Hemorrhage in the eye of a newborn after childbirth causes treatment prevention

When a blood vessel bursts in a child’s eye, the parent’s primary task is to identify the cause of the damage and then follow the algorithm for providing assistance. In half of the cases, it is enough to eliminate the provoking factor without resorting to drug therapy. It is equally important to have an idea when untimely provision of medical care can cost a child his sight.

Symptoms - how to determine that a vessel in the eye has burst

If a capillary in a baby's eye bursts, it is impossible not to notice it with the naked eye. Attentive parents can detect even the smallest red streak in the eye. When blood vessels rupture near the lower eyelid, dark red circles are visible.

Damage to the eye vessels causes discomfort in the child. He complains of visual pain, itching and fatigue. Due to the fact that a vessel in his eyes has burst, he rubs the diseased organ and is nervous.

Sometimes a vessel may burst due to high blood pressure. In this case, the baby complains of pain in the head area. He is constantly capricious and cries. This condition is accompanied by increased body temperature, weakness and the release of large amounts of sweat.

It is typical that the vessels burst only in one eye. Bilateral damage to blood vessels occurs only as a result of trauma during childbirth.


You can tell that a blood vessel in your child’s eye has burst by the following symptoms:

  • An obvious scarlet stain on the mucous membrane.
  • Complaints about the presence of a foreign body. Moreover, upon visual inspection it is not detected.
  • If the vessel is damaged due to a head injury, the child may complain of a headache.

Hemorrhage does not form in two eyes at the same time, except for damage to the blood vessels during childbirth. If a spot appears in two eyes at once, the cause may be pathologies of internal organs, so immediate contact with an ophthalmologist is necessary.

Important information: Why there may be blood from the anus (butt) during bowel movements in women after childbirth


In children over 1 year old, blood vessels in the eyes may burst for the following reasons:

  • Increased fragility of blood vessels. In this case, they can burst even when coughing or crying.
  • Eye injury while playing. This is especially true for children, as they tend to play pranks and fight.
  • Infectious diseases - tonsillitis, pneumonia, influenza, conjunctivitis.
  • Changes in blood pressure. They occur as a result of weather changes, moving to a different climate zone, or frequent illnesses.
  • Metabolic pathologies. Frequent damage to the eye capillaries indicates developing diabetes or hypovitaminosis.
  • External irritants - bright light, excessively dry air, frosty wind. They lead to inflammation, which causes the child to rub his eyes. This can cause the smallest blood vessels to burst.
  • Getting a foreign body into the eyes also causes vascular damage.
  • Eye strain while watching TV or playing games on the computer. Excessive smartphone use also contributes to red eyes. To prevent a child from becoming a slave to gadgets, parents need to control the time spent with them.
  • The blood vessels in the eye can burst due to constipation. When straining, blood pressure increases, and if the blood vessels are fragile, they burst.
  • Red spots on the whites of the eyes can appear during puberty due to hormonal changes in the body.

Causes in newborns

Rupture of a capillary vessel in newborns is quite common. This is due to the stress that the baby experiences while passing through the birth canal. Vessels may burst due to increased pressure on the head. Redness can affect 2 eyes, and this indicates severe pressure.

Sometimes a newborn can injure their eyes on their own because they cannot control their movements. In this case, you need to watch him. If the redness does not go away, contact a pediatrician or neonatologist.

Constantly red eyes - why and what to do

The presence of the following diseases leads to frequent ruptures of blood vessels:

  • hypertension;
  • diabetes;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • blepharitis.

With hypertension (high blood pressure), blood vessels burst and a blood clot forms on the retina. A phenomenon that leads to visual impairment, and in advanced cases to blindness.

In such manifestations, treatment of the disease itself will be required, and, as a result, elimination of hemorrhage in the eyes.

Conjunctivitis is a disease that causes capillaries to dilate. Accompanied by itching, discomfort in the eyes, and tearing. The disease requires treatment prescribed by a specialist.

A disease that leads to permanently red eyes is blepharitis. It has an allergic, ulcerative or seborrheic form of manifestation. Treatment is required by a specialist in this field.

Constantly red eyes are present in a person suffering from vascular disease. Eye diseases lead to stable rupture of capillaries.

Starting from inflammatory processes in the eyes and infections, and ending with malignant or benign formations - this is all the reason for frequent redness of the eyes.

Diabetes mellitus causes thinning of blood vessels, and at the slightest stress they rupture. Here you will need treatment of the underlying disease.

Lack of vitamins leads to frequent ruptures of capillaries. For prevention, you need to follow a nutritious diet. Eat vitamin C.

Frequent consumption of alcohol leads to wear and tear of the blood vessels, and they become damaged.

To avoid the problem, you need to lead a correct lifestyle, consult a specialist at the first manifestations of the disease, get a good night's sleep and often be in the fresh air.

You can make lotions from cucumber, as well as rubbing with pieces of ice and parsley.


Treatment for ruptured blood vessels in young children will vary depending on the cause. In each case, parents need to show restraint and patience. The principles of parental behavior when red spots appear in the eye are as follows:

  • Carefully examine the mucous membrane. If there is a foreign body on it, you can rinse the eye with water. An older child can be asked to dip his face in a bowl of water and open his eyes. It is allowed to use saline solution for rinsing.
  • If you experience eye strain after reading or working on a computer, you need to provide rest. During rest periods, you should isolate your baby from the TV and monitor.
  • If symptoms persist, you should consult a doctor.

If red dots and lines in the eyes are the cause of physical and mental fatigue, excessive use of the computer, then you need to provide the baby with peace and just wait a few days. In the absence of other diseases, the red dots will disappear.

Additionally, the eyes are instilled with artificial tear preparations. They are available in every pharmacy without a prescription.

It is not recommended to use antibiotics before visiting an eye doctor. You should not take Albucid on your own.

In case of injury and developing bruising, apply cold to the affected area. Due to the low temperature, vasoconstriction occurs, reducing swelling. If debris, sand or dust gets on the mucous membranes, it is enough to rinse them with cold water, a decoction of chamomile or black tea.

Therapy for hemorrhages comes down to the following measures:

  • elimination of external irritants (for example, dust or sand);
  • stopping the use of contact lenses;
  • treatment of the underlying disease that led to redness of the eye;
  • using drops to reduce pressure inside the eye and locally strengthen blood vessels.

The advisability of using medications is determined only by a doctor. Self-treatment of burst blood vessels causes irreparable harm to the organ of vision.

It is useful for children to take dietary supplements to strengthen the walls of blood vessels: Ascorutin, Blueberry forte. Taufon can only be used as prescribed by a doctor.

Treatment for infants

If a blood vessel bursts during childbirth in an infant, no special treatment is required. Minor injury to the blood vessels of infants does not pose a threat to their life. If the baby's eye condition does not return to normal within a few days, you should consult a doctor.

Vitamin drops may be prescribed to strengthen the capillary walls.

Hemorrhage in a newborn

From the moment of birth, the child is under the close supervision of doctors.
Alarming signs in the first hours of life include frequent changes in the child’s activity, a drop in temperature and cooling of the limbs. In this case, intracranial hemorrhage may be suspected. Such bleeding can begin due to birth trauma or household negligence. Depending on the location, intracranial bleeding is divided into deep and superficial.

In each case, bleeding has an individual character, but they can be combined based on the similarity of symptoms. One obvious symptom is the alternation of lethargy and excitability of the baby for no apparent reason. Seizures or movement disorders may occur. It is worth paying attention to the appearance of the fontanel - if it is strongly bulging and the symptoms described above are present, you should immediately go to the hospital.

In addition, symptoms may include increased regurgitation, weight loss, intestinal upset, shortness of breath, and an excessively rapid baby's heartbeat. If these signs develop in a short time, an urgent examination is necessary.

Most often, hemorrhages occur in premature infants whose weight was less than one and a half kilograms.

Full-term babies with normal weight may be at risk if the birth was rapid, or the mother suffered an infectious disease during pregnancy.

It is widely believed that such bleeding can be caused by mechanical damage to the baby during childbirth. These data have not been confirmed by official medicine.

Intracranial bleeding can occur with intravenous injections or excess oxygen during oxygen therapy.


Parents should monitor the child and prevent him from getting injured. Attentive parenting will help prevent red spots from appearing in the eye.

Preventive measures boil down to:

  • strengthening the body's immune defense;
  • impeccable adherence to safety regulations;
  • ensuring safe living conditions;
  • restrictions on the menu of sweets and allergenic foods;
  • eliminating a sedentary lifestyle, regular physical exercise;
  • sufficient exposure to fresh air;
  • prophylactic intake of ascorbic acid;
  • exercise caution everywhere and in everything;
  • ensuring good lighting in the room where the child is.

For preventive purposes, vitamin and mineral complexes should be taken. There should be fresh vegetables and fruits on the table every day. Carrots and citrus fruits are especially useful.

The child should know the general rules of hygienic eye care. He needs to be explained that it is unacceptable to rub his eyes with dirty hands.


Types of hemorrhages are divided according to location:

Subconjunctival, hyposphagma

Occurs in the transparent elastic layer, the conjunctiva. Between the outer shell and the sclera there is a space that is filled with blood from ruptured vessels. The effusion occurs due to injuries, operations, congenital or acquired fragility of blood vessels. More often, hyposphagma appears from overexertion, a surge in pressure and goes away on its own within 2-3 days.


Myopic people are more prone to ruptured blood vessels in the vitreous.

Types of hemophthalmos:

  • total - loss of transparency by more than ¾ as a result of injury;
  • subtotal - the vitreous body is filled with blood by at least a third, maximum by ¾, occurs in diabetes;
  • partial - hemorrhage covers less than a third of the space.

Unilateral hemophthalmos is more common. The condition is dangerous due to loss of vision. The vitreous body is filled with blood contents - corpuscles, decay products, toxins. Under their influence, adhesions are formed in the structure. The longer the vitreous body is clogged, the less likely it is to naturally cleanse and restore the structure. The result is loss of vision due to fibrous hardening of the eyeball.


Hemorrhage in the anterior chamber of the eye. The transparent dome of the cornea covers the iris and lens. The dome space is filled with intraocular fluid. When a vessel ruptures, moisture mixes with blood. The anterior chamber is completely or partially filled. The degree of rupture depends on the depth of penetrating, non-penetrating and surgical damage. The hyphema settles at the bottom of the chamber. Vision partially deteriorates or the person goes completely blind.

Hyphema fills the chamber into 4 levels:

  • takes up less than a third of the volume;
  • half;
  • more than half;
  • the hyphema completely fills the volume of the chamber.

The iris becomes red with hyphema. At stage 4, it is not visible as the cornea turns into a black blood spot in the eye.


Hemorrhages from ruptures of retinal vessels. Also dangerous for vision loss.


  • Preretinal - a hematoma occurs between the retina and the vitreous body, larger in size than the head of the optic nerve;
  • Intraretinal - appear due to damage to the retinal circulatory system of the retina. The appearance of hematomas indicates their location. The stripes are in the top layer, and the circles are in the middle;
  • Subretinal - located behind the retinal vessels.

Hematomas are distinguished by the nature of their spread: extensive and small, unilateral and bilateral. Multiple vascular ruptures accompany systemic diseases. Unilateral rupture of the vessel is a consequence of mechanical damage.

Useful video

More useful information about red dots or spots in the eyes can be found in the following videos:

Typically, the appearance of a red spot in the eyes is not associated with organic eye damage. It quickly disappears without visible consequences. However, if a child suffers from hypertension or diabetes, it is necessary to carefully monitor his eyes. When the first suspicious symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor.

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Alexandrova O.M.

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Classification according to the location of the burst capillary:

  1. Retina. If retinal hemorrhages are left untreated, visual acuity decreases and the sclera loses its whiteness.
  2. Vitreous body. Symptoms are the appearance of a protruding tubercle on the sclera, flashing spots before the eyes. A dangerous complication is retinal detachment, so emergency care is required.
  3. Eye socket. With hematological diseases and injuries, hemorrhage may occur in the orbit. There is a protrusion of the visual organ, single or multiple foci of hemorrhage on the sclera. The baby complains of pain when moving the eye. The help of a specialist is required.
  4. Anterior chamber of the eye. A blood clot (hyphema) forms. The hyphema moves when the body position changes. Dissolves within a week. If the hyphema does not resolve, the help of a doctor is required.

Ocular hemorrhages can be localized in various structures of the visual apparatus. Depending on the area of ​​damage, they are divided into the following types:

  • retina. Violation of the integrity of the retinal capillaries is characterized by the appearance of red veins resembling a mesh. It is associated with deterioration of visual function and significant discomfort;
  • sclera. Visually you can see small red dots. With extensive lesions, the entire eyeball is filled with blood. The eyeball protrudes forward. Eye motility deteriorates;
  • vitreous body. A bump appears on the sclera. Bruising in the vitreous body can result in retinal detachment and loss of vision, so this condition requires immediate assistance from specialists;
  • anterior chamber of the eye. Depending on the baby’s mobility, the blood clot may change its location. Most often, the bruise goes away on its own and does not cause any complications.
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