Child and smartphone: how to recognize and prevent gadget addiction?


  1. Reasons for development
  2. Signs of phone addiction: when to start treatment:
  3. 2.1. Negative consequences of phone addiction.

  4. Principles of treating telephone addiction.

Let's just look around in transport, queues in any organization, cafe... A person without a phone in his hands is rather an exception to the generally accepted rule. Photos and stories on social networks, discussions of the latest news both local and global with complete strangers, bloggers, likes and the number of subscribers are of interest to many much more than simple everyday affairs and joys. Phone addiction is predominantly found in children and adolescents, and this is not surprising, since the fragile psyche is very susceptible to the uncontrolled flow of information. And now we have already reached the point that even during a walk in kindergarten, instead of actively spending time, children gather on a bench, enthusiastically playing the next “running game” or “shooting game”. But where is the line between the need to use a gadget and pathology? When should you consult a specialist and start treatment for phone addiction?

How to understand that a child is addicted to a phone

Doctors classify the dominant symptoms of phone addiction into physical and psychological. The first include:

  • decreased vision;

  • complaints of dryness and burning in the eyes;
  • frequent headaches;
  • pain in the back, poor posture;
  • insomnia, changes in sleep patterns;
  • lethargy during the daytime;
  • neglect of personal hygiene rules.

Among the main psychological signs of the disorder:

  • a feeling of euphoria while using the gadget;
  • a gradual increase in the amount of time spent on a smartphone;
  • the appearance of severe anxiety if the phone is discharged, forgotten somewhere, or taken away by parents;
  • manifestation of aggression if a favorite “toy” is banned;
  • constantly arriving notifications from various Internet applications and games;
  • refusal to complete lessons;
  • neglecting the need to communicate with family and friends;
  • a feeling of emptiness when faced with the real world.

All of these symptoms are quite easy to notice. Parents just need to be attentive to their child and observe how often he picks up the phone and whether he is able to go out somewhere without it.

Reasons for development

The mobile phone has long ceased to be just a means of communication. For an adult, a smartphone has practically replaced a computer; without it it is often impossible to perform basic work duties and tasks. And for schoolchildren, especially taking into account the trend toward the spread of distance education, gadgets are necessary to communicate with teachers, take online courses and lessons, check test results, etc.

In some cases, using the phone exclusively when necessary develops into a real addiction. First of all, this is facilitated by a problematic atmosphere in the family. And in this case we are not talking about socially disadvantaged parents. When a child (regardless of age) feels lonely, has no one to talk to, the only source of communication remains the virtual world.

Another aspect of phone addiction is excessive involvement in online games. On the gaming network, you can introduce yourself however you want, choose your own nickname, characteristics, and individual characteristics. The personality is reliably hidden by the smartphone screen, so nothing prevents a person from freely embodying the desired image with virtually no danger of exposure.

Recently, social networks have become firmly established in everyday life, completely replacing reality with virtual reality. Staged photos, avatars and videos may have nothing to do with reality at all, but may be a way to present yourself as wealthier, more interesting, etc. And it’s much easier to communicate through social networks, because it’s easier to write to a friend in a personal message or leave a note on his “wall.”

According to experts, telephone addiction develops much more often with a certain type of character. The risk of such a problem increases many times over when:

  • complex;
  • physical defects, disabilities, due to which an adult or teenager was subjected to bullying and ridicule;
  • nervous shocks, when a person (regardless of age) strives in every possible way to hide from reality;
  • excessive shyness or, conversely, a tendency to conflict, when, due to forced loneliness, they seek opportunities for virtual communication;
  • difficulties in relationships with the opposite sex, in such cases they often register on dating sites, but usually it doesn’t come to a personal meeting.

Signs of Internet addiction in children and adolescents

If a child spends a lot of time on the phone on the Internet, this does not mean there is an addiction. In the age of modern technology, the Internet gives a person the opportunity to obtain a lot of useful information. The child's behavior should be assessed comprehensively. It is advisable for parents to pay attention to certain signs and symptoms.

Obvious manifestations of Internet addiction include:

  • frequent mood swings, aggression when unable to access the Internet;
  • disruption of the usual sleep and rest patterns, loss of appetite;
  • secrecy from parents;
  • spending more than 6 hours a day at the computer;
  • virtual communication with peers has become a priority over real communication;
  • frequent absences from school, ignoring friends.

Psychological signs of Internet addiction include loss of interest in real life, aimless surfing on the World Wide Web, and cessation of communication with peers or acquaintances. The child becomes passive and irritable. He often refuses to do household chores and gets irritated over any reason. Due to disruption of sleep and rest patterns, mental activity may decrease. This gradually leads to a decrease in overall productivity, provokes absent-mindedness and rapid fatigue.

Signs of phone addiction: when to start treatment

  • The appearance of a kind of “withdrawal syndrome”. As soon as a person forgets his phone, he begins to experience real withdrawal, which is accompanied by nervousness, irritability, and outbursts of hysteria. The addict is constantly looking for ways to get back for his cell phone (trying to take time off from work, school, etc.), and a breakdown, or even more so, the loss of a gadget, causes him real panic.
  • An uncontrollable desire to constantly check email, news on social networks, messages in instant messengers.
  • Excessive passion for mobile games, when a person is immersed in the gaming world at any free moment.

The diagnosis of telephone addiction is also made in cases where the hobby for a mobile phone interferes with:

  • satisfaction of basic physical needs, which leads to lack of sleep, poor diet (mostly fast food, in severe cases the addict forgets about food altogether), neglect of personal hygiene;
  • normal study or performance of work duties, daily affairs;
  • spending time with family members and friends;
  • normal physical activity (instead of walking or playing sports, they prefer to stay at home with a smartphone in their hands);
  • other hobbies.

Negative consequences of phone addiction

  • numerous problems with the musculoskeletal system (scoliosis, kyphosis, diseases associated with vitamin D deficiency);
  • blurred vision (squint, myopia, etc.);
  • decreased immunity, muscle atrophy due to physical inactivity;
  • diseases of the digestive system, weakness and general malaise, dystrophy or obesity due to poor nutrition;
  • persistent sleep disturbances (difficulty falling asleep, daytime sleepiness, nightmares).

But the disease is not limited to complications only from internal organs and systems. Passion for a smartphone is extremely dangerous for the mental state

, especially if we are talking about a child or teenager. The inability to communicate with peers, find a way out of conflict situations (and, as a result, constant stress), social isolation, and lack of academic success become the cause of prolonged neuroses and depression.

Don’t forget about the very real danger of dubious online dating. It is very easy to deceive a child, to lure him out of his home address, information about work and, accordingly, the welfare of his parents. Also, do not forget about pedophiles and maniacs who often meet children through social networks.

Internet addiction concept

Internet addiction is an addictive behavior of a person, accompanied by changes in mental state. A person’s irresistible craving for an object of addiction, most often a computer or telephone, causes discomfort both in the child and in the people around him. The concept of Internet addiction became widespread back in the 80s of the last century. This problem is considered the result of the intensive development of information technology, the advent of the computer and mobile phone.

In a broad sense, Internet addiction in children involves any interaction with the Internet. This includes both computer games and communication on social networks, and an addiction to electronic shopping.

Internet addiction among teenagers has the following types:

  1. Gambling is accompanied by a craving for auctions, raffles and lotteries, and casino games.
  2. Addiction to online communication. The child spends a lot of time on the smartphone in correspondence with various people, including those whom he does not know in real life.
  3. Surfing on your phone involves aimlessly scrolling through the pages of websites and social networks.
  4. Cybersex addiction is characterized by frequent visits to porn sites and thematic communities.
  5. Financial dependence is accompanied by a strong craving for online shopping.
  6. Gaming addiction (gaming addiction) involves constantly spending time in online games.
  7. Video addiction is expressed in regular viewing of a large amount of content. Often the child does not understand the essence of the topic.

Children are most interested in surfing the net, online games and social networks. Shy teens may create an image online that doesn't match them in real life. This makes you feel more confident.

Principles of treating phone addiction

For many parents, there is only one “effective” way to deal with gadget overload—simply taking them away. But as a rule, such tactics do not bring any results. Firstly, in most cases the child cannot be left without contact. But it’s also not always possible to get by with the simplest mobile phone. A smartphone is necessary for completing school lessons, searching for information necessary for studying, etc.

That is why reasonable restrictions must be combined with psychotherapy. But we are talking not only about individual, but also about family consultations. With such problems, joint family leisure and the formation of traditions are more important than ever. Moreover, this applies to the treatment of telephone addiction not only in childhood, but also in adults. If necessary, sedatives, anxiolytics, and antidepressants are prescribed.

Not the least important role is played by:

  • correction of the daily routine (going to bed on time, waking up at approximately the same time);
  • adherence to the principles of proper nutrition;
  • physical activity (it is recommended to give preference to team sports);
  • walks in the open air;
  • social activity (attending theater premieres, exhibitions, concerts and other interesting events);
  • trainings aimed at social adaptation, career guidance (which is especially important in adolescence).

Experts are confident that the problem of phone addiction will only get worse. And therefore, when purchasing such a “toy” for a child, you need to think about prevention in advance (this is better than looking for treatment options later). Parents should immediately emphasize that a smartphone is only a means of communication, acquiring new knowledge, and solving educational issues. In addition, there are now many remote parental control applications that allow you to limit both the time spent with the gadget and the applications installed.

The same applies to adults. A mobile phone is an important and necessary part, but just a part of everyday life. And you should strictly distinguish between the virtual space and the real one, and think about the problem if a smartphone causes a deterioration in your psycho-emotional state, conflicts in the family and at work.


  1. Get off your phone! : how to build a healthy relationship with your smartphone / Katherine Price; translation from English by Gleb Trzhemetsky. - Moscow: Mann, Ivanov and Ferber, 2021. - 229 p..
  2. Phone addiction or How to return to the real world / Personality in a changing world: health, adaptation, development / 2017/li>
  3. The influence of dependence on information technology on the socialization of the individual / Alexandra Vladimirovna Weisburg / Journal “Bulletin of Economics, Law and Sociology”, 2021

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