Brown eyes - personal experience in selecting colored lenses

Daily contact lenses

The advantage of such optical covers is that there is no need to buy accessories to care for them. It's simple - place the lens on the eyeball in the morning, remove it in the evening and dispose of it. This is why many people prefer one-day wear rather than prolonged wear.

COOPERVISION Biomedics 1 day Extra

Light-protective lenses for the eyes, the updated line of which contains even more moisture - up to 55% (compared to the previous 52%). But at the same time, breathability decreased slightly. This does not affect the quality of the product in any way and does not harm the eyeball or the visual apparatus as a whole.

The saturated hydrophilic layer is localized on the inside of the contact lens. This ensures effective hydration of the cornea.


  • can be worn comfortably for up to 11 hours;
  • improve visual function regardless of ambient lighting;
  • there are UV filters;
  • comfortable shape;
  • model thickness is only 0.07 mm;
  • the price for a package of 30 pieces (for a month) is less than 1000 rubles.

Disadvantages - gas permeability is only 27 Dk/t. But for daily replacement lenses this figure is within the normal range.

ALCON Dailies Total 1

These contact lenses are truly unique. The manufacturer creates them using innovative technology - the characteristics smoothly change from the center to the edges of the product. ALCON Dailies Total 1 combines the advantages of hydrogel and silicone lenses.


  • gas permeability – 156;
  • wearing comfortably for up to 16 hours;
  • smooth surface, thanks to which the optics are not felt at all on the eyeball even with intense blinking;
  • moisture content – ​​up to 80%;
  • suitable for people with hypersensitive eyes, for those who spend a lot of time at the computer and other gadgets;
  • reasonable price and packs of 90 pieces.

The only downside is the lack of ultraviolet filters.


These are night contact lenses that can stop the deterioration of visual function. They work slightly differently than daytime ones. Optical patches are placed on the eyeball in the evening. During sleep, the lenses change the shape of the cornea, adjusting the focus. The effect will last up to 3 days. During this period you will not need to use any optics.


  • suitable for people with sensitive eyes;
  • moisturize the cornea;
  • high gas permeability – 100;
  • Regular use of contact lenses will help stop progressive myopia;
  • Suitable for vision correction in children.

PARAGON CRT 100 is selected only by a doctor. The use of such optics also requires supervision by a specialist. The disadvantages include the high cost - 1 piece costs in the range from 10 to 15 rubles.

Contraindications to wearing contact lenses

Sometimes even the highest-quality contact lenses, if strictly observed in accordance with the rules of safe use, can be harmful and present an unpleasant surprise to the eyes. This is due to the fact that there are restrictions that do not allow them to be worn for a certain period or always:

  1. Chronic allergies.
  2. Reduced or increased sensitivity of the cornea.
  3. Acute inflammation of the anterior chamber of the eye.
  4. Infectious inflammation of the eyes.
  5. Ptosis.
  6. Keratitis, blepharitis, conjunctivitis.
  7. Disruption of the activity of the lacrimal glands.
  8. Obstruction of the lacrimal ducts, dacryocystitis.
  9. Xerophthalmia, uncompensated glaucoma.
  10. Asthma and other respiratory diseases.

Also, wearing lenses is prohibited in case of acute respiratory infections, ARVI, tuberculosis and AIDS. This is due to the deterioration of the outflow of tears and a general decrease in immunity, which can lead to damage to the contact lens and, consequently, harm the eyes. It is also not recommended to wear them when using certain medications, as this may cause dry eyes and temporary blurred vision. Such drugs include antihistamines, diuretics, motion sickness and runny nose medications.

Myths and truth about contact lenses (video):

In order for CL to have only benefits and not harm, you must not believe in prejudices, but use them after consulting a doctor and strictly follow the rules of safe use. In principle, they are not that complicated.

And what do you think? Write your opinion in the comments! If you have some helpful tips, please share! They can help novice CL users!

Lenses for scheduled replacement once a month

For such optics, you will need to purchase a special cleaning solution and container. You may also need tweezers with special silicone pads on the tips. They are replaced once a month.

ACUVUE Oasys with Hydraclear Plus

These contact lenses are among the best in their class. Suitable for people who constantly work with technology and experience stress on the visual system. Water content – ​​38%. Gas permeability – 147 units.


  • lenses “breathe”;
  • there are ultraviolet filters;
  • there is a moisturizing component that helps reduce the likelihood of dryness and redness of the eyeballs;
  • used to correct myopia and farsightedness - range from +8 to -12.

The only disadvantage is that it is uncomfortable to sleep in them.

ALCON Air Optix plus HydraGlyde

This range of lenses eliminates the problem of protein deposits. During their production, the surface is carefully polished with a laser, and it becomes so smooth that contaminants simply do not linger on it.


  • gas permeability – 138;
  • moisture content – ​​33%;
  • You can wear the optics for up to 6 days without removing them;
  • the optical pads are very thin, so they do not create the sensation of a foreign body in the eye;
  • blue tint.

The disadvantages include the excessive fragility of the products. The material is so soft and thin that it can easily tear when trying to remove the lens from its storage container.

COOPERVISION Proclear Multifocal

Multifocal lenses for the correction of age-related myopia. Suitable for people over 50 years of age who have difficulty seeing objects both near and far. Increased moisture content (62%) ensures comfortable wearing throughout the day.


  • comfortable wearing up to 12 hours;
  • the ability to clearly see objects located both close and far;
  • do not dry out the mucous membrane of the eye, so there is no need to use additional moisturizing drops;
  • durable. The risk of accidentally breaking the lens is extremely small.

They also have a drawback - the lack of a UV filter.

The best lens models for people with hypersensitive eyes

Main attention should be paid to the following lens parameters:

Oxygen permeability

For normal metabolism in the visual organ, it is very important that oxygen has full access to the eyes. The cornea, as an avascular structure, is nourished by oxygen, which dissolves in tears. Lenses can limit this access, so you need to choose models with a high level of breathability.

High levels of moisture content and oxygen permeability of contact lenses provide a comfortable feeling when used

There is such a thing as “breathable” lenses. These are models with a very thin structure, usually made of soft silicone hydrogel polymers. At a norm of 80 Dk/t (oxygen permeability index), “breathable” lenses have values ​​of up to 175 Dk/t.

Hydrogel lenses have a lower permeability index and are therefore less commonly prescribed to patients who require breathable lenses.

Moisture content

To ensure that the lenses remain moisturized throughout the day and do not dry out the surface of the eyes, materials are added to their composition that retain moisture inside. Such lenses are especially recommended for patients with dry eye syndrome and people who are at risk, for example, office workers.

Contact lenses for sensitive eyes: recommendations from ophthalmologists

A selection of the best contact lenses for people with hypersensitive eyes according to ophthalmologists of the Happy Look network.

  • Dailes Total 1
    are daily lenses that have 156 Dk/t breathability and 80% moisture content. The lenses are made of modern water-gradient material, which ensures uniform distribution of moisture on the inner and outer surfaces of the lenses. The lenses are designed for daytime wear, but even after a busy day the eyes do not feel tired. There are standard, multifocal and toric models. Manufacturer – Alcon;
  • Acuvue Oasys with HydraClear Plus
    - available for one day and two weeks, in addition to a high level of oxygen permeability and good hydration, they have protection against ultraviolet rays. The model line includes standard and astigmatic lenses. Manufacturer: Johnson&Johnson;
  • Acuvue TruEye
    - daily lenses of the Acuvue brand, have a thickness of only 0.07, thanks to which they provide the eyes with a sufficient level of oxygen. Manufacturer: Johnson&Johnson;
  • Biofinity
    - Although these lenses are designed to last a full month of use, they are often prescribed to patients with high sensitivity of the ocular surface. Experts note that Biofinity lenses have no analogues among other monthly lenses and in terms of quality characteristics can be close to daily lenses. The high comfort of use is explained by the unique oxygen permeability of 160 Dk/t, moisture content of 48% and thickness of 0.08. In addition, the lenses have an aspherical design, which improves the quality of vision. Manufacturer: Cooper Vision.

Extended wear lenses

Extended wear optics can be used for up to 6 months (with proper care). It is important to clean them properly to reduce the risk of infection when placed on the eyeball. Additional use of moisturizing drops may be required.


OK VISION Season contains 46% moisture. They can be worn daily for 3 months. In the center, the thickness of the contact lens is only 0.06 mm, so oxygen easily penetrates to the cornea of ​​the eye.


  • suitable for people with myopia and farsightedness – range from -15 to +12.5;
  • protein deposits practically do not accumulate on the surface of the product;
  • do not dry out the mucous membranes of the eyes when worn for a long time;
  • can improve not only focal, but also peripheral vision;
  • there is a UV filter;
  • durable.

The only disadvantages include the increased cost of models for correcting farsightedness.

GELFLEX Sea Clear Vail

Contact lenses that can be used for 6 months. The material from which they are made is durable, but this affected the moisture content and oxygen permeability - 47% and 24 units, respectively.


  • the ability to use one pair from 3 to 6 months;
  • contaminants practically do not stick to the surface;
  • The material of the optics is elastic, which makes it easier to position on the eye;
  • there is a UV filter;
  • there is tinting.

The series contains only models for correcting myopia.


YLs change focal length, like the lens of the human eye, when the ciliary muscle is compressed. It is a ring of polymer gel that reacts to external stimuli. Thanks to this, patients refuse to use electronic control devices.

JL react to lighting and the secretion of tear fluid. Liquid products react to changes in the pH value of the environment, the electric field, and even to the action of certain polypeptides.

These products are very small in diameter. It is equal to 4 mm.

Polymer gel contracts and expands when temperature changes, accompanied by a change in shape. The lens changes its external shape, becomes convex, and the distance between the optical center and the main focus also changes accordingly.

Gel muscles change the curvature of the product, helping users focus their gaze. Similar technology is used in some digital devices (cameras).

Sensitive polymer gel also has disadvantages. When you shift your gaze to a far distance, only part of the hole in the iris of the eye is covered by long-range optics, forming a focal image. The remaining zone is covered by intermediate or near zones, causing image quality to deteriorate.

Another disadvantage is that patients have different pupils, which depend on the level of illumination in the room.

ZhL is produced as a spray in a bottle. Spray on the eye and the effect lasts up to two days.

Decorative lenses

They are not intended directly for vision correction. They are used to change the shade of the eyes and add zest to the image.


These decorative contact lenses for the eyes have a slight corrective effect. Made from hydrogel. Suitable for people with myopia.

The line includes optical overlays in the following colors:

  • brown;
  • green;
  • lavender;
  • grey;
  • blue.

The pupil is clear, without a pattern. The diameter does not exceed 5 mm.


  • natural colors. There is no feeling of a “doll” look;
  • can be used for up to 3 months;
  • retain moisture for a long time;
  • thin – product width is only 0.07 mm;
  • There are models with and without diopters.


  • low gas permeability - only 17 units;
  • There is no dark outline around the edges of the product.

The models in the line are suitable for people with sensitive eyes and those who work a lot at the computer.

Colored lenses enhance natural eye color

If you have light eyes, then changing and enhancing your eye color with contact lenses will be easier and more natural for you than if you have dark eyes.

Ultra Flex Tinted Lenses

Ultra Flex tint lenses are definitely in first place among colored lenses for natural eye color. These lenses saturate the natural color of the eyes, do not change their color at all, and at the same time make the eyes much brighter. Tinted lenses do not have a pattern and a transparent central zone. Therefore, by adding color and enhancing the brightness of the eyes, they are completely invisible. The most natural Ultra Flex lenses have three natural shades: Blue, Aqua, turquoise, Green.

But, unfortunately, Ultra Flex is not suitable for dark eyes. These lenses are exclusively for light eyes.

FreschLook Dimensions

The next lens option for natural eye color is FreschLook Dimensions lenses. They are also classified as tint lenses, but unlike Ultra Flex lenses, they are brighter, have a transparent pupillary zone and an uneven pattern along the pupillary edge for a natural blend with the eye color. But although FreschLook Dimensions lenses have greater coverage and the effect of naturally changing eye color, they will not be noticeable on dark, brown eyes. Therefore, we still recommend them more for light eyes.

Problems that may arise when wearing contact lenses

The main difficulties arise when the rules for their use are not followed, individual sensitivity to the material of the product, or against the background of certain ophthalmological problems. This reaction is due to the fact that the lenses are located directly on the surface of the eyes. Prolonged contact with the cornea leads to a decrease in the amount of tear fluid, interferes with oxygen exchange or causes mechanical damage.

Itchy eyes

Itching on the surface of the eyes or eyelid is most often associated with an allergic reaction to the cleaning material or liquid. This symptom may be accompanied by burning, swelling and redness of the tissues. It is recommended to temporarily switch to glasses.

Eyes hurt after contact lenses

This is observed with prolonged wear - the process of natural hydration of the mucous membrane deteriorates. To avoid unpleasant sensations, you should regularly remove the corrective agent, instill lens drops or saline solution to reduce corneal dryness. Colored models cause the most trouble because they have a limited wearing period. Such models should be worn no more than 3-5 hours a day.

Corneal hypoxia

Long-term wearing prevents the natural hydration of the mucous membrane of the eyes - it is during this process that the cells are enriched with oxygen and the eyes dry out in the lenses. If you wear the product for longer than the specified period, go to bed in them and ignore simple care rules, the risk of hypoxia increases. It is accompanied by redness and the appearance of pronounced blood vessels on the surface. This problem does not require special treatment; it is enough to switch to glasses and use drops.

Dry eye

Dry eye syndrome is a pathological condition caused by a disruption of the natural process of hydration of the cornea. Most often appears when working at the computer for a long time

It is aggravated by the fact that a person blinks less often and concentrates attention on one object. For prevention, you should do simple eye exercises, use drops

Allergy treatment

An allergic reaction can be caused by the material, various deposits on them and the care product. The pathology can be determined by severe redness of the eyes, itching, and increased lacrimation. For treatment and prevention, antihistamine drops are prescribed and avoidance of contact with the pathogen. It is impossible to get rid of allergies, but you can control its course and minimize the number of relapses and their severity.

Chemical damage

Some cleaning and storage solutions contain aggressive components, such as hydrogen peroxide. Such substances can cause a chemical reaction upon contact with the cornea, leading to tingling. If such symptoms appear, it is recommended to blink several times and use soft moisturizing drops. Normally, discomfort should go away on its own within a few minutes after installation.

Mechanical impact


Unpleasant sensations in the form of tingling, itching and burning are associated with exposure to chemicals in the solution or wearing it for too long. If such symptoms are detected, you need to give your eyes a break from corrective products and apply moisturizing drops. The most effective eye drops for fatigue and redness are presented here.

Eyes become inflamed when wearing - what to do, how to treat inflammation

If any discomfort occurs, you should see a doctor to find out the problem. Therapy is carried out in several stages:

  1. Diagnosis of inflammation.
  2. Selection of medications.
  3. Choosing the optimal correction tool.

If you feel a burning sensation or itching, and your eyes are red, you need to remove the contact lens and apply drops. After this, contact an ophthalmologist to solve the problem. Read more about choosing contact lenses here.

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