Ways to eliminate dark circles under the eyes

Dark circles under the eyes make a woman's face look tired, adding age to it. Not surprisingly, such a deficiency is very frustrating. I would like to get rid of the problem faster. However, first of all, we should consider the reasons that contribute to their appearance.

The best option to get rid of dark circles under the eyes are high-quality creams and traditional medicine recipes. They will help you quickly and easily get rid of darkened skin color.

In the article we will look at what causes the appearance of a cosmetic defect, what means and techniques will help you quickly get rid of them at home. So, let's declare war on circles under the eyes.

Causes of dark circles under the eyes

Few people are happy with this common phenomenon. Why do they appear? As a result of a violation of the outflow of venous blood and lymph, blood stagnates in the capillaries of the tissues of the eye orbit, poor supply of oxygen to skin cells, which leads to a change in skin color.

The reasons leading to this condition are varied and numerous. Some can be easily dealt with, others are difficult to correct. To overcome the consequences, it is important to find the cause.

The most well-known cause of discoloration of the skin in the periorbital zone is an unhealthy lifestyle. Namely:

  1. Insufficient sleep – you need to sleep at least seven hours a day.
  2. Having bad habits – alcohol abuse, smoking.
  3. Long-term work at the computer, requiring constant eye strain.
  4. Unbalanced diet - abuse of spicy, fatty, salty, fried foods; eating before bed; a large amount of liquid.

All this hits a powerful wave on the condition of the skin. Slags and toxins begin to actively accumulate, and plaques form. The consequences are immediately visible under the eyes. It is enough to switch to a healthy lifestyle and your skin color will be restored. It's worse when it comes to health.

The culprits for the appearance of dark circles can be various diseases: cardiovascular; thyroid dysfunction; kidney problems; allergic reactions. In this case, the help of a doctor is required to eliminate the chronic nature of the problem and prevent serious consequences for the patient’s health.

Other factors can provoke their manifestation: normal heredity, age-related changes, excess weight, long-term use of hormonal drugs and antibiotics, rapid weight loss.

The reason for the appearance of white circles

The following factors can lead to the formation of light spots:

  • pregnancy;
  • consequences of childbirth;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • dermatological diseases (psoriasis);
  • skin injury;
  • improper metabolism;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (primarily kidneys and liver);
  • helminthic infestations;
  • deficiency of vitamins and microelements;
  • frequent stressful conditions;
  • excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays;
  • prolonged contact of facial skin with synthetic materials, typical for representatives of some professions.

Pronounced white spots on the face are one of the main symptoms of Vitiligo, a chronic disease that causes a pathological change in the color of the epidermis.

In this case, the lack of melanin also occurs in other areas (around the nose, mouth, forehead). The surface of the retina and the inner ear are also deprived of pigment, where in normal health conditions the natural dye is present in small quantities. The disease mainly manifests itself in persons who have reached puberty and rarely develops in younger patients.

If whitish or yellowish spots affect the upper eyelids and are located near the eyelash line, experts speak of the presence of xanthelasma. These formations are associated with the accumulation of cholesterol under the skin, and can have various sizes (the size of a grain or a pea).

In rare cases, light spots on the face appear due to pneumonia, the patient having psychological problems, or progressive myopia.

In most situations, the formation of white spots does not cause the development of unpleasant symptoms and is limited only by undesirable changes in appearance. Some patients report that they experienced mild itching before the onset of pathological formations.

The depigmented area does not attract much attention until it begins to increase in size and become too noticeable. White spots can be located in groups. Basically, they do not rise above the healthy skin, but sometimes they are slightly convex.

A characteristic feature of skin lacking pigment is the inability to tan in the sun, quickly turn red and get burned. That is why the affected area needs careful protection from ultraviolet rays.

Removing dark circles under the eyes

Blue discoloration is almost impossible to hide with makeup. But it can be easily dealt with using compresses, masks, lotions, and decoctions. They can be prepared from products that are always on hand. They will not only get rid of darkened skin color, but also from swelling and tighten the skin. It is very important that these products contain substances that improve blood supply to the delicate skin around the eyes.

Choose from the suggested recipes those that are most suitable for your skin type, use them at least two to three times a week.

How to treat?

If such a problem is hereditary, then it simply needs to be masked with a cosmetic product.
If the eyelid has darkened due to a genetic predisposition, then foundation or glasses can help hide such changes. Doctors also recommend doing a light eyelid massage or cold compresses. Dark eyelids or hyperpigmentation, which appears due to an unhealthy lifestyle, can be easily treated by restoring proper rest, sleep and diet. In addition, giving up alcohol and smoking has a positive effect.

Treatment of diseases takes place under the close supervision of a doctor. Argyrosis resolves quickly with the use of potassium iodide. For ochronosis, doctors prescribe vitamin C and medications that reduce alkaptonuria. People suffering from hemochromatosis take medications that contain iron and also follow a strict diet to increase the amount of iron in the body.

Methods to get rid of dark circles under the eyes

Depending on the cause that contributes to the appearance of this cosmetic defect, it is necessary to select products that help remove dark circles under the eyes at home. If diseases that cause changes in skin color are completely excluded, then modern cosmetology products will help.

Cosmetic massage - its implementation can only be entrusted to an experienced professional specialist, otherwise the problem will worsen.

Mesotherapy – minimal doses of special medications are administered subcutaneously.

Microcurrent therapy is a procedure that improves venous outflow and lymphatic drainage.

Folk remedies - effective compresses, natural masks, caring creams, daily massage.

We can speed up the process of improving the condition of the skin in the periorbital area. Only a comprehensive combination of all techniques in practice will help restore your eyes to a radiant, blooming appearance.

The connection between darkening of the lower eyelids and diseases

To maintain health, it is important to be able to independently read the information that the body sends. If you notice signs of any disease, you should immediately seek medical advice. So, if brown circles or bags appear under the eyes of women, children or men, then the reasons may be hidden in various pathological processes.


Thyroid dysfunction causes brown bags under the eyes, caused by the penetration of complex sugar molecules under the skin.

Atopic dermatitis

Brown and reddish circles under the eyes are accompanied by erythema and swelling of the skin.

Dehydration or malnutrition

Painful shades arise due to a lack of electrolytes in the body, in particular iron, vitamin K. Brown circles under the eyes in women - frequent adherence to various diets, etc.

Dysfunctions in the liver and kidneys

Unhealthy color of the eye sockets is accompanied by bitterness in the mouth, belching, and loss of appetite.

Parasitic diseases

Brown spots under the eyes occur against a background of dull pain in the abdomen and nervousness.

Arterial hypertension

Brown circles under the eyes are the result of bruising on the skin under the eyes. Accompanied by lightheadedness and headaches.

If you notice that brown circles under your eyes have appeared as unexpected guests, the video will help you figure out their “culprits”

How to get rid of black circles under the eyes with gymnastics

Now about how to remove dark circles under the eyes with the help of gymnastics. A simple but effective exercise.

Sit in front of a mirror. Close your eyelids, leaving a small slit. Place your fingers on the outer corners. Without stretching the skin, fix the upper eyelids. Next, try to tense your lower eyelids. Hold the tension for five seconds. Relax. Repeat after two seconds. Do this five times. Add one repetition every day, up to twenty.

Another effective exercise. Close eyes. Use the tips of your index fingers to fix the skin on the outer corners to avoid the appearance of wrinkles. Close your eyes tightly for a few seconds, then relax. Do at least ten repetitions. It is recommended to perform gymnastics several times a day. This will help remove bruises and improve vision.

How to deal with brown circles under the eyes of a child

Parents should be aware that grayish or brown circles under a child’s eyes can be caused by various abnormalities, including:

  1. viral hepatitis;
  2. sinusitis;
  3. sinusitis;
  4. tonsillitis.

A banal lack of vitamins in a growing body can also cause “crescents”. If your child spends little time outdoors, then, unfortunately, this can also negatively affect his face.

Only specialists can tell you how to remove brown circles under the eyes of children. Important components of the treatment process are measures to strengthen the immune mechanism. If your baby has red eyes, gray-green or brown bruises under the eyes, the reason may lie in allergic manifestations.

If the cause of brown circles under the eyes is worms

Unfortunately, helminths are frequent guests in children's bodies. After all, children love to touch animals, pick up various objects from the ground, etc. Along with shadows around the eyes, the following appear:

  • attacks of nausea;
  • bowel dysfunction;
  • changes in appetite;
  • skin itching, etc.

Only a doctor can determine exactly why brown circles have formed under a child’s eyes and select treatment procedures.

Massage and exercises for dark circles under the eyes

One of the best means to help improve venous drainage of the lower eyelid is massage. Perform it with your fingertips, treating the entire area around the eyes. It is useful to do this procedure every day in the morning immediately after washing your face.

A massage is performed with the fingertips by lightly tapping in the direction from the lower eyelid to the temples for two to three minutes. Then, using the same light tapping movements, apply the cream or gel to the skin around the eyes.

In order not to load the eyeball, you should not massage the upper eyelid. Pay special attention to the central venous and lymph node so that interstitial fluid flows normally.

A few simple exercises will help get rid of dark circles under the eyes:

Eyeball rotation - close your eyes, rotate your eyeballs first four times clockwise, then four times counterclockwise.

Look up, down - close your eyes, then look up, then down. Repeat ten times.

Perform the next exercise with your eyes open. Look as high up to the left as possible, then look down. Then raise your eyes up to the right. Repeat for each direction ten times.

Well, after gymnastics you can start putting on makeup. Using quality cosmetics will help retouch dark circles. Don't forget to remove your makeup in the evening and apply healing cream.

?White circles under the eyes: why does the skin around the eyes turn white?

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The main reasons for the appearance of circles under and around the eyes are considered to be chronic lack of sleep, stress, diseases of the internal organs and vitamin deficiency. However, you need to know that circles can have different colors.

They can be dark, almost black, blue, green, yellow, red or white. Why do they appear? Less commonly, white and green circles appear under the eyes.

In order to select adequate treatment methods, you need to know the cause of the appearance of circles, for example, white circles under the eyes can be a manifestation of vitiligo.

The reason for the appearance of white circles

The disease vitiligo is manifested by the formation of spots on the body and face in which the melanin pigment is completely absent. This occurs due to the destruction of colored cells - melanocytes, and the skin around the eyes is often affected.

The initial stage of the disease can be determined if small white spots begin to appear on the body.

Over time, the spots increase in size, merging with each other, and entire white islands are formed on the skin.

The disease can affect anyone, but more often it affects the younger generation and people over fifty. The disease worsens in the spring and especially when the skin is exposed to the scorching sun for a long time.

The treatment process for this disease is complex, this is due to the fact that until this time the exact reasons for its development are not known.

The only thing that is known for certain is that the development of the disease is influenced by disturbances and malfunctions of the endocrine system, genetic predisposition, infectious processes, chemical poisoning, and stressful situations. The disease does not threaten a person with anything other than deterioration of the aesthetic appearance.

Treatment of vitiligo

Before prescribing treatment, the doctor will recommend undergoing various diagnostic procedures. The treatment regimen is individual, its duration is about four months, in rare and more complex cases – up to a year. In order to determine the effectiveness of the prescribed drug, the duration of its use must be at least 12 weeks.

The following treatment methods may be prescribed:

  • PUVA therapy refers to classical methods that involve taking psoralens - drugs that, through ultraviolet irradiation, increase susceptibility to it;
  • hormonal ointments (Elidel, Protopic) that block the destruction of melanocytes;
  • taking Melagenin - a drug that helps the body produce its own melanin;
  • use of narrow-wave lamps;
  • use of an excimer laser;
  • skin grafting;
  • with significant vitiligo skin damage (more than 70% of the area), the skin in healthy areas may be subject to bleaching.

During treatment, in addition to taking medications, doctors recommend following a diet that will help improve liver function and assist in the detoxification process of the body. Foods high in animal fats should be excluded from the diet.

The skin does not respond well to smoked, spicy, fried foods, fast foods, alcoholic and carbonated drinks, coffee, strong tea. In addition, you need to limit your intake of foods that can cause allergies: seafood, citrus fruits, chocolate, strawberries.

Remedies for dark circles

There is a lot of different information on the Internet about common medicines from the pharmacy. Many even advise trying them for yourself. True, no one is responsible for these tips. All at your own peril and risk. Let's look at some popular options.

Bodyaga has antiseptic and absorbable properties. Sold in the form of dry powder, gels, creams. The latter are more convenient to apply to the skin than paste. Helps reduce swelling and pigmentation. But they are irritating and often cause allergic reactions. It can be used if there is no severe hyperemia.

Apply in a circular motion without pressing under the eyes on cleansed skin for thirty minutes. It is important that the mixture does not get on the mucous membrane. Do not use for any skin damage.

They also recommend trying troxevasin gel or its analogue troxerutin. The drugs have anti-edematous and venotonic properties. Their action is aimed at reducing the fragility and permeability of capillaries. By improving the condition of the capillaries, you can get rid of dark circles.

Pathogenesis and etiology

The problem of sunken eyes very often occurs in people who abuse nicotine. This is due to the fact that with each puff of a cigarette, the blood vessels tend to narrow. This process prevents the flow of air, and as a result, circles and depressions appear. In addition, with a lack of oxygen, discomfort occurs in the eyes and they begin to tear. Fatigue, lack of sleep and frequent exposure to stressful situations can also contribute to the sunken appearance of the eyes.

Other causes of sunken eyes:

  1. Changes associated with age.
  2. Long-term use of medications.
  3. Inflammatory process in the gallbladder.
  4. Trachoma.
  5. Dehydration of the organ system.
  6. The presence of strong physical activity with the use of force.
  7. Pathologies of the renal organs.
  8. Presence of heart and vascular diseases.
  9. Changes in hormonal levels.
  10. Liver diseases.
  11. Genetic disposition.

These are just the main causes of sunken eyes. Only an experienced medical professional can determine the cause of this phenomenon.

When tired

This phenomenon can occur in both children and adults. Sunken eyes from overstrain occur as a result of prolonged exposure to a TV or computer screen.

To eliminate the effect of sunken eyes, you need to perform special exercises, palming. Take a break from the screen or monitor for at least a few minutes every hour.

While taking medications

When children or adults take medications for a long time, the body becomes oversaturated with their components. This is especially true for medications from the antibiotic group. Such oversaturation can cause an imbalance, which entails the formation of various pathologies.

If you suspect that medication may be causing your sunken eyes, consult a specialist immediately. Under no circumstances should you self-medicate. You can only aggravate the condition and cause irreversible consequences with your initiative.

Hormonal imbalances

The hormonal system is responsible for the functionality of the entire body. The slightest malfunction in its functioning can lead to a deterioration in the functionality of various organs, as well as changes in appearance not for the better.

As mentioned earlier, a symptom of hormonal imbalance is a pinkish color of the lower eyelids. This is evidence of the formation of hyperthyroidism. This is a pathology in which the production of the genital organs is disrupted. This disease can lead to reproductive dysfunction.

If hormonal imbalance is observed in an adult, it is necessary to consult a therapist or endocrinologist. You need to undergo examinations of the genitourinary system and thyroid gland.

If pathology is detected in a child, this may be due to characteristics of growing up. In this case, you need to monitor its condition. At the slightest suspicion of any disease, contact a medical facility for diagnosis and subsequent treatment.

Bad habits

As mentioned earlier, smoking causes oxygen deficiency. The same can be said about alcoholic drinks. If you have bad habits, narrowing and thinning of blood vessels occurs. The eyeballs cannot withstand their own weight and, as a result, fall inward. In addition, blood circulation around the eyes is impaired due to vasoconstriction. This area takes on a dark, unhealthy color.

Alcohol abuse can cause sunken eyes

If you give up an antisocial lifestyle and bad habits, the blood vessels will return to normal. Oxygen will begin to enter the organs of vision, and blood flow will improve. As a result, the diseased color will disappear, the eyeball will begin to move forward.

Heart diseases

In children and adults who have certain heart pathologies, low blood pressure is observed. Because of this, blood circulation is disrupted and the eyes do not receive enough beneficial elements. Due to the fact that the elasticity of the blood vessels deteriorates, the patient's eyes fall inward. Heart attack and stroke cause the same disorders. It will not be possible to move the eyeball forward until it is completely cured.

In addition to hollowness, patients have blue circles around the eyes. If you suspect you have this pathological condition, contact a cardiologist for examination and diagnosis.


Hypoxia is a pathological condition that provokes a lack of oxygen. In a child, this disease most often appears due to birth trauma. As a result, the vessels narrow, which is clearly visible on the patient’s face. The skin around the eyes takes on a blue tint, capillaries become visible, and fine wrinkles often appear.

A daily walk can replace the lack of oxygen in the body. You need to spend at least two hours a day in the fresh air. Choose green areas, parks, and forests for walks.

Age-related changes

Age-related changes can also cause the eyeball to become sunken. This is due to the fact that tissues begin to sag in old age. The cause may also be age-related enlargement of the eye sockets, as facial tissues shift and dissolve.

For this cause of sunken eyes, only surgery can help. Blepharoplasty, lipofilling and implants are commonly used. The safest method is considered to be implantation of a special material that does not cause rejection.

Effective masks and compresses for dark circles

It’s impossible not to talk about the folk recipes that our grandmothers used. The very first folk remedy is face masks. There are many recipes, but we will focus on the effective ones.

Potato mask is a simple, effective mask. Potatoes contain starch, which perfectly relieves puffiness of the eyelids, whitens and rejuvenates the skin. Suitable even for allergy sufferers.

For the mask you need one small tuber without green formations. You can grate it, squeeze out the juice, put the mixture in cheesecloth, then apply it to your eyes. You can apply it to the lower eyelids without gauze. You can cut the tuber into circles and apply them on your eyelids. The mask is applied for fifteen minutes.

Parsley – the mask tones the skin and has a whitening effect. Good prevention of wrinkles. You will need a bunch of finely chopped herbs and 150 ml of water. Mix and cook for a few minutes. Cool, apply a warm mask to the eyelids for 10 – 15 minutes. Then rinse well with warm water.

A mask made from milk and bread is no less effective. Milk moisturizes, tones, whitens the skin. And bread soothes the skin, neutralizes rashes, and prevents acne. For the mask, make a paste: mix a little milk and a piece of white bread. Cleanse the skin. Apply the mask in a thin layer for 10 – 15 minutes.

A tomato and lemon mask can remove dark circles under the eyes in a day. Mix tomato pulp and lemon juice in equal proportions. Apply the paste to the skin around the eyes for 15 minutes. Rinse off with cold water. Apply nourishing cream. The mask has phytochemical properties, whitens the skin, protects it from inflammation.

Curd mask. Mix a tablespoon of full-fat cottage cheese with a few drops of strong green or black tea. Make two cakes and place them on your closed eyes for 15 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.

Sour cream mask. For the mask, take 10 g of cilantro, parsley, cucumber, and sour cream. Chop the greens and mix with sour cream. Apply the vitamin mask to the skin around the eyes for 20 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.

Always remember about the sensitive skin around the eyes, which requires constant care: moisturizing, nourishing. It cannot be stretched during cosmetic procedures or injured by scrubs.

Don't forget to use ice cubes made from infusions of cornflower, dill, sage, chamomile, parsley, and green tea. Cosmetic cubes based on freshly squeezed fruit juices are excellent for removing puffiness, whitening, and moisturizing the skin.

Solutions for effective compresses are easily prepared without much effort. 10 g of the plant are brewed with 200 ml of boiling water, left for 15 minutes, filtered, cotton pads are dipped into the liquid, and applied to the eyes for 10 minutes. It is recommended to alternate with masks, you will get the best result.

A contrasting method of applying compresses gives a good result. Steam 10 g of weed with 200 ml of water, leave for 10 minutes. Drain the infusion and use it to make cosmetic cubes. Place the squeezed herbal mass into napkins and place one part in a cold infusion, the other in a hot one. Apply the mixture one by one to the eye area.

How to eliminate a defect with cosmetics

To eliminate brown circles under the eyes, you should use specialized nourishing creams and whitening serums. The main thing is that the products contain components such as:

To remove spots under the eyes, you can use folk remedies for whitening the skin of the eyelids: herbal tinctures, whitening herbal masks, rubbing with ice cubes from chamomile decoction.

Until the problem is resolved, you can use concealer, corrector, or foundation to mask the spots. When applying, you need to apply the product carefully, in an even thin layer, so as not to damage the thin skin around the eye area. In some cases, gentle chemical peeling, injections of hyaluronic acid into the eyelid area and other cosmetic procedures may be relevant.

Foams and cream for dark circles under the eyes

The skin of the eyelids is very delicate. Therefore, the means for caring for it should only be delicate. You cannot use regular soap to wash your face. Alcohol lotions are also harmful. A good foam cleanser. It does not dry out the skin, does not depigment bruises, but does not aggravate the situation. And together with the right cream, it improves the condition of the eyelids.

It is necessary to use creams every evening, before going to bed. Apply for 30 minutes. Remove the residue with delicate movements using a cotton swab.

Caffeine cream contracts blood vessels and stimulates their activity.

Vitamin A cream contains a huge amount of retinoic acid, a highly effective nourishing agent for caring for the skin around the eyes.

Cream with epidermal growth factor is the most effective care product in the fight against bruises.

Cream with hydroquinone or kojic acid has a powerful whitening effect and reduces darkening of the skin on thin areas of the eyelids.

How to quickly remove dark circles under the eyes at home

Easy-to-use folk techniques will help you get rid of dark circles under your eyes at home. Their execution time is no more than 20 – 25 minutes.

Place 2 teaspoons in the freezer for 10–12 minutes. Then these cooled devices should be applied to the eyes. When they become warm, you need to place the spoons back in the freezer and repeat the procedure.

It is important to regularly train the muscles of the eyes and skin and stimulate the work of epidermal cells.

Stains. Bruises. Additional symptoms

The skin under the eyes can be sensitive to everything that happens to the body because it is very thin and the blood vessels are located too close to its surface. Any changes in health status can be immediately reflected on the face . In this case, the defect can be observed both under and around the eyes, and be accompanied by additional symptoms.

Brown bruises under the eyes

If brown circles appear suddenly, this is a serious and immediate reason to consult a doctor , since their appearance may be associated with diseases of the stomach, intestines, liver, and gall bladder.

Important! Kidney disease is one of the most likely causes of persistent brown circles under the eyes. Problems with the liver and heart also have an impact.

Brown spots around the eyes

Sometimes brown pigmentation is not limited to the area under the eyes, but frames the eyes with large brown spots . At the same time, it seems that the eyes are heavily lined with dark shadows and look painful and tired.

Photo 2: Brown spots under the eyes, if this is not due to heredity, most often indicate a constant lack of sleep, a lack of vitamins and nutrients, as well as abuse of alcohol and nicotine. Source: flickr (Joana Linda).

Brown spots around the eyes can form due to metabolic disorders in the body and lack of iron .

In a woman, the appearance of brown pigmentation in the eyelid area may indicate the approaching start of the menstrual cycle .

Additional symptoms

Brown circles may be accompanied by swelling , for example, with myxedema, a disease of the thyroid gland.

If you have liver problems, then in addition to brown bruises, you may feel a bitter taste in your mouth and have no appetite.

Lotions for bruises under the eyes at home

The lotions are an effective remedy for quickly removing dark circles under the eyes.

Thermal water is a miracle remedy, a source of minerals, and perfectly tones the skin. Soak cotton pads in water and place on the lower eyelids for 10 minutes. You can make a chilled compress by placing pre-moistened discs in the freezer. You will get a more pronounced effect. Carry out the procedure daily.

Green tea – dip two discs into the tea leaves and squeeze out. Apply warm pads to your eyelids. If there are bags under the eyes, then it is better to use chilled tea leaves. You can make ice cubes from the tea and apply it to tired eyes in the evening.

Ice with parsley and honey quickly removes swelling and discolors bruises. Add a teaspoon of honey to a warm parsley decoction. Pour into molds and freeze. Wipe your skin with ice in the morning after washing. The procedure prevents premature skin aging.

Preventing the appearance of dark circles under the eyes

To get rid of such an annoying problem, you need not only daily proper care of the skin around the eyes, but also compliance with the laws of a healthy lifestyle. These are all the secrets of both longevity and beauty.

A few main points: healthy sleep, balanced split meals, giving up bad habits, fresh vegetables and fruits must be present in the diet, active rest, normal working hours, psychologically stable condition, reducing visual stress.

And yet the most correct advice is love and self-care. Don't waste time on yourself. Remember, beauty and health are easier to preserve than to restore. Take these wise words as the basis of your life, and you will always delight others with the sparkle of your eyes and the beauty of your body.


It is best to perform these exercises while sitting comfortably in front of a mirror so that you can monitor the correctness of each task.

  1. Close your eyes, count to five, then relax your eyes. Repeat 10 times.
  2. Circular movements of the eyes.
  3. Eye movements up and down, left and right.

After each of these exercises, you should blink your eyes very quickly. This exercise will not only help improve the tone of the skin around the eyes, but will also improve your vision.

Well, since dark circles under the eyes are often a consequence of poor circulation in the body, make it a rule to start every morning with a contrast shower and fitness exercises.

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