Reasons why vision may become blurry


Common causes of vision loss are age-related changes (physiological aging) and exposure to bright light. The factors that cause the development of vision problems in children and adults are the same. Therefore, preventing a decrease in the ability to see is no different.


The essence of the pathological condition is an increase in intraocular pressure, during which a number of structural changes in the organ of vision occur. This reduces the ability to see.

The patient complains that the image is cloudy, blurry, with headache, intraocular tension, and limited field of vision.


It is a lesion of an important part of the eye - the lens, which reduces its transparency - it becomes cloudy. The pathological condition is classified into unilateral and bilateral, depending on how many eyes are affected. The main symptoms of cataracts:

  1. The presence of a veil, flickering of flies and black dots before the eyes.
  2. Blurry image, double vision.
  3. Dizziness after prolonged attempts to focus on an object.

The patient needs to change glasses frequently. Cataracts can lead to blindness.

Conservative treatment does not provide a positive result. To restore vision, the lens is removed, after which the patient is implanted with aphakic intraocular lenses.

Retinal disinsertion

Retinal detachment is caused by dystrophic changes within it, weakening and thinning this structure of the organ of vision. A predisposing factor is removal of a cataract or foreign body from the eye. Also, retinal detachment is a consequence of previous injuries and diabetes. As the structure is rejected, it becomes more difficult to see - more and more often the image blurs before the eyes, objects become distorted. Treatment is predominantly surgical.

Hypertensive crisis

A common cause of blurred vision is increased blood pressure levels. The patient's image blurs in both eyes, there is a feeling of flickering spots, and it is difficult to visually focus. Additional signs of the condition:

  • Nausea, vomiting.
  • Dizziness.
  • Weakness.
  • Facial redness.
  • Headache.
  • Tearing.
  • Eyeball tension.

In severe situations, the patient develops nosebleeds.

A hypertensive crisis can trigger the development of a hemorrhagic stroke - you need to immediately reduce your blood pressure. To prevent visual impairment, it is necessary to stop a hypertensive crisis. Use tableted antihypertensive drugs or administer them in the form of solutions.


After physical or psycho-emotional stress, a slight blurriness may be observed in the eyes. The disorder affects both eyes equally. Additional symptoms are redness of the cornea, lacrimation, pain.

If the ability to see is impaired in only one eye, while lateral vision is significantly weakened, we are not talking about overwork, but about incipient glaucoma.

The primary manifestations of these two pathologies are similar.


Regardless of the factor that caused the poisoning (chemicals, medications, food), as intoxication progresses, the ability to see significantly deteriorates. The patient's complaints are related to headache, lacrimation, and inability to focus on an object. Blurred vision and a feeling of sand in them are characteristic signs of intoxication in the body. Treatment involves stopping the underlying cause that led to ophthalmological problems. Primary improvement in well-being is observed after normalization of body temperature.

Traumatic brain injury

The blurred image is a consequence of a previous traumatic brain injury. The reason for the weakening of vision is a violation of the condition of the nerves running inside the brain, a failure of the blood supply to the visual centers. After an injury, vision may not deteriorate immediately - sometimes this period takes several years. When visiting a doctor, it is important to inform the specialist about the traumatic brain injury you have suffered.

Vegetovascular dystonia

Refers to diseases in the field of neurology. Signs of vegetative-vascular dystonia:

  • Headache, dizziness.
  • Motion sickness in transport.
  • Nausea in the morning and after stress.
  • Inability to concentrate.
  • Reduced performance.
  • Depressed state.

If the sharpness of vision is lost, and asthenovegetative disorders occur, you need to consult a specialist. Treatment is exclusively comprehensive: normalization of working and living conditions, improvement of nutritional quality, medicinal support of the body, visiting a psychologist, limiting stress.


Against the background of low-quality, infrequent nutrition, problems with the function of the visual centers arise almost immediately. Why: insufficient supply of glucose and B vitamins to the body. Taken together, the deficiency of nutrients contributes to the depletion of the energy resource of the visual centers. It becomes more difficult to see, and dark or red spots sometimes appear before the eyes.


Sudden blurred vision is caused by sudden fluctuations in blood glucose levels. In this case, dry mucous membranes, increased thirst, and slow wound healing occur. Ophthalmic disorder is observed in insulin-dependent diabetes.

You have contracted conjunctivitis

Conjunctivitis, or red eyes, is usually caused by adenoviruses, which can cause colds, bronchitis and sore throats. Usually not serious, conjunctivitis can spread like an epidemic in schools and other crowded places. The virus bacilli can remain alive on any surface for about 2 weeks.

Pink eye usually goes away in 1 to 2 weeks without treatment, but if you have severe symptoms and pain, talk to your doctor about antibiotics or antiviral medications. In the meantime, try cool compresses to relieve itching, warm compresses to reduce swelling, or over-the-counter eye drops to help relieve irritation.

Wash your sheets, especially pillowcases, and wash your hands frequently to prevent the spread of germs.

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Which doctor should I contact?

Which doctor you should make an appointment with depends on the reason why your vision is blurry. Initially, you need to visit a therapist. The doctor will conduct a survey, examination, and, if indicated, refer to specialists:

  • If vision deterioration is caused by a regular increase in blood pressure, you will need to see a cardiologist.
  • If vegetative-vascular dystonia is detected, an appointment with a neurologist is indicated.
  • If the veil over the eyes is a consequence of traumatic brain injuries, a visit to a neurosurgeon is required.
  • If there is a relationship between poor vision and the development of diabetes, consultation with an endocrinologist is necessary.

When deterioration in vision is due to problems with the structure of the eyes, a visit to an ophthalmologist is indicated.

You develop cataracts

Cataracts are one of several vision problems that come with aging. About half of all older people over the age of 75 have cataracts. This occurs when the lens at the front of the eye becomes cloudy and blocks light from reaching the retina.

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Cataracts usually take time to develop and do not cause pain or other symptoms. In some cases, the disease develops slightly and does not cause major problems. But more often, cataracts interfere with vision, and their removal requires surgery during which the damaged lens of the eye is replaced with a clear plastic lens.

Treatment program

The best treatment depends on the underlying cause of your vision loss. If the vision is blurry due to cerebral circulation problems, Actovegin, Cerebrolysin or their analogues are administered.

For glaucoma and cataracts, drops are prescribed to nourish the eye structures, but microsurgical intervention is still recognized as the optimal type of treatment. If the patient is not ready to undergo invasive manipulation, conservative treatment should be resorted to. Drops should be used in the morning after sleep, preferably at the same time.

Regardless of the reason why there is no sharpness in the eyes, you should not take medications, including antibiotics, before visiting a doctor.

Preventive measures

When, when reading, each letter blurs and loses contrast, it is necessary to find out the reasons for this violation and begin to eliminate them. Therefore, first of all, it is worth visiting a doctor, undergoing a diagnostic examination, and then starting the correct treatment. If your vision is blurry, it is recommended to follow the rules of prevention, which will help prevent the re-development of the pathology and deterioration of vision

It is important to always monitor the health of the visual system, see an ophthalmologist, and take prescribed medications according to the regimen. In addition, do not forget about the general strengthening of the body and immune system.

To do this, it is useful to establish a diet and drinking regime, give up bad habits, relax in the fresh air, play sports, and harden up.


To avoid developing vision problems, you must:

  1. When working at a computer, stay at arm's length from the monitor.
  2. If you feel tired eyes, perform gymnastics aimed at relaxing the tense organ of vision.
  3. If it is difficult to distinguish between letters and objects, you need to contact an ophthalmologist or optometrist and choose glasses.
  4. Avoid fasting – strict diets harm your eyesight.
  5. Normalize the lighting in the room.

If your vision is blurred, you cannot ignore the symptom: you should undergo a diagnosis and, with the help of a doctor, determine what to do to improve your ability to see. Informative types of studies are MRI of the brain, assessment of intraocular pressure, visometry and perimetry (determination of visual acuity and fields). It is important not to stop treatment when you initially feel better and complete the course completely.


Judging by the fact that you are reading these lines now, victory in the fight against blurred vision is not yet on your side...

Have you already thought about surgery? This is understandable, because the eyes are very important organs, and their proper functioning is the key to health and a comfortable life. Sharp pain in the eye, clouding, dark spots, sensation of a foreign body, dryness or, on the contrary, tearing... All these symptoms are familiar to you firsthand.

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You have age-related macular degeneration

As you age, especially after age 60, you are at greater risk of damage to the macula, the area near the center of the retina that helps you see details and objects directly in front of you. Age-related macular degeneration causes loss of central vision, which can make daily activities such as driving and reading quite difficult.

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According to the National Eye Institute, it is difficult to recognize and treat the problem in its early stages, although high doses of certain vitamins and minerals may slow the damage in intermediate and late macular degeneration.

You can reduce your risk of developing this disease by exercising, keeping your blood pressure and cholesterol levels at healthy levels, avoiding smoking, and eating plenty of green leafy vegetables and fish.

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