Eyes hurt after sleeping in the morning: causes, treatment, symptoms

Why does it hurt to open your eyes after sleep?

Morning soreness in the area of ​​the visual organs is eliminated with the help of medications or traditional medicine techniques. The symptom is a manifestation of an allergic reaction of the body, an infection or inflammation of the eyeball.

Pain may be felt in the eyelid area and may appear when you close your eyes or blink. In the absence of a therapeutic effect, after taking measures to eliminate the pain syndrome, it is necessary to establish the root causes of the symptoms.


In addition to eye pain, there are additional symptoms that indicate a pathological process:


The occurrence of pain is caused by pathological conditions of the visual apparatus due to exposure to the following factors:

  • Failure to comply with hygiene standards. Discomfort in the morning appears due to unwashed makeup in the evening and the accumulation of excess dust on the eyelashes.
  • Overstrain of the visual apparatus. Prolonged work in front of a gadget monitor or activities with small particles in poor lighting leads to deterioration in the functionality of the eyes. Overexertion leads to morning discomfort and increased tearfulness.
  • Failure to comply with the rules for using contact correction products. In this case, the symptom develops when the product is unsuitable or worn for a long time. Infection of the visual organ is possible due to improper care of the device.
  • Non-compliance with the daily routine. Working at night and sleeping less than 6 hours leads to eye strain, as they do not have time to recover.
  • Damage to the mucous membrane. Against the background of irritation, an inflammatory reaction, and small particles getting into the eyes, mechanical injuries to the visual apparatus occur. Harm to the organ can be caused by working with chemically active compounds.
  • Allergic manifestations. The action of the allergen leads to the development of irritation and hyperemia of the conjunctiva. Aggressive components include animal hair, food, plant pollen or mosquito bites.
  • Colds. Due to inflammation of the nasolacrimal duct or sinusitis, pain develops in the eye area. A strong and prolonged cough puts additional stress on the organ.
  • Drying of the mucous membrane of the eyes. Since the surface of the eyeball interacts with environmental factors, it is susceptible to particularly pronounced effects. Due to smoke and excess dust in the room, strong wind, and dry air, the mucous membrane does not have time to clean itself and begins to dry out.
  • Hormonal changes. At the stage of gestation or adolescence, a change in hormonal levels is observed, which affects not only vision function.

Pain syndrome in the morning indicates ophthalmological diseases of the visual organs:

  • conjunctivitis;
  • dacryocystitis;
  • keratitis;
  • glaucoma;
  • uveitis;
  • cyclit.

If pain persists during the day, you should contact an ophthalmologist to find out the provoking root causes and eliminate them.


In therapy to eliminate morning discomfort, not only medications are prescribed, but also a series of preventive recommendations. If a patient has pathological conditions, traditional medicine methods also effectively help, which is not so effective for eye diseases.


To eliminate the symptom in the morning, topical medications are used:

  • Aktipol. The main purpose of the drug is immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory effects. Eliminates keratitis and conjunctivitis. Drops are also prescribed to eliminate dry mucous membrane syndrome.
  • Tobrex. The medicine is characterized by a wide spectrum of effects in cases of lesions by pathological microflora. The product is intended to eliminate cyclitis, conjunctivitis, blepharitis and keratitis.
  • Opatanol. The product relieves allergic manifestations. The cost is about 480 rubles.

Regardless of the versatility of the drug, before using it, consultation with an ophthalmologist is necessary, which is necessary to prevent complications of the disease.

Traditional methods

To eliminate the pain syndrome that appears after sleep, traditional methods will help:

  • Lotions made from a decoction of chamomile and sage. For this, a decoction of pharmaceutical herbal preparations is used. To obtain the mixture, you need to brew a bag of herbs in a cup and let the solution cool. Cold decoction is used to apply lotions for up to 15 minutes. The frequency of the procedure does not exceed 6 times.
  • A decoction based on string, dill and sage seeds. To obtain a healing mixture, use sachets of the mixture purchased at a pharmacy. Pour 200 ml of boiling water over the herbs and let it brew. After cooling, apply gauze or cotton wool soaked in the broth to the eyelid. The duration of the manipulation is about 20 minutes. The frequency of repetitions is no more than 5 times.
  • Infusion of trefoil, yarrow and rose hips. To obtain the mixture, you will need a thermos, into which 3 tablespoons of each component are added. Pour boiling water over the herbs and infuse for about 4 hours. You should drink the decoction before meals with the addition of honey and lemon.


Among the preventive recommendations for eliminating morning discomfort are:

  • elimination of the root causes of pain in the visual apparatus;
  • use of cosmetics with hypoallergenic composition;
  • carrying out wet cleaning in the premises of stay;
  • long walks in the fresh air, except in windy weather;
  • when working at the monitor for a long time, take a 15-minute rest once an hour;
  • night sleep lasting at least 8 hours;
  • compliance with the rules of hygienic care of the visual apparatus;
  • in case of discomfort when wearing a contact correction device, it is necessary to purchase another more suitable one;
  • do not clean lenses with dirty hands and do not apply the solution twice;
  • promptly carry out therapy to eliminate colds;
  • consult an endocrinologist to prevent hormonal surges;
  • in the presence of chronic pathologies, it is recommended to treat them;
  • balance your diet.

To eliminate eye strain, special gymnastics are recommended:

  1. Sit in a comfortable position, preferably sit on a chair;
  2. close your eyes intensely several times in a row;
  3. Draw a circle clockwise with your gaze;
  4. repeat the exercise identically in the other direction;
  5. draw vertical lines with your gaze from top to bottom and vice versa;
  6. repeat a similar exercise with a horizontal position.

Pain after a night's sleep does not always signal the presence of a disease, but it does indicate pathological processes in the eye area. Both pharmaceutical medications and traditional medicine recipes will help eliminate discomfort after sleep. If pain persists for more than a day, consultation with an ophthalmologist is necessary.

Poor vision significantly worsens the quality of life and makes it impossible to see the world as it is.

Not to mention the progression of pathologies and complete blindness.

MNTK "Eye Microsurgery" published an article on non-surgical restoration of vision up to 90%, this became possible thanks to...

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Source: https://proglazki.ru/simptomy/bolno-otkryvat-glaza-utrom-posle-sna/

Causes of discomfort

  • Poor personal eye hygiene (makeup not washed off at night, lack of water procedures before bed). As a result, dust accumulated on the eyelids and eyelashes can penetrate directly into the mucous membrane, causing pain.
  • Fatigue and overstrain of the eye muscles . It occurs when working at a computer for many hours, as well as when reading books from the screen of a tablet or smartphone, especially in low light.
  • Incorrectly selected contact lenses or glasses (including improper care of them).
  • Lack of proper sleep and rest . If a person goes to bed late and sleeps less than 5-6 hours, the eyes do not have time to recover properly.
  • Injuries and damage to the mucous membrane (for example, in a strong wind, sand can get into the eye and thereby cause irritation).
  • Allergies to used cosmetics, cleansers, food, flowering plants or pet dander. A distinctive feature in this case is that the discomfort stops after the irritating factor is eliminated.
  • Decreased immunity and colds , accompanied by cough and runny nose.
  • Dry eye syndrome. Insufficient hydration of the mucous membrane due to being in a dusty or smoky room, as well as as a result of prolonged work at the computer.
  • Hormonal changes in the body (for example, during menopause).
  • Conjunctivitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye either as a result of an allergic reaction or infection with pathogenic microorganisms - viruses, bacteria, fungi).
  • Keratitis (inflammation of the cornea of ​​the eye of traumatic or infectious origin).
  • Uveitis (inflammation of the choroid of the eye).
  • Blepharitis (inflammation of the edges of the eyelids and swelling).
  • Cyclitis (inflammation of the ciliary body).
  • Glaucoma (increased intraocular pressure).

To identify the exact cause of pain (especially if it occurs periodically), you need to consult an ophthalmologist .

This is explained by the fact that in the case of an existing inflammatory disease, serious complications are possible (the pathology can become chronic, and over time lead to blindness - in the absence of adequate and timely treatment).

Why do I have a headache in the morning after sleep: the main reasons

My head never hurts just like that. Many factors influence the occurrence of the disease. Soreness can occur at any time, but more often, a person already wakes up with a feeling of development and unbearable aching pain. Let’s take a closer look at why you get a headache after sleep and how to deal with this problem.

Causes of pain in the morning

Among the causes of headaches in the morning are those that are associated with the pathological condition of the patient and those that can be easily corrected by changing the daily routine and diet.

Pathological reasons why a headache may occur include:

  • uncomfortable posture during sleep;
  • stuffiness in the room;
  • night hunger;
  • too elevated position of the head;
  • abuse of drinks with high caffeine content;
  • drinking alcohol the day before;
  • too much sleep, more than 8 hours a day;
  • falling asleep with tightly braided hair;
  • chronic lack of sleep.

If the provoking factors can be eliminated, then there are health problems that only a doctor can solve:

  1. Migraine.
  2. Flu and acute respiratory infections.
  3. Frontitis, sinusitis.
  4. Post-traumatic state after a TBI.
  5. Previous infectious diseases of the brain (meningitis, encephalitis).
  6. Brain concussion.
  7. Acute cerebral circulation deficiency.
  8. Persistent increase in blood pressure.
  9. Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine.

If, after eliminating the provoking factors after sleep, you still have a headache, there is a reason to undergo examination by a neurologist, and in some situations, by a neurosurgeon.

Eliminate pain by eliminating provoking factors

To avoid waking up every day with a headache, you can simply eliminate some of the nuances that disrupt the quality of your sleep.

This can be as simple as airing the room several times a day, because stuffiness leads to hypoxia and vascular spasm, which results in pain after sleep. Or maybe dust has accumulated in the room? Polluted air also leads to headaches.

When you inhale dust particles through your nose, they settle on the mucous membrane, which leads to breathing problems. The brain again suffers from oxygen deficiency and responds to the stimulus with pain.

We remove the pillows, get rid of the “royal bed”

When you wake up in the morning, pay attention to your pillow. Don't you think she's too tall? Or maybe you add a second pillow to make it more comfortable? In most cases, headaches in the morning occur precisely because of the uncomfortable and too elevated position of the upper body.

During sleep, the body relaxes and rests. All functions slow down, blood circulation is no exception. Due to incorrect body position, blood flow to the brain is hampered, which leads to hypoxia and headaches in the morning. Try to completely abandon the pillow; it is likely that the problem with headaches in the morning and after sleep will resolve itself.

Avoid coffee, tea and alcohol

Morning headache keeps you from waking up? Let's analyze how yesterday went. Didn't you sit with your friends over a glass of wine? Alcoholic drinks, especially wine and beer, have a negative effect on blood vessels.

Many will object, because it is recommended to drink wine to relieve vascular spasm and relax! Yes, but the doses used for therapeutic purposes are minimal.

From 50 ml of wine the body relaxes, the blood vessels dilate, but from 250 ml the same vessels narrow, and the alcohol contained in the drink causes intoxication. One of the common symptoms of body poisoning is headache.

The same goes for caffeinated drinks. They drink coffee in the morning to get a boost of energy and raise blood pressure after sleep. But it is not recommended to drink coffee at night. The body is set to rest, but it is forcibly awakened. If you really want to drink a coffee drink, dilute it with milk. This will reduce the risk of vascular spasm and increased blood pressure.

You're a night owl - prepare for a morning headache

Headache after sleep very often occurs in people who like to go to bed later and wake up by lunchtime. While the body is already entering its usual daily rhythm, the brain is still sleeping.

Headaches are especially common after sleep among those who go to bed late, but get up early on duty, and on the weekend allow themselves to relax and soak in bed.

Waking up late leads to heaviness in the head and dull pain.

An equally common factor is chronic lack of sleep. A person who leads a frantic pace of life, snacks on the run and does not know a full 8 hours of sleep is a hostage to constant headaches. If you went to bed late and didn’t have the strength to have dinner, you can put an aspirin tablet on the bedside table in advance.

It is very uncomfortable to sleep with long hair down; it gets tangled all the time, suffocates and interferes with proper sleep. Braid the braid, but very loosely. Too tight weaving does not allow the head to relax, blood flow is hampered and pain occurs in the morning.

These were harmless reasons that led to fatigue and headaches in the morning. Correcting your usual actions will help you cope with the disease.

To prevent headaches in the morning before going to bed:

  1. Ventilate the room.
  2. Get rid of high pillows.
  3. Control the amount of alcoholic and caffeinated drinks you drink.
  4. Try to fall asleep and wake up on time.
  5. Avoid prolonged fasting.

If, after sleep, the headache does not stop in the morning, there is a reason to visit a doctor. Perhaps the reason requires complex treatment from qualified specialists.

Pathological conditions requiring specialist intervention

The reasons why a headache in the morning can be diseases of the nervous system and ENT organs. Often, severe pain in the head indicates the onset of a stroke. When to sound the alarm and call an ambulance, we will consider further.

Stroke or hypertension?

Acute cerebrovascular accident begins with a severe headache in the morning. In addition, the patient:

  • Blood pressure rises to critical levels.
  • Very dizzy.
  • Possible clouding of consciousness.
  • Speech is impaired.

If these symptoms occur, call an ambulance immediately. You cannot help yourself when a stroke has begun. Urgent hospitalization of the patient in a hospital is required.

It is generally accepted that only elderly people can be hypertensive. According to medical statistics, people starting from the age of 35 suffer from hypertension and the age indicator is decreasing every year.

If you have been diagnosed with this, your doctor probably recommended that you take medications every day after waking up that correct your blood pressure and eliminate the risk of a hypertensive crisis. If you follow all the recommendations, but your blood pressure still does not stabilize and you have a headache, it may be time to change your medication to a stronger one. Visit a therapist to resolve the situation.

Flu and acute respiratory infections

One of the symptoms of colds and influenza is a headache. The flu begins acutely, the body temperature rises to 39 * C and a headache occurs.

ARI is also accompanied by a feeling of dizziness and pain in the head. This is due to general intoxication and impaired respiratory function. A paracetamol or ibuclin tablet will help cope with the pain.

Sinusitis and frontal sinusitis

With inflammatory processes in the maxillary and frontal sinuses, the main symptom of the disease is severe pain in the forehead. The infection process is very difficult to suppress, the pain is not relieved by painkillers. The patient is required to undergo antibacterial therapy and lavage of the frontal and maxillary sinuses.

With sinusitis and frontal sinusitis, a large amount of mucus accumulates overnight, which makes breathing difficult and causes oxygen starvation in the body. This is why pain occurs in the forehead or eye sockets. As a rule, the pain is throbbing and pressing.


Migraine pain usually appears after sleep and lasts up to 5 days. One side begins to hurt and a pulsation appears in the temple and eye area. Migraine is a hereditary disease and is transmitted through the female line. Symptoms of the disease include:

  1. Fear of light and noise.
  2. Nausea.
  3. Vomit.

With a migraine, the patient vomits, which brings relief. After this, the person falls asleep and the headache subsides.

It is important to seize the moment, as soon as a migraine manifests itself, painkillers and vascular drugs are indicated.


Osteochondrosis is a violation of the blood supply to tissues and organs as a result of compression of blood vessels by intervertebral discs. Headache due to cervical osteochondrosis. The disease is characterized by:

  • pain in the neck and head;
  • crunching when turning the neck;
  • irradiation to the arm and shoulder.

Exacerbation of the disease occurs:

  • after heavy physical exertion;
  • as a result of hypothermia;
  • after suffering stress;
  • with an awkward turn of the neck.

Topical ointments, painkillers, gymnastics, and wearing a corrective collar will help alleviate the patient’s condition.

Concussion and post-traumatic conditions

People who have suffered a traumatic brain injury or concussion can often wake up the next morning with a headache. This is due to impaired cerebral circulation and possible accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid in the meninges. After a TBI, ongoing treatment is indicated, as the injury can cause a stroke.

With a concussion, pain can occur 5 to 7 hours after the injury. This symptom is accompanied by:

  1. Nausea.
  2. Dizziness.
  3. Vomit.
  4. Impaired movement coordination.
  5. Retrograde amnesia (the person does not remember the moment of the fall).

You should definitely consult a doctor if you have had a fall the day before. You can’t wait, a person won’t be able to cope with the problem on his own.

Infectious diseases of the brain

Meningitis and encephalitis belong to the group of infectious diseases of the brain. Only a doctor can diagnose the disease.

With meningitis, the patient takes a forced position: lying on his side, legs pulled up to his stomach, head thrown back. At the same time, body temperature increases with lightning speed, and stiffness of the neck muscles is observed. Only a doctor can help. No medications should be taken until the ambulance arrives.

Encephalitis is dangerous due to paralysis. Timely diagnosis reduces the risk of complications. A spinal puncture performed in a hospital setting is indicated.

Falling asleep, like waking up, is a physiological process that should not be accompanied by irritation, pain and other troubles. If the headaches are isolated, the reason may be a violation of the quality of life, but if the illness becomes chronic, it makes sense to undergo a full examination.

Source: https://GolovaMozg.ru/bol/posle-sna-bolit-golova.html

Eyes hurt after sleep in the morning: causes, symptoms, treatment, drops, folk remedies

The eyes are considered the most sensitive human organ. That is why, as a reaction to some pathological process or external influence, pain occurs. If it is observed for a long period, then this is a signal to contact a specialist.

Eyes can hurt in the morning for many reasons. These include inflammatory or infectious processes, fatigue, and an allergic reaction. Only an ophthalmologist can figure out why discomfort occurs in the morning. When determining a particular pathology, it is important to take into account the side symptoms.

In addition to severe pain in the morning, the patient may experience:

  • redness;
  • itching;
  • discharge from the eyes;
  • burning sensation, pain;

In some cases, blurred vision or blurred vision may occur.

Why do my eyes hurt in the morning?

One of the common reasons why eyes hurt in the morning is lack of sleep, and fatigue can also affect it. Throughout the day, the organs of vision are constantly strained, which is why they need a long rest. If the patient suffers from insomnia and sleeps less than 5-6 hours, in the morning he feels discomfort because the eyes do not have time to recover.

However, the causes of eye pain in the morning can be more serious. Among them are:

  • dry eye syndrome;
  • incorrect selection of contact lenses;
  • infectious diseases;
  • pathologies of blood vessels, optic nerves;
  • inflammatory processes.

Inflammatory diseases

A special place among the pathologies in which the eyes hurt badly in the morning is inflammation. They occur in adults and children of all ages and can be caused by infection, injury, or allergies. The most common inflammatory disease is conjunctivitis. It can be contagious and requires immediate treatment.

A patient suffering from conjunctivitis feels severe pain, the eyes stick together, and crusts form on the eyelashes. During the day, the discomfort may subside, and the amount of purulent discharge decreases. It should be noted that in the absence of proper therapy, conjunctivitis can become chronic.

My eyes hurt a lot in the morning, what should I do?

The effectiveness of visual treatment directly depends on correct diagnosis. What to do if your eyes hurt badly in the morning, only a specialist can tell you after conducting a series of examinations.

If your eyes hurt every morning, when you visit an ophthalmologist

, an examination will be performed, the doctor will listen to all your complaints and symptoms. If there are no external manifestations of the disease, you may be advised to conduct additional diagnostic tests.

The cost of diagnostics depends on the complexity of the pathology and varies across Moscow between 1000-5000 rubles. You can understand how serious your symptoms are by using the self-diagnosis service on our website. To do this, you need to answer several questions.

Which doctor treats eye pain?

If you experience pain in your eyes, you should contact an ophthalmologist, who will conduct an examination and make the correct diagnosis.

After the examination, the doctor will prescribe the necessary diagnostics in your case. Some diseases are difficult to diagnose, as they say “by eye”. Therefore, you need to trust your doctor when prescribing tests. After all the tests, the doctor will be able to formulate the correct course of treatment. Remember: accurate diagnosis and correct diagnosis are already 50% of success in treatment!

Eyes hurt in the morning: treatment

In order to get rid of unpleasant sensations, it is necessary to stabilize your sleep pattern, do eye exercises, and add foods rich in vitamins and minerals to your diet. But the absence of discomfort does not indicate the patient’s complete recovery.

In some cases, on the contrary, it may indicate the transition of the disease to a more serious form. That is why treatment if your eyes hurt in the morning should be comprehensive. It should be aimed at relieving symptoms and fighting what caused them. If you experience pain in your eyes, contact specialists at medical centers.

Experienced ophthalmologists will conduct all the necessary studies and prescribe effective treatment.

Main reasons

There are various reasons why your eyes hurt after sleep. In many cases, when a headache begins, the pain spreads to the eyes. This is accompanied by pressure on the eyeballs and a feeling of pain. These symptoms do not occur by chance; they are provoked by certain factors.

The eyes are a direct extension of the brain and are connected to the front of the brain through special anatomical organs called the optic tracts. And if any painful, negative processes occur in the brain, then this becomes the cause of an unpleasant eye condition.

Source: https://AptekaTamara.ru/glaza-bolezni/pochemu-bolyat-glaza-posle-sna.html

Manifestation of migraine

Typically, migraine manifests itself in the orbital, frontal and temporal regions. Due to severe pain, some experience nausea, excessive sensitivity to light during the day, photophobia, and sometimes it is very painful to open the eyelids.

Compared to other types of headaches, migraine has the most striking symptoms. Here is a list of the most common manifestations of this disease, which can be observed either before or during a migraine:

  • nausea, dizziness, and sometimes even vomiting appear;
  • a person begins to acutely perceive light, sounds, noises and smells. The entire world around him seems overly bright to the patient;
  • visual disturbances appear when a person sees any luminous objects around him;
  • A severe migraine sometimes causes speech disturbances, as well as tingling and numbness in the arms and legs.

Migraine causes a lot of suffering, quickly exhausts a person, and interferes with a normal life. When the patient begins treatment, for example, with painkillers, weakness and drowsiness occur after the pain is eliminated.

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