the rapid and strong increase in visual load, which simply did not exist until the baby began to study.

Unfortunately, giving up school is not an option: even homeschooled children’s eyesight deteriorates at this age. Forgetting about literacy and acquiring the knowledge necessary in the modern world, but preserving the child’s sight, is also not an option. It is no longer possible, as in the 19th century, to limit all learning to reading, writing and arithmetic. That is why it is precisely at the age of 7-10 that parents should especially carefully monitor the state of their child’s vision.

Sudden deterioration of vision - symptoms and causes

Often the visual impairment is temporary. This condition is caused by stress, lack of sleep and overwork, and visual tension. To solve the problem, it is recommended to go on a summer vacation, relax and normalize your daily routine.

It wouldn’t hurt to visit an ophthalmologist if there is a sharp deterioration in vision. Let's consider the reasons for this phenomenon.

  • Injuries
    . Bruises of the eyeball, hemorrhages, thermal and chemical burns, entry of foreign bodies into the orbit. Injuring the eye with a cutting or stabbing object is considered very dangerous.
  • Farsightedness
    . An unpleasant pathology when vision of nearby objects deteriorates. Accompanies various diseases and is characterized by a decrease in the ability of the eye lens to change shape.
  • Myopia
    . A pathology in which vision deteriorates when viewing independent objects. Often caused by hereditary factors, injuries that change the position of the lens and disrupt its shape, and weak muscles.
  • Hemorrhage
    . The causes of hemorrhage are high blood pressure, venous congestion, fragility of blood vessels, physical activity, labor during childbirth, poor blood clotting.
  • Lens diseases
    . Cataract accompanied by clouding of the lens. The disease is caused by age-related changes, impaired metabolism or injury.
  • Diseases of the cornea
    . We are talking about inflammation of the cornea, which is caused by toxic substances, fungal and viral infections, and ulcers.
  • Retinal diseases
    . Tears and peelings. This is also caused by damage to the yellow spot - the zone where the largest number of light-sensitive receptors is concentrated.

The factors and causes that lead to a sharp deterioration in vision are serious, so at the first signs, immediately go to an ophthalmologist.

Symptoms of visual impairment in children

In young children, the first alarm bells are


  • A long unblinking gaze at one point
  • Frequent, unsystematic and causeless blinking
  • Increased tear production not associated with the baby's crying
  • Lack of visual response to voice and color stimuli.

An attentive parent will immediately notice that something is wrong and consult a doctor without waiting for a routine examination by an ophthalmologist.

Children of preschool and school age also cannot always immediately recognize and inform their parents about the emerging visual discomfort. The warning signs are


  • Increased fatigue
  • Redness of the eyeball
  • Complaints of headaches
  • Sleep disturbance
  • The habit of squinting your eyes when looking at objects in the distance.

An indirect sign of visual impairment may be problems with studies, absent-mindedness, or capriciousness of the child. Vision is our connecting link and guide in the world around us. When it gets worse, a person immediately leaves his comfort zone and problems appear from all sides. The task of parents is to notice changes in the child’s condition in a timely manner and, with the help of specialists, establish the exact cause.

Preventive examinations are not for show

A key place in the prevention of vision deterioration in children should be given to regular and comprehensive vision examinations. Precisely regular and precisely complete – not for show.

It would seem that everything is so simple and obvious! But, as practice shows, not at all. Often, parents, after routine examinations by an ophthalmologist at a child’s early age (3 months, 1, 2, 3 years), making sure that everything is fine with his vision, calm down and then let the examination by the ophthalmologist take its course. Moreover, if a child attends a preschool institution, examinations are often carried out at the kindergarten by a doctor coming from the clinic, including a routine examination for 1st grade when filling out the student’s medical card. Simple and convenient for parents.

Agree, there is a difference between examining children on stream in conditions that are not always suitable for this and visiting a diagnostic room equipped with advanced computer technology in a specialized clinic. Dear parents, we would like to remind you once again: do not neglect your responsibilities and take your child for an eye examination to an ophthalmologist yourself, at least once a year, and more often if indicated.

Take care of your eyesight from a young age

The classic advised to take care of honor from a young age, and ophthalmologists can add – and vision! Among the simplest and most effective preventive measures, parents should remember the need to:

  • Enough walking - not only the lungs need oxygen
  • A complete, balanced diet - lack of nutrients, macro- and microelements leads to malnutrition of the optic nerve
  • Good illumination with natural and electric light in the children's room
  • Proper organization of the student’s workplace
  • Control over the child's daily routine.

Particular attention should be paid to the time the child spends with electronic devices. It is best to strictly regulate the duration of computer games and communication on social networks, and use the phone for its intended purpose - for calls, and not for games in any free minute.

Don’t forget about eye exercises: it is a mistake to think that it is only indicated for those who have already been diagnosed with vision impairment. A series of simple exercises with circular movements of the eye clockwise and counterclockwise, shifting the gaze from distant objects to near ones and back, tilting the head will help relieve accumulated visual tension, improve blood circulation and nutrition of the optic nerve. Having become a habit, eye gymnastics will help the child maintain vision during school stress, and the specialists of the eye center, Professor E.I. Belikova will always help you with advice and conduct a full diagnosis of the child’s vision quality on the day of your visit. In the initial stages of myopia or farsightedness, a good therapeutic effect is achieved by courses of hardware treatment, which your child can undergo in our clinic.

The main thing is to notice in time

How can you tell if your baby has vision problems? Very simple! It is enough to watch him carefully. If you notice one of the following symptoms, you should take your child to the doctor:

  • The baby squints;
  • tries to sit as close as possible to the TV screen or lean towards the computer monitor;
  • School performance dropped sharply. Children are often embarrassed to admit that they see poorly. They cannot read the assignment written on the board, but they keep silent about it and get bad grades;
  • The child constantly complains of headaches and double vision;
  • Leans close to the notebook when doing homework and slouches;
  • He says that his eyes get tired and hurt quickly.
Increasingly, doctors are diagnosing myopia in children of school and preschool age. This is due to increased workload at school and excessive passion for gadgets.

Myopia (myopia)

What are the main causes of myopia? It is known that rural residents are much less likely to suffer from myopia than urban residents. This is explained by the fact that city dwellers read, write, and work with computers more, that is, they focus their gaze on nearby objects much more often. Therefore, in an urban environment, the disease can be transmitted from generation to generation, since entire hereditary lines have already been formed. In rural areas, myopia is much less common, since people have much more opportunities and time for visual stress over long distances. Wide fields and low buildings with an open sky above them allow you to constantly train your eyesight.

In addition, asthenic children who move little and strain their eyes for a long time to distinguish objects located nearby are most often susceptible to myopia, especially when working in artificial lighting conditions. According to statistics, in the northern regions of our country, myopia is much more common than in the south, where artificial light is used less.

In addition, the curvature of the spine due to improper seating of the child during school activities is of great importance for vision. When scoliosis occurs, the blood supply to the eyes is disrupted, they become more tense and get tired faster, which leads to myopia.

Finally, in children who are predisposed to myopia, its occurrence can be provoked by severe illnesses accompanied by severe intoxication of the body. For example, influenza or any other viral disease with a very high fever that does not subside for a long time, serious poisoning, etc.

Children who suffer from chronic diseases and frequent colds (that is, more weakened than their peers) are more often predisposed to progressive myopia.

There are several periods in a person’s life that are most important in terms of the appearance and growth of myopia.

✓ From about 7 to 9 years old is the period of the first significant loads on vision caused by the start of school. At this time, the fragile organ of vision is forced to work in unusual and extreme conditions for it. If there is a genetic predisposition to this eye disease, it first appears at this stage of the child’s life.

✓ From 12 to 15 years - the so-called puberty period, that is, the time of age-related hormonal changes.

✓ From 17 to 19 years old is a period of great nervous stress and visual overload when graduating from school and entering a higher educational institution.

✓ In women, there is a period of hormonal changes during pregnancy and the presence of great physical stress during childbirth. At this time, there is sometimes a slight increase in existing myopia.

About ten years ago, this could have been the end of the list of stages of life characterized by the growth of myopia. But in recent years, the number of cases of the appearance and growth of myopia in people aged 30 and even 40 has increased significantly. This is due to unlimited computer work. Thus, vision problems are currently very relevant for people who constantly deal with this integral attribute of civilization, especially for children and adolescents.

What is myopia? With this disease, good vision is only possible near, and distant objects are not clearly visible. This is explained either by the excessive length of the eyeball, or by the refractive power of the eye being greater than necessary, or by both at the same time. As a result of such disturbances, the focus floats in front of the retina, and the child, looking into the distance, sees only blurred contours of the image (see Fig. 2 c).

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The extent to which vision is significantly reduced due to myopia depends on its degree, as well as the presence or absence of complications. To correctly assess the condition of the eyes of a child suffering from myopia, it is necessary to know the different degrees of this disease. There are three in total:

✓ light, when glasses with a power of no more than 3 diopters are suitable for complete vision correction;

✓ medium, when glass up to 6 diopters is required. At the same time, the risk of complications such as retinal tears and detachments increases significantly;

✓ high when the power of the corrective glasses exceeds 6 diopters.

Perhaps it would be worth highlighting a very high degree of myopia: it is rare, but there is a need for glass strength of up to –20 diopters and even more. This problem is faced, as a rule, by adults who have severe heredity of vision or received serious impairments before birth, and also did not undergo the proper course of treatment in childhood. For example, for many years in a row, a patient from Italy, Antonio M., comes to us in Russia with myopia equal to -30 diopters in both eyes. More than 20 years ago, he underwent a series of operations to inhibit the development of myopia. The pathological process was completely stopped. Currently, the patient undergoes an annual course of conservative therapy to maintain vision, which is now 70–80% of normal. Before the start of treatment in Russia, his total vision in both eyes did not exceed 30–40%, and in his homeland he had a disability.

High and very high degrees of myopia are extremely dangerous, since they can be accompanied by severe complications leading to a significant decrease in vision, and sometimes to disability, as in the case of Antonio M. Very low vision does not allow people to choose their favorite professions due to existing restrictions, driving cars, sports. The most serious complications are retinal detachment, partial atrophy of the optic nerve, extensive hemorrhages in the retina with the subsequent formation of rough scars, etc. However, in our time, overdiagnosis of myopia is quite common, that is, its detection in children suffering from spasm of accommodation. As mentioned earlier, the eye is normally a self-adjusting system: it automatically changes the refractive power of its optics depending on the distance to the object that we want to see clearly. To do this, the so-called accommodative apparatus continuously works in the eyes. In order for it to be constantly ready for good work, we must often switch our vision from one distance to another. If we look only at close objects for a long time (for example, we read and write for hours, like children at school), then a spasm of the accommodative apparatus occurs in weakened eyes, and we stop seeing clearly into the distance.

If your child has been prescribed glasses, do not buy them right away. Be sure to undergo another, independent examination, preferably in a specialized children's ophthalmology department of the hospital or in the children's department of the eye institute. After all, right now the question is being decided whether your child really needs glasses and whether he will then wear them all his life. It is likely that you are faced with overdiagnosis of myopia. If this is so, then glasses are not only unnecessary, but also dangerous.

In such a situation, the child should be prescribed special drops that relieve the spasm of accommodation, and after such a course of treatment, vision is restored. What actually happens in children's clinics? Here's a case from practice. A class of 33 people was sent for medical examination to the clinic. In order not to bother with treatment for a long time, 31 students were immediately prescribed glasses! What will such illegal vision correction lead to? Of course, to the obligatory appearance and growth of true myopia. Thus, thirty-year-old people often come to see an ophthalmologist wearing glasses with lenses, for example, -4.5 diopters, and many say that no one in their family had reduced vision, and they were prescribed their first glasses at school during a medical examination.

How to deal with diagnosed true myopia? Everything will depend on the degree of the disease and the speed of its development.

If the degree of myopia is weak and the disease does not progress over time, the child simply must remain under the supervision of ophthalmologists and visit the eye office at least twice a year. The doctor will definitely recommend limiting visual stress and prescribe traditional preventive eye exercises (see set of exercises below).

If there is a moderate degree of the disease, especially if myopia gradually progresses, the child will need to be examined at a specialized eye center to decide on further treatment tactics.

If myopia progresses at a rate of 1 diopter per year or more, there is a need for surgical treatment.

Widely advertised laser operations on the corneas, eliminating myopia, are contraindicated in children under 18 years of age, since numerous complications are possible at an earlier age. And these operations are not safe for adults either. Their appointment, as in the case of any other operations, must have strict indications! This also applies to laser surgeries for farsightedness and astigmatism. In addition, you should know that such operations are never performed for progressive myopia. If necessary, they are carried out as the second stage of vision correction after scleroplastic surgery.

The fact is that the child’s eyeball is stretched out very quickly, and if the disease is not stopped, it can reach a high degree with all the ensuing complications. Such children are required to undergo an ultrasound examination to determine the length of the eye. If it turns out that the eye is very elongated, this is an absolute indication for scleroplastic surgery, during which the posterior pole of the eye in the area of ​​the posterior sclera is strengthened with a special material. As a result, the eye stops stretching and, accordingly, myopia stops increasing. If an ultrasound examination shows slight or no elongation of the eyeball, such children should remain under the supervision of an ophthalmologist and undergo repeated examinations every 3–4 months so that the dynamics of the process can be determined.

A high degree of myopia in children, as a rule, is a progressive process, which immediately determines the need for surgical intervention.

You can learn about vision correction using optics in the chapter “Eyeglass and contact correction.”

Conditions requiring immediate consultation with an ophthalmologist in childhood

In medicine, there is an urgent issue about the prevention of eye diseases in children. Measures to prevent the development of eye diseases and complications should be regular, comprehensive and individually selected by an ophthalmologist.

The most common eye diseases in childhood include:

  • Myopia or myopia (a pathological condition characterized by a disproportion in the refraction of light rays and the projection of an image in front of the retina). The causes of its occurrence in childhood may include weakened accommodation, genetic predisposition, weakness of the sclera, early and excessively intense visual stress in early childhood (prolonged viewing of a TV monitor, computer, smartphone display at close range, etc.). Prevention of myopia is important for the future active activity of the child and must be carried out and monitored by parents without fail;
  • Farsightedness or hypermetropia (the disease also refers to disturbances in the refraction of light rays passing through the transparent structures of the eye, but is characterized by the projection of an image behind the retina);
  • Astigmatism (refractive error due to pathological changes in the structure of the cornea and/or other transparent media of the eye through which the light beam passes, forming an image on the retina);
  • Strabismus;
  • Dry eye syndrome, etc.

Prevention of these diseases in childhood, especially in the presence of risk factors, will significantly reduce the likelihood of their development in adolescence and adulthood and improve a person’s quality of life.

Eye examination in children

To diagnose pathology, the ophthalmologist, in addition to a visual examination, prescribes a number of procedures:

  • Diaphanoscopy. Helps to identify clouding of the internal environment of the organ of vision, detect neoplasms and foreign bodies. For children it is performed under general anesthesia; for teenagers, local anesthesia is used. The procedure takes place in a dark room, and a diaphanoscope is applied to the eye. Using varying degrees of pressure, the device is moved across the sclera;
  • Tonometry. It is carried out in a hospital, painkillers are used. The procedure helps confirm or refute the fact of increased intraocular pressure;
  • Exophthalmometry. The technique establishes protrusion of the eye from the orbit and makes it possible to detect hemorrhage or blood clot;
  • Algesimetry. Used to determine the degree of sensitivity of the cornea. The doctor brings a small piece of cotton wool to the eyeball from the side of the temple and lightly touches it;
  • Vesta sample. Helps analyze the condition of the lacrimal sac and the degree of patency of the nasolacrimal canaliculus. A unique solution of collargol or fluorescein is used.

Timely diagnosis helps to identify pathology at an early stage and block its further development


To prevent a decrease in visual acuity in adolescence, parents and the child themselves must follow the following rules:

  • frequent walks in the fresh air, where there is no need to concentrate attention on near objects, the gaze is scattered on distant objects, so the lens changes its curvature;
  • proper nutrition, which contains many useful substances; if this is not enough, especially in the autumn-winter period, it is recommended to take multivitamins;
  • a properly prepared workspace: a chair with a back so that there is no need to bend your back, a well-lit desk or table that prevents eye strain;
  • wearing contact lenses or glasses if the teenager has an initial stage of decreased visual acuity, which will help stop eye strain;
  • timely treatment of systemic diseases;
  • periodic visits to an ophthalmologist, treatment as necessary.

Compliance with prevention methods does not mean that the risk of decreased visual acuity has been completely eliminated. This condition can still occur, so it is recommended to periodically consult an ophthalmologist to detect myopia at an early stage.

Diagnostic procedures

If you notice uncharacteristic behavior in a child, you should immediately take him to an ophthalmologist and check his visual acuity. The sooner the diagnosis is made and the cause of vision deterioration is determined, the faster it can be corrected. Based on the examination results, the doctor may prescribe the following procedures:

An ophthalmologist can additionally examine the fundus of a small patient.

  • fundus examination;
  • measurement of strabismus angle;
  • biomicroscopic examination;
  • clarification of color perception;
  • determination of the volume of eye movement.

Modern medicine has new diagnostic equipment that allows for an accurate, objective and comprehensive examination. To do this, you don’t need to go to the hospital, just devote a couple of hours of free time. During such an examination, possible threats are identified and further actions are determined: correction, treatment or observation. The problem can be corrected by using lenses.

  • Vision correction with optical devices: glasses;
  • lenses.

Eye diseases in preschool children

Visual acuity impairments in young children are most often due to hereditary causes or are a consequence of pathology in the intrauterine development of the fetus. Even with undeveloped vision, gross pathologies are detected by doctors already in the first or second month of life. This may be congenital glaucoma (a disease of the visual system, accompanied by increased intraocular pressure and atrophy of the optic nerve), cataracts, strabismus, nystagmus of the eyeball - frequent involuntary blinking, indicating neurological disorders.

A little later, at 3-5 years, hereditary myopia or farsightedness may appear. At this age, as a rule, the child’s vision is not yet exposed to school stress and, if long-term computer games are excluded, then the root cause of deterioration in the child’s vision is most likely attributed to eye diseases in the family of immediate relatives.

Diseases of the endocrine, cardiovascular, and nervous systems can affect the condition of the organ of vision. In this case, the deterioration of vision is secondary in nature and the root cause should be treated first.

School as a risk factor

School years are not only wonderful, but also dangerous, and primarily for the student’s vision. The child’s life changes dramatically, which becomes a serious stress primarily for two systems of the body - nervous and visual. If the nervous system comes under the influence of psycho-emotional stress, then the visual system experiences increased physical stress on the eye muscles. Let's add to the work in the classroom the mandatory extracurricular cognitive activities provided for by the school curriculum, doing homework every night and a passion for computer games and gadgets, for which the child always has time, even secretly during recess.

Modern schoolchildren sometimes have more eye strain than their parents. Is it any wonder that children easily get their first visual “minus” in elementary school.

Child's vision: parents' mistakes

Their parents are responsible for the health of their children. The main mistakes that moms and dads make when it comes to maintaining eye health:

  • They are allowed to sit for hours at the computer and in front of the TV without taking breaks;
  • They follow the child’s lead and allow him not to wear glasses when his vision begins to deteriorate;
  • They do not care about his nutrition and the presence of a sufficient amount of vitamins in the diet;
  • Skip mandatory medical examinations;
  • Allowed to watch TV in the dark and read in low light conditions.
  • Remember that your baby's health depends on you. Keep an eye on it so you don't have to put a lot of effort into restoring it. Return to contents

    What to do if your vision suddenly deteriorates

    It’s clear why our vision is falling, but what can we do about it?

    The first thing you need to do is contact an ophthalmologist, who will diagnose the cause of vision loss and prescribe the necessary procedures and medications to maintain eye health.

    There are a huge number of techniques and methods that help restore and maintain eye health at the proper level. For example, various gymnastics for the eyes, which can both treat them and act as a means of preventing vision. A special massage is considered beneficial for blood circulation and normalization of eye pressure.

    As you know, preventing a disease is easier than dealing with its consequences. Why don’t many people react in time to the fact that their vision is deteriorating? Some due to laziness, others due to ignorance, but the result is the same - a deplorable state of vision by the age of 40. Therefore, it is so important to monitor not only eye hygiene and exercise, but also take care of your health in general.

    We receive the lion's share of information about the world around us through visual perception, so the first question when vision suddenly deteriorates is: “What to do?”

    There are two main reasons leading to decreased vision: any disease or conditions of our life that not only worsen eye health, but also provoke the development of a variety of ailments.

    Why do schoolchildren's eyesight deteriorate? 5 main reasons

    With the beginning of the school year, the lion's share of parental attention goes to all kinds of childhood diseases and their prevention, because if in the summer the child spent more time outside and regularly received vitamins, then in the fall and winter he finds himself at the mercy of textbooks, notes and the computer. Today we will talk about how dangerous this is for vision, and we will determine the main reasons for its deterioration.

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    No matter how much we would like to place all the responsibility for reducing visual acuity on televisions and computers, the main factor still remains heredity. If mom and dad wear glasses their whole lives, there is a high chance that their children will share the same fate. For example, the rapid progression of farsightedness and myopia in adolescence is provoked by constant eye strain, but the real reasons - decreased elasticity of the lens and increased length of the eyeball - are genetically determined.

    Prolonged eye strain

    Like any organ in our body, the eyes will get tired if they are forced to work too often and too hard. According to many ophthalmologists, irreversible changes in the lenses appear as a result of prolonged strain and focusing of the gaze on objects that are too close to the eyes. Due to increased intraocular pressure during reading or writing, the walls of the eyeball stretch and its axis lengthens, which can contribute to the development of myopia (myopia). To prevent this from happening, you should try to keep the book or notebook at a sufficient distance (35-40 cm).

    Bad light

    Let’s put the emphasis right away: poor lighting is not only darkness, but also an excess of light, from which the retinal cells suffer. Your child will undoubtedly be happy if you give him stylish sunglasses with 100% UV protection. But you will have to work hard on the lighting of the workplace. It should not be blindingly bright, but direct overhead light without shadows and an adjustable desk lamp located so that the notebook pages and monitor do not create glare are the most correct solution for a student. Important: all light sources in the room should have approximately the same color temperature. If the ceiling light produces yellow light and the work lamp produces bluish-white light, this will create additional strain on the eyes.

    Incorrect posture

    Arteries pass through the human spine, supplying the brain with blood and oxygen. Any, even minor, abnormalities in the back area can become a potential hazard to vision. For example, scoliosis or osteochondrosis causes pinched blood vessels, which leads directly to myopia. In this case, to treat the child you will need not only the help of an ophthalmologist, but also a neurologist and an orthopedist.

    Lack of vitamins

    Schoolchildren, whose nutrition is not controlled by their parents, often neglect healthy food, preferring sandwiches, chips, sweets and other tasty but unhealthy foods. Long-term unbalanced nutrition can lead to a deficiency of essential minerals and vitamins, deterioration of vascular microcirculation and, as a result, reduce visual acuity. In this case, the main task of parents is to entice the child with carrots, spinach, cabbage and other fresh vegetables.

    What about computers, TVs and smartphones?

    We will not stop technological progress, and it would be stupid to deprive schoolchildren of such a huge source of self-education as the Internet. But this is not at all a reason to give up on raising a child, leaving him at the mercy of computer screens, smartphones and TV. To prevent technology from causing vision impairment, parents and children must understand exactly how it can harm.

    Recent research by scientists from Ohio University (USA) has shown that monitors themselves do not harm children's eyes. For 20 years, they observed 4,500 children aged 6 to 11 years, and came to the conclusion that prolonged viewing of movies or games does not affect the risk of developing myopia: the eye muscles move quite often, and frequent blinking moistens the lens.

    Perhaps the scientists are right, but no one has canceled subjective feelings either. We know very well how tired the eyes are from reading for a long time, and the headache from sitting in front of the monitor for a day can hardly be called fiction. But this lifestyle combines all the above reasons for vision deterioration: it is what provokes a lack of physical activity, poor nutrition, problems with posture and increased intraocular pressure. Instead of prohibiting your child from using a computer or gadgets, explain to him why he should not hold a smartphone close to his eyes or read on public transport. Also try to interest him in the world around him and in sports: if children see that their parents spend their weekends lying in front of the TV, they will never understand why the Internet is bad in this case.

    Maria Nitkina

    Vision testing in children

    The eyes of babies are checked for the first time in the maternity hospital. An ophthalmologist visually examines a small patient; no medical devices are used. Such diagnostics make it possible to identify serious abnormalities in the functioning of the visual organ: glaucoma, cataracts, etc. With such an examination, it is almost impossible to determine congenital anomalies.

    Planned visits to the ophthalmologist should take place at one, three months, six months and a year. During these visits, the doctor will be able to detect ophthalmic diseases (if any).

    Parents themselves can identify abnormalities in the functioning of the organ of vision. It is enough to carefully observe the baby; if by the age of five months he cannot focus his eyes on a toy and does not recognize his own faces, visit the doctor unscheduled.

    Also, the Orlova table is widely used to assess visual acuity in children. There are no numbers and letters on it that a small child cannot distinguish, but various pictures are printed on it. For schoolchildren, they use Sivtsev’s table, which depicts the letters of the Russian alphabet, for testing.

    Examination for complaints of poor vision

    Alas, visual impairments often have almost no external signs - yes, it is difficult not to notice strabismus, but the eyes of a myopic child are no different in appearance from the eyes of a healthy baby. Moreover, such serious, even life-threatening diseases as rhinoblastoma or ocular melanoma may not manifest themselves at all! It is for these reasons that pediatric ophthalmologists insist on regular examinations. Only in a doctor's office, using special equipment, can eye diseases be detected.

    The best way to detect them is to conduct regular examinations from the very first days of life. First, the newborn is examined in the maternity hospital, then at 6 months and at 12 months. After this, examinations are needed once a year, even if it seems that nothing is bothering the child.

    It is better for a student to take them 1-2 months before September 1 - this way, if there are problems, the doctor will have time to prescribe treatment. A vision test should always be carried out in cyclopedia conditions - on a dilated and a narrow pupil. A complete ophthalmological examination consists of assessing visual acuity, determining refraction (detection of myopia, farsightedness, astigmatism), analysis of the state of the accommodative muscle and optical media of the eye, examination of the fundus, retina, optic nerves, and blood vessels.

    Therapeutic methods for treating myopia in children

    There are several ways to block the development of pathology:

    • Selection of optical devices (glasses or contact lenses);
    • Laser stimulation;
    • Training reserve reserves of accommodation;
    • Regular use of Atropine;
    • Electrical stimulation;
    • The use of a Chinese technique that involves applying special needles to specific points on the body (acupuncture).

    All methods, except the use of optics, relieve spasm of accommodation, i.e. relieves the eyes from increased stress. This approach helps improve visual acuity, but it is effective only in the initial stages of the disease. To maintain the achieved results, procedures are carried out regularly. However, with each new course the positive dynamics decrease.

    Be sure to choose optics for vision correction for your child. Some parents have heard that when wearing glasses or contacts, their eyes become lazy and their sharpness decreases even more. This is true, but only under the condition of 100% correction. An experienced ophthalmologist takes into account all the nuances when selecting an optical device, so there is no need to be afraid and put off visiting the clinic until “tomorrow”.

    Refractive therapy is highly effective. Its essence lies in the use of lenses that are worn only at night. During sleep, the surface layer of the cornea is adjusted. The next day after their use, the use of additional optical devices is not required. This technique is an excellent alternative for parents whose children categorically refuse to wear glasses.

    Vitamins to improve a child's vision

    Among the numerous medications on the market that help improve eye sharpness, the following drugs can be noted:

    • "Pikovit." It is accepted from one year of age. Available in the form of syrup, chewable tablets;
    • "Polivit Baby." Ideal for newborn babies. Comes in the form of syrup and tablets;
    • "Vitrum Vision". For children from twelve years old. Available in tablet form;
    • "Blueberry." The gel can be used after three years.

    As an alternative to medications, use the gifts of nature.

    • Vitamin A is found in large quantities in dairy products and carrots;
    • The source of ascorbic acid is fruits and vegetables;
    • B vitamins are found in lettuce leaves, wheat, nuts, dates;
    • Potatoes, fish and milk are rich in potassium.

    It is recommended to use vitamin complexes twice a year, in autumn and spring, when the load on the visual apparatus increases. Return to contents

    Eye hygiene

    Everyone knows that after going outside you need to wash your hands. In dusty summer weather, when we come home, we rush to take a shower. Just like our skin, our eyes need regular cleansing. Therefore, it will be very useful to wash your eyes with boiled water every time you come from the street. This will help prevent the accumulation of dust and dirt on the mucous membrane, and, accordingly, greatly reduce the risk of developing infectious diseases.

    You should also do eye baths several times a month. To do this, rinse your eyes with freshly brewed tea. And not just wipe them, but rinse them. To do this, you need to lower your face into a bowl of tea and blink several times.

    Exercise for the eyes

    Special exercises play a major role in restoring visual acuity. There are several effective techniques that help get rid of myopia, hypermetropia and astigmatism. Try the following exercises:

    • Have your child stand in the center of the room and slowly move his gaze from the ceiling to the floor. Then ask your baby to look left and right. At the same time, the head remains motionless. Repeat each approach ten times. After this, let him try to draw a circle in the air, moving first clockwise, then counterclockwise;
    • The child should stand at a distance of forty centimeters from the window and look into the distance for sixty seconds. Then let him focus his gaze on the glass and linger on it for one minute. Repeat six times.

    There are a lot of exercises for vision correction, the main thing is to do it daily.

    You will learn how to perform gymnastics correctly from the video.

    What can you do personally?

    It is impossible to stop the development of pathology without eliminating the cause that caused the appearance of unpleasant symptoms. Therefore, carefully monitor the amount of time that kids spend in front of the computer or TV. Limit it depending on the age of the child. During breaks, do special eye exercises. For kids, gymnastics can be turned into a game so that they do not refuse to do it.

    Don't forget about proper and balanced nutrition. Children's menus must include vitamins A, C and E, calcium and other useful elements.

    You should not “stuff” your child with vitamins in unlimited quantities. It's better to consume them every day. Sometimes the right diet can help improve eye sharpness by 15%!

    Causes of age-related vision loss

    TV, computer, texts, documents, bright light are the main causes of vision impairment. It is difficult to find a person who does not face such problems.

    In this part of the article, we will look at the factors that contribute to vision deterioration. I hope you will find information in this material that will help you protect your eyes and take care of your health.

    Low eye muscle activity

    . The ability to see images of objects and objects depends on the light-sensitive part of the eyes, the retina, and changes in the curvature of the lens, which, thanks to the ciliary muscles, becomes flat or convex depending on the distance of the object.

    If you stare at a monitor screen or text for a long time, the muscles that control the lens will become weak and sluggish. Continuously develop your eye muscles through exercises. Alternately focus your gaze on near and distant objects.

    Retinal aging

    . The cells of the retina contain light-sensitive pigments through which a person sees. With age, pigments are destroyed and visual acuity decreases. To slow down aging, eat foods rich in vitamin A - eggs, fish, milk, carrots and meat. Don't neglect fatty fish or meat. Be sure to include blueberries in your diet. It contains a substance that restores visual pigment.

    Poor circulation

    . The cells of the body breathe and feed through blood vessels. The retina is a delicate organ that suffers damage even with minor circulatory disorders. Ophthalmologists look for this kind of disorder during fundus examination.

    Impaired blood circulation in the retina leads to serious diseases. Therefore, it is recommended to visit the doctor regularly. The doctor will prescribe medications that will improve the condition of the blood vessels. Diets have been developed to keep blood circulation healthy. It doesn’t hurt to protect your blood vessels by avoiding prolonged stays in saunas and steam rooms.

    High eye strain

    . Retinal cells are damaged when exposed to bright light and from strain in low light conditions. Protecting your eyes from the sun with glasses will help solve the problem. Avoid reading or looking at tiny objects in poor lighting. And reading on public transport is a bad habit.

    Dry mucous membranes

    . Clarity of vision also depends on the purity of the transparent shells that transmit the beam of light reflected from objects. They are washed with liquid. In the case of dry eyes, a person sees worse.

    Crying will help restore visual acuity. If you are unable to bring tears or do not want to cry, use special drops. Their composition resembles tears and moisturizes the eyes well.

    Video interview with doctor

    Preventive recommendations

    Many diseases begin in childhood and gradually develop and progress as a person grows older. The results of these pathologies and their complications make life much more difficult. This applies primarily to eye diseases. Therefore, ophthalmologists insist on conducting a consultation and general examination of the child’s eyes in the early stages.

    When visiting a doctor, it is advisable to determine intraocular pressure (in order to prevent or diagnose glaucoma in the early stages), examine the functions of accommodation and refraction, and conduct a fundus examination.

    All these activities relate to the professional prevention of eye diseases in children and adolescents. Doctors will evaluate the data obtained and develop a set of preventive and therapeutic measures that will prevent the appearance, progression and development of pathologies of the visual analyzer.

    • In addition to professional research and recommendations, it is advisable to: Monitor the child’s reading accuracy. The position must be anatomically correct so that the eye muscles do not become overstrained. The book or reading device should be at a distance of 35-40 cm from the eyes, there should be sufficient lighting. These guidelines also apply to the writing process;
    • Regular gymnastic exercises will also help relieve eye strain. They are recommended for children to do when reading, writing, watching TV or spending time at the computer every 30-45 minutes;
    • The daily routine, the balance of work and rest, and proper sleep are important;
    • Proper balanced nutrition, consumption of foods rich in vitamins and minerals help maintain the eye structures in a healthy condition. The child's diet must include carrots, blueberries and other rich foods rich in carotenoids, lutein and zeaxanthin (in the absence of allergies).

    Fomenko Natalia Ivanovna


    Why does a child's vision deteriorate? An ophthalmologist will be able to answer this question after conducting a series of diagnostic procedures. If you notice that your baby has problems with his vision, you don’t need to immediately put glasses or contacts on him in a panic. Try to restore health to your eyes with proper nutrition and don’t let your children spend a lot of time on gadgets; let them take a walk outside.

    After watching the video, you will find out why a teenager’s vision declines

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